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"gambling house" Definitions
  1. a place where gambling is carried on or allowed as a business : a place kept as a gambling resort

184 Sentences With "gambling house"

How to use gambling house in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "gambling house" and check conjugation/comparative form for "gambling house". Mastering all the usages of "gambling house" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Yet that is what was used in an unnamed American gambling house in 2017.
Michael Potts leaves an especially lasting impression as Joe Mott, the former proprietor of a gambling house.
They were also suspected of allowing an illegal gambling house to operate in the town of about 7,500 people.
The horse-race gambling house had announced a strategic review of the business last year following challenging trading conditions.
Gambling house Tabcorp Holdings also rose on news that it would sell its loss-making wagering and gaming joint venture Sun Bets.
He also faces misdemeanor counts over allegations that he operated a gambling house at Itam 39, a bar and grill in Girard, Ohio.
Meanwhile at home, the detailed presidential spending plan was being unveiled, like the magic show at a mismanaged gambling house tottering toward bankruptcy court.
Consumer stocks gained with gambling house Tabcorp Holdings up 2.2 percent on news that it would sell its loss-making wagering and gaming joint venture Sun Bets.
An online gambling house called BookMaker took bets on how many "false statements" Trump would make in his eight-minute speech, with the over-under set at 3.5.
Rachel invites Eleanor to meet with her at a mahjong parlor — a gambling house frequented mostly by working- or middle-class older folks who rent tables by the hour.
The other suspect, Élcio Vieira de Queiroz, who might have acted as a getaway driver, had been expelled from the police force under suspicion of providing security for an illegal gambling house.
And in an unusual move, the indictment also charged the bar and grill for operating a gambling house and possessing criminal tools, among other charges, which could lead to financial penalties against it.
She has not been involved in any scandal nearing the wantonness of killing three women in a car crash, illegally running a gambling house, nor becoming internet-famous for buying your dog $9.5k worth of iPhones and $20k in Apple Watches.
Born around 1850, she grew up in a boardinghouse run by her mother in Richmond, Va. In the mid-83s she met Mr. Huntington during one of his business trips to Richmond, possibly at a gambling house run by John A. Worsham.
In January 1855, Hyer was arrested and apprehended in New York on charges of running a gambling house on Park Place, in New York.Running gambling house in "The Washington Union", Washington, D.C., 14 January 1855, pg. 3.
At an upmarket gambling house in Park Lane, a woman tries to save her brother from ruin.
Two suitors fight over Sophia Loren (as Giulietta) in a gambling house run by Alda Mangini (as Madame Dalia).
He goes to a prefecture of police, where a sub-prefect, who happens to be discussing a recent murder with colleagues, becomes quickly interested in the narrator's story. He returns with the sub-prefect and several assistants, who arrest the residents of the gambling house and investigate the machinery which moved the bed canopy. The sub-prefect speculates that many individuals found drowned in the Seine were victims of the gambling house, with fake suicide notes. The old soldier was master of the gambling house; he is one of several later brought to justice.
Gambling House is a 1951 American film noir crime film directed by Ted Tetzlaff and starring Victor Mature, Terry Moore and William Bendix..
In the story, an English visitor to a gambling-house in Paris stays overnight in the building, and is nearly killed by a specially constructed bed.
Now wealthy and his job completed, Hogan sets off with Sara, with whom he has fallen in love, to open a gambling house in San Francisco.
Dan Allen ran a gambling house, saloon and pawn shop for more than a dozen years.Bristow, D.L. (2001) A Dirty, Wicked Town: Tales of 19th Century Omaha. Caxton Press. p 210.
They suspect that the gambling house is cheating and set out to uncover the proof. They enter the gambling house late at night, but are discovered by Jolly Joe and his gang. A fight ensues, but two Marine intelligence officers arrive in time to arrest the criminals. Sach, having been framed for having a girl in the barracks is stripped of his promotions, but a new colonel is now in charge and fought with a soldier named Mahoney.
Profile Rien Versprille. Better source requested. The building became a gambling house until it was closed down by the Dutch Revenue Service in 2002. The building is demolished after a fire in 2004.
In 2013 Rama Valayden co-published the book Wrongfully Convicted: Amicale case following the 1999 arson and murders at the gambling house known as "L'Amicale" in Port Louis which were also known as 1999 L'Amicale riots.
A native of New England, Parsons originally arrived in New York City with the intention of starting his own business. He lost the small fortune he had brought with him, several thousand dollars, in a gambling house soon after his arrival. Impressed by how quickly he had lost his money, he instead decided to open his own gambling house and used his entrepreneurial skills to build a successful gambling empire by financing other gamblers. He also differed from typical gamblers by being "dressed plainly and was unassuming in manner".
The trio recruits Sang-soo, who currently works in the gambling house. After getting firearms from Bong-sik – a friend Jun-seok knew in prison – the quartet proceeds with the heist, which finishes messy but successful. They take a large sum of cash and the gambling house's surveillance hard drives, which contain footage of shady dealings between the gambling house's owners and various criminals. After the heist, Sang-soo requests to stay in the city a little longer to continue working at the gambling house, to avoid raising suspicion.
A Southern belle (Loy) must work in a gambling house to pay off her father's debts, which drove him to suicide. She then meets a man who sweeps her off her feet and takes her away from it all.
Historican Renn Lundigan hunts for treasure off the Great Barrier Reef. The treasure is minted Spanish gold in a sunken galleon. Renn has to deal with islander Johnny Akimoto, gambling house owner Manny Mannix and beautiful young scientist Pat Mitchell.
Their son, Edgar Gibbs Murphy, became well known as a champion pigeon-shooter. Another son, Thomas Vinton Murphy, married Cora Howarth. They had a business running munitions and a gambling house in the 1880s.Lillian Gilkes, Cora Crane: A Biography of Mrs.
The gang killed more than 150 men and boys and burned most of the town. In 1863, Chiles established a combination saloon, gambling house, and hotel in Sherman, Texas. It was also his home. He received many "refugees" from Jackson County.
Another establishment in the Sporting District was the Diamond Gambling House located at 1312 Douglas Street. The "Big Four" Omaha gamblers of 1887, Charles Bibbins, H.B. Kennedy, Charles White and Jack Morrison operated the facility until 1893, when it was closed by the City.
Greene was soon willing to take on Birns. Greene had requested from Birns a loan of $75,000. Greene wanted the money to set up a "cheat spot", a speakeasy and gambling house. Therefore, Birns had arranged a loan for Greene through the Gambino family.
Warren Duff was to write and produce. In late 1949 the project was renamed Alias Mike Fury. Mature refused to make the movie and was put on suspension by Fox. The script was rewritten and Mature ended up making the film, which was retitled Gambling House.
After Cheung Po died at sea in 1822 at age 39, his widow moved the family to Macau and there she opened a gambling house and a brothel and also into salt trade. The descendants from his son Cheung Yu Lin are currently based in Macao, China.
Thieves immediately relax and begin to commit crime with a new spirit. At the same time, Victor Platov appears in Odessa. Platov was a platoon leader in Gottsman's command, and, before the war, got involved in Odessa's criminal underworld. Platov immediately visits the owner of a gambling house.
The Buenie Picnic has been held since 1929, on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, as a benefit by the local Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. In 1971 the picnic was raided and parish priest Rev. Carl Ruhland was charged with "running a gambling house". He was fined $100.
Il Ridotto (Italian : "The Private Room") was a wing of Venice's Palazzo Dandolo near the church of San Moisè. In 1638, it was converted at the behest of Venice's city leaders into a government-owned gambling house. Importantly, Il Ridotto was the site of the West's first public, legal mercantile casino.
The Temple of the Holy Family was constructed in 1841 in Neoclassical style. The Parish of Sangre de Cristo was constructed at the beginning of the 19th century. The Rita Pérez School was built in the 1770s in Neocolonial style. It began as a gambling house, then an inn and barracks.
Scene 3 At a gambling house, Herman's fellow officers are finishing supper and getting ready to play faro. Yeletsky, who has not gambled before, joins the group because his engagement has been broken: "unlucky in love, lucky at cards". Tomsky entertains the others with a song. Then Chekalinsky leads a traditional gamblers' song.
The first was Silver Queen (1942) for producer Harry Sherman in which she co- starred with George Brent. She played the owner of a gambling house in 1870s San Francisco. The other film was a Jack Benny comedy, The Meanest Man in the World, released in January 1943. Lane then retired from films.
His stablemate the bay Chesapeake, also sired by Lexington, was expected to do well at the races.Portraits: Aristides Retrieved 2011-12-01. Price McGrath was born to poverty in Jessamine County, Kentucky, and had gone west for the great California Gold Rush. He did well enough to open a gambling house in New York.
It was sanctioned by the government aiming to control gambling activity of the citizens. Although admission to the gambling house was free, only rich people could afford to play there, because the stakes were high. The games played were biribi, resembling a modern lottery, and bassetta. Both games had a very high house edge.
On December 26, 1889, Ford survived an assassination attempt in Kansas City, Kansas when an assailant tried to slit his throat. Within a few years, Ford settled in Colorado, where he opened a saloon-gambling house in Walsenberg. When silver was found in Creede, Ford closed his saloon and opened one there.Rocky Mountain News, March 7, 1892, p.2.
Successful casino game design works to provide entertainment for the player and revenue for the gambling house. To maximise player entertainment, casino games are designed with simple easy-to-learn rules that emphasize winning (i.e. whose rules enumerate many victory conditions and few loss conditions), and that provide players with a variety of different gameplay postures (e.g. card hands).
Cory's behavior grows cruel and calculating, more so after he proposes to Abby and is coldly turned down. Biloxi is disgusted with him and breaks their partnership. Alex, who is now losing heavily at the tables, becomes aware that Abby is carrying on with Cory behind his back. He tips off the cops, who raid Ruby's gambling house.
Amar, a 12-yr-old orphan, works in a hotel, and at night, studies at Masterjis school. Kalinath, a pimp, murders one of his customers, and the innocent Amar is convicted instead of Kalinath. After many years, Amar (Jackie Shroff) returns, after completing his sentence and finds everything changed. The school had made way for a gambling-house.
Monte Carlo Casino The plan for casino gambling was drafted during the reign of Florestan I in 1846. Under Louis-Philippe's petite-bourgeois regime, however, a dignitary such as the Prince of Monaco was not allowed to operate a gambling house. All this changed in the dissolute Second French Empire under Napoleon III. The House of Grimaldi was in dire need of money.
In 1886, he signed a 21-year lease with the church in which he was to pay $18,000 in annual rent. The property records show that, as part of the agreement, Corbin would not build a church, school, hospital, charitable building, theater, museum, gambling house, liquor venue, or "a building for noxious uses" on what would become the Corbin Building's site.
Professional gamblers ran their own games by renting a table at a gambling house and banking it with their own money. Because of this, many professional gamblers settled in one place. In order to be successful as an established businessman, a gambler needed to cultivate a reputation for fairness and running a straight game. These men were known as 'sports'.
Faten Hamama plays Fayza, a young student who lives with her family after the death of her father. Left with no money, her mother (Zouzou Mady) is forced to turn her house into an illegal gambling house. Fayza opposes her mother's solution. Munir (Ahmed Mazhar) is a writer who meets Fayza and falls in love with her but she rejects him.
After his release, O'Kelley moved to Oklahoma City. Shortly after his arrival in town, he was recognized by Otto Ewing of the Southern Club, a local gambling house. It is claimed that Ewing had been connected with Ford's saloon in Creede, and may even have been there when O'Kelley killed Ford. Ewing told people that O'Kelley was a dangerous man and best avoided.
In literature, deportation appears as an overriding theme in the 1935 novel, Strange Passage by Theodore D. Irwin. Films depicting or dealing with fictional cases of deportation are many and varied. Among them are Ellis Island (1936), Exile Express (1939), Five Came Back (1939), Deported (1950), and Gambling House (1951). More recently, Shottas (2002) treated the issue of U.S. deportation to the Caribbean post-1997.
As described in a film magazine, Goto Mariyama (Hayakawa), Japanese owner of a fashionable gambling house, accepts the worthless check of Blair Whitcomb (McDonald), who has lost his fortune at the gaming table. Whitcomb makes an attempt on Mariyama's life. Gloria Manning (Novak), Whitcomb's fiance, is a nurse and saves Mariyama's life. He is about to propose marriage when he learns of her engagement.
In one account, his Pub or Gambling House may have housed a brothel."Prize- fighting List of Prize-fighters", The Caledonian Mercury, Edinburgh, Scottland, pg. 4, 27 January 1834 In fact, in September of 1834, he was tried and convicted of "keeping a house of ill-fame" by the Middlesex Sessions, and sentenced to two years imprisonment, though the length of time he served is unknown.
In dystopian South Korea, Jun-seok leaves prison, which he has entered due to a botched heist he and his friends pulled. The Korean won has crashed massively, making that haul effectively worthless. Jun-seok proposes one last heist to his best friends Jang-ho and Ki-hoon, to escape their miserable situations. Their target is an illegal gambling house, which stores hefty stacks of US dollars.
Earp was reported to have secured the backing of a syndicate of sporting men to open a gambling house there. They intended to catch a ship to Alaska, but their departure was delayed for seven weeks when Wyatt fell while getting off Market Street streetcar and bruised or broke his hip. Sadie got pregnant too, and she thought she could persuade Earp from heading to Alaska.
Sadie justified the services upstairs because the Dexter was a "better class" saloon and served an "important civic purpose". The Dexter drew anyone famous who visited Nome. Wyatt rubbed elbows with future novelist Rex Beach, writer Jack London, playwright Wilson Mizner, and boxing promoter Tex Rickard, with whom Earp developed a long-lasting relationship. Rickard was a partner in the Northern Saloon and gambling house in Nome.
He comes to know that Kalinath is dead and his son Baba Bhatti (Danny Denzongpa) is one of the leading criminals. Amar brings the crooks to book, and the gambling house now makes way for "Insaaf Ghar". Amar falls in love with Poonam (Ashwini Bhave), an honest Inspector Kailash Mathur's (Jeetendra) sister. Amar comes across a poster of Badrinath, who is contesting the elections.
The building itself was constructed in 1912, and prior to becoming Tipitina's, it served as a gambling house, gymnasium, and brothel.Tipitina's History In the early years, it had a juice bar, restaurant, and a bar. The only remnant of the juice bar is the banana in Tipitina's logo. In the early 1980s, the studios of radio station WWOZ were located in one of the apartments upstairs from the club.
Truckers helped build the existing truck stop and cafe. The Alaska Department of Transportation (DOT) has a camp (Maintenance Station) in Coldfoot. The town was originally a mining camp named Slate Creek, and around 1900 got its present name when prospectors going up the nearby Middle Fork Koyukuk River would get "cold feet" and turn around. In 1902 Coldfoot had two roadhouses, two stores, seven saloons, and a gambling house.
A post office called Walsenburg has been in operation since 1870. The community was named after Fred Walsen, an early settler. Robert Ford, the assassin of outlaw Jesse James, operated a combination saloon and gambling house in Walsenburg; his home at 320 West 7th Street still stands. The town is also remembered in sports history due to a famous newspaper gaffe ("Will Overhead") after the 1933 Indianapolis 500.
Meanwhile, Kazamatsuri settles for a few days at a gambling house owned by Lady Okatsu (Mari Natsuki), who falls in love with him. Then one night one of the ninja sent to protect Heishirō bribes her to poison his sake for one thousand gold. She does, but Kazamatsuri tastes the poison and kills Okatsu. He then kidnaps Koharu in an attempt to get the master Mizoguchi to fight him.
Mature with Jean Simmons in Androcles and the Lion (1952) In late 1949, Mature was meant to fulfill another commitment at RKO, Alias Mike Fury (the new title for Mr Whiskers). Mature refused to make the movie and was put on suspension by Fox. The script was rewritten and Mature ended up making the film, which was retitled Gambling House. Back at Fox, he supported Ann Sheridan in a comedy, Stella.
Allen was born in Jefferson County, New York, the son of Lyman Allen and Anna Duel, and lived in Peoria, Illinois for some time before coming to Omaha. He arrived in Omaha in 1866, and opened a gambling house in Downtown Omaha in 1878. It is believed that Dan met Anna Wilson in New Orleans, eventually persuading her to come to Omaha with him."Dan Allen", Graveyards of Omaha.
Gambling in Italy has existed for centuries and has taken on many forms. Its dates back to the days of the Roman Empire, when the predecessor of the modern game of backgammon, Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum, became popular among Roman legionnaires. It is also due to them that the game came to other European countries.Backgammon: Origins and Evolution Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum It was in Venice that in 1638, the first gambling house, "Ridotto", was opened.
Flynn owned seven gambling houses, and any who dared to enter the city and attempt to open up a rival gambling house were dealt with by the police. In 1884, however, former Confederate Army Major Alexander S. Doran arrived, opening gambling houses of his own. Doran had a reputation as being good with a gun, and attempts at intimidating him were ineffective. Flynn challenged Doran to a duel not long after Doran's arrival.
After Slip is drafted into the Marines, the rest of the gang volunteers so they can be with him. Sach discovers that the colonel knew his father and he is promoted. During a drill that he is putting the rest of the gang through, they find a soldier left for dead on the side of the road. Slip discovers a playing card next to the marine and traces it to Jolly Joe Johnson's gambling house.
Due to Chiles activities during the war, and the anti-Confederate sentiment in Missouri following the war, Chiles had a difficult time adjusting to normal life. For instance, people who had been supportive of Confederates were not allowed to get certain jobs, vote, or hold office. In Kansas City, he ran a saloon and gambling house. Chiles was wanted on indictments for three other murders and accused of killing nine additional men.
The work of the immigration service has been dramatized or depicted in literature, music, art, and theatre. Films using its work as a theme include The Immigrant (1917), The Strong Man 1926), Ellis Island (1936), Paddy O'Day (1936), Gateway (1938), Secret Service of the Air (1939), Exile Express (1939), Five Came Back (1939), Illegal Entry (1949), Deported (1950), Gambling House (1951), Coneheads (1993), Men in Black (1997), and Ip Man 4: The Finale (2019).
Struggling miners Flapjack and Banty go to the office of Alex McNamara, the new gold commissioner in Nome, Alaska, to complain about claim jumpers. He isn't there, so they drown their sorrows at Cherry Malotte's gambling house and saloon. Cherry looks ready to steal the men's claim herself in Alex's office when he suddenly appears. He assures her Judge Stillman is on his way to Nome to review all legal matters regarding the mines.
Jazz Age Jews. Princeton University Press, 2003. (pp. 33, 34–35) Rose eventually opened a small-time gambling house in Norwich and was involved in sporting and athletic events including promoting "stumble-bum" pugilists and founded The Rosebuds, an early minor league baseball team in the Connecticut League. Before World War I he moved to New York City, where he operated a successful Second Avenue gambling resort in East Side Manhattan known as The Rosebud.
Twenty years later in Longyang Town, Xiaoyu, a young man who loves to play pranks and deceive people, lived as a young master to a big gambling house. On the other hand, Wuji grew up as a common woodcutter living with his parents in the outskirts. The two first met in a small shop where Xiaoyu was dining and Wuji supplied wood for the shop owner. Xiaoyu had a "familiar feeling" towards Wuji.
At Columbia she co starred with Mickey Rooney in He's a Cockeyed Wonder (1950) then she did Gambling House (1950) with Victor Mature at RKO. At Columbia Moore did Two of a Kind (1951), Sunny Side of the Street (1951), and The Barefoot Mailman (1951). She had an excellent part in Come Back, Little Sheba (1952), produced by Hal Wallis, with Burt Lancaster and Shirley Booth. Moore was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.
The narrator (Faulkner) is staying in Paris, after finishing his college education, and is exploring the amusements there. As a change from respectable establishments, he visits a low gambling house, where a variety of unsavoury characters are playing Rouge e Noir. He starts to win a great amount, which causes great interest and excitement among the other players. The atmosphere of the room, as a contrast to the respectable establishments he visited before, is powerfully described.
This plan fell through, however, after it became known to Donaciano Vigil, by way of the proprietress of the city's largest gambling house, Tules Barcelona. Vigil informed General Sterling Price, of the Second Missouri Mounted Volunteers, who had a number of conspirators arrested. With the information obtained, General Price was able to station soldiers at the homes of every known revolutionist. However, Tomas Ortiz escaped in the garb of a servant girl and fled to Chihuahua.
Tom was able to bring his wife over in 1940, and shortly thereafter, Kingston was born; she was named "Maxine" after a blonde patron at the gambling house who was always remarkably lucky. Kingston was drawn to writing at a young age and won a five-dollar prize from Girl Scout Magazine for an essay she wrote titled "I Am an American." She majored in engineering at The University of California, Berkeley, before switching to English.
Beneath a blanket wrapped about his body, he carries a sawed-off double-barreled shotgun loaded with split buckshot, which he wields in emergencies. Most of the time, however, he uses a throwing knife sheathed on his back. Yancy and Pahoo live at the family plantation, Waverly. Yancy's recurring love interest is Madame Francine (played by Frances Bergen, mother of Candice Bergen), the strong- willed, beautiful owner of a members-only gambling house in New Orleans.
One Desire is a 1955 Technicolor drama romance film directed by Jerry Hopper and starring Anne Baxter, Julie Adams and Rock Hudson. Described as a "rugged story of oil-boom Oklahoma in the early 1900s", it was adapted from Conrad Richter's best-selling 1942 novel Tacey Cromwell. Baxter portrays a gambling house owner, Hudson a card dealer turned bank president and Adams the woman who comes between them. A young Natalie Wood is also in a featured role.
Hearne remained with the gambling-house until public gaming was outlawed. The crackdown on illegal gambling by city officials in New Orleans beginning in 1835 resulted in a mass exodus to other cities around the country. New York City was among the places where gambling emerged and, within a few years, succeeded New Orleans as the country's gaming capitol. It was Pat Hearne, along with Henry Colton, who opened the city's earliest "first-class" casinos during this period.
In a gambling house in Klian Pauh, a quarrel between a Fui Chew Hakka and a Chung Shan Hakka. In Perak the Fui Chew Hakka were members of the Ghee Hin society and likewise the Chung Shan Hakka there were members of the Hai San Society. The disturbance escalated when 1,000 armed Chung Shan Hakka men turned up and attacked the Fui Chew taking 14 Fui Chew men prisoner. The Malay Clerk (Kerani) and police did not interfere.
University Press of America, Sep 1, 1989 Another establishment in the Sporting District was the Diamond Gambling House located at 1312 Douglas Street. The "Big Four" Omaha gamblers in 1887, Charles Bibbins, H.B. Kennedy, Charles White and Jack Morrison, operated the facility until 1893, when it was closed by the City.Federal Writers' Project Staff (1939) Nebraska: A guide to the Cornhusker state. Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of Nebraska. p. 234.
Posing as a treasury agent, Cassidy gets the name from Travers, none other than Cooper. Cooper got the $100 as part of his winnings at Arno's gambling house. Arno is an old friend of Cassidy's; he points the reporter to two gangsters as the likely source of the bill. However, this information makes him realize his brother Phil must be mixed up in the kidnapping, so Arno reluctantly tips off the crooks that Cassidy is coming.
"Cheating in a Gambling House and Assault", Reynolds Newspaper, London, England, 25 May 1851 As late as 1854, Belasco was still working as proprietor of the Sun and Star public house, on London's Pettycoat Lane, but likely due to problems with the law his license was not renewed in the Spring of 1858.Liquor license not renewed in "City", March 30, pg. 7, 4 April 1858"The Police Courts", Daily News, London, England, pg. 7, 4 September 1854.
Pastinha worked as shoeshiner, tailor, gold prospector, security guard (leão de chácara) at a gambling house (casa de jogo) and construction worker at the Porto de Salvador to support himself financially so that he could do what he loved the most, to be an Angoleiro. Eventually Pastinha's academy fell on hard times. Pastinha, old, sick and almost totally blind, was asked by the government to vacate his building for renovations. But the space was never returned to him.
The masked men shoot Han numerous times, and he falls off the edges of the docks, into the sea. At dawn, Jun-seok takes the boat to Kenting, Taiwan, where he stays for some time, but he still cannot forget about the loss of his friends. He asks for information regarding everyone involved with the gambling house and learns that Han has survived. It is also revealed that Ki-hoon did not survive after returning home.
To achieve this, Old Barnacle pays Hazard, who has just such a reputation, £100 to allow Young Barnacle to strike him in a gambling house. The ploy is, if anything, too successful: Young Barnacle instantly wins a reputation as a bravo and picks quarrels wherever he goes. Old Barnacle, now frightened that his nephew will soon get himself killed, pays Hazard another £100 to undo the mischief. Hazard gives Young Barnacle his required and merited beating, and then reveals the entire matter.
Player entertainment value is also enhanced by providing gamblers with familiar gaming elements (e.g. dice and cards) in new casino games. To maximise success for the gambling house, casino games are designed to be easy for croupiers to operate and for pit managers to oversee. The two most fundamental rules of casino game design is that the games must be non- fraudable (including being as nearly as possible immune from advantage gambling), and that they must mathematically favor the house winning.
Both men had set up an illegal gambling house, robbing and murdering some of the visitors. After being condemned to the death penalty, both were executed by garrote on October 31, 1906 in the Pópulo Prison of Seville.El huerto del francés, un peligroso casino en la Andalucía profunda. La Gaceta, publicado el 26 de mayo de 2017, consultado el 26 de noviembre de 2017 Based on these facts, the film director Paul Naschy made a film titled The Frenchman's Garden in 1977.
Marino Pacileo is a solitary man living in the Vasto area of Naples, a multiethnic suburb close to the train station. He is nicknamed "Gorbaciof" as, like the Soviet leader, has a port-wine stain on his forehead. He is a cashier in the prison at Poggioreale, using his job as a means of funding his gambling addiction. He plays poker in a makeshift gambling house at the back of a Chinese restaurant, and here he meets Lila, daughter of the restaurant's owner.
Eat a Bowl of Tea begins by describing newlyweds Ben Loy and Mei Oi sleeping peacefully in their bed in New York City. They are abruptly awakened by a prostitute ringing the doorbell. Ben Loy, ashamed of his pre-marital history with prostitutes, lies to protect his secret from his "innocent, pure" wife. The story then jumps backwards several months to the "Money Come" gambling house and the men who spend their days there: Wah Gay, Lee Gong, Chong Loo and Ah Song.
In it, a young man loses his last Napoleon coin at a Parisian gambling house, then continues to the Pont Royal to drown himself. During this early stage, Balzac did not think much of the project. He referred to it as "a piece of thorough nonsense in the literary sense, but in which [the author] has sought to introduce certain of the situations in this hard life through which men of genius have passed before achieving anything".Quoted in Maurois, p. 174.
A newspaper ad promoting the Majestic's vaudeville acts during its opening week in 1906. The Majestic Theatre was founded by Edward F. Biederstaedt (1865–1912) and his brother Otto, sons of Williamson Street grocer Charles Biederstaedt, whose German ancestors helped establish the Catholic church in Madison. Edward had been a railroad brakeman, secondhand goods dealer, and later ran the White House saloon on King Street. By 1900, he was running a gambling house in the basement of the Capital Hotel.
At the same time the abbey's reichsfreiheit was confirmed. The abbey church was rebuilt in the mid-14th century, and again between 1735 and 1754 by the architect J.J. Couven. In 1779, despite the refusal of permission by the council of Aachen, who by that time were responsible for local government in Burtscheid, the then abbess introduced a gambling house, and the street is still known today as Krugenofen Kasinostrasse. Burtscheid was occupied by French troops in December 1792, and from September 1794 until 1804.
Having not only confessed his true identity, but also the fact that both he and his companion are wanted in the murder of the gambling house owner, Connor and Gamble are forced to flee the station, with trooper Len in hot pursuit. When Len catches up to them, Gamble is about to shoot him when Connor pulls the gun away with a bullwhip. The two partners in crime now have a vicious bullwhip fight. Gamble retrieves the gun and shoots at Connor, but Len fatally shoots Gamble.
While intentionally baiting Hikonoichi's killer by jingling the toggle, Ichi befriends the local Dice Dealer Denroku (the Weasel) and his daughter, Tsuru. The girl's cheerful and idealistic nature reminds him of Sayo. The following day, while Ichi enjoys a profitable run of dice in the gambling house, a Rōnin that had been observing him since his arrival bets 100 Ryō against Ichi's cane (which he knows to be a sword). When Denroku attempts to cheat, Ichi exposes his sleight of hand—revealing that his own bet won.
Victor Mature was under contract to 20th Century Fox but had an obligation to make a movie at RKO which dated from before the war. He was announced for Battleground and Mr Whiskers before eventually being cast in Interference in June 1948. On the same day this was confirmed he was also announced for the lead in Samson and Delilah, which would be filmed after Interference. (He would end up playing Mr Whiskas which became Gambling House.) In June Jacques Tourneur was assigned to direct.
The time is the 1890s. Captain Sam (Henry Travers), owner of the showboat River Queen, travels along the Mississippi River bringing honest entertainment to each town. At a stop in Ironville, he meets Crawford (Alan Curtis), Bonita (Rita Johnson), and Bailey (Joe Sawyer), who are wanted by the local sheriff. Against the advice of his daughter Caroline (Lois Collier), his lead actor Dexter Broadhurst (Bud Abbott), and his chief roustabout Sebastian Dinwiddle (Lou Costello), the Captain joins them for a card game at a local gambling house.
She made her film debut in 1948 in Embraceable You. She also played the leading lady in the film serial Congo Bill and worked for Warner Brothers briefly in 1950. She worked for RKO Radio Pictures from 1950 to 1952, making such films as Hunt the Man Down and Gambling House. She signed with Columbia Pictures in 1952. The studio had plans to mold Moore as its next film star, hoping she would bring Columbia the success that 20th Century-Fox was having with Marilyn Monroe.
It is thought the architect was William R. Rodriguez (also known as Rogers), who worked in the design team of William Cubbitt and Company, the firm commissioned to build and oversee the project in 1880. Just three years later the house was finished. The house was widely criticised by members of the establishment. The architect Eustace Balfour, a nephew of the Marquess of Salisbury, described it as a "combination of French Chateau and gambling house", and one of Gladstone's private secretaries called it an "exaggerated nightmare".
In June 1961, he invites Tom Hagen to his supper club/gambling house in rural Illinois with the intention of killing him. He, Hagen, a rower, and two Russo soldatos go out on a gondola in his man-made lake. On the course of the trip, as part of Michael's revenge, Hagen strangles one soldato while the rower hits Russo and the other soldato with his oar. Hagen then personally kills Russo on his boat, with Russo's own gun, and dumps the bodies in the lake.
Raphael's painting The Transfiguration comforts the novel's protagonist; the face of Jesus Christ is able to "cease the burning torment that consumed the marrow of his bones".Balzac, p. 26. The novel extrapolates Balzac's analysis of desire from the individual to society; he feared that the world, like Valentin, was losing its way due to material excess and misguided priorities. In the gambling house, the orgiastic feast, the antique shop, and the discussions with men of science, Balzac examines this dilemma in various contexts.
Robert Foster manages to free his uncle from Ludgate; but Stephen Foster quickly returns to dicing and brawling in a gambling house. Mistress Foster, accompanied by the Widow, follows son-in-law Robert to the gaming house; while there, the Widow strikes up an odd conversation with Stephen Foster. She presents him with a plan to repair his decayed fortunes: he should marry a rich widow. The rich widow she has in mind is herself: she hopes that marrying the ne'er-do-well Stephen will provide the vexation missing from her life.
The Beverly Hills was a major attraction, less than 2.5 miles (4 km) outside Cincinnati, just across the Ohio River in Southgate, Kentucky, on US 27, near what would later become its interchange with Interstate 471. The club booked its entertainers from Las Vegas, Nashville, Hollywood and New York and other show-business hubs. The site had been a popular nightspot and illegal gambling house as early as 1926; Ohio native Dean Martin had been a blackjack dealer there.Weintraub, Jerry and Cohen, Rich (2010) When I Stop Talking, You'll Know I'm Dead, Grand Central Publishing, .
The son of the Demonic Cult's () leader is murdered and Lanhuzi, the owner of the Silver Hook Gambling House (), frames Lu for it. Lanhuzi promises to help Lu clear his name on the condition that Lu helps him find his ex-wife, Li Xia, and the Rakshasa Tablet (), the cult's sacred artefact. Lu recovers the tablet but finds it to be a fake one, and the real one is with Lanhuzi. In fact, Lanhuzi had used Lu to divert the cult's attention so he can take control of the cult with the tablet.
Not much is known about the early life of Luigi Riccio. The bulk of his profile comes from the tape of Riccio's confession to the instructing judge in charge of the prosecution of the Nuova Famiglia. On January 6, 1979, Riccio was officially inducted into the organization by NCO boss, Raffaele Cutolo himself, with Nicola Nuzzo, a Capozona (Capo-area) and Riccio's fellow villager as his godfather. Riccio was 22 years old at the time of his induction, and was immediately put in charge of a gambling house in his native village, Ponticelli.
Universal insisted that they play the leads, and when the film was released, Priscilla's acting was praised while some criticism was focused on Hitchcock for reworking so much from his earlier films into this wartime spy drama. Priscilla had commitments for two more films. The first was Silver Queens for producer Harry Sherman in which she was co-starred with George Brent and played the owner of a gambling house in 1870s San Francisco. The other film was a Jack Benny comedy, The Meanest Man in the World, released in January 1943.
From the Ancient Greeks and Romans to Napoleon's France and Elizabethan England, much of history is filled with stories of entertainment based on games of chance. The first known European gambling house, not called a casino although meeting the modern definition, was the Ridotto, established in Venice, Italy, in 1638 by the Great Council of Venice to provide controlled gambling during the carnival season. It was closed in 1774 as the city government felt it was impoverishing the local gentry. In American history, early gambling establishments were known as saloons.
Kirby planted the bomb in the car of the wrong Denis Mason, but it failed to explode owing to faulty wiring. On 3 May 1977, Kirby bombed a Chinese restaurant in Toronto, the Wah Kew Chop Suey House. The explosion killed a cook, Chong Yin Quan, and wounded three others. Kirby had been hired via the Commisso brothers by the Kung Lok Triad, who were unhappy that the owners of the Wah Kew Chop Suey House were running an illegal gambling house in the back of the restaurant without paying them extortion money.
Josef von Sternberg's 1941 The Shanghai Gesture contains a performance by Ona Munson as 'Mother' Gin Sling, the proprietor of a gambling house, that bears mention within presentations of the genre. Other examples include Nancy Kwan in the film China Doll, and Michelle Yeoh in “Tomorrow Never Dies is a more contemporary example. These actresses portrayed characters whose actions are more masculine, sexually promiscuous, and violent. Lucy Liu is a 21st century example of the Hollywood use of the Dragon Lady image, in her roles in Charlie’s Angels, Kill Bill, and Payback.
Doug Swanson. Blood Aces, (New York: Penguin Books, 2014), p. 120. In 1951, Benny purchased the building which had previously housed the Las Vegas Club, and opened it as the Westerner Gambling House and Saloon.Doug Swanson. Blood Aces, (New York: Penguin Books, 2014), p. 121. In 1951, he purchased the Eldorado Club and the Apache Hotel, opening them as Binion's Horseshoe casino, which immediately became popular because of the high limits on bets. He initially set a craps table limit of $500, ten times higher than the limit at his competitors of the time.
She performed onstage, and took tap dance classes, and in the late 1940s and early 1950s was first cast in Western films such as Driftwood (1947) and El Paso (1949), and in such television series as The Lone Ranger and The Range Rider. Her roughly twenty films, mostly Westerns, include The Lawless (1950) and Gambling House (1951). She portrayed daughter Babs Riley in the first season of the NBC sitcom The Life of Riley (1949 to 1950), starring Jackie Gleason and Rosemary DeCamp. The show was subsequently recast with William Bendix in the lead.
Tommy Ah-Teck received 19.7 arpents at Albion Beach for the construction of a brand new hotel through his company Insignia Leisure Resorts Ltd. Ah-Teck's company Gamma renovated and extended the house owned by Nandanee Oogarah-Soornack, the girlfriend of ex-Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam. Another of Ah-Teck's company (Lottotech) was granted its gambling-house permit by Navin Ramgoolam. Ah Teck's group of companies Gamma has made donations in excess of Rs18.5 Millions to political parties between 2010 and 2014 when Labour Party was in power.
Miller began working as a "capper" for Major S.A. Doran at his Royal Street gambling house and while there began learning confidence tricks and banco steering.Walling, George W. Recollections of a New York Chief of Police: An Official Record of Thirty-eight Years as Patrolman, Detective, Captain, Inspector and Chief of the New York Police. New York: Caxton Book Concern, 1887. (pg. 359-361) When he had saved $35,000, he moved to New York City and opened a small gambling den which later became known as a notorious "skinning dive" in the city's underworld.
On July 1, 1895, Jerome took office as one of the first five new justices of the re-organized court. He was New York County District Attorney from 1902 to 1909, elected in 1901 on the Fusion ticket headed by Seth Low. As D.A. he led a campaign against political corruption and crime, often leading raids personally, notably the one against the gambling house of Richard Canfield. On October 13, 1905, the Republican county convention nominated Judge Charles A. Flammer for D.A. with a vote of 237 to 9.
Meanwhile, Kuroiwa pressures the young yakuza members he had beaten into helping him arrest other criminals. He visits a gambling house to try to win the money he needs for his girlfriend and one of the young Nishida yakuza sees a Yamashiro yakuza in illegal possession of a weapon and follows him to tell Kuroiwa where he went. Kuroiwa arrives and discovers a group of former police officers now working with the Yamashiro family under the leadership of Police Vice President Teramitsu. Teramitsu offers him money but Kuroiwa burns it in disgust.
Kanai of the Yamashiro family confronts the Nishida yakuza about planting a cop in their gambling house and a shootout erupts. Keiko gives Kuroiwa the money he needs for his girlfriend and asks him to accompany her to Tottori, where her husband is imprisoned on a 75-year sentence. When she suggests to him that Ezaki should become the leader, he erupts in anger and tells her that she should have hung herself when he was condemned. Distraught, she attempts to throw herself into the ocean but is saved by Kuroiwa.
In 1909, Whitman was elected as New York County District Attorney on a Fusion ticket. In this capacity, he secured representation of the District Attorney's staff in the city magistrate's office. He was also known for his vigorous prosecution of arson offenders, which contributed to a decline in such fires. As District Attorney, Whitman gained national fame in prosecuting New York City Police Lt. Charles Becker for the July 16, 1912, murder of Herman Rosenthal, a Times Square gambling house operator, in front of the Hotel Metropole on West 43rd Street.
The return of her sweetheart from overseas influences her to a new course. After setting up an endowment to pay for the hospital, she works and manages to get her sweetheart elected mayor on a reform ticket, after which she closes her gambling house along with other evil institutions in the city. Then she discovers that Ralph's father is John, the man who brought about her ruin, and her happiness seems wrecked. However, it turns out that he is only Ralph's foster-father, and after his death she finds happiness in marriage with Ralph.
Balzac's renowned attention to detail is used to describe a gambling house, an antique shop, a royal banquet, and other locales. He also includes details from his own life as a struggling writer, placing the main character in a home similar to the one he occupied at the start of his literary career. The central theme of La Peau de chagrin is the conflict between desire and longevity. The magic skin represents the owner's life-force, which is depleted through every expression of will, especially when it is employed for the acquisition of power.
In the city of Rome lives Gardenia, a respected exponent of Roman organized crime who shows a certain humanity in managing his business. He runs a restaurant and a clandestine gambling house, and has a woman named Regina. Contacted by Don Salluzzo, a mafia boss, he categorically refuses to enter the drug business and sell it in his restaurant. Because of his refusal he comes into conflict with Salluzzo who tries several times to eliminate him, but with the help of some childhood friends he finally manages to win.
The inn keeper's adopted daughter Nobu is in love with Sakichi but her father Shimazo does not approve of him. One of the visiting yakuza, Boss Yagiri sees the Sakichi as a weak boss and wishes to move in on the territory and demands that Ichi be killed or the Sakichi will lose his position. Yagiri plots with innkeeper Shimazo to have Sakichi and Ichi killed. It is later revealed that Shimazo is motivated to eliminate Sakichi because when his father was boss he took away a yakuza gambling house that Shimazo ran.
Tom Dennison kept his primary office at the Budweiser Saloon in the Sporting District at 1409 Douglas Street, the site of the current Union Pacific Center. The saloon was owned by William E. Nesselhous, one of Dennison's key lieutenants. Anna Wilson ran a 25-room brothel in a mansion at 915 Douglas Street during this period, along with Dan Allen's gambling house, saloon and pawn shop. Mae Hogan ran a brothel on the corner of 16th and Jackson, and Ada and Minna Everleigh had a brothel at 12th and Jackson before moving to Chicago to open the Everleigh Club.
This subplot features the candid picture of the world of tavern and gambling house for which the play is noted, with supporting characters named Little-stock, Acre-less, and Sell- Away. The third-level plot is unusual in being romantic and dramatic instead of the normal comic subplot; it involves the lovers Delamore and Leonora, and Beaumont and Violante. Beaumont is imprisoned, charged with killing Delamore in a duel. Sir Richard Hurry, Leonora's father and the judge in the case, orders his daughter to marry Beaumont, and claims that he will provide Beaumont's pardon if the marriage occurs.
However, the U.S. in the early twentieth century was plagued with racist employment legislation and had little desire for a well-educated Chinese immigrant, and Tom was thus relegated to working menial jobs. He saved his earnings and became the manager of an illegal gambling house, which led him to get arrested numerous times. Tom "was canny about his arrests, never giving his real name and—because he apparently sensed that quite a few people thought that all Chinese looked alike—inventing a different name for each arrest. Consequently, he never acquired a police record in his own name."Huntley, p. 4.
She became famous during the Klondike Gold Rush in the Yukon before the turn of the century on the Pantages vaudeville circuit, where she was a star entertainer for the region's spendthrift "sourdough" gold seekers. A nearby gambling house owner said that Lil spent three or four years there. Her stage name, Diamond Tooth Lil, is based on her several diamond-inset dental fillings, including ones in her front and canine teeth. She also collected and wore other diamond-studded jewelry, including a white gold snake bracelet studded with 125 real diamonds that scaled the length of her arm.
In 1888, Smith opened The Tivoli Club—a combination saloon and gambling house—on the southeast corner of Market and 17th Street. Allegedly, a sign above the entrance to the gambling games read “caveat emptor”, Latin for “let the buyer beware”. Smith’s younger brother, Bascomb Smith, joined the gang and operated a cigar store that was a front for dishonest poker games and other swindles, which operated in one of the back rooms. Other operations included fraudulent lottery shops, a “sure thing” stock exchange, fake watch and diamond auctions, and the sale of stocks in nonexistent businesses.
When Riccio was finally released for the expiration period prior to the trial, he went on a murderous mission of catching up on unfinished vendettas. He started by killing a man who had slapped him, Then he shot three NF members in San Giorgio a Cremano. Finally, he killed two men who were guilty of having robbed a gambling house protected by the NCO. Riccio vividly remembered this last episode because the corpses had been buried 50 yards away from his house, but after a while he became anxious and decided to move them to the cemetery of a nearby village.
The landmark site of the Hilton San Francisco Financial District dates back to the mid-19th century. The Jenny Lind TheatreBuilt by a New York entrepreneur, Tom Maguire. New York Times, May 9, 1897, 'THE OLD TIME MINSTREL: He Has Gone Out of Vogue, but the Public Recollects Him with Pleasure:"...There, handsome Tom Maguire, a typical New York youth, illiterate but brainy and audacious, had built the Jenny Lind Theatre, and was dubbed the "Napoleon" of managers. He had a hall and gambling house in Washington Street, San Francisco." was the original structure, followed by City Hall.
When Ruby Miller (Glenda Farrell) a con artists realized the mistake she quietly draws him away. Ruby, a member of a group of con artists plans to extort money from gangster Dizzy Rantz (Cesar Romero) after discovering that he does not own a piece of land under his gambling house. Afraid of Dizzy's reaction, they ask Will to make the demand for them and convincing him that they will build apartments for working people if they gain access to Dizzy's land. When the group discovered that the land is actually owned by Mary Jones (Florence Roberts).
This arrival caused political discussions then criticism of the Ancien Régime. Levoz accused his competitors' privileges as illegal and took the affair before the Tribunal des XXII and then before the Reichskammergericht at Wetzlar.DROIXHE Daniel, Une histoire des Lumières au pays de Liège In June 1787 Hoensbroeck sent 200 men and two canons to Spa to shut down Levoz's gambling house. This event, and the long trial which resulted, were the pretext for a rise in opposition to Hoensbroeck, then the outbreak of the French Revolution in July 1789 provided the final trigger for Liège's own revolution.
One day while John and the reverend are quarreling about the bad element John and his partner The Duchess permit in their gambling house, Luck ends up playing cards with Sonoma, a vicious outlaw. A furious John explodes at Helen, feeling she was supposed to be keeping an eye on Luck at the time. Helen decides to leave town, but Luck convinces her that John loves her. Determined to change into a better man, John refuses to be goaded into a showdown by Sonoma, at least until The Duchess taunts him, whereupon he shoots dead Sonoma and another man.
After coming out with the sexual violence that was forced upon her, Gil Won-ok became an activist, advocating for an official apology from Japan for the crimes they committed during World War II. Even though Gil Won-ok was unable to physically have children, she adopted a son after he was left at a gambling house where she worked. He is now a minister. Gil Won-ok currently lives in a home run by The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan called Our Peaceful House, where she resides with other comfort women.
As Li exits the house, he is assaulted by Choi's gang and killed, and the shoulder-bag is taken back. Ding, who has been plagued with guilt for years, ever since his granddaughter went missing on a hiking trip, resolves to bring Cherry back using force. He visits the gambling house demanding Cherry's release, and when Choi's gang attempts to kill him, he overpowers around 20 of them including a skilled knife assassin. At that moment, some of the Russian gang members appear and start to kill the rest of Choi's men in an attempt to reclaim their stolen money.
Because no trading of actual securities occurs, the customer is essentially betting against the bucket shop operator in a game based on abstract security prices. While trading in a legitimate exchange also provides a similar game or wagering aspect, the one distinctive characteristic of a bucket shop is the mimicry of trading securities when no actual securities are traded. The bucket shop's exchange is a fiction, which the parties agree to imagine themselves as following the events occurring in a real exchange. Alternatively, the bucket shop operator "literally 'plays the bank', as in a gambling house, against the customer".
Deciding to test Barry, Principal Lewis runs through a deck of cards and Barry is successful in determining the remaining cards. Principal Lewis takes the boys out to a gambling house where he turns Barry loose at the blackjack table where he quickly wins big. But when Principal Lewis leaves them stuck in the car while he goes to a strip club with the winnings, the boys decide to strike out on their own. They are successful until Principal Lewis finds them and threatens to sell them out, exposing Principal Lewis who owes the casino money.
Dead Kennedys at Bond International Casino early 1980s International Casino menu dated October 17, 1937 Bond International Casino (sometimes called "Bond's") was a nightclub and music venue located on the east side of Broadway between 44th and 45th Streets near Times Square, New York City. The venue operated as the International Casino in the 1930s, a popular dinner club (not a gambling house). The club closed by 1940, the vacant location later converted to Bond Clothes, a men's clothing emporium. Starting in 1980, the location again operated as a nightclub, merging the names of the two previous businesses as Bond International Casino.
In 1877, McCarty killed a local blacksmith at a saloon and gambling house that is now called the Bonita Store, located a few miles from Fort Grant. McCarty was taken into custody at the Fort Grant stockade, but escaped to the New Mexico Territory before he could be tried. Fort Grant was also the departure point for the pay wagons carrying currency during the Wham Paymaster robbery of 1889. Edgar Rice Burroughs was stationed at Fort Grant in 1896 as an enlisted man after failing the entrance exam for the United States Military Academy at West Point.
At the end of his prize fighting career, Belasco made a living sparring and acting as a second to other boxers engaged in prize fights, and worked for a period as an L. V. or licensed victualer or food merchant. Shortly following, Belasco retired permanently from the prize-ring and opened a gambling-house, a job that kept him in contact with drinking and debauchery. He had also operated night houses and supper clubs, but they served the lower classes and were also frequently visited by drunks, requiring occasional visits by constables needing to keep order.
In February 1928, the exchange was closed on a Saturday so members could attend the opening of Pontchartrain Bridge. On December 22, 1931, the exchange voted to discontinue the trading of bank stocks. In October 1933, Louisiana Senator Huey Long was challenged by John Dane of the exchange for calling the New Orleans Stock Exchange a "gambling house," with Dane writing that "our little Exchange in New Orleans is a true investment exchange if there is any such thing in the world." On November 29, 1938, a hearing was set by the SEC in New Orleans for the New Orleans Stock Yards, Inc.
John Daly was born in Troy, New York in 1838. He became interested in gambling at an early age spending much of his time at the local gambling house, one of many owned by sportsman John Morrissey, with whom he soon became acquainted. Daly became a protege of his and was eventually brought to New York where he earned a small fortune by the late 1860s. He owned a number of establishments, such as the Long Branch Club in Long Branch, New Jersey; however, his popular Broadway gaming resort was the one that he was most associated with.
With the end of Prohibition in 1933, saloons no longer operated under the euphemism of "soft drink" vendors, and these and related gambling concerns flourished. Although illegal, gambling proliferated in LaSalle, supporting the abundant and related tobacco, liquor, food, and lodging businesses. Travelers arrived by car or via the Rock Island Rocket from Chicago for a Saturday night's revelry in such numbers that the streets of LaSalle are said to have been standing-room only. There was wall to wall entertainment along First Street, at the heart of which was the Kelly and Cawley liquor and gambling house.
The owner of the Silver Shadow ranch, Maureen McClune (Peggy Moran), runs the Frontier Week rodeo every year, relying on the financial success of the event to support the ranch. The current rodeo is the most profitable in the event's history, but Maureen is told by the rodeo organizers that she must do even better if she hopes to get her contract renewed. Maureen's main competition is Jack Pomeroy (LeRoy Mason), who owns a rival ranch and a local nightclub and gambling house. Following a series of "accidents" apparently caused by negligence during the rodeo, Maureen's foreman, Gene Autry (Gene Autry), sets out to prove that Pomeroy is responsible.
Along with his ally, Vincenzo Terranova, one of the heads of the Corleonesi mafia borgata known as the Morello Family, he was reputed to run all illicit liquor trade in Harlem during Prohibition's first years. He had become very rich, reportedly, by the time of his death, being worth $300,000 from his illicit booze selling operations. He was also reputed to own a "carpet-joint" gambling house known as the Fordham Casino in addition to some tenement buildings, both in the Bronx As he became rich from his criminal enterprises, he began to famously flaunt his wealth. He became a very flashy dresser and was often "covered in jewels".
They become fast friends and make a trip to London where they visit a luxurious private club, Aladdin's Palace, with an exotic environment Redburn struggles to make sense of, concluding it must be a gambling house. The ship soon departs for New York and Bolton's deficits as sailor become apparent. Redburn suspects that Bolton has never been to sea before and Bolton is tormented by the crew. Jackson, after being ill in bed for four weeks, returns to active duty: he climbs to the topsail yard, then suddenly vomits "a torrent of blood from his lungs", and falls headfirst into the sea and disappears.
As Blanco pays well for Lee's un-reporting, Marcia becomes suspicious of Lee's wealth, but Lee denies any illegality in the acquisition of the money. Becoming increasingly confident of his control, Lee determines to acquire a larger share of the bribes by shaking down the gangsters. After learning that Number One, the head of the organization, is planning on opening a new gambling house, he threatens Blanco that he will print that information unless he gets a bigger share of money. Upon meeting Number One, Lee obtains the larger graft, but is warned that if the story gets published, he will be in danger.
During the 1958-1959 television season, Frances became the recurring love interest on the western show Yancy Derringer as Madame Francine, the strong willed but beautiful owner of a members-only gambling house in New Orleans set in 1868. Bergen also made numerous other appearances on television, with guest starring roles on The Millionaire, The Dick Powell Show, Barnaby Jones, MacGyver, and Murder, She Wrote. She returned to films in the 1980s, with small roles in American Gigolo (1980), The Sting II (1983), The Star Chamber (1983), The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984), Hollywood Wives (1985), The Morning After (1986), and Made in America (1993).
Luke Short was a gunfighter, gambler and bar owner who had drifted down to Fort Worth from Dodge City, Kansas. While in Dodge City, Short had dabbled in gambling, and became friends with several other noted Old West figures, such as Bat Masterson, Jim Masterson and Wyatt Earp, who had also become friends with Courtright. In Fort Worth, he managed the White Elephant, a saloon/gambling house. Marshal Courtright was running a protection racket at the time, and needed to make an example of Short, who also had a sizable reputation as a gunfighter mostly due to an 1881 gunfight with gunslinger Charlie Storms at the Oriental Saloon in Tombstone, Arizona.
The young man, whose father was a silent partner at a major gambling house, offered Hearne an accounting position at what was then the largest gambling operation in the city. While working for the casino, he became a favorite to many of its wealthy patrons who "having received a good education, and being a man of polished manners, with a social and genial disposition, and having, withal, a large stock of rollickling Irish humor, he commended himself to all with whom he came in contact, and those fond of play and fast living found in Pat Herne a congenial companion".Morris, John, ed. Wanderings of a Vagabound: An Autobiography.
Blake Edwards was among the writers and directors who contributed to the series, making his debut as a director on the program in 1952. Edwards created the recurring character (eight episodes) of illegal gambling house operator Willie Dante for Dick Powell to play on this series. The character was later revamped and spun off in his own series starring Howard Duff, then-husband of Lupino. The pilot for Meet McGraw, starring Frank Lovejoy, aired here (under that title, February 25, 1954), as did another episode in which Lovejoy recreated his role of Chicago newspaper reporter Randy Stone, from the radio drama Nightbeat (titled "Search in the Night", November 5, 1953).
Lou Blonger (May 13, 1849 – April 20, 1924), born Louis Herbert Belonger, was a Wild West saloonkeeper, gambling-house owner, and mine speculator, but is best known as the kingpin of an extensive ring of confidence tricksters that operated for more than 25 years in Denver, Colorado. His "Million-Dollar Bunco Ring" was brought to justice in a famous trial in 1923. Blonger's gang set up rooms resembling stock exchanges and betting parlors that were used by several teams to run "big cons". The goal of the con was to convince tourists to put up large sums of cash in order to secure delivery of stock profits or winning bets.
Irving Milberg, Harry Keywell, and Raymond Bernstein, three high-ranking Purples, were convicted of first-degree murder in the Collingwood Manor Massacre and were sentenced to life in prison. Bernstein, Milberg, and Keywell were accompanied by police officers on a special Pullman train bound for Michigan's Upper Peninsula to begin serving their sentences in the state's maximum security prison in Marquette, Michigan. Harry Fleisher, another suspect, remained on the run until 1932, but he was never convicted in connection with the massacre. Later on, he served time in Jackson Prison, the world's largest walled prison, in the early 1950s for armed robbery of an Oakland County gambling house.
Hannum was exhibiting the "original" giant and had unsuccessfully sued Barnum for exhibiting a copy and claiming that it was the original. Crowds continued to pay to see Barnum's exhibit, even after both it and the original had been proven to be fakes. Another source credits late 1860s Chicago saloon owner Michael Cassius McDonald as the originator of the aphorism. According to the book Gem of the Prairie: Chicago Underworld (1940) by Herbert Asbury, McDonald was equipping his gambling house known as The Store when his partner expressed concern over the large number of roulette wheels and faro tables being installed and their ability to get enough players.
Among the lovers he provided for the king was Marguerite-Catherine Haynault, Lucie-Madeleine d'Estaing, Louise-Jeanne de Tiercelin de La Colleterie and Anne Couppier de Romans. An account of this technique is found in most of the biographies of Jeanne Bécu, later to become Madame du Barry, when the Comte du Barry introduced her to Lebel through the Maréchal de Richelieu. Jeanne was at the time in the employment of the count as courtesan entertaining his guests in his gambling house. As soon as Richelieu and Lebel spoke of the king's need for a new mistress to save him from his depression, the count pounced on the opportunity.
As described in a film magazine, Tess Haggard (Hawley) plunges Arthur Sinclair (Ferguson) into despair after she marries the sturdy David Haggard (Hearn), a rising engineer. While her husband is away on "location," she visits an illegal gambling house with Arthur and other friends. While there the place is first robbed by crooks and then raided by the police, and she loses her rings, lies to her husband but is detected, writes a silly letter and is blackmailed, and is briefly charged with murder. Her troubles are resolved when a Peteer Vanetti (Warren) confesses to the crime and all of the deceptions by Tess are laid bare and forgiven.
A gunfight ensues and Sartana comes out on top. It is later revealed that Granville and Belle, who were having an affair behind Johnson's back, were the orchestrators of the entire scheme. When Belle secretly attempts to shoot Granville with her hidden derringer pistol, the same weapon that murdered Plonplon (thus revealing her as the mysterious figure), Granville shoots her first, having seen through her double-cross. Upon his arrival at the casino, Sartana deduces Granville's scheme: Johnson had never betrayed him but was played for a fool by Granville himself, who later killed him after hiding the loot in separate locations, with the gold being at the gambling house.
On a foggy night in 1850, Mary Rutledge (Hopkins) and retired Colonel Marcus Aurelius Cobb (Frank Craven) arrive in San Francisco Bay aboard the clipper Flying Cloud. She had come to wed a wealthy owner of a gold mine, but it is revealed that he had lost his mine when the roulette wheel landed on red 13 times at the Bella Donna. The men at the wharf reluctantly inform her that her fiancé is dead, murdered most likely by Louis Chamalis (Robinson), the powerful owner of the Bella Donna restaurant and gambling house. Mary is upset, but quickly pulls herself together and asks the way to the Bella Donna.
In 1825, after fleeing a pirate ship, Marcos Zappa is taken to meet Don Pedro Garcia, whose ambition is to be emperor of California for the Republic of Mexico. Able to blackmail Marcos because of an "R" mark hidden beneath his bandanna permanently identifying Marcos as a renegade and traitor, Garcia schemes to have Marcos seduce and marry Manuella, the daughter of his rival, Jose de Marquez, having been rejected as a suitor himself. Manuella is already engaged to be married to Miguel De Gandara. A gambling-house owner, Anita Gonzales, in league with Garcia, is angry when Marcos fails to succumb to her charms.
A rebellion was planned to take place on December 19, 1846, and later postponed to Christmas Eve. Mexican loyalist emissaries were sent out to all nearest points demanding that the people take part in the uprising in Santa Fe upon the third bell for midnight mass (Missa del Gallo), when all of the American officers would be captured. This plan fell through, however, after it became known to Donaciano Vigil, by way of the proprietress of the city's largest gambling house, Tules Barcelona. Vigil informed General Sterling Price, of the Second Missouri Mounted Volunteers, who had a number of conspirators arrested, including Nicolas Pino.
The Cornell—Randall—Bailey Roadhouse (also known as the Log Gift and Curtain Shoppe) is an historic building located at 2737 Hartford Avenue (United States Route 6) in western Johnston, Rhode Island. The oldest portion of this 2-1/2 story wood frame structure was built in the late 18th century by Samuel Steere, and was substantially enlarged for use as a tavern in 1821 by Daniel Cornell. Business at the tavern declined when railroads rendered the highway less important, and the building was adapted for use as a bordello and gambling house in the early 20th century. In the 1970s it was converted for use as a gift shop.
Greene had asked Birns for a loan of $75,000 to set up a "cheat spot" ( speakeasy and gambling house). Birns arranged for it through the Gambino crime family, but the money was lost in the hands of Birns's courier Billy Cox, who used it to purchase cocaine. The police raided Cox's house, arrested him, and seized the narcotics and what was left of the $75,000. The Gambino family wanted their money, and Birns pressed Greene, who flatly refused to return it, reminding Birns that he could not return something he had never received and that Birns was responsible for it, since Birns's courier had lost it.
The Casino de Paris in 2009 The Casino de Paris, located at 16, rue de Clichy, in the 9th arrondissement, is one of the well known music halls of Paris, with a history dating back to the 18th century. Contrary to what the name might suggest, it is a performance venue, not a gambling house. The closest métro/RER stations are Liège, Trinité – d'Estienne d'Orves, and Haussmann – Saint-Lazare. The first building at this location where shows could be mounted was erected by the Duc de Richelieu around 1730, while after the Revolution the site was renamed Jardin de Tivoli and was the venue for fireworks displays.
On April 2, 1882, reportedly after a night spent at a gambling house, the 51-year-old Vanderbilt committed suicide at the Glenham Hotel on Fifth Avenue in New York City. He was discovered in his fifth floor room, number 80, by Terry, who was referred to in Vanderbilt's obituary as "his friend and constant companion." Terry was staying in an adjourning room, number 79, and reportedly rushed through the connecting door to Corneel's room upon hearing the gun shot that killed Vanderbilt. Vanderbilt left his recently finished mansion in Hartford, which he was supposed to move into a few weeks later, to his dearest friend Terry.
To be on the safe side, there was a legal reminder that the business still cannot be entered. On December 29, 1988, the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued another resolution, this time "On the Regulation of Certain Activities of Cooperatives According to the Law on Cooperation in the USSR", which, in particular, stressed that cooperatives are not entitled to perform gambling operations. On August 23, 1989, the Soviet government lifted its ban on gambling and opened the first gambling house in Moscow and later, the first casino was opened in the capital city’s Savoy Hotel. Poker in Russia was very popular during the collapse of the USSR, when people started being interested in Western culture and values.
Memories of Fifty Years. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1889. (pg. 196-198) being among the sportsmen and gambling empresarios who "rubbed elbows" with many celebrities, literary figures and politicians of the day, and was one of the first prominent sportsmen to emerge in the city including Isaiah Rynders, prizefighters Yankee Sullivan and Tom Hyer, and minstrel Dan Bryant. Pat Hearne, according to one article by the New York Tribune, won "not less than half a million dollars" at his Broadway casino, but he "loved to play for its own sake"; He was so much of a gambler, in fact, that he lost his house's take more than once, and eventually the gambling-house itself.
"Halfway Down from Column Six", The Essex County Standard, Essex and Middlesex Counties, England, p.4, 3 October 1834 In late March of 1834, his wife Leah had been convicted of keeping a brothel at Leg Alley in the Parish of St. Paul, but was required to serve only one year."Police, bottom of Column 1", The Observer, London, England, pg. 4, 22 June 1834 In May 1851, his brother Isaac, and son Joseph were charged with assault and cheating at a gambling house in connection with activities at their establishment, the Fountain Coffee house on Little-Catherine Street in the theatre district in London's West End, and a nearby coffee house on 4 Leicester Place.
After witnessing the massacre of Joe Benson and his band of prospectors (and wiping out the killers), Sartana is ready to do some investigating as to why. However, since almost everyone in the town of Indian Creek is eager to buy up the dead man's land, there's a long list of suspects, including the town banker, a female saloon owner and the owner of the local gambling house. Even the local sheriff and the dead prospector's niece who now owns the land can't be ruled out, and the closer Sartana gets to the truth the more attempts are made on his life and the more funerals he'll willingly pay long as HE is the one doing the killing.
Yiu Choi () first began learning Wing Chun Kuen from Yuen Chai Wan, the elder brother of Yuen Kay San, in roughly 1920 and studied with him until Yuen moved to Vietnam in 1936, just after the death of his Sifu Fung Siu Ching. Just before he left, Yuen introduced Yiu Choi to his friend and fellow Wing Chun Kuen practitioner, Chan Wah Shun, to continue his studies. At the same time, he also learned from Chan Wah Shun's student Ng Chung So. Yiu Choi and his elder brother owned and operated an opium smoke and gambling house and later opened one on Shilutou. They offered Ng Chung So to hold his nightly classes in the back room of the house.
Marlowe has married Linda Loring, the rich daughter of local tycoon Harlan Potter. Linda and Marlowe first met in The Long Goodbye and their romance is resumed at the end of Playback. Marlowe resists financial dependence on his willing wife and, after the couple relocate to a grand mansion in Poodle Springs (a mocking reference to Palm Springs), opens a detective agency in the resort. Tension between them rises when, as a result, Marlowe absents himself from the cocktail parties and other social events organised by Linda’s set. Marlowe’s first case comes when he is forced by hoodlums to visit a local criminal named Lipschultz, who operates an illegal gambling house in Riverside, just outside the jurisdiction of Poodle Springs.
Each of the book's magical items comes with a background that ties it into the campaign setting. The descriptions of various geographical locations include a number of adventure outlines which show the kind of encounters that PCs entering different geographical areas are likely to experience, and include notes for dungeon masters (DMs) to show how the featured locations can be turned into adventure settings. The book provides six adventure scenarios, as outlines for DMs to fill in. Two are for zero-level characters struggling to work up to 1st level, and the other adventures include a dive to a sunken ship to recover treasure, entry into the Valley of the Mage, a rescue mission set in a house, and an evening's entertainment in a gambling house.
She turns her back on him, and disconsolate Elmer tries to forget his troubles at a crooked gambling house. Elmer incurs an enormous gambling debt, which the casino's owner is willing to forget if Elmer will only throw the deciding World Series game (which he refers to as the World Serious). Elmer brawls with the gambler and lands in jail, where he learns of a particularly cruel practical joke that had previously been played on him. Out of spite, he refuses to play in the Big Game, and thanks to a jailhouse visit by the gamblers, it looks as though Elmer has taken a bribe, but when he shows up to play (after patching things up with Nellie), Elmer proves that he's been true-blue all along.
The crisis was also allegedly permeated by the rivalry of two large semi- criminal gangs that operated in Ambon and, allegedly, Jakarta. The gangs possessed a quasi-religious identity; the 'Reds' identifying as Christian and 'Whites' as Muslim, and had prepared contingency plans for an attack from the other prior to the start of conflict in 1999. The Human Rights Watch report concerning Ambon hostilities cites a major communal confrontation of Ambonese migrants in the Ketapang area of Jakarta on 22 November 1998, which saw up to 14 killed and numerous church burnings following rumors that Christian Ambonese guards of a significant gambling house had destroyed a Mosque. Most of the 180 arrested in the immediate aftermath of the violence were of Ambonese origin.
Manassas Jim's story is identical to that of Granville's, while Monk insists he witnessed only two lying corpses in the gambling house and insinuates that the sheriff found and killed Johnson, and placed his body nearby the other two. Along the way, Sartana also meets Belle, the supposed widow of Johnson, who tells him her late husband used her money in dirty deals, claiming ownership of the legitimate currency in return. Sartana informs each of them individually that he plans to split the gold with them, without the others knowing about it, and sends them to Sonora where Granville is hiding, with the purpose of manipulating them against one another. His plan succeeds and Granville makes it out alive during the shootout.
As described in a film magazine, Anitra (Clifford), who has come to believe that Ralph (Coxen), the soldier she loves, will never return from abroad, yields to the plea of John (Robson), a man many years her senior, and goes to live with him in the city. In time he tires of her and dismisses her with a cash settlement. She resolves to aid the poorer children of the city from being despoiled by forcing the wealthy to pay for them. As the Flame, she captivates a wealthy man-about-town and uses the money she obtains from him to found a hospital for the poor and a gambling house for the rich, using the proceeds from the latter support the former.
Making a general comment to the class, he tells them that no one but Amy Phillips, a quiet student, is capable of a career in literature. Jim identifies Amy as a potential writing prodigy based on her previous writings in his class, as well as having previously encountered her working surreptitiously as a waitress at the underground gambling house. Amy develops a personal interest in Jim, which he reciprocates. After the class, Jim visits his mother Roberta at the family's luxury estate, but she says that she will not give him any more money. Jim considers borrowing money from Frank (another loan shark) to consolidate his debts and buy himself some time, but refuses to do so after Frank's demands include that Jim admit “I am not a man”.
Like other ethnic groups within the city, notably the Italians and later on the Irish, Eastern European Jews were prominent members of Montreal's underworld. Prior to the takeover of Montreal's vice rackets by members of the Italian-American mafia in the early 1950s, many of the city's gambling and bookmaking operations were run by Jewish syndicates during the 1930s and 1940s. It was the Eastern European Jewish immigrants who arrived in the 1920s and 1930s, as well as their offspring, who were the city's major bookmakers, loan sharks, illegal gambling house operators and, to a lesser degree, drug dealers. Although Jews played a prominent role in the city's gambling and bookmaking institutions, it's important to keep in mind that gambling was by no means accepted throughout the Jewish Community.
Retrieved 3 April 2016 via National Library of AustraliaLejeune, C.A. (23 Dec 1945). Notes From London's Film Studios: Thriller What, No Love Affair?. New York Times. p. X5. Retrieved 3 April 2016 via New York Times Archive The PCA refused to grant Fanny by Gaslight (1944) a certificate for its US release until the title of the film was changed, the illegitimacy of Fanny was altered, scenes set in a brothel were changed to a dancehall or a gambling house, the scene of Fanny as a little girl talking to two prostitutes on the street was deleted and the scenes of Fanny and Somerford living together outside of marriage were removed as they perceived these issues violated the Hays purity Code and normalised fallen women and immoral behaviour.
Michael is looking for his long-lost son, Dennis, whom McGuire had abandoned to an orphanage as a child, a deed for which he now deeply blames himself. Later that night, Connor attempts to rob John Gamble (Richard Boone) outside a gambling house, but after he finds him equally broke, he is talked into assisting him in robbing the establishment, during which the owner is shot. Connor and Gamble make off with the loot, stopping at the boarding house to get Connor's gear, whereupon McGuire, still drunk, pursues his "son" down the street until he collapses. They find on his person information regarding his extensive station (for which he was trying to secure loans in Sydney) and his boat ticket, and decide to pose as his business partners to get on the boat and away to hide out with him in the Outback.
Liu recruited restaurateurs, merchants, and gambling house operators and enlisted former gang members that were forced out of the gangs of the old Chinatown on Mott Street and Pell Street. Chinatown then had gained another Tong (堂 Táng) or known as in English translation, gathering place. Liu named his gang organization as Freemasons, borrowing the name from the time period of the 19th century when there was an uprising against the Manchu. Liu had rented out a basement located on 52 East Broadway where it was a combination of headquarters and gaming hall. The Ghost Shadows Gang, which had dominance over Mott Street had expressed concern about this new gang that had emerged and eventually leading to gang violence in the Golden Star Bar on East Broadway in 1982 resulting in three members of the Freemasons gang murdered.
She played the stepmother in re-imaginings of the Cinderella story included in episodes of the series Hallmark Playhouse, and the weekly western series The Six Shooter, which starred James Stewart. Audley's film roles began in 1949 with The Story of Molly X starring June Havoc. Other appearances include Three Secrets (1950); Gambling House (1950); Untamed (1955); Cell 2455, Death Row (1955); All That Heaven Allows (1955); The Unguarded Moment (1956); Full of Life (1956); Voice in the Mirror (1958); Home Before Dark (1958); The Pleasure of His Company (1961); The Second Time Around (1961); and Hook, Line and Sinker (1969). In The FBI Story (1959), Audley portrayed Daisie King, the mother and victim of the convicted suspect Jack Graham, who planted a dynamite time bomb in United Airlines Flight 629, killing King and 43 other passengers.
The Marquess of Donegall in 1800 George Augustus Chichester, 2nd Marquess of Donegall KP, PC (Ire) (14 August 1769 – 5 October 1844), styled Viscount Chichester until 1791 and Earl of Belfast from 1791 to 1799, was an Anglo- Irish nobleman and politician. He was born into an Ulster aristocratic family at St James's, Westminster, and served for less than a year as a representative in the Irish House of Commons for Carrickfergus before succeeding his father as second Marquess of Donegall in 1799. Lord Donegall was admitted to the Irish Privy Council in 1803 and later served as Lord Lieutenant of County Donegal from 1831 until his death. He was also made a Knight of the Order of St Patrick in 1821 on the occasion of King George IV's visit to Ireland A lifelong gambler, Lord Donegall married the daughter of Edward May, a moneylender and owner of a gambling house.
The lyrics tell a true story: on 4 December 1971, Deep Purple were in Montreux, Switzerland, to record an album (Machine Head) using a mobile recording studio (rented from the Rolling Stones and known as the Rolling Stones Mobile Studio—referred to as the "Rolling truck Stones thing" and "a mobile" in the lyrics) at the entertainment complex that was part of the Montreux Casino (referred to as "the gambling house" in the song lyric). On the eve of the recording session, a Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention concert was held in the casino's theatre. This was to be the theatre's final concert before the casino complex closed down for its annual winter renovations, which would allow Deep Purple to record there. At the beginning of Don Preston's synthesizer solo on "King Kong", the place suddenly caught fire when somebody in the audience fired a flare gun toward the rattan covered ceiling, as mentioned in the "some stupid with a flare gun" line.
Franco Giuseppucci was born in the Trastevere district of Rome. When he was a teenager he began working at his father's bakery, and from this he gained the nickname "Er Fornaretto" (The Little Baker), however he soon left this job after his father, who was also a robber, was killed in a shootout with the Polizia di Stato. A strong fascist sympathizer, with a bust of Benito Mussolini at home, through the propagandist actions for the Italian Social Movement (MSI) Giuseppucci was able to meet up with fellow neo-fascists such as Massimo Carminati, Alessandro Alibrandi and other members of the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (NAR) group that he would later involve in the criminal projects for the Banda della Magliana. Storia criminale del figlio di un fornaio, Misteri D'Italia After leaving the job as a baker he soon found employment as a bouncer for a gambling house in the area of Ostia.
On 24 December 1812 he received a commission as an ensign in the 1st Battalion 1st Regiment of Foot Guards, and after mounting guard at St. James's Palace for a few months was sent with a detachment of his regiment to Spain. In 1813 he took part in the principal military operations in that country, and in the following year returned with his battalion to London. Here he became one of the dandies of the town, and was among the very few officers who were admitted at Almack's, where he remembered the first introduction of quadrilles and waltzes in place of the old reels and country dances. Wanting money to equip himself for his further services abroad, he obtained an advance of £200 from his agents, Cox & Greenwood, and going with this money to a gambling- house in St. James's Square, he won £600, with which he purchased horses and other necessaries.

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