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7 Sentences With "furores"

How to use furores in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "furores" and check conjugation/comparative form for "furores". Mastering all the usages of "furores" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Besides the discrimination row, two other furores have convulsed North Carolina's politics.
There have been at least eight such furores, mainly based on nonsense.
But since coming to Washington, other furores show that Mr Pruitt has let his newfound prominence get to his head.
Various furores in the 1990s and afterwards over the working conditions of people making goods for firms such as Nike, Walmart and Primark badly damaged brands.
He also increased the pay that he gave to authors who had proven successful and occasionally speculated on contemporary furores. He paid, for example, £105 to Colley Cibber for The Nonjuror and over £100 to John Gay for Poems on Several Occasions (after offering only £35 for Trivia). However, he also paid £130 to James Moore Smythe for The Rival Modes, primarily because of the disagreement Smythe had had with Pope. Lintott was the first to publish a catalogue of his holdings in 1714, with The Monthly Catalogue.
Yet, the formal rigour of the Novecento was replaced by a distinctly expressionist visionariness.Cf. Renato Barilli, L'arte contemporanea: da Cézanne alle ultime tendenze, Feltrinelli, 2005, p.248: "... a savage and reductive raffiguration dominates, which recalls distant baroque trends, or even closer to the expressionist furores of artists such as Chagall, made viable to them thanks to Antonietta Raphaël, who had known him in Paris." Scipione brought to life a sort of Roman baroque expressionism, where often decadent landscapes appear of Rome's historical baroque centre, populated by priests and cardinals, seen with a vigorously expressive and hallucinated eye.
Haltrecht, p. 51 The new chairman of Covent Garden, the economist John Maynard Keynes, agreed with Leslie Boosey and Ralph Hawkes that a permanent ensemble was needed, and that it had to be run by a businessman. Webster was invited to become chief executive, under the title General Administrator, which he used throughout his tenure. His selection was driven by two key facts: firstly, he was successful as a retailer with a well- developed sense of what his customers wanted and how he could give it to them; secondly, he had demonstrated his strength in arts administration. Beecham, furious at his exclusion, waged an intermittent campaign against Webster and all his works throughout the 1950s, though he conducted one of the earliest operatic furores of Webster's reign, Die Meistersinger, in 1951.Haltrecht, p. 57 Webster persuaded the Sadler's Wells Ballet to take up residence at Covent Garden. On the operatic side, however, Webster had to create a new company from scratch.

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