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66 Sentences With "forcing yourself"

How to use forcing yourself in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "forcing yourself" and check conjugation/comparative form for "forcing yourself". Mastering all the usages of "forcing yourself" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I mean, is there anything bleaker than forcing yourself to exercise than forcing yourself to exercise in silence?
Set a goal of forcing yourself to read the fine print.
And no, forcing yourself to go to sleep will not work.
Forcing yourself to be creative on a timeline almost never works.
Forcing yourself to evolve into the person you want to be.
At my church, forcing yourself on underaged girls is a no-no.
At my church, forcing yourself on underaged girls is a no-no.
Forcing yourself to remember things periodically helps them to stay fresh in your brain.
Supporting or loving a genre doesn't need to look like forcing yourself inside of it.
Are you forcing yourself to watch cute puppy videos in hopes of brightening your mood?
But forcing yourself to meet men you don't want to meet isn't the answer, either.
So instead of forcing yourself to commit to the same tradition, consider starting something new.
Forcing yourself to practice, even if it's not on the best equipment, just makes you better.
"Forcing yourself to write something out of nothing can induce a state of creative vigilance," Jacobs said.
The brutality lies in overcoming the mind, forcing yourself to push beyond what your body claims is possible.
Learning how to wield a pencil isn't quite synonymous with forcing yourself to learn how to carry a tune.
That is capability building: having that foresight, forcing yourself to do things that are not the easy to do.
The way you leverage identity politics here is a way of not forcing yourself to see some of that.
You may have even given up and switched tabs to Facebook, passing time before forcing yourself to work again.
And if you're a pre-crastinator like me, it may be worth mastering the discipline of forcing yourself to procrastinate.
And I couldn't wrap my brain around forcing yourself to throw up after eating a meal, especially a good one.
Ideally, forcing yourself to remember dreams on a regular basis helps you recall the ones that happen to be lucid.
Forcing yourself into society's box may be a large part of what is causing these problems in the first place.
From a practical physiological standpoint, there's really no point in forcing yourself to work out every day to make your goal.
Forcing yourself to recall information you've read, outside when you have the book in your hands, acts as a self-check.
Forcing yourself to notice and comprehend each ad you encounter in a day is, it must be said, a thoroughly unrewarding experience.
Forcing yourself to sit at your desk and trudge your way through your to-do list feels like a feat of superhuman strength.
All this shit comes from your heart and mind, you can't force it, it's like forcing yourself to tell someone you love them.
With all of that said, you don't want to try and make yourself more productive at work by forcing yourself to have more sex.
"That 10 minutes just forcing yourself to stop is powerful, particularly with having other people in the room doing the same thing," he said.
The idea is that by physically forcing yourself to look straight ahead and listen to nothing, you'll focus on whatever's in front of you.
Curiosity feels like it's outside your control, and trying to direct it sounds as ill conceived as forcing yourself to find a joke funny.
It's also a great way to perfect your circadian rhythm by forcing yourself to wake up at the same time you do on weekdays.
We have a slew of ways to beat back the winter doldrums, including light therapy, herbalism and forcing yourself, and others, to be social.
A Misfit's Guide to Navigating the Office It's possible to survive — and even thrive — as a misfit without forcing yourself into a round corporate hole.
But forcing yourself to think about the physical process someone went through to make a piece of art is an easy way to get conversation rolling.
If you woke up naturally without an alarm clock, as opposed to forcing yourself out of bed, Fuller said, then you've probably just had a good snooze.
They are natural pure ideas you are not forcing yourself to think of and so are usually the better, more expressive ones as your mind is more relaxed.
Self-imposed deadlines are also useful for forcing yourself to focus, and timing tools like Toggl are great ways to tangibly monitor how much time you actually spend working.
You are the optimist of the zodiac, but even you will be in a downer mood—harness the energy by focusing on work instead of forcing yourself to party.
With the new Palm, you're forcing yourself to use something tiny, which is harder — struggling to look at them is supposed to remind you of what you are doing.
Making something with your hands is incredibly satisfying, and forcing yourself to get away from screens and learn a new skill is something I wish I'd done years ago.
The good news is you can change what you like or dislike, not by forcing yourself to like it (that's willpower, again) but by changing the nature of the activity.
Even though you may not feel like moving around as much, forcing yourself to do a little more (cardio, strength training, yoga, etc.) will likely help you feel much better.
By forcing yourself to aim for the gym- or studio-rat life (and failing to actually do it) you're not only wasting money, you're also not doing your health any favors.
From the obvious of having a steady income to fund your new venture, to forcing yourself to focus only on what delivers the highest impact and lessening the pressure on yourself.
If you can get your biking calories out during your nine to five job, you can actually go home and relax after work instead of forcing yourself to go on a run.
That way when you land, you can simply eat dinner and head to bed within a few hours of landing, instead of forcing yourself to stay up all day with no sleep.
Instead of forcing yourself to "work" on Fridays when that really means sorta-working-sorta-waiting-for-the-weekend, turn that time into something you and your work will actually benefit from.
Or going to an indoor cycling class because you know it boosts your mood and gives you mental clarity might be more motivating than, say, forcing yourself to train for a race.
Setting feasible goals, admitting when you're feeling discouraged and forcing yourself to reach beyond your comfort level can help you strike a balance between getting stuck in your feelings and pushing through them.
Let's be clear: Resolutions aren't about forcing yourself into a role that you wouldn't feel comfortable playing normally — they might be difficult, but they're more about finding your best self than changing who you are.
A long hospital stay is like being in a tunnel, a blur of people taking your vitals, meals arriving that you don't want to eat, forcing yourself to walk the corridors to keep up your strength.
I&aposve run mastermind groups for successful entrepreneurs for the past three years, and I&aposve seen the incredible value of forcing yourself to take periodic short breaks from your business to consider the bigger picture.
Craving something positive (no more fighting, no more invective, please, please), forcing yourself to your feet, you may cross a busy avenue and find, in a mini-mall themed like Old Mexico, a wedding about to begin.
"It will no doubt feel awkward at first," she said, adding that "forcing yourself to say the words will help you hone how you deliver it, control the tone (which is super important!), and ensure you stick the landing."
The pair's foraging ethos sits between the Bear Grylls-style of wild food ("forcing yourself to eat something that tastes horrible") and the "hipsterized" trend to add a foraged element as a garnish, rather than incorporating it into the dish itself.
However, as much as I urge people — and women in particular — to get into the weight room, I&aposm a bigger proponent of not forcing yourself to do any exercise you don&apost enjoy, as that&aposs just damaging for your mental health.
But if you're part of a generation of people that never really learned to touch type using QWERTY and you've always just "gotten by" with four or five of your ten fingers, then making the switch is a pretty good way of forcing yourself to learn to type properly.
We know that maintaining good dental hygiene is paramount in preventing tooth decay and other yucky oral conditions, but convincing a child to commit to a twice-a-day brushing habit can be even harder than forcing yourself to cleanse and floss before you fall facedown into bed at night.
If your existence isn't plagued by forcing yourself to do stuff you don't really want to do, when death comes knocking, you can offset any regret by pointing to the time you went to a harsh noise show on a Tuesday and thought to yourself: Yeah, I did stuff, I lived.
I see why you're trying to be more patient with people in light of your track record, but forcing yourself to stay with someone against your impulses to leave does not sound like a way to accomplish what you hope (unless your hope is to go on many dates with people you don't want to date).
By forcing yourself to do 10 at a time of yesterday's emails, it's a lot easier to power through the annoying or harder ones, and as you make progress towards the finish line of zero emails from yesterday, you see the finish line getting closer and closer … and when you're done processing all of yesterday's emails, you're done for the day.
There are lots of different ways to define what next level is and by forcing yourself internally to define next level and then define what you need in terms of capital to get to that next level… when you're raising that first round of financing or even the second or third round of financing, it helps you size rationally what you need versus reactively to whatever the market characteristics are.
Other kinds of tactics which of Musashi tells are way of ensuring that the enemy is at a disadvantage. Forcing yourself on the non-dominant side of a trooper is one way because the left side is difficult for a right-handed soldier. Other disadvantages, such as forcing enemies into footholds, swamps, ditches, and other difficult terrain, force the enemy to be uncertain of his situation. > These things cannot be clearly explained in words.
According to Metric's frontwoman Emily Haines, Synthetica is "about forcing yourself to confront what you see in the mirror when you finally stand still long enough to catch a reflection. Synthetica is about being able to identify the original in a long line of reproductions. It's about what is real vs what is artificial". The band collaborated with Lou Reed for the recording of the song "The Wanderlust", which would ultimately be his very last appearance on an original recording during his lifetime.

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