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18 Sentences With "fitnesses"

How to use fitnesses in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fitnesses" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fitnesses". Mastering all the usages of "fitnesses" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The proposed safety regulations would establish a new methodology for determining the fitnesses of trucks to be on the road.
Alternatively, if one considers the life cycle as extending from weaning to weaning, the same mortality would be considered a diminution in the parents' fecundity, and therefore a diminution of the parent's fitness. In Hamilton's paradigm, fitnesses calculated according to in the weaning-to-weaning perspective are inclusive fitnesses, and fitnesses calculated in the conception-to-conception perspective are personal fitnesses. This distinction is independent of whether the altruism involved in child rearing is toward descendants or toward collateral relatives, as when aunts and uncle rear their nieces and nephews. Inclusive fitness theory was developed in order to better understand collateral altruism, but this does not mean that it is limited to collateral altruism.
Inbreeding increases homozygosity. In the short run, an increase in inbreeding increases the probability with which offspring get two copies of a recessive deleterious alleles, lowering fitnesses via inbreeding depression. In a species that habitually inbreeds, e.g. through self-fertilization, recessive deleterious alleles are purged.
There are various statistical methods to measure node fitnesses \eta_i in the Bianconi–Barabási model from real- world network data. From the measurement, one can investigate the fitness distribution ρ(η) or compare the Bianconi–Barabási model with various competing network models in that particular network.
He was named the team MVP by the Akron Browns backers and named the team's top offensive lineman by the touchdown club. He was also elected team captain while with the Browns. He was named three times to Muscle and Fitnesses' NFL all strength team. He finished his career with the NFC East division champion Philadelphia Eagles in 2001.
Wright built his isolation by distance and Shifting Balance theories on genetic drift in this flower using data collected by Epling and Dobzhansky in the Mojave Desert. More recent studies place greater emphasis on the effects of natural selection on color frequency.Turelli, M., et al. (2001). Stable two-allele polymorphisms maintained by fluctuating fitnesses and seed banks: Protecting the blues in Linanthus parryae. Evolution 55:7 1283-98.
In population genetics, a selection coefficient, usually denoted by the letter s, is a measure of differences in relative fitness. Selection coefficients are central to the quantitative description of evolution, since fitness differences determine the change in genotype frequencies attributable to selection. The following definition of s is commonly used. Suppose that there are two genotypes A and B in a population with relative fitnesses w_A and w_B respectively.
Mutational robustness (also called mutation tolerance) describes the extent to which an organism’s phenotype remains constant in spite of mutation. Robustness can be empirically measured for several genomes and individual genes by inducing mutations and measuring what proportion of mutants retain the same phenotype, function or fitness. More generally robustness corresponds to the neutral band in the distribution of fitness effects of mutation (i.e. the frequencies of different fitnesses of mutants).
Queens of these species are monandrous and have a single mate in the start of a colony cycle. S. mexicana specifically creates drone congregations in order to avoid inbreeding. In this species it is noted that drones are composed of up to 132 various colonies that all maintain varied genes and fitnesses. Male bees from nearby colonies are noted to avoid joining congregations closer to them in an effeort to reduce chances of mating with a sister or a close relative.
However, this does not hold for sex-limited models of sex-limited imprinting which behave differently depending on which sex imprinting occurs and the parental sex of imprinted allele. Specifically, this affects whether alleles are imprinted in consecutive generations with different evolutionary trajectories (under the same selection fitnesses) arising purely due to sex- limited epigenetics. The X chromosome for example, has been very prevalent in the field of epigenetics. The X chromosome percentage between males and females is largely due to X chromosome inactivation.
Molly R. Morris is an American behavioral ecologist who has worked with treefrogs and swordtail fishes in the areas of alternative reproductive tactics and sexual selection. Morris received a Bachelor of Arts from Earlham College and a PhD from Indiana University. As a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas at Austin, her work with Mike Ryan demonstrated equal fitnesses between alternative reproductive tactics in a species of swordtail fish. She joined the faculty at Ohio University in 1997, where she is now a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences.
Minister of Transport Phil Twyford said the agency had been "going through a massive change process", with its compliance work in the issuing of vehicle Warrant of Fitnesses under review. Mark Ratcliffe, former head of telco Chorus, was appointed Interim Chief Executive.. Nicole Rosie, former CE of WorkSafe New Zealand, replaced him as chief executive mid-February 2020. On 26 April 2019, chairman Michael Stiassny announced his resignation. On 11 June 2019, Brian Roche commenced his second term as chairman of the NZ Transport Agency; Roche had previously been the inaugural chairman from 2008.
In The Selfish Gene, Dawkins reported that some question the idea that parental investment (parental care) contributes to inclusive fitness. The distinctions between the kind of beneficiaries nurtured (collateral versus descendant relatives) and the kind of fitnesses used (inclusive versus personal) in the parsing of nature are independent concepts. This orthogonality can best be understood in a thought experiment: Consider a model of a population of animals such as crocodiles or tangle web spiders. Some species or populations of these spiders and reptiles exhibit parental care, while closely related species or populations lack it.
Individual crowns are treated as, "independent mitotic mutation-accumulation lines" and so the appearance of deleterious somatic mutations in the autogamous crosses will be heterozygous or homozygous at the same locus (~25% homozygous) and the appearance of deleterious somatic mutations in the geitonogamous crosses will be heterozygous. The autogamy depression can be calculated through the simple equation AD = 1-(wa/wg), where AD is the Autogamy Depression, wa is the fitness of the autogamous progeny and wg is the fitness of the geitonogamous progeny. When the fitnesses are equal the AD is 0. The difference can be calculated by the equation, D = wg-wa.
The fitnesses of different genotypes in an African region where there is intense malarial selection were estimated by Anthony Allison in 1954. In the Baamba population living in the Semliki Forest region in Western Uganda the sickle-cell heterozygote (AS) frequency is 40%, which means that the frequency of the sickle-cell gene is 0.255 and 6.5% of children born are SS homozygotes. It is a reasonable assumption that until modern treatment was available three quarters of the SS homozygotes failed to reproduce. To balance this loss of sickle-cell genes, a mutation rate of 1:10.2 per gene per generation would be necessary.
The value of K controls the degree of epistasis in the NK model, or how much other loci affect the fitness contribution of a given locus. With K = 0, the fitness of a given string is a simple sum of individual contributions of loci: for nontrivial fitness functions, a global optimum is present and easy to locate (the genome of all 0s if f(0) > f(1), or all 1s if f(1) > f(0)). For nonzero K, the fitness of a string is a sum of fitnesses of substrings, which may interact to frustrate the system (consider how to achieve optimal fitness in the example above). Increasing K thus increases the ruggedness of the fitness landscape.
Therefore, insofar as the reproductive contingencies were different for men and women, the psychological consequences and adaptations stemming from natural selection would differ by gender. For that reason, new information about gender differences in reproductive success in our biological past is valuable. Favre and Sornette showed that the highly asymmetric investment cost for reproduction between males and females, the special role of females as sole child bearers, together with a high heterogeneity of males' fitnesses driven by females' selection pressure, was sufficient to explain quantitatively the fact that the present human population of Earth was descended from more females than males, at about a 2:1 ratio,Maroussia Favre and Didier Sornette, Strong gender differences in reproductive success variance, and the times to the most recent common ancestors, Journal of Theoretical Biology 310, 43-54 (2012) with however a broad distribution of possible values (the ratio 2:1 being the median in the ensemble of populations simulated by Favre and Sornette).
Hume begins Book 3 by examining the nature of moral evaluation, offering a critique of moral rationalism and a defense of moral sentimentalism: in the terms of his overall system, Hume is arguing that the evaluations in our mind are impressions, not ideas. His main target is the rationalism of such philosophers as Clarke and Balguy, which posits "eternal fitnesses and unfitnesses of things, which are the same to every rational being that considers them", in effect classifying morality alongside mathematics under "relations of ideas". Hume's principal arguments against this rationalism rest on Book 2's thesis that there is no opposition between reason and the passions: reason alone cannot motivate us, and "passions, volitions, and actions" cannot be in agreement or disagreement with reason. This thesis "proves directly", he writes, that an action's moral status cannot consist in the action's agreement or disagreement with reason, and it "proves indirectly" that moral evaluation, which has a practical influence on us and can "excite passion[s] and produce or prevent actions", cannot be "the offspring of reason".

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