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191 Sentences With "fetishizing"

How to use fetishizing in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fetishizing" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fetishizing". Mastering all the usages of "fetishizing" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He's trivializing it — fetishizing it, we might even say.
Quickly, you realize Kyle just might br fetishizing her heritage.
I certainly get some pretty entitled, creepy, and fetishizing messages.
Fetishizing black people's bodies has long been an American pastime.
"Fetishizing cultural memory is both dangerous and foolhardy," he says.
Nothing pretty about fetishizing border violence to market your book.
The fetishizing of Asian women is just really bad for everyone.
Fetishizing female gamers, outside of any societal context, seems innocent enough.
Fetishizing wine in any way is the problem—even cheap stuff.
For some, that means fetishizing the rampant fakery of the internet itself.
Fetishizing Middle America, and ignoring its complications, does no one any favors.
It feels like they're just fetishizing youth, which isn't something I'm comfortable with.
This sequence, and in some sense the entire movie, is about fetishizing hardware.
Then even the most meat-fetishizing carnivores should go weak at the knees.
We sometimes make ourselves less free by fetishizing our own freedom, for instance.
Patriotism has little to do with flag-waving or fetishizing the national anthem.
The former ballerina said people need to move away from fetishizing one body type.
"I really just can't see how you can avoid fetishizing those things," Akopyan notes.
But that kind of fetishizing doesn't appear to be what's animating Ms. Sciorra's performance.
Don't allow your kids to participate in the fetishizing of Native cultures and traditions. 2100.
I couldn't shake the unease over fetishizing a flying machine that is unable to consent.
"I was very sick but fetishizing my own body," Dunham wrote beneath the older snapshot.
It's a film that celebrates the act of observation and creation without ever fetishizing it.
There's this fetishizing of a woman on a chaise longue, downing pills and being dramatic.
Why did all this, not to mention the "racial fetishizing," not trouble one in 1988?
The company that delights in fetishizing physical objects just got a whole lot more, well, intimate.
But Trump isn't the problem, he's just the inevitable result of a gun-fetishizing conservative movement.
Here, Mr. Harris challenges an art canon that was built on the fetishizing of colonized cultures.
Next, Ferrell portrays a singer from days gone who wrote a lot of songs fetishizing young girls.
Gone are gross, fetishizing labels, replaced instead by tags like 'POC Porn' and 'The Feminist Porn Gaze.
Racial and ethnic minorities are often locked in a double-bind of marginalizing or fetishizing sexual stereotypes.
Granik is an outstanding director, and she tells the story without patronizing, fetishizing, or aestheticizing her subjects.
Wellness-obsessed Americans may have taken to fetishizing napping — but do we know how to do it?
"We are talking about fetishizing the black woman's body and the agency of studio photography," she said.
But Alix is almost too charmed by how different Emira is — there is a bit of fetishizing.
If they did, they would empathize with the reality of how problematic, dismissive and fetishizing this is.
Given all that, I'm not sure how the record manages to evade the feeling of fetishizing the past.
And, more importantly, why do we believe it is important to fight for the poor without fetishizing poverty?
But people do tend to have illogical thoughts about their desires, which can lead to fetishizing, she says.
When you're putting me with somebody like Baddie Winkle simply because I have gray hair, you're fetishizing me.
But Granik's restraint as a filmmaker means she pulls it off without patronizing, fetishizing, or aestheticizing her subjects.
Might it not be better to stop fetishizing sexual exclusivity as the sine qua non of happy relationships?
That might mean fetishizing robots, or it could manifest in an attraction to technologically mediated avatars like Melody.
Obviously, part of what the show is about is that, but it wasn't something we were interested in fetishizing.
"Native American" and "Navajo" searches also went up, because unfortunately, racial fetishizing happens regardless of the time of year.
"At that point, your world of desire has really narrowed down to whatever it is you're fetishizing," she says.
Granik's restraint as a filmmaker lets her indulge this kind of storytelling without patronizing, fetishizing, or aestheticizing her subjects.
Fetishizing obedience is nothing new, but women's reaction to the so-called romance novel "50 Shades of Grey" was.
Fetishizing gig work, fake job creation, and expanding GDP numbers ignores the very things that make life worth living.
Before we delve into the sociological implications of fetishizing women who game, let's establish what we're talking about here.
Instead, there's now a (mostly) gentrified, middle and upper-class crowd fetishizing the working class through fashion and music.
CreditCreditPedro Corrêa do Lago We are living in a golden age of both fretting about handwriting and fetishizing it.
Fetishizing and co-opting queer female sexualities and bodies are not the same thing as accepting and including them.
Fetishizing of material wealth is the shit that kills us: It's in our guts and deep in our psyches.
This struck Lowe as foolish nostalgia—fetishizing stone shrapnel that was likely too ruined to conjure the monuments' beauty.
I think it's because sex is more readily available to men then ever, so they are fetishizing not having sex.
Don't be that person and risk fetishizing a culture or community because it's a compelling way to think about heritage.
There's plenty of good old fetishizing rich white people in period costumes, which is basically to be expected, but tiresome.
We are always someone's alluring stranger: The question is how to understand that otherness in artistic terms without fetishizing it.
Targets included museum display, the fetishizing of art objects and the myth and marketing of artists as (mostly male) geniuses.
Gradually, it becomes clear that they too are watching the Frasers onstage, and they are gleefully fetishizing what they see.
And it made me think in a different way about how fetishizing habit plays into larger cultural trends around creative labor.
For every Richard and Mildred Loving, there are stories warning Black folks about fetishizing, manipulation, and gaslighting from potential white partners.
Telling a good story shouldn't take a backseat to offering rewards for Deus Ex superfans, but that's what fetishizing completionism does.
The art world right now is a youth-fetishizing cannibalistic death cult of speculation and interior design masked as progressive painting.
In a speech in March, the president warned against "fetishizing" encryption and urged more compromise between tech companies and the F.B.I.
It controls women by elevating them, fetishizing motherhood, praising femininity, but defining it in terms of service to men and children.
Long gone are the days of viewers mimicking "Crazy Eyes," fetishizing the series' LGBTQ sex scenes, and otherwise missing its prescient points.
Instead, this "Fetish" Gomez is telling the story of her own flirtations and indulging in the thought of someone fetishizing over her.
In 2011 he defended his right to make rape jokes and he's also been accused of fetishizing Asian women in his act.
While most captions are provided by family members themselves, they are not immune from commodifying and fetishizing the ethnicity of child subjects.
Clippinger is a wonderfully democratic artist who, like Cordy Ryman, makes art out of discarded pieces of wood without fetishizing her materials.
Almost everything about the new place caters to their memories of the original, fetishizing the restaurant's own idiosyncrasies to an amazing degree.
People who, prompted by these discussions around race online, have begun to wonder whether they are fetishizing people of a particular race.
"Illmatic" and its unanimous acclaim have also lent themselves to overzealous fetishizing—the album stalks its creator not unlike that black cloud.
It's a couture-clad showcase centered around gold statues, in which fetishizing jewelry and fashion choices is a legitimate pre-game warm-up.
"There are some fat women I know who describe nearly any physical attraction from men as fetishizing," fat activist Your Fat Friend tweeted.
It helps create and excite gun-fetishizing, right-wing movements like The Tea Party, and it mainstreams the hate speech of white supremacists.
My 2013 show Demoiselles d'Avignon at Y Gallery envisioned Chinese princelings in 2063 fetishizing Western abstraction the way Picasso fetishized African masks [link].
I'm not sure about all this fetishizing by Two Trees of a sugar company linked to slave labor, monopoly capitalism and bad teeth.
Either way, the show treats the results as an exalted statement, as if fetishizing Dick were liberation for all women, not just Chris.
This is not a matter of "fetishizing our phones" but of protecting our financial and personal security from those who would violate it.
Digital humanities has been accused of fetishizing science, of acting as a Trojan horse for the corporate forces threatening the university, and worse.
Their poor fit represents Fan's experience as a Chinese person who has lived in Western-fetishizing places such as Canada and Hong Kong.
People and pages are often called out for fetishizing the mixing of races or only valuing ethnic minorities when they are combined with whiteness.
It doesn't always know what it wants to be, and it occasionally feels as if it's fetishizing the idea of a white guy antihero.
Meanwhile, actual Japanese women (well, Asian women in general) are subjected to people fetishizing their looks without any easy way to make it stop.
This part of his process began as a sort of pun, a satire of "New York painterly painting," with its endless fetishizing of gesture.
Society has a long and unfortunate history of gazing at and fetishizing trans women, but that has been less the case with trans men.
But while these plans are of a scale that makes refusing to address offsets downright dishonest, Democrats are fetishizing accounting returns beyond all reason.
Not to get all PSA, but regardless of which body part the current fad celebrates, pop culture's obsession with fetishizing body trends can be dangerous.
And I think that there is this fetishizing that's going on right now — you can take these concerns really too far and make yourself crazy.
But while Mr. Fattal feels great pride in sharing the story of Aleppo's grand culinary tradition, he questions whether some Canadians are fetishizing Syrian refugees.
Critics have called the concept offensive for fetishizing the portrayal of slavery, especially in a current political climate where overt racism has become more common.
I suggest to Sarah that, by engaging in rough sex, gay men and straight women might be fetishizing their own oppression, be that homophobia or misogyny.
But sexuality experts VICE spoke to say that the results are more complicated, and could actually show how common sexually fetishizing race may be in Canada.
The Futurists' condemnation of history-fetishizing museums is compelling, but they also presented a violent vision of progress that various fascist movements have read with approval.
Validation from others can feel hollow, their compliments tainted by our fear they are secretly fetishizing us or trying to boost us up out of kindness.
Tarantino made his bones fetishizing gangstery murder, torture, extortion — surrounding suffering with cheeky dialogue, burning with revenge, taking old genres and bending them into his own.
She asks difficult questions about the ebb and flow of power in relationships, and about the fetishizing (and limitations) of storytelling as a vehicle for empathy.
So far, they've done this by satirizing the tropes themselves (Scream), fetishizing the genre's inherent violence (Saw, Hostel), or tapping into more psychological fuckery (It Follows, Hereditary).
Ana: We rarely try to reflect our class—the broke get broker, so they can pass as rich, and the rich give themselves away by fetishizing poverty.
Last season at Valentino, the designer Pierpaolo Piccioli named each dress after the person who made it, practically fetishizing the artisan in the face of … well, Facebook.
The danger is fetishizing Asian features, a tendency that diminishes: If you are an exotic object or phenomenon, you may never become recognized or acknowledged as more.
Last season at Valentino, the designer Pierpaolo Piccioli named every dress after the person who made it, practically fetishizing the artisan in the face of … well, Facebook.
Recently, Kelly has suffered her share of misogynist attacks at the hands of Donald Trump and the horde of unicorn-fetishizing basement dwellers he calls a support base.
Then there are the critics — the accounts are often called out for fetishizing the mixing of races or only valuing ethnic minorities when they are combined with whiteness.
President Obama warned a tech conference earlier this month against "fetishizing" phones and made it clear that he supports law enforcement efforts to gain access to encrypted information.
I used to get offended when people asked what I am; I thought it was connected to fetishizing how I look, especially if it was a man asking.
The site also features erotic stories, pictures, and gifs, and all its content is free of the racially fetishizing and demeaning tags found on most free porn sites.
Although then that was fetishizing the moguls—families of power today still bought the houses, furnished, with every photograph, of old powerful families of LA, and touched nothing.
You just have to do it well — and part of doing it well involves treating your characters as human beings, and not luxuriating in and fetishizing their trauma.
Fetishizing troops and veterans is a phenomenon that extends beyond Trump, but he has been doing it very publicly — particularly in regard to appointing generals to his cabinet.
His fetishizing of Asian culture (theatrically preparing and white-splaining sushi for his daughter's Asian American boyfriend) is embarrassing, as is his continued obsession with his rival Cobra Kai.
The mythologizing and fetishizing of the "West" remains pervasive in New Mexico, where tourists expect to see harmful clichés such as ruthless cowboys, unoccupied landscapes, and primitive Native communities.
""My conclusion so far is that you cannot take an absolutist view on this," Obama said, characterizing advocates for strong encryption as "fetishizing our phones above every other value.
Admittedly, that's kind of a weird way of fetishizing the lunar surface—does DeWitt mean that the Moon lost its virginity to a bunch of Jersey-based light waves?
Fetishizing is a pretty good example of this, as preconceived notions about a person's race or ethnicity could inform much of what you assume about them in a sexual capacity.
You'd be forgiven for thinking that the show sounds like a recursive nostalgia loop, designed to cash in on our seemingly endless appetite for fetishizing the not-too-distant past.
I know a lot of women get comments on their body, but I'll get further comments usually about my genitalia, or about my physical presentation (like fetishizing my body hair).
Watching an ASMR video can make you feel a little weird (or tingly), or like you're fetishizing an object, but that's usually not the point of ASMR, Dr. Richard says.
When she's met with a range of reactions, from BBW fetishizing suitors to her diet pushing family, she discovers that her weight is a heavy matter — for everyone but her.
As a painter and as a black person, how do you talk about skin color without fetishizing it or exoticizing it, just talk about the way light reflects off surface?
Shot with restraint and beauty (but without either aestheticizing or fetishizing poverty), it's effective because it puts us in Saroo's shoes, understanding the dangers through a 5-year-old's perspective.
If, say, the stimulus was too small because Obama was a market-fetishizing neoliberal rather than a far-sighted leftist, simply replacing him with a leftist will solve the problem.
There are people out there who go looking for trans porn because they are fetishizing trans women and might not even know the proper terms that are acceptable socially today.
The praise he offers Sisi fits with a decades-old pattern of praise for authoritarian leaders — a history of Trump fetishizing a leader's appearance of "strength" over basic democratic values.
I know, I know: fetishizing an Apple product while trying to achieve mental clarity, through a practice that at its roots is supposed to help quell earthly desires, is borderline ridiculous.
But Bay's films have always had a strong contempt for entrenched authority, while fetishizing the bodies, weapons, and mindsets of the feet-on-the-ground soldiers who get the job done.
Women should never respond to culture's sexualization of the female body by further fetishizing it, but nor should we shift the burden of responsibility from male predators to women's clothing choices.
In the digital age, everyone's a critic of the everyday, turning the promise of our best life into a research binge and fetishizing the small differences that separate essentially similar experiences.
Minaj has also been under fire for collaborating with the controversial rapper Tekashi69, appropriating and fetishizing Asian culture, and recently getting engaged to a man convicted of attempted rape and manslaughter.
Kanye has a penchant for fetishizing the women who appear on the visual side of his work—and a willingness to strip women of their autonomy in order to make them desirable.
Some linguists, like John McWhorter, insist that "the world looks the same in any language" — and argue that claiming otherwise risks fetishizing some cultures ("Italians are a romantic people") and demeaning others.
In the context of the interview, Kiyoko was speaking to the industry's history of fetishizing same-sex relationships between women and her anti-gimmick stance on being portrayed as the industry's token lesbian.
Some reflect the 19th-century interest in science ("Salt Water and Fresh Water" for a duo of sisters) and the fetishizing of the "exotic" in foreign nations ("Tunis Orange Girl" and "Egyptian Queen").
That objectification thing is interesting; it reminds me of stuff I've read on the male gaze, and how it can almost slice women up, fetishizing them into a series of "ideal" body parts.
"The market is fetishizing bad news and convincing itself that the Fed will never be able to hike again," director of base and precious metals trading for BMO Capital Markets in New York.
If Beyoncé is going to have the word "feminist" written behind her in lights and she's going to write "Formation" and talk about black power, I'm not going to say she's fetishizing stuff.
When these fetishizing commenters objectify women, they do so in the most literal way possible: by considering a single part of their bodies as actual objects and debating how sexually arousing it is.
More than merely taking a side in a long-running coterie debate, Look's selective disclosures of its method stand out because they represent a way of pointing to artistic process without fetishizing it.
Rather than fetishizing a particular flower or color, their focus is on composition — the more distinctive, the better — a clear departure from the tidy, symmetrical centerpieces that defined the early 2000s floral aesthetic.
It harks back to the machine aesthetic of modernism and structural film's fetishizing of the medium, but might also be considered alongside the films of Amie Siegel and the photographs of Josephine Pryde.
It's like voluntourism, except instead of fetishizing your own compassion, third-world people and your ability to help them, you fetishize valuing intellectualism, "thought leaders" and your ability to breathe the same rarefied air.
For Selena Gomez in her "Fetish" video, love is the thing that makes her put a lot of strange items in her mouth to express her borderline deranged desire for someone she is... fetishizing over.
"Transsexuality is very fetishized in mainstream porn, so [we are] certainly creating a space and allowing people to be themselves without fetishizing their identity or trying to fit into some kind of niche," she says.
Kaveh Akbar's poems in "Calling a Wolf a Wolf" are about drinking and stopping drinking, and darkness, and fetishizing darkness, and also ultimately about delight — and they are so weird and wry about it all.
And if your channel is extremely well-worn, so to speak, take a beat to consider the difference between having a "type" you tend to be attracted to, and fetishizing people who fit a certain characterization.
Our millennial co-workers are correct to fault Generation X with fetishizing a worldview that is politically impotent, that represents a dead-end philosophically and aesthetically, and that is steeped in white, male, upper-class privilege.
Ms. Van Herpen has never been one for fetishizing the past or heritage technique: Her focus is on the transformations wrought by technology, and how they change our understanding of, and perspective on, what is possible.
But with that attention on the superficial aspect of art-making, elevating and fetishizing the eminent, the Shed can already feel too much like the cultural equivalent of the Cartier boutique in the mall next door.
Most of us walking around with these mini-miracles in our pockets and purses cannot imagine life without them — so much so that it prompted President Obama recently to suggest that we might even be "fetishizing" them.
Growing up in the '80s, he remembers watching comedies like Tootsie with Dustin Hoffman and Ladybugs with Rodney Dangerfield, a rash of stories told via the cis gaze which presented gender deception in titillating and fetishizing ways.
Nier Automata also tells us a story about Androids waking up to their own humanity, but goes further by examining both the illusive highs and the monstrous lows resulting from fetishizing and attempting to emulate that humanity.
That, in turn, means it's impossible not to think that this is a moment that demands that this kind of cultural artifact, one with its roots in fetishizing the bodies of women, really upend its own history.
There are a lot of things we want to look at — people that want to catch it, safe sex in the age of the Beauty, fetishizing the unattractive in a world where "perfect" is common, and more.
Maybe if we stopped fetishizing bodies as entitled objects, and viewed them as just a basic part of being human, celebs wouldn't have their nudes leaked and femme-presenting people could walk down the street without being harassed.
They also adopted a Romantic notion of authorship—fetishizing the originality of the fevered, Byronic genius—though jurists like the Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story found the standard of unstained originality all but useless for adjudicating copyright disputes.
This is capital-P Pop music, after all, a medium that justly or unjustly is about fetishizing youth — the heightened emotions, the horniness, the athletic live performances — and isolating the fickle tastes of a teen-skewing, music-consuming public.
In a follow-up blog post, Duffy accused Nest's leadership of "fetishizing only the most superfluous and negative traits of their mentors"—in other words, Fadell had emulated Steve Jobs' dark side but not his capacity for getting things done.
From laws justifying vigilante killings and permitting the arming of students on college campuses, to the reinvention of children's nursery rhymes by inserting a firearm narrative, the gun lobby is still fetishizing guns to promote its extremist point of view.
Far from fetishizing the unpleasantness of the characters' experiences, Pose focuses on the communities and relationships that make it possible for the crew to band together and love one another as the world expresses its often violent distaste for their lives.
This statement isn't as overtly transphobic as Bryce's, but the fact remains that A. Lucas considers Bruce Jenner to be dead, which implies that Caitlyn Jenner killed her cisgendered persona and B. Lucas is fetishizing the experience of a trans woman.
The first application IBM is announcing for its Verifier is as a part of the diamond trade, which is of course known for fetishizing the stones and their uniqueness, and also establishing elaborate supply trains to ensure product is carefully controlled.
But instead of fetishizing it, Mr. Lagerfeld democratized it, supersizing the space and creating a maze that allowed his entire 2,000-person audience, one that included Pharrell Williams and Jada and Willow Smith (a new Chanel ambassador), a front-row seat.
" Later on Saturday, Lisa Joy, an executive producer of "Westworld," told reporters and critics that any sexual violence in the show was treated with care and it was "not about the fetishizing of those acts — it is about exploring the crime.
The Help was a bestseller and a major success, but it was also the subject of a critique similar to the one American Dirt is experiencing now, with readers arguing that The Help gloried in fetishizing the pain of its subjects.
I wish that cisgender men could unpack their toxic masculinity and love trans women proudly and openly without fetishizing them I wish that people knew how tired we are of having to explain ourselves over and over and over again.
So if your argument is strong encryption no matter what, and we can't and shouldn't make black boxes, that I do not think strikes the balances we've struck for 200 or 300 years and it's fetishizing our phones above every other value.
It then proposes Picasso's fetishizing approach to Iberian sculpture; the magical sub-Saharan African Art that Paul Guillaume brought to Paris; the "primitivistic" proto-modernism of Paul Gauguin; and, most importantly, Paul Cézanne's desire to capture the tilted intricacies of human perception.
The 27-year-old mom and others who noticed the photos are upset: not just because social media users are fetishizing and gaining publicity through other people's kids, but more troublingly because they're editing the pictures to conform to unrealistic beauty standards.
If you can get past Jenny Holiday's fetishizing of her hunky hero's tattoos (I managed, barely), her ONE AND ONLY (Forever) is a satisfying iteration of the contemporary bridezilla subgenre, the first novel in a "Bridesmaids Behaving Badly" series set in Toronto.
Why to see it: Robbie's delightfully unhinged take on Harley Quinn was widely considered the best thing about "Suicide Squad," an otherwise objectively bad movie — but critics and fans were disappointed with how the film insisted on reducing and fetishizing the character.
Wesley Morris — Film: Stronger What to do with an actor in a type of role you dislike that's the centerpiece of a movie you don't care for, in part because it's set somewhere you wish the movies would, pretty please, stop fetishizing?
There were a few common threads: that yes, the bar for men was much too low, that Robbie was objectifying or fetishizing (or negging!) his wife, and that a slender, straight, cis white man should stay out of the whole body positivity discussion altogether.
Homegrown brands like Kappa and Fila, with which he collaborated for his Pitti Uomo outing, may be cultural touchstones for millions of male Italians (and, equally, United States hip-hop fans of the 1980s) and anathema to rappers who insist on fetishizing French designer labels.
Apple released a bunch of ASMR videos for some reason Brands do many strange and surprising things on YouTube, but this one really just hit me out of nowhere: The company that delights in fetishizing physical objects just got a whole lot more, well, intimate.
But to his fans, fetishizing wonky details is just a way of circumscribing policy proposals to what can be uncontroversially modeled in a world where obtaining and deploying concrete political power — not drawing up more and better white papers — is the crucial task for progressive politics.
If distroid, as Harper suggested, was "hi-fi to the point of actively fetishizing the hi-frequency hisses and twinkles that lo-fi was unable to produce," hardvapour sat somewhere in between distroid and vaporwave, hi-fi without fetishing hi-fi tools (laptops, DAWs, VST synths).
Perhaps because he grew up in a country that offhandedly integrates its ruins and monuments into daily life, neither fetishizing them nor letting them be bulldozed for high rises, De Cotiis feels free, even compelled, to explore the ambient tension between crumbling antiquity and futuristic minimalism.
Researchers surveyed 1,040 adults in Quebec to see how often they desired or practiced eight sexual behaviors defined as outside the norm in the manual – fetishizing objects, wearing clothes from the opposite sex, spying on strangers, displaying genitals to unsuspecting strangers, rubbing against a stranger, pedophilia, masochism and sadism.
In the case of "Kanata," leading Indigenous cultural figures countered that by omitting Canadian Indigenous people from the production, Ms. Mnouchkine and Mr. Lepage risked mishandling Indigenous people's suffering, fetishizing their history and depriving them of the imperative and catharsis of representing their own narrative to the world.
Make brownies and give them to a friend, family member, or neighbor This is just reinforcing my weird, eating disorder-behavior of fetishizing foods I don't allow myself to eat, watching other people eat these foods and asking them if it's delicious in the hope that I can taste the food osmotically. 19.
She is not seen in her entirety, as portions of the projection are lost in the holes between the fringe; add to that the hyper-feminine shade that serves as the screen itself, essentially fetishizing the idea of woman, rendering her inert and only able to lip-synch or "parrot" the man who is singing.
After years of tying himself down with compositional constraints and fetishizing old tech, Jack White's new record Boarding House Reach was similarly made with more freedom—the ability to cut up takes and twist them into new forms, drawing on the legacy of rap beats and house music that also reside in his native Detroit.
A publisher, lawyer, and fitness model, Bovino is also the author of dating books like "Field Guide to Chicks of the United States," which according to HuffPost "may be the worst book ever," and "Chicaspotting: A Field Guide to Latinas of the United States," which Vibe accused of fetishizing and dehumanizing women of color.
If tech and science innovation is supposed to make lives better, and it is, then we must move past fetishizing the tech itself and onto investigating whether it's lived up to its promise in addressing essential human needs, from our needs for knowledge, opportunity, and security, to our most basic need for healthy bodies and a healthy Earth.
In the first Strike mystery, Cuckoo's Calling, we are repeatedly treated to weirdly fetishizing descriptions of mixed-race black characters and this unbelievably sweaty passage: But while Indecipherably-of-Color Is Sexy and Beautiful, Cuckoo's Calling also lingers over the conniving, grasping Blackness of another character who holds a key piece of the puzzle in the murder case.
Although it's still rather strange to see a contemporary artist's retrospective housed in an institution that usually operates as an anthropological and ethnographic museum, the fact that the curators kept to the NMAI's mission of favoring the personal experiences of individual Native Americans — as opposed to fetishizing historical documents — is all the more beneficial to this show's presentation.
Featured works range from Rae Threat's stunning portraits of stars in the industry, to Laurenn McCubbin's candid video interviews with sex workers housed inside an installation recreating a strip club, to Logout's elaborate immersive piece portraying the mental interior of a black sex worker dealing with the fetishizing white gaze—in part, a dark room strewn with clothes and a bed covered in roses.
Perhaps equally astounding is that Sonny, a local black farmhand who spends the series being chased, beaten, and shot in literally every issue, gives Johnson a Confederate flag to drape himself in, and little of Johnson's attire changes over the course of the series — meaning he spends the story half-naked and voiceless, a characterization that's laden with the type of fetishizing covered by Wesley Morris in last year's piece on the taboos around black male sexuality.

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