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202 Sentences With "femurs"

How to use femurs in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "femurs" and check conjugation/comparative form for "femurs". Mastering all the usages of "femurs" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Five out of five tiny femurs, would not play again.
Her femurs were curved "like old-style telephone receivers," her mom says.
She also broke both femurs and has casts covering both her legs.
Here you can watch crocodiles slither into ponds and crunch on lamb femurs.
What he was looking at were bones: broken femurs, a jaw, a cracked skull.
Instead, they were clearly human: partial skeletons with femurs and skulls, vertebrae and rib bones.
Before the flight, researchers made small wounds in the animals' femurs then applied a new type of bandaging.
Uncontrollable muscle spasms bent his spine backwards at a sickening angle and snapped both his femurs like kindling.
But some bone daggers were forged from the femurs of respected men, especially those sourced from battle-proven warriors.
Buried in the sand were also a skull, an upper jaw with some teeth, some ribs and two femurs.
Now beef femurs, neck bones and knuckles spend 20 hours in a pot, riddled by fennel and coriander seeds.
Lynch was severely injured when she was hit head-on on a Minnesota freeway, shattering her femurs and thigh bones.
Many of these daggers were forged from the femurs of large birds, but some were made from the bones of humans.
Those are first-line choices and vital to her job, especially when treating things such as ruptured appendixes or broken femurs.
Then they went to my lungs, and down my femurs, and into the hives in my throat that hatch white cells.
So say I, the fae of femurs, the imp of iliums, the sylph of skulls, the pixie of pelvises, the skeleton fairy.
Brace yourself for skull garlands, chalices made of femurs, and an epic chandelier artfully comprised of every single bone in the human body.
Muñoz slid femurs and pelvic bones into the pants and lay Roberto's foot bones below, while Peccerelli lined up the vertebrae inside the shirt.
He built the skeleton large out of steel and titanium, with broad flaring scapulae, shining triple-butted femurs and spine, a great globe of skull.
With femurs the size of sofas and shoulder blades that look like truck beds, the titanosaur seems to strain both the laws of physics and evolution.
For the recent analysis, Harney and her team drilled into the femurs and long arm bones of dozens of skeletons from the lake to extract DNA.
They're meant to stimulate the lower body, from running to squats and dead lifts, as the largest percent of bone loss occurs in the pelvis and femurs.
Today, the gravel-and-sand terrain of the former base resembles a gruesome obstacle course, its pathways littered with human femurs and jawbones laced with broken teeth.
In addition to a few skulls, arm bones, numerous pelvises and femurs, along with the coat buttons, the investigators found fragments of coffin wood and coffin nails.
Sauropod skulls are notoriously rare in the fossil record, because their heads were small and delicate compared to more robust skeletal features like vertebrae, femurs, or pelvic girdles.
Pieces of spinal column are scattered on the dirt among sun-bleached hip joints, femurs, ribs and jawbones, which have a few yellowing teeth still sitting in their sockets.
Mastodon rib bones, vertebrae, and femurs showed distinct fracture lines that suggest they were broken while fresh — not run over by a truck or demolished by nature millennia later.
The Ukrainian Cossack dance is made possible by relatively short femurs, while Irish step dancing wouldn't have taken hold in a population where people could easily do a split.
Sure, the child was terrified, but "it was scary" is simply not a major driver of injury cases; things like shattered femurs or torn rotator cuffs are what drive damages.
This means women's femurs rotate internally from the hip joint, and the knees end up lining up inside the hips—which, over time, can cause painful musculoskeletal and misalignment problems.
On a routine motorcycle ride to lunch, Quinn and a minivan collided, leaving him with two broken femurs, a broken arm and a broken jaw, as well as head trauma.
But glance a bit farther, behind the orderly stacks of femurs adorned with evenly spaced skulls, and you'll see more bones just piled up, bracing against the pattern holding them in.
Barber would raise the cows on pasture, as always, and after slaughtering them for meat, he'd give the bones (mostly femurs, their marrow consumed) to Moore, who would transform them into tableware.
Several forensic anthropologists, all trained by Burns and Snow and none of them much older than Peccerelli, were using paintbrushes and chopsticks to whittle away at dirt embedded in eye sockets, skulls and femurs.
The catacombs museum of the Convent of San Francisco is another fascinating slice of history, and I explored a maze of Franciscan crypts dating to the 1600s, seeing skulls and femurs along the way.
The scooter careened into oncoming traffic and Caleb was struck by a tractor-trailer, leaving him with a series of serious injuries, including two broken femurs, a broken pelvis and broken skull, according to WGN.
In January 2017, a kindergarten student with special needs broke his thigh bone at a Jefferson County elementary school; in 2014, administrators at another school in the county broke a teenage boy's femurs when they restrained him.
But because this person was buried under about a half-meter (1.6 feet) of broken pottery and sand deposits, much of the skeleton remained intact, including two arm bones, two femurs, several ribs, and a partial skull with teeth.
I cannot picture her on her laptop carefully selecting her own seat like the rest of us, agonizing over whether to plunk down an extra 30 bucks so that our femurs can fit along with our torsos in the seat.
Of the mammoth parts, eight skulls, five jaws, 100 vertebrae, 179 ribs, 11 scapulae and five humeri have been recovered, as well as ulnas (cubes of a long bone), pelvic bones, femurs, tibiae and other small bones, according to the institute.
Now, researchers from Japan have identified what they believe to be another feature that sets the reptiles apart: Alligators tend to have shorter humerus bones in their forelimbs and shorter femurs in their hind limbs than crocodiles, the team reported last week.
The athletes reported to a lab, where scientists measured their body composition, with particular focus on the density of their bones, both over all and in their lower spines and the tops of their femurs — portions of the skeleton that can indicate general bone health.
After discussing a recent trip to Czech Republic where Marshall, his mother and then-girlfriend visited a church with "these huge tombs [made] out of skulls and chandeliers out of hip bones and femurs," talk turns to the debut single from The OOZ, "Czech One," and its music video.
The marvelous Bone Garden is "an open-air curiosity cabinet" with the bleached skulls, ribs, tibias and femurs of donkeys, goats, rabbits, sheep, cats and dogs nailed to tree trunks; garlands of jawbones and fringes of vertebrae are draped over branches, and there's a totem pole for dancing around.
Hungry City 8 Photos View Slide Show ' Here is a dish that brokered a marriage, that won a pledge of undying love: hu tieu Nam Vang, a Southern Vietnamese noodle soup with Chinese and Khmer roots, built on pork femurs heavy with marrow, dried squid like brittle fans and dried shrimp shrunk into briny knots.
I found it so relaxing and rejuvenating — the perfect antidote to staring at a computer all day or constantly checking my iPhone — to just gaze across those mirror-flat lakes and smell the wild jasmine in the air and watch giraffes saunter past so delicately it looked like their long femurs were filled with helium — that's how lightly and soundlessly these giants float across the earth.
Offill's agent once described that book as an X-ray rather than a novel, but in "Weather" we have something like an inverted X-ray: a narrative that illuminates not the obvious bones of the story but its unexpected details; not the bold lines of your femurs but the detritus in your pockets — the crumpled receipts, the pacifier dropped on the sidewalk, the key whose lock you can't remember.
The front legs are almost completely yellow, but the upper sides of the femurs are black. The middle and the rear legs are orange, but the femurs of the rear legs completely black. In the middle leg pair, the femurs may be completely black or with only black rear sides. The rather large larvae may reach a length of about 30 millimeters.
Scutellum has 8 bold spots, the central one is large and shield shaped surrounded by other smaller ones. Connexivum is pinkish. Legs are pubescent. Coxae and femurs (except apices) are brownish, apices of femurs and rest of the parts black.
The legs are relatively large, especially the femurs, and very compressed laterally. Spines are present near the distal tip of the femurs and absent in the tibiae. The tarsi are longer than the tibiae. C. schmitzi exhibit polymorphism, with three physical castes - minor, median, and major ("soldier") workers.
Individuals from Ghana tend to have red heads, and those from Guinea have yellow femurs and shiny black propodeums.
This results in decreased strength in the forelimbs relative to body size for humans compared to apes. Having long hindlimbs and short forelimbs allows humans to walk upright, while orangutans and gibbons had the adaptation of longer arms to swing on branches. Apes can stand on their hindlimbs, but they cannot do so for long periods of time without getting tired. This is because their femurs are not adapted for bipedalism. Apes have vertical femurs, while humans have femurs that are slightly angled medially from the hip to the knee, thus making human knees closer together and under the body’s center of gravity.
While there are formulae that can be applied to determining MNI, it is essentially a logic game. If there were two femurs, a left and a right, then the MNI=1. If there were two left femurs then the MNI=2. If there are three examples of a right humerus, then obviously that implies there were at least three individuals.
The femurs of the hind legs have greenish, blue and yellow striations, and the hind tibia have reddish or bluish iridescence, and black and white spines.
All patients indicated satisfaction with the bone product. In another study, which examined replicate goat femurs, hydroxyapatite nanocrystals were produced and mixed on- site before loading a 3D printer. The study noted a slight decrease in compressive strength of the femurs, which could be attributed to imperfect printing and an increased ratio of cancellous bone. In general, 3D printing techniques produce implants with few adverse effects in patients.
Antennae have four segments. Femurs are thorny and enlarged, while tibias are yellowish- brown and curved. This species is rather similar to Alydus calcaratus, that has rectilinear tibias.
Penguins, loons, and puffins are without pneumatized bones entirely. Flightless birds, such as ostriches and emus, have pneumatized femurs and, in the case of the emu, pneumatized cervical vertebrae.
Otiorhynchus rhacusensis can reach a length of about 15 mm. The basic color of the body is whitish, with flat reddish granules on the pronotum and elytrae and reddish femurs.
One of these has twenty rectangular window boxes arrayed behind and above the altar, five wide by four tall. The size of these glass window boxes is such that the femurs of the priests thus interred are a bit too long to lie flat and so must be leaned up in an "X" formation. The other bones fill in the spaces around the femurs with the skull sitting prominently on top of the bone pile centered above the "X".
The legs are mostly brownish black, but have some blue on the upper mid and hind femurs. The female sapphire rockmaster is predominantly brown and olive-green, and also has smoky-coloured wings. Its legs are dark brown with light brown upper segments of mid and hind femurs. The upperside of its abdomen is a dark olive-green, with a darker dorsal line prominently running down the midline, which widens into a roughly triangular pattern at the rear end of each segment (tergum).
The dorsal surface is covered with dense black hairs. The membrane is black. Legs are black, femurs and tibiae are often partly red or yellow. Calocoris nemoralis is usually red coloured with black dots.
The ventrum is greyish while the femurs are reddish. The iris is golden. Males have a greyish throat. The male advertisement call is a series of two or three clacks/pulses sounding like "quack-quack".
The hind wings are transparent milky. The tibiae of the hindlegs and the underside of the femurs are reddish. It can be distinguished from similar species by the front wings (tegmina) shorter than the abdomen.
The Simpleware AS Ortho (Auto Segmentation for Orthopedics) module uses Artificial Intelligence-based Machine Learning for automated segmentation of hips and knees. The module enables users to segment bones and/or cartilage, including common landmarks. Hip segmentation from CT scans includes: proximal femurs, pelvis, and sacrum, with hip landmarks placed on the pelvis, coccyx, and femurs. For knee segmentation from PD weighted MRI scans, regions of interest include: femur, tibia, and associated cartilage, patella, and fibula, with knee landmarks placed on the femur and tibia.
The adult Tephritis neesii has a blackish-brown body, with a paler powder on the surface, which is less pronounced on the abdomen. The body bears short black hairs, the tips of which appear yellow in reflected light. The legs are rufous, as is the head; the face is white, and the frons is greyish in the centre. Males have dark femurs and the third segment of each antenna is dark brown, whereas females have yellow femurs, and a vaguely brown third segment to the antenna.
This species reaches a body length of to . The wings have a dark pattern on their front edge. The legs (femurs) are coloured yellow and contain three dark rings. They are found in forests in Europe.
However, the latter estimates are problematic as there were no positively identified male P. boisei femurs at the time. In 2013, a 1.34 Ma male P. boisei partial skeleton was estimated to be at least and .
Tergite 1-3 are mainly black. The legs are yellow-brown. Femurs 2 and 3 are uniformly pale, sometimes with a small darkened spot. In males tergite is 5 black with broad yellow band at hind border.
MCZ 4121 represents a few vertebrae, a pair of scapulocoracoids (mislabeled as belonging to Lagosuchus) and portions of the hip and hindlimbs, including two complete femurs. He also suggested that Lagerpeton was the probable identity of several incomplete tibiae and fibulae preserved along with several gomphodont skeletons in slab MCZ 3691. However, later authors have doubted the referral of most MCZ material to Lagerpeton, with only the MCZ 4121 femurs being confidently referred to the genus. Andrea Arcucci described two PVL specimens, PVL 4619 and 4625, in 1986.
The snout is pointed at tip and extends into a dermal projection, especially in females. All fingers have rudiments of webbing. The toes are up to three-fourths webbed. The chin, venter, and undersides of femurs are granulate.
T. zebra has dusky-brown femurs, spinnerets, chelicerae, and cephalothorax. All other leg segments are chestnut-brown. The abdomen is purplish-brown, with five grey stripes running backward and five median grey spots. It is 17 mm (including chelicerae).
Nymph of S. cingulatus Sphedanolestes cingulatus can reach a length of about . These large and powerfully built bugs are almost completely black. The connexivum (the edge of the abdomen) is black with red stripes. Sphedanolestes cingulatus has strong femurs (thighs).
Warszawa: PWN, Polski Związek Entomologiczny, 1956 This species is very similar to Ogcodes pallipes, that has monocolor femurs, and to Ogcodes gibbosus, that shows different shapes of the bands on tergites, yellowish halteres knob and transparent margin of the calypter.
Tenthredo crassa can reach a length of about . These large sawflies have a black head, thorax and abdomen, with black femurs, yellowish tibiae and tarsi. Antennae are black, with white three final segments. The mandibles are whitish at the base.
Wings are brownish-yellow, with dark brown costa. Theobald, Frederick Vincent, An account of British flies- The Bibionidae (1892), pg. 163 London :E. Stock,1892. This species is rather similar to Bibio pomonae, but this last species has red-colored femurs.
Differences in the proportions, not the size, of the femurs (thighbones) led Holly Barden and Susannah Maidment to realize that Kentrosaurus probably showed sexual dimorphism. This dimorphism of the femurs consisted in them being either more or less robust than the other. The occurrence ratio of the robust morph to the gracile one was 2:1, and it is likely that the higher percentage of animals were females. Because of this ratio, it was considered reasonable to assume that in their society, Kentrosaurus males mated with more than one female, a behaviour also found in other vertebrates.
Christian Jürgens, Hergo Schmidt, U. Schümann, B. Fink: Der Ilisarow-Ringfixateur und seine technische Anwendung. Der Unfallchirurg 95 (1992), p. 529–533.H. R. Kortmann, M. Papenhagen: Die Frakturbehandlung des Femurs mit dem Ilisarow-Fixateur. Der Unfallchirurg 95 (1992), p. 534–536.
It is hypothesized that antlers developed as size indicators and not as weapons so that the males can avoid wasting time and energy in fights against larger males. Also, males have pronounced spines on their fore femurs that are used to grip females.
Black setae cover the legs, particularly occurring on the black bands at the apices of the tibia and femurs. These setae are more numerous in males than females. Adult B. nobilis flies generally have thoraxes with colors varying by segment and sex.
The dark areas of the elytra are moderately shiny and have a lustre that is metallic and bronze or green in colour. The elytra also begin to widen behind the middle. They have dark antennae and femurs, but pale tibias and tarsi.
Coe 1999, p.94. The king's skeleton was missing its skull, its femurs and one of its hands while the skeletons of the sacrificial victims were intact. Burial 85 dates to the Late Preclassic and was enclosed by a platform, with a primitive corbel vault.
In the condition genu valgum (knock knee) the femurs converge so much that the knees touch one another. The opposite extreme is genu varum (bow- leggedness). In the general population of people without either genu valgum or genu varum, the femoral-tibial angle is about 175 degrees.
Stenobothrus rubicundulus has a pronotum length of about , a tegmen length of about and a hind femur length of about . Body is mainly green, while abdomen and hind femurs are orange-reddish. Wings are dark brown and broadened, with harshly sclerotised veins. Males are quite good fliers.
The worker ranges in length from . It is larger than Odontomachus troglodytes, with a petiolar node that is higher and more compressed. The labial palps have four segments. The colouring varies across its large range, with most forms being some shade of brown, with brown femurs and yellowish legs.
On the front of the thorax there is a small yellow stripe. On each side of the 1st tergite there is a white spot. The 3rd, 4th and 5th segments of the abdomen are reddish, while the apical segments are black. The legs are mostly brown, with black femurs.
However, noting prominent differences between their femurs which cannot be attributed to variation with age, Rodrigo Muller rejected this proposal in 2017. He further noted that, while D. romeri is known from juveniles only, it shares many traits in common with D. gigas, which is known from mature specimens.
The ilia have a triangular acetabulum, and a reduced but still quite robust dorsal process. The pubis is round, and has an open obdurator foramen, but the ischium is almost entirely hidden. The femurs are slender and slightly sigmoid, with distinct striations on both ends. They are 14 mm long.
Trypeta immaculata have wings of about . Ho-Yeon Han, A. L. Norrbom A systematic revision of the New World species of Trypeta Meigen (Diptera: Tephritidae) These fruit flies have the hind femurs without any strong anteroventral subapical setae. The first flagellomere is apically rounded. Head shows two pairs of orbital setae.
In utero sonographic diagnosis is possible when characteristic features such as bilateral bowed femurs and tibia, clubbed feet, prominent curvature of the neck, a bell-shaped chest, pelvic dilation, and/or an undersized jaw are apparent. Radiographic techniques are generally used only postnatally and also rely on prototypical physical characteristics.
Because he lived at the same time as John Rogan, he was probably never the tallest man in the world. At the age of 14 years, he reportedly already measured . Koch's femurs were the longest ever measured, at , and his hands were reportedly long. His feet were claimed to have a length of .
Vagrancy laws date to the end of feudalism in Europe. Introduced by aristocratic and landowning classes, they had the dual purpose of restricting access of "undesirable" classes to public spaces and of ensuring a labor pool. Serfs were not emancipated from their land.Stewart, White Codes and Broken Femurs (1998), pp. 2257–2258.
Femora assigned to Asilisaurus seem to exhibit both "slender" and "robust" morphologies. On average, "robust" femurs are larger and have more prominent bone scars. Many other dinosauriforms are known to possess these different morphologies, such as coelophysids, Masiakasaurus, and Silesaurus. This variation has traditionally (but perhaps incorrectly) been interpreted as sexual dimorphism.
D. spurensis compared to a human Desmatosuchus was a large quadruped upwards of 4.5 meters in length. Its vertebral column had amphicoelus centra and 3 sacral vertebrae. The scapulae had large acromion processes. The forelimbs were much shorter than the hindlimbs, with humeri less than two-thirds the length of the femurs.
The beetle has enlarged femurs for its main locomotion method of hopping. The female lays eggs on or near the ragwort, its host plant. The larva emerges in about two weeks and burrows into the ground to feed on the roots. The larvae and adults are dually responsible for damage to the plant.
Only a male preserved since 1875 has been described, initially incorrectly as Euathlus truculentus. Its body length is 55 mm; the fourth leg is longest at 67 mm. The general colour is blackish brown, with long orange-red hairs on the abdomen and legs. The femurs of the legs have bronze gold hairs.
The limb shortening is fundamentally confined to the proximal limb segments i.e. Femurs and humeri. A known presenting feature is a waddling gait, noticed at the onset of walking. A prompt diagnosis of a skeletal dysplasia in general and Pseudoachondroplasia in specific is still based upon a comprehensive clinical and radiographic correlation.
The basic color of the body is black. They show a very prominent crown of thorns on thorax and red and black warning colors on the edge of the abdomen (laterotergites). On the hemelytra are present a few red markings. Legs are rather long, with red and black femurs and completely red tibiae.
At the extremities of the pedipalps, males have the copulatory organs. Legs are yellow or red-brown. In males they are red and black ringed and femurs show several strong bristles along the whole length. This species is very similar to Araniella cucurbitina, that shows only 1-4 pairs of black lateral spots on abdomen.
Partially destroyed grave (burial number 3a) was found in 1987 and contained remains of a young person, who had died at the age of less than 25 years. There was no burial goods and no wooden structures. The skeleton was incomplete, without some leg bones and right hand bones. The skull was between the femurs.
This beetle is approximately 18mm in length. It is predominantly dark brown in various shades of red and has a white stripe over each of its two wing covers. Its femurs are the largest of all longicorn beetles. As is typical for longicorn beetles, its antennae are extremely long - three times the length of its body.
Manuel Rodríguez with his "Hussars of Death" dress. The Hussars of Death () were a paramilitary group founded by Chilean guerrilla Manuel Rodríguez Erdoíza after the Second Battle of Cancha Rayada, on March 23, 1818. Hussars of Death. Their uniform was identical to Hussars of Galicia's, but in black, with a skull over two femurs in the neck.
There are no lobes or projections on the propodeum, rather it is smoothly rounded. The legs are slim with a developed grove on the femurs forming trochantellus. The fore-legs have a calcar, or enlarged and modified seta, present. There are small brushes of grouped setae on the interior surfaces of both the protibia and probasitarsus.
Both femurs are preserved with the specimen, but the rest of the right leg is missing. The left zeugopodium, tarsus, tibia, and fibula are preserved though the tibia is disarticulated slightly. The foot is composed of three tarsal ossifications and five metatarsals. The tarsal ossifications do not show signs that the bones were connected to each other during life.
At the anterodorsal margin of the acetabulum the ilium and pubis connect posteriorly to form it. The pubis does not fuse to the ilium but instead twists to lay 90 degrees to the iliac blade. Femurs are preserved in both fossils and are slender, elongated bones with a sigmoidal curve.Berman, David S., and Robert R. Reisz.
It was estimated to be 2 million years old, when the area of Belgrade was the edge of a Quaternary lake. The skeleton was almost undisturbed, with especially well preserved mandible with teeth, which were used to identify the species. The ribs and femurs were also in excellent shape. The bones were transported to the Museum of Serbian Land.
By crossbreeding mice with the abnormal Type I collagen and those with the knockout myostatin, the offspring had "a 15% increase in torsional ultimate strength, a 29% increase in tensile strength, and a 24% increase in energy to failure" of their femurs as compared to the other mice with osteogenesis imperfecta, showing the positive effects of decreased myostatin on bone strength and formation.
Leucospis gigas Leucospis is a genus of wasps belonging to the family Leucospidae. Most species are brightly coloured with yellow and black patterning and about 2 cm long. They have characteristically enlarged femurs on the hind leg with the lower margin toothed. The wings have a longitudinal fold and the long ovipositor is bent over their backs above the abdomen or metasoma.
Scaeva selenitica can reach a length of , with a wing length of . These large distinctive hoverflies have sparse, fine light hair. Thorax is shiny black, scutellum is yellowish-green and the abdomen is dark black, The legs are light brown-yellow in the middle, while femurs and feet are darker. The abdomen shows three pairs of yellow comma markings (lunules).
The holotype fossil, SAM-PK-1070, is preserved in negative relief and has a partial skull, mandibles, axial skeleton, pectoral and pelvic girdles, osteoderms, and femur elements. The preserved femurs include a complete left and partial right. Partial skull elements present are the maxilla, quadrate, parabasisphenol, jugal, quadratojugal, mandible, and the palate. Little of the skull roof remains in this specimen.
Platymeris rhadamanthus can reach a length of . The basic color of the body is black, with orange or red spots on the hemelytra. The legs are covered with short hair, and femurs are crossed by a red band. Both the orange-spot and red-spot color forms have the same morphological characters including the morphology of male and female genitalia.
On mesonotum submedial dorsal stripes are absent or very weakly developed. The head is quite large, with large reddish eyes. The lower part of frons is pale, while the upper part and the ocellar triangle are uniformly black. The snout is elongated with narrow white cheeks, Femurs 1 and 2 are black, while femur 3 is pale on its basal half.
Adults are about in length and have nine segments in their antennae, while nymphs have eight. Adults have winged forms with eyes, and females occur in blind, wingless forms. The wings, when present, are membranous and paddle-shaped, the fore wings being larger than the hind wings. The hind legs have distinctive stiff spines on the underside of the femurs.
Male diving beetles have suctorial cups on their forelegs that they use to grasp females. Other beetles have fossorial legs widened and often spined for digging. Species with such adaptations are found among the scarabs, ground beetles, and clown beetles (Histeridae). The hind legs of some beetles, such as flea beetles (within Chrysomelidae) and flea weevils (within Curculionidae), have enlarged femurs that help them leap.
The femoral-tibial angle is the angle between the femur and tibia. In humans, the two femurs converge medially toward the knees, where they articulate with the proximal ends of the tibiae. The angle of convergence of the femora is a major factor in determining the femoral-tibial angle. In human females the femora converge more than in males because the pelvic bone is wider in females.
A pelvic binder is a device used to compress the pelvis in those with a pelvic fracture in an effort to stop bleeding. They are specifically recommended for open book pelvic fractures and might not be useful in those with lateral compression fractures. A bed sheet may be used as well. The device should be placed over the upper femurs specifically the greater trochanters.
The area that these warts cover varies, with some specimens displaying them from their eyes to their arms and others displaying it from their eyes to their femurs. One specimen even had the warts covering the entire body. The Guajira stubfoot toad has short legs with rounded fingers and toes. While its fingers are unwebbed, its toes are broadly webbed, though its first toe is distinct.
The Patagopteryx had feet with fused bones, much like modern birds. The bird did not have a wishbone, meaning that it would have been impossible for it to have had the muscles necessary for flying. The legs had very short femurs, characteristic of a running animal. The second toe has a curved claw, but it does not appear to have been used as a weapon.
Female of Sceliphron caementarium feeding on nectar Sceliphron caementarium can reach a length of . Their petiole is black and is about half the length of the entire abdomen. The thorax shows various yellow markings, while the abdomen is normally black, with yellow propodeum (typical of females). The eyes are black, the antennae are black, and the legs are yellow with black trochanters and femurs.
If disturbed, they will raise their forelegs, hiss, and gnash their jaws; they stridulate by rubbing their femurs against their abdomen, and males can make a rasping noise by rubbing their tusks together. Both sexes will also defecate foul-smelling liquid faeces. Despite these displays, they rarely bite when handled. Eggs are laid in the soil and take anywhere from three to nine months to hatch.
B. nobilis is a medium-sized Bezzia species with wing lengths ranging from 1.5 mm to 2.6 mm. Their wings are white but contain thin yellow veins that may give the wings a yellowish tint. Their legs have distinct stripes, with thick alternating bands of yellow and black. These black bands are located specifically on the bases and apices of the femurs and tibia of adult flies.
Two femurs were found, a left and right side. The left femur was found nearly complete, broken in two and missing only the caput femoris. Evidence for large muscle attachment can be observed as a depression along the entire width of the femur. The shape of the femur is similar in morphology to the extinct species L. falconeri, but agrees more closely in length with L. dubius.
After some days in the Intermediate Care Unit, Gabriel was moved to the Fleni rehabilitation centre in the city of Escobar on October 10th. Contrary to what some media outlets said, both people in the car were wearing their safety belts. The passenger in the car was Cabezones singer César Andino, who suffered two broken femurs, one of them an open fracture. He is now recovering positively after several surgical procedures.
Group of megabats roosting When not flying, bats hang upside down from their feet, a posture known as roosting. The femurs are attached at the hips in a way that allows them to bend outward and upward in flight. The ankle joint can flex to allow the trailing edge of the wings to bend downwards. This does not permit many movements other than hanging or clambering up trees.
It could be confused with Tettigonia cantans, whose wings are a centimeter shorter than the ovipositor, or Tettigonia caudata whose hind femurs bear conspicuous black spines. The morphology of both sexes is very similar, but the female has an egg-laying organ (ovipositor) that can reach a length of . It reaches the end of the elytra and is slightly curved downward.Michael Chinery, Insectes de France et d'Europe occidentale, Flammarion, 320 p.
This femur had an estimated length of 29.6-39.6 cm (11.7-15.6 in), more than twice the length of the next largest Asilisaurus femurs. The specimen belonged to one of the largest known pre-Norian avemetatarsalians, only exceeded by some Herrerasaurus specimens. Uncertainty over the stratigraphic position of the specimen and a lack of unambiguously Asilisaurus-like traits means that it is not certain that NHMUK R16303 belongs to Asilisaurus.
The cockroach is flattened dorsolaterally and is roughly oval with a shield-like plate, the pronotum, covering its thorax and posterior region of the head. The antennae are many-segmented, long and slender, and the mouthparts are adapted for chewing. The forewings are normally leathery and the hind wings membranous. The coxae of the legs are flattened to enable the femurs to fit neatly against them when folded.
The king baboon spider is rusty brown to orange in color. They live in the shrublands and grasslands of east Africa, often using vegetation as a protective cover for their burrows. They are one of the few tarantulas that use stridulation as a major defense mechanism in addition to rearing up and striking. They produce the stridulation sound effect by rubbing the femurs of their first and second pairs of legs.
A detailed radiographic examination of the axial and appendicular skeleton is invaluable for the differential diagnosis of Pseudoachondroplasia. Coxa vara (reduced neck shaft angle), broad femoral necks, short femurs and humeri, and bullet-shaped vertebrae are noticeable radiographic features. Additionally, the presence of metaphyseal broadening, cupping and dense line of ossification about the knee can simulate rachitic changes. These radiographic features are collectively known as rachitic-like changes.
A specimen from Sri Lanka The species can identified from other tiger spiders by prominent brushes on femurs and a prominent dark triangular stripe on the femur of fourth pair of legs in ventrally. Males are about 5 cm in length, females are larger at 6–7 cm. In females, the dorsal carapace is similar to P. fasciata. The abdomen markings are slightly darker around the joint to the peduncle.
Antennae show the same color as the body, with lighter rings. The posterior lobe of the head ends in a cylindrical neck. The pronotum is almost hexagonal and carries two broad and rounded apophyses in the shape of an obtuse cone. The diameter of the anterior femurs is at least three times the diameter of the mid and posterior ones, while the tibiae are all of the same thickness.
The bones of the newborn or unborn infants consisted of some whole skeletons as well as dismembered femurs and skulls. These remains are particularly intriguing since they point to the possibility of human sacrifice, a ritual without direct evidence in the Olmec archaeological record. The infant remains are each associated with, and subordinate to, the burial of a wooden bust. It is not known how the infants died.
They have black cephalothoraxes and abdomens with golden urticating hairs. The coxae, trochanters and femurs are also black, but the patellae, tibiae, metatarsi, and tarsi are reddish light brown. K. brunnipes males differ from others in the Theraphosinae subfamily by having a long and downwards pointing embolus with prolateral accessory keels, and by the ability of the first metatarsus to fold between the two branches of the tibial spur.
Researchers examined the interaction between the inhabitants of Pigi Artemidos, their environment, and the different burial cultures. Despite relatively few skeletons, the poor state of preservation and damage to the bones during excavation, human remains were excavated for examination. They were subject to a visual examination and X-rayed. Age assessment was performed by investigating tooth development and measuring certain bones (including femurs and bones of the arms).
Human femurs and humerus from Roman period, with evidence of healed fractures The study of bones and teeth is referred to as osteology. It is frequently used in anthropology, archeology and forensic science for a variety of tasks. This can include determining the nutritional, health, age or injury status of the individual the bones were taken from. Preparing fleshed bones for these types of studies can involve the process of maceration.
The femurs are dark brown, while the other segments and middle legs are a solid shade of lighter brown. They have many of the same characters as members of Castianeira, but can be distinguished by a posterior eye row that is procurved, a labium that is almost two times longer than it is wide, fourth legs that are the same length as the front legs, and trochanters that do not have any notches.
The adults grow up to long and can be encountered from May to The head, the antennae and the thorax are black, while the abdomen is reddish orange. Femurs are black and tibiae are yellow. This species is very similar to Arge cyanocrocea, but in A. melanochroa the front wings have just a dark spot in proximity of the stigma, while the distal half (the apex) of the wings is transparent.
Valentinis was known for her ecstatic trances as well as the noted gift of healing others. She became known for her ardent devotion to the Eucharist and to the Passion of Jesus Christ. Valentinis also placed 33 pebbles in her shoes as an act of penance. Valentinis became bedridden in 1455 after fracturing both her femurs in a fall and she preferred a pallet of stones and straw to an actual bed.
A. harvardi is a species of hippo first described in 1977, originally as Hexaprotodon harvardi. Although the proportions of A. harvardi and A. lothagamensis are similar, the former species is significantly smaller. Femurs of A. harvardi are approximately the same size as those of the modern hippopotamus. Another group of fossils, originally described as Hexaprotodon sahabiensis or the Abu Dhabi Hippopotamus, are now considered to belong to A. harvardi or A. lothagamensis.
Retrieved 2008-05-04. Alma Guillermoprieto of the Post, who visited the village separately a few days later, wrote of "dozens of decomposing bodies still seen beneath the rubble and lying in nearby fields, despite the month that has passed since the incident... countless bits of bones—skulls, rib cages, femurs, a spinal column—poked out of the rubble". Both reporters cited Rufina Amaya, a witness who had escaped into a tree during the attack.
At birth, only the metaphyses of the "long bones" are present. The long bones are those that grow primarily by elongation at an epiphysis at one end of the growing bone. The long bones include the femurs, tibias, and fibulas of the lower limb, the humeri, radii, and ulnas of the upper limb (arm + forearm), and the phalanges of the fingers and toes. The long bones of the leg comprise nearly half of adult height.
Mating and egg-laying can take place at any time of year but usually peaks in May/June and late October/January. The male is much smaller than the female and clings onto one of her femurs while mating. The females may mate several times with different males, before moving to the ground to lay a clutch of eggs in a shallow pit. Other clutches are laid at intervals of a few weeks.
The captain, translator and CBS crew were closest to the explosion. Dozier underwent more than two dozen major surgeries in the two months following the bombing. Doctors removed shrapnel from her head, rebuilt her shattered femurs, and applied skin grafts to extensive burns on both legs. Dozier was first treated at the Baghdad Combat Support Hospital, and the medical facility at Balad, Iraq, before being medevacked to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, the U.S. military's largest overseas hospital.
The sample of pottery dated to 1210 AD and 1350 AD. In 1939 the University of Nebraska Archaeological Survey excavated two pits. In the late 1950s George A. Agogino and a crew of excavators went out to the site to dig test pits. Agogino at the time of the excavation taught anthropology course and the University of Nebraska. The pits the crew dug were about 18 inches in depth and contained femurs, tibias, and fragments of skulls.
A hip spica cast is a sort of orthopedic cast used to immobilize the hip or thigh. It is used to facilitate healing of injured hip joints or of fractured femurs. A hip spica includes the trunk of the body and one or both legs. A hip spica which covers only one leg to the ankle or foot may be referred to as a single hip spica, while one which covers both legs is called a double hip spica.
Dimkaroski created over 30 wooden and bone replicas of the flute and experimented with them. The replicas were made from femurs of juvenile brown bears provided by the Hunters Association of Slovenia, but also calf, goat, pig, roe and red deer bones. In the end, he concentrated on playing a replica made on a femur of a juvenile cave bear from Divje Babe I Cave, to come as close as possible to the dimensions of the original.
Final instar nymph European peacock caterpillar Picromerus bidens is a large (12 to 13.5 mm long) and distinctive predatory shieldbug. It shows a thick rostrum directed away from head. Body colour is quite variable, generally light to dark brown or bluish, with red-brown antennae and legs and two unmistakable thorn-like brown projections on the sides of the pronotum (hence the species name bidens, meaning "with two teeth"). Front femurs are armed with a ventral spine distally.
They have numerous small spines on their body and on their hind legs. Both sexes are wingless and look very similar. They exhibit the sexual dimorphism of many phasmids, as the males are darker, smaller and thinner and have enlarged hind leg femurs with a curved spine or thorn on the underneath side. Females are also brighter than the males and have a larger abdomen tipped with a beak-shaped ovipositor with which they lay the eggs in damp soil.
Archaeocete femurs are generally much shorter. The femoral head is spherical and, at maximum, has a width of , similar to Indocetus but much larger than mesonychids and Rodhocetus. The trochanteric fossa, supporting the lateral rotator group at the hip, is quite deep, but other than this, the femur does not seem to have supported particularly strong extensor or flexor muscles. The femoral condyles of Ambulocetus are quite long compared to those of other archaeocetes and mesonychids, suggesting the knee was capable of hyperflexion.
She spent her first years in Uvalde, Texas, and then moved to Austin and then Lago Vista, Texas, where she attended middle and high school. Diagnosed at the age of 4 with McCune-Albright syndrome, she experienced a number of bone fractures (leg, hip, and arm) and surgeries to remedy the impact of the disease. This required her to use body casts, crutches and a wheelchair at various times. Her femurs and tibias were eventually rodded with steel and titanium rods.
The pelvic girdle consisted of a long pubis with a strong symphysis in the middle, a plate-like ischium, a highly recurved ilium, and a deep, imperforate acetabulum. The femurs were relatively long and straight, the ankles crurotarsal, with calcaneal tubers that gave it large heels. D. spurensis skull model Its skull was relatively small, on average about 37 centimeters long, 18 centimeters wide, and 15 centimeters high. The braincase was very firmly fused with the skull roof and palate.
Milesia crabroniformis, side view The adults of Milesia crabroniformis grow up to long. These rather uncommon hoverflies are the largest among the European species. They show a yellow face, reddish femurs, a yellow-brown abdomen and its wings are shaded with yellow-orange. Eyes of males are holoptic, although they meet along the dorsal length of the head in a very low point of contact.Tifa’s photos They mimic the hornet species Vespa crabro (hence the Latin name crabroniformis, meaning ‘hornet-formed’).
P. florissantius has a body length of , with the details of the head mostly indistinct. There appears to be a notch between the eyes which runs halfway up the rear-side of the head capsule. The wings of the holotype are and hyaline overall, with a darkening of the pterostigma. The femurs of P. florissantius are unique in that they have several darkened spines on the undersides and which have setae on the front and upper sides, a feature absent in Nephrocerus.
By looking at the abdomen, the 8th tergum will appear much longer than the 7th tergum in median length. Their femurs on the forelegs have two big spines with several small spines on the ventral part of the forelegs. The operculum of males are longitudinal and overlapped each other but not exceeding the posterior margin of the third abdominal sternum. In most cases, the apex of the operculum is broadly rounded and can be obviously seen by the naked eye.
Travis Mohr is a world record setting Paralympic swimmer and civil engineer. Born without femurs in his legs Mohr began swimming lessons at the age of 5. Mohr went on to compete in the 1996 Summer Paralympics at the age of 15. Though he did not medal Mohr continued competing and qualified for the 2000 Sydney Paralympic Games where he won a bronze and gold medal in his classification. In 2002 at the IPC World Championships he won two more gold medals.
The most reliable feature to distinguish this species from others is the pair of spines on the rear corners of the pronotum. These spines are long on the lighter colored individuals and shorter on ones that are darker. It can also be distinguished by dark bands on the distal ends of the femurs, but these can often be too light to be easily seen. The egg masses, which are laid from late June to August, are conical in shape with a flat top.
On December 10, 2016, Tolton's remains were exhumed and verified as part of the canonization process. Following procedures laid out in canon law, a forensic pathologist verified that the remains (which included a skull, femurs, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis, and portions of arm bones) belong to Tolton. Also found were the corpus from a crucifix, part of a Roman collar, the corpus from Tolton's rosary, and glass shards indicating his coffin had a glass top. After verification, the remains were dressed in a new chasuble and reburied.
The praying mantid Empusa fasciata has a tapering head with a miter-like helmet, oval compound eyes, slender raptorial forelegs and a long thin thorax. E. fasciata often bends sharply upward at the abdomen, making the thorax appear even longer. The ventral abdomen and the femurs of the long thin walking legs have distinct lobules, which serve as camouflage. Due to its bizarre shape and the yellowish-green striped pattern of the legs, E. fasciata is well-camouflaged in vegetation, and is noticeable only when in motion.
Though a myriad of bones was available by 1969, many important ones were missing or hard to interpret. There were few postorbital skull elements, no femurs, no sacrum, no furcula or sternum, missing vertebrae, and (Ostrom thought) only a tiny fragment of a coracoid. Ostrom's skeletal reconstruction of Deinonychus included a very unusual pelvic bone—a pubis that was trapezoidal and flat, unlike that of other theropods, but which was the same length as the ischium and which was found right next to it.
Facial femoral syndrome is a rare congenital disorder.Luisin M, Chevreau J, Klein C, Naepels P, Demeer B, Mathieu-Dramard M, Jedraszak G, Gondry-Jouet C, Gondry J, Dieux-Coeslier A, Morin G (2017) Prenatal diagnosis of femoral facial syndrome: Three case reports and literature review. Am J Med Genet A It is also known as femoral dysgenesis, bilateral femoral dysgenesis, bilateral-Robin anomaly and femoral hypoplasia-unusual facies syndrome. The main features of this disorder are underdeveloped thigh bones (femurs) and unusual facial features.
The hook of the epigyne is elongated and rounded. Legs are pale brown or yellowish and very darkly ringed. In particular, the apical ends of the femurs are quite dark. Mora-Rubio C, Morano E, Pérez-Bote J L (2019) First record of Neoscona byzanthina (Pavesi, 1876) (Araneae, Araneidae) from the Iberian Peninsula Graellsia 75(e092): 1-3 This species is very similar to Neoscona adianta, but the size of Neoscona byzanthina individuals and the size of their genitals are rather larger than in Neoscona adianta.
It exhibits a multitude of colors, with bright yellowish leg stripes, dark black "femurs", and pink hairs all over its body. As with the rest of the genus Grammostola, the Chaco golden knee has very large fangs, and the carapace (the top of the prosoma) is raised to make room for the large chelicerae. It has rudimentary eyesight, and senses its environment with the setae all over its body, feeling vibrations through the ground and air, and picking up chemical signatures, similar to a sense of smell.
Only a single row of denticles is present, and the vertexal margin (seen posterodorsally) is concave. The mesosoma is smooth and contains a single spine, fovea (a pit or depression in a structure) or carina (a keel- like elevation on the body-wall of an insect). The posterior portion of the propodeal surface is concave; it is high and strongly angled. All legs have flattened femurs (the largest region of an insect's leg) and tibiae, and the tibiae are carinated both anteriorly and posteriorly.
In a frontal impact, the cabin remained stable, and protection for the head, legs, knees and femurs was rated as 'good'. However, the chest of the passenger was only rated as 'adequate' and the driver was only rated as 'marginal'. Similarly, the side impact test showed good cabin stability in a side barrier impact (designed to replicate side-impact by another car), however the much more challenging side pole test demonstrated significant issues with passenger safety. The side pole test showed significant force transferred into the dummy's ribs resulting in weak protection.
Compared to humans, the scapula is tilted laterally, with the medial margin at a higher elevation than the acrimonion. This orientation maximizes the power of the teres major during digging. Energy storage is possible in the tendons of the triceps, produces power necessary to execute the digging behavior Lestodon armatus uses to acquire the bulk of its diet. The spinal column of L. armatus is arranged parallel to the ground, making the angle between the femurs and the majority of the mass of the megafauna slightly more than orthogonal.
A number of features in the specimen indicate its placement in the moth fly subfamily Phlebotominae and the tribe Lutzomyiina. The specimen displays pre-apical bristles, and four spines on the style, these features combined with the AIII flagellomere being over half the length of the head. This combination of features indicates a placement in the genus Pintomyia. Within the genus, it is placed in the subgenus Pifanomyia, based on the posterior femurs lack of spines, but the species does not resemble the known modern species-group series.
In a 2016 study, a sample of 27 Asilisaurus femurs were analyzed to determine how they developed. The study attempted to determine the sequence through which 11 femoral traits (mostly muscle scars) appeared in the bone. The study found that there was no universal sequence, and instead multiple polymorphic trajectories, with many traits appearing earlier in the sequence in some bones and later in others. This large amount of variability is also observed in dinosaurs, but not Dromomeron or Silesaurus (although these may be due to a small sample size).
Hereditary multiple osteochondromas (HMO), also known as hereditary multiple exostoses, is a disorder characterized by the development of multiple benign osteocartilaginous masses (exostoses) in relation to the ends of long bones of the lower limbs such as the femurs and tibias and of the upper limbs such as the humeri and forearm bones. They are also known as osteochondromas. Additional sites of occurrence include on flat bones such as the pelvic bone and scapula. The distribution and number of these exostoses show a wide diversity among affected individuals.
Blood flow index of the nutrient foramen of the femurs in living mammals increases in direct proportion to the animals' maximum metabolic rates, as measured during maximum sustained locomotion. Mammalian blood flow index is about 10 times greater than in ectothermic reptiles. Ten species of fossil dinosaurs from five taxonomic groups reveal indices even higher than in mammals, when body size is accounted for, indicating that they were highly active, aerobic animals. Thus high blood flow rate, high blood pressure, a four-chambered heart and sustained aerobic metabolism are all consistent with endothermy.
In 2011, the Gathering Time project published the results of a programme to reanalyze the radiocarbon dates of nearly 40 causewayed enclosures, using Bayesian analysis. Whitehawk Camp was one of the sites included in the project. Two radiocarbon dates on cattle femurs had been obtained in 1981, and these were included. The remaining samples were taken from finds from the earlier digs, though in many cases the animal bone samples had been lost—the roe deer skeleton found in 1929, for example, could not be located, though it had been initially put on display.
Consistent with this pattern, he also found that 4 out of the 6 known Australopith skulls from the Member 3 layers showed similar cranial fractures, although Dart struggled to find an adequate explanation that would account for the frequency of this damage. Eventually Dart concluded that this pattern could have only resulted from “purposeful violence…inflicted by implements held in the hands,” suggesting that southern African Australopiths used long bones (e.g. femurs and humeri), mandibles, horn cores, etc. as hunting weaponry to satisfy their hyper-carnivorous diets (1949).
Eionaletherium was discovered in the Late Miocene Urumaco Formation in the Falcón State of Venezuela and described in 2015 as a species of mylodontid ground sloth. It is a member of the family Mylodontidae in a clade including Proeremotherium, Bolivartherium, and Glossotherium. The holotype specimen, IVIC-P-2870, housed at the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, comprises the femurs, a tibia, fibula, some vertebrae, and fragments of the scapulae, ribs, and the ankle bone. The genus name Eionaletherium comes from the Greek words eion (shore), ale (wanderer), and therium (beast), in reference to the nearshore environment it probably inhabited.
Life reconstruction of Euparkeria capensis Euparkeriids, as well as several other advanced archosauriformes or early archosaurs (Dorosuchus, Dongusuchus, gracilisuchids) were lightly built and agile terrestrial carnivores which likely competed with cynodonts for food. They had gracile but well-ossified femurs which were capable of, but not well adapted for, bipedalism and cursoriality. Most taxa which can be assigned to Euparkeriidae are incomplete, and shared synapomorphies (defining characteristics) are difficult to assess between members of the family. The only uniting trait observable in Euparkeria, Halazhaisuchus, and Osmolskina (the only genera believed to be valid euparkeriids) relates to their osteoderms.
Whole body radiograph of traumatic injuries notable for fractures of both femurs (thigh bones), indicating major trauma Persons with major trauma commonly have chest and pelvic x-rays taken, and, depending on the mechanism of injury and presentation, a focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) exam to check for internal bleeding. For those with relatively stable blood pressure, heart rate, and sufficient oxygenation, CT scans are useful. Full-body CT scans, known as pan-scans, improve the survival rate of those who have suffered major trauma. These scans use intravenous injections for the radiocontrast agent, but not oral administration.
Spike on the male femur The thorny devil color ranges from light brown to black and resembles bark or rotten wood. Both sexes are wingless and armored with spines on body and legs. Exhibiting the sexual dimorphism of many similar insects (particularly other phasmids as well as mantises), males are small and thinner, less than 9-10 cm long while females are typically 14 cm in length. The male has enlarged hind leg femurs with a curved spine or thorn on the underneath side, large enough to be used as a fish hook in New Guinea.
Geologically, it comes from the Lakota Sandstone. This species was seen at the time as indicative of a probable late land bridge between North America and Europe, and of the dinosaur fauna of both continents being similar. Spanish Palaeontologist José Ignacio Ruiz-Omeñaca proposed that H. wielandi was not a species of Hypsilophodon but instead related to or synonymous with "Camptosaurus" valdensis from England, both species being dryosaurids. Galton refuted this in his contribution to a 2012 book, noting the femurs of the two species to be quite different, and that of H. wielandi to be unlike those of dryosaurs.
August von Mackensen, German field marshal in hussar full dress prior to 1914, with the Totenkopf on his fur busby Totenkopf (i.e. skull, literally 'dead's head') is the German word for the skull and crossbones (or "death's head") symbol. The "skull and crossbones" symbol is an old international symbol for death, the defiance of death, danger, or the dead, as well as piracy or toxicity. It consists usually of the human skull with or without the mandible and often includes two crossed long-bones (femurs), most often depicted with the crossbones being behind some part of the skull.
Diagram showing the differences between a generalised Tarbosaurus (A) and Tyrannosaurus (B) skull Tarbosaurus is classified as a theropod in the subfamily Tyrannosaurinae within the family Tyrannosauridae. Other members include Tyrannosaurus and the earlier Daspletosaurus, both from North America, and possibly the Mongolian genus Alioramus. Animals in this subfamily are more closely related to Tyrannosaurus than to Albertosaurus and are known for their robust build with proportionally larger skulls and longer femurs than in the other subfamily, the Albertosaurinae. Tarbosaurus bataar was originally described as a species of Tyrannosaurus, an arrangement that has been supported by some more recent studies.
The number of pneumatic bones depends on the species; pneumaticity is slight or absent in diving birds. For example, in the long-tailed duck, the leg and wing bones are not pneumatic, in contrast with some of the other bones, while loons and puffins have even more massive skeletons with no aired bones. The flightless ostrich and emu have pneumatic femurs, and so far this is the only known pneumatic bone in these birds except for the ostrich's cervical vertebrae. Fusions (leading to rigidity) and pneumatic bones (leading to reduced mass) are some of the many adaptations of birds for flight.
They are attached to the sacrum posteriorly, connected to each other anteriorly, and joined with the two femurs at the hip joints. The gap enclosed by the bony pelvis, called the pelvic cavity, is the section of the body underneath the abdomen and mainly consists of the reproductive organs (sex organs) and the rectum, while the pelvic floor at the base of the cavity assists in supporting the organs of the abdomen. In mammals, the bony pelvis has a gap in the middle, significantly larger in females than in males. Their young pass through this gap when they are born.
William Baer, an orthopedic surgeon at Johns Hopkins during the late 1920s, used maggot therapy to treat a series of patients with osteomyelitis, an infection of bone or bone marrow. The idea was based on an experience in World War I in which two soldiers presented to him with broken femurs after having lain on the ground for seven days without food and water. Baer could not figure out why neither man had a fever or signs of sepsis. He observed: “On removing the clothing from the wounded part, much was my surprise to see the wound filled with thousands and thousands of maggots, apparently those of the blow fly.
This condition is described as "buttress-erect", and it is typical of dinosaurs and their close relatives but otherwise unheard of in pseudosuchians outside of basal crocodylomorphs. Other pseudosuchians with upright limbs were typically "pillar-erect", with their femurs attached into a hip-socket that faced directly downwards. The buttress-erect posture of Terrestrisuchus and other basal crocodylomorphs is unique amongst crocodile- line archosaurs, and restricted its posture to a permanently upright stance. Its posture was further restricted to an upright gait by the calcaneal tubercle on its heel bone pointing directly backwards from the foot, unlike the back-and-sideways facing tuber of modern, sprawling crocodilians.
Clancy, 2013, pp. 265–67, 277–79 Funeral of the Unknowns of the USS Monitor at Arlington National Cemetery (8 March 2013) Only 16 of the crew were not rescued by Rhode Island before Monitor sank and the forensic anthropologists at JPAC were able to rule out the three missing black crewmen based on the shape of the femurs and skulls.Clancy, 2013, pp. 279–84 Among the most promising of the 16 candidates were crew members Jacob Nicklis, Robert Williams and William Bryan, but a decade passed without their identities being discovered. On 8 March 2013 their remains were buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors.
In 2005 additional bat hairs were reported in the amber specimen entombing the extinct kissing-bug Triatoma dominicana, itself a host to the extinct Trypanosoma antiquus. Based on the flattened and rather flea like body plus inflated front femurs, simplified wing structure and location of origin, the genus was placed into the bat fly subfamily Nycterophiliinae. The flattened body and front legs were likely used to burrow into the bat's fur to reach skin for feeding, as is done by modern Nycterophilia coxata. Unlike the modern nycterophiliines, which lower their entire head to the skin to feed, E. stegosoma had an elongated 'labium which was most likely lowered to the skin instead.
The table's multiple legs resembled thick femurs with visibly delicate tibias, and the whole space had a pungent aroma. The artists strove to show a moment of gluttony as she stated, "I wanted to create a feast, a communing of minds and viewers Something has gone wrong, there is a tragedy or unfolding of evil". This vicious hunger was seen as a connection between images of The Last Supper, the climate of the current art-buying world, and the war in Iraq. Another installation of Mutu, Suspended Playtime (2008) is a series of bundles of garbage bags, wrapped in gold twine as if suspended in spiders' webs, all suspended from the ceiling over the viewer.
Dolphins (aquatic mammals) and ichthyosaurs (extinct marine reptiles) share a number of unique adaptations for fully aquatic lifestyle and are frequently used as extreme examples of convergent evolution Modern cetaceans have internal, rudimentary hind limbs, such as reduced femurs, fibulas, and tibias, and a pelvic girdle. Indohyus has a thickened ectotympanic internal lip of the ear bone. This feature compares directly to that of modern cetaceans. Another similar feature was the composition of the teeth, which contained mostly calcium phosphate which is needed for eating and drinking by aquatic animals, though, unlike modern day toothed whales, they had a heterodont (more than one tooth morphology) dentition as opposed to a homodont (one tooth morphology present) dentition.
Non- avian theropods were first recognized as bipedal during the 19th century, before their relationship to birds was widely accepted. During this period, theropods such as carnosaurs and tyrannosaurids were thought to have walked with vertical femurs and spines in an upright, nearly erect posture, using their long, muscular tails as additional support in a kangaroo-like tripodal stance. Beginning in the 1970s, biomechanical studies of extinct giant theropods cast doubt on this interpretation. Studies of limb bone articulation and the relative absence of trackway evidence for tail dragging suggested that, when walking, the giant, long-tailed theropods would have adopted a more horizontal posture with the tail held parallel to the ground.
The Basilica of St. Ursula in Cologne holds the alleged relics of Ursula and her 11,000 companions. It contains what has been described as a "veritable tsunami of ribs, shoulder blades, and femurs ... arranged in zigzags and swirls and even in the shapes of Latin words".Quigley, Christine (2001) Skulls and Skeletons: Human Bone Collections and Accumulations, Jefferson, N.C.; London: McFarland; p. 169. The Goldene Kammer (Golden Chamber), a 17th-century chapel attached to the Basilica of St. Ursula, contains sculptures of their heads and torsos, "some of the heads encased in silver, others covered with stuff of gold and caps of cloth of gold and velvet; loose bones thickly texture the upper walls".
Reconstructed skeleton and holotype fossils on the lower right The type specimen is a partial skeleton (designated FPDM-V97122) discovered in the Kitadani quarry near Katsuyama in the Fukui prefecture. It is thought that this specimen, which would have measured about 4.2 metres long in life and weighed 175 kg, was not mature and an adult may have been larger. The remains of many other individuals have been found in the quarry, with numerous humeri, femurs, and teeth being assigned to this species. However, the other individuals recovered from the same locality are mostly juveniles that were smaller than the holotype (Currie & Azuma, 2006), in the smallest case less than a quarter of the holotype's size.
ComingSoon said the song was "memorable for the silly barbarians". Purity and Precision says that in regard to the dreams of the thugs, "Note the traditionally feminine nature of most of those activities, just as an aside (masculine=bad, feminine=good). The message? Well, for one thing, you can escape from vicious thugs by telling them about your dream and appealing to their "humanity"… and criminals are victims of social prejudice who, despite their persistent interest in all things criminal, are really basically good people. ". In regard to the lyrics quality of the song, for example "rhym[ing] 'femurs' and 'dreamers' and has a line that goes, 'I’ve got scars and lumps and bruises/plus something here that oozes'", Vulture commented: "Very nice".
Although the exact locality from which this bone was unearthed is unknown, it is believed to have come from Middle Triassic deposits near Gogolin, in southwest Poland. As the bone is more than 20 centimeters long, Megacnemus may have been quite large, similar to Vritraminosaurus in size. The purported femur differs from those of other basal archosauromorphs in the fact that it is quite robust and straight, contrasting with the more sigmoidally curved femurs of Protorosaurus, Macrocnemus, and tanystropheids. However, it does share some similarities with the humeri of Dinocephalosaurus and Macrocnemus, such as expanded distal and proximal ends, a straight preaxial edge, and a concave postaxial edge, although the ends of the bone are less rounded than those of these taxa.
In osteoblast progenitor cells, Osteoactivin works as a positive regulator of osteoblast differentiation during later stages of matrix maturation and mineralization that is mediated at least in part by Bone_morphogenetic_protein_2 in a SMAD1 dependent manner to promote osteoblast differentiation. In addition, using a rat fracture model, Osteoactivin (OA) enhances the repairing process in bone fracture, demonstrated by its high expression during chondrogenesis (soft callus) and osteogenesis (hard callus) compared to the intact femurs that is why Osteoactivin (OA) could be a novel therapeutic agent used to treat generalized osteoporosis or localized osteopenia during fracture repair by stimulating bone growth and regeneration. Similarly, Osteoactivin expression increases during osteoclast differentiation and it is functionally implicated in this process, possibly by promoting the fusion of osteoclast progenitor cells.
Sensing the final of the bout was approaching, Gracie tried takedowns and guard pulls in a last attempt, only for Sakuraba to block all of them and keep punishing his legs with kicks. The Japanese then jumped high over the jiu-jitsu expert's guard and landed a heavy flying punch just before the end of the time. During the rest, Royce sat on his corner stool and informed his teammates he was unable to walk because the damage to his legs (one of his femurs would be found to be fractured due to the accumulated kicks), and after some deliberation, finally Rorion Gracie threw the towel to concede the fight. Sakuraba was declared the winner after 90 minutes of fighting.
As such, pliopithecoids represent something similar to the common ancestor of Old World monkeys and apes. A femur discovered in Eppelsheim and given the Genus name Paidopithex was for many years controversial, as its large size compared to Pliopithecoids led to suggestions that it was instead related to the Dryopithecini. A lack of femurs for Dryopithecini meant that the suggestion was not ruled out for many years, but in 2002 work by Köhler et al comparing it to a recently discovered Dryopithecus laietanus skeleton showed that it was very different from the Dryopithecini. However, Köhler felt unable to definitely place Paidopithex in the Pliopithecoid superfamily, stating it was either an unusually large Pliopithecoid (estimated bodyweight 22 kg) or could be the sole known species of a separate superfamily.
Antarctosaurus giganteus femora in 222x222pxThe type specimen of A. giganteus, MLP 26-316, includes a left and right femur, a partial left and right pubis, the distal end of a damaged tibia, numerous rib and distal caudal vertebrae fragments, and six large and unidentifiable bones. The two gigantic femora measure in length, which are among the largest of any known sauropod. Even though the femurs are large, they are also somewhat gracile in construction. alt=A reconstruction of A. giganteus, published in 1956 by Carlos Rusconi, was given a length around . In 1969, van Valen considered it as similar in size to Giraffatitan brancai (then called Brachiosaurus brancai). Based on an earlier mass estimate of G. brancai by Edwin Harris Colbert in 1962, van Valen gave A. giganteus an estimated mass of about .
However, sometimes folk- medicinal "logic" was based on the Doctrine of Signatures = "let likes be cured by likes"and had, if any at all, little more than a psychological effect. For example, to treat cases of constipation, dung beetles were prescribed; to slim down stick insects were thought to help; hairy tarantulas seemed the right treatment for hair loss and fat grubs resembling the swollen limb caused by the parasite Wuchereria bancrofti were expected to help the elephantiasis sufferer. An organism bearing parts that resemble human body parts, animals, or other objects, was thought to have useful relevance to those parts, animals or objects. So, for example, the femurs of grasshoppers, which were said to resemble the human liver, were used to treat liver ailments by the indigenous peoples of Mexico.
Its well-developed flexor and extensor muscles in its forearms probably enabled it to pull down, and securely hold down, large prey. Analysis of the cross-sections of S. fatalis humeri indicated that they were strengthened by cortical thickening to such an extent that they would have been able to sustain greater loading than those of extant big cats, or of the extinct American lion. The thickening of S. fatalis femurs was within the range of extant felids. Its canines were fragile and could not have bitten into bone; due to the risk of breaking, these cats had to subdue and restrain their prey with their powerful forelimbs before they could use their canine teeth, and likely used quick slashing or stabbing bites rather than the slow, suffocating bites typically used by modern cats.
The Hospital for Special Surgery in New York conducted a similar study, in which a collagen sponge containing bone protein was implanted in the ACL of rabbits. In this case, the bone protein isolated from bovine femurs contained several bone morphogenetic proteins, which are part of an important signaling system that aides in the structure of bones. As with the application of SHMSP, the inclusion of bone protein in the collagen sponge was seen to improve the healing process, when compared to control groups with the sponge alone or no sponge. In a separate study also implemented by the Hospital for Special Surgery as well as the University of California, treatment of the anterior cruciate ligament utilized the recombinant human bone morphogenic protein rhBMP-2 in two phases.
Analysis conducted on the archaeological evidence found in each of the urns provided the following data: Urn 1: diameter of 60 x 55 cm width and height respectively, found at between 30 and 40 cm depth relative to the edge of the urn begun appearing the first bone fragments. The first anatomical part discovered was part of the skull which was placed face-down, the ribs, shoulder, scapulae and phalanxes were associated with the humerus and ulna – left side radius on the left side of the head. Lower limb of the skeletal remains were on the right side of the skull, the femurs below and the tibia - fibulae above, the pelvis and vertebrae residues were below the skull. According to the biological characteristics of the bone and based on teeth wear, the human remains seem to correspond to an adult female specimen, aged 30 to 35 years approximately.
Wall made of skulls Catacombs in their first years were a disorganized bone repository, but Louis-Étienne Héricart de Thury, director of the Paris Mine Inspection Service from 1810, had renovations done that would transform the caverns into a visitable mausoleum. In addition to directing the stacking of skulls and femurs into the patterns seen in the catacombs today, he used the cemetery decorations he could find (formerly stored on the Tombe-Issoire property, many had disappeared after the 1789 Revolution) to complement the walls of bones. Also created was a room dedicated to the display of the various minerals found under Paris, and another showing various skeletal deformities found during the catacombs' creation and renovation. He also added monumental tablets and archways bearing ominous warning inscriptions, and also added stone tablets bearing descriptions or other comments about the nature of the ossuary, and to ensure the safety of eventual visitors, it was walled from the rest of the Paris's Left Bank already-extensive tunnel network.
It was pointed out in 1976 that, because of their height, many dinosaurs had minimum blood pressures within the endothermic range, and that they must have had four-chambered hearts to separate the high pressure circuit to the body from the low pressure circuit to the lungs. It was not clear whether these dinosaurs had high blood pressure simply to support the blood column or to support the high blood flow rates required by endothermy or both. Foramen blood flow index, derived from the size of the nutrient foramen of the femurs of mammals, reptiles and dinosaurs However, recent analysis of the tiny holes in fossil leg bones of dinosaurs provides a gauge for blood flow rate and hence metabolic rate. The holes are called nutrient foramina, and the nutrient artery is the major blood vessel passing through to the interior of the bone, where it branches into tiny vessels of the Haversian canal system.
Unlike modern scorpion but similar to other basal counterparts, Pulmonoscorpius possess a pair of anterior-positioned median eyes and a pair of lateral eyes that between 40 and 60 lateral ocelli may be present in each of them, as well as a last (5th) metastomal segment with length subequal to the preceding 4th metastomal segment. The chelicerae and hind legs were noted be to be similar to those of extant scorpions except "there is less elongation of the coxae, femurs and patellae in legs 3 and 4,and the tibiae of these legs are of approximately the same length as the femur." Aside from the type species, two other specimens were noted to possibly be distinct, one with "juvenile pedipalp fingers with 30% more setal follicles" than P. kirktonensis and one "lacking tuberculateventral carinae on vesicle of telson." The mesosoma of P. kirktonensis possessed 7 tergites and 3 abdominal plates in juveniles and 4 in adults.
This second burial was located between the southern profile grid (C - 1A) and north grid profile (C - 1B) the skeleton has the body and head tilted slightly to the northwest, with the feet below the first step of the altar. The burial was discovered below the human remains that correspond to the second Archbishop who arrived in Nicaragua in 1540 fray Francisco Mendavia, and was buried between 80 and 100 cm deep at the altar of the Cathedral. The bones under Mendavia tomb were found at between 160–180 cm depth, the specimen was buried with the head toward the west side and face toward where the sun rises or facing the altar, the skeleton was anatomically articulated in a stretched position with both arms parallel to the femur, this burial form is not a Christian habit, it is more associated with prehispanic burials. Human remains are: properly articulated skull, clavicles, shoulder, humor bone, dices - radius, femurs, ulna - fibulae, cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, pelvis and bones of both hands and feet.

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