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364 Sentences With "femmes"

How to use femmes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "femmes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "femmes". Mastering all the usages of "femmes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

En 1995, quand des milliers de femmes venues du monde entier se sont réunies pour la Conférence mondiale sur les femmes - à Pékin, où Hillary Clinton a dit, " Les droits des femmes sont des droits humains " - je n'étais pas là.
It takes continual work to correct and educate people while also trying to affirm your own experiences, even more so for trans and nonbinary femmes and femmes of color.
Emmanuel Macron a évoqué une société française " malade du sexisme " et s'est engagé à combattre les violences faites aux femmes et de faire de l'égalité hommes-femmes la " grande cause du quinquennat ".
Thinking about what that means for Latinas and Latinx femmes?
VICE: Why was it important to create Femmes of Colour?
I never feel tired after a Femmes of Colour event.
Even in queer communities, femmes are often invalidated or overlooked.
"Reclining Nude" and "Les Femmes d'Alger" were both Lot 239.
Mansur Gavriel Sheer Nylon Crewneck, $395, available at Mansur Gavriel; Oscar de la Renta dress; Femmes Sans Peur Aubree Heels, $625, available at Femmes Sans Peur; Miu Miu Leather Belt, $525, available at Miu Miu.
And it's cool that women and femmes are taking that back.
Young women and femmes pair elaborate dresses with Christian Louboutin shoes.
But I was swooped up by these amazing queers and femmes.
Ceci alors même que le parti est mené par deux femmes.
Parmi eux, de plus en plus de jeunes femmes et d'enfants.
" Importuner des femmes "—bothering women—she went on, using Deneuve's formulation.
His colorful "Les Femmes d'Alger" sold for $179.4 million in 2015.
Don't grab women or femmes et al by *any* body part!
The world is still very hostile to femmes and trans women.
Or even see their disavowal of femmes as a turn-on?
So many femmes I knew were straight-A students, girls who knew how to put food on the table, like the femmes of decades past who'd done sex work to keep their unemployable butches in whiskey.
Why did femmes fatales feature so heavily in film in the '40s?
" Jacob captioned it, "Subtext: none of y'all trans femmes can get laid.
Women and femmes always lose, but restoration is abdundalty available for men.
But Femmes of Colour is a positive force in its own right.
Like most femmes who are cis women, I contend with femme invisibility.
Growing up, all my friends were dykes, femmes, drag queens, and faggots.
Bien sûr, de nombreuses femmes seront trop occupées pour en marquer l'occasion.
Frankly, we're kinda getting "Les Femmes d'Alger" vibes here from Gigi's jumpsuit.
Lede image credit: Le déjeuner sur l'herbe: Les trois femmes noires 2010.
"images of trans femmes being loved rarely exist outside of pornography," Nef wore.
I love seeing people coupling up and making out, especially women and femmes.
Les femmes du paradis, les houris, sont belles et soumises, vierges et langoureuses.
Pablo Picasso's "Les femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')" sold for $179 million in 2015.
Courageous heroines and deceptive femmes fatales abound in the Old and New Testaments.
Les voix des femmes musulmanes ont été quasiment noyées par le débat agité sur l'interdiction de se baigner en burkini sur les plages de plus de 30 municipalités françaises; femmes pour qui ces maillots couvrant complètement le corps ont été conçus.
Notable cowpunkers include Social Distortion, Violent Femmes, Jason and the Scorchers, and Rosie Flores.
No Swede has ever won a major, Annika Sorenstam and the country's femmes notwithstanding.
Ms. Thomas painted a "Dejeuner sur l'Herbe" in which the trois femmes were black.
Near where Vanesa Campos was murdered, the Bus des Femmes stops by Johanna's truck.
La semaine dernière, le roi de l'Arabie saoudite a autorisé les femmes à conduire.
Ziki notices Kena's stare and, as many femmes might do, makes the first move.
Now she runs Femmes for Freedom, a charity that campaigns for people in similar situations.
Personnellement, je suis scandalisée que les chiens aient plus de droits que des femmes voilées.
Alok and Jacob are two of the most publicly visible gender nonconforming femmes I know.
There are bunnies, duck races and a human menagerie of fops, fools and femmes fatales.
"Femmes, women of color, women, people of color experience oppression through lived experience," Cunningham said.
That's what happened for "Les Femmes Savantes" ("The Learned Women"), directed by Jean-Hervé Appéré.
" Les femmes veulent que justice se fasse, mais sans être celles qui donnent les noms ".
There are the femmes of Pose and the lovable young actresses of On My Block.
Mais le président tunisien est aussi devenu la figure de proue du mouvement réformiste dans le monde arabe en annonçant son soutien à la parité du droit d'héritage entre hommes et femmes et au droit des femmes musulmanes d'épouser des étrangers de confession non-musulmane.
The previous record holder was Pablo Picasso's Les Femmes d'Alger, which sold for $179,364,992 in 303.
Michael Cimino est mort, en paix, entouré des siens et de ces deux femmes qui l'aimaient.
Seriously, has anyone mastered #wokeuplikethis hair better than the gamine femmes on the streets of Paris?
I'm creating more capital for more women and femmes and changing the face of angel investing.
More than 58,8903 women living in Germany have had their genitals mutilated, Terre des Femmes said.
Headliners at the Stone Pony this summer include the Lumineers, Violent Femmes and the Indigo Girls.
Nombre d'affaires récentes, aussi retentissantes qu'elles aient été, n'ont pas entraîné de soulagement pour les femmes.
Like the figures in "Les Femmes d'Algers," the owners of Bechtle's parked automobiles are always on call.
The entire magazine was photographed by, written by, and and styled by women and non-binary femmes.
The same way other women/femmes are reclaiming their power in other areas—this is no different.
It felt necessary to create an opportunity to celebrate and represent our unique experiences as black femmes.
After she made her film debut in a small role in "Femmes de Paris" (1953), Hollywood called.
Parce qu'on a un système judiciaire qui ne fait pas des violences faites aux femmes sa priorité.
That was a time of being around some really cool femmes who taught me how to do that.
"They make the area safer for us, they watch out for us," said Roseline Waseem of Horizons Femmes.
Queer femmes have actually been told that they don't belong in queer spaces because they don't "look" gay.
It's not enough that more women and femmes lean in in order to get invited on a board.
What is the biggest lesson you've learned from the women and femmes who go through Pipeline Angels bootcamp?
" —Olivia "I really get fetishized a lot—I think a lot of women, femmes, and feminized people do.
As women and femmes, our bodies are constantly on display, whether we want them to be or not.
Point fort de ces descriptions : les femmes, promises en grand nombre comme récompense pour les élus de Dieu.
Within Femmes of Colour, there is an overarching front that is against everything that is toxic about masculinity.
Can you tell me about one of the most rewarding moments to come out of Femmes of Colour?
All of these artists have compelling and unique experiences as black femmes that shine through in their work.
J'avais la quarantaine quand j'ai commencé à aborder l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes de manière critique.
Cela m'a ouvert les yeux sur l'impact des inégalités structurelles sur la vie des femmes et des filles.
The Bus des Femmes continues to roll along slowly, stopping at each woman to offer condoms and lube.
And even if the Violent Femmes haven't been part of any recent teenage culture touchstones, the nostalgia remains.
I feel like I have far more in common with high femmes than I do any cis man.
London joins a sorority of Black femmes who have been left without a protector, a soul mate, a friend.
P. Ninny's evolution throughout the season illustrates the differential treatment of femmes and studs (the urban equivalent of butch).
Over the course of the centuries, artists have relished in reimagining these figures as sultry and hypersexual femmes fatales.
We stand with black and brown communities fighting to end violence against cis, trans women, and femmes #SayHerName pic.twitter.
Her life is all salon drama and occasionally sleeping with the lead singer of a Violent Femmes cover band.
While some non-binary folks may be OK attending a "womens" or "women and femmes" event, not all are.
"Why are the women always groupies, roadies, singing girl-group femmes, or facilitators to the guys?" the show asks.
Après avoir lancé notre fondation avec Bill, j'ai commencé à passer du temps avec des femmes du monde entier.
D'immenses obstacles, tant culturels que juridiques, continuent pourtant de décourager les femmes à porter plainte pour harcèlement au travail.
Les difficultés ont été particulièrement sévères pour certaines femmes accédant à des postes traditionnellement masculins de la fonction publique.
En 1981, une maison de New Cross prit feu lors d'une fête, tuant 13 jeunes hommes et femmes noirs.
The femmes fatales of the late 20th century flagrantly embody male anxieties over women's burgeoning financial and professional independence.
I think there's a lot of weird unspoken competition between femmes when it comes to dating and casual sex.
The Trans Life & Liberation Art Series focuses on the community of trans women and femmes of color that inspired it.
I've taken the liberty of rounding up some of the quintessential films, across genres, centering on Black women and femmes.
By keeping the scheming women and femmes at bay, Dynasty has unintentionally gone even further with it's new progressive angle.
For instance, she celebrates her unique traits and isn't eager to conform to society's beauty standards for femmes and girls.
I have not been able to connect to other femmes as a human but I have through my bird language.
I have always been encouraged to journey to selfhood by black femmes and their contributions to art, music, and cinema.
Mr. Henry collaborated with rock groups like Spooky Tooth, in the 1960s, and the Violent Femmes in the late 1990s.
Le second est de faire tomber les obstacles qui retiennent les femmes dans leur potentiel, c'est-à-dire mettre fin au mariage des enfants ou encore changer les attentes sur qui est responsable de la cuisine, du nettoyage et de la garde des enfants afin que les femmes reprennent le contrôle de leur temps.
Femmes are usually queer women, though any queer person who embraces traditionally feminine speech, mannerisms, and dress might identify as femme.
Most of my femme nurturing came from queer and trans femmes of color, elder trans women, and femme black gay men.
They have built their career on a feminine appearance, and one that gets sexualized in the way that femmes are sexualized.
I want us there so there will never be a question as to whether trans women and femmes are being included.
In French, it says à la mémoire de toutes les femmes qui ont subi jusqu'à la mort la violence des hommes.
Feminist manifestoes led to the birth a few years later of France's Mouvement de Libération des Femmes, the Women's Liberation Movement.
On a recent evening, the playlist included Steely Dan, Curtis Mayfield, Bill Withers, N.W.A., Queen, the Violent Femmes and Willie Nelson.
Unless femmes are visually or relationally validated by someone else who presents as masculine, they are treated as straight until proven otherwise.
Being free to learn new skills and pick up some new tricks from some really rad femmes was such a transformative time.
"These traditional postcards are available to everyone, regardless of age," the group Femmes Solidaires said in a statement posted on social media.
When we were newly out in college, I and other femmes I knew would do whatever it took to make ourselves seen.
Meanwhile, a "Movements on the Rise" selection offers themed playlists, like Latin Divas, Fierce Femmes, and Electric Grit, to name a few.
"The denunciations prove that people are joining the fight," said Raphael Zong Naba, coordinator of Burkinabe women's rights group Voix de Femmes.
"It's about looking at different identities among women and femmes and the policy solutions to address attacks on those identities," she said.
Nonbinary femmes like them are too masc for the straights, too femme for the gays, and too out for nearly everyone else.
Yet for all their brilliance, fuckability is exactly what some gender nonconforming femmes, even social media celebrities, don't ever seem to have.
"The More Fats More Femmes Market is by far one of my favorite events I've ever done in my life," she continues.
Il s'est même rendu en Arabie saoudite pour donner une représentation dans une salle en périphérie, où hommes et femmes étaient ensemble.
However, in this world of large-breasted mythical chicks, there's a card that's a shimmering, slithering, beacon of hope for fantasy femmes.
Jordan Catalano might have covered Violent Femmes and Ramones songs, but deep down, I suspect that he wanted to be in Soundgarden .
This agreement positioned them to offer "Les Femmes d'Alger" at auction with a low estimate of a hundred and forty million dollars.
The evening started with taking a photograph of the collective, all gathered in Mickalene Thomas's "Femmes Noires," currently on view at the AGO.
Queer femmes often contend with a different version of Peter Pan, with less literal babysitting, since so many of us don't have kids.
At the same time, there are a lot of women and femmes out there making a positive impact with their money through philanthropy.
The IMG Models president, Ivan Bart, said that it was the success of Curve, its division for generously proportioned femmes, that inspired Brawn.
When it became clear that the brunch was a success, Simmons asked Adebajo to help expand the effort of uniting femmes of color.
Women and femmes — because this self-esteem crisis affects you like it affects no one else — please know that you are worth loving.
We're all aware that les femmes know more than a thing or two about skin care, so this is a pretty high honor.
Curated by Jessica Pettway, Josette Roberts, and Miranda Barnes, the exhibition celebrates black femmes, the culture they create, and the communities they foster.
Je fais partie du milieu du cinéma, mais aujourd'hui je veux rencontrer des femmes d'autres milieux, dans la recherche, dans le monde associatif.
"As long as normative gender roles exist," Berg said, "there will be an urgent need for people, femmes included, to push at their boundaries."
Queer femmes — individuals who often perform, present, and identify as feminine — are frequently invisibilized in pop culture, and the LGBTQ+ community as a whole.
What aspect of your path do you think has been the most motivational to other young women and femmes coming up through the ranks?
I've been trying to break those expectations, defy those stereotypes, and say, "In addition to being philanthropists, women and femmes can also be investors."
Si les hommes peuvent avoir des dizaines de vierges, qu'en est-il des femmes, vu le préjugé machiste des faiseurs de rêves sur terre ?
" It all started with a brunch that Adebajo hosted with her partner in 2016 because she wanted "to be in a room of femmes.
I think this labor and common experience pushes us to seek out other femmes though, forming a stronger community based on validation and support.
Trans women and femmes of color have long organized and survived in the face of unrelenting state-sponsored and state-sanctioned violence and repression.
"Et dans les fenêtres anciennes — des fenêtres gothiques, géminées, très jolies — tout à coup on voyait apparaître des femmes voilées," se rappelle-t-il.
I love catering to my folks and black women and femmes, especially in a space currently (not historically) dominated with content for cis white men.
They ascribe to their candor a larger meaning, a liberation of mealymouthed femmes who are unable to talk openly about their desires and daily degradations.
Ils viennent mendier, vêtus d'accoutrements grotesques : voiles démesurés pour les femmes, même les fillettes ; djellabas en tissu pour les hommes ; chapelets affichés de manière ostentatoire.
The most valuable work sold at auction is Pablo Picasso's 1955 painting "Les Femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')," which fetched $179.4 million a year ago today.
If people seen as women and femmes were to exhibit the same behavior, there would be no forgiveness and usually a interpersonal and societal crucifiction.
La lenteur de la réactivité du gouvernement face au phénomène #MeToo laisse penser que les pouvoirs publics tolèrent une marge de violence sur les femmes.
We cannot afford to protect the very man who pushes women of color, femmes, indigenous women and so many more to the margins of history.
As an art curator, Drew liked the idea of pairing something archival with the concept of making a shoe for the femmes of the future.
Instead she took Surrealism to a place that was centred on women, not as muses or femmes enfants, but as domestic goddesses, cooks, sorceresses, witches.
Only a bit less interesting were Jacques Monory's painting "Antoine n° 6" (1973), Annette Messager's photo installation "Les Hommes-femmes et les Femmes-hommes" (1972), and Philippe Morillon's stark photo "Edwidge à la corde" (1977), which shows a chic and sultry Parisian punk woman who lived in my building on Ludlow Street during the height of the Downtown scene in New York: chanteuse Edwige Belmore.
But even more challenging in its permutability and imaginative instability is an obscure etching series that includes "Femmes voilées et endormies" ("Veiled and Sleeping Women," 1932).
This was the first step in what I decided would be a full month of trying to live like the mythical French femmes I'd long adored.
It was a defining moment for Black people everywhere, but particularly for Black women and femmes, it was a moment when we felt powerful and seen.
The current show, "La Terre la plus contraire – Les femmes du Prix Marcel Duchamp" by Indian artist Manish Nai runs from June 21957 until October 21994.
Monia Ben Jémia, the president of l'Association tunisienne des femmes démocrates (The Tunisian Association of Women Democrats), underlined the measure's significance for the entire Arab world.
Le mécontentement est si palpable parmi certaines femmes qu'elles ont adressé une pétition au M. Macron l'enjoignant à qualifier d'urgence nationale le problème du harcèlement sexuel.
Il ajoute que les missions sont difficiles et que certains policiers masculins n'ont pas encore " totalement assimilé " les nouveaux codes de comportement depuis l'intégration de femmes.
Lors d'une excursion dans un village millénaire du sud de la France, dit-il, il remarqua un groupe de femmes voilées se tenant autour d'une fontaine.
High femme [hahy fem] | adjective (high femmes, high femme people) Often used to describe a lesbian, bisexual, or queer woman who presents and identifies firmly as feminine.
Hosted by Pink Boot, a media outlet started this year to celebrate women and femmes of color, this showcase is headlined by the Canadian artist Tommy Genesis.
Last May, Picasso's 1955 painting "Les Femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')" sold at Christie's for $179.4 million, a high for any artwork at auction, not accounting for inflation.
"If we don't work on changing the state of mind of the public then these new laws will not be efficient," said Gwendoline Coipeault of Femmes Solidaires.
Smithers said that Grindr will introduce a video campaign to directly address "no fats, no femmes, no Asians" as a part of the company's upcoming content launch.
That wasn't what got abortion access on PEI, but what did was a group of power femmes coming together and essentially threatening to sue the provincial government.
Femmes: there is no such thing as more femme or less femme, better femme or worse femme, good femme or bad femme, real femme or imposter femme.
The overall record for a Picasso was set last year with the sale of the 1955 painting "Les Femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')" for $179.4 million at Christie's.
Femme-presenting queer people and drag performers often experience stigma, intolerance, and exclusion from queer nightlife communities and dating scenes that uphold "no fats, no femmes" policies.
This exhibition is primarily for black femmes to be able to connect with each other and feel supported by a larger community of artists with similar experiences.
Photo and the Authority Collective, a group of womxn/femmes/trans/non-binary/gender nonconforming people of color who are carving their space in photograph and film.
After appearing in Ms. Shange's "Spell #11993" and Edgar White's "Les Femmes Noir" at the Public Theater, Ms. Carlos branched out into writing, directing and performance art.
Fast Cars and Femmes Fatales: The Photographs of Jacques Henri Lartigue continues at the Frick Art and Historical Center (7227 Reynolds Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) through May 15.
Fast forward a few hundred years through the genre, and we've amassed a veritable Lilith's Fair of horror femmes headlined by women like Carrie, Ripley, Regan, and Nancy.
At smaller parties for women and femmes where I know the other attendees, I'm more comfortable engaging in impact play, but I still don't like getting fully naked.
A classic academic reading of the femme fatale resurgence states that femmes fatales were a response to women entering the public sphere in unprecedented numbers in the '40s.
Une contradiction similaire est visible chez les islamistes : leur discours rétrograde et sexiste est souvent défendu par des femmes, couvertes, qui vantent le voile comme outil de libération.
Along with her cousin, photographer Nana Ama, Anyimadu shot and interviewed 25 Black women, nonbinary people, and femmes about how their hair influences their identity and everyday lives.
Organized by (F)empower, an activist collective here in Miami that seeks to empower black and brown femmes — and unite Miami's artistic community — 29 is about the apocalypse.
Prévost's Manon was the prototype for the many femmes fatales of literature and other arts whom men follow to their doom: the Lady of the Camellias, Carmen, Lulu.
Les hommes et femmes d'affaires invités à participer aux réunions Brexit et qui restent déjeuner se régalent des menus de M. Gricourt, qui varient d'un jour à l'autre.
"First essential thing: A woman needs to feel attractive, good in her skin and her clothing," Ms. Cobson told the French online magazine Journal de Femmes in 2006.
Mais avec cette frontière floue, les femmes peuvent avoir du mal à déterminer un seuil de tolérance, tout simplement parce que cela fait partie de la culture ambiante.
Elles se révoltaient contre la pratique, héritée du Moyen-Âge, selon laquelle le supérieur (ou le seigneur féodal) exigeait des services sexuels des jeunes femmes sous son autorité.
Wu's femmes fatales were no less polished than usual — but this time, there were elements of texture in the hair and makeup that trickled down from the collection itself.
"Our identities [as femmes] have been taken by straight (white) women who want cool points," argued writer Alaina Monts in a roundtable on femme identity for Autostraddle last year.
We've curated snippets from all the inspiring millennial women and femmes we've met on our journey, resulting in a kind of badass bible of girl bosses for girl bosses.
To improve security for the sex workers and health staff, Horizons Femmes has enlisted community leaders, known locally as 'gatekeepers', to help maintain order and peace in the area.
We're a diverse group of people, with butches and femmes and lots of people whose gender presentation falls somewhere in the middle, and we all deserve to be seen.
Fresh off a year and a half of exclusively consuming art created by women and femmes, I sat down with my grandma's Amazon Prime account to review the film.
Because Transgender Day of Remembrance observes the murder of almost entirely trans women of color, for this feature, I chose to interview trans femmes who could speak to survival.
It's hard enough being in femmes same-sex relationship in an often homophobic world, but when you're in the public eye, there's even more chance people will doubt you.
The one last May, which focused on 20th-century artworks — "Looking Forward to the Past" — featured Picasso's 1955 painting "Les Femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')," which sold for $179.4 million.
Samantha is a sex worker and employee of the Bus des Femmes—an organization that works to provide sex workers in the area with a range of welfare services.
En plus de revoir les constitutions ou de limiter les mandats de certains dirigeants, il faut assurer les droits fondamentaux en pratique, tout particulièrement l'égalité entre hommes et femmes.
Les Amis du Bus des Femmes (LABF), a charity that works with prostitutes in Paris, says the sex trafficking route from Nigeria to Paris has existed for 6003 years.
The femmes fatales of the '80s and '90s, meanwhile, were women's liberation era nightmares: They were ambitious, they desired wealth, wanted sex, and rejected family and, in particular, men.
The truth is I can think of a dozen other femmes fatales I'd prefer to be lured up a dark alley with to enjoy a beating or violent death.
They feature queer men and women of color who don't look like macho or effeminate stereotypes, femmes in hijabs, and folks of all body types looking fly as ever.
"I think some of the sweetest comments were from other queer Bengali femmes, who said seeing queerness expressed with Asian bridal garments meant a lot to them," Haque explains.
Notamment, plusieurs femmes ont témoigné avoir subi des violences sexuelles répétées, mettant la lumière sur un crime courant qui avait été, dans ce conflit-ci comme dans d'autres, largement ignoré.
So it was downright uplifting to see Out Magazine feature the women and non-binary femmes otherwise known as the "Mothers and Daughters of the Movement" in its latest issue.
At the same time, I was meeting women and femmes leading these kinds of social enterprises that were coming up with really disruptive business models, but struggling to get funding.
I'd say the one lesson that society taught me early on, when I launched Pipeline Angels, is how different people think about men and money versus women/femmes and money.
PARIS Participation by European Central Bank Peter Praet executive board member in a roundtable discussion at conference "L'impact économique des inégalités femmes-homes" organised by Banque de France 1730 GMT.
PARIS Participation by ECB Peter Praet executive board member Peter Praet in a roundtable discussion at conference "L'impact économique des inégalités femmes-homes" organised by Banque de France 1730 GMT.
Le premier consiste à créer de nouvelles voies d'accès à des secteurs critiques où les femmes sont sous-représentées, comme le gouvernement, la technologie, les finances et la santé mondiale.
She discovered Pipeline Angels, which offers boot camps for people interested in supporting ventures led by women and non-binary femmes, and she joined one of their cohorts this summer.
PARIS — Les femmes du cinéaste Luc Besson, celles qu'on voit dans ses films de science-fiction et ses thrillers, sont sérieuses, intelligentes et fortes, parfois plus fortes que les hommes.
" Ce n'est pas du tout pareil de tweeter en 140 signes et d'aller porter plainte ", explique Marilyn Baldeck, juriste à l'AssocIation Européenne contre les Violences faites aux Femmes au Travail.
M. Matzneff et ses soutiens sont maintenant sommés de s'expliquer face à un nouveau mouvement social – la libération de la parole des femmes, si longtemps étouffée par des hommes puissants.
In the 1930s, runaway brides ran amok with banter and high jinks; in the 1940s, femmes fatales did their men wrong with lipstick sneers and a bullet to the heart.
A Pierre Auguste Renoir painting "Deux Femmes Dans Un Jardin (Two Women in a Garden)" (1919), looted by Nazis during World War II, has been returned to its rightful owner.
When they finally put the images on social media, Haque and Romagnoli received many messages of support from Indian women and Bengali femmes who saw themselves in a new way.
And while she doesn't rely on just her physical appearance to bring about change, at Monday's Met Gala, Waithe took the opportunity to honor other groundbreaking Black femmes with her look.
I have long been attracted to Bechtle's pictures as updated versions of one of the canonical beginnings of modern art: Delacroix's "Les Femmes d'Algers dans leur Appartement" ("Women of Algiers," 643).
If you are Pablo Picasso, it's not too hard to sell a piece of artwork for $179 million: His painting "Les Femmes d'Alger" became one of the most expensive ever sold.
Netflix's latest release, Sex Education, features a mixtape worthy mix of '80s and '90s hits by bands such as The Psychedelic Furs, a-ha, The Cure, Violent Femmes, and Bikini Kill.
While overt racism of the "No fats, no femmes, no Asians" variety has (mostly) gone underground, it's still the operating logic of desire even when there are no white men present.
Est-ce qu'un YMCA de Montréal aurait dû faire installer des vitres givrées à la demande des juifs ultra-orthodoxes qui ne voulaient pas voir les femmes s'entraîner en tenue sportive?
Designed for collaboration, organization, and networking, Femmes of Colour has gone from crammed brunches at Adebajo's home to a bimonthly event at Them Downstairs, a queer-centric venue in Kentish Town.
The final price more than doubled the $219 million given at Christie's in May 5.93 for Picasso's 25.9 "Les Femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')," the previous high for any artwork at auction.
La plainte de Mme Van Roy est l'élément central d'une longue enquête de Mediapart publiée ce mois-ci, dans laquelle trois autres femmes décrivent des cas d'agression sexuelle contre M. Besson.
Un tribunal administratif examine actuellement le cas d'une fonctionnaire de 35 ans qui fut, en 2009, l'une des deux premières femmes à rejoindre les CRS, un corps d'élite de la police.
At Pier 17, Folds will be joined by the brash folk rockers Violent Femmes, whose 263 song "Blister in the Sun" has remained their calling card for more than three decades.
Báez's work engages with the back and forth between the so-called great men of history and those who are most likely to be expunged from written and visual records: black femmes.
While it may have felt that femmes were defined by their butches in the past, "femme" is now a term that many queer people relate to regardless of the relationships they're in.
Yet thousands of men in Yaounde have been convinced by sex workers to get tested since last October in a project run by CARE International and local partners such as Horizons Femmes.
Metropolis re-envisions a dystopic future with Maitreya as one of the artist's hybrid femmes, a multi-limbed cyborg evoking the iconic sci-fi character Aelitas, Queen of Mars, among other characters.
According to a statement co-written by the groups, the programming is about "cultivating a space to turn up with women, femmes, 'the dolls,' and all queer kinfolk" to center those voices.
While men in Didja's community claimed to be what she says are "masters of the bush," a recent study by her NGO, Association des Femmes Peules et Peuples Autochtonne, proves them wrong.
Plenty of femmes assume their butch partners want to be the one on top, or the one who always dons the strap-on — if strap-ons are part of their sex life.
Et si de multiples enjeux accaparent déjà notre attention, prenons un moment pour nous interroger sur comment rendre le monde meilleur et plus juste pour toutes ces femmes dont nous dépendons tous.
Si j'aimais l'idée que les femmes travaillent ensemble à un plan d'action pour le progrès, il m'était dur d'imaginer ce qu'un événement comme celui-là pouvait à voir avec ma propre vie.
Lors d'un récent après-midi, un policier en uniforme arpentait le parc devant un lycée, et des jeunes femmes en débardeur et cils à rallonges traînaient dans le jardin, sans occupation particulière.
"Regardez, avant il y avait un café ici," me dit M. Jourdain en montrant un magasin de vêtements pour femmes où les restes d'un auvent traditionnel de café français étaient encore visibles.
Bundick, with her frisky bar-top dancing and legs the color of sliced cantaloupe — her commitment to tanning is impressive — is one of the great femmes fatales in recent American crime stories.
A few months later, Les Femmes d'Algers (Version "O") by Pablo Picasso set records as the most expensive painting ever sold at auction, when it was bought for $179 million (€164 million).
You don't have to build a shrine to Brownmiller to internalize the fact that women and femmes are autonomous human beings, many of whom felt dehumanized and unsatisfied by the old paradigm.
For Fast Cars and Femmes Fatales, the first of the Frick's three main galleries showcases mostly photos of technology, sports, and fashion — records of the experiences that Lartigue's familial wealth afforded him.
The deck is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, and each suit represents a different lesbian stereotype — couples, jocks, femmes, and butches — but it serves as an iconic documentation of queer life in the '90s.
Two months later, in a headline worthy of the Onion, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens announced "Femmes," an evening of dance on the subject of women, without a single woman choreographer on the program.
In May, Picasso's 1955 painting "Les Femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')" sold at Christie's in New York to an as-yet-unidentified telephone bidder for $179.4 million, a high for any artwork at auction.
Now, with the body positive movement and being in a community that supports queer womxn and femmes in their many facets, I feel like I'm stepping into this next phase of my liberation.
Strap-ons can bring up a lot of anxiety for femmes about what it means to want to wear a penis, and how they can reconcile that with their style and gender expression.
As mainstream feminism addresses issues like the pervasiveness of sexual violence against women in our culture, the need to include trans women and nonbinary femmes in these conversations is more urgent than ever.
L'article, puisant dans de nombreux témoignages de femmes musulmanes européennes, pour la plupart françaises, a été écrit suite à la polémique sur le maillot de bain qui couvre entièrement le corps, le "burkini".
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Mechanical Pegasi combat flame throwers over apocalyptic floodplains, BDSM alpha males in suits punish leather queens, power femmes in open-bust bustiers glide on hoverboards lashing bullwhips.
Amber Rose, a patron saint of sexually liberated femmes everywhere, gifted us all a treasure on her must-follow Instagram: a bottomless photo, with Rose in full repose to promote her third annual SlutWalk.
It was still two hours until doors, but a small crowd of mostly young femmes in their Otep shirts crouched near the entrance to the venue despite the punishing heat and lack of shade.
But in the face of stigma and intimidation, these women and girls are working with our longtime local partner DFJ [Dynamique des Femmes Juristes, which advocates for women's rights] to bring about true justice.
I'm hopeful that young femmes present and future will grow up in an environment kinder to those of all body shapes, and that they will not be afraid to express their daring, sexy selves.
On "Turtleneck," a political song that recalls the baggy alt-rock of the nineties—somewhere between the Violent Femmes and the Pixies—he sounds breathless and wobbly, until he finally lets go and yelps.
En Belgique, tout comme en France d'ailleurs, nous n'avons jamais la parole alors que nous musulmanes (voilées ou non) sommes les premières intéressées par ces polémiques récurrentes au sujet de l'islam et des femmes.
But the Astrologer (Cory Stearns, in Hogwarts apparel) counts for little; and the dangerous charm, glamour and malice of the Queen — one of many femmes fatales in the Diaghilev repertory — are of limited power.
Dating among nonbinary femmes is even trickier, as the vast majority of people, even queer ones, imagine themselves as dating men or women exclusively, so nonbinary folks can complicate how others view one's sexuality.
"You're looking at a kind of intersectionality with these girls; the combined stigmas of being trans, a sex worker, and an immigrant," Françoise Gill, the president of Bus de femmes, later explains to me.
Il n'y a pas assez de moyens alloués pour changer la situation, et on a dans le gouvernement actuel un représentant qui a été accusé par différentes femmes d'agressions sexuelles et d'abus de faiblesse.
But the movie flopped, and Ms. Lavi accepted a new career path as scantily clad femmes fatales in a number of parodies that sprung up after the initial success of the James Bond films.
All the paintings in this Guggenheim show were displayed in Péladan's annual, highly publicized exhibition: plaintive Orpheuses; pale femmes fatales; virginal maids in the wilderness, their pallid skin rendered in soft, vaporous brush strokes.
In a world where trans femmes – particularly Black trans women – are being brutalized and murdered on a regular basis for simply daring to exist, dude in a dress jokes are lazy, reactionary, and actively harmful.
But I do not think the people who see and treat women, femmes, people of color, and non-binary and female-identified individuals, as subhuman are going to change their mind because of a poem.
Earlier in the weekend Tyrannaman and Royal Headache, two Australian bands heavily influenced by Eddy Current, played on a lineup that also included US rap star Freddie Gibbs, Sleater-Kinney, and festival stalwarts Violent Femmes.
Beaucoup de femmes écrivent que les préjugés anti-Musulmans se sont intensifiés ces derniers mois et années, citant les attaques terroristes de Paris en 2100, ainsi que celles de Bruxelles et de Nice cette année.
Yet even as I remain confident in my judgment, it's clear our Tinder experiment showed how skewed my perceptions are—that maybe the dating world isn't as kind to femmes as I thought it was.
"Any language that is intended to openly discriminate against characters and traits, like infamously, 'No fats, no femmes, no Asians'...that isn't going to be tolerated any more," said Landen Zumwalt, Grindr's head of communications.
Il en résulte que les femmes sont dissuadées de porter plainte, comme le montre un sondage de 2014 commandé par le Défenseur des Droits, l'instance gouvernementale chargée d'aider les citoyens à faire valoir leurs droits.
De même, Mme Le Pen a su jouer la présidentiable, non sur le mode de la femme qui répare le sort des femmes mais sur celui de la femme politique qui veut sauver la France.
A New York-based D.J. collective dedicated to the work of women, femmes and L.G.B.T.Q. individuals of color, Sistaspin will host the second annual installment of their "420" party at this club in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
On entry, the viewer is grabbed by a series from the mid-1960s sometimes called Nine Historic Hysteric Women Collages, but here called Femmes Fatales (perhaps because only four of the nine have been included).
But it wasn't all photos of whip-wielding dykes and handcuffed femmes; it also published groundbreaking stories about queer life and culture, including some of the first reporting on the AIDS epidemic within the lesbian community.
Femmes of Colour is situated underneath the umbrella of the Purple Rain Collective, a group that works to support queer people of color in the UK. Both Simmons and Adebajo have done work within Purple Rain.
Ahead of Euro 22 in France, the country's 'High Council for Equality Between Women and Men' ("Haut Conseil à l'Egalité entre les femmes et les homes" or HCE) were the first to go on the offensive.
The Salon exhibitions, although technically open to female artists, were often sexist in their selection, so much so that a new Union des Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs formed a separate salon specifically for women in 1881.
The record follows in the art school-steeped tradition of 70s LA punk acts like X and early Black Flag, with a nod to the post-punk snark and gumption of Modern Lovers and Violent Femmes.
La presse locale de l'époque décrit un cortège funéraire de près de 30.000 ouvriers, dont " un grand nombre de femmes portant des fleurs à la main, dernier hommage à quelqu'un qui était mort pour leur dignité ".
He was in the midst of writing a twenty-one-volume cycle of novels, titled "La Décadence Latine," which follows the fantastical adventures of various enchanters, adepts, femmes fatales, androgynes, and other enemies of the ordinary.
Recent records were set at Christie's in 2015 when "Les femmes d'Alger," painted in 1955 by Pablo Picasso, sold for $179.4 million, and "Reclining Nude," a century-old portrait by Amedeo Modigliani, sold for $170.4 million.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads A Pierre Auguste Renoir painting "Deux Femmes Dans Un Jardin (Two Women in a Garden)" (1919), looted by Nazis during World War II, has been returned to its legal owner.
"They have been installed on a sexist proposition: men cannot control themselves (from the bladder point of view) and so all of society has to adapt," Gwendoline Coipeault of the women's rights group Femmes Solidaires told Reuters.
Femmes have been part of queer history since at least the late 1940s and early 1950s, when lesbian and bisexual women (specifically working-class women) coined a term to describe the relationships they were forming: butch-femme.
Still, they both belong to what seems to be an emerging micro-genre of film, centered around new, more progressive femmes fatales, that stands out in part because of the violence its protagonists are forced to endure.
Natalia Oberti Noguera, 212, is the founder and CEO of Pipeline Angels, an organization that is changing the face of angel investing by encouraging women and non-binary femmes to both invest and start their own businesses.
My friend Charlene runs a monthly party series at her home, a space lovingly referred to as Casa Diva, and she and I throw a monthly called High Femmes for stoner babes all over the gender spectrum.
From the invisibility queer femmes can feel in some lesbian circles to the sharp vulnerability inherent in being a trans woman, no two femme-identified individuals share the same experience of what it means to be femme.
The group exhibition "Parallax" from Authority Collective, a group of womxn, femmes, trans, non-binary and gender-nonconforming people of color, features portraits of queer people of color to examine alternative viewpoints of the contemporary queer experience.
Les soupçons de conduite abusive à l'encontre de M. Weinstein ont déclenché un mouvement de grande ampleur, emportant un grand nombre d'hommes accusés et entamant une évolution dans la façon dont les femmes sont traitées à Hollywood.
Dans une autre affaire, quatre femmes agents d'entretien ont porté plainte contre leur employeur H.Reiner, une société sous-traitante pour la SNCF, mais leur harceleur est toujours à son poste alors qu'une des plaignantes a été licenciée.
Before approaching the owner of "Les Femmes d'Alger"—reportedly, a Saudi collector—Gouzer and Brett Gorvy, the contemporary-art head, secured another Picasso, a portrait of Dora Maar that was owned by Steve Wynn, the casino mogul.
Queer femmes also flag with their nail colors and shapes, aka the nail flagging code, which is complex and evolving, so don't be shy to compliment a femme's nails and ask if there's a story behind them.
The track amps up everything we loved about the band since we first heard early single "Holy Toledo"—sludgy guitars, heaving choruses, and a too-smart-for-your-own-good recklessness a la the Violent Femmes and Pixies.
"They have been installed on a sexist proposition: men cannot control themselves (from the bladder point of view) and so all of society has to adapt," Gwendoline Coipeault of French feminist group Femmes Solidaires told the news service.
Rinna, Mellencamp Arroyave and Richards wore bodysuits with floral floral-print robes, while Girardi wore a colorful tunic with flow pants and Kemsley wore red pants with a black tube top and blazer, plus Femmes Sans Peur heels.
" On continue d'être attaché à l'idée que les Français ont une autre façon de vivre les relations hommes-femmes — différente, en particulier, de l'Amérique pudibonde — et que cela tient à la vision française de la séduction ", dit-elle.
Christie's 2016 auction results were notable for the absence of 20th-century masterworks, such as Picasso's "Les Femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')," which sold in 2015 for $179.4 million, a record for a work of art sold at auction.
Queer femmes employ the hankie code in innovative ways—some wear them on their wrists, around their necks, or even in their hair, (the higher the hankie is worn, the more submissive they are, according to some circles).
The usual sexual racism among gay men loomed over my life — "NO FATS, NO FEMMES, NO BLACKS, NO SPICE, NO RICE" — but its prevalence within Texas and the South at large was one thing, while Montrose was entirely another.
The impossibility of the dichotomies imposed on the lives and bodies of women mean that all femmes—not just sex workers—can find ourselves punished by the state at some point in our lives, merely for being sexual beings.
Le premier ministre français, Manuel Valls, a vivement critiqué ce lundi un article du New York Times dans lequel des femmes musulmanes françaises décrivent être ostracisées par des non-musulmans, victimes de discrimination à l'emploi et se sentir persécutées.
Richards also had her daughters, Sophia Umansky, 19, and Alexia Umansky, 23, take a spin down the catwalk wearing a striped yellow ruffled crop top and skirt with Femmes Sans Peur heels and a tiered ruffled maxi dress, respectively.
Wallpaper from the 1920s, Picasso's "Femmes à Leur Toilette", Surrealism, Palm Beach, sofas from the 1980s, brocades and foulards, diamonds and cocktails — they were all in there, spliced together with an enticing lightness of tone and ease of movement.
Celebrity and non-celebrity black women or femmes who fail in public do not have the same access or control over mainstream publications once they mess up, and the scars of their transgressions last longer, making redemption all the more difficult.
In "Femmes et Filles: Mai 68" ("Women and Girls: May '68"), a collection of essays published last month, many of the contributors discuss the events as introducing la maison des possibles, a domain of possibility rather than a completed struggle.
The painting of a nude lying on top of a blue pillow was about $9 million short of shattering the then-record for the most expensive artwork sold at an auction, falling behind Pablo Picasso's "Les femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')".
"With issues of exclusion of women of color in the past two Cincinnati marches to the concerns about antisemitism on the national level, many women and femmes are experiencing hurt, anger and distrust of one another," the statement on Facebook said.
But the French is a bit more specific in its exhortation, a bit more committed to the active voice when it says Imaginons un monde où les femmes libérées de l'emprise de la violence s'épanouissent dans le respect et la liberté.
I'm 32, I was born in 1984, and the Violent Femmes were the one thing that my sister and I—my sister is ten years older than me, almost to the day—found as common ground when we were growing up.
The actress and activist Robin Wright and the designer Karen Fowler, longtime friends and fellow Texans, founded Pour Les Femmes in 2016 in a bid to craft the perfect pair of pajamas while collaborating with the women of eastern Congo.
"Her gender does not fall within 'Chicano' and the people she studies with her camera are butches and femmes and gender-nonconforming," said Ms. Gómez-Barris, the head of social sciences and cultural studies at Pratt Institute in New York.
There's a bit in Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg about the revolution around gay identities that happened in the '70s and '80s, which saw far more middle-class lesbians taking over the community and rejecting the butches and femmes.
The artists of the Salon de la Rose+Croix painted lovesick Orpheuses, busty femmes fatales and virginal shepherdesses, all in the service of the salon's dubious mystic founder, Joséphin Péladan, an author with a taste for high drama and white robes.
In "Mode et Femmes, 14/18," which runs through June 17 at the Bibliothèque Forney, the curators Maude Bass-Krueger and Sophie Kurkdjian show that if the war accelerated modernization already underway, fashion also reflected profound anxiety about women's liberation.
Donald Trump rolled back the birth control mandate, BuzzFeed published a story about men in tech and media who are actively helping white supremacists target women and femmes online, and Harvey Weinstein was finally publicly exposed for decades of sexual harassment and assault.
It beat a record set in May 227.3 by Pablo Picasso's "Les Femmes D'Alger," which sold for $179.4 million, and constituted more than half the sale's total of $785.9 million, which came in well above the roughly $450 million pre-sale estimate.
It's not like I have a vendetta against the film or anything; it's just one of those things that hasn't ever happened for me—especially after I took on a feminist mission to only consume art created by women/femmes for a year.
If two guy friends were to masturbate together unromantically (and somewhat ironically), they'd be more quickly labeled as gay, but even discounting the hOt lesBiaN sTuFf trope, women and femmes have more space to experiment sexually without being boxed into rigid identities.
Il s'est cependant gagné les faveurs de nombreux jeunes Saoudiens en contenant la police religieuse du pays, en promettant d'accorder le droit de conduire aux femmes et en annonçant, la semaine dernière, la fin de l'interdiction des salles de cinéma dans le royaume.
Somewhere between childhood (when I realized my "baby fat" wasn't going anywhere) and adulthood (when I actively decided to live at peace with this), I internalized the pressure put on fat women and femmes to present themselves in a hyper-feminine way.
As I reflect on the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, I am drawn into remembrance of those who came before: Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, all the trans women, femmes and people of color who started the queer revolution long before I was born.
Instead, the photos question art historical traditions of objectifying women: In "Le déjeuner sur l'herbe: les trois femmes noires," a wry feminist pastiche on Manet's notorious 1862 painting, one woman squints, her chin propped in her hand, assessing the viewer assessing her.
Milwaukee's folk-punk heroes Violent Femmes get that, and the new video for "Issues" from their latest record We Can Do Anything (their first full length in six years) lays it out with a couple stick figures going at it in more ways than one.
I was interested in creating a bridge from philanthropy into angel investing, and sharing with these women and femmes that another way they could make a positive impact with their money could be by investing in women-led, femme-led, for-profit social ventures.
Kai Cheng Thom, a 27-year-old Chinese-Canadian transgender writer and performance artist, is the author of a recent "fictional memoir" titled "Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoir" — a novel that turns the memoir form on its head.
Mais à lui seul, le nombre de témoignages de femmes exposant sur la place publique les détails de contacts sexuels non sollicités révèle clairement que le comportement privé des hommes de pouvoir — quel que soit le niveau de ce dernier — n'a pas forcément changé.
J'ai reçu énormément de lettres manuscrites, de messages, de mails, majoritairement de femmes, mais aussi de garçons, victimes ou non, qui avaient été touchés par le témoignage, et qui m'ont fait réaliser le manque de récits médiatiques de victimes de violences sexuelles en France.
Sauf qu'il y a une dizaine d'années, ce paisible hameau a attiré sur lui l'opprobre mondial quand le conseil municipal a instauré à l'intention des immigrants un code de vie qui, entre autres, leur interdisait de lapider les femmes en public ou de les brûler vives.
Before today, the highest price paid for art at auction was Pablo Picasso's "Les Femmes d'Alger" (1955), which including fees went for $179.4 million, and the highest price paid in a private sale is believed to be Willem de Kooning's "Interchange" (1955) at roughly $300 million.
I have heard LGBTQ people discuss the culture on Grindr and dating apps as it relates to "no femmes," which is a common trope among gay men on apps, but those conversations often stop short of addressing sex with people who are not male or female.
It was consciously overstuffed with victimized femmes fatales, but at the same time, Mr. Lynch extrapolated from daytime soap opera in a way that gave some of his female characters more sexual curiosity and agency and made stars of a whole group of unknown young actresses.
As she got older, however, she similarly found that cutting your hair short when you are a woman, and particularly when you are a fat woman, engenders this sudden absence of male attention; the kind of male attention women and femmes are generally taught to aspire to.
Like a Violent Femmes for the post-Brexit era, they've got the mischief and fury of those too smart and bored for their own good (think: a kid standing in the middle of the suburbs with a gas canister in hand and a smirk on his face).
Then she's sent undercover to report on the doings of a Bulgarian arms dealer (Rose Byrne) and goes rogue — fighting femmes fatales, flying planes and conducting high-speed chases throughout Europe — in Paul Feig's "wild, profane, surprisingly bloody caper comedy," A. O. Scott wrote in The New York Times.
Jacques Demy's musical comic drama "Les Demoiselles de Rochefort" (1967) was one of several occasions when Ms. Darrieux played Catherine Deneuve's mother; among the others was François Ozon's 20043 all-star musical whodunit, "Huit Femmes" ("8 Women"), about a household with only one man in it, a dead one.
Even though I do not believe that fat women and femmes must have long hair in order to be presentable, worthy of respect, or beautiful, I came face to face with the effects of this construct on my own presentation on the day I finally made the big chop.
Featuring the work of eight artists and brought together under the general theme of "ideologies of collage," the display is the first in the couple's new Deux Femmes Noires project, a mentorship and exhibition program dedicated to increasing the visibility of and creating new opportunities for artists of color.
Today, brujería—and its accompanying bruja (Spanish for witch) title—are being taken up by a growing community of primarily Latinx women and femmes who want to tap into the mysticism of their heritage, often sharing images of their practice through social media or incorporating bruja culture into their creative pursuits.
Au contraire, j'espère que nous serons en mesure de dire que même si nous avions beaucoup d'autres choses à faire - et même si d'autre enjeux pouvaient accaparer notre attention -- nous avons décidé ensemble que l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes ne pouvait pas attendre, et que nous non plus.
This exhibition, a considerably expanded reprisal of the 19173 "Mode & Femmes 14/18" show at the Bibliothèque Forney in Paris, is the first comprehensive view of French fashion during World War I, according to Maude Bass-Krueger, the co-curator and a postdoctoral fellow at Leiden University in the Netherlands.
I've been drawn to the straight girls I made up games with on the playground to straight girls in college playing games with me; from cis men who wear lesbian button-downs to sweetheart femmes; to anyone tall, gay, and handsome; to anyone who wears a carabiner with a certain sprezzatura.
Photo by Lazina Franklin Jamal Lewis, 25, filmmaker currently shooting the documentary, No Fats, No Femmes that explores perceptions of race, desire, and body image Personally, I'm very much interested in black histories that aren't taught, particularly histories of black queer folk whose bodies often fail respectable notions of race, gender, and class.
I know a woman who rents a mansion decked out in vintage art and taxidermy twice a year and invites women and femmes to come out in their luxest lingerie—in that environment, it can be very, very difficult not to take selfies, and so photos are ok with a few rules.
With a terrific cast of three, it cuts between the detective-movie world of the private eye Burke Sloane (Dana Watkins) — where femmes fatales are plentiful and clever wordplay is the native tongue — and the more pedestrian life of Rob Marlowe (also Mr. Watkins), a film professor whose marriage is giving out.
This Saturday, February 17, marks the fifth rendition of Indian Summer's "More Fats More Femmes Witch Market" for which Garcia, with the help of writer and collaborator Kim Selling and stylist Abby Cooke, will bust out the best of the biggest, populating the shop entirely with vintage threads sizes 12 and up.
It's populated by familiar types lifted from the movies: the mysterious femmes fatales, the free-spirited artists, the topless, eccentric, bird-raising neighbors, the wisecracking friends, and the grizzled, aimless detective type who finds himself always one step behind a plot that turns out to be much wilder than he could have anticipated.
Pour l'américaine Joan Scott, historienne des moeurs sociales et sexuelles françaises à l'Institute for Advanced Studies de l'université de Princeton aux Etats-Unis, la réticence en France à contrer plus agressivement le harcèlement sexuel est le reflet de l'ancrage profond d'une certaine conception des relations sexuelles et de pouvoir entre hommes et femmes.
"You have women and femmes and people of color who trust you to put them in spaces in which they're not going to be directly harmed, and you have all these losers like Goatmoon and Absurd who go out and end up doing it—all that shit translates to violence," Hatestürm says.
Here are a few of the movies and TV shows featuring violent femmes that we enjoyed this year: This movie, which came out in September, is about four teenage friends being literally hunted by bigots and misogynists, who think one of the girls hacked their whole town and posted everyone's nudes as revenge porn.
But Mr. Joseph re-emerged in a flowered shirt, ukulele in hand, furiously strumming the Violent Femmes-like "We Don't Believe What's on TV." A too-long set of older songs on a B stage in the rear of the arena felt half-considered compared to the elaborate gestures the band pulled off up front.
Matches Fashion is now carrying demure nightgowns from the likes of Three Graces London and Robin Wright Penn's line, Pour Les Femmes, and recently, a smocked, floral-print nightdress by the traditional Florentine label Loretta Caponi found its way to Amanda Cutter Brooks's new boutique in the English countryside and onto her Instagram account.
Le prince, surnommé "MBS", semble même prêt à oser l'impensable: droit de conduire et accès au stade pour les femmes, retour éventuel des salles de cinéma — et surtout pression sur les clergés religieux et annonce de révision et certification des grands canons de l'orthodoxie et des hadiths, ces recueils canoniques des dits du prophète Mohammed.
The hook—"I don't want dick tonight; eat my pussy right"—was instant rap game canon, while the song's Ladies Night remix, featuring a conspiracy of alpha femmes (Missy, Da Brat, Angie Martinez, Left Eye), quickly went platinum on account of the fact that every single lyric could be repurposed as a tweet with clap emojis between every word.
If the title of Alassane's 1972 feature F.V.V.A (standing for femmes, voitures, villas, argent: girls, cars, mansions, money) recalls a No Limit Records album from the early 2000s, it's not a total coincidence: the picture concerns Ali, a well-meaning functionary in his 20s who finds himself tempted by the finer things available under post-independence capitalism.
Building on these themes as they appear in her 2016 novel, Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars, and her 2017 poetry collection, A Place Called No Homeland, her latest book, I Hope We Choose Love: A Trans Girl's Notes at the End of the World, tackles queer community dynamics head-on in a mix of poems and personal essays.
In 1932, Picasso was deeply into his moxie version of Surrealism and making preparations for his first retrospective at Galerie Georges Petit in Paris with a new series of works, for which Walter served as model and muse, such as the horrendously conceived but beautifully drawn bucolic image "Les femmes en fleur" ("Women as a Flower," 33).
A few years ago, in Brooklyn and Oakland, buttons started popping up on backpacks and jackets that said "Not Yr Wendy" — a collective sigh of frustration from the femmes I kept meeting who paid their masculine lovers' rent, soothed their hurt egos, and managed the petty daily misogynies of a person who wouldn't care for themselves.
Standouts include Rivera's Neoclassical, Picasso-inspired "La Molendera" ("Woman Grinding Maize," 21900); Kahlo's "Tanto Frida" ("Both Fridas," 21950) and "Autorretrato con el pelo corto" ("Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair," 21900) — painted shortly after divorcing Rivera; Siqueiros's pretentious self-portrait "Autorretrato (Le Grand Colonel)" (33); and Orozco's quite beautiful image "Les Femmes des soldats" ("Wives of Soldiers," 23).
One major theme is appearance-based discrimination against people whose appearances are additionally marginalized, which the panelists reference in relation to their experiences: Within the fat-positive community, hourglass figures that come closer to recalling femme beauty standards receive more attention than those that do not; in butch circles, femmes tend to pursue the same few coventionally handsome butches.
Les femmes que nous célébrons ce jour sont des infirmières et docteures qui travaillent 24 heures sur 24 pour répondre à l'épidémie de coronavirus, des agricultrices qui luttent contre des essaims de criquets dévastateurs en Afrique de l'Est, des mères dont le travail non rémunéré à la maison constitue le pilier de tant d'économies à travers le monde.
Since Mr. Gorvy's appointment to that position more than a decade ago, Christie's has achieved the three highest prices at auction: $179.4 million for Picasso's "Les Femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')" in 2015; $170.4 million for Amedeo Modigliani's "Nu Couché" (Reclining Nude) that same year; and $19303 million for Francis Bacon's triptych, "Three Studies of Lucian Freud," in 2013.
Around the time Cézanne and van Gogh were down in Provence analyzing apples and mountains, the artists of the Salon de la Rose+Croix painted lovesick Orpheuses, busty femmes fatales and virginal shepherdesses, all in the service of the salon's dubious mystic founder, Joséphin Péladan, an author with a taste for high drama and white robes.
Mais selon lui, cette levée de boucliers contre l'accommodement des minorités ethniques s'explique en partie par le fait que le Québec vit encore dans la foulée de la Révolution tranquille des années 1960, où les Québécois se sont dressés contre une Église catholique qui contrôlait tous les aspects de leur vie, allant jusqu'à faire pression sur les femmes pour qu'elles procréent.
Instead, what I learned during the social experiment that followed is that Jacob and Alok, like many gender nonconforming femmes, live in a world where admirers applaud them for their radical politics on social media, and people they're attracted to associate with them because of their slayworthiness and social capital, but refuse to make love to them, or at least fuck them well.
And in a nation in which the working poor continue to fight for a living wage, it's undermined a rare opportunity for wealth redistribution in which clients (who are mostly older white men with financial ability) compensate sex workers (who are mostly younger women and femmes, often trans and of color) in a significant way, rather than with the crumbs of minimum wage.
En janvier dernier, plus de 100 femmes, dont Catherine Deneuve, ont signé une tribune au Monde condamnant le mouvement #MeToo, estimant qu'il punissait injustement les hommes quand, sur leur lieu de travail, ils avaient " tenté de voler un baiser, parlé de choses 'intimes' lors d'un dîner professionnel " ou " envoyé des messages à connotation sexuelle à une femme chez qui l'attirance n'était pas réciproque ".
Elsewhere, other "vile bodies," as the British novelist Evelyn Waugh put it several decades earlier, describing another decadent set — young members of London society after World War I — sink into the bosoms of beehive-coiffed femmes fatales, grab the band's microphone, smooch in smoky corners, or fade into each other's arms as they give in to the undertow of oceans of booze in the night.
He is a mostly passive participant in all the major events of the elaborately detailed plot, as he encounters dodgy aristocrats, artists manqués—in Jenkins's world no one is ever quite first rate, and quite a few are hapless failures— aspiring politicians and expiring relatives, femmes fatales, money men and wastrels, peace-loving soldiers and warlike civilians: a latter-day Vanity Fair, in other words.
He wrote just one female character, Kundry, and a singing chorus of sirens, the Flower Maidens, who appear only in Act II. Kundry, traumatically divided between carnal and spiritual forces, and the Flower Maidens are femmes fatales who try to lure Parsifal (and by implication other knights) from the path of virtue; Wagner's knights, though they're stirring and needy in other ways, are conceived as ludicrously chaste.

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