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399 Sentences With "feminist movement"

How to use feminist movement in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "feminist movement" and check conjugation/comparative form for "feminist movement". Mastering all the usages of "feminist movement" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Literature has always been the foundation of the feminist movement.
CD: What role do zines play in today's feminist movement?
The idea resurfaced during the feminist movement of the 1970s.
Boys and men must play their part in the feminist movement.
It's 1970; the feminist movement has the pull to be threatening.
As the feminist movement continues to evolve, our feminism must be intersectional.
According to Williams, the TERFs were a minority within the feminist movement.
I've always wanted to be a role model in the feminist movement.
It was also a time that the feminist movement became more inclusive.
You were a part of the radical feminist movement in the 80s.
But the radical feminist movement was also riven by internal disagreements over
The burgeoning feminist movement introduced him to performance as a personalized medium.
Clinton's candidacy into the context of women's suffrage and the feminist movement.
"The feminist movement was fundamental for me [in this decision]," said Sánchez.
Ms. Stevens became increasingly involved in the feminist movement in the 353s.
The feminist movement would be very happy to hear of this I'm sure.
Hold on, you say, was there no feminist movement in Brazil until then?
And, yet, Jews were and remain at the forefront of the feminist movement.
Some reviewers hailed Atwood's work as a voice of the burgeoning feminist movement.
In 1969, Playboy editors commissioned journalist Susan Braudy to investigate the feminist movement.
The feminist movement should be inclusive to all people who want to participate.
As she sees it, Trump could be a good thing for the feminist movement.
How did films engage with the contemporary feminist movement or the backlash to it?
It was a substantial victory for the growing feminist movement as a political force.
"There's no Beyoncé 'Feminist' movement in 2013 without Janet first taking CONTROL." he wrote.
Even within the feminist movement, some women have criticized hijabs as an oppressive custom.
A product of the feminist movement who had followed her husband to Arkansas, Mrs.
They would go on to serve as key figures in the lesbian feminist movement.
The feminist movement will be tethered to the Black, Latinx, Asian, and Native experiences.
But Chisholm's bid laid bare the deep racial fault lines in the feminist movement.
It speaks candidly about the history of racism, even within the feminist movement itself.
Some of her drawbacks reflect the struggles we've seen within our real-life feminist movement.
I highly doubt that KFC is dedicated to an intersectional Angela Davis-inspired feminist movement.
The feminist movement was extremely angry, and rightfully so, but it was a bit scary.
"China's feminist movement has a very long history, since [before] 1919," Zheng told The Verge.
Socialist Party for a time, and a leader of a strong feminist movement of that
The Nashville resident has attacked both Black Lives Matter and the feminist movement on Twitter.
My argument is that the feminist movement and civil rights movement were breaking things open.
You have a feminist movement more active and galvanized than it's been in my lifetime.
As a woman over 50 with deep affinity for the feminist movement, I support Bernie Sanders.
Roxane Gay: Well, I think we will have a vibrant feminist movement ten years from now.
I always wanted to be part of a movement: the civil rights movement, the feminist movement.
Many now hail it as the opening salvo of the second-wave feminist movement in America.
I felt for the first time ever that I could fit into a grassroots feminist movement.
She thinks over-emphasizing femaleness "strengthens the patriarchy" and can isolate men from the feminist movement.
Perhaps the most surprising comment came from Steinem, 81, an icon of the modern feminist movement.
In general, it's unfair to pin the entire feminist movement on a single comedian or woman.
Who would have guessed that Donald Trump, of all people, would inspire a bipartisan feminist movement?
The Manhattan district attorney's sex crimes unit was certainly a potent expression of the feminist movement.
In a Doris Day world on the cusp of the feminist movement, the semiotics were subversive.
We all need to be at the forefront of a feminist movement of the 21st century.
For one of the final choices, a personal favorite and an anthem of the feminist movement.
Her relationship with the feminist movement was one of "[sniping] from the sidelines" rather than active involvement.
She said in an interview with Nest HQ that the group is like a modern feminist movement.
The progressive feminist movement has not resolved its multiple issues around diversity and inclusion — far from it.
Nearly two-thirds of wall opponents say the feminist movement accurately reflects the views of most women.
"Like all the social movements, the Chinese feminist movement has experienced climaxes and bottoms," Ms. Li wrote.
This legislation is the most recent, and arguably most concrete, victory for Argentina's rapidly growing feminist movement.
The United States has the world's oldest feminist movement, yet American women are behind their sisters elsewhere.
Wade — the most cherished victory of the American feminist movement — you have a recipe for a legitimacy crisis.
"I think he acknowledges the role men have to play in the feminist movement," says attendee Saumya Gulati.
And they certainly don't herald the arrival of the "bipartisan feminist movement" The New York Times gushed about.
"In Taiwan, many female political candidates came from the feminist movement," said Zheng Churan, a women's rights activist.
"After the people were detained, it kind of threw a huge wrench at the feminist movement," Liu said.
This level of participation in the feminist movement across genders has been a long time coming, Steinem said.
The feminist movement recognized there were real problems in that regard and worked to try to fix that.
The larger goal is to create a more diverse feminist movement and deepening our politics around gender equality.
It was a slower time, before #MeToo and the exhilarating, bewildering avalanche of developments in the feminist movement.
Large parts of the mainstream feminist movement still shun us or actively work against our calls for decriminalization.
Then came the feminist movement in the '60s — and Lilith's uncontrollable nature rendered her the ideal role model.
"The modern feminist movement was just gaining steam," Ms. McIntyre recalled in 218 in an interview with Gizmodo.
The seeds of the second-wave feminist movement were being sewn, and disillusionment with the American cultural landscape grew.
I was in Edmonton, Alberta, where there was no feminist movement, and would not be for quite some time.
The early feminist movement was too "us and them," too hateful, too many women carrying victimhood like a cross.
Giulia Bianchi: In 2012 I was living in New York City, investigating different arms of the feminist movement today.
I'm not speaking about the writers of the feminist movement or the nonfiction writers for the 1970s or '80s.
It feels strikingly of the moment, as a resurgent feminist movement draws attention to the wide scope of misogyny.
In the 1970s, it was a political statement to keep your last name, a nod to the feminist movement.
Like the broader feminist movement from which it came, it's particularly susceptible to whitewashing and a lack of intersectionality.
And when I found out there was a feminist movement within the punk movement, I was attracted to it.
But it was always going to be tricky to have a feminist movement led by a billionaire corporate executive.
Bowers's show sets out to herald their activism, and to call attention to their importance to the feminist movement.
"Though the feminist movement nurtured all of us, I am disillusioned with it," she said in the same interview.
We need a feminist movement in which the facts of the case trump the identities of the parties involved.
In 1963, THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE (Audible Studios; 15 hours, 41 minutes) ignited the second wave of the feminist movement.
If that puts me beyond the pale of the progressive feminist movement in America right now, so be it.
They recognize that the left's feminist movement isn't truly interested in hearing from them or listening to their concerns.
More and more frequently, my identity as a Zionist places me in conflict with the feminist movement of 2017.
The feminist movement put a lot of pressure on me and said I was a very poor role model.
At that point, the feminist movement had de-mystified and un-tabooed notions of women's sexuality within the academic sphere.
Pro-life women and feminists often feel understandably hurt and excluded from the broader feminist movement because of their views.
She later used her writing to deconstruct both homophobia within the black community and anti- blackness in the feminist movement.
And snippets of lives, from women on the front lines of the feminist movement in the '70s to Malala Yousafzai.
It's obvious Glow's writers are very aware of #MeToo and want to put a 1980s lens on the feminist movement.
The sex-positive feminist movement was started in the '80s partially in response to the rise of anti-porn feminism.
At this point, if you haven't noticed fashion's role in the (mainstreamed) feminist movement, well, you're just not paying attention.
Other theorists claim that the feminist movement is part of this breakdown, but I disagree, I support equality for women.
Clinton's standing reflects the evolution of assumptions about gender roles ever since the feminist movement gathered force in the 1960s.
But this subset of tango history began to come under scrutiny as Argentina's feminist movement grew in visibility and vigor.
The feminist movement at the time created social change that opened the doors to new and longer careers for women.
" In a January 28 tweet, he suggested the "feminist movement" was attempting to "destroy masculinity in boys" through "prescription pharmaceuticals.
And the idea of connecting her life to the feminist movement or recasting it through #MeToo feels alien to her.
"With the feminist movement of the '60s and '70s not being fully inclusive, that prevented us from winning things," Bland says.
Such works were doubly rejected, first by a mainstream society scandalized by overt sexuality, and secondly by the feminist movement itself.
I'm in favor of all things that improve women's lives, but I don't think that the feminist movement necessarily addresses that.
This issue spreads its wings outside of this one (horrible) incident, all the way to the feminist movement as a whole.
"She was such a force majeure; in these times of this new feminist movement she can be such an inspirational voice."
She witnessed, and illustrated, the feminist movement around the world, and pictured women in their workplaces — bank clerks, models, strippers, cleaners.
" Ms. Cho added that she wanted to reflect that empowered feeling: "It's like a feminist movement happening in beauty right now.
Will this trigger a reckoning among the feminist movement, often accused of dismissing or ignoring the voices and work of minorities?
The new blocos form part of a growing feminist movement that first became obvious through demonstrations held last November in Rio.
Women, meanwhile, have long been expected to be natural homemakers long after the second-wave feminist movement attempted to expel such stereotypes.
That, obviously, is one of the ways in which a strike like this exposes fault lines of privilege within the feminist movement.
But men did not know what to do with themselves after the feminist movement severed them from their social role of dominance.
Terry O'Neill, president of the National Organization for Women (NOW): My generation was present at the creation of the modern feminist movement.
Pro-lifers who don't embrace the feminist movement are frequently the reason that pro-choice advocates choose not to engage in discussion.
DOLORES HUERTA: One of the issues, I think, that separates women of color from the feminist movement, is the issue of abortion.
But how can a film about the death of a professional woman in 1974 not address the feminist movement of the time?
Mayotte Magnus's Illuminating Women features stage actors, novelists, artists, editors, and publishers whose breakthroughs coincided with the Feminist movement of the 1970s.
She founded a female collective called Girl Gang, intended as a positive, feminist movement to rally and support women in the arts.
Stryker had written to me earlier in the week, explaining that there's been a long history of division within the feminist movement.
Clinton didn't stand for the feminist movement directly, and that you could vote against her without saying you were voting against feminism.
The decade followed the second-wave feminist movement, and the pendulum of pop cultural trends had swung back in the opposite direction.
It's not that Erdoğan has special favor for the feminist movement, which has been grappling with a backslide as Turkey becomes more oppressive.
For a century after her death, she was reviled; only when the feminist movement began gaining traction was her life and writing reassessed.
Prior to 1970, prominent members of the growing feminist movement began claiming that lesbians, and being associated with lesbians, threatened the movement's progress.
Hard. Harder. HV: n the early feminist movement, what did they actually think about Abstract Expressionism, or did they even think about it?
This, arguably, gave the feminist movement a more sweeping, visionary approach that was focused on the structural, economically rooted barriers to women's equality.
Mary Tyler Moore, whose eponymous and groundbreaking 1970s sitcom was considered influential in the feminist movement, is dead at the age of 80.
It's a tension all too familiar to the feminist movement, who want to see their outsider culture go mainstream without losing its heart.
But as the feminist movement works to diversify and build bridges, the mainstream movement should invite diverse perspectives in — not shut them out.
The mainstream feminist movement is rooted in the conviction that, as Margaret Thatcher once said, "there is no alternative" to American-style capitalism.
The problem with the larger mainstream feminist movement is that they continue to be lethargic on calling out and taking TERFs to task.
I do have a technique for dealing with large groups of noisy, drunken guys, although it puts back the feminist movement 50 years.
The sexual revolution was over, and the feminist movement had shifted from communal love and bra burning to capitalism and Donna Karan suits.
Over on Schlafly's side of things, Sarah Paulson plays an ally of the anti-feminist movement, and John Slattery plays Schlafly's husband, John.
When the modern teachers' union movement began in Chicago in 1897, it was an explicitly feminist movement with close ties to the suffragists.
The book comes at a time of renewed energy within the feminist movement, and Ms. Alinejad believes that the book's themes transcend borders.
She also continued to lobby for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and remained active in the feminist movement.
Senator Gillibrand co-opted the feminist movement to arrogantly decide that it was necessary for her to be the judge, jury and executioner.
But to some critics, the controversy also speaks to the broader challenge the Women's March faces in building a truly intersectional feminist movement.
Similar critiques about white privilege power dynamics have shown up in other notable causes, such as the feminist movement and progressive activism altogether.
Among those marching on March 22016 last year were two women who represent the country's separate but increasingly connected spheres of Turkey's feminist movement.
In Sweden, the feminist movement is attacking me for all kinds of reasons, which I feel is like they are constructing something they need.
Lorde, who died in 1992, advocated for the rights of both queer black women and others who weren't part of the mainstream feminist movement.
Though a separate entity, it's inextricably linked with the feminist movement, both being rooted in the concept of equality and primarily driven by women.
If one thing is clear, it's that millennial women's views on the feminist movement cannot be summed up with pink hats and trendy tees.
The amendment marked an important milestone in the feminist movement, and enshrined into law the fact that women should be treated equally to men.
So much of the feminist movement and social justice movements is about inclusion but we also need to build compassion, empathy, understanding, and tolerance.
"Being on this rocket ship, it was accidental that all of a sudden we were in this feminist movement," Agrawal said at The Assemblage.
Douglass was one of the few men present at Seneca Falls in 1848, when Elizabeth Cady Stanton helped launch the modern American feminist movement.
Her memory has been preserved mainly by a handful of Egyptian feminists who have sought, with mixed success, to rebuild an independent feminist movement.
" He called those who opposed him "authoritarian true-believers," who included evangelists and "one limited, radical but very vocal part of the feminist movement.
" This, she explains, is why they decided to convey their "new international feminist movement" around the socialist philosophy of "Feminism for the 99 Percent.
The piece concerned anti-abortion women who, despite their inherently anti-feminist beliefs, want to call themselves feminists and be included in the feminist movement.
Radical lesbian activists at that time merged with the second-wave feminist movement, starting iconic organizations and events that centered the voices of lesbian feminists.
I came up in the feminist movement in the 70s, where there was a big community of gay women, and I've been with women since.
I once asked my mother, part of the feminist movement of the '60s, what she saw as the biggest difference between her movement and mine.
"I can't deny that I oppose the feminist movement," said Mr. Siqueira, a real estate broker who emerged into the national spotlight with his campaign.
" And while she called it a feminist show, she said that "the flaws of the feminist movement are reflected in 'Sex and the City,' too.
"The time of the original 1977 was very important in terms of revolt and affirmation and the feminist movement then was very strong," Guadagnino said.
Senate investigations in the 1970s revealed a catalog of abuses, ranging from the harassment of Martin Luther King Jr. to surveillance of the feminist movement.
Johnson was one of several hundred rigorously educated, supremely capable yet largely unheralded women who, well before the modern feminist movement, worked as NASA mathematicians.
She came out as a lesbian the year the book was published, but lesbians in the feminist movement denounced her for not coming out sooner.
They were written in 1970 by the African-American critic Linda La Rue about the vaunted cross-cultural embrace of the second-wave feminist movement.
Since the beginning of our feminist movement, we've had amazing suffragettes who have done wonderful things but have still kept people of color at arm's length.
But from the start, the feminist response to his candidacy (and subsequent election) has been plagued by the same issue facing the larger feminist movement: racism.
Britain's first ever female prime minister Margaret Thatcher is top of the list for her contributions — good and bad — to the feminist movement in the 143s.
Petersen sees a crescendo of the unruly feminist movement in the defeat of Hillary Clinton—who is her central unruly subject—in the 2016 presidential election.
The patriarchy has bent over backward to protect its predators for centuries; the last thing the feminist movement should do is start making the same mistake.
Indeed, two themes run through this book: the hard-won autonomy of the one girl in the boys' club and her ambivalence toward the feminist movement.
In the early 1970s, Grimstad and Rennie were both active in the burgeoning second-wave feminist movement in New York; Grimstad was 29 and Rennie 34.
In fostering a feminist movement, which can include and empower women from all different races and classes, hooks calls for an honest reckoning of its history.
For some, the burger chain's nod to women may signal the success of the contemporary feminist movement, which has been reinvigorated by the misogyny of Donald Trump.
This flawed reasoning is from the activists who refuse to even allow conservative women – people who've started business, lead huge corporations and more – into the feminist movement.
Reproductive rights activists fear that Trump's victory could strike a devastating blow to decades of advancement in the feminist movement, putting women in direct and real danger.
The video is tongue-and-cheek, with the lead character lamenting over how pop culture's feminist movement spreads empowering messaging that don't directly translate into measurable change.
Despite the involvement and support of influential men, Spiritualism remained primarily the work of women, and coincided with the first major feminist movement in the United States.
She is the author of the book "Girls to the Front" (Harper Perennial, 2010), a critical and cultural history of the 1990s punk-feminist movement riot grrrl.
In fact, I felt like the whole "feminist" movement was wrong — I couldn't do anything I set my mind to simply because I wanted it badly enough.
She acknowledges that conservative women like Conway "directly undermine the goals of the [feminist] movement at large," but doesn't complete the thought without a plea for sympathy.
First published in 1973, this guide to womanhood — from abortion, to marriage, to art, to self-defense — was an influential text of the second-wave feminist movement.
"The feminist movement never really dealt with what it meant that black men were also oppressed by white men," Curdina Hill, Casa Myrna's first executive director, says.
"The French feminist movement has never been a single bloc, it's never been monolithic," Schiappa said upon her return to Paris, receiving a visitor in her office.
The New York artist Louise Fishman was on the front lines of the early feminist movement of the 1960s, and out in the streets for gay liberation.
Then he watched the actress Emma Watson brief the United Nations on the importance of men's involvement in the feminist movement, and he took it to heart.
"I believe in women's rights, but I think the feminist movement has almost gone too far, certainly in the U.K. it has, in some instances," she said.
Even in trying to be a part of the feminist movement, white women have let us know, slyly, that our race trumps our gender—it just does.
Wade in the coming years — the most cherished victory of the American feminist movement — you have yet another reason to worry about a Supreme Court legitimacy crisis.
While Toni Morrison's 1973 novel "Sula" bears thematic similarities to "My Brilliant Friend," it was also an essential text in the founding of the black feminist movement.
We need a feminist movement that is robust enough to survive women who have preyed on others without trying to justify their behavior or maligning their victims.
After the rise of the national feminist movement last year, they began giving free or low-cost workshops to teach women how to make their own masks.
" They later deleted the tweet and offered a statement "clarifying" their position on the term and "reiterat[ing] that we are a fully inclusive, intersectional feminist movement.
Hillary Clinton isn't taking her cues from the feminist movement, but it may have enabled her to be a little more open about her own historic role.
As Vox's Victoria Massie explained, Clinton represents, and directly benefited from, a mainstream feminist movement that has pushed women of color to the side time and again.
Irish Catholic conservatives, looking at both the American case and the wider successes of the Irish feminist movement on issues like equality in the workplace, got spooked.
With so much attention on the #MeToo hashtag, what lessons can be learned from a feminist movement born on the internet to affect real change in women's rights?
In addition to being relevant to the times, today's feminist literature often features more diverse authors and perspectives, representing the many voices of the feminist movement at large.
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump eulogized conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly Saturday, praising her as an underdog and linking the anti-feminist movement she led to his anti-establishment campaign.
Some have said that symbols of the march like feminist T-shirt slogans and pink "pussy hats" reinforce white feminism and are reductive of the current feminist movement.
The UMAR Women's Union for Alternative and Response and the feminist movement Por Todas Nos both called for protests in the capital Lisbon on Friday, according to Reuters.
The exhibition features stage actors, novelists, artists, editors and publishers whose breakthroughs coincided with the political and social changes ushered in by the Feminist movement of the 1970s.
It has opposed the labor movement, the LGBT rights movement, the feminist movement, the civil rights movement because each has threatened that hierarchy—and conservatives' grasp on power.
Experiences that they assumed had been theirs alone turned out to be collective, and swapping stories became one of the foundational tools of the Second Wave feminist movement.
Corse, who resisted association with the feminist movement, insisted in a 1971 Newsweek article that if her work was good enough, it would get the attention it deserved.
Eishar Kaur, a member of Britain's Punjabi diaspora, explains how her treasured cultural heritage has been reductively dismissed as patriarchal oppression by an incurious, white-dominated feminist movement.
Today, the book offers a lively window into the pre-Internet era of political organizing, and a look at the priorities of the early second-wave feminist movement.
In 266, at 266, she became a founding editor and political columnist for New York magazine and got progressively more involved in the feminist movement as a public figure.
The initiative is the result of a collaboration between pro-choice nonprofit Women on Waves, online medical abortion service Women on Web, and socialist feminist movement ROSA Northern Ireland.
"I called a couple of sisters that [I] know that are in the space that talk about the feminist movement and toxic masculinity, and just asked questions," he said.
When she talked about the feminist movement on Larry King Now Joining McGorry once again, Rose sat down for a Larry King Now panel about feminism and sexual assault.
Maybe it's counterintuitive to say that the feminists I spoke to all gave me a great deal of hope for the future of #MeToo and the wider feminist movement.
Gloria Steinem, one of the most prominent leaders of the second-wave feminist movement, publicly acknowledged this in a 1977 essay in the book Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions.
These public performances on TikTok essentially act like consciousness-raising discussions from the early days of the feminist movement, wherein women gathered to share and listen to each other.
Both female New York senators—the current and the former—readily transpose the empowerment rhetoric of the feminist movement into the quest for greater representation in the corporate boardroom.
We spoke to a selection of exhibitors about their work, the role of print zines in the digital age, and how zines fit into the current intersectional feminist movement.
She argues that misogyny is at the core of China's authoritarian regime and that a feminist movement, if not suppressed, could prove to be the country's 'most transformative movement.
It's possible, Barris said, that his nostalgia for old-fashioned breadwinner masculinity stems from the fact that his mother was "so far away" from identifying with the feminist movement.
Donald Trump has represented, both symbolically and in terms of the policy agenda, a reactionary presidency toward the feminist movement that has pushed the country toward greater gender equality.
The protest made her the face of the feminist movement of Pakistan, which were the first outspoken vocal critics of a military dictator attempting to mix religion and law.
This expanded definition, together with a growing feminist movement in the country aimed at holding perpetrators accountable, has led to an increase in reported rape after the law's passage.
"As the feminist movement gains prominence, it scares people, and this is their defense mechanism," Dalia Abd Elhameed, gender rights officer at the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, told CNN.
Professor Marston chronicles how their shared ideas about sex, power, gender roles, and the early feminist movement fed into the creation of Wonder Woman and manifested in the superhero's storylines.
Gloria Steinem, 71, entered the feminist movement the day she covered the Redstockings abortion speakout for New York magazine, and finally owned the abortion she had had several years earlier.
Nick Thimmesh wrote in the Chicago Tribune in 19603 that he felt women's boxing was "awful" and a product of the same feminist movement that promoted gay rights and abortions.
She wants us to look at art as a practice that enables survivors to "work through" and thereby resolve the kind of suffering that the feminist movement named and politicized.
She became famous as the leading lawyer of the feminist movement in the 1970s; as a litigator, she won some of the biggest women's rights cases in the Supreme Court.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads LOS ANGELES — The feminist movement of the 1970s spurred massive societal upheavals, but some segments of the culture were slower to respond than others.
The feminist movement in Mexico has gained traction in the past year and become violent at times, with some protesters attacking police stations or spray-painting slogans on government buildings.
After a latish start as an artist — she was in her 21999s — she made steady initial headway in a male-dominated Black Power movement and a white-dominated feminist movement.
By the end of it, they had a book, the New Woman's Survival Catalog, which doubled as a sprawling, energetic, joyful map of the feminist movement of the early 1970s.
Charmed's goal was to cast a multiracial array of women, to ground the series in the current feminist movement, and to literally empower its main characters to take on the patriarchy.
"Whether it's the feminist movement of the 1970s or expressions of non-binary gender identities today," said Mr. Zimmer of the American Dialect Society, "social changes can help power these changes."
Queen of pop Beyoncé is on the list for her contribution to black women's rights along with feminist campaigner Germaine Greer for her impact on the feminist movement in the 262s.
Partly because she moved to Topanga Canyon in the '70s, away from the art scenes in Santa Monica and Venice in Los Angeles, and the feminist movement that flourished at CalArts.
Not that Didion—a graduate of Berkeley and a staffer at Vogue during the age of Eisenhower, who was already writing pieces steeped in originality—was part of the feminist movement.
My thought process on that is that I don't like seeing people going through the hardship they go through, but I don't want to go backwards in the feminist movement, either.
"I saw a great documentary about the second-wave feminist movement, and it made me realize why people like Gloria Steinem were coming out in support of Hillary Clinton," she said.
In a nod to the growing feminist movement, Marvel transformed Danvers into Ms. Marvel, giving her a solo series in which she battled intergalactic villains and wore a navel-baring costume.
"The feminist movement in the '60s and '70s began to encourage us to look at women as gendered beings, and the men's movement in psychology really benefited from that," he said.
" They say that they "remain dedicated to the best part of the feminist movement — the rock-solid belief that women who want to work should have every opportunity to do so.
She indicts the origins of the white feminist movement for its racist and classist treatment of African-American women and repudiates its goals of imitating the power structure of white patriarchy.
The feminist movement was and is about giving women the right to use their brains and their talents to make their own choices, not about voting on the basis of gender identity.
Many adore her, but to others she represents not only the loss of the Obamas in the White House but also the mainstream feminist movement that has largely left pushed them aside.
The multiethnic faces that project unity on magazine covers come with opinions and relationships that aren't always in sync, a hurdle that's doomed previous attempts to build a truly representative feminist movement.
In the 60s, I demonstrated for women's rights and I was a part of the feminist movement ... Women have to work 10 times harder and be 10 times smarter than the men.
The tools of portable video were such, the members recall, that men and women started at the same learning curve, and women were able to cover the feminist movement in great detail.
Lucia, Daniele, and others are part of a vibrant and intersectional feminist movement in Brazil, mobilizing what some are calling a "Feminist Spring" in Brazil as the Supreme Court considers decriminalizing abortion.
The book set us off into a freewheeling discussion of everything from our shared Ghanaian ancestry to her belief that today's feminist movement was just as robust as it was in the 2003s.
And that feminist movement is one of the major reasons that today Bangladesh is still, against all the odds, posting impressive statistics on everything from girls' enrollment in primary school to maternal health.
The 2017 Women's March was deemed a setback for the intersectional feminist movement and an example of performative activism by many women of color because it did not address the issues they face.
According to Leta Hong Fincher, author of Betraying Big Brother, an upcoming book about China's feminist movement, she says that serious consequences for sexual harassment are possible in China, but still the exception.
Not long after its inception, explosive backlash across multiple denominations silenced the movement's public efforts, leaving little obvious evidence that a broad feminist movement had ever threatened the status quo of mainstream Christianity.
And though it nods to this conclusion, the book also never truly reckons with how white women especially, who have dominated the feminist movement as it has moved into the mainstream, are implicated.
We spent time with those wearing green bandanas, a symbol of the feminist movement in Argentina, and heard why advocates for the legalization of abortion believe there still needs to be further debate.
It's almost like that first generation of women directors that were molded by the feminist movement (whether they identified as feminists or not) were met with an even more hostile environment in Hollywood.
So if oneslutriot sounds more like the name of a radical feminist movement than that of an artist who works in the medium of oil paint and charcoal, that choice is very intentional.
But trickily for readers in today's age-striated world, three (approximately) generations encounter this feminist movement — and the broader culture wars of which it is a part — in at least three different ways.
Next, ask students to decide: Is intersectionality a useful concept — even a necessary approach — for building a stronger feminist movement, or does focusing on identity issues beyond gender only intensify divisions within feminism?
Her measured words barely hint at the hostility felt by some black artists toward a mainstream feminist movement that in their view ignored the black working-class poor and sometimes its own racism.
Through the late 1980s and early 1990s, she became an avid advocate for sex-positive lesbian imagery and BDSM culture, as heated debates on pornography caused harsh clashes within the lesbian-feminist movement.
At Dior's fall 2018 show, artistic director Maria Grazia Chiuri thew it back 50 years, to France in May 1968, when civil unrest filled the streets and paved way for a nouveau feminist movement.
In the 245 years that have passed since then, the feminist movement has made huge strides towards sexual and reproductive liberty; birth control was fully legalized in 1972, and abortion followed suit in 1973.
Some activists have looked suspiciously on exposes of the anti-Semitic politics of one of the organizers of the Women's March, worrying that it was an attempt to discredit a newly powerful feminist movement.
While the last act provides a thundering articulation of this moment in the feminist movement, it's hard not to wish there was a bit more of that in the stately build-up to it.
Faith, too, found herself joining the feminist movement of the late '60s partially out of principled political beliefs, and partially because it gave her a platform on which she might be noticed and admired.
Even in 1970, a seminal year in the American feminist movement, the average age of a first-time bride was under 21, and the vast majority of women were married by their late 20s.
The Magic Wand, one of the most iconic vibrators, was initially marketed as a general "body massager" for sore muscles before it became a talisman for the sex-positive feminist movement of the 2018s.
Their willingness to own the consequences of their choices and invite other women to do the same earn them a rightful place in the current feminist movement, even if each woman might reject it.
The very premise of the American feminist movement is to uncover truth and expose disparities in everything from workplace pay to household chores (hello, Betty Friedan) to sexual harassment (the modern-day #MeToo movement).
But Ireland only took the extreme step of putting an abortion ban in the constitution in 1983, a reaction to the gains of the feminist movement in both Ireland and the broader Anglophone world.
Yet rather than confront male violence or lobby the medical system, the focus of trans activism has overwhelmingly been the feminist movement, spaces and services designed for women, and the meaning of the word "woman".
" Ideological purity is impossible, but Doherty doesn't consider how relaxing feminist regulations could backfire: If we welcome anti-abortion activists into the feminist movement, it will not be long before they want their "voices heard.
Its feminist movement has mobilized broadly and empowered new generations: Madrid and Barcelona are led by female mayors; women hold 11 of 17 current ministerial posts and will make up 48% of the new parliament.
An early supporter of the Religious Right, she was most well-known for her opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s and becoming one of the leading female critics of the feminist movement.
Davis contends that Black women, like singers Billie Holliday, Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey and educators Ida B. Wells and Mary Church Terrell, should be recognized as the rightful forebears of the modern intersectional feminist movement.
Focusing on the work of more than 40 black women artists from the second-wave feminist movement, the exhibition recognizes the work of these artists committed to activism at a time of intense social change.
In that 20-year period, the Feminist movement was gaining momentum, as was the Black Power movement, but it is the lesser known histories in between that serve as the focal point of this exhibition.
Under the pen name Anne Wilensky, Ms. Pyne self-published several novels and collections of vignettes based on her life and experiences in the feminist movement, which she insisted on calling the women's liberation movement.
These rights weren't just won by the women's movement of the past; they are protected by the feminist movement of today — and they are under constant attack by the Republican Party, particularly the current administration.
An art review on Friday about the exhibition "Florine Stettheimer: Painting Poetry" at the Jewish Museum referred incorrectly to the feminist movement in the 1970s that coincided with a 1973 exhibition of Florine Stettheimer's work.
Hundreds of people, including Prime Minister Theresa May, attended the unveiling of the statue, which depicts Millicent Fawcett, a now relatively unsung hero of the feminist movement who led campaigning for women's right to vote.
Just as Madeline Miller turned the witch of The Odyssey into a protagonist in Circe, the feminist movement reincarnated Lilith as a figure of empowerment (and as the namesake of an all-female music festival).
Were the weekend's marches, with their diverse leadership, progressive speakers, and intersectional platforms, an indication of a long-awaited turning point and the beginning of a feminist movement that will truly speak to all women?
"As activists, particularly women of color, question Dunham's institutional ties to the feminist movement, the well-worn racial fault lines that have long characterized U.S. feminism are coming to the fore once again," she wrote.
This problem extends to those mind-bending conservatives appropriating feminism, but it began inside what Solnit calls the "revitalized feminist movement," where two phenomena are currently dismantling the ideology from opposite sides of the political spectrum.
The brand founded by Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, Elizabeth & James, was also inspired by the feminist movement transpiring this weekend, introducing the "Stronger Together" tee available exclusively at the brand's retail store in Los Angeles.
On top of that were the more puritanical strains of the feminist movement: Among a subset of radical queer feminists, including some lesbians, porn was viewed as an instrument of the patriarchy, an evil beyond redemption.
" Gloria Steinem is a political activist, writer and feminist, who was a big part of the Feminist Movement during the 1960s and 1970s; and has helped found the "Women's Action Alliance" and "National Women's Political Caucus.
According to a recent Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll, 30 percent of American women say they are not feminists, and 35 percent do not believe that today's feminist movement is focused on changes women want.
SUMMERTIME Also from France, a romantic drama about a farmer's daughter who moves to Paris in 21989, as the feminist movement is building there, and has an affair that defines her sexuality and changes her life.
In 'Betraying Big Brother,' Fincher illustrates the nascent feminist movement in China by recounting the story of the five feminist activists who were jailed for 37 days in 2015 after handing out stickers protesting sexual harassment.
WEEKEND An art review on Friday about the exhibition "Florine Stettheimer: Painting Poetry" at the Jewish Museum referred incorrectly to the feminist movement in the 2556s that coincided with a 28044 exhibition of Florine Stettheimer's work.
Increasingly, I worry that my support for Israel will bar me from the feminist movement that, in aiming to be inclusive, has come to insist that feminism is connected to a wide variety of political causes.
"Focusing on women first echoes Angela Davis's account of the history of the feminist movement, in which white women consistently deprioritized issues of race," the report notes, referring to the longtime political activist, academic and author.
Betty Friedan's 1963 book " The Feminine Mystique" gave voice to "the problem that has no name" — women being dissatisfied with their confinement at home as wives and mothers — and sparked the second wave of the feminist movement.
Gloria Steinem's articles "A Bunny's Tale" and "After Black Power, Women's Liberation," as well as books like "Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions," cemented her as a leader of the feminist movement in the late 1960s and 1970s.
While women everywhere took to the streets to advocate for women's equality, Sandberg — the author of Lean In and the face of the high-profile feminist movement that arose around it — didn't speak at a single rally.
"When I was growing up, I got the feeling that the feminist movement was so extreme to the left that it wasn't something I could connect with, so I didn't understand what it truly meant," says Horner.
This is the story of the few years when men tried to spark a parallel, pro-feminist movement linking the personal to the political, with varying levels of success—only for it to go very, very wrong.
Clark was a woman stuck in a moment between the second-wave feminist ideals that insisted that she has a right to claim space in this world, and the third-wave feminist movement that would demand it.
Many of the feminists I was reporting on, because I was also looking at the abortion politics, what remained of an old-style feminist movement, and so I started to write about Hillary Clinton at that point.
I think cisgender women who consider themselves feminists must take on this challenge of educating TERFs on actually being feminist and speaking out against the damage and the violence that [TERFs] are doing to the feminist movement.
Gloria Steinem has long been the face of the feminist movement, but the 85-year-old activist and writer still gets criticized for her stint as an undercover bunny at the New York Playboy Club in 1963.
Speaking to reporters last Tuesday, Trump, who has faced over a dozen specific allegations of sexual harassment himself, portrayed the charges against Kavanaugh as the symbol of a feminist movement that now sought to impugn all men.
Not long after the personal was declared political, Wonder Woman hit her stride once again — this time, at the forefront of the new wave feminist movement and on the cover of the first-ever issue of Ms. magazine.
Sandberg has made headlines in her nearly 10 years at Facebook, from pioneering a controversial feminist movement with her book "Lean In," to responding to criticism over the social media giant's handing of the Cambridge Analytica data scandal.
Macarena Sánchez, a 27-year-old striker, says the broader feminist movement inspired her to take a stand when she was let go from her club UAI Urquiza, the most successful of the first division teams, in January.
And though there are sects of the feminist movement that continue to use it, the rallying cry softened over time, partly in response to the still-pervasive anti-choice narrative that women were getting abortions on a whim.
" They began yelling demands for the feminist movement to embrace lesbians, and handing out copies of "Woman-Identified Woman," a manifesto-like publication that the organizers of the action had co-written for the occasion and signed "Radicalesbians.
Next week, Wildfang will be sending its "Wild Feminist" piece out to over 70 influencers and celebrities, including Sophia Bush, Kate Mara, and Ellen Page, which means a total feminist movement might just take social media by storm.
As Brazil's power structure has turned more conservative in recent years, with many female politicians being replaced by male lawmakers who have pushed for legislation to limit women's access to abortion, the country's feminist movement has gained strength.
"It's a bit of a game to test where the limits are," said Victoria Beytia, an avid tango dancer who, along with Ms. Furió, is part of a loose coalition of activists known as the Tango Feminist Movement.
But some fear such progress is threatened by the rise of the ultra-conservative Vox party, which casts the feminist movement as a radical enemy of traditional family values and is now the third largest force in parliament.
But a reinvigorated feminist movement and its overlap with movements for fat acceptance mean broader awareness of the harms that narrow beauty ideals can cause, and a more generalized disgust at men who feel entitled to judge women's bodies.
According to the news service, one protestor read aloud a letter by Atwood herself, who is reportedly a supporter of the Argentine feminist movement — and the author has said that the happenings of her novel are taken from history.
The real estate these schools sat on was valuable, and the feminist movement all but obliterated demand for their offerings, as the domestic talents once suggestive of elegance and good breeding began to look more like instruments of oppression.
Throughout the book, Paglia laments how the mainstream feminist movement has revolved around educated white women and forgotten working class women—and men, like the sanitation workers whom she believes do not receive enough credit for their dangerous work.
It's a cruel irony of the anti-feminist movement that the men lured into being patriarchy's foot-soldiers are so often those badly served by it in the first place: the nerds, the outsiders, the gauche, and the lonely.
In Ecatepec, a sprawling, working class Mexico City suburb that has seen a spike in gender violence, several women interviewed by Reuters said they saw Mexico's growing feminist movement as positive, but would not take part in the strike.
So if the feminist movement with all of its achievements were supposed to be the answer for women&aposs happiness you wouldn&apost expect to see that men are now happier than women and women&aposs happiness has steady declined.
Her views on women's equality fall in line with the Russian mainstream — highlighting what are seen as the good differences between men and women, the righteousness of traditional gender roles, and the hysteria of the feminist movement in the West.
"The Ni Una Menos movement led to a surge of adherence to the feminist movement and a generalized demand for more equal rights," said Dora Barrancos, 216, a sociologist at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council, a government agency.
Susan Meiselas documented carnival strippers during the early '70s, at the same time the feminist movement was taking shape in the US. In his series Orchard Beach: The Bronx Riviera, Wayne Lawrence documented beachgoers at the Bronx's only public beach.
The soul-searching of the feminist movement post-election has caused more people to realize that feminism as used by businesses to sell their products, no matter how cool, is at least an incompatible match, if not an entirely hypocritical one.
When one feminist collective took up that cry in the 280s, it was more or less drummed out of the second-wave feminist movement, which aimed to get women into the work force, not pay them to stay out of it.
It blew my mind, the fact that there had been this fully formed, really interesting, colorful feminist movement on the internet the exact same time that I was coming of age online, and I just couldn't believe that I'd missed it.
Sprouting from the radical feminist movement within the 1970s second wave, political lesbianism is related to lesbian separatism, and promotes the idea that a woman can break from heterosexuality and simply refuse to incorporate sex with men into their lives.
In the mid-1970s, a group of black feminist scholars and activists began meeting in Boston to form an organization that would address the political concerns of black women, which they felt had been ignored by the larger feminist movement.
They are now affiliated with, but not controlled by, March On. Jo Reger, professor of sociology at Oakland University in Michigan, says the feminist movement, like other important social movements, has always had people coming together and then breaking apart.
Finally, tell us more about what you think: In the article, Jo Reger, professor of sociology at Oakland University in Michigan, says the feminist movement — like other important social movements — has always had people coming together and then breaking apart.
Pablo recalled a chat with a student from his high school who argued inequality did not exist because women are now government ministers and judges, a view he said is common among young people who disagree with the feminist movement.
While that was not exactly the sort of happy ending that neatly ties up the overlapping subplots of Globo melodramas, it was applauded by an increasingly active feminist movement that has long denounced the deep-seated sexism in Brazilian culture.
Her erotic films are part of a feminist movement reclaiming the male-dominated porn industry by embedding it with the female gaze, instituting ethical production practices, empowering female adult filmmakers, and putting women's pleasure at the forefront of it all.
This exhibition includes "Little TV Woman: I am the Last Woman Object" from 1969, a cross-legged vinyl woman pregnant with a small television set, which she described as "probably inspired by the new feminist movement," when interviewed in 2015.
Internet trolls actually tried to launch their own fourth wave in 2014, planning to create a "pro-sexualization, pro-skinny, anti-fat" feminist movement that the third wave would revile, ultimately miring the entire feminist community in bloody civil war.
Soon she was teaching workshops to other women, and one of her students was famed French actress Delphine Seyrig, who had taken an interest in the growing feminist movement in France and was burning with a desire to step behind the camera.
It has launched a thousand think pieces and served as the subject of two recently released books — Rebecca Traister's Good and Mad and Soraya Chemaly's Rage Becomes Her — that treat the centrality of rage in the feminist movement, and mad women more generally.
One of the trickiest obstacles facing the modern feminist movement, as it has been for the feminist movements of yore, is figuring out when it actually makes sense to group the enormous, diverse, ideologically divided world of "women" together into a single group.
The Oscar-winning actress will portray one of the world's most well-known feminists, as the film focuses on events in her life that helped shape her as she went from the reluctant spokesperson of the feminist movement to a symbol for equality.
GEIOTTO: I can&apost even keep up with the feminist movement and Me Too when it comes to the relationship to pageants, because the first thing they were saying is that women should be empowered and be able to wear whatever they want.
The Russian-born German polymath (1861-1937) was a prolific novelist, an essayist whose work earned the praise of Sigmund Freud, one of the first practicing psychoanalysts, and a pioneer of the feminist movement in her writings on women and sexual pleasure.
IVF came of age in the wake of the second-wave feminist movement and campaigns for abortion rights, which both argued that biology was not destiny and that a woman's reproductive choices were her own to make, without interference from the state.
She came of age in the feminist movement in the 1960s at Wellesley College — where she urged her peers to spurn incremental change and instead work at "making the impossible possible" — then was drawn to the South in furtherance of her husband's ambitions.
Today's feminist movement cannot ignore women of color — not because women of color are needed to support causes championed by white women, but because women of color have often been the ones on the front lines, championing feminist causes when white women won't.
When men, awakening to the privileges their gender grants them in society, ask for a place in the feminist movement, feminists ask them to call out sexism when they see it and help other men understand what they have learned about misogyny.
New books celebrated "nasty women" and questioned the status quo of the feminist movement, while old books like Audre Lorde's Sister Outsider and Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale found new popularity (further buoyed by the latter's harrowing adaptation on Hulu this year).
As the incoming president of a nationally endowed foundation — the youngest and only Latinx person to hold this position in the country — I worry that the vast majority of funding to feminist movement organizations continues to move to white and wealthy organizations.
On Monday morning, Mr. López Obrador said the feminist movement was fighting for a "legitimate" cause, but argued, as he had in the past, that political opponents "who want to see his government fail" were helping instigate the march and the strike.
"Yes, of course I've had a 'me too' moment, but nobody cared about that," Conway said when asked about her personal connection to the feminist movement that has seen a wave of women speak out about acts of sexual impropriety by powerful men.
Soraya Rizzardini González, a tango instructor who is part of the Tango Feminist Movement and helped draft the protocol, said that while songs that seem to explicitly condone violence may be a minority, tango has always reflected pervasive structural sexism in Argentina.
Breaking away for a few minutes from government business, she listed the influences that shaped the city's rise: liberal policies, human rights and education, legal abortion and same-sex marriage, and a powerful feminist movement in which she is a major voice.
"This is a very long process but we will see results as we did with the feminist movement, how they grew until becoming massive and achieving the rights that they were seeking," she said, calling for "everyone to take to the streets".
Ms. Adichie often comments on how race and gender play out in the United States, but her book does not tackle some of the meatier questions that have occupied the American feminist movement in recent years, most notably the role of transgender people.
I wanted to talk to him about all that [dialogue] because I thought that one of the opportunities in playing this character was to play a character with all the iconography of a femme fatale, but with the history of the feminist movement behind her.
HV: How did she see the feminist movement, in terms of … Because now all of a sudden this thing showed up on the scene, and was sort of looking at our history anew, and maybe in ways that may have contradicted what she maybe thought.
Thanks to a powerful feminist movement that has taken its fury over femicide and outlawed access to abortion to the street, women soccer players are now challenging the status quo on and off the pitch, fighting for labor protections, better pay, and greater representation.
" "The male-centered ... rape culture did not stop even after feminism and the growth of the feminist movement and #MeToo," she said, adding now there was an opportunity "to sort out finally the male-centered culture that has traded women's sexuality (for so long).
And just as the rise of the rape-revenge thriller in the 1970s dovetailed with the second-wave feminist movement — which helped establish rape as a serious trauma in the public mind — these narratives have proliferated at a time of renewed attention to sexual assault.
Some of the hallmarks of the feminist movement writ large are there — equal pay, reproductive freedom — and some are more reflective of a new generation of feminists who are just as likely to talk about climate change in the same breath as police brutality.
My biggest critique of Amber Rose is that she often fails to articulate some of the complicated ideas she has — when it comes to colorism in Black and brown communities, it's very complicated — especially now that she's putting herself at the forefront of the feminist movement.
And I think we were able to produce that, and so a lot of people felt connected to the new feminist movement...there are new women in this movement that have never been connected to feminism before, because they feel that there's a place for them.
One of the things the third-wave feminist movement (which began in the 1990s) tried to achieve was pushing against the idea that the way women look reflects their moral character, and deconstructing the idea that certain personality traits or mannerisms were inherently masculine or feminine.
A few years ago, I spent the summer reading my way through feminist thinkers — everyone from Gloria Steinem and Simone de Beauvoir to Sheryl Sandberg and Jessica Valenti — as research for an article I was writing about how I, a millennial, related to the feminist movement.
Op-Ed Contributor On March 8 women around the world will be abstaining from work and rallying in the streets as part of the International Women's Strike, with the aim of starting an "international feminist movement" that challenges the sexual, physical and economic exploitation of women.
Though it has changed shape and since abandoned the prequel idea, every iteration of the reboot has simply set out to draw the connections between the feminist movement and witchcraft even more explicitly than the original did, with one of the central characters literally being a women's rights activist.
The new clip also offers an extended glimpse at the performance of Sarah Silverman, who plays the late Gladys Heldman — founder of World Tennis magazine and staunch supporter of King's endeavors, which "sparked a global conversation on gender equality, spurring on the feminist movement," according to a press release.
Taken to the extreme, this argument means women who fake aren't merely letting themselves down: they're actively traitors to the feminist movement and upholding mythical ideas about what women want from sex, and convincing legions of men that their selfish sexual technique is that of a giving, generous lover.
And each features a statement inspired by the feminist movement — similar to those pricey Dior tees — and every bag is totally unique, created by hand with a different technique and shape to "represent the diversity of woman around the world standing up for each other," per the release.
"In the 1950s, before the women's movement, people did not imagine that the movement would have taken place, but in the 1960s and 70s, it led to rapid process," Nadasen says, further noting how the feminist movement led to the Equal Pay Act and the Civil Rights Act.
Literally, since in addition to acting, the multi-hyphenate star runs her own production company and multiple other business ventures, where she manages a bunch of people — but that doesn't mean Rae's a part of "girl boss" culture, the pseudo-empowering, white feminist movement to profit off patriarchal norms.
Leah Napolin, who with very little experience adapted an Isaac Bashevis Singer story into the play "Yentl," earning a Broadway run that became a resonant symbol for the second-wave feminist movement in the mid-1970s, died on Sunday at her home in Sea Cliff, N.Y., on Long Island.
But many in the women's movement felt that Sandberg's choice not to participate in the march, or even to support it from afar, was a political one that prioritized her personal brand as a doyen of both Silicon Valley and Washington, DC, over her leadership of the feminist movement she started.
" Of her breakout role on Puberty Blues, she remembers, "We had these incredible writers, directors, and producers who put together this intricate piece that really honoured the history of Australia and the history of the feminist movement in Australia, and that's something I really wanted to get on board with.
Mariame Kaba, the educator and organizer whose nonprofit advocacy group Survived and Punished works to free incarcerated victims of sexual and domestic violence, compared #MeToo's utilization of women's first-person testimonies to "consciousness-raising," an organizing tactic that originated in the second-wave feminist movement of the late 1960s and 1970s.
The four men (Lee Christie, Everett Frost, Bob Kreuger, and Jeremy Shapiro) discuss their relationship to feminism and women involved in the feminist movement, touching on their personal insecurities; frustrations associated with other feminists and non-feminists; and their differing perspectives on gender roles in relation to relationships, careers, and politics.
Modeled by Marston on leaders of the nascent feminist movement (including his own wife, Elizabeth Holloway Marston; his lover and much more, Olive Byrne, and the early birth control advocate Margaret Sanger) Wonder Woman had a pro-woman philosophy baked into her ink-and-color outline from the get-go.
I myself was raped, I myself was a subject of racism, and too many times I've been told 'be quiet' and that I'm an 'angry Black woman…' We are for women and within the feminist movement for letting our voices be heard—it's time that our voices are no longer silenced.
The project consists in promoting a bridge, retaking the concept of bridge from Cherrie Moraga and Chicana feminists, and generating exchanges between the trans and cuir movement and the feminist movement in Mexico City, and between Mexico City and Chiapas, by way of political art, artivism, cuir, and Afrodiasporic art.
Crystal Zapata, a Chicago-based artist and designer, submitted work that plays off of the cyber-feminist movement that bloomed on Tumblr and other internet spaces at the beginning of this decade and was slowly appropriated into the hyper-aestheticized, commercialized, slogan-based iteration of feminism so common on the internet today.
Billed as the Women's March on Washington it was somewhat diverse, but was mostly filled with white women, many middle aged, many part of the feminist movement from the '70s who brought their daughters and granddaughters, with a serious amount of them dressed in bright pink vagina costumes, or pussycat pink knit caps.
Her inaugural move was to hold the first-ever series of public hearings on sexism and women's rights in the US. Those hearings laid the grounds for conversations and lawsuits on sex discrimination today—including sexual harassment—and helped to catalyze a growing feminist movement that would radically shape American gender politics.
Ehrman, a strong-minded career woman who had scrapped her way to becoming a senior congressional aide years before the feminist movement of the 22008s, believed Ms. Rodham could do anything — and could not believe that she was shelving her promising career for an uncertain future at Bill Clinton's side in Fayetteville, Ark.
In her essay "The Pink," Andrea Long Chu contemplates the symbolism of the vagina in the context of the feminist movement and her own gender transition, and ultimately argues on behalf of "a vaginal imaginary": Just before she undergoes surgery to "get a vagina," she has a geometric vulva tattooed on her forearm.
And so when she became anti-abortion and started working in this, she just took that with her and realized that like Planned Parenthood and the abortion rights movement and like the mainstream feminist movement quote-unquote really has it right in terms of getting young women to like feel empowered and um join on.
We've investigated an epidemic of abuse among women during childbirth and the poorly-understood phenomenon of stalking; reported on the impact of the transgender military ban; dug into the future of the feminist movement and the state of women's rights post #MeToo; and highlighted the human cost of the political threats to our reproductive health.
Not by allowing the wrestlers on the show to speak about what it meant to them—they were all genuine and rightly proud of what they were involved with—but by insisting on placing the corporation at the center of a larger global feminist movement in more vaseline-lensed intrusions featuring Stephanie McMahon than necessary.
His discussion of the links between 19th-century Spiritualism, the early feminist movement and contemporary New Age beliefs; his account of the red dwarf who is said to have haunted Detroit since the city's founding, in 1701; and his recognition that ghost stories can aid the work of historic preservation: All of these are absorbing.
The Women's March had inspired controversy from the beginning, when early organizers, many of whom were white, called the event the "Million Women March" — a name that reminded many women of color of 22020's Million Woman March, an event designed to protest, in part, black women's exclusion from the white-dominated feminist movement.
As one of the ambassadors for the United Nation's HeForShe outreach movement, Watson has been active in the effort to urge more men to support the feminist movement, so she is especially glad that in the story Ron and Harry always treated her character with respect (even if she endured a lot of deplorable treatment from others).
A special section of the fair called "Sex Work: Feminist Art & Radical Politics," showcased a selection of women artists who've been cruising the outer limits of feminist practice since the 21980s, along with the galleries who supported them when the art was too controversial for both the feminist movement and for the broader art world (read: museums).
The softboi is there, too, in the duplicitous response to #MeToo from figures like Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who went out of his way to write a comment piece lauding "this extraordinary feminist movement" less than a month after yet another tabloid infidelity scandal prefaced the news that he and his wife of 25 years were divorcing.
"I think you're great @aidybryant, but from the previews I've seen of this movie, it's a HUGE step backwards for the feminist movement, that at this very moment is having a huge identity shift that many of those on the front lines of the work are working against the messages in this film on a daily basis," wrote one commenter.
But supporters of Mallory argue that the controversy is a sign of growing pains, cautioning that how Mallory is handled could alienate the women of color who already feel ignored and marginalized within the feminist movement, with many of her defenders arguing that attacks on black and brown communities do not cause the same outcry that Mallory's attendance at the Farrakhan speech caused.
At that point, the Go-Go music community existed outside of mainstream anything for decades; Jeff Nelson and Ian MacKaye built Dischord Records in their house so they could independently release Teen Idles' Minor Disturbance EP. Inspired by the feminist movement, Kenney and Gendall were busy making the No Scene Zine; and it was natural for them to want a place for their scene to come together.
During what University of South Carolina Beaufort sociology professor Deborah J. Cohan characterizes as "a moment of potential racial reckoning, for feminism and for the larger culture," a question loomed over the march's planning and lingered in its aftermath: Is the mainstream feminist movement finally ready to treat the perspectives and experiences of women of color with the same gravity as those of their white counterparts?
And when I think about the intersectional nature of the feminist movement, and the fact that we have so many different interests, sometimes that compete with one another, I really do see The Cru as an opportunity for us to come together, not based on a particular public policy or a particular framework, but just in the spirit of helping all of us to create lives that we're passionate about.
As a reaction to what many felt was a deep strain of prudishness in the feminist movement at the time, On Our Backs was founded in 1984 as the first women-run, sex-positive, lesbian erotica magazine in the U.S. Throughout the 70s and 80s, there was a sharp divide between lesbians who downplayed talking about sex because they didn't want it to define them in mainstream culture, and those who wanted sex to be celebrated and central to their identities.
The '60s were a period of serious social and political upheaval that included the United States government sending 18-year-olds to a small country in Asia to be shot, the civil rights movement gaining momentum, the feminist movement gaining momentum, Paul De Man and Jacques Derrida meeting one another at Johns Hopkins University for the first time and preparing to unleash deconstruction on academia in America, not to mention multiple high-profile assassinations, including that of the president of the United States.

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