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26 Sentences With "feel resentful"

How to use feel resentful in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "feel resentful" and check conjugation/comparative form for "feel resentful". Mastering all the usages of "feel resentful" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Won't she feel resentful that she chose that school under pressure?
It starts to wear on you, and you start to feel resentful.
You won't feel resentful, and you'll listen patiently when it is my turn to speak.
Then you may feel resentful if you don't get one — and manipulated if you do.
Too many missed days can make your co-workers who are showing up regularly feel resentful.
That means not bombarding them with elitist language that may go over their heads or make them feel resentful.
I feel resentful because, as the older sister, I took the brunt of the trauma and the mom-handling.
"Instead, I felt strained ... After awhile, I didn't like how my houseplants made me feel: resentful and disappointed in myself." 
That way the neat one doesn't feel resentful for doing it all and the messy one doesn't feel judged or like a failure.
I try to write, pitching stories across the internet, but when I hear nothing back, I begin to doubt myself and feel resentful of my husband.
I think it produces a kind of feedback loop where you feel resentful, and then the media tells your story so you feel even more resentful.
Gray divorce potentially endangers retirement for both parties, since they may be living on half the income they'd expected to have and may feel resentful about their change of plans.
The Definitive Guide to Business If you're older or more experienced than your boss, it can be tempting to feel resentful or even like you could be entitled to their job.
People often feel resentful because they appear, based on historically entrenched social norms, to be getting a bad bargain, when what's actually happening is that others are getting a somewhat fairer deal.
So either a leader emerges who can appeal to the better angels of people who feel resentful and left out and bring them along, or you have a third party, or a new party.
The dreamer might feel resentful that the deceased has fooled him or caused him pain, or the dream might be pleasant in the moment but lead to a keen sense of loss upon waking.
The Spur boycott resonated the most among white, working-class Afrikaners like Mr. van Eeden who, while living in a country where whites still disproportionately control the economy, feel resentful about having lost out in the democratic South Africa.
"[W]hen children start spreading like Gremlins and overrun a place that's designed for me, an adult, I start to feel resentful," reads a Forbes op-ed from last year, assuming a sort of reverse "ban childless millennials from Disney World" posture.
Making a play to win the support of the Remain voters who still feel resentful about the result of last year's referendum on Britain's membership in the European Union, it is calling for a second referendum at the end of the Brexit negotiations.
It's amazing what a little more help around the house can accomplish: Another study, from last year, found that women whose jobs gave them greater professional status than their husbands were more likely to feel resentful or embarrassed by their husbands' lower position — but those feelings didn't hurt their relationships when the men provided tangible support, like caring for children or older relatives.
As a result, they lose income that then cannot be collected for child support. Other challenges that OCSE faces are balancing the rights and responsibilities of non-custodial parents with the needs of the custodial parent and child. Many non-custodial parents feel they are powerless in the child support establish and collection process. They will sometimes feel resentful and offended, which leads to a lack of cooperation in paying their child support.
Teleworking can hurt working relationships between the teleworker and their coworkers, especially if their coworkers do not telework. Coworkers who do not telework can feel resentful and jealous because they may consider it unfair if they are not allowed to telework as well. However, despite fewer interpersonal actions and professional isolation, a meta-analysis of telecommuting did not find support for negative telecommuter-coworker relationships or telecommuter- supervisor relationships. Employers' largest concerns about telecommuting are fear of loss of control; 75% of managers say they trust their employees, but a third say they would like to be able to see them, "just to be sure".
There were reports that some of the federal bailout money in the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) for distressed banks during the economic downturn of 2007–2008 was being doled out as campaign contributions to lawmakers who oversee TARP. In 1988, Joseph A. Califano, Jr. wrote "government regulation is more pervasive than ever" since the US economy is large and varied; and this encourages government officials to get "more and more involved in every aspect of our lives," which spurs special interests to use money to influence legislation. Some PAC members feel resentful of members of Congress yet "go along with their demands for contributions for fear of losing vital access in Congress." Critics of PACs say it allows special interests to wield too much influence in Congress; proponents dispute the assertion that PACs represent narrow constituencies.
Sociologist Alice Bloch notes that migrants in South Africa have been the victims of xenophobia and violence, regardless of their immigration status. Refugees from poorer neighbouring countries include many immigrants from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi and others, representing a large portion of the informal sector. With high unemployment levels amongst poorer South Africans, xenophobia"Unwanted African immigrants in South Africa", Radio Netherlands Archives, June 9, 2004 is prevalent and many South Africans feel resentful of immigrants who are seen to be depriving the native population of jobs, a feeling which has been given credibility by the fact that many South African employers have employed migrants from other countries for lower pay than South African citizens, especially in the construction, tourism, agriculture and domestic service industries. Illegal immigrants are also heavily involved in informal trading.
Being the real reason for his visit the need for a new doctor in the Sanctuary; Gregory tried to avoid being taken to the only doctor in the community even though he could not get it and was once subjected to the actions of the rescuers. Seeing that the loyalty of his followers was put in doubt with the arrival of Maggie and Sasha, Gregory expressed to Simon his doubts about an internal problem in the community although the savior calmed him down and made it clear that any problem he had was I would solve. In the episode "Something They Need", Gregory is seen, when Maggie leaves the community to dig out a blueberry bush, Gregory follows her and apologizes for his behavior towards her. Maggie gives him a knife to protect her while digging the bush, and he contemplates using it in her to feel resentful as Maggie continues to take a strong leadership position, to which Gregory feels overshadowed.
Sun Quan felt touched after reading Luo Tong's memorial and he paid greater attention to Luo's ideas.(是時徵役繁數,重以疫癘,民戶損耗,統上疏曰:「臣聞君國者,以據疆土為彊富,制威福為尊貴,曜德義為榮顯,永世胤為豐祚。然財須民生,彊賴民力,威恃民勢,福由民殖,德俟民茂,義以民行,六者旣備,然後應天受祚,保族宜邦。書曰:『衆非后無能胥以寧,后非衆無以辟四方。』推是言之,則民以君安,君以民濟,不易之道也。今彊敵未殄,海內未乂,三軍有無已之役,江境有不釋之備,徵賦調數,由來積紀,加以殃疫死喪之災,郡縣荒虛,田疇蕪曠,聽聞屬城,民戶浸寡,又多殘老,少有丁夫,聞此之日,心若焚燎。思尋所由,小民無知,旣有安土重遷之性,且又前後出為兵者,生則困苦無有溫飽,死則委棄骸骨不反,是以尤用戀本畏遠,同之於死。每有徵發,羸謹居家重累者先見輸送。小有財貨,傾居行賂,不顧窮盡。輕剽者則迸入險阻,黨就羣惡。百姓虛竭,嗷然愁擾,愁擾則不營業,不營業則致窮困,致窮困則不樂生,故口腹急,則姧心動而攜叛多也。又聞民間非居處小能自供,生產兒子,多不起養;屯田貧兵,亦多棄子。天則生之,而父母殺之,旣懼干逆和氣,感動陰陽。且惟殿下開基建國,乃無窮之業也,彊鄰大敵非造次所滅,疆埸常守非期月之戍,而兵民減耗,後生不育,非所以歷遠年,致成功也。夫國之有民,猶水之有舟,停則以安,擾則以危,愚而不可欺,弱而不可勝,是以聖王重焉,禍福由之,故與民消息,觀時制政。方今長吏親民之職,惟以辨具為能,取過目前之急,少復以恩惠為治,副稱殿下天覆之仁,勤恤之德者。官民政俗,日以彫弊,漸以陵遲,勢不可乆。夫治疾及其未篤,除患貴其未深,願殿下少以萬機餘閑,留神思省,補復荒虛,深圖遠計,育殘餘之民,阜人財之用,參曜三光,等崇天地。臣統之大願,足以死而不朽矣。」權感統言,深加意焉。) Sanguozhi vol. 57. Throughout his career, Luo Tong had written many memorials to Sun Quan, giving appropriate advice on policies. Among all the pieces of advice he gave to Sun Quan, the most notable one is his suggestion to stop increasing conscription, because he felt that forcing the people into conscription would lead to social problems and make them feel resentful.

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