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74 Sentences With "fallen back on"

How to use fallen back on in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fallen back on" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fallen back on". Mastering all the usages of "fallen back on" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Yet while reaching for symbolic gestures, she has often fallen back on pragmatism.
But as those funds have been spent, the burden has fallen back on Germany.
Zinke has, several times, fallen back on his geology degree to justify his decisions.
But it has fallen back on doubts about Trump's ability to push through those policies.
The United States, by contrast, has traditionally fallen back on the strength of its community responses.
The writers have fallen back on bad habits, toying with the viewership's trust and eroding its patience.
Premiums for Qatari condensate loading in February hit a record, but have since fallen back on weak naphtha margins.
He has several times fallen back on the excuse of merely retweeting when asked about his controversial social media behavior.
As a result, it has fallen back on a practice that enables cheating: using previously administered versions of the test.
In the face of women's success, many of them have fallen behind on adult obligations and fallen back on misogyny.
It's a trait that Dad and I have fallen back on all our lives, with other people and with each other.
The administration has fallen back on the 46-year-old Clean Air Act to justify emissions controls Congress would not pass.
Other oil trading houses, such as Vitol and Glencore, have fallen back on bartering Iranian oil in exchange for other fuels.
Is there not some basic, seat-of-the-pants airmanship skills that the pilots could have, or should have, fallen back on?
In its latest report, the EU said Bosnia had fallen back on some issues, including the freedom of expression and required judiciary reforms.
In the aftermath of the Khashoggi murder, the kingdom has fallen back on the old tactic of wielding its oil wealth to buy loyalty.
More recently, DreamWorks has fallen back on pumping out franchise installments and endless related spinoffs in an attempt to get on more solid financial ground.
But instead of investigating those questions, the show has fallen back on the twisty gimmicks that have followed Jonathan Nolan's work since his first film.
Mark Zuckerberg has often fallen back on the excuse that one day, perhaps soon, AI will be able to successfully moderate content on his platform.
To counter the claims, Mr. Trump and has lawyers have fallen back on the positive surveys that Trump University received from students about their experiences.
Over the past few decades, schools have increasingly fallen back on police departments — particularly through the use of school resource officers — to dole out discipline.
So East Ghoutans have fallen back on the green stretch of suburbs they inhabit, known for its agriculture long before the war, to ward off hunger.
In fact, in recent months, I've fallen back on wearing the same basic white tee and jeans outfit rather than go on a self-shopping spree.
Meanwhile, the campaign and foundation have fallen back on one consistent defense — that there's been no proof of a quid pro quo between donor and foundation.
So he and other Republicans have fallen back on touting the strength of the economy, as Clinton did, holding it up as proof that everyone is winning.
Instead, they have fallen back on the very practice that enabled abusive priests to thrive: dealing with sexual conflict through a blend of prudery, euphemism, and evasion.
Google has even fallen back on some of Microsoft's defensive tactics, publishing a "how to uninstall" video this morning that echoes a video Microsoft introduced in its own trial.
But with the White House hungry for victories ahead of Trump's 100th day in office, the president has fallen back on the "economic nationalism" that's central to Bannon's worldview.
Stuck, Mr Kerry has fallen back on counter-terrorism: if the ceasefire holds for a week, then America and Russia will jointly fight the jihadists of Islamic State (IS).
Boxed in by his own foolish promises and ineptitude, he has fallen back on the ruse of declaring an emergency and grabbing what money he can from the military budget.
It also ruled out the crash of a ruthenium-powered satellite as an IAEA investigation has concluded that no ruthenium-containing satellite has fallen back on earth during this period.
Perhaps it's a sign of the times, but business and politics both seem to have fallen back on the meanest, lowest common denominator, and that's only been magnified by social media.
In the absence of such information, some e-cig proponents have fallen back on a trope from the previous tobacco wars: Smoking should be a matter of personal choice and personal responsibility.
Without a Republican majority to approve either a comprehensive replacement for the health law or a repeal-only bill, Republican leaders had fallen back on what they called the lowest common denominator.
As President Donald Trump defends himself against the House impeachment inquiry, he's fallen back on a familiar line of attack against Democrats: The economy is the best it's ever been, so impeach that.
The level of striking continues to improve in the UFC and as Cerrone slows down and young fighters benefit from all the existing footage of him struggling, "Cowboy" has fallen back on his wrestling.
IS has gradually fallen back on Baghouz as its fighters retreated down the Euphrates in the face of sustained assault by local and international foes after its grotesque displays of cruelty aroused global fury.
It's the latest evolution of the classic "I was hacked" defense that politicians and celebrities have often fallen back on when inappropriate content has crossed their feeds, regardless of how true that claim actually is.
In its latest report on Bosnia in 2015, the EU said it had actually fallen back on some issues, including "the conditions for the exercise of the freedom of expression" and the required judiciary reforms.
It's also a stark departure from how Plaza's character is depicted in the comic books: Legion could have easily fallen back on a literal translation of the comic books, busting its budget on giant special effects.
In tackling them, he faced deep suspicions from the public, and from political opponents and allies alike, that he had fallen back on traditions of negotiating back-room deals with Ukraine's post-Soviet business elite, the oligarchs.
Where the match becomes interesting is in the wrestling, as Cerrone has fallen back on it more and more in his welterweight career, but Cerrone doesn't have all the strength advantages he might have as a giant lightweight.
I wish your interpretation of the show was the right one, but I feel that Game of Thrones, which started off with so much swagger, has fallen back on the tritest of political themes: that the meek shall inherit the earth.
Perhaps conservatives, expert or no, are just in denial about the sad situation we find ourselves in and have fallen back on the comfort of blaming liberals and their "science," the way a toddler might clutch at a security blanket.
Trump raised U.S. support for Ukraine on the call, but the White House and its Republican allies have fallen back on the defense that there was no explicit quid pro quo that made aid contingent on opening a probe into Biden.
As he defends himself against the House impeachment inquiry over his effort to pressure Ukraine into investigating a political rival, Trump has fallen back on a familiar line of attack against Democrats: The economy is the best it's ever been, so impeach that.
It alleged that NYU had fallen back on its promise to repay workers in 2015 after a New York Times investigation in 2014 claimed that migrant workers were forced to pay recruitment fees to secure a job and lived in overcrowded spaces.
Since Prince Mohammed's rise to power, the Saudis have pursued a more aggressive and militarized foreign policy, but they have also fallen back on a tactic honed over decades — wielding their oil wealth to buy loyalty in the Arab world and beyond.
It's only since the cruelty has become palpable instead of theoretical that the Trump team has fallen back on the claims that their hands are tied, that they don't want to do this, but law and order requires it, what can you do?
Having conceded their original defence (that there was no shakedown), Mr Trump and his supporters have therefore fallen back on a line that takes less account of the Ukrainian matter in hand: the president is the victim of a vast left-wing conspiracy.
The attackers struck an airport and the subway, but some Belgian investigators believe they seemed to have fallen back on those targets because they felt the authorities closing in on them, and that their original plan may have been to strike a nuclear plant.
Taking into account the exorbitant human and financial costs of a military conflict with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, even a conventional one, Beltway pundits have fallen back on the tried-and-tested deterrence and containment approach to hem in the erratic DPRK.
It's an argument the president's allies have fallen back on a number of times, including to dispute former FBI Director James Comey's interpretation of Trump's telling him to go easy on then-national security adviser Michael Flynn, who was also embroiled in the probe.
As Black Lives Matter became a national movement, the biggest defenders of police have generally fallen back on one excuse to explain away the racial disparities in cops' use of force: Black people are more likely to commit crime, according to the FBI data.
For too long, companies like Instacart, Uber, and Lyft have fallen back on the same explanation for these cases: Most of their workers enjoy the flexibility of their jobs, and most of them do it only part-time for supplemental income and are doing it well.
After trying everything from working with the Anti-Defamation League to reclaim Pepe from his official status as a hate symbol to ceremonially killing off and then reviving the character, Furie seems to have fallen back on the last best hope afforded by the DMCA: good old-fashioned censorship.
So far, candidates have generally fallen back on the same talking points — comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship for the 11 million unauthorized immigrants currently in the US, a special need to attend to the status of DREAMers, the importance of expanding legal immigration — that Democrats have used for the past several cycles.
The language in life insurance policies make it clear that it is up to the beneficiaries to notify the insurer. However, few companies have fallen back on this argument due to public relations fallout.
The jihadists are believed to have fallen back on the Jebel Salloum which is bombed by aircraft and artillery. According to security sources the newspaper Le Maghreb, 70% of the total area of the mountain is under control of the Tunisian army. On May 5, security units Kasserine stop eight people suspected of providing logistical support to insurgents in Chaambi.
The Soviets eventually outran their air support which was unable to use forward, quagmire-filled, airfields. The Germans, who had fallen back on air bases with good facilities and concrete runways, were able to mount uninterrupted attacks against Soviet army columns. Reminiscent of the early years, the Luftwaffe was able to inflict high losses largely unopposed. Over 800 vehicles were destroyed within two weeks.
Piazza XVII Aprile The square in the center of the town is the main venue of Poggio Sannita. There is a fountain with a nearby village green. It takes its name from the date of death of 10 Poggesi citizens (including the mayor) who battled bandits in 1862. A short walk from the square, the monument to the fallen back on a slab of stone the names of Poggesi citizens killed in wars with an original cannon.
Robert Overton took command of a reserve infantry force stationed to the rear. Memorial cairn to Sir Hector Maclean of Duart and his clansmen who were killed at the battle Lambert waited, expecting to be attacked at any moment; but for an hour and a half nothing happened. By now he had received news that Cromwell had fallen back on Linlithgow, and that the enemy might at any time receive reinforcements. This was the moment to act.
This gives me an opportunity to once again answer that question with an emphatic 'No.' We recognize the importance of having women's rights supporters at every level but, like Sarah Palin, not every woman supports women's rights."Jon Nichols. "Clinton Praises Palin Pick"; The Nation, August 30, 2008 The conservative magazine The Weekly Standard responded asserting "the old-fashioned feminists have fallen back on the old theme of false consciousness; that women who don't agree with them aren't really women at all.
Paranthropus were generalist feeders, but diet seems to have ranged dramatically with location. The South African P. robustus appears to have been an omnivore, with a diet similar to contemporaneous Homo and nearly identical to the later H. ergaster, and subsisted on mainly C4 savanna plants and C3 forest plants, which could indicate either seasonal shifts in diet or seasonal migration from forest to savanna. In leaner times it may have fallen back on brittle food. It likely also consumed seeds and possibly tubers or termites.
Seine, 4–12 June The French armies had fallen back on their lines of supply and communications and had easier access to repair shops, supply dumps and stores. About 112,000 evacuated French soldiers were repatriated via the Normandy and the Brittany ports. It was some substitute for the lost divisions in Flanders. The French were also able to make good a significant amount of their armoured losses and raised the 1st and 2nd DCr; the 4th DCr also had its losses replaced; morale rose and was very high by the end of May 1940.
When Mwai Kibaki became President in 2003 on an anti-corruption platform, the president immediately re-appointed him to the Goldenberg scandal cases, and a month later he was appointed as the Public Prosecutor, a post he reluctantly accepted on condition that he would be granted a free hand in reforming the failed public prosecution services, and prosecution perpetrators of grand corruption. By 2004, the Kibaki government had fallen back on its anti-corruption pledges, and many of officials had slipped into corruption the most significant of which was the Anglo-Leasing Scandal and trafficking of cocaine.
The difference between SureStream and Bitrate Peeling is that SureStream is limited to only a handful of pre-defined bitrates, with significant difference between them, and SureStream encoded files are big because they contain all of the bitrates used, while Bitrate Peeling uses much smaller steps to change the available bitrate and quality, and only the highest bitrate is used to encode the file/stream, which results in smaller files on servers. A related technique to the SureStream approach is hierarchical modulation, used in broadcast, where severally different streams at different qualities (and bitrates) are all broadcast, with the higher quality stream used if possible, with the lower quality streams fallen back on if not.
Indian Widow was a title used by the painter, but a longer and more descriptive title also exists, The Widow of an Indian Chief Watching the Arms of Her Deceased Husband. According to Benedict Nicolson, in clothing the figure of the widow, Wright "has fallen back on those well-worn neo-classic draperies which served for any distressed female". Nicolson finds that other details, however, are more authentic: "the form of her head-band, the treatment of the feathers, the quilled cords and knife-sheath, and the buffalo-robe painted on the skin side show knowledge of Indian technology from at least as far west as the upper Great Lakes: this proves that Wright used authentic props".Nicolson, p.
There is no authorized form for the dedication of a church in the reformed Church of England. A form was drawn up and approved by both houses of the convocation of Canterbury under Archbishop Tenison in 1712, and an almost identical form was submitted to convocation in 1715, but its consideration was not completed by the Lower House, and neither form ever received royal sanction. The consequence has been that Anglican bishops have fallen back on their undefined jus liturgicum, and have drawn up and promulgated forms for use in their various dioceses, some of them being content to borrow from other dioceses for this purpose. There is a general similarity, with a certain amount of difference in detail, in these various forms.
Annie Lockwood is infatuated by this century she has fallen back on, but all is not well when the murder of Mathew, a servant at the mansion, is discovered. It discovered later on, however, that Mathew's death had been a cruel response to his overhearing Clarence Rowwel’s, a friend of Hiram Stratton, and Harriett’s chaperone Aunt Ada’s devious plan to seize Harriett’s money through marriage. This plan is unconsciously assisted by Annie Lockwood who distracts Strat from Harriet’s affections resulting in her agreeing to marry the odious Clarence. However justice is served when the mystery is slowly unraveled and ends with Florinda Stratton, the wife of Hiram Stratton, shooting Rowwel in a tower where he led Harriett with the intent of pushing her off of it, and displaying it as a suicide.
Similarly, where a party publishes a negligent in a document, if that document is published widely, if every person who read that statement was entitled to rely upon it and claim for any loss caused by relying upon it, there would similarly be an extremely wide-ranging liability for negligent misstatement. The last, and probably most difficult area where the floodgates principle has been evoked relates to psychiatric injury, or "nervous shock". How far should a person be liable if they injure someone negligently, and then other persons see the accident and suffer psychiatric injury (but no physical harm) just from witnessing the accident? In trying to answer these questions the courts have sometimes fallen back on the floodgates principle to try and limit the potential range of claims.
Ethnogenesis can occur passively, in the accumulation of markers of group identity forged through interaction with the physical environment, cultural and religious divisions between sections of a society, migrations and other processes, for which ethnic subdivision is an unintended outcome. It can occur actively, as persons deliberately and directly 'engineer' separate identities to attempt to solve a political problem – the preservation or imposition of certain cultural values, power relations, etc. Since the late eighteenth century, such attempts have often been related to language revival or creation of a new language, in what eventually becomes a "national literature". In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, societies challenged by the obsolescence of those narratives which previously afforded them coherence have fallen back on ethnic or racial narratives as a means of maintaining or reaffirming their collective identity, or polis.
In "The Quick Birth", Townsend recalls the experience of giving birth to her first child, born prematurely but who survived thanks to the dedicated National Health Service staff at her local hospital in Leicester; "Community Care" deals with the treatment of vulnerable people with mental health issues; "Mr Smith's privatised penis", the final section, is a dystopian satire on a future where pavements, sunlight, fresh air and even lovemaking have been sold off to private enterprise. "In this pamphlet, I have fallen back on the traditional working class method for expressing ideas – the anecdote, or what is now called the "oral tradition" (which is only a fancy term for working- class people talking to each other but not bothering to record what they've heard").Mr Bevan's Dream, p.3 Townsend, in a 2009 Guardian interview with Alex Clark, described herself as a "passionate socialist" who had no time for New Labour.
As the fortifications were unusually strong, it first had to take the Siegfried Line fortifications on the French heights near Spicheren overlooking Saarbrücken. This Spichern- Stellung had been constructed in 1940 after the French had fallen back on the Maginot Line during the Phoney War. The 276th Infantry Regiment attacked Forbach on 19 February 1945, and a fierce battle ensued, halting the American advance at the rail-road tracks cutting through Forbach on 22 February 1945. The 274th and 275th Infantry Regiments took Spicheren on 20 February 1945. When the 274th Infantry Regiment captured the Spicheren Heights on 23 February 1945, after a heavy battle on the previous day, the Germans counter-attacked for days, but by 27 February 1945, the heights were fully under American control. A renewed attack on 3 March 1945, allowed units of the 70th Infantry Division to enter Stiring-Wendel and the remainder of Forbach. By 5 March 1945, all of Forbach and major parts of Stiring-Wendel had been taken.

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