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21 Sentences With "extrinsic to"

How to use extrinsic to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "extrinsic to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "extrinsic to". Mastering all the usages of "extrinsic to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The second approach considers factors extrinsic to the virus, such as the state of the world into which it erupted.
Instead, the Court undertook the much more difficult task: holding that the president's expressions of hostility toward Muslims were "extrinsic" to his decision.
Theoretically, recombination can be controlled by engineering the film, and is extrinsic to the material.
Restrictive lung diseases may be due to specific causes which can be intrinsic to the parenchyma of the lung, or extrinsic to it.
Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behaviour. New York, N.Y: Plenum Press. proposes a motivational continuum from the extrinsic to intrinsic motivation and autonomous self-regulation.
Finally, the replicative fitness of a viral strain (measured in transmissions per host) is largely extrinsic to virological factors, depending more heavily on behaviors in the host population. These include heterogeneous sexual and drug-use behaviors. Between-host and within-host HIV phylogenies. Sequences were downloaded from the LANL HIV sequence database.
Outcome goals describe how an individual or team aim to compare to the other competitors. This type of goal is unique because of its nature being ingrained in social comparison. Winning is the most common outcome goal. This type of goal is the least effective because it depends on so many factors that are extrinsic to the individual.
Magnetocapacitance is a property of some dielectric, insulating materials, and metal–insulator–metal heterostructures that exhibit a change in the value of their capacitance when an external magnetic field is applied to them. Magnetocapacitance can be an intrinsic property of some dielectric materials, such as multiferroic compounds like BiMnO3, or can be a manifest of properties extrinsic to the dielectric but present in capacitance structures like Pd, Al2O3, and Al.
In Soviet ideology, bourgeois cosmopolitanism was a negative phenomenon and opposite to the proclaimed fraternity of peoples. The term first appeared in the 1920s in the documents of the Communist Party and spread into Soviet journalism and science literature. It was needed as an ideological device. Similarly, Soviet historiography equated Ukrainian nationalism with fascism and with Nazism despite the fact that racism and cult of personality were extrinsic to Ukrainian nationalism, which was its distinction.
These comprise the body (as a biological system and as personally experienced) and the physical world which it enacts.p. 148 'This shift requires that we move away from the idea of the world as independent and extrinsic, to the idea of a world as inseparable from the structure of these processes of self- modification.' Varela, Francisco J., Thompson, Evan T., and Rosch, Eleanor. (1991). The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience.
The space (e.g., real, complex, or projective) in which the object is defined is extrinsic to the object, while the ring is intrinsic. Grothendieck laid a new foundation for algebraic geometry by making intrinsic spaces ("spectra") and associated rings the primary objects of study. To that end he developed the theory of schemes, which can be informally thought of as topological spaces on which a commutative ring is associated to every open subset of the space.
The drawback is that, because the structure is not always visible, there is not as strong an overview of the whole or ability to quickly navigate between sections as with a two-pane outliner. Some word processors, such as Microsoft Word, have an Outline Mode to help with structuring documents. A two-pane outliner separates structure from content-- the structure is extrinsic to the text. A tree structure with node titles is presented in one pane, and the text is shown in another.
One is when it is covered with defilements and known as the "embryo of the Tathāgata" (Tathāgatagarbha). The other is when it becomes free from defilements, and is no more the "embryo", but the Tathāgata or Dharmakāya. The Mahābherīharaka Sūtra elaborates that at the time one becomes a Tathāgata, one dwells in Nirvana and may be referred to as "permanent", "steadfast", "calm", "eternal" and "self" (ātman). These contaminants are seen as extrinsic to, rather than inherent within, the essence of the being.
If morality is intrinsic to humanity, then amoral human beings either do not exist or are only deficiently human. If morality is extrinsic to humanity, then amoral human beings can both exist and be fully human, and as such be amoral by default. There is a position that claims amorality is just another form of morality or a concept that is close to it, citing the cases of moral naturalism, moral constructivism, moral relativism, and moral fictionalism as varieties that resemble key aspects of amorality.
Herzberg et al.’s Motivator–Hygiene Theory, aka Two-factor Theory, an influence on Job Characteristics Theory, sought to increase motivation and satisfaction through enriching jobs.The theory predicts changes in “motivators”, which are intrinsic to the work, (such as recognition, advancement, and achievement) will lead to higher levels of employee motivation and satisfaction; while “hygiene factors”, which are extrinsic to the work itself, (such as company policies and salary) can lead to lower levels of dissatisfaction, but will not actually effect satisfaction or motivation.
It involves consciously valuing a goal or regulation so that said action is accepted as personally important. # Integrated Regulation: Is the most autonomous kind of extrinsic motivation. Occurring when regulations are fully assimilated with self so they are included in a person's self evaluations and beliefs on personal needs. Because of this, integrated motivations share qualities with intrinsic motivation but are still classified as extrinsic because the goals that are trying to be achieved are for reasons extrinsic to the self, rather than the inherent enjoyment or interest in the task.
For Moishe Postone,Postone, Moishe. "Theorizing the Contemporary World: Robert Brenner, Giovanni Arrighi, David Harvey" in Political Economy of the Present and Possible Global Future(s), Anthem Press Harvey's treatment of space-time compression and postmodern diversity are merely reactions to capitalism. Hence Harvey's analysis remains "extrinsic to the social forms expressed" by the deep structure concepts of capital, value and the commodity. For Postone the postmodern moment is not necessarily just a one-sided effect of the contemporary form of capitalism but can also be seen as having an emancipatory side if it happened to be part of a post-capitalism.
The court held that the use of the term "may" introduced ambiguity into the contract, and could refer to an exhaustive or inexhaustive number of considerations. This has attracted criticism from many academics, who have found that the term "may" was not open to ambiguity. Further, they argue that this demonstrates the difficulty of applying the "true rule" and determining which contextual factors are truly extrinsic to the language of the contract. Furthermore, an application for special leave for a case to be heard in the High Court in Western Export Services Inc v Jireh International Pty Ltd,.
Cytochrome b559 is an important component of Photosystem II. PSII is a multisubunit protein-pigment complex containing polypeptides both intrinsic and extrinsic to the photosynthetic membrane. Within the core of the complex, the chlorophyll and beta-carotene pigments are mainly bound to the antenna proteins CP43 (PsbC) and CP47 (PsbB), which pass the excitation energy on to chlorophylls in the reaction centre proteins D1 (Qb, PsbA) and D2 (Qa, PsbD) that bind all the redox-active cofactors involved in the energy conversion process. The PSII oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) provides electrons to re- reduce the PSII reaction center, and oxidizes 2 water molecules to recover its reduced initial state. It consists of OEE1 (PsbO), OEE2 (PsbP) and OEE3 (PsbQ).
The main goal of educators should be to move students motivation from extrinsic to intrinsic. Students who display intrinsic motivation in reading are more likely to read and thus learn and grow outside of the classroom. Teachers can improve intrinsic motivation in a variety of ways including: # Link real life experiences to text: students who feel as though they are reading things that are relevant to their personal interests are more likely to be involved in the reading of the story and classroom discussions # Selecting texts that connect to students' interests and backgrounds-reading articles or stories about common interests can spark conversations in classrooms as well as promote interest in reading the texts. If some students in a classroom play baseball, reading a story about a baseball player can spark interest and enthusiasm in the classroom # Give choices to students to allow them to take ownership of their reading-assigned readings (while sometimes necessary) do not encourage intrinsic motivation in reading.
Critics have also suggested that Gould did not understand the purpose of factor analysis, and that he was ignorant of relevant methodological advances in the field. While different factor solutions may be mathematically equivalent in their ability to account for intercorrelations among tests, solutions that yield a g factor are psychologically preferable for several reasons extrinsic to factor analysis, including the phenomenon of the positive manifold, the fact that the same g can emerge from quite different test batteries, the widespread practical validity of g, and the linkage of g to many biological variables.Korb 1994 John Horn and John McArdle have argued that the modern g theory, as espoused by, for example, Arthur Jensen, is unfalsifiable, because the existence of a common factor like g follows tautologically from positive correlations among tests. They contrasted the modern hierarchical theory of g with Spearman's original two-factor theory which was readily falsifiable (and indeed was falsified).

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