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5 Sentences With "exteriorizing"

How to use exteriorizing in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "exteriorizing" and check conjugation/comparative form for "exteriorizing". Mastering all the usages of "exteriorizing" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Mazapàn isn't just painting — she's exteriorizing her feelings, documenting the strengths and weaknesses that shape emotional worlds.
It utilizes two glued IOL forceps, one of which holds one haptic. Depending on ease of access, the other MST forceps is introduced through the opposite sclerotomy or through the side-port. The first hand then transfers the haptic into the second MST forceps such that the first hand now becomes free. It is essential to hold the haptic at its tip before exteriorizing it so that it doesn't snag on the sclerotomy while being brought out.
In 2012, Princeton University Press named Ohio University professor Hugh Urban's book on the Church of Scientology as one of their most outstanding academic titles for the year, and wherein Urban asserted that L. Ron Hubbard had adopted many of Muldoon’s theories as his own and stated that Hubbard's description of exteriorizing the body thetan is extremely similar if not identical to the descriptions of astral projection in occult literature popularized by Muldoon's widely read Phenomena of Astral Projection (1951) and Muldoon's description of the astral body as being connected to the physical body by a long thin, elastic cord that is virtually identical to the one described in Hubbard's "Excalibur" vision.
Bromley, p. 91 Scientology aimed to "rehabilitate" each person's self (the thetan) to restore its original capacities and become once again an "Operating Thetan". Hubbard insisted humanity was imperiled by the forces of "aberration", which were the result of engrams carried by immortal thetans for billions of years. In 2012, Ohio State University professor Hugh Urban asserted that Hubbard had adopted many of his theories from the early to mid 20th century astral projection pioneer Sylvan Muldoon stating that Hubbard's description of exteriorizing the thetan is extremely similar if not identical to the descriptions of astral projection in occult literature popularized by Muldoon's widely read Phenomena of Astral Projection (1951) (co-written with Hereward Carrington) and that Muldoon's description of the astral body as being connected to the physical body by a long thin, elastic cord is virtually identical to the one described in Hubbard's "Excalibur" vision.
A violation of the Auditor's Code is considered a high crime under Scientology policy. The code outlines a series of 29 promises, which include pledges such as: · Not to evaluate for the preclear or tell him what he should think about his case in session · Not to invalidate the preclear's case or gains in or out of session · Never to use the secrets of a preclear divulged in session for punishment or personal gain The main intention of an auditing session is to remove "charged incidents" that have caused trauma, which are believed in Scientology to be stored in the reactive mind. These incidents must then be eliminated for proper functioning, In 1952, auditing techniques "began to focus on the goal of exteriorizing the thetan" with the goal of providing complete spiritual awareness. Mark Super VII Quantum E-meter Most auditing sessions employ a device called the Hubbard Electropsychometer or E-Meter.

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