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"explicative" Definitions
  1. serving to explicate

21 Sentences With "explicative"

How to use explicative in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "explicative" and check conjugation/comparative form for "explicative". Mastering all the usages of "explicative" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Surrounded by more explicative work, the Alÿs looks out of context, but intriguing for its weirdness.
And Kathy Griffin claims the first lady knew what she was doing while, of course, dropping explicative, so creative, Kathy.
If the tapes on which Furhman says the explicative are played for the jury, they'll know that he perjured himself.
The texts, he said, could not be translated literally, as a modern work might be, but instead required an interpretive translation with explicative integrations.
It's interesting to watch, and also rather elegantly explicative of the rower-like motion in which the dyneins engage — and it has scientific value, to boot.
A few of Wetzels' academic journal publications are listed alphabetically here. 1977\. ‘Les pronoms clitiques du français. Une étude explicative des mécanismes transformationnels’. Grazer Linguistische Studien, nr.
All this painstaking work went into the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act of 1908, a landmark in tribal protective legislation. The Act is still in force in India today. Many of its articles were written by Hoffmann himself. His memorandum was even added as an explicative appendix.
It is worth noting that while all scholars who employ structuralism in their fields use it as an explicative method. Levi-Strauss, (1963) Piaget, (1973) Chomsky, (1968) Piaget, (1973) Avital argue that artonomy seem to be the only case in which structuralism is applied for both; explicative and generative method in art. Before the formulation of artonomy by Avital, there was a premature attempt to introduce systemic thinking in art. In 1966 the Guggenheim Museum in New York presented an exhibition entitled "Systemic Art". Alloway, 1966 Bochner 1968 Avital argue that the terms "system" and "systemic" were used without being understood, as so often happens in art.
But the claim to be free from illusions implies a dimension of self-analysis if it is to engage with change. The most intractable illusions are surely embedded within our subconscious. 3\. Explicative discourse focuses on the very means of reaching understanding – the means of (linguistic) expression. Rationality must include a willingness to question the grammar of any system of communication used to forward validity claims.
Zighoud Youcef, who was one of the congress founders, was appointed a member of National Council of the Algerian Revolution (CNRA), and was promoted colonel of National Liberation Army (ALN); and assumed command of the "Wilaya II". Soon after, he joined again his battle station and started applying Congress decisions. On September 25, 1956 Zighoud Youcef was killed during an explicative and organizational tour of his units by a French ambush in Sidi Mezghiche (Wilaya of Skikda) at the age of 35.
16 Its first Chairman was Maxy, but only for a short period. According to various reports, it was originally named "Jewish National Committee", and was led in 1945–1946 by Lică (Abramovici) Chiriță. Andi Mihalache, "Devictimizarea evreului: cauzalități imaginare și modele explicative în discursul antisemit de după al doilea război mondial (1945–1950)", in Caietele Echinox, Issue 13, 2007Wexler & Popov, passim From the beginning, it was a satellite organisation of the PCR: its first-ever meetings were attended by PCR envoy Vasile Luca, supported by two Jewish party colleagues—Maxy and industrialist Emil Calmanovici.Crăciun, p.
Popović was born on 23 July 1978 in Nikšić, Montenegro. After elementary and secondary education, he continued his education at the Belgrade Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, and in 2003 he received his political science diploma for international relations. After his studies, on the level of Balkan universities, he was chosen to attend a special pilot program in Belgrade in the domain of "rigid and applied psychology". A year later he became the first profiler in the area of what was then Serbia and Montenegro, being qualified for both descriptive and explicative analysis of human behaviour.
The name is frequently rendered in English as Brutus Receiving the Bodies of His Sons, among other variations, including Brutus and His Dead Sons and simply Brutus. The complete original name as presented to the Salon was much lengthier and more explicative. It too has been rendered in various forms, but as translated from the small Salon guidebook (livret) offered in 1789, it reads, with poignancy in the first year of the Revolution, as: Brutus, first consul, returned to his house after having condemned his two sons who had allied themselves with the Tarquins and conspired against Roman liberty; the lictors return their bodies so that they may be entombed.
Thus, the Real of every scientific theory is the Chaos that sets itself as the limit and background of every causative process. The Real in psychoanalysis is the background to the drives, the bodily, irreducibly individual background before which all interpretation stops. In particular (for example in La strategia freudiana [The Freudian Strategy] and in Perversionen [Perversions]) he has engaged in an original reinterpretation of Freudian theory and of psychoanalysis in general, as founded on a precise metaphysics of “the signifying flesh”. Freud’s interpretative and explicative tissue, however, also refers to something uninterpretable and inexplicable: the drive as an opaque non-signifying source of subjectivity.
Hegemony and Socialist Strategy is a 1985 work of political theory in the post-Marxist tradition by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. Developing several sharp divergences from the tenets of canonical Marxist thought, the authors begin by tracing historically varied discursive constitutions of class, political identity, and social self-understanding, and then tie these to the contemporary importance of hegemony as a destabilized analytic which avoids the traps of various procedures Mouffe and Laclau feel constitute a foundational flaw in Marxist thought: essentializations of class identity, the use of a priori interpretative paradigms with respect to history and contextualization, the privileging of the base/superstructure binary above other explicative models.
Anticommunist intellectual G. T. Kirileanu recorded in his diary on June 22 that Roller had "done much harm to Romanian culture." Kirileanu accentuated the Jewish component of Roller's identity, referriong to him as a "rabbi's son", and arguing that, through him, "Jews impose[d] their point on view on the evolution of Romanian spirituality." Andi Mihalache, "Devictimizarea evreului: cauzalități imaginare și modele explicative în discursul antisemit de după al doilea război mondial (1945–1950)", in Caietele Echinox, Issue 13, 2007 Roller's death did not result in a thorough change to the historiographical ideas he had put forth. Class struggle and dialectical materialism continued to be taught in schools.
From 2018, there were lively discussions about a new explicative plaque under a commemorative statue of one of the city's major benefactors in the 17th and 18th centuries. The plaque was meant to replace an original which made no reference to Edward Colston's past with the Royal Africa Company and the Bristol Slave Trade. On 7 June 2020 a statue of Colston was pulled down from its plinth by protestors and pushed into Bristol Harbour.BBC News, Moment that Colston statue ended in harbour dominates national front pages, accessed 8 June 2020 The statue was recovered on 11 June and will be become a museum exhibit.
In applanate vernation the two leaf blades are pressed flat to each other within the bud and as they emerge; explicative leaves are also pressed flat against each other, but the edges of the leaves are folded back (externally recurved) or sometimes rolled; in supervolute plants, one leaf is tightly clasped around the other within the bud and generally remains at the point where the leaves emerge from the soil (for illustration, see Stearn and Davis). In the past, this feature has been used to distinguish between species and to determine the parentage of hybrids, but now has been shown to be homoplasious, and not useful in this regard. The scape (flowering stalk) is erect, leafless, terete, or compressed.
Pesch based his economic analysis on the bond, factual and moral, which unites the members of society with one another and the social whole, and the whole with its members. Since man is a being not merely social by nature, but whose actual existence is always in a concrete social environment, the abstract theories of individualism can neither explain nor guide society; on the other hand the socialist theories which tend toward denial and destruction of individual life make an equally unreal abstraction. Solidarism, a mean between these extremes, bases social unity on human nature and the common good. Since solidarism is a directive or ethical principle as well as an explicative principle it must be based on moral reality.
"Ex cathedra" refers to the explicative authority, notably the extremely rarely used procedure required for a papal declaration to be 'infallible' under Roman Catholic Canon law. In several languages the word deriving from cathedra is commonly used for an academic teaching mandate, the professorial chair. From the presence of this cathedra (throne), which can be as elaborate and precious as fits a secular prince (even if the prelate is not a prince of the church in the secular sense), a bishop's primary church is called a cathedral. In the Roman Catholic Church, a basilica -from the Greek basilikos 'royal'-, now refers to the presence there of a papal canopy (ombrellino), part of his regalia, and applies mainly to many cathedrals and Catholic churches of similar importance and/or splendor.
Nevertheless, the greatest difficulty lies in configuring a text from which stems the same hints, echoes and ambiguities as in the original. […] So that a translation does not betray its original source, amongst other things and to the extent it is possible, it should avoid being explicative, it ought to maintain the ambiguity and the obscure passages just as they are found in the source text. In a novel like Ulysses the translator is continually seized by the temptation to facilitate the reading process, however, in doing so, we would be distorting the author's intentions».Introduction Ulises, pp. CLXXVIII-CLXXIX Yet, in recent times, García Tortosa's main interest has been centred on Finnegans Wake, as shown by the number of publications which, over the years, he has dedicated to this controversial work, the difficulty surrounding which, the scholar himself states, is the result of how, in many ways, has to do with it being a continuation of the earlier novel; its technique «is nothing more than the natural evolution of that which was employed in the "Circe" episode in Ulysses».

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