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996 Sentences With "explained to"

How to use explained to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "explained to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "explained to". Mastering all the usages of "explained to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"The twins are monochrorionic diamniotic," she explained to Us Weekly.
"Kris was having financial problems," Gifford explained to the outlet.
"I'm not the morality police," he explained to the outlet.
Once it was explained to them, they were very apologetic.
None of that was explained to McCrary and Joseph, however.
"We bitch about everything," Shankman explained to the Huffington Post.
A former minion explained to jurors how he did it.
"Robyn rubs me the wrong way," Laurita explained to viewers.
"Look at the numbers," founder Dave McClure explained to me.
They were not explained to them in their native languages.
"I love Warhol, of course," Ashlee explained to MTV News.
They explained to the jungle what we wanted to do.
"It wasn't foreign territory to us," he explained to PEOPLE.
I should have explained to Ashley what Kathryn had suffered.
"You're not sorry, that's the thing," she explained to Hollman.
" As Williams explained to them, "They are literally opposite people.
But Phelps said this has not been explained to residents.
"I have resting bitch face," he explained to me once.
"We support more disclosure in principle," Castleberry explained to me.
Vox's Matthew Yglesias joins Today, Explained to discuss the panic.
As Copeland explained to The New York Times on Sept.
It was explained to us that she would face seizures.
"I kind of look from afar," Leon explained to me.
This is how you build habits, Zachariah explained to Insider.
"I explained to John how complicated it was," he said.
"It's memes," Paul Cupo, the fashion director, explained to me.
They've explained to us, but we found their argument not credible.
"It's a very complicated and costly procedure," Huang explained to Gizmodo.
Barlow explained to KSHB 41 that Poochies was a rescue dog.
That reporting completely contradicts what Trump explained to Holt last week.
"In Bangkok, Molam hasn't been popular," Maft Sai explained to me.
This is not a slam dunk, as Tedeschi explained to me.
"Satan stole all of our money," she explained to the magazine.
"You're casting your vote to software," Blaze explained to BuzzFeed News.
Connolly explained to Cramer how the company has "modernized" its products.
" She explained to Fallon that Chip "fixes everything, [Joanna] designs everything.
"The skin is the main problem," Hosegood explained to the BBC.
I'd stood quietly by while Ashwin explained to Dr. and Mrs.
"You almost felt like a little kid," Lombard explained to THR.
"Outrage isn't merely behavior, it's commerce," Jeff Berry explained to Refinery29.
Usually nothing is explained to you until after you try it.
Kardashian West explained to fans that Kourtney's look was "vintage Versace."
But Jia explained to me that it goes beyond even that.
Addiction is genetic," he explained to ET. "There's forms of it.
I explained to him that the statement was in the mail.
"Brandon's interesting because he cuts on the body," Welch explained to
And then Michael explained to me that he is Good Times.
"I mean, there's so much going on," she explained to PEOPLE.
Dickreuter explained to Mashable how they chose which photos to recreate.
"T-shirts are like a blank slate," Mayock explained to us.
Meanwhile, self-reporting about motivation is tricky, experts explained to me.
As Harmonix explained to us back then, this was a stopgap.
"He still needs help walking," the source explained to the mag.
One former CIA operative overseas explained to me how it works.
"[Twilight] was something I really invested in," she explained to DeGeneres.
"Americans care more about Americans," King explained to Talking Points Memo.
"We don't have direct proof," a prosecutor once explained to me.
Another poster explained to him that " SKAM " was a show. Drake.
He explained to CNBC that there's plenty of room for growth.
A nurse explained to him that I was an American doctor.
"We were just slogging it forward," he explained to a friend.
In Rigolet, everyone fishes and hunts, Flowers explained to VICE News.
"I wanna do it before it's over," she explained to Liebovitz.
And nobody's explained to me yet how that's going to work.
"They're stuck in traffic," one of the organizers explained to me.
"You have to go into listening mode," he explained to me.
"The key to it all is trust," Mann explained to me.
"Sorry, I have to vent on occasion," Arthur explained to Lettko.
"I just couldn't leave it," Belsito explained to the CMU newspaper.
The rules of his new workplace were eventually explained to him.
Remember what Bronn explained to Tyrion and Varys in Season 2?
A few days in, the doctors explained to Mr. and Mrs.
JW: Which was explained to me is ancient for tennis years.
Kremer explained to CNBC the goal in hospitality is really simple.
How was the initial rejection of your trademark explained to you?
" She explained to the table, "He's got acid reflux wicked bad.
"It isn't like something you hear nowadays," Gondesen explained to CNN.
Nobody tells on Curamuerto, Ronal explained to his mom, Sobeyda Castro.
Cate explained to me what every role in the pack entails.
"I just saw it fall off," a witness explained to WFTV.
"I had to replace my bra," Lam explained to CNBC in 2015.
"We went in different directions very rapidly," that person explained to CNBC.
"I don't really love surprises," Conrad explained to PEOPLE at the time.
"I'm walking around the house doing other stuff," Ryan explained to PEOPLE.
"You know, I am not a sample size," she explained to People.
"I want to play in every genre," Aster explained to the outlet.
"A lot of women don't have that opportunity," Williams explained to Today.
As Theron explained to Seth Meyers, she shares a publicist with Rihanna.
"He's not himself for maybe six episodes," Heughan explained to the magazine.
But she pegged the problem to how it was explained to voters.
Washington explained to People how a purse could help alleviate domestic violence.
Brown tested the youth on what she had just explained to them.
She explained to BuzzFeed News that eye color is determined by genetics.
" In a phone interview, Todd explained to Variety: "Everybody's praying for her.
They quickly cast Plummer, as Scott recently explained to KCRW's The Business.
" It all comes down, Portman explained, to "a devaluing of female voices.
"He was incredibly private," she explained to Australia's The Project on Wednesday.
"Before highlighters, you would do highlighting with Aquaphor," Martin explained to E!
"I organize myself to not feel lonely," she explained to The Sun.
"You couldn't draw it up any better," Ebersole explained to the newspaper.
"It wasn't such a foreign territory to us," he explained to PEOPLE.
He explained to them that his wheelchair lets him skip the line.
He explained to me that there was no other choice but resistance.
And, as he explained to Rolling Stone, he prefers to be mysterious.
"Nothing and no one stays the same," she explained to the outlet.
"My name is Shaquille O'Neal," he says he explained to the cashier.
"It's a different deal when you're older," Griffith explained to the monthly.
"About 20 students wanted to meet with me," Widhalm explained to CNN.
" Maybe a passing Cleveland cop explained to them: "You're on fire, stupid.
"I organize myself to not feel lonely," she explained to The Sun.
"It was just a bit of fun really," Delaney explained to Mashable.
"We're being much more competitive in our pricing," Drexler explained to WSJ.
"It's not the exact events," she explained to Rotten Tomatoes in April.
He further explained to Cosby's attorneys Tuesday why he didn't pursue charges.
"That [cholo] look is omnipresent in our design," Chavarria explained to me.
"I should have explained to Ashley what Kathryn had suffered," he wrote.
"I didn't think that that's it at all," she explained to us.
"After she left, I Googled her name," Lazarre explained to WGN News.
"We fell in love on the press tour," Mara explained to Cohen.
"The water level was down," he explained to the Kingsport Times News.
I explained to Rashidi what my intention was lyrically with the song.
But as Saint John explained to Refinery29, she always trusts her gut.
She explained to ET that it was a new experience for her.
"I think it makes sense," Silver explained to TMZ of the change.
Bezos explained to his boss that he wanted to sell books online.
Yet, as he explained to Scientific American, beliefs don't always predict behavior.
"'Fei' is the word for 'fly,'" Mr. Liang explained to the musicians.
"This judge is of Mexican heritage," Trump explained to CNN's Jake Tapper.
I explained to him the situation and he took my email address.
I explained to Fiona that I'm in my subjects' space 24/7.
"A memory is a network of brain cells," Shaw explained to me.
" Scent enrichment is used, she explained, "to promote and elicit natural behaviours.
"It's not about the pasta," he fervently explained to the producers later.
Simone Kelly explained to Time that she was unaware of the tweet.
"I wouldn't put it as staged," Port recently explained to Us Weekly.
"Hoteps are pro-black but anti-progress," James explained to the class.
Follow Today, Explained to learn exactly how worried you should really be.
No official has ever explained to him how the investigation came about.
If you have Amazon Echo, add Today, Explained to your flash briefing.
Her family, she explained to Elmo, did not have enough to eat.
As he explained to NPR in 2013: We had a bad show.
"I had to go get different supplies," Evans, 27, explained to PEOPLE.
"We come in all shapes and colors," Marjorie explained to her son.
"I'm with Alan every day," Brown explained to reporters after Monday's show.
He likes to turn questions inside out, he explained to Ms. Dowd.
" More helpfully, RuPaul also explained to his audience, "Reading is throwing shade.
"They're not looking for handouts and free stuff," Malliotakis explained to Breakingviews.
"It's how you become a team," she explained, to Coblentz's evident delight.
"It's more than just a change of mindset," Wrzesniewski explained to me.
Then the meaning of the slang "sus" was explained to the court.
Preet Bharara joined me last week on Impeachment, Explained to give it.
He explained to me that it's not necessary to be embalmed beforehand.
On Monday, Manzo explained to HollywoodLife the concept of her new show.
"In my mind, those are three separate things," Volker explained to lawmakers.
"They explained to me that crazy stuff happens in the airports," he said.
"I severed my hand with a Skil saw," LaTourrette explained to the outlet.
"There's something about Kelly that's just confusing to me," Judge explained to audiences.
"I was happy to change diapers," now-husband Alexis Ohanian explained to Vogue.
Franco explained to Colbert that both of his brothers are in serious relationships.
"I just screwed up a win," Giles explained to reporters after the game.
"I felt very much like an outsider," he explained to Vulture in 2013.
"I have a small hematoma in my eye," she explained to the station.
She explained to Beth that her alienation came from a place of intimidation.
"Diaspora and slavery, ecological devastation, memory and remembrance," they explained to The Verge.
"I am shocked that it has to be explained to someone," she said.
There are a few rules to eating this way, Papa explained to me.
"I also … make sure I have $9.99 DVDs," she explained to the outlet.
"I wanted to keep it as classic as possible," Iman explained to Brides.
Thus, as Dr Jackson explained to the AAAS meeting, was Project Premonition born.
"I thought he was going to fire me," Paltrow explained to the Times.
"I got on my knees and I kissed him," she explained to PEOPLE.
" He explained to host Alex Trebek, "I didn't think that was in Idaho.
"The contamination is likely coming from wastewater treatment plants," Lanksbury explained to KIRO7.
She explained to Robach that she plans to modernize the Miss America Pageant.
"Leo missed Tina when he first got here," Newhouser explained to Pup Journal.
We explained to our daughter that there was a baby in Mama's belly.
As Dunst explained to Jimmy Kimmel during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
"Life's too short not to have fun with it," he explained to BuzzFeed.
His sisters also explained to CBS 8 that D'Esposito suffered with mental illness.
This is a big one that has to often be explained to attendees.
"I call [Michèle] almost a post-feminist character," Huppert explained to Entertainment Weekly.
"He explained to me year one is going to be tough," he continued.
"They're very happy in relationships in real life," Metz recently explained to PEOPLE.
He explained to Fallon that he had "some torn tendons" that required surgery.
"I think that young people sense the urgency," Hirsi explained to The Cut.
"And you know what I had to tell him?" she explained to Fallon.
Its founder, Billy Shore, explained to her that childhood hunger is completely solvable.
"I don't really care what the dress looks like," she explained to People.
"I get letters every day at my house," Louise explained to the outlet.
"Her bilirubin was so high that she turned green," Lori explained to HuffPost.
The White House explained to Kelly why Metzler was not a good pick.
"I love talking — it's my favorite pastime," she explained to host Jimmy Fallon.
Before we began in earnest, Leo explained to us what we'd be doing.
"My son was in California when this took place," she explained to TMZ.
" Wharton explained to VICE Impact, "The DUP is responsible for blocking marriage equality.
But Cooter explained to me that militias have a complex tapestry of motivations.
"It is like getting your identity stolen," McElwee explained to ABC Radio Darwin.
In fact, he was protecting his academic endeavors, she explained to the judge.
I explained to an investor what we do and how we make money.
Lorde also explained to The Guardian why celebrities tend to befriend each other.
He explained to the new acquisition Jiri Hudler the benefits of resistance sprinting.
" Mr. Stern explained to her: "I used to say bad things about everyone.
"In 2018 you will start to see this everywhere," Levy explained to CNBC.
It's kind of the year of the family," she explained to "Entertainment Tonight.
"I don't even really want to say it's happening," Rodriguez explained to People.
"My feeling toward the mice is flat-out fear," he explained to another.
He recently explained to VICE over the phone what that might look like.
The FBI informant explained to Hubbard that the Pentagon was a difficult target.
Jack Shanahan, director of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, explained to reporters Friday.
"These aren't actors, they are actual workers," Mr. Smith explained to Ms. Chastain.
But his start-up, Mr. Ai explained to the committee, had great potential.
Ms. Bass said members explained to Mr. Wray why those examples were flawed.
After all, Ibrahim works hard to source his ingredients, he explained to MUNCHIES.
"I was a religious zealot that hurt people," Game explained to the outlet.
As Wayans Jr. explained to Complex: It never beat you over the head.
She explained to Hyperallergic what happened after the group returned to Artists Space.
Listen to Today, Explained to learn exactly how worried you should really be.
Subscribe to Today, Explained to learn exactly how worried you should really be.
Oscar Hernandez, a DACA recipient, explained to Vox's Dara Lind how things changed.
I don't know ... I just explained to you how we got to it.
" As Jones explained to Brooker: "You are naturally suspicious and paranoid and neurotic.
Nobody explained to me what that place where my dad lived was, exactly.
Callimachi: It's explained to me that this is the mother of Abu Jarrah.
"I don't really ever resort to violence like that," Kim explained to Fallon.
But less can be more, the company explained to a worried Wall Street.
David explained to me how Eric's "personal life" was, in essence, his privilege.
It's almost like that part of the job hasn't been explained to him.
No matter what is explained to me, it is not the right choice.
"I don't want to spend the time," to walk, he explained to Reuters.
"The anchor fell off the front," his dad Rick explained to the outlet.
"I like physically shuffling around with papers," she once explained to the Telegraph.
"This usually isn&apost a great option for people," Roger explained to me.
"Often women's suits are made as women's suits," she explained to Jean-Raymond.
Despite this, CEO Shantanu Narayen explained to Cramer what's driving the firm's growth.
He then explained to investigators how the scheme of using false identities worked.
"Justice has a blindfold on," Comey explained to the Senate in sworn testimony.
"I can't even tell you how much this means," Burpee explained to KGW.
Months later, a Peruvian anthropologist explained to me the roots of their fear.
"I turn around and start calling for help," Norwood later explained to GMA.
"It's unique but it's not too weird," she explained to PEOPLE of the moniker.
"With just a tap, I can switch apps," he explained to the gathered developers.
"A lot of them were based on natural things," he explained to the outlet.
"Increasingly policymaking is happening outside of Washington," Kalra explained to me in an interview.
"They are old buildings," former GSA Inspector General Brian Miller explained to NBC Washington.
"All these people have made an effort just for me," she explained to viewers.
I called Krebs and explained to him that we were just doing a test.
"The plan was never to make just photography equipment," Peter Dering explained to me.
Their interpreter explained to them that in this country men and women are equals.
She explained to Thomason that syphilis is contracted through sex and can be treated.
As Smith explained to Gizmodo, all three teeth analyzed in the study were permanent.
Frances explained to the four boxers the importance of fighting abroad, and fighting smart.
"The hand is this ubiquitous symbol I saw growing up," he explained to Fader.
"You make something new out of something from the past," Engman explained to Vogue.
"I like him a lot," Mr. Trump explained to reporters and officials looking on.
He explained to me what the club was like, what he expects from me.
There, Rob explained to the outlet, Pip succumbed to the disease on August 17.
Curry explained to Refinery29 last year that she's got big plans ahead for herself.
"If you're coming to my wedding, do not wear sequin," she explained to Seacrest.
" He explained to writer Maria de los Angeles, "The truth is about the water.
"It's a tragedy I wouldn't wish on anyone else," Tate explained to the publication.
"We are not all Dali — we are not all melting," Zulpo explained to Hyperallergic.
"She's a beautiful person, she has a fighting spirit," Gordon explained to Fox 59.
She explained to People that her family is excited to have a new addition.
This requires, at least, that the voting method be properly explained to the electorate.
Desertion and illegally leaving the country come at a cost, she explained to me.
"Sami's getting into high school and new school, new boys," Richards explained to audiences.
"This color is ammoniated, and there's no bleach or lightener," Jaxcee explained to me.
"The label wanted a Voodoo part two," D'Angelo explained to Rolling Stone last year.
The details about Odom's ordeal were explained to viewers in text shown on screen.
"That [pin] was a present from Katy Perry," the singer explained to the magazine.
He provided many stories to Star Log Magazine, as he recently explained to Inverse.
"I tried to be polite, but I was stern," Ettel explained to the outlet.
She explained to KIRO the complex process of turning a dead body into soil.
I should have tried harder, should have explained to her what I was doing.
Honestly, as a moviegoer, when everything is explained to me, it's a little boring.
"In this case, she wanted to chase a duck," Barrymore explained to Seth Myers.
The driver explained to me that he was at my disposal throughout the conference.
The team hopes it doesn't come to that, though, as Sprave explained to Gizmodo.
I called every single one of them back and explained to them the situation.
"I had a really fortunate and wonderful upbringing," Platt explained to PEOPLE in January.
"My family wanted her to not go on this vacation," William explained to
" As co-curator Joseph Becker explained to me, "Access to ownership became more rarified.
"We wanted to be the Cisco of enterprise blockchain providers," Finan explained to me.
"Regret is a modern taboo," psychotherapist and former priest Ilse Sand explained to me.
"Time does really help," fellow EP Howard Gordon explained to IndieWire in June 2016.
As he explained to Billy Bush, it was his usual modus operandi with women.
"Think of it this way," McConnell explained to a local Republican group in Kentucky.
In 2016, Kowton explained to us why Dekmantel is the DJ's festival of choice.
As an aspiring actor, she explained to Colbert that she was out of work.
"It was not funny — it was hell for me," she explained to the hosts.
"I didn't do it to humanize [Trump]," Fallon explained to The New York Times.
He explained to me why he was a latecomer to the Democrats' impeachment bandwagon.
She said she recently realized it when someone explained to her what it means.
"Somebody explained to me really thoroughly what that is ... I am pan," she said.
Once again, doctors told the couple the sore would heal, Richard explained to ABC6.
That, she explained to CNN's Dana Bash on Friday, was because of their relationship.
Anamorphism, Peeta explained to INSIDER, gives the illusion that flat objects are three-dimensional.
The couple explained to me how their corporate events business had happened by accident.
"Developmentally, women have a wider pelvis than men," Bergin explained to the Washington Post.
Comey shared the memos, he explained, to prompt the appointment of a special counsel.
He explained to me all the infuriatingly irrational ways psychic numbing rears its head.
After a few days, the women explained to Bathum they wanted to return home.
"It's so refreshing that the fashion industry has embraced me," she explained to us.
"I grew up in Canada, OK, we have socialized medicine," Carrey explained to Maher.
But that was not the case, as Clarke explained to Ellen DeGeneres this week.
But as Litman and Morales Rocketto explained to Vox, that's part of the appeal.
"Demand for deep learning vastly outstrips supply," Ng explained to me in an interview.
Minter and Campbell enlisted the vendors themselves and explained to them the few guidelines.
Doctors explained to Towns that she would have to be put on a ventilator.
This idea has a slight problem, Verrilli explained to little avail: It wouldn't work.
The family is illiterate and the program was not explained to them, he said.
Again, I explained to him the concept of sequels, showed him the old comics.
This patient had all of them, Quan explained to the patient and his wife.
Instead, Cooper explained to the New York Times magazine, Jackson is worried for Ally.
"The big thing is the sound," she explained to the store's manager, Sid Schwarzenberger.
Once someone explained to her that it was and why, she stopped using it.
"And I'm thinking about having a drink," he explained to the heavily evangelical audience.
But as he explained to Mr. Dinelaris, he found himself in a creative quandary.
"I told you, Mr. President, Ray Donovan's a fictional character," Schreiber explained to him.
With incongruous formality, he explained to me that he hadn't slept in two days.
"I just wanted to live," Mr. Shaw later explained to The New York Times.
"I want my time to be explained to me a bit more," Gemma said.
When she explained to Mr. Ferrugia what had happened, he took it in stride.
"We were sharing the same anger as the Puerto Ricans," iLe explained to MTV.
If they do want a forensic exam, the TeleNursing support is explained to them.
"Right now, we're going through a bit of a winter," Duan explained to me.
Things that meant something to her but whose meaning she never explained to me.
"Me and Self host together, we do gigs together," she explained to the camera.
"It's 'cause people are hungry," one inmate identified as Lou explained to Gibson-Light.
"I explained to Meghan I'd seen her in Chester and she remembered," Richards tells PEOPLE.
Bündchen reportedly explained to the children that the Eagles hadn't won in a long time.
"I just got open and I saw two defenders guarding me," Harden explained to reporters.
Tipron is a "transforming, Internet-connected projection robot" as one company spokesperson explained to me.
And when they explained to me what it meant, I thought, 'That's really messed up!
"It's almost like a bit of jiu-jitsu," Calm's CEO Alex Tew explained to me.
"She shoots for magazines like W and likes to do fashion," Nichola explained to them.
"I didn't want to tell people I was pooped on," she explained to Global News.
"Here's what we'll say, and everybody says: No collusion," he explained to reporters this week.
"My own name was always off limits, dedicated to photography," Slimane explained to the Times.
Sheena, the clip's unfortunate star, explained to Mashable that the situation started out innocently enough.
"It didn't feel good," he explained to the large crowd gathered to hear him speak.
"Whatever direction the writers take, I will make it work," she explained to Ocean Drive.
"I breathe 20 percent of what you breathe with every breath," Lillard explained to me.
"I didn't want to teach him a lesson," Lorena explained to Vanity Fair in August.
"Some days it's, 'I'm so happy she was my daughter,&apos" she explained to Today.
So we reached out to his family and we explained to them: We're independent filmmakers.
"The most dangerous train is the A to Far Rockaway," EQ explained to me authoritatively.
"You give hongbaos to family, to people who rely on you," she explained to me.
Over WhatsApp voice notes, Fox explained to me what her role on the show entailed.
" Before performing "One Voice," he explained to the audience, "I wrote this in a dream.
As he explained to investors last November, BA ultimately intends to cut its headline fares.
CEO Brett Hurt and CPO Jon Loyens explained to TechCrunch that the growth of Data.
So we explained to our colleagues why we were striking, and some joined the strike.
"Me and Bryan had a great relationship, we still do," Bigger explained to Us Weekly.
He's been waiting for revenge for years, as he explained to Arya in season 4.
Lisa Mulitalo, a spokeswoman for Auckland Airport, explained to Reuters what happened at the airport.
While one cop was running his license, we explained to the other what had happened.
It's something very personal, like religion—something that doesn't need to be explained to anyone.
Some women, however, said the high interest rates had never fully been explained to them.
"All I have ever wanted is to be a dad," Cross explained to The Sun.
"I went behind your back to protect you," Jennifer explained to an angry Sugar Bear.
No one explained to me why I was there and how long I was staying.
Kardashian West explained to Elle magazine in an interview what the services were all about.
His 69th chemotherapy session, Alvarez explained to lawmakers, was scheduled for the very next day.
Pottingr explained to Eyewitness News 7 that her son always had a nebulizer with him.
" Mr. Limbaugh added, "I've had it explained to me by no less than Senator Schumer.
Bell explained to WRAL that she can't leave Penelope's side in case she gets hungry.
It is the sequel to obstruction, which Democrats never explained to Americans in everyday language.
"If elected, it will be partisan warfare and a total disaster," Stockman explained to CNBC.
"We all love food, and it's nice to explore that world," he explained to me.
Heisler explained to police Philip had taken Roberta on a trip to Graceland on Jan.
Meghan explained to her that she too had been quite shy when she was little.
"Visualizing long-term, heavily overlapping data can be a real challenge," Nelson explained to Gizmodo.
"More important than the money is the example we can set," Cuban explained to Nichols.
Even so, individual instances often involve subjective judgments, which are almost never explained to users.
"The thing is you run out of breath when you're pregnant," she explained to Kimmel.
"Whether it's fortunate or unfortunate, I think crisis is my calling," she explained to Vulture.
"The swings in carbonyl sulfide are the signature of plant growth," Campbell explained to Gizmodo.
As to what it means exactly: "Anything that's ugly," he explained to Eater last year.
"I explained to my mother that being gay is a basic human right," he said.
He explained to CNBC's "Squawk Alley " that Twitter first did business with big search engines.
"It's never been very far away from me," Lansbury explained to a reporter that evening.
"We understand that drivers are actually our customers," Fasten's CEO Kirill Evdakov explained to me.
As he once explained to me, he only admires reporting that is flattering to him.
"American businessmen oppose American involvement in any foreign war," the Chamber's president explained to Congress.
It was explained to my class of freshman Democrats that we should not attack tobacco.
"We wanted to base most of the action in reality," she explained to Marie Claire.
The way it has been explained to me that sometimes relapse is part of rehab.
"We want the Chinese to reassess their calculus," a US official explained to BuzzFeed News.
One night, he explained to me how he came to the US from the Yucatan.
"It a bit like the Intel Inside model," Tadi explained to me in an interview.
"It's so much harder when you're 35 and hate working out," Dunst explained to Variety.
I explained to the student that he was on the verge of failing the class.
One of the restaurant's founders, Alessandro Biggi, explained to Extra Crispy why they ran out.
"You can travel without any boundaries," Leslie, a biker chick from Brooklyn, explained to me.
"We stopped and stared at it like, oh my god," Richard explained to BuzzFeed News.
"Nothing felt more important than the sense of outsiderness," Rhimes explained to The Hollywood Reporter.
Scribner explained to the officer that they were in the area to shoot a video.
"I explained to her exactly who I was and what he had done," Sims said.
Contextualizing this "monogamy" ending, he explained to Weider: At the time, I believed in it.
"I do television so I can do New York," he explained to the New Yorker.
"I don't want to think about anything but what I'm watching," Williams explained to PeopleStyle.
The research team explained to me that it's still early days for working alongside Microsoft.
"Our party has moved right, their party has moved really left," he explained to Politico.
"Pregnancy completely changed my body at a super young age," she explained to the magazine.
"My responsibility is not to make everyone around me feel comfortable," Michel explained to Lemon.
"We see this water that's clear and it's of good quality," Trejo explained to Gupta.
"Our product is a lifestyle," founding member Ivan Marovic´explained to Foreign Policy in 153.
And Intellectual Ventures (IV) holds the patents for known techniques, Coldewey recently explained to me.
"I'm Corey," Lewandowski, in shorts and loafers, explained to the security guard at the entrance.
"Sometimes when you bring it in, it makes it feel bigger," Leanne explained to Insider.
"You have to hold only 1%, 1.5% of these guys aside," Feldman explained to me.
Portman explained to colleagues the concession would not dampen the economic punch of the bill.
Biden then explained to ABC News why feels Trump and his running mate, Indiana Gov.
"I don't like to eat the whole mint at once," he nonchalantly explained to me.
My parents explained to me that these pasts meant that they were not Holocaust survivors.
I've explained to her in person that this is why we aren't friends on Facebook.
"I cannot even begin to understand what Jacqueline is going through," she explained to viewers.
Mosler explained to the post-Keynesians that taxation and borrowing did not finance government spending.
Afterward, she explained to the doctor how marginalized and upset his actions made her feel.
A Manafort spokesman explained to the Post that Manafort was referring to collect past debts.
"We started a company that gave us the [freedom] we wanted," McFarlane explained to me.
If there's anyone who needs hockey explained to them, it's certainly not Kendall Coyne Schofield.
"I investigated and I immediately had it canceled," the secretary explained to the House panel.
On that occasion, Ms. Watkins explained to Mr. Wolfe that their relationship was strictly professional.
"That was a very dark, terribly painful moment in my life," he explained to me.
"It would make him less wild," I explained to my mother, who was then 85.
His wife, Rainbow, a doctor, explained to him that he had to take the medicine.
Listen to this episode of Today, Explained to find out: News comes at you fast.
Barak recalls that Eitan explained to Sharon that the politicians would not authorize killing him.
He explained to Mr. Stevens and his wife that he did not need a stent.
Celine is in NYC and explained to our photog why she doesn't see it happening.
It's not that the rules themselves are hard to understand once they're explained to you.
"Working on Digital Shades is always a way to cleanse myself," Gonzalez explained to VICE.
" She continued: "David explained to me how Eric's 'personal life' was, in essence, his privilege.
First, she said that she had already explained to Ramos that she never got coaching.
Someone went outside to get Restina and the doctors explained to her what had happened.
As he explained to Che, "I'm running tariffs, so this is my time," Yang said.
"You can do what you want to do," Mr. Norquist explained to us, as newbies.
"I wanted parents to know," she explained to CNN of her now-viral Twitter thread.
They are, as Francis explained to reporters on the flight back to Rome, about values.
He had explained to the President how important it was that the F.B.I. be independent.
His dad, Brad Whiteis, explained to Carter the possibility of flood in the coming days.
Abrams previously explained to EW how Fisher's old footage ended up in Rise of Skywalker.
"Everybody that's written these books, they all surmise what happened," he once explained to me.
But as Davies explained to The Verge last year, the devil is in the details.
He explained to Judge Engelmayer that he had spotted his biological father in the courtroom.
"It wasn't explained to me" why the money didn't come through, Zelensky said on Tuesday.
Attendees were handed packets on their repayment options and each one was explained to them.
"I get called when something is broken," he explained to The Associated Press in 1978.
After all, she explained to the voter, at that age she was already a mother.
Curry explained to ESPN how cutting off social media helps him focus during the playoffs.
De Blasio said he explained to Trump how fearful New Yorkers were of his ideas.
" He explained to everyone assembled that this was Comey's "opportunity to set the record straight.
He explained to them, politely, that there were certain obligatory regulations, and they shot him.
Fashion designer Alexander Wang explained to me the importance of setting priorities to avoid burnout.
Once it was explained to voters in focus groups, most of them got behind it.
"Most theater you see has a reassuring quality," Herzog explained to me in an email.
"I was raised by people who cooked religiously," she explained to me later over email.
I kind of explained to them that I didn't code it or anything like that.
"There are certainly arguments for adding sexuality into your ASMR," Gibi explained to VICE News.
"We had a high number assists and a low number of turnovers," Donovan explained to reporters.
"My return to New York is supposed to be on my terms," she explained to viewers.
Plus, Lopez explained to the magazine, she's overcome what she considered her greatest fear — being alone.
"Whatever you do, don't apologize," he explained to Boston radio host Howie Carr during the campaign.
As a source explained to PEOPLE last month, "It's obvious that [James] cares about Mariah's kids."
"I put it right above my underwear, but underneath my pants," she explained to the host.
As he explained to Gizmodo, there's more to speech than just putting the right words together.
That's just Earth, chemist Kamila Muchowska at the University of Strasbourg in France explained to Gizmodo.
This is all patiently explained to the player in detail, and then they're given some options.
Kardashian also explained to GQ why she votes democratic and is supporting Hillary Clinton for president.
As director Gerardo Naranjo explained to Indiewire, Zuniga's recollection of the actual events was too inconsistent.
"They have been owning restaurants and bars for over 30 years," LVP's publicist explained to Refinery29.
"It was a very tough year for me away from the floor," he explained to PEOPLE.
"There's huge commercial interest in quantum computing," Alex Cronin, NSF physics program director explained to Gizmodo.
"If you take the time, people share with you about their life," she explained to PEOPLE.
"When I opened my eyes I didn't know where I was," Marie explained to the outlet.
"There are images of me harming some animals and I feel horrible," Kompothecras explained to People.
Nicholas explained to Insider that a dog or cat without detectable ribs is probably too pudgy.
"I have to give a lot of credit to John and Nicole," Brie explained to People.
"They touch her, and then she touches her mouth with her hand," Sifrits explained to WQAD.
Opposition research on candidates, Painter explained to me, should never extend to working with foreign powers.
"It's a lightbulb that has roots and a colored flower inside," he explained to the publication.
"There are no, essentially, date markers [to Bernard's memories]," Woodward explained to Refinery29 over the phone.
" As she explained to PEOPLE last month, "Doing IVF is such a roller coaster of emotions.
After the two were seen getting close in Italy on Saturday, Murphy, 20093, explained to LoveBScott.
"[Game of Thrones] has been a huge chunk of my life," she explained to Marie Claire.
The music video serves as an "inspiration and call to action," as Nettles explained to PEOPLE.
"I got to see Oculus Rift in 20213," 8i cofounder Linc Gasking explained to me afterward.
"I've been going through a hard time with my mom passing," he explained to WSB-TV.
Fung explained to me that there are three ingredients that made the app sticky for consumers.
"Snoring itself is just vibration of your upper airway," Varga explained to me over the phone.
"Toward the end of it all, we didn't really communicate that much," Strahan explained to PEOPLE.
He explained to me that top salespeople on the floor can earn almost $200,000 per year.
"As far as we know, the baby has been doing well," Drayton explained to the outlet.
It leaves you explaining jokes that can't be explained to employers that don't like jokes anyway.
This influencer network will be "powered by" startup Speakr; as explained to me by Time Inc.
Tang explained to them that he would take an 8 per cent commission from their wages.
"He never wanted to be the Night King," Furdík explained to EW regarding his character's intentions.
The morning of the announcement, Michael Dell explained to CNBC why it was the chosen path.
"It didn't even cross my mind to go around," he explained to the local news outlet.
"What made me speak is I thought I could provide a perspective," she explained to THR.
"Children see something they're trying to get," commission president, Elliot Kaye, explained to TODAY last year.
The commission she envisions would help put "rules in place," she explained, to stop abusive behavior.
"She got a new passport without her old last name," Kim explained to fans on Snapchat.
"This was not a conventional shower, it was a nightclub in Tiffany," Chopra explained to PEOPLE.
"The audience assigns strengths and weaknesses to characters because of gender," he recently explained to me.
Teigen explained to critics the bug simply had crawled on her with her daughter sitting nearby.
Nonetheless, Bush explained to WKYC 3 that she doesn't like the way Townsend handled the situation.
In the audio, Cassidy explained to the producer what the doctors told him during his hospitalization.
Nate Evans leads the program at Argonne, and explained to me the design of the competition.
"This was not a conventional shower, it was a nightclub in Tiffany," she explained to PEOPLE.
"Nobody wanted to dress her when she wasn't known," Roach explained to the Guardian last year.
"My whole family, we're just very open with a lot of things," Evans explained to Meyers.
"We were looking into it really for tax breaks and financial things," RuPaul explained to Mathews.
"Well, actually it was an accident," she explained to King during the TED conference in Vancouver.
Instead, he explained to the audience the current content on Snapchat and where advertisers fit in.
In 2013, he explained to Access Hollywood that he's the artist behind the now-infamous tat.
"A company like Yelp holds a giant sway for so many businesses," Russo explained to TechCrunch.
"The Japanese are relatively shy, especially a craftsman like a ramen chef," Shigeno explained to me.
Thing is, he explained to Recode during an interview, it wasn't exactly a formal green light.
She further explained to Inside Edition that her own sister was three when her mom died.
"Weekends don't really exist for us," one of my new local pals explained to me dreamily.
A senior government official explained to CNBC Wednesday that the officials were in a tricky situation.
Bushnell explained to the magazine that she never harbored any resentment towards Fletcher over Higgins' confession.
She explained to me, in a way a preschooler could understand, why he wouldn't wake up.
Hale explained to Refinery22016 that his department investigates all levels of felony crimes, not just homicides.
"I'm not afraid to try new things and abstract types of comedy," Wysol explained to VICE.
"We have so many great memories here back in the day," Dorough, 45, explained to PeopleTV.
As Reagan explained to us, this controls which words the system uses to make its decision.
She explained to ABC's Juju Chang that pansexuality means liking "beings" and being attracted to personalities.
BB-8 is "extendable forever," as Adam Wilson, the co-founder of Sphero, explained to me.
"Every one of his murders was about setting anybody but him up," Cameron explained to BuzzFeed.
He explained to the camera that the child's parents and siblings had also been found dead.
It was up to them, he explained, to assemble the pieces and make the puzzle whole.
"Not till I see daylight ahead do I want to lead," he explained to his wife.
Leitch explained to Business Insider how his style of action helps strengthen the stories he tells.
"[What] I explained to them is that my integrity means everything," Bennett told ESPN on Monday.
"The developed paint offers two properties at the same time," Daeneke explained to CNBC via email.
The Taliban needed the weapons urgently, he explained, to safeguard its heroin labs against American forces.
Her son, she said, once explained to her how kids determined their ages in the orphanage.
Puigdemont hasn't explained to Catalonia's 8.5 million residents the sacrifices that inevitably go with nation building.
"I have total autonomy over my own money," the mother of two explained to the magazine.
"[He's] very socially confident and has that vibe," the actor explained to PEOPLE Now last year.
"It became like a game, like a crossword," he explained to La Nouvelle Critique in 1973.
She gathered her children in the bedroom and explained to them that the police were confused.
"I thought I wouldn't be, because it doesn't have any hair..." she explained to Entertainment Tonight.
Frank, 65, explained to me how it's the media's fault—for misrepresenting Graham and creating divisions.
"I always had these two lives I was leading," he explained to VICE over the phone.
"Could not let any evidence stay up," JJB explained to Motherboard just before closing the server.
"Our goal is to do great in-situ science," he explained to Motherboard after the meeting.
At the time, host Chris Harrison explained to The Hollywood Reporter why Rachel was announced early.
He explained to his mother why such remarks from the dominant culture come off as offensive.
But "the technology is never the point of the stories," she explained to The New Yorker.
As he explained to me, killing wolves fractures the highly regimented social order of the pack.
Callimachi: And Jesse explained to me that there are actual steps that the recruiters are taught.
One time, he explained to me how he'd taken a household clock apart, gear by gear.
" One professor explained to me condescendingly that "wearing blue eyeshadow, for instance, would be too much.
Routledge explained to me over the phone that rationality and irrationality don't exist in a binary.
He explained to Washington Independent Review of Books in 19863 why he had turned to writing.
"I needed stuff that would fit my long arms," he explained to me, holding his arms.
From Europe, I explained to my mom, the celebration of March 8 spread across the globe.
Her publicist explained to me that his job is to politely tell people to go away.
As I explained to Graham, I'd tried surfing a number of times and failed fairly spectacularly.
What I explained to them was that the sense of smell differs between women and men.
The goal of the Extreme Vetting Initiative was "determinations via automation," ICE explained to the attendees.
During the campaign, I explained to voters that I had felt a similar calling after Sept.
His mind-meld with Trump was what made him valuable to clients, Lewandowski explained to me.
As Fellini explained to Lillian Ross, in 1965, in this magazine: My mother was a Roman.
" I explained to him why and he was like, "Oh my god fuck, I'm so sorry.
Yoon, who also performed in Pyongyang in 2002, recently explained to CNN his reason for performing.
Brown explained to one of the officers that he needed to get to the game, too.
The key theme, a Whole Foods spokesman explained to CNBC, is value, and keeping prices low.
"People are so focused on the operational impact," Phrasee CEO Parry Malm explained to Business Insider.
"She's very West Coast, she's very extrovert," the group's singer, Black Francis, explained to Magnet magazine.
But Tillerson has not explained to the department's 75,000 employees what the revamp's strategic aims are.
Hint founder and CEO Kara Goldin has explained to Business Insider the logic behind this expansion.
"I thought the podcast was real," Biel explained to Variety at the Toronto International Film Festival.
"Rosario might be hungry when she gets in," he explained to the bemused staffers looking on.
The daughter explained to us that their mother had been saving for the trip for years.
As Rabbi Tom Gutherz of Congregation Beth Israel explained to me, that was a purposeful choice.
She explained to border officials in broken Spanish that she was seeking asylum and since Nov.
For his part, Giuliani explained to POLITICO on Tuesday that he wasn't represented by Sale anymore.
Her new love is the reason she didn't give Drake a chance, Klum explained to DeGeneres.
"It was time of possession, turning the ball over," wide receiver Antonio Brown explained to reporters.
At the time, Bloomberg and his team explained to the donors their anticipated path to victory.
" Jordan -- without naming names -- explained to us, "They're picking on him, giving him a hard time.
The Virgin Mary, Ms. Barriga explained to her parents, wore a veil, so why shouldn't she?
"We queens take on identity, and it is always a social statement," Charles explained to me.
As Wuyts explained to me, coding the data as nucleobases depended upon which nucleobase came before.
The Duffers also explained to Vulture that they wanted to step things up for the upcoming season.
"They operated on me and removed a few organs out of me," he bluntly explained to CBS.
" He also explained to PEOPLE that he did not want to be the "first transgender Survivor contestant.
Simi explained to me that it was difficult to say why, exactly, his respondents chose that word.
"I have a bag of treats in my mail truck," Barboza explained to the digital animal outlet.
I explained to you last night that it was phony, but you didn't do anything about it.
Below, Abbott explained to me how Holden's studio helped At Sacred Walls' jazzy, experimental soundscapes take shape.
"We have guys that can make plays, guys that can have big nights," Aldridge explained to reporters.
Rihanna explained to Paulson in Interview that her jam-packed schedule is the reason for the delay.
"I came out here because I saw the video," he explained to the gathered group of kids.
Over the following weeks, Lee explained to Chun how she had ended up in a cybersex chatroom.
"Lori and Mossimo are finding out quickly who their real friends are," the insider explained to People.
" As diver Jason Mallinson explained to ABC: "I can't have him [one of the boys] twitching around.
"It was state of the art," Chris Garcia, curator at the Computer History Museum, explained to Gizmodo.
These issues, Mohamed explained to VICE Impact, are not always being reported on in the local media.
It troubled her, for various reasons, as she explained to the press at Tate Modern this week.
"Cate and Natasha both have this queer energy going on, right?" she explained to me over email.
"He wanted it to be, as he explained to us, a story within a story," Fowler said.
"There are moments of extreme tension in the early part of the film," she explained to Refinery29.
Looking Back "The Web," Peter H. Lewis explained to readers of The New York Times on Jan.
"I have a liver disease," Cassidy explained to A&E producer Saralena Weinfield in a recorded conversation.
One of those episodes he directed also features sex scenes with Maggie Gyllenhaal, Franco explained to Out.
So it's quite something for me to accept that and to educate them, she explained to Hart.
Parliament's deputy speaker explained to local media that the monarch requires a chair that "relaxes" his body.
Carter explained to Chandler that he was once a student at UT, studying art on a scholarship.
"This capsule was designed specifically for this tennis match, keeping London in mind," Browne explained to Vogue.
"I went through my whole life assuming Roe Vs. Wade was pretty untouchable," Zumas explained to Refinery29.
"It was hers," Higgins explained to Iaconetti when she asked if Bushnell took all of the furniture.
In November, director Lee Unkrich explained to The Verge how vital authenticity was to the creative team.
"They're much better than their record, obviously," Kansas coach Bill Self explained to reporters earlier this week.
"A lot of brands need to build an authentic relationship with the customers," he explained to me.
"There has been just a complete lack of innovation in the loyalty space," he explained to me.
The reasoning, as Fiennes explained to Entertainment Tonight, is that Jackson's skin color was close to his.
"The title 'Urban Mafia' is a metaphor for Lisbon's underground," the artist explained to THUMP via email.
"I saw a part that said DNA relatives, so I clicked on that," Tolson explained to Today.
Thore quickly went into action, and politely explained to them that her body is her own business.
Parker later explained to the outlet, that he had intended to say "people of color" and misspoke.
Aiden McCullough, 7, explained to the news outlet that his sister had a seizure and fell backward.
"She wants me to [act] like this is my 21st birthday also," Kardashian explained to the outlet.
" She explained to viewers: "There was a time when I had a relationship with Kathy and Rosie.
It took some work, but Sheeran explained to The Associated Press that the filmmakers made it happen.
"Their issue is that they think I should be on it more," the star explained to PEOPLE.
"We talked and (coach Chris Mack) was exactly right; I had no energy," Farr explained to reporters.
"I am not sure I want a world where the best networkers win," he explained to me.
"The Trump administration just didn't show," Lewis explained to NPR in a recent interview about the book.
"I was trying to make her feel better," he explained to Ripa, but she's not having it.
"My friend, a Babadookologist if you will, has seen and enjoyed the film," LGBTHanSolo explained to me.
"I'm putting little spots on my hand and then placing it very softly," Takase explained to Vogue.
As Russinovich explained to me, Microsoft itself has been using the microservices approach internally for seven years.
It explained to me musically why they're interesting, historically why they're interesting, pop culture why they're interesting.
One long-standing sufferer of RBF explained to me how her condition has held her back socially.
It was Leeson's idea to shoot the video of the paving, he explained to Mashable via email.
"There's an arbitrage opportunity between long- and short-term rentals," Chen explained to me in an interview.
We took them to iconic places like Checkpoint Charlie and explained to them what happened back then.
"My head was completely blank with the shock of winning an award," he explained to reporters backstage.
He explained to other curious owners exactly why their wishes aren't exactly feasible, given the cars' designs.
"Kylie is very happy with Travis, but they aren't married," a source explained to PEOPLE in October.
" Dessler explained to me in an email that "we are still (mostly) in control of our fate.
She explained to the group while riding a street car that the activity is a Latvian tradition.
The chiefs explained to Trump that there were regulatory barriers preventing them from getting at their energy.
As Hochul explained to us, the meaning of the patch goes beyond winning the right to vote.
"It took months to get some music instruments with the right size," he explained to Bored Panda.
"Turned out that was a politician trying to commandeer this taxi," Farmer explained to Ward and Karl.
"We were told two or three times she wasn't going to make it," Michael explained to WWMT.
"In Southhampton or any of the Hamptons, south of the highway is preferred," Singer explained to audiences.
"After much deliberation, we decided to move ahead with the radiation treatment," Heynis explained to the Rekord.
"We were within 30 seconds of him dying," Captain Lee Rosbach explained to audiences, choking back tears.
"Well, actually it was an accident," she explained to Gayle King during a TED conference in Vancouver.
Dick Durbin (D-IL) explained to Vox's Tara Golshan at the time, Kelly kept wrecking the deal.
The change to a plant-based diet, Farris explained to KTBS, wasn't solely about fueling his training.
Rossum explained to her stunned colleagues and THR what the hell was going through this creep's head.
Each editor in sequence has of course shaped The Awl's coverage, Killingsworth explained to me this week.
" As she explained to me, "She's got to have something that's normal, even if it's not normal.
She explained to Hassan that she had spent the weekend canvassing in Pennsylvania with her women's group.
"This is our arrangement," a Chinese official explained to his American counterpart, according to a pool report.
" The distinctions were explained to trainees in arcane formulas such as "Not Protected + Quasi protected = not protected.
A few days ago, her mom explained to her that they could be separated by US officials.
"As I explained to the folks at the CFPB, this was always going to happen," Mulvaney said.
" He explained to CNBC that bitcoin's growing acceptance and usability meant it was "not going away overnight.
"I had been blessed and did well at Expedia, so I self-funded," Hohman explained to Forbes.
European Union election observers on Friday also urged that the results be fully explained to the public.
And she explained to Corden how to master the "mmmhhummmooh"s she packs into almost every song.
"Peter is my favorite because, first of all, he is like, charisma personified," Bell explained to Kimmel.
For starters, he explained to his wife, who was wearing a bikini, that she was dressed inappropriately.
As he explained to Stephen Colbert during the campaign, the Vermont senator preferred to be considered a
"I'd seen some of his footage [and] he was a beast," one of them explained to Cleveland.
We explained to the vendors we had already hired that there had been a change of plans.
As director Spiff TV explained to Billboard, it's kind of an inside joke about their mistaken ethnicities?
"In three years, it exploded," Ah Sam Cold Drink Stall co-owner Kevin Ngan explained to me.
" And then last year his snitch son explained to Maclean's, "He didn't actually just say 'fuddle duddle.
" A priest's removal was explained to his fellow clergymen as him being "sick" or having "nervous exhaustion.
"I mean, she's the 'Run the World (Girls)' artist," Martinez explained to MUNCHIES over email on Monday.
Again the answer was no, and she clearly explained to him her rule on work and dating.
"Except for Chris Ware, no one here makes a living off of comics," Drnaso explained to me.
"It's the same firm" that he used to connect with the mayor, he explained to reporters later.
Fail videos can make their rounds on social media too, as one teen explained to Fox 59.
"In the past, the filibuster has been used very sparingly," Reid explained to me in May interview.
"Bill was toasting us," the actor explained to Ellen DeGeneres during an appearance on her show Tuesday.
We had to nag them to get anything done, and the outcome was never explained to us.
I explained to him that I wanted to experience the dinner as any invited guest would have.
"We have to have physical representation," she explained, to help fill the gap in our collective memory.
"We explained to them the most important thing is team spirit," Morocco's French coach, Hervé Renard, said.
It's an attempt, Executive Director Alex Amouyel explained, to respond more rapidly to big issues facing humanity.
"My visa is going to run out — I cannot stay in India forever," she explained to producers.
Sumi Kailasapathy, a council member in her third term, also explained to the gathering why she knelt.
She was certain, she explained to anyone who would listen, that this was not where she belonged.
Tina Bejarano of Los Banos, California, welcomed a daughter when she was 17, she explained to KMPH.
"It was as if it was almost created just for his head," O'Brien explained to the outlet.
He explained to the outlet that Patch and Vincent were able to spend the entire day together.
The main reason, Dr. Stephan explained to me, was that nonviolent struggles attracted more allies more quickly.
"We use the farm to teach chemistry, math, biology," she explained to me one morning between classes.
"Nobody ever explained to him the difference between work and play," Daniel Baumol said of his father.
Beau Woods, a cyber expert at the Atlantic Council, explained to me how Tehran might do so.
In January, Warren Buffett explained to CNBC the dramatic benefit of Trump's tax reform for stocks prices.
I explained to him that I was a big prosecutor in Kansas City — how great I was.
As his older brother Branton explained to The New York Times, Sherman believes that visualization creates reality.
The moderator of the Hong Kong–based Rare Pepe Party Facebook page explained to BuzzFeed News why.
Modern work was "fragmentary" and had "remained on the periphery of economics," Abramovitz explained to AEA members.
As Jeff Bezos explained to Amazon shareholders in his 2015 letter, there are two categories of decisions.
He explained to me, 'You are a Chechen girl, and so you will wear a head scarf.
That was because a partner in the production process "became financially insolvent," Sorial explained to the judges.
"I think of diversity [as] more than just black and white," Johnson, 31, explained to the outlet.
On several occasions over the years students have explained to me that their parents are rarely home.
"We had about 20 guys there, six coaches and my athletic director," Pesci explained to the outlet.
Your morning coffee isn't helping you crush plateau points at the gym, as Patel explained to me.
As Garretson explained to me, it turns out that the moon's south pole has highly coveted properties.
"Once I got down the line, I was able to determine it," Williamson explained to the outlet.
"That was a version of what could happen, what could take place," Trump explained to reporters later.
In May, Warren Buffett explained to CNBC the dramatic benefit of Apple's capital return programs for shareholders.
Floral curtains adorned the room's barred windows, and not much was explained to us by the traffickers.
I explained to my son that she was blind and that we should offer to help her.
The Stars and Stripes, Vera explained to the novel's publisher, had already suffered enough abuse from protesters.
" And KFC's chief marketing officer, Kevin Hochman, explained to Business Insider, "Suntan lotion always smells like lotion.
"The grapes in the juice became alive and transformed into something more palatable," Murphy explained to MUNCHIES.
"There's a lot of eating if you want to stay the best," Björnsson, 30, explained to the outlet.
"Pumping and dumping the milk does not metabolize alcohol out of your system faster," she explained to PEOPLE.
Calviño explained to CNBC that there has been a decrease in real wages that needs to be tackled.
"Plastic accumulates in this region because of converging currents and low sea surface wind," Lebreton explained to Gizmodo.
"ASR is not solved," Scott Stephenson, co-founder and CEO of Deepgram, explained to me in an interview.
"The title speaks well in regards to the context of the track," he explained to THUMP via email.
"I just wanted to be on set with Lena again, she's good fun," Williams explained to the outlet.
"I'm a small person in general," she explained to host Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show on Tuesday.
A source explained to PEOPLE in May why Foxx and Holmes tend to leave places at different times.
"You have to serve complete body," as one butch auto mechanic explained to his coworkers in the scene.
He explained to Sam's 10-year-old brother, Will, that "gay" should never be used as an insult.
" She adds, "[Ross] explained to me that he was just as burdened by the decision as I was.
"I love that Tristan was like, 'I want to be there this summer,' " Khloé explained to her sisters.
"Wacha has not met Benjamin yet," he explained to Cagle of his rescue dog and newborn baby boy.
Browne, formerly Hailey Browne, explained to ESPN that he didn't feel out of place on a woman's team.
"The dish pictured is Steamed Vegetarian Dumplings with Chilli Black Vinegar and Soy Dressing," they explained to
"I probably have, but you know what, without knowing it," the 52-year-old explained to Fox News.
Krauss explained to me that it can be anything from using computerized devices to simple eye movement exercises.
But "It's not the only one," he explained, "to facilitate potential exits" by the company's private equity investors.
The manager explained to Ristick that the customer in front of him was still deciding what to order.
"We tried to give the viewers and fans a cool episode to watch," the cinematographer explained to TMZ.
" The American electorate, he explained to Robin, "is too mature to be taken in by cheap vaudeville trickery.
El amor en los tiempos del cólera doesn't fully translate into English, Francisco Correa Cordero explained to Hyperallergic.
The entrepreneur explained to Business Insider how to make the dream of living as he does a reality.
Alex and another friend on the team explained to their teammate why he shouldn't have used that word.
"The constraints of each camera allowed a different part of myself to develop," as she explained to me.
"As soon as they drew their weapon, that's when I got worried," Deluz explained to USA TODAY Sports.
"The first time I heard about the owl theory, I really laughed," the director explained to the outlet.
Actor Chris Hemsworth explained to Jimmy Kimmel that he had his own reasons for the short hair. Comicbook.
"Now it's all headlines," he explained to radio host Big Boy at his outdoor listening party in Wyoming.
"They explained to us, once again, that they really are hamstrung in terms of their authorities," Bagdoyan says.
My expression must have betrayed this because later he explained to me that his wife was very young.
Jarvis explained to The Verge that the project was originally conceived of as a podcast several years ago.
"Yeah, I watch it all the time, it's great," the Neighbors actor, 36, explained to Cruise, said Apatow.
"She had two children which left her with deflation of her natural breast tissue," he explained to PEOPLE.
Herriman administrators never explained to the students or to the public why they pulled the article about White.
A source explained to PEOPLE in May why Foxx and Holmes tend to leave places at different times.
"I'd call my mom and she'd say, 'I can't talk we're Pinteresting tombstones,' " she explained to the audience.
He quickly explained to us city-dwellers what the noise was: the ice in the frozen lake shifting.
A local explained to me that it's effectively impossible for non-Panjshiris to purchase land in the province.
"Most of what (the GDPR) requires from businesses isn't technical," she explained to CNBC in a phone interview.
An old man got out of his car and explained to the officer that he needed his medication.
"When she has [a sweater] on she feels super-cozy and is super-calm," Eisenmann explained to BuzzFeed.
And our guest explained to me precisely why it is giving away money isn't that big a deal.
She explained to Shelburne that she didn't even know there was an issue until she checked social media.
"I was the first one he went to jail for," Lois explained to Lisa of Carpenter's 1960 conviction.
" As the head teacher explained to the Mirror, "The kids had been rehearsing some Easter celebration songs recently.
"For the genitals, for the outside, it's just the tissue she already has," Dr. Bowers explained to Greg.
"You cannot interpret it any other way," Deborah Giles, a University of Washington biologist, explained to the Post.
"It'll be fun!" she explained to me—a person largely unfamiliar with the dark underworld of mobile gaming.
Grandma Kris, 63, explained to Refinery29 that it happened "when we went to Palm Springs" presumably for Coachella.
As Williams explained to Vogue, this is the date of Ohanian's mother's birthday, who passed nine years ago.
And, as Soltau explained to investors in February, the retailer is rethinking its pricing and promotions strategies, too.
"Some of the examples we've seen, like the screen from LG, are just demonstrators," he explained to Gizmodo.
I had my son—he's into mythology—he explained to me who the characters were in the painting.
It made me laugh so hard as I explained to her that was just what we called it.
I explained to Kate (not her real name) that this "adviser" was not acting in her best interest.
Ricardo Rosselló explained to CNN Thursday that this was because of communications problems still plaguing the U.S. territory.
This is a carbon map showing where on the specimen carbon molecules are located, Selden explained to Gizmodo.
The boy, who goes by Benje, explained to Sanders that his school had recently undergone a lockdown drill.
"It was recorded on a friend's little two-track machine," Hawkins explained to The Modesto Bee in 2008.
As Gizmodo's own Bryan Menegus explained to me, it's prohibitively hard to fake information that's tracked using blockchain.
"I'm living with my guys and she's living with one of her best friends," McCreery explained to PEOPLE.
He explained to WSB-TV that he called Robin and was able to return the card to them.
"It sounded like a 300-pound man was tackling him in the kitchen," Dulach explained to CBS 12.
Someone explained to me the plot of Assassin's Creed years ago as though it were a good thing.
Cops say they explained to Hunter they were required to speak with Williams due to the anonymous call.
"It sounded just like he was trying to work out some new material," Dworman explained to the Times.
As for the actual premiere party, she left very quickly, a decision she later explained to Us Weekly.
Stubb, known for his fiscally hardline views, explained to CNBC why he wants to improve competitiveness in Finland.
And the proud pet parents also explained to the New York Times why Zsa Zsa was so lovable.
Rothwell explained to PEOPLE that the scene mirrored similar experiences she had during her years as an educator.
Cheliotis explained to CNBC that under Syriza, the legacy of deliberately exploitative migration policies has started to erode.
"I like Khloe, though, she's at least done something with her life," an NYU student explained to me.
"The captain is in charge of the aircraft," Simon Calder, the publication's travel correspondent, explained to The Independent.
"Wacha has not met Benjamin yet," he explained to Cagle of his rescue dog and newborn baby boy.
"I can call any of them on the phone any time I want to," Sean explained to ABC.
She explained to me that she views it as her responsibility to try to "educate" this White House.
" Perry also explained to Entertainment Weekly that "there is no one thing that's calling out any one person.
I was so wired," Johnson tells PEOPLE, "I [explained] to her in my comment why it's probably mine.
"I just wanted to be in there, and in that, right then," the actress explained to W magazine.
"We're very like-minded when it comes to our approach to acting," Weber explained to Von and Weiss.
Here is Beyoncé, having the internet explained to her via a video of a monkey picking its butt.
"Once every night, [Criss] jumps into somebody's lap and makes out with them," Simpson explained to Entertainment Weekly.
In an interview, Cross explained to me just how big of a problem money laundering is for banks.
"This lack of both organizational and personal power was then related to more rumination," Szymanski explained to PsyPost.
Worked at that, then I transitioned, carefully explained to them what I was doing, and they fired me.
"It's not 'us' and 'them,' it's 'we' – I'm a member of the Academy," he explained to the BBC.
Ralo explained to Complex that the track is heavy on the Family Values side of his "Famerica" concept.
When the boarder, Leon Tolbert, was interviewed, he explained to the police that he had recently heard Mrs.
Metz explained to People that the admiration from her fellow actors is still something she's getting used to.
"I didn't wanna pay for the toll," the 32-year-old comedian explained to the New York Post.
Dean Miller explained to the CBC a possible reasoning for why the bear would be in the area.
In the preschool building, residents explained to Ms. Baldeh that Mr. Jammeh had made that very highway possible.
And he was completely calm when he explained to her that all is fair in love and war.
"Personally, I feel like Bernie Sanders is too idealistic," a Yale student explained to a reporter in Florida.
He explained to CNBC that women were traditionally expected to raise children instead of working in Japanese culture.
Al Franken explained to Perry that the red-team thing is basically what scientists do all the time.
"The President is an elective magistrate," Alexis de Tocqueville explained to his French audience in the 85033th century.
The store manager explained to me proudly that Jimmy John's used local produce and all-natural deli meats.
By not putting a home on the market, the seller avoids value expectations, Kirman explained to Business Insider.
"We cannot let individuals we disagree with be the center of our purpose," he explained to reporters afterward.
Rocquigny explained to PEOPLE that "an autopsy is the priority" as police in Colmar continue investigating Bourdain's death.
"We knew already that Stephen King was excellent at supporting education establishments," tutor Kevin Phillips explained to Mashable.
The program was reportedly explained to be part of the recruitment process and generated a standard application form.
"When a crater is formed after an impact, it excavates a lot of rocks," Mazrouei explained to Gizmodo.
Thomas explained to me that traditional Southern accents are slowly becoming sounds you only find in rural areas.
"Will Brooks' contract is ending, and we made a decision not to renew it," Coker explained to MMAJunkie.
"I was more annoyed with stuff off the top, the actor-y [stuff]," she explained to the outlet.
"I turned the classic biker and bomber shapes into blank canvases and reimagined them," Willner explained to us.
"Before Scandal, I was actually cast in two other pilots," she explained to the Master of None star.
Writing, like yoga, I explained to the group, can promote flexibility, balance, detachment and a sense of achievement.
They called 911 and explained to the officer that "we were afraid of his intentions," Ms. Deschamps said.
Women, he explained to one friend with something like self-awareness, generally got this more precisely than men.
"On the most basic level, Peloton sells happiness," founder John Foley explained to investors in his public letter.
"There is a lot of poetry in rap and it is very explicit," he explained to Mr. Putin.
And yet, she explained to me, the cough felt like it was coming from deep inside her chest.
The photographer explained to Buzzfeed how she created the illusion — with string and the magic of photo editing.
Souza explained to Business Insider, "Evaporation isn't a consistent thing, cook to cook, kitchen to kitchen," he explained.
"I thought the MCAS should have been more adequately explained" to pilots around the world, Mr. Elwell said.
"You have a choice between two kinds of liberalism," a Wisconsin official explained to the New York Times.
Konrad explained to police that on that day, she woke up to bad stomach cramps between 6 a.m.
"There is a suggestion that copycat crime is predicted by media and community interest," she explained to
"I didn't think about genre when I made this film," she explained to The Washington Post in 2014.
"She appreciated that my documentaries give audiences space to come to their own conclusions," Wilson explained to Vox.
"We hook up a lot less because we're so busy," Schroeder, 31, explained to her friend Lo French.
Reed explained to Bloomberg News in May 2018 that the company cut highly paid but under-productive reporters.
That's when the young children curiously walked over to where the vehicles were, Ciriello explained to the outlet.
"We do not want to destroy cities, that's not our goal," Warren once explained to reporters last year.
Further resources:If you want MMT explained to you in simple terms by an animated owl, watch this video.
Before her, he explained to an employee at her school, the youngest kid he'd ever arrested was 7.
"You have to find the fictionalization of it in some way," he explained to The New York Times.
"Kim made me come to her house and help her pick a name," the model explained to Fallon.
She explained to a Wisconsin court: he had an explosive temper, threatening to throw acid on her face.
" She moved there, she explained, to get away from the spotlight: "I wanted to be a beachy girl.
"We competed better on the ball, and more into the ball," Memphis center Marc Gasol explained to reporters.
Listen to the full episode of Today, Explained to learn more about the science behind the keto diet.
"I've been wanting to have girl army men, but there's no girl army men," Vivian explained to KTHV.
"The biggest problem in the European Union is fragmentation," Ansip explained to CNBC in an interview last week.
The temple is primarily dedicated, Ms. Shankar explained, to Shiva, the god of destruction, who destroys through dance.
"It has to be fun," Jade Larson, a 19-year-old from South Dakota, explained to me later.
In emails reviewed by Recode, MemoryFoamTalk owner Andrew Levy explained to Nest's Alexander his motivations for Nectar's ranking.
His older son, who is transgender, explained to him why those words were offensive, and Mr. Werns stopped.
There, he explained to the parents that he wanted to speak with their daughter about a domestic matter.
"Most of these kids don't even have issues, but they're getting time," the ringleader explained to a parent.
"I wanted to investigate how migration and multiculturalism is changing Swedish identity," Skinner explained to Hyperallergic over email.
As a result, "I'm extremely happy and despondent in the exact same package," she explained to Ira Glass.
We explained to Wilbourn that when we sleep at my girlfriend's house upstate, Leo Ram usually behaves better.
Below, reps for a handful of those brands explained to Vox exactly how they're enabling employees to vote.
"I thought it was mostly a benign waste of time and only occasionally truly malignant," he explained to Hyperallergic.
"Holland Taylor is in rehearsals for a Broadway show that opens Tuesday," she explained to a fan on Twitter.
In our meeting on Thursday, Croyle explained to me exactly what considerations Robin makes before deciding to archive data.
"Rob is going to be a dad and he has a family to answer to," she explained to viewers.
"This is definitely the best assist I've ever recorded in my life," Shumpert explained to his Instagram fans afterwards.
He explained to CNBC that there was a tremendous opportunity when it comes to storing, accessing and analyzing data.
"There are a few ways to go from Bachelor Who to Bachelor Them," Weber explained to Refinery29 over email.
In November, Scott Gottlieb, commissioner of the FDA, explained to CNN why 2018 has seen so many food recalls.
"Traditional, industrial cleaning products get their jobs done very effectively, but sometimes to a detriment," she explained to me.
"I made a decision to be myself because I knew I had no choice," Lizzo explained to the magazine.
I myself only recognized it because it was explained to me as a five and then six-year-old.
"I wanted to highlight some of his other games that explore gaming mechanics," curator Michael Maizels explained to Hyperallergic.
A source previously explained to PEOPLE in October that Kylie wants to keep a low profile throughout her pregnancy.
A spokesperson explained to Gizmodo:A great way to think about that is, just like when you see your timeline.
It's dynamic and loud and has helped Malek reach the next part of his career, he explained to R29.
"We cannot do this type of microscopy in humans because our skulls are too thick," Nahrendorf explained to Gizmodo.
IMAX CEO Richard Gelfond explained to CNBC how his company intends to carve its niche in the booming sector.
"I had a hernia repair and a tummy tuck," she explained to one commenter who questioned her narrow waist.
"Neither the government nor TAP has explained to us why it has to arrive so far south," he says.
He explained to CNBC's Sustainable Energy why it was so important to develop new sources of power for spaceflight.
"I touched all the dogs that were there, I pet 'em all, I love dogs," he explained to PEOPLE.
They explained to me that the mare was called Divina and that her baby didn't have a name yet.
"Last year's harvest is on the ground," third-generation farmers and brothers Matt and Dan Sargent explained to me.
We explained to the Vice President's staff that Jamie's plane was delayed, and they were incredibly flexible and understanding.
Attorney Mark Reichel explained to Sacramento's Fox 40 what the change in marital status could mean for the trial.
"He explained to her that the photo still needed to be developed, but that didn't comfort her," Kaps says.
So he requested that support and he explained to me a lot of things that honestly I didn't know.
"The way we treat AI is not as an artisanal craft," Dr. Xing explained to me in an interview.
"I'm concerned by the instrumentalizing of performance art in the media to incite moral panic," she explained to me.
"I've been living my life in the way that I have for a long time," she explained to me.
"We were basically asked to make a salt for their chickens," Lewis Mitani, Mitani's marketing manager, explained to Mashable.
"I explained to her that to get another trial attorney at this late stage would be impossible," McGrath testified.
"Somehow she thinks she's Jen's best friend when I explained to her that I'm Jen's best friend," DeGeneres said.
Feng, who we interviewed recently, explained to us that Komisar is now largely coaching Kleiner's current crop of GPs.
"I remember I heard rumors that she might have met somebody, and I was sad," Haibon explained to PEOPLE.
He has bleach-blonde hair, which he explained to Pitchfork as a reference to My Chemical Romance circa 2006.
"So we take people long distances that they would have been driving," Upjohn explained to me over the phone.
Rocquigny explained to PEOPLE that "an autopsy is the priority" as police in Colmar, France, continue investigating Bourdain's death.
A spokesperson explained to Mashable that they've looked into the images, and what the pictures actually show is mould.
"Anyone in the group who thinks everyone is sharing everything is delusional," Rountree explained to me in an interview.
"When the wig arrived backstage, the color was all wrong and Rihanna wasn't having it," she explained to PeopleStyle.
Writer Brian Michael Bendis explained to Wired that Marvel's Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada came up with the moniker.
"I explained to them that they were fake," but they only grew even more confused and curious, Zanatta said.
"It's not my job to desegregate the city," the chairwoman of the school board explained to The Seattle Times.
"Well, we thought there was going to be dinner the whole time," Roberts explained to PEOPLE earlier this year.
We explained to Estelle how to tell a King Fir from a Red Spruce, so now she's an expert.
As Widenius explained to me, the BSL allows developers to set a limit for how many servers/CPUs/etc.
"This is my second go-round," Moore, who divorced rocker Ryan Adams in June 2016, previously explained to PEOPLE.
"The survivors kept telling me that something like the Holocaust could happen again," Anita Winter explained to VICE Switzerland.
Saginaw County Sheriff William Federspiel explained to PEOPLE that officers arrived at the scene at approximately 6:24 a.m.
"I can hear the dogs barking and I can see the cars in the driveway," Redmond explained to viewers.
I've explained to her many times that just because someone is a grown up, it doesn't mean they're right.
"The beauty of a brand-new start is that I can take my own story," she explained to THR.
But Kratz explained to Maxim that Avery's DNA, via his sweat, was found on the hood of Halbach's car.
As Winter explained to me, things are a lot more complicated when it comes to how Nebia handles thermodynamics.
"Well, we thought there was going to be dinner the whole time," Roberts explained to PEOPLE at the WSJ.
"Roles for teens aren't the best right now, especially ones with acne," she explained to Refinery29 in an interview.
This allows us to "fire on all cylinders on the reboot," Atkins later explained to me in an email.
She later explained to People, that the network's counteroffer was "not even remotely close" to her co-host's salary.
"Well, for some reason he likes me," Rodman — wearing shades for the duration of the interview — explained to Colbert.
"There are other people in your family that you could shop for as well," Smith explained to one child.
"Thirty to 35 years ago, we decided that companies don't have an obligation to employees," Cenedella explained to Refinery29.
"We had to hire a gang to protect us from other gangs," producer Michael Phillips explained to the magazine.
"I had written the character of the pimp [that Keitel plays] as black," Schrader explained to The Hollywood Reporter.
Psychiatrist Dr. Janet Taylor explained to Today why moms start to relax after they give birth to their fourth.
"Ridiculous," says Koury, 215, who says it was not explained to him why he needed to tip, or whom.
The next day his videographer explained to me that they were out late shooting and lost track of time.
"He told me [early on] that he had applied," 26-year-old musician Haley Stevens explained to the outlet.
Three baseball bats were found in the vehicle, though Kevin Long explained to BuzzFeed that his grandson plays baseball.
"The Martha network is essentially the Underground Railroad — and this is not their first rodeo," Brugel explained to Vulture.
Eric Bigger then explained to viewers his feelings about the symbolism of Lindsay's gift and seems neutral about Abasolo.
In the time I could have explained to him one command, he had already tried five and moved on.
Once in orbit, the satellites will provided internet coverage across the entire globe, CEO Adrian Steckel explained to CNBC.
"I'm doing a movie in a couple weeks called Underwater," Stewart explained to hosts Savannah Guthrie and Willie Geist.
Morgan explained to Today that while drowning is always a concern, "the intensity behind the conversation" isn't strong enough.
"I think it's ultimately a tool to promote the work that you're proud of," she explained to her costar.
William Gayler, head of the Army Aviation Center of Excellence at Fort Rucker, Alabama explained to the service's reporters.
He explained to In Touch that he's willing to do every other chore to avoid changing a dirty diaper.
"People have a nostalgia for what they think of as the good old days," she explained to the camera.
But Anthony explained to his teacher that he had been in foster care since he was 9 years old.
Website after website after website after website has loudly explained to everyone that you shouldn't eat these cleaning products.
"I thought Guida was coming to fight," Maynard explained to the crowd in Atlantic City following the official decision.
Byrd explained to 14 News that Mercedes was too scared to jump and had retreated into the burning room.
" A Verizon spokesperson explained to Mashable over email that "[no] Verizon widescale Internet outages now that I'm aware of.
"She tries to wrap my dog in blankets because she thinks they are cold," Whitney explained to the station.
The sudden admission was a legal tactic aimed at thwarting any campaign finance investigations, Giuliani explained to the Times.
Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) explained to me back in early March, citing detailed Census data on population flows.
"They were just so nice to me that I've been coming back ever since," Parker explained to KFVS-12.
Videcette, a former police detective, explained to BBC News that he tried to follow the moped but was unsuccessful.
"Featuring our own kids made sense because we knew they would share an honest performance," he explained to People.
"The water from the tap just doesn't taste quite as refreshing," Source investor Skip Battle explained to the Times.
Shelby told reporters that he explained to the president that the agreement contained nearly $23 billion in total funding.
"It is not enough to merely identify the many challenges that we have explained to Facebook," the group added.
Howard Boville, Bank of America's chief technology officer, explained to Business Insider how he approaches shutting down technology projects.
Co-founder and CEO Rich Fulop explained to TechCrunch that the timing of the pop-up was very intentional.
Eventually, the producer explained to People, the contestants start forgetting that they're being filmed, or, more accurately, stop caring.
As Evelyn Fox, founder of Baghunter, explained to Luxury Daily, Birkin bags are also considered an "ultra-luxury" good.
Giving someone control of an avatar that is a different race, she explained to me, can help decrease prejudice.
"I voted for Reagan, I voted for both Bushes, and I never voted for Obama," he explained to Issa.
"So as we've explained to others, we're not changing our planned activities for the conventions in 2016," Humphries said.
"So much of this movie is about stripping everything away and exposing yourself," Hammer explained to GQ last month.
Cameron explained to the Toronto Star: What people have to understand is that this is a cadence of releases.
Mr. Bailey explained to his colleagues that "it was designed to shake them up," but he did not prevail.
"No one explained to us what was happening, and I heard some gunshots not very far away," she said.
They explained to them that a placebo was an inactive substance, like a sugar pill, that contained no medication.
He explained to me that women can often handle the heat better, because Ph levels vary between the sexes.
He taught her how to drive at age 14, she explained, to be the designated driver around sister Kourtney.
"You don't have to believe in God, but you should believe in The Book," Erdős explained to other mathematicians.
He explained to the newstation that he heard a man pleading for help, yelling from a second-story window.
Shelby told reporters that he explained to the president that the agreement contained nearly $23 billion in total funding.
The venture-backed real estate agency Opendoor, for example, recently explained to Stackshare users how it scaled its infrastructure.
"I know it's illegal, but it's the weekend," Hidalgo reportedly explained to the cops, according to the police report.
After a few shifts in Delta, a male officer finally explained to me why the intercom rang so constantly.
"I feel like I need to go back to France every fucking chance I get," Action explained to us.
Puth explained to the host that he's not in a relationship with Gomez, nor is he dating Meghan Trainor.
"There's no real consensus as to why the volcano is there in the first place," Hammond explained to Motherboard.
"Instead of a heavy contoured look, nontouring is very soft," celebrity makeup artist Renee Sanganoo explained to Marie Claire.
"I tried to take a loan out from LendingClub" and they couldn't verify his income, he explained to me.
"Your sister has a special heart," I explained to my two older daughters, which they understood made her different.
After the race, Logano calmly explained to reporters that blocking was the only way he felt he could win.

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