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"exiguity" Definitions
  1. the quality or state of being exiguous : SCANTINESS

11 Sentences With "exiguity"

How to use exiguity in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "exiguity" and check conjugation/comparative form for "exiguity". Mastering all the usages of "exiguity" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We have yet to treat the exiguity of the accounting framework and this exiguity draws away the interest to any empirical utilisation.
Very soon, the exiguity of the site drives into a dead end.
But this spareness is as nothing compared with the artistic exiguity of the proceedings.
Paré, François. Exiguity: Reflections on the margins of literature, pp. 113. Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 2006.
But such inventive embellishments, like the cape on a juvenile murderer, merely stress the exiguity under the panoply.
The strong sonorous voice of the layman was in singular contrast with the exiguity of his thin, stunted frame.
However, despite its exiguity, the vicarage did maintain an independent existence as a benefice, and the College continued to make presentations to the bishop of Worcester.
For quite a time, there have been reductions in the number of regular budget posts at Headquarters due to the exiguity of the regular staffing budget and the decentralization process.
A request was addressed to the Prefect43 on January 6, 1860 to point out the exiguity of the place to him which obliges to renew the graves well before the time prescribed, which wounds the respect due to the ash of deaths.
A play by Charles Collé was performed, La partie de chasse de Henri IV,"The hunting-party of Henri IV". and dinner was served with music (the musicians complained about the exiguity of the platforms of the dining room, now shut off by mirrors) followed by a display of fireworks. In 1773, Mme du Barry, obviously satisfied with the pavilion, ordered from Ledoux the plans for a large château which was to incorporate the small building. The death of Louis XV in 1774 put an end to this project before it was begun.
MegaGlest focuses on stable releases which provide reliable cross platform multi-player games while implementing new features and delivering new game content. The engine is continuously improved but this is of secondary exiguity after stability. Another Glest fork, GAE, was primarily oriented towards extending the game engine and providing more options for full conversions, and was more experimental in nature. In 2011 it was suggested that the two forks should merge, but due to different philosophies and goals amongst the developers of both forks this effort was called off during the planning stage.

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