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21 Sentences With "evade death"

How to use evade death in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "evade death" and check conjugation/comparative form for "evade death". Mastering all the usages of "evade death" from sentence examples published by news publications.

For seven seasons, Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish has managed to evade death and come out ahead every single time.
Here's the bottom line: The walrus can't press buttons on a remote control to evade death and suffering.
The Taoists thought through strict diet and exercise, with an extra focus on the power of breathing, they could evade death.
They are willing to work hard to try all the available ways to evade death; indeed, they are even obliged to do so.
Using the Rift's Touch controllers as a stand-in for hands, you interact with the world around you to solve puzzles, evade death, and unearth the mystery that's brought you here.
On September 20, while on a trip to Oregon to evade death threats he had been receiving in Nebraska, Gardner committed suicide, reportedly near a medical clinic.
Warden Knot is played by Shend. Like governor Ackerman, Knot is a fairly sadistic warden. He dies in the episode Cassandra when Cassandra predicts that Arnold Rimmer will die of a heart attack. To evade death Rimmer pretends that Knot is called "Arnold Rimmer" and Knot, as according to prophecy, has a heart attack after learning he is going to die.
The Partisan attack begun on 4 October, and only small groups from Trebinje garrison managed to evade death or capture. 18 men strong group of sergeant Teimer reached Dubrovnik, and sergeant Müller's group of twelve crossed over the mountains and reached Mostar. Some 350 soldiers from 369th Division, and around 80 soldiers of 9th Home Guard Brigade were killed or captured.
Staphyloxanthin is a carotenoid pigment that is produced by some strains of Staphylococcus aureus, and is responsible for the characteristic golden color that gives S. aureus its species name. Staphyloxanthin also acts as a virulence factor. It has an antioxidant action that helps the microbe evade death by reactive oxygen species produced by the host immune system. The pigment staphyloxanthin gave the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus a yellow color.
It was said that he had bribed the hangman to ignore it and arranged for his body to be removed quickly in the hope that he could later be revived. If so, the plan failed. Brodie was buried in an unmarked grave at St. Cuthbert's Chapel of Ease in Chapel Street. However, rumours of his being seen in Paris circulated later and gave the story of his scheme to evade death further publicity.
Pomponius, whom Cassius Dio describes as a sycophant of the emperor, managed to evade death at the hands of the Praetorian Guard.Suetonius, "The Life of Caligula", 17.Lucius Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Roman History, 26, 29. He remained in office with Saturninus, probably until the Kalends of July; the two are still attested in office as of June 25, but two other pairs of consuls are known from the latter months of the year.
He is implied to be the first one attacked by a crazed Maine, however he manages to evade death and the removal of his AI. The auditions for Wyoming are described by the cast as "terrible", almost every cast member auditioned for the role doing various accents-for example, Joel Heyman performed a Cockney accent, Burnie Burns an Australian accent-and eventually Matt Hullum's British accent, considered the only acceptable one.Rooster Teeth Productions (2005). Audio commentary. In Red vs.
Barlow and Chambers were hanged in Pudu Prison on 7 July 1986. The executioner was Rajendran Kuppasamy, who retired later that year. Kevin Barlow's mother Barbara Barlow reportedly prepared a suicide potion for her son to enable him to evade death by hanging. She prepared the mixture of 75 sleeping tablets dissolved in gin, whisky and brandy in her hotel room and smuggled it into the prison in a small plastic bottle concealed in her handbag.
14 A species of non-venomous pan-Mediterranean serpent, the Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus) is named for the god. He was originally called Hepius but received his popular name of Asclepius after he cured Ascles, ruler of Epidaurus who suffered an incurable ailment in his eyes. Asclepius became so proficient as a healer that he surpassed both Chiron and his father, Apollo. Asclepius was therefore able to evade death and to bring others back to life from the brink of death and beyond.
Cujo refuses to allow them to leave and continuously tries to break in and kill them. When Donna leaves the car to escape, Cujo bites her repeatedly, though she manages to evade death, and Cujo continues to keep a watchful eye over the car. Eventually, Sheriff George Bannerman arrives and attempts to phone in his discovery of the two, only for Cujo to viciously disembowel him. Donna snaps and grabs Bannerman's revolver and shoots Cujo, and then impales him in the eye with a broken baseball bat.
Eventually Ares, the bloodthirsty god of war, grew frustrated with the battles he incited, since neither side could suffer any casualties. He released Thanatos and handed his captor over to the god. Sisyphus would evade Death a second time by convincing Persephone to allow him to return to his wife stating that she never gave him a proper funeral. This time, Sisyphus was forcefully dragged back to the Underworld by Hermes, where he was sentenced to an eternity of frustration in Tartarus, rolling a boulder up a hill only to have it roll back down when he got close to the top.
She is targeted by a deadly Voxyn slayer in Troy Dennings' Star By Star (2001), and though she manages to evade death, her son Anakin is later killed during a mission to prevent more Voxyn from being cloned. The Vong are finally defeated in The Unifying Force (2003) by James Luceno. In Denning's The Dark Nest trilogy (2005), Leia, Han and several Jedi become involved in an escalating border dispute between the Chiss and the insidious insectoid Killiks, and Leia makes a bitter enemy in the Twi'lek warrior Alema Rar. In The Joiner King (2005), Leia asks Saba Sebatyne to train her as a Jedi Knight.
In January 1989, Tina and Gabrielle fall into a hole and discover the abandoned underground city of Eterna, built by Victor Lord. Viki, Cord, and others also end up trapped in the city, and the storyline culminates with the reveal that Viki had given birth to a daughter in high school but, had been brainwashed by Victor into forgetting it. Throughout the summer of 1989, Tina finds herself in pursuit of the lost Crown Jewels of Mendorra, not realizing her past enemies Jamie and Elizabeth Sanders and an escaped Ursula are also after the jewels. Cord and Tina are held prisoner in Atlantic City but evade death at the hands of the Sanders and Ursula, who are arrested.
Only with the help of the Royal Thai Air Force Air Police, who had been instructed by King Bhumibol's privy council office to help him leave, did he evade death and get on a plane bound for London. While living abroad, Puey met with Thais and influential figures in several countries, including those in the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Japan, and Australia to speak about the incident and to call for a peaceful transition to democracy in Thailand. In 1977, Puey gave testimonials before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs investigating human rights in Thailand following the incident of 6 October 1976 Massacre. In September 1977, Puey suffered a haemorrhagic stroke and was confined to a hospital for three months.
On the basis of these facts she created the characters, some of whom were completely invented and others based on real people and incidents. One example was the visit of a European princess that Yánez witnessed during her stay in Galápagos, and for whose reception the school teacher prepared a great event which all the students participated in, but given that the princess arrived wearing jeans and casual clothes, nobody could recognize her. The novel is divided into eight chapters, each one of which follows a different character in their attempt to evade Death. The chapters are narrated in the third person and take the name of the character in question, with relatively independent in that they contrast the problems of civilization with life in the surroundings of nature in Galápagos.
Thus dishonored, but for the sake of the clan's survival, Azai hid his failure and had planned the Hessian heist in order to supply the Hisomu with cutting-edge equipment now that the unique source of their strength had been extinguished. Finally, he ordered that the last of the sumi ink be used to Mark one final ninja, whose strength would enable the heist and save the clan itself from extinction at Hessian's hands. Dosan uses the remains of the sumi to give the protagonist his final tattoo, shortly before some of Azai's high tech ninja stalkers ambush them and shoot Dosan to death as he and the protagonist attempt to escape. Having left his equipment behind during the hasty retreat, the protagonist, now obviously hallucinating, uses the almost superhuman reflexes afforded to him by the final Mark to evade death at the hands of both the bandits and the Hisomu stalkers, and travels back to Japan with Ora, who recommends he kill Azai for the dishonor of failing to maintain the traditional Hisomu way.

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