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15 Sentences With "erectly"

How to use erectly in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "erectly" and check conjugation/comparative form for "erectly". Mastering all the usages of "erectly" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But he merely took the balance of their payment and told them to sit, and so they sat in that crowded room with a frightened couple and their two school-age children, and a young man in glasses, and an older woman who was perched erectly on her seat as if she came from money, even though her clothes were dirty, and every few minutes someone was summoned through to the dentist's office itself, and after Nadia and Saeed were summoned they saw a slender man who also looked like a militant, and was picking at the edge of his nostril with a fingernail, as though toying with a callus, or strumming a musical instrument, and when he spoke they heard his peculiarly soft voice and knew at once that he was the agent they had met before.
Field pp. 132-41Stuckey pp. 263-64Maurer Behind her a second figure in a high-necked Western-style dress sits erectly. Field thought her gesture derives from Buddhist art.
It grows very slowly in clay, silt, loam, silty clay, sandy clay etc. types of soil. Its minimum pH scale is 6 and maximum pH scale is 7.5. It grows erectly in a 'single crown' form.
The shell grows to a length of 20 mm. The imperforated shell is somewhat pyramidally ovate. The sutures of the spire are excavated. The whorls are spirally squamately ridged, slanting around the upper part, sharply angled, erectly squamate at the angle.
The size of the shell varies between 15 mm and 25 mm. The shell has an erectly conical shape but is rather swollen at the base. It is transparent white, encircled by a necklace of violet spots. The whorls are concavely sloping, spirally ridged.
It is a small, erect shrub, with pink flowers. The erectly held branches are one feature that can distinguish this species from its relatives. Another key feature is its bulbous tuber. This basal caudex is mostly underground, but the top of it often rises out of the ground.
Its large size is one of the most characteristic features of the muscular system in humans,Norman Eizenberg et al., General Anatomy: Principles and Applications (2008), p. 17. connected as it is with the power of maintaining the trunk in the erect posture. Other primates have much flatter hips and can not sustain standing erectly.
The height of the shell varies between 40 mm and 50 mm. This species has a fine, top-shaped, erectly conical shell, which is almost triangular in side view, with a sharp basal angle. The tall, flat-sided spire has 9-10 whorls. They are plane, sloping, nearly smooth, and encircled by delicate lirae, with little granules.
Salvia verbenaca, also known as wild clary or wild sage, is native to the British Isles, the Mediterranean region in Southern Europe, North Africa, and Near East, and in the Caucasus. It can be found as an introduced species that has naturalized in meadows in the Eastern United States. S. verbenaca is a tall perennial herb with hairy stems and branches that erectly sprawl out. Its leaves are basal and toothed that vary from long.
The leaves are a distinctive mottled, dark green colour, with a smooth surface (though juvenile plants' leaves are rough). The leaves of fully grown plants are often channeled on the upper side, with sharp edges, and (like its relatives) a keel on their lower side. The erectly-branched inflorescence is often over a meter in height, with pink- green flowers and appears between November and February. The specific epithet, excelsa, means "lofty" or "high" in Latin.
A fossil collector found a well preserved Campylognathoides hip in a Braunschweig shale quarry in 1986. This pelvis, BSP 1985 I 87, proved to be scientifically significant because the hip socket was according to Peter Wellnhofer in an upward lateral position, preventing the animal from being able to orient its legs erectly like in dinosaurs, birds and mammals. This would prove that Campylognathoides was not well able to walk on its hind legs but must have walked quadrupedally.Wellnhofer, P. & Vahldiek, B.-W. (1986).
Other primates have much flatter hips and can not sustain standing erectly. In other primates, gluteus maximus consists of ischiofemoralis, a small muscle that corresponds to the human gluteus maximus and originates from the ilium and the sacroiliac ligament, and gluteus maximus proprius, a large muscle that extends from the ischial tuberosity to a relatively more distant insertion on the femur. In adapting to bipedal gait, reorganization of the attachment of the muscle as well as the moment arm was required.
Capped herons hunt mainly for fish, but also aquatic insects and larvae, tadpoles, and frogs. Fish taken as prey tend to be between 1 and 5 cm long. The insects are hunted in the nearby vegetation along the river or pond, and the fish in the shallow waters. In a typical hunting sequence the heron will stand erectly searching for potential prey; after locating it they will crouch slowly and extend their neck; finally they will introduce their beak into the water at a great speed to catch the prey.
It can be confused with Gasteria excelsa to the east, but G.excelsa has thicker, wider, straighter, smoother, darker leaves, that have fewer spots and much sharper, heavily-serrated margins, as well as a more erectly branching inflorescence. It can be confused with Gasteria carinata to the west too, but G.carinata in its typical form has much smaller leaves and a non-branching inflorescence. Juvenile G.acinacifolia - still showing the strap-shaped, distichous leaf form of young plants Like most Gasteria species, juvenile G. acinacifolia plants look very different from adults. Juveniles have a distichous (two-ranked) leaf arrangement, with tubercled, strap-shaped, blunt leaves.
He engaged a Chinese employee to help him in practical and clerical matters and he was followed by other helpers, a Javanese and another Chinese. His story was given an added dimension by a Fleet Street journalist, H. Harvey-Day, who provided a few embellishments: 'Should you happen to sail past Pulau Serimbun at sunset-a most unlikely occurrence, as it is off the beaten track-the musical notes of a Boer bugle will float over the waves, and the Union Jack together with a mysterious ensign being a white horse impressed on dark azure background, will flutter slowly to the ground. Perhaps you will have the good fortune to observe Mr W.A.B. Goodall erectly saluting during this evening rite, for the island is his private kingdom...There he hopes to live peacefully to the end, ruling his four subjects, who are also his friends-a Chinese educated at Cambridge, two Chinese servants and a Malay boatman'. The story appeared in the London Evening News and was picked up by other newspapers across the globe, leading to a spate of letters to Goodall from New Zealand, Germany, Britain and the United States.

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