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150 Sentences With "equilibration"

How to use equilibration in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "equilibration" and check conjugation/comparative form for "equilibration". Mastering all the usages of "equilibration" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But while change is hard and uncomfortable, the process of equilibration makes us stronger – and better able to respond to the next disequilibrium.
This step is called pre-equilibration of the solvent system. The two phases are separated. Then the column is filled with stationary with a pump. Next, the column is set an equilibration conditions, such as the desired rotation speed, and the mobile phase is pumped through the column.
The process of equilibration can be described using the H-theorem or the relaxation theorem, see also entropy production.
By adding acid or base, this transformation is much accelerated. The equilibration takes place via the open-chain aldehyde form.
The mobile phase displaces the a portion of the stationary phase until column equilibration is achieved and the mobile phase elutes from the column. The sample may be introduced into the column at any time during the column equilibration step or after equilibration has been accomplished. After the volume of eluant surpasses the volume of the mobile phase in the column, the sample components will begin to elute. Compounds with a partition coefficient of unity will elute when one column volume of mobile phase has passed through the column since the time of injection.
The diastereomer formed now has the acetyl group equatorial. Figure 2. Equilibration of the Diastereomers via the Common Enol. thermodynamic control.
The highest form of development is equilibration. Equilibration encompasses both assimilation and accommodation as the learner changes how they think to get a better answer. Piaget believed that knowledge is a biological function that results from the actions of an individual through change. He also stated that knowledge consists of structures, and comes about by the adaptation of these structures with the environment.
If there is a lack of equilibrium between these degrees of freedom, then the rate of equilibration will be determined by the rotational viscosity coefficient.
Next, a buffer should be chosen in which the desired protein can bind to. After equilibration, the column needs to be washed. The washing phase will help elute out all impurities that does not bind to the matrix while the protein of interest remains bounded. This sample buffer needs to have the same pH as the buffer used for equilibration to help bind the desired proteins.
The Horner–Wadsworth–Emmons reaction favours the formation of (E)-alkenes. In general, the more equilibration amongst intermediates, the higher the selectivity for (E)-alkene formation.
There is a ceramic plug, which serves as a contact to the test solution, providing low resistance while preventing mixing of the two solutions. With these electrode designs, the voltmeter is detecting potential differences of ±1400 millivolts. The electrodes are further designed to rapidly equilibrate with test solutions to facilitate ease of use. The equilibration times are typically less than one second, although equilibration times increase as the electrodes age.
HClO cannot be isolated from these solutions due to rapid equilibration with its precursor. Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) and calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2), are bleaches, deodorants, and disinfectants.
The restricted context (RC) construct is based on Jean Piaget’s theory of equilibration and allows the outside observer to measure the way a respondent manages competing inner states of knowledge certainty during the application of confidence weights among items within the restricted total point value (TPV) context of the test. RC sets the parameters where risk taking toward knowledge certainty occurs. These parameters are important because they allow an observer to scale and thereby measure the respondent’s inner state of equilibration among related levels of knowledge certainty. Equilibration is defined as a self-regulatory process that reflects the biological drive to produce an optimal state of balance between a person’s cognitive structures (i.e.
Polymeric silsesquioxanes have been reported, first by Brown. High molecular weight tractable polymeric phenyl silsesquioxane featured a ladder-type structure. Brown's findings were the basis for many future investigations. Brown's synthesis proceeded in three- steps: (1) the hydrolysis of phenyltrichlorosilane, (2) equilibration of this hydrolyzate with potassium hydroxide at a low concentration and temperature to give the prepolymer, and (3) equilibration of the prepolymer at a high concentration and temperature to give the final polymer.
The second pathway involves the donation of electrons from ETF to the iron cluster, followed by internal transitions between the two electron centers. After equilibration, the rest of the pathway follows as above.
The underlying idea is that rapid equilibration allows the coexistence of a variety of different species among which molecules can be selected with desired chemical, pharmaceutical and biological properties. For instance, the addition of a proper template will shift the equilibrium toward the component that forms the complex of higher stability (thermodynamic template effect). After the new equilibrium is established, the reaction conditions are modified to stop equilibration. The optimal binder for the template is then extracted from the reactional mixture by the usual laboratory procedures.
The MCSGP process combines both techniques in one process, the countercurrent SMB principle and the solvent gradient batch technique. Discontinuous mode consists of equilibration, loading, washing, purification and regeneration steps. The discontinuous mode of operation allows exploiting the advantage of solvent gradients, but it implies high solvent consumptions and low productivities with respect to continuous countercurrent processes. An established process of this kind is the simulated moving bed technique (SMB) that requires the solvent-consuming steps of equilibration, washing, regeneration only once per operation and has a better resin utilization.
Further contrasting with SF4, SF6 is extraordinarily inert chemically. The 19F NMR spectrum of SF4 reveals only one signal, which indicates that the axial and equatorial F atom positions rapidly interconvert via pseudorotation. Intramolecular dynamic equilibration of SF4.
This is commonly used on the small scale in chemical labs. It is normal to use a separating funnel. Processes include DLLME and direct organic extraction. After equilibration, the extract phase containing the desired solute is separated out for further processing.
3 Ultimately, chain equilibration occurs in which there is a rapid equilibrium between the actively growing radicals and the dormant compounds, thereby allowing all of the chains to grow at the same rate. A limited amount of termination does occur; however, the effect of termination of polymerization kinetics is negligible. The calculation of molecular weight for a synthesized polymer is relatively easy, in spite of the complex mechanism for RAFT polymerization. As stated before, during the equilibration step, all chains are growing at equal rates, or in other words, the molecular weight of the polymer increases linearly with conversion.
The non-classical model (a) shows one three-center two-electron bond with a delocalized positive charge. The classical model, (b) describes a rapid equilibration between three distinct carbocations rather than delocalization. In 1973 Olah confirmed the validity of the non-classical model in this system. Scheme 1 - The classical and non-classical models for bonding in the 2-norbornyl cation are shown above. The non-classical model (a) shows one three-center two-electron bond with a delocalized positive charge. The classical model, (b) describes a rapid equilibration between three distinct carbocations rather than delocalization.
In drug discovery studies in order to calculate the binding affinities of the D2R ligands inside the binding domain, it's important to work on which form of D2R. It's known that the full active and inactive states are recommended to be used for the agonist and antagonist studies, respectively. Any disordering in equilibration of D2R states, which causes problems in signal transferring between the nervous systems, may lead to diverse serious disorders, such as schizophrenia, autism and Parkinson's disease. In order to control these disorders, equilibration between the D2R states is controlled by implementing of agonist and antagonist D2R ligands.
Air-drying timber stack Wood drying (also seasoning lumber or wood seasoning) reduces the moisture content of wood before its use. When the drying is done in a kiln, the product is known as kiln-dried timber or lumber, whereas air drying is the more traditional method. There are two main reasons for drying wood: ; Woodworking:When wood is used as a construction material, whether as a structural support in a building or in woodworking objects, it will absorb or expel moisture until it is in equilibrium with its surroundings. Equilibration (usually drying) causes unequal shrinkage in the wood, and can cause damage to the wood if equilibration occurs too rapidly.
The basic questions of how systems out of equilibrium approach equilibrium (“equilibration”, or “thermalization”) have involved longstanding deep questions of physics, sometimes called the thermodynamic “arrow of time,” with debates going back to Boltzmann. In 1989 Snoke was one of the first to perform simulations of the equilibration of a Bose-Einstein condensate, using numerical solution of the quantum Boltzmann equation . In 1994 Snoke showed agreement of time-resolved experimental measurements of a particle distribution to solution of the quantum Boltzmann equation . In 2012 he and theorist Steve Girvin published a seminal paper on the justification of the Second Law of Thermodynamics based on analysis of the quantum Boltzmann equation, which has impacted the philosophy of the Second Law.
Type I dyotropic rearrangements also occur around carbon-oxygen bonds, such as the thermal equilibration of RRSi1R3C-O-Si2R3 to RRSi2R3C-O-Si1R3. The 1,2-Wittig rearrangement can also be considered an example of this reaction type. More dyotropic reactions are found involving N-O bonds and N-N bonds.
Feedback is applied to the equilibration process iterating between router and microsimulator. Through feedback module, some routes may be found infeasible. These activities are then passed back to the activity generator to determine appropriate alternatives. Some trip plans cannot be followed in the microsimulator because of time-dependent road closures and other triggers.
Ocean acidification is caused by the equilibration of the atmosphere with the ocean, a process that occurs worldwide. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere equilibrates and dissolves into the ocean. During this reaction, carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid. The carbonic acid then dissociates into bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions.
There are a total of four phases in Piaget's research program that included books on certain topics of developmental psychology. In particular, during one period of research, he described himself studying his own three children, and carefully observing and interpreting their cognitive development. In one of his last books, Equilibration of Cognitive Structures: The Central Problem of Intellectual Development, he intends to explain knowledge development as a process of equilibration using two main concepts in his theory, assimilation and accommodation, as belonging not only to biological interactions but also to cognitive ones. Piaget believed answers for the epistemological questions at his time could be answered, or better proposed, if one looked to the genetic aspect of it, hence his experimentations with children and adolescents.
To measure the pH of a solution, the electrodes are used as probes, which are dipped into the test solutions and held there sufficiently long for the hydrogen ions in the test solution to equilibrate with the ions on the surface of the bulb on the glass electrode. This equilibration provides a stable pH measurement.
During the early period of European settlement, what remains of coastal settlements suggests a high marine-based food calorie intake, and, in particular, shellfish. Marine carbon component of Western European diet has declined from the Mesolithic to present, however the haplotype has not undergone equilibration, therefore diet alone cannot explain its resistance to recombination.
Subsequent reflection on these experiences is equally important. Piaget's concept of reflective abstraction was particularly influential in mathematical education. Through reflective abstraction, children construct more advanced cognitive structures out of the simpler ones they already possess. This allows children to develop mathematical constructs that cannot be learned through equilibration — making sense of experiences through assimilation and accommodation — alone.
It has a half-life of 87 days. The next longest-lived radioisotope is sulfur-38, with a half-life of 170 minutes. The shortest-lived is 49S, with a half-life shorter than 200 nanoseconds. When sulfide minerals are precipitated, isotopic equilibration among solids and liquid may cause small differences in the δ34S values of co-genetic minerals.
When this incongruence occurs, the learner must work through a process cognitive equilibration in order to make personal cognitive constructs and outside information congruent. According to the coevolution model, this may require the learner to modify existing constructs or simply add to them. The additional cognitive effort promotes information processing which in turn allows individual learning to occur.
Meisenheimer, J. and Link, J. (1930), Über die Verschiebung in der Allyl-Gruppe. 3. Mitteilung über Substitution und Addition. Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 479: 211–277. Solvolysis of gamma-phenylallyl chloride with AcOK in acetic acid was found to give a mixture of the gamma and the alpha acetate with the latter converting to the first by equilibration.
The compressed rings retained their structure for 5 μs, with a density of 2 x 1017 cm−3, an ion temperature of 5 keV, an electron temperature of 300 eV. A cutoff of funds prevented further measurements to resolve the discrepancy between the above figures, and the plasma electron-ion temperature equilibration time of 1 μs.
Hanging-drop apparatus involve a drop of protein solution placed on an inverted cover slip, which is then suspended above the reservoir. Sitting-drop crystallization apparatus place the drop on a pedestal that is separated from the reservoir. Both of these methods require sealing of the environment so that equilibration between the drop and reservoir can occur.
The equilibration must be controlled to prevent damage to the wood. ; Wood burning: When wood is burned, it is usually best to dry it first. Damage from shrinkage is not a problem here, as it may be in the case of drying for woodworking purposes. Moisture affects the burning process, with unburnt hydrocarbons going up the chimney.
Countercurrent multiplication was originally studied as a mechanism whereby urine is concentrated in the nephron. Initially studied in the 1950s by Gottschalk and Mylle following Werner Kuhn's postulations,. this mechanism gained popularity only after a series of complicated micropuncture experiments.. The proposed mechanism consists of pump, equilibration, and shift steps. In the proximal tubule, the osmolarity is isomolar to plasma (300 mOsm/L).
The technique is relatively simple. A cat whisker is used to dislodge seeds from a crystal. The whisker is passed through the drop starting from one side of the drop and ending on the opposite side of the drop in one smooth motion. To allow for vapour diffusion equilibration, the well in which the drop has been placed is resealed.
Once the set temperature was reached the top chamber was brought down further to effect the required blank holder pressure. About 10 minutes were allowed for thermal equilibration. The argon gas cylinder was opened to the set pressure gradually. Simultaneously, the linear variable differential transformer (LVDT), fitted at the bottom of the die, was set for recording the sheet bulge.
This reagent reacts with toluene to form the red- orange compound benzyl potassium (KCH2C6H5). Evidence for the formation of heavy alkali metal-organic intermediates is provided by the equilibration of cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene catalysed by alkali metals. The isomerization is fast with lithium and sodium, but slow with the higher alkali metals. The higher alkali metals also favor the sterically congested conformation.
In a healthy person, normal serum phosphate levels are maintained by the regulation of dietary absorption, bone formation and resorption, equilibration with intracellular stores, and renal excretion. When kidney function is impaired, phosphate excretion declines. Without specific treatment, hyperphosphataemia occurs almost universally, despite dietary phosphate restriction and conventional dialysis treatment. In patients on dialysis, hyperphosphataemia is an independent risk factor for fractures, cardiovascular disease and mortality.
In static methods a mixture is brought to equilibrium and the concentration of a species in the solution phase is determined by chemical analysis. This usually requires separation of the solid and solution phases. In order to do this the equilibration and separation should be performed in a thermostatted room. Very low concentrations can be measured if a radioactive tracer is incorporated in the solid phase.
In any titration lacking buffering components, both before-equivalence and beyond-equivalence plots should ideally cross the x axis at the same point. Non-ideal behaviour can result from measurement errors (e.g. a poorly calibrated electrode, an insufficient equilibration time before recording the electrode reading, drifts in ionic strength), sampling errors (e.g. low data densities in the linear regions) or an incomplete chemical model (e.g.
Types of ion exchangers include polystyrene resins, cellulose and dextran ion exchangers (gels), and controlled-pore glass or porous silica. Polystyrene resins allow cross linkage which increases the stability of the chain. Higher cross linkage reduces swerving, which increases the equilibration time and ultimately improves selectivity. Cellulose and dextran ion exchangers possess larger pore sizes and low charge densities making them suitable for protein separation.
Another experiment is an isothermal equilibration where the material is heated rapidly to a temperature where relaxations can proceed more rapidly. Thermal aging can take several hours or more under ideal conditions. Internal stresses may relax rapidly. TM can be used to measure the relaxation rates and hence characteristic times for these events, provides they are within practical measurements times available for the instrument.
This is a result of two facts. Firstly, many plasma sources heat the electrons more strongly than the ions. Secondly, atoms and ions are much heavier than electrons, and energy transfer in a two-body collision is much more efficient if the masses are similar. Therefore, equilibration of the temperature happens very slowly, and is not achieved during the time range of the observation.
Dynamic kinetic resolution under Curtin–Hammett conditions has also been applied to enantioselective lithiation reactions. In the reaction below, it was observed that product enantioselectivities were independent of the chirality of the starting material. The use of (−)-sparteine is essential to enantioselectivity, with racemic product being formed in its absence. Equilibration between the two alkyllithium complexes was demonstrated by the observation that enantioselectivity remained constant over the course of the reaction.
Arnold T., Mealey C., Leahey H., Miller A. W., Hall-Spencer J. M., Milazzo M. & Maers K., 2012. Ocean acidification and the loss of phenolic substances in marine plants. PLoS ONE 7, e35107. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035107. This approach does not enable precise control of the carbonate chemistry because it does not include a device to ensure full equilibration of added CO2 in seawater and its precise control.
A larger surface area allows more cycles, improving separation. Spinning band distillation takes this concept one step further by using a spinning helical band made of an inert material such as metal or Teflon to push the rising vapors and descending condensate to the sides of the column, coming into close contact with each other. This speeds up equilibration and provides for a greater number of condensation-vaporization cycles.
In EBA chromatography, the settled bed is first expanded by upward flow of equilibration buffer. The crude feed, a mixture of soluble proteins, contaminants, cells, and cell debris, is then passed upward through the expanded bed. Target proteins are captured on the adsorbent, while particulates and contaminants pass through. A change to elution buffer while maintaining upward flow results in desorption of the target protein in expanded-bed mode.
Borate ions (commonly supplied as boric acid) are used in biochemical and chemical laboratories to make buffers, e.g. for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of DNA and RNA, such as TBE buffer (borate buffered tris-hydroxymethylaminomethonium) or the newer SB buffer or BBS buffer (borate buffered saline) in coating procedures. Borate buffers (usually at pH 8) are also used as preferential equilibration solution in dimethyl pimelimidate (DMP) based crosslinking reactions.
Therefore, a user's current cognitive constructs may be modified or augmented by the metadata information found in aggregated social tags. This process promotes knowledge acquisition through cognitive irritation and equilibration. This theoretical framework is known as the co-evolution model of individual and collective knowledge. The co-evolution model focuses on cognitive conflict in which a learner's prior knowledge and the information received from the environment are dissimilar to some degree.
52-54, 1967. RIF uses the Principle of Moments or Varignon’s Theorem to calculate the first factorial moment of probability in order to define this center point of balance among all confidence weights (i.e., the point of Risk Equilibration). The formal derivation of the RIF is divided into three separate calculations: (1) calculation of the first factorial moment, (2) calculation of inclination, and (3) calculation of the risk inclination score.
Homans based his theory on concepts of equilibration, expectancy and distributive justice in dyadic exchange. With this, he tries to explain the social interaction in small groups and the rewards received proportional to their costs and investments. Homans summarizes the system in three propositions: success, stimulus, and deprivation–satiation proposition, described below. #Success proposition: When one finds they are rewarded for their actions, they tend to repeat the action.
The modulation conditions should be different from mt-DSC since the sample and test fixture and enclosure is larger thus requiring longer equilibration time. mt-DSC typically uses a period of 60 s, amplitude 0.5-1.0 °C and average heating or cooling rate of 2 °C·min-1. MT-TMA may have a period of 1000 s with the other parameters similar to mt-DSC. These conditions will require long scan times.
Paul Cockshott, Allin Cottrell, and Andy Pollack have proposed new forms of coordination based on modern information technology for non-market socialism. They argue that economic planning in terms of physical units without any reference to money or prices is computationally tractable given the high-performance computers available for particle physics and weather forecasting. Cybernetic planning would involve an a priori simulation of the equilibration process that idealized markets are intended to achieve.
A saline-filled balloon made of CO2 permeable silicone attached to a sampling tube is introduced into the gastric lumen as a nasogastric tube would be. After an equilibration period the fluid is sampled to measure PCO2. Because the mucosal and systemic bicarbonate concentrations are equal, a modified Henderson-Hasselbalch equation may be used to calculate the intramucosal pH: pHi = 6.1 + log [HCO3−/0.03 x PCO2]. Thus, only gastric luminal PCO2 is directly measured.
Igamberdiev has published over 250 peer-reviewed journal publications and several edited books. He currently is editor-in-chief of the Elsevier journal BioSystems and a subject editor of the Journal of Plant Physiology. Abir Igamberdiev's research focuses on the organization of metabolism,Igamberdiev, A.U. (2015) Control of Rubisco function via homeostatic equilibration of CO2 supply. Front. Plant Sci. 6: 106 Igamberdiev, A.U., Kleczkowski, L.A. (2009) Metabolic systems maintain stable non-equilibrium via thermodynamic buffering.
To assimilate an object into an existing mental schema, one first needs to take into account or accommodate to the particularities of this object to a certain extent. For instance, to recognize (assimilate) an apple as an apple, one must first focus (accommodate) on the contour of this object. To do this, one needs to roughly recognize the size of the object. Development increases the balance, or equilibration, between these two functions.
A frigorific mixture is a mixture of two or more phases in a chemical system that, so long as none of the phases is consumed during equilibration, reaches an equilibrium temperature that is independent of the starting temperature of the phases before they are mixed. The equilibrium temperature is also independent of the quantities of the phases used as long as sufficient amounts of each are present to reach equilibrium without consuming one or more.
Macromonomers were known as reversible chain transfer agents during this time, but had limited applications on controlled radical polymerization. In 1995, a key step in the "degenerate" reversible chain transfer step for chain equilibration was brought to attention. The essential feature is that the product of chain transfer is also a chain transfer agent with similar activity to the precursor transfer agent. RAFT polymerization today is mainly carried out by thiocarbonylthio chain transfer agents.
By modulating the distance between the two pairs of cysteine residues and the space between the arsenic centers of FlAsH-EDT2, a cooperative and entropically favored dithiol arsenic bond could be achieved. Formation of FlAsH-TC adduct The binding of FlAsH-EDT2 is thus subject to equilibration. The FlAsH-peptide adduct formation can be favored in low concentration of EDT (below 10 μM) and be reversed in high concentration of EDT (above 1 mM).
However, when the opening is obstructed due to inflammation, polyps, mucosal thickening, anatomical abnormalities, or other lesions, pressure equilibration is impossible. Squeeze is produced on descent when trapped air in the sinuses contracts and produces negative pressure. The pressure differentials are directed to the center of the sinuses producing mucosal edema, transudation, and mucosal-or submucosal-hematoma, leading to further occlusion of the sinus ostium. The sinus will fill with fluid or blood unless the pressure differential is neutralized.
Thermodynamic enolates are favored by longer equilibration times at higher temperatures, conditions that give relatively covalent metal–oxygen bonding, and use of a slight sub- stoichiometric amount of strong base. By using insufficient base to deprotonate all of the carbonyl molecules, the enolates and carbonyls can exchange protons with each other and equilibrate to their more stable isomer. Using various metals and solvents can provide control over the amount of ionic character in the metal–oxygen bond.
The risk inclination formula uses the principle of moments, or Varignon’s theorem, to calculate the first factorial moment of probability in order to define this center point of balance among all confidence weights (i.e., the point of risk equilibration). The formal derivation of the RIF is divided into three separate calculations: (1) calculation of 1st factorial moment, (2) calculation of inclination, and (3) calculation of the risk inclination score. The RIF , is a component of the risk inclination model.
Barotrauma can affect the external, middle, or inner ear. Middle ear barotrauma (MEBT) is the most common being experienced by between 10% and 30% of divers and is due to insufficient equilibration of the middle ear. External ear barotrauma may occur on ascent if high pressure air is trapped in the external auditory canal either by tight fitting diving equipment or ear wax. Inner ear barotrauma (IEBT), though much less common than MEBT, shares a similar mechanism.
One may also speak of solid solution, but rarely of solution in a gas (see vapor–liquid equilibrium instead). Under certain conditions, the equilibrium solubility can be exceeded to give a so-called supersaturated solution, which is metastable. Metastability of crystals can also lead to apparent differences in the amount of a chemical that dissolves depending on its crystalline form or particle size. A supersaturated solution generally crystallises when 'seed' crystals are introduced and rapid equilibration occurs.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Learning, then, occurs as a result of experience, both physical and logical, with the objects themselves and how they are acted upon. Thus, knowledge must be assimilated in an active process by a learner with matured mental capacity, so that knowledge can build in complexity by scaffolded understanding. Understanding is scaffolded by the learner through the process of equilibration, whereby the learner balances new knowledge with previous understanding, thereby compensating for "transformation" of knowledge.
Operators acting on schemes generate thoughts, actions, and learning. Hidden operators are brain-resource mechanisms that regulate functioning of (and can change) schemes. Piaget left these resources unexplained and often referred to them as principles like "regulations", "accommodation", and "equilibration". Operators intervene in all neuropsychological processes that are emergent and not automatized or overlearned: M-operator (mental-attention capacity, which explains the innate-developmental basis of working memory); I-operator (attention-inhibition mechanism causing attentional interruption); L-operator (i.e.
Mesoporous manganese dioxide ambigels have been protected by 7-9 nm films of polymer such that dissolution of the manganese dioxide in aqueous acid was avoided. Uniform coatings require the architecture to be wetted by the monomer solution; this can be achieved through a solution that displays a similar surface energy to that of the porous solid. As the scale continuous to decrease and transport through the solid becomes more difficult, pre- equilibration is needed to ensure coating uniformity.
Next, imagine that the experimenter obtains a new, identical blood sample from the same patient. However, instead of placing the sample in a chamber with a PCO2 of 40 mmHg, the chamber is reset to a PCO2 of 60 mmHg. After equilibration, a new point is reached, indicating a new pH and a new bicarbonate concentration (Fig 5). Note that the bicarbonate concentration at the new, higher PCO2 is larger than in the first measurement, whereas the pH is now smaller.
The primary purpose of breathing is to refresh air in the alveoli so that gas exchange can take place in the blood. The equilibration of the partial pressures of the gases in the alveolar blood and the alveolar air occurs by diffusion. After exhaling, adult human lungs still contain 2.5–3 L of air, their functional residual capacity or FRC. On inhalation, only about 350 mL of new, warm, moistened atmospheric air is brought in and is well mixed with the FRC.
Zur Kultursoziologie unserer Zeit. Regensberg, Münster 1948 After the war, he joined the CDU and he coined the phrase “Social Market Economy” in his book “Wirtschaftslenkung und Marktwirtschaft” (Economic Steering and Market Economy”), written in 1946 and published in 1947. In his understanding, the Social Market Economy combined the power and dynamism of a free market economy with a limited social equilibration and social security system. In 1950, he got a position as full professor at the University of Cologne.
Substituent effects on the formation and equilibration of trans-1,2-dibromocyclohexanes P. L. Barili, G. Bellucci, G. Berti, F. Marioni, A. Marsili, I. Morelli, J. Chem. Soc. D, 1970, (21),1437-1438 In the transition state both bromine atoms connect symmetrically to both carbon atoms on opposite sides and the reaction is concerted. Stepwise mechanisms in dyotropic reactions have also been investigated. :Dyotropic reaction Barili 1970 In organic synthesis an important application is the conversion of 4-substituted-gamma-lactones to butyrolactones.
Here, the difference in pKb between the base and the enolate is so large that the reaction is essentially irreversible, so the equilibration leading to the thermodynamic product is likely a proton exchange occurring during the addition between the kinetic enolate and as-yet-unreacted ketone. An inverse addition (adding ketone to the base) with rapid mixing would minimize this. The position of the equilibrium will depend on the countercation and solvent. The kinetic and thermodynamic deprotonation of 2-methylcyclohexanone.
Earlier work claiming the Bullet Cluster was inconsistent with standard cosmology was based on an erroneous estimate of the in-fall velocity based on the speed of the shock in the X-ray-emitting gas. Based on the analysis of the shock driven by the merger, it was recently argued that a lower merger velocity ~3,950 km/s is consistent with the Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect and X-ray data, provided that the equilibration of the electron and ion downstream temperatures is not instantaneous.
Left to equilibration, many compositions will form a uniform single phase, but depending on the temperature and pressure even a single substance may separate into two or more distinct phases. Within each phase, the properties are uniform but between the two phases properties differ. Water in a closed jar with an air space over it forms a two phase system. Most of the water is in the liquid phase, where it is held by the mutual attraction of water molecules.
A sample is introduced, either manually or with an autosampler, into a sample loop of known volume. A buffered aqueous solution known as the mobile phase carries the sample from the loop onto a column that contains some form of stationary phase material. This is typically a resin or gel matrix consisting of agarose or cellulose beads with covalently bonded charged functional groups. Equilibration of the stationary phase is needed in order to obtain the desired charge of the column.
The Si-V center is a single-hole (spin-1/2) system with ground and excited electronic states located within the diamond bandgap. The ground and excited electronic states have two orbital states split by spin–orbit coupling. Each of these spin–orbit states is doubly degenerate by spin, and this splitting can be affected by lattice strain. Phonons in the diamond lattice drive transitions between these orbital states, causing rapid equilibration of the orbital population at temperatures above ca.
The second heating scan will differ from the first heating scan because of thermal relaxation during the first scan and the equilibration achieved during the cooling scan. A second cooling scan followed by a third heating scan can be performed to check on the reliability of the prior scans. Different heating and cooling rates can be used to produce different equilibrations. Annealing at specific temperatures can be used to provide different isothermal relaxations that can be measured by a subsequent heating scan.
Beyond frequent interpretations of this nature, little more is known as to why the haplotype has not undergone equilibration. The haplotype appears to be recombination resistant, it appears to also have been under positive selection relative to other haplotypes in Europe, although currently disease instances suggest cereal-based negative selection is acting. One possible explanation comes from the study of remains of the pre-Neolithic period. Given food selects the haplotype now, might food have also positively selected the haplotype in the past.
Completely de-gassed ultrapure water has a conductivity of 1.2 × 10−4 S/m, whereas on equilibration to the atmosphere it is 7.5 × 10−5 S/m due to dissolved CO2 in it. See in particular page 1235. Note that values in this paper are given in S/cm, not S/m, which differs by a factor of 100. The highest grades of ultrapure water should not be stored in glass or plastic containers because these container materials leach (release) contaminants at very low concentrations.
The first application of heat pipes in the space program was the thermal equilibration of satellite transponders. As satellites orbit, one side is exposed to the direct radiation of the sun while the opposite side is completely dark and exposed to the deep cold of outer space. This causes severe discrepancies in the temperature (and thus reliability and accuracy) of the transponders. The heat pipe cooling system designed for this purpose managed the high heat fluxes and demonstrated flawless operation with and without the influence of gravity.
Using very strong bases like lithium diisopropylamide (LDA, pKa of conjugate acid ~36) under non-equilibrating conditions (–78 °C, 1.1 equiv LDA in THF, ketone added to base), the less-substituted kinetic enolate is generated selectively, while conditions that allow for equilibration (higher temperature, base added to ketone, using weak or insoluble bases, e.g., NaOEt in EtOH, or NaH) provides the more-substituted thermodynamic enolate. Ketones are also weak bases, undergoing protonation on the carbonyl oxygen in the presence of Brønsted acids. Ketonium ions (i.e.
The differences between minerals can be used to estimate the temperature of equilibration. The δ13C and δ34S of coexisting carbonates and sulfides can be used to determine the pH and oxygen fugacity of the ore-bearing fluid during ore formation. In most forest ecosystems, sulfate is derived mostly from the atmosphere; weathering of ore minerals and evaporites also contribute some sulfur. Sulfur with a distinctive isotopic composition has been used to identify pollution sources, and enriched sulfur has been added as a tracer in hydrologic studies.
The helium dilution technique for measuring lung volumes uses a closed, rebreathing circuit.Hathirat S, Renzetti AD, Mitchell M: Measurement of the total lung capacity by helium dilution in a constant volume system, Am Rev Respir Dis 102:760, 1970. This technique is based on the assumptions that a known volume and concentration of helium in air begin in the closed spirometer, that the patient has no helium in their lungs, and that an equilibration of helium can occur between the spirometer and the lungs.
Mesitylene is prepared by equilibration of xylene (or simple methyl alkylation of it) over solid acid catalyst:Karl Griesbaum, Arno Behr, Dieter Biedenkapp, Heinz-Werner Voges, Dorothea Garbe, Christian Paetz, Gerd Collin, Dieter Mayer, Hartmut Höke “Hydrocarbons” in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry 2002 Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. . :2 C6H4(CH3)2 ⇌ C6H3(CH3)3 \+ C6H5CH3 :C6H4(CH3)2 \+ CH3OH → C6H3(CH3)3 \+ H2O Trimerization of acetone via aldol condensation, which is catalyzed and dehydrated by sulfuric acid affords a mixture of 1,3,5- and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzenes.
The cloud points upon cooling and heating of a thermoresponsive polymer solution do not coincide because the process of equilibration takes time. The temperature interval between the cloud points upon cooling and heating is called hysteresis. The cloud points are dependent on the cooling and heating rates, and hysteresis decreases with lower rates. There are indications that hysteresis is influenced by the temperature, viscosity, glass transition temperature and the ability to form additional intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bonds in the phase separated state.
Single radial immunodiffusion assay (SRID), also known as the Mancini method, is a protein assay that detects the amount of specific viral antigen by immunodiffusion in a semi-solid medium (e.g. agar). The medium contains antiserum specific to the antigen of interest and the antigen is placed in the center of the disc. As the antigen diffuses into the medium it creates a precipitate ring that grows until equilibrium is reached. Assay time can range from 10 hours to days depending on equilibration time of the antigen and antibody.
Rapid equilibration between enantiomeric conformers and irreversible hydrogenation place the reaction under Curtin–Hammett control. The use of a chiral catalyst results in a higher-energy and a lower-energy transition state for hydrogenation of the two enantiomers. The transformation occurs via the lower-energy transition state to form the product as a single enantiomer. Consistent with the Curtin–Hammett principle, the ratio of products depends on the absolute energetic barrier of the irreversible step of the reaction, and does not reflect the equilibrium distribution of substrate conformers.
Fig. 10 A histological cross- section through an alveolar wall showing the layers through which the gases have to move between the blood plasma and the alveolar air. The dark blue objects are the nuclei of the capillary endothelial and alveolar type I epithelial cells (or type 1 pneumocytes). The two red objects labeled "RBC" are red blood cells in the pulmonary capillary blood. The primary purpose of the respiratory system is the equilibration of the partial pressures of the respiratory gases in the alveolar air with those in the pulmonary capillary blood (Fig. 11).
The probe is selected to be of a different material to the sample, therefore each component initially has a distinct Fermi level. When electrical connection is made between the probe and the sample electron flow can occur between the probe and the sample in the direction of the lower to the higher Fermi level. This electron flow causes the equilibration of the probe and sample Fermi levels. Furthermore, a surface charge develops on the probe and the sample, with a related potential difference known as the contact potential (Vc).
In a hypothetical model where there was no equilibration or pump steps, the tubular fluid and interstitial osmolarity would be 300 mOsm/L as well.{Respicius Rwehumbiza, 2010} Pump: The Na+/K+/2Cl− transporter in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle helps to create a gradient by shifting Na+ into the medullary interstitium. The thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle is the only part of the nephron lacking in aquaporin—a common transporter protein for water channels. This makes the thick ascending limb impermeable to water.
In an conventional CCC experiment the biphasic solvent system is pre-equilibrated before the instrument is filled with the stationary phase and equilibrated with the mobile phase. An ion-exchange mode has been created by modifying both of the phases after pre-equilibration. Generally, an ionic displacer (or eluter) is added to mobile phase and an ionic retainer is added to the stationary phase. For example, the aqueous mobile phase may contain NaI as a displacer and the organic stationary phase may be modified with the quaternary ammonium salt called Aliquat 336 as a retainer.
This allows equilibration of the alkyne prior to reaction in order to reduce artifacts as a result of concentration gradients. Masked cyclooctynes are unable to react with azides in the dark but become reactive alkynes upon irradiation with light. 600px Copper-free click chemistry is being explored for use in synthesizing PET imaging agents which must be made quickly with high purity and yield in order to minimize isotopic decay before the compounds can be administered. Both the high rate constants and the bioorthogonality of SPAAC are amenable to PET chemistry.
This procedure involves the tearing of the dividing membrane between fetuses such that the amniotic fluid of both twins mixes under the assumption that pressure is different in either amniotic sac and that its equilibration will ameliorate progression of the disease. It has not been proven that pressures are different in either amniotic sac. Use of this procedure can preclude use of other procedures as well as make difficult the monitoring of disease progression. In addition, tearing the dividing membrane has contributed to cord entanglement and demise of fetuses through physical complications.
Complications include pericarditis, pericardial effusion, pleuritis, pulmonary infiltration, and very rarely pericardial tamponade. Of these cardiac tamponade is the most life-threatening complication. The pericardial fluid increases intra- pericardial pressure therefore preventing complete expansion of the atria and the ventricles upon the diastole. This causes equilibration of the pressure in all four heart chambers, and results in the common findings of the tamponade which are pulsus paradoxus, Beck's triad of hypotension, muffled heart sounds, and raised jugular venous pressure, as well as EKG or Holter monitor findings such as electrical alternans.
Most economists see the assumption of continuous market clearing as not very realistic. However, many see the assumption of flexible prices as useful in long-run analysis, since prices are not stuck forever: market-clearing models describe the equilibrium towards which the economy gravitates. Therefore, many macroeconomists feel that price flexibility is a good assumption for studying long-run issues, such as growth in real GDP. Other economists argue that price adjustment may take so much time that the process of equilibration may change the underlying conditions that determine long-run equilibrium.
Bicarbonate is an intermediate in the transport of CO2 out of the body by respiratory gas exchange. The hydration reaction of CO2 is generally very slow in the absence of a catalyst, but red blood cells contain carbonic anhydrase, which increases the reaction rate by 10,000 to 1,000,000 times, producing bicarbonate (HCO3−) dissolved in the blood plasma. This catalysed reaction is reversed in the lungs, where it converts the bicarbonate back into CO2 and allows it to be expelled. The equilibration plays an important role as a buffer in mammalian blood."excretion".
Particularly if followed by rain, a pipeline breach would result in BTEX dissolution and equilibration of benzene in water, followed by percolation of the admixture into the aquifer. Benzene can cause many health problems and is carcinogenic with EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) set at 5 μg/L for potable water. Although it is not well studied, single benzene exposure events have been linked to acute carcinogenesis. Additionally, the exposure of livestock, mainly cattle, to benzene has been shown to cause many health issues, such as neurotoxicity, fetal damage and fatal poisoning.
The abundances of multiply substituted isotopologues can also be affected by kinetic processes. As for singly substituted isotopologues, departures from thermodynamic equilibrium in a doubly-substituted species can implicate the presence of a particular reaction taking place. Photochemistry occurring in the atmosphere has been shown to alter the abundance of 18O2 from equilibrium, as has photosynthesis. Measurements of 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 can identify microbial processing of methane and have been used to demonstrate the significance of quantum tunneling in the formation of methane, as well as mixing and equilibration of multiple methane reservoirs.
In the same year, Charles Bell finished work on what would later become known as the Bell-Magendie law, which compared functional differences between dorsal and ventral roots of the spinal cord. In 1822, Karl Friedrich Burdach distinguished between the lateral and medial geniculate bodies, as well as named the cingulate gyrus. In 1824, F. Magendie studied and produced the first evidence of the cerebellum's role in equilibration to complete the Bell-Magendie law. In 1838, Theodor Schwann began studying white and grey matter in the brain, and discovered the myelin sheath.
Increasing heterogeneity of this sort aligns with the increase of entropy, related to the number of microscopic configurations consistent with the macroscopic quantities characterizing the system. Herbert Spencer considers Evolution, defined as the integration of matter and the dissipation of motion, to be necessarily followed by Dissolution, defined as the dissipation of matter and the integration of motion. Therefore, the heterogeneity of matter alone is not claimed to be ever increasing. Additionally, Herbert Spencer states that Dissolution goes towards Equilibration, a state of the system with no differential Force between its parts.
Sachdev proposed that the anomalous dynamic properties of the cuprate superconductors, and other correlated electron compounds, could be understood by proximity to a quantum critical fixed point. In the quantum critical regime of a non-trivial renormalization group fixed point (in higher than one spatial dimension) the dynamics is characterized by the absence of quasiparticles, and a local equilibration time of order ħ/(kBT). This time was proposed to be the shortest possible such time in all quantum systems. Transport measurements have since shown that this bound is close to saturation in many correlated metals.
Born in Canarsie, Brooklyn, New York as the eldest of three sons, Castagnini obtained a B.A degree in Biology from Cal-State Fullerton. Prompted by the death of his mother in 2005, Castagnini went on to found the "ThankGodi" publication, which focuses on methods of "equilibration" as a means to come to terms with traumatic personal events, and features well known authors John Demartini, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dr. Bernie Seigel. The experiences that contributed to this approach of counselling were detailed in the documentary Discover the Gift, and on ABC's show A View from the Bay with Spencer Christian.
Processing maps have been produced for plasma spraying and spray forming using a steady-state heat balance in terms of the interlayer time (time between deposition events) against average deposition rate per unit area. These maps show the boundaries between banded un-fused microstructure and an equiaxed homogeneous structure. The final phase of solidification occurs once droplets have impacted the mushy billet surface and thermal equilibration has taken place between the droplets and the billet. At this stage residual liquid is present as continuous network delineating polygonal grain boundaries, with a typical liquid fraction of 0.3 – 0.5.
More often, a bent geometry is still preferred for substituted alkenyl anions, though the linear geometry is only slightly less stable, resulting in facile equilibration between the (E) and (Z) isomers of the (bent) anion through a linear transition state. For instance, calculations indicate that the parent vinyl anion, H2C=CH⊖, has an inversion barrier of 27 kcal/mol, while allenyl anion, H2C=C=CH⊖ (↔ H2C⊖–C≡CH), whose negative charge is stabilized by delocalization, has an inversion barrier of only 4 kcal/mol, reflecting stabilization of the linear transition state by better π delocalization.
The air contained within the alveoli has a semi-permanent volume of about 2.5-3.0 liters which completely surrounds the alveolar capillary blood (Fig. 12). This ensures that equilibration of the partial pressures of the gases in the two compartments is very efficient and occurs very quickly. The blood leaving the alveolar capillaries and is eventually distributed throughout the body therefore has a partial pressure of oxygen of 13-14 kPa (100 mmHg), and a partial pressure of carbon dioxide of 5.3 kPa (40 mmHg) (i.e. the same as the oxygen and carbon dioxide gas tensions as in the alveoli).
The action of the Na+/K+/2Cl− transporter therefore creates a hypoosmolar solution in the tubular fluid and a hyperosmolar fluid in the interstitium, since water cannot follow the solutes to produce osmotic equilibrium. Equilibration: Since the descending limb of the loop of henle consists of very leaky epithelium, the fluid inside the descending limb becomes hyperosmolar. Shift: The movement of fluid through the tubules causes the hyperosmotic fluid to move further down the loop. Repeating many cycles causes fluid to be near isosmolar at the top of Henle's loop and very concentrated at the bottom of the loop.
When low temperature matrix isolation was developed by George Pimentel at UC Berkeley, Brewer produced many papers on the spectra of his high-temperature molecules in a frozen inert matrix. Brewer also had a long-term interest in the electronic states of I2, and he had several papers on its remarkable complexities. Much of Brewer's later research was aimed at characterizing the extremely strong generalized Lewis acid-base interactions between lanthanides, actinides and left-hand transition metals with the platinum group metals. A combination of high-temperature solid electrolyte cells, equilibration with oxides, carbides and nitrides, and vapor pressure measurements were used.
The atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, and this has an effect on the absolute pressure of the diving environment. The most important effect is that the diver must decompress to a lower surface pressure, and this requires longer decompression for the same dive profile. A second effect is that a diver ascending to altitude, will be decompressing en route, and will have residual nitrogen until all tissues have equilibrated to the local pressures. This means that the diver should consider any dive done before equilibration as a repetitive dive, even if it is the first dive in several days.
The HFE gene responsible for haemochromatosis is distal on chromosome 6 from HLA-A and more so from HLA-B, the distance suffices (3 million nucleotides) to allow equilibration of the loci. Nonetheless, a linkage has been found between A3-B7 haplotype and haemochromatosis. The region is almost 1.4 million nucleotides in length and contains many other genes that could be involved. A more recent study looked at a number of linked gene-alleles and found I82-2:D6S265-1:HLA-A3:D6S128-2:HLA-F1:D6S105-8 was constantly associated while B7 appeared beyond the haplotype linked to disease.
Counter current multiplier diagram The loop of Henle is supplied by blood in a series of straight capillaries descending from the cortical efferent arterioles. These capillaries (called the vasa recta; recta is from the Latin for "straight") also have a countercurrent multiplier mechanism that prevents washout of solutes from the medulla, thereby maintaining the medullary concentration. As water is osmotically driven from the descending limb into the interstitium, it readily enters the capillaries. The low bloodflow through the vasa recta allows time for osmotic equilibration, and can be altered by changing the resistance of the vessels' efferent arterioles.
Two prominent cosmologists have provided slightly varying but compatible explanations of how the expansion of the universe allows ordered, or correlated, relational regimes to arise and persist, notwithstanding the second law of thermodynamics. David Layzer Cosmogenesis: The Growth of Order in the Universe, by David Layzer, Oxford University Press 1991 and Eric Chaisson.Chaisson, Cosmic Evolution, Harvard, 2001 Layzer speaks in terms of the rate of expansion outrunning the rate of equilibration involved at local scales. Chaisson summarizes the argument as "In an expanding universe actual entropy … increases less than the maximum possible entropy"Chaisson, id p.
For example, the time-scale τ increases with both the membrane resistance rm and capacitance cm. As the capacitance increases, more charge must be transferred to produce a given transmembrane voltage (by the equation Q = CV); as the resistance increases, less charge is transferred per unit time, making the equilibration slower. In a similar manner, if the internal resistance per unit length ri is lower in one axon than in another (e.g., because the radius of the former is larger), the spatial decay length λ becomes longer and the conduction velocity of an action potential should increase.
Peak plasma enalaprilat concentrations occur 2 to 4 hours after oral enalapril administration. Elimination thereafter is biphasic, with an initial phase which reflects renal filtration (elimination half-life 2 to 6 hours) and a subsequent prolonged phase (elimination half- life 36 hours), the latter representing equilibration of drug from tissue distribution sites. The prolonged phase does not contribute to drug accumulation on repeated administration but is thought to be of pharmacological significance in mediating drug effects. Renal impairment [particularly creatinine clearance < 20 ml/min (< 1.2 L/h)] results in significant accumulation of enalaprilat and necessitates dosage reduction.
These low barriers are in accordance with the dynamic behavior and fast equilibration processes observed in ambient temperature NMR. Results of quantum chemical calculations confirm that in these compounds, the lone pair of electrons at the pnictogen atoms is localized in orbitals with relatively high s-character. From these results, only weak nucleophilicity was derived in accordance with some experimental observations such as the inertness towards benzyl bromide. The LUMO is delocalized but has important contributions from pnictogen empty p orbitals, which should favor a nucleophilic attack of substrates at this position in accordance with experimental findings.
The system is split into several sections, from which every section performs a tasks analog to the tasks of a batch purification. These tasks are loading the feed, running the gradient elution, recycling of weakly adsorbing site fractions, fractionation of the purified product, recycling of strongly adsorbing site fractions, cleaning the column from strongly adsorbing impurities, cleaning in place and re-equilibration of the column to start the next purification run. All of the tasks mentioned here are carried out at the same time in one unit. Recycling of non-pure side fractions is performed in countercurrent movement.
The ratio of enolate regioisomers is heavily influenced by the choice of base. For the above example, kinetic control may be established with LDA at −78 °C, giving 99:1 selectivity of kinetic: thermodynamic enolate, while thermodynamic control may be established with triphenylmethyllithium at room temperature, giving 10:90 selectivity. In general, kinetic enolates are favored by cold temperatures, conditions that give relatively ionic metal–oxygen bonding, and rapid deprotonation using a slight excess of a strong, sterically hindered base. The large base only deprotonates the more accessible hydrogen, and the low temperatures and excess base help avoid equilibration to the more stable alternate enolate after initial enolate formation.
WHVP is used to estimate the portal venous pressure by reflecting not the actual hepatic portal vein pressure but the hepatic sinusoidal pressure. It is determined by wedging a catheter in a hepatic vein, to occlude it, and then measuring the pressure of proximal static blood (which is reflective of pressure in the sinusoids). WHVP in fact slightly underestimates portal pressure due to sinusoidal equilibration in patients without cirrhosis, but the difference between the two is clinically insignificant. In patients with cirrhotic livers intersinusoidal communication is disrupted such that sinusoidal pressure equilibrium cannot be maintained, and so WHVP becomes a far more accurate measure of portal venous pressure.
The mechanism of the Saegusa–Ito oxidation involves coordination of palladium to the enol olefin followed by loss of the silyl group and formation of an oxoallyl-palladium complex. β-hydride elimination yields the palladium hydride enone complex which upon reductive elimination yields the product along with acetic acid and Pd0.Oxidation , Chem 215 lecture notes The reversibility of the elimination step allows equilibration, leading to the thermodynamic E-selectivity in acyclic substrates. It has been shown that the product can form a stable Pd0-olefin complex, which may be responsible for the difficulty with re-oxidation seen in catalytic variants of the reaction.
The reaction mechanism for the Johnson–Corey–Chaykovsky reaction consists of nucleophilic addition of the ylide to the carbonyl or imine group. A negative charge is transferred to the heteroatom and because the sulfonium cation is a good leaving group it gets expelled forming the ring. In the related Wittig reaction, the formation of the much stronger phosphorus-oxygen double bond prevents oxirane formation and instead, olefination takes place through a 4-membered cyclic intermediate. Mechanism of the Johnson–Corey–Chaykovsky reaction The trans diastereoselectivity observed results from the reversibility of the initial addition, allowing equilibration to the favored anti betaine over the syn betaine.
When information is new and cannot fit into existing schema this is called disequilibrium and this is an unpleasant state for the child's development. When disequilibrium happens, it means the person is frustrated and will try to restore the coherence of his or her cognitive structures through accommodation. If the new information is taken then assimilation of the new information will proceed until they find that they must make a new adjustment to it later down the road, but for now the child remains at equilibrium again. The process of equilibration is when people move from the equilibrium phase to the disequilibrium phase and back into equilibrium.
Dissolved oxygen levels required by various species in the Chesapeake Bay (US) In aquatic environments, oxygen saturation is a ratio of the concentration of dissolved oxygen (O2), to the maximum amount of oxygen that will dissolve in that water body, at the temperature and pressure which constitute stable equilibrium conditions. Well- aerated water (such as a fast-moving stream) without oxygen producers or consumers is 100% saturated. It is possible for stagnant water to become somewhat supersaturated with oxygen (i.e. reach more than 100% saturation) either because of the presence of photosynthetic aquatic oxygen producers or because of a slow equilibration after a change of atmospheric conditions.
Hume starts out with an important point that touches upon a key fact of economics that many fail to recognize even in the 21st century: Allowing the sale or export of a good actually increases its production. Economic activity in trade is not a fixed-slice pie, but one where freedom to trade can create more, rather than less. He uses, as example, the ridiculous (his word) behavior of the ancient Athenian government, in banning the export of a certain kind of fig deemed too delicious for mere foreigners...but he goes on to cite similar errors in contemporary England and France, as well. In modern economic terms, this is equilibration through the price-specie flow mechanism.
Physical organic chemists use the mathematical foundation of chemical kinetics to study the rates of reactions and reaction mechanisms. Unlike thermodynamics, which is concerned with the relative stabilities of the products and reactants (ΔG°) and their equilibrium concentrations, the study of kinetics focuses on the free energy of activation (ΔG‡) -- the difference in free energy between the reactant structure and the transition state structure—of a reaction, and therefore allows a chemist to study the process of equilibration. Mathematically derived formalisms such as the Hammond Postulate, the Curtin-Hammett principle, and the theory of microscopic reversibility are often applied to organic chemistry. Chemists have also used the principle of thermodynamic versus kinetic control to influence reaction products.
The perforated patch can be likened to a screen door that only allows the exchange of certain molecules from the pipette solution to the cytoplasm of the cell. Advantages of the perforated patch method, relative to whole-cell recordings, include the properties of the antibiotic pores, that allow equilibration only of small monovalent ions between the patch pipette and the cytosol, but not of larger molecules that cannot permeate through the pores. This property maintains endogenous levels of divalent ions such as Ca2+ and signaling molecules such as cAMP. Consequently, one can have recordings of the entire cell, as in whole-cell patch clamping, while retaining most intracellular signaling mechanisms, as in cell-attached recordings.
DQ8 is also abundant also in Northern Europe and is found at high frequencies in the German-Scandinavian- Uralic population north of Switzerland. HLA A-B haplotypes suggest that a migration from people east of the Urals is responsible for DQ8, possibly from as far east as the West Pacific Rim. The high level of DQ8 and DQ2.5 is something of great interest for DQ mediated diseases of Scandinavia and Northern Europe. DQ8 is also found in Iberia and places were east to west gene flow by other genetic markers cannot be substantiated, and the levels within the African or middle eastern population are possible sources, Iberia has considerable A1/B1 equilibration suggesting independent sources from Africa.
As an alternative to simply reactively repairing the damage to teeth and conforming to the existing occlusal scheme, occasionally some dentists will attempt to reorganize the occlusion in the belief that this may redistribute the forces and reduce the amount of damage inflicted on the dentition. Sometimes termed "occlusal rehabilitation" or "occlusal equilibration", this can be a complex procedure, and there is much disagreement between proponents of these techniques on most of the aspects involved, including the indications and the goals. It may involve orthodontics, restorative dentistry or even orthognathic surgery. Some have criticized these occlusal reorganizations as having no evidence base, and irreversibly damaging the dentition on top of the damage already caused by bruxism.
After equilibration, the aqueous component of each cell is transferred to the previous cell and the organic component is transferred to the next cell, which initially contains only water. In this way the metal ion with the most stable complex passes down the cascade in the organic phase and the metal with the least stable complex passes up the cascade in the aqueous phase. If solubility in the organic phase is not an issue, a selectivity coefficient is equal to the ratio of the stability constants of the TBP complexes of two metal ions. For lanthanoid elements which are adjacent in the periodic table this ratio is not much greater than 1, so many cells are needed in the cascade.
In the case of enone substrates, where two sites of nucleophilic addition are possible (1,2 addition to the carbonyl carbon or 1,4 conjugate addition to the β carbon), most highly reactive organolithium species favor the 1,2 addition, however, there are several ways to propel organolithium reagents to undergo conjugate addition. First, since the 1,4 adduct is the likely to be the more thermodynamically favorable species, conjugate addition can be achieved through equilibration (isomerization of the two product), especially when the lithium nucleophile is weak and 1,2 addition is reversible. Secondly, adding donor ligands to the reaction forms heteroatom-stabilized lithium species which favors 1,4 conjugate addition. In one example, addition of low-level of HMPA to the solvent favors the 1,4 addition.
Crucially, this is the first demonstration of equilibration – the most important aspect of statistical mechanics – directly from first principles, without any additional assumptions. The result holds even in situations in which the standard assumptions of statistical mechanics do not apply, such as systems with strong long-range, non-screened interactions where temperature cannot even be defined. In an earlier work with Short and Winter he showed that the so-called equal a priori probability postulate, one of the basic postulates of statistical mechanics, is redundant, and is simply a consequence of typicality. (A similar proof is due to Goldstein et al.) With Yakir Aharonov and his group, Popescu discovered a number of quantum paradoxes, such as the quantum Cheshire Cat, and the quantum pigeonhole principle.
This is the adjustment or reorganizing of the existing occlusion, carried out in the belief that this will redistribute forces evenly across the dental arches or achieve a more favorable position of the condyles in the fossae, which is purported to lessen tooth wear, bruxism and TMD, but this is controversial. These techniques are sometimes termed "occlusal rehabilitation" or "occlusal equilibration". At its simplest, occlusal adjustment involves selective grinding (with a dental drill) of the enamel of the occlusal surfaces of teeth, with the aim of allowing the upper teeth to fit with the lower teeth in a more harmonious way. However, there is much disagreement between proponents of these techniques on most of the aspects involved, including the indications and the exact goals.
They are responsible for aiding the movement of phospholipid molecules between the two leaflets that compose a cell's membrane (transverse diffusion, also known as a "flip-flop" transition). The possibility of active maintenance of an asymmetric distribution of molecules in the phospholipid bilayer was predicted in the early 1970s by Mark Bretscher. Although phospholipids diffuse rapidly in the plane of the membrane, their polar head groups cannot pass easily through the hydrophobic center of the bilayer, limiting their diffusion in this dimension. Some flippases - often instead called scramblases \- are energy-independent and bidirectional, causing reversible equilibration of phospholipid between the two sides of the membrane, whereas others are energy- dependent and unidirectional, using energy from ATP hydrolysis to pump the phospholipid in a preferred direction.
Poikilohydry is the lack of ability (structural or functional mechanism) to maintain and/or regulate water content to achieve homeostasis of cells and tissue connected with quick equilibration of cell/tissue water content to that of the environment. Frequently, it is coupled with the capacity to tolerate dehydration to low cell or tissue water content and to recover from it without physiological damage. This condition occurs in such organisms as the lichens and bryophytes that lack mechanisms such as a waterproofing cuticle or stomata that can help resist desiccation. Poikilohydry also occurs in many forms of algae, which may be able to survive desiccation between successive high tides, or during occasional stranding due to the drying of a lake or pond.
The mechanisms on the micellization at equilibrium have shown to depend on two relaxation times: (1) the first and fastest (tens of the microseconds scale) corresponds to the unimers exchange between micelles and the bulk solution and follows the Aniansson-Wall model (step-by-step insertion and expulsion of single polymer chains), and (2) the second and much slower one (in the millisecond range) is attributed to the formation and breakdown of whole micellar units leading to the final micellar size equilibration. Besides spherical micelles, elongated or worm-like micelles can also be formed. The final geometry will depend on the entropy costs of stretching the blocks, which is directly related to their composition (size and polyoxypropylene/polyoxyethylene ratio). The mechanisms involved in the shape transformation are different compared to the dynamics of micellization.
Note to measure FRC the patient is connected to the spirometer directly after a normal breath (when the lung volume equals FRC), if the patient is initially connected to the spirometer at a different lung volume (like TLC or RV) the measured volume will be the initial volume started from and not FRC. In patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases the measurements of the helium dilution technique are not reliable because of incomplete equilibration of the helium in all areas of the lungs. In such cases it is more accurate to use a body plethysmograph. A simplified helium dilution technique may be used as an alternative to quantitative CT scans to assess end-expiratory lung volumes (EELV) among patients who are on mechanical ventilation with diagnosis of ALI/ARDS according to a cross-sectional study.
Ferry and Spear's calculation of the garnet-biotite geothermometer (1978), involved running experimental reactions between biotite and garnet at a constant pressure (0.207 GPa) and varying temperatures between 500°C and 800°C. The focus of the reactions was on the Fe-Mg exchange: Fe3Al2Si3O12 \+ KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 = Mg3Al2Si3O12 \+ KFe3AlSi3O10(OH)2 Ferry and Spear (1978) used a garnet solid solution of almandine and pyrope (All90Prp10) with an iron mole fraction of XFe = 0.9 for all reactions. Varying biotite compositions (from XFe = 0.5 to XFe = 1.0) were selected based on the known bracket of the equilibrium distribution for Mg and Fe that corresponded with the garnet composition. To compensate for the slow nature of garnet equilibration in metamorphic settings, a ratio of 98:2 garnet to biotite was used.
In 2007, researchers from the California Institute of Technology showed that the likelihood of Theia having an identical isotopic signature as the Earth was very small (less than 1 percent). They proposed that in the aftermath of the giant impact, while the Earth and the proto-lunar disc were molten and vaporised, the two reservoirs were connected by a common silicate vapor atmosphere and that the Earth–Moon system became homogenised by convective stirring while the system existed in the form of a continuous fluid. Such an "equilibration" between the post-impact Earth and the proto- lunar disc is the only proposed scenario that explains the isotopic similarities of the Apollo rocks with rocks from the Earth's interior. For this scenario to be viable, however, the proto-lunar disc would have to endure for about 100 years.
After death, the vitreous resists putrefaction longer than other body fluids. The vitreous potassium concentration rises so predictably within the hours, days and weeks after death, that vitreous potassium levels are frequently used to estimate the time since death (post-mortem interval) of a corpse. The metabolic exchange and equilibration between systemic circulation and vitreous humour is so slow that vitreous humour is sometimes the fluid of choice for postmortem analysis of glucose levels or substances which would be more rapidly diffused, degraded, excreted or metabolized from the general circulation. According to Jewish religion when a forensic or post-mortem toxicology tests is deemed necessary, extracting the vitreous fluid for forensic chemical analysis would be preferred to blood analysis, so as eliminate the loss of even a few droplets of blood from the body prior to burial.
The layered manganese oxide is constructed from corrugated layers of manganese/oxide octahedra and is electrochemically unstable. The distortions and deviation from truly planar metal oxide layers are a manifestation of the electronic configuration of the Mn(III) Jahn-Teller ion. I. Koetschau, M. N. Richard, J. R. Dahn, J. B. Soupart, J. C. Rousche "Orthorhombic LiMnO2 as a High Capacity Cathode for Li‐Ion Cells" J. Electrochemical Society volume 142(9) 2906-2910 (1995); doi: 10.1149/1.2048663 A layered variant, isostructural with LiCoO2, was prepared by Armstrong and Bruce in 1996 by ion exchange from the layered compound NaMnO2 A. Robert Armstrong, Peter G. Bruce "Synthesis of layered LiMnO2 as an electrode for rechargeable lithium batteries" Nature 381, p 499–500(1996)DOI: 10.1038/381499a0, however long term cycling and the defect nature of the charged compound led to structural degradation and cation equilibration to other phases.
241–278 Some organizations, such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, claim to teach a type of theurgy that would help one ascend spiritually as well as understand the true nature of the self and its relation to the Divine and the Universe. The Golden Dawn has a somewhat significant historical following and influence;Chic and Tabatha Cicero, Self- Initiation into the Golden Dawn tradition, Chapter 1 while it is held that many theurgists are usually solitary practitioners and seek the divine light alone through ritual and inner spiritual and psychological equilibration. Theurgy in this hermetic sense stresses the need for the individual to separate and analyze the individual components that constitute everyday consciousness and reunite them in a way that changes one's personal awareness into a state that understands and partakes in spiritual grace.Israel Regardie, revised by Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero.
Decompression profiles based on the Thermodynamic model compared with the US Navy table for the same depth and bottom time The thermodynamic model was one of the first decompression models in which decompression is controlled by the volume of gas bubbles coming out of solution. In this model, pain only DCS is modelled by a single tissue which is diffusion-limited for gas uptake and bubble-formation during decompression causes "phase equilibration" of partial pressures between dissolved and free gases. The driving mechanism for gas elimination in this tissue is inherent unsaturation, also called partial pressure vacancy or the oxygen window, where oxygen metabolised is replaced by more soluble carbon dioxide. This model was used to explain the effectiveness of the Torres Straits Island pearl divers empirically developed decompression schedules, which used deeper decompression stops and less overall decompression time than the current naval decompression schedules.
Steady-state conduction is the form of conduction that happens when the temperature difference(s) driving the conduction are constant, so that (after an equilibration time), the spatial distribution of temperatures (temperature field) in the conducting object does not change any further. Thus, all partial derivatives of temperature concerning space may either be zero or have nonzero values, but all derivatives of temperature at any point concerning time are uniformly zero. In steady-state conduction, the amount of heat entering any region of an object is equal to the amount of heat coming out (if this were not so, the temperature would be rising or falling, as thermal energy was tapped or trapped in a region). For example, a bar may be cold at one end and hot at the other, but after a state of steady-state conduction is reached, the spatial gradient of temperatures along the bar does not change any further, as time proceeds.
The chemically stable anion of Fluorine-18-Fluoride is a bone-seeking radiotracer in skeletal imaging. [18F]NaF has an affinity to deposit at areas where the bone is newly mineralizing. Many studies have [18F]NaF PET to measure bone metabolism at the hip, lumbar spine, and humerus. [18F]NaF is taken-up in an exponential manner representing the equilibration of tracer with the extracellular and cellular fluid spaces with a half-life of 0.4 hours, and with kidneys with a half-life of 2.4 hours. The single passage extraction of [18F]NaF in bone is 100%. After an hour, only 10% of the injected activity remains in the blood. 18F- ions are considered to occupy extracellular fluid spaces because, firstly, they equilibrate with transcellular fluid spaces and secondly, they are not entirely extracellular ions. Fluoride undergoes equilibrium with hydrogen fluoride, which has a high permeability allowing fluoride to cross the plasma blood membrane.
A quasi Fermi level (also called imref, which is "fermi" spelled backwards) is a term used in quantum mechanics and especially in solid state physics for the Fermi level (chemical potential of electrons) that describes the population of electrons separately in the conduction band and valence band, when their populations are displaced from equilibrium. This displacement could be caused by the application of an external voltage, or by exposure to light of energy E>E_g, which alter the populations of electrons in the conduction band and valence band. Since recombination rate (the rate of equilibration between bands) tends to be much slower than the energy relaxation rate within each band, the conduction band and valence band can each have an individual population that is internally in equilibrium, even though the bands are not in equilibrium with respect to exchange of electrons. The displacement from equilibrium is such that the carrier populations can no longer be described by a single Fermi level, however it is possible to describe using concept of separate quasi-Fermi levels for each band.
The Narryer Gneiss Terrane has undergone many high-grade polyphase deformation events, with the most notable being at 2600 to 2700 Ma associated with granite-greenstone magmatism in the Yilgarn Craton, following an event at ~3350 Ma of amphibolite facies, resulting in widespread re-equilibration of geochronometers, preceded by a deformation loosely constrained to ~3680 Ma and another predating the Meeberrie Gneiss and postdating the Manfred Complex, between 3680 and 3730 Ma. Older structural grain is preserved in areas of low stress in subsequent deformations; the 2700 to 2600 Ma Yilgarn Craton associated deformation has overprinted most other deformations, resulting in rotation of previous structures into parallelism with NE-trending upright folds and metamorphic banding. Proximal to the Proterozoic orogens and thrust belts, the gneiss belt has become variably overprinted by later deformations. In the Bryah-Padbury Basin fold-thrust belt, Yarlarweelor Gneiss rafts exist as undeformed thrust plates of pelitic schist bounded by discrete mylonite zones, as well as deformed heavily overprinted gneiss blocks caught up within shear zones, some of which appear to preserve the unconformity surface.
Mass resolution can be improved in axial MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer where ion production takes place in vacuum by allowing the initial burst of ions and neutrals produced by the laser pulse to equilibrate and to let the ions travel some distance perpendicularly to the sample plate before the ions can be accelerated into the flight tube. The ion equilibration in plasma plume produced during the desorption/ionization takes place approximately 100 ns or less, after that most of ions irrespectively of their mass start moving from the surface with some average velocity. To compensate for the spread of this average velocity and to improve mass resolution, it was proposed to delay the extraction of ions from the ion source toward the flight tube by a few hundred nanoseconds to a few microseconds with respect to the start of short (typically, a few nanosecond) laser pulse. This technique is referred to as "time-lag focusing" for ionization of atoms or molecules by resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization or by electron impact ionization in a rarefied gas and "delayed extraction" for ions produced generally by laser desorption/ionization of molecules adsorbed on flat surfaces or microcrystals placed on conductive flat surface.
Pericarditis can progress to pericardial effusion and eventually cardiac tamponade. This can be seen in people who are experiencing the classic signs of pericarditis but then show signs of relief, and progress to show signs of cardiac tamponade which include decreased alertness and lethargy, pulsus paradoxus (decrease of at least 10 mmHg of the systolic blood pressure upon inspiration), low blood pressure (due to decreased cardiac index), (jugular vein distention from right sided heart failure and fluid overload), distant heart sounds on auscultation, and equilibration of all the diastolic blood pressures on cardiac catheterization due to the constriction of the pericardium by the fluid. In such cases of cardiac tamponade, EKG or Holter monitor will then depict electrical alternans indicating wobbling of the heart in the fluid filled pericardium, and the capillary refill might decrease, as well as severe vascular collapse and altered mental status due to hypoperfusion of body organs by a heart that can not pump out blood effectively. The diagnosis of tamponade can be confirmed with trans-thoracic echocardiography (TTE), which should show a large pericardial effusion and diastolic collapse of the right ventricle and right atrium.

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