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162 Sentences With "equality of opportunity"

How to use equality of opportunity in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "equality of opportunity" and check conjugation/comparative form for "equality of opportunity". Mastering all the usages of "equality of opportunity" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I would say that equality of opportunity was-- a factor.
I would say that equality of opportunity was a factor.
Equality of opportunity is an idea that belongs to everyone.
Equality of opportunity is an essential consideration in our rankings.
What that is is the inexorable march toward equality of opportunity.
Conservatives seek to empower all citizens by fostering equality of opportunity.
But the truth is that you can't have equality of opportunity.
What is unfair, what is unacceptable, is that there isn't equality of opportunity.
Society's primary objective should be equality of opportunity that reduces inequality of outcomes.
She believes fiercely in our founding principles of liberty and equality of opportunity.
And that merit-based worldview does not allow for significant equality of opportunity.
Key to greater equality of opportunity is rethinking what success means in architecture.
Instead, in the 1930s, it meant freedom, mutual respect and equality of opportunity.
And that's meritocratic in a way but it's an incredible block to equality of opportunity.
Feminism isn't about equality of opportunity; it's about creating better opportunities in the first place.
Those are the times when America's commitment to equality of opportunity is called into question.
Conservatives stand for equality of opportunity, equal justice under the law, and a colorblind society.
This means we need real equality of opportunity for men and women in arts and culture.
Nevertheless, I think that all the great liberal thinkers were in agreement with equality of opportunity.
Americans grew uneasy as their faith in business clashed with their faith in equality of opportunity.
They can also explore further information, if they like, at the Equality of Opportunity Project website.
And to help create an environment within all universities to give us full equality of opportunity.
But even in free countries, hidden barriers of prejudice and cultural norms hurt equality of opportunity.
Why it matters: These are assaults on equality of opportunity, which American politicians have preached for generations.
So I think what policy makers need to focus on, is really creating that equality of opportunity.
You just knew, and that knowing expressed itself everywhere, particularly when it came to equality of opportunity.
Sanders supporters are fighting for the equality of opportunity and the fair system that all Americans deserve.
From the 21s onwards, America's great universities did much to realise the American creed of equality of opportunity.
But how can this be going on in a country that claims to believe in equality of opportunity?
He argues that the equality of opportunity that meritocracy promises will inevitably be overwhelmed by inequality of outcome.
Yet meritocracy ultimately undermines equality of opportunity because the successful are best placed to pass on their high status.
So I believe that when a society perceives that there is equality of opportunity, it accepts difference in wealth.
"Born in 1988, my youth was shaped by a rhetoric of unity, equality of opportunity, and multiculturalism," Ella continued.
I wouldn't want to argue about whether meritocracy or racism, for example, is the greatest impediment to equality of opportunity.
When you're examining data, you could be looking for two types of equality: equality of outcome and equality of opportunity.
Research from the Federal Reserve finds that businesses profit when they are located in places with greater equality of opportunity.
So, we can't say that all that matters is equality of opportunity and that's what we need to work on.
That suggests that rising income inequality in the US is likely to be accompanied by a decline in equality of opportunity.
John Stuart Mill wanted to encourage equality of opportunity, rather than the creation of an elite that would endure for generations.
The Equality of Opportunity Project has published a sweeping report investigating the stubborn income gap between black and white adult men.
Founders believe that equality of opportunity is crucial to a fair and healthy economy, while equality of outcome is economically paralyzing.
"We talk about the residents in a condescending manner: insertion, integration, security, antiracism, equality of opportunity," Yenbou said to the audience.
Many readers also took issue with what they described as a feminist insistence on equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity.
Despite women's growing importance to China's economy, they still lack equality of opportunity in business and politics, according to women's rights activists.
We call on business leaders and all Americans to unite in this challenge of seeking equality of opportunity and prosperity for all.
Women want their government to sustain equality of opportunity through programs like early childhood education and measures to make college more affordable.
" Moreover, "such a tax would help to preserve a measurable equality of opportunity for the people of the generations growing to manhood.
The American Dream requires the right to rise based on equality of opportunity and hard work -- and that social contract must be repaired.
If equality of opportunity is an essential element of an efficient, happy and healthy society, Elizabeth and Bernie are on the right track.
At its best, the nation's Jacksonian streak works to preserve liberty by advocating for federalism and equality of opportunity, irrespective of social class.
Some Nordic capitalists actually believe in equality of opportunity and recognize the value of a society that invests in all of its people.
It is not clear, for example, whether Rawls's principle of equality of opportunity would permit affirmative action, or any other form of positive discrimination.
But a landmark new study published last month by the Equality of Opportunity Project found a striking pattern in the interaction of these issues.
But you highlight, and I absolutely agree with you, the importance for liberalism of equality of opportunity MVLL: This is the most important thing.
For instance, the wide array of social policy programs intended to make good on the American promise of equality of opportunity often fall short.
He is a Stanford professor who helps lead the Equality of Opportunity Project, which I consider the most important research effort in economics today.
Are a wanted birth, a safe childhood, a guaranteed education and equality of opportunity in the workplace not major goals in the United States?
Uniformity is cheaper than variety; governments want to inculcate a shared understanding of history and citizenship; and equality of opportunity mandates equal treatment for all.
Research published by the Equality of Opportunity project suggests that only 2628 percent of children born in the 28503s are earning more than their parents.
The Economist: and Adam Smith… MVLL: Equality of opportunity is to start [in equal conditions] from a certain point…and for this, education is absolutely fundamental.
Equality of opportunity has produced a new meritocratic aristocracy that has all the aloofness of the old aristocracy with none of its sense of noblesse oblige.
Millennials born in the 1980s only have about a 50 percent chance of doing the same, according to a 2016 study by the Equality of Opportunity Project.
Is the meritocratic system itself the greatest impediment to a fair society, which is to say a society in which equality of opportunity is a real thing?
We as business leaders need to champion ways to improve equality of opportunity, or the nation risks losing support for its unique form of free-market enterprise.
She recognizes that equality of opportunity isn't just about what class you were born into; it's also about how race and gender shape individual opportunity and mobility.
Our vision of community wealth building sees economic and social policymaking rooted more firmly in the foundational tenets of American civilization: tolerance, pluralism and equality of opportunity.
"I'm a big believer in the public school system in terms of equality of opportunity in this country," Buffett said at an annual shareholders meeting in 21999.
In a recent paper from Harvard University, Alberto Alesina and his co-authors found that more people favor equality of opportunity rather than of equality of outcomes.
"The time is clearly now to put this House on record for the fullest expression of that equality of opportunity which our Founding Fathers professed," said Chisholm.
Advocacy groups complained that restricting what people can do online "violates the principles of net neutrality, threatening freedom of expression, equality of opportunity, security, privacy and innovation. "
Many founders begin their careers embracing high-minded ideals: freedom of speech, tolerance of difference, equality of opportunity, support for the underdog, respect for the law, and more.
The political and social issues of requiring women to register with Selective Service will involve debates about equality — equality of opportunity versus the equality of sacrifice and risk.
Most developed nations espouse as their goal a tolerant, inclusive society with equality of opportunity for all — but the reality of the world continues to be rather different.
Yet those born in the 2000s have only about a 2434 percent chance of doing the same, according to a 2135 study by the Equality of Opportunity Project.
But the latest research by the Equality of Opportunity project — helmed by Stanford's Raj Chetty, Brown's John Friedman, and Harvard's Nathaniel Hendren — suggests that this is a myth.
Equally skilled children from lower income households are less likely to become inventors than their higher-income counterparts, according to a study published by the Equality of Opportunity project.
A study from the Equality of Opportunity Project ranks it in the top eight per cent of élite schools in terms of impact on the social mobility of students.
The bottom line is simple: Citizens will continue to support their democratic capitalist systems so long as there is reasonable equality of opportunity and a humane social safety net.
But these are absolutely necessary if Americans want a society in which there is genuine equality of opportunity and access for all, regardless of gender and/or other identities.
In the early 1990s, the Democrats relied on identity politics, promoted equality of outcomes instead of equality of opportunity and looked to find a government solution for every problem.
That's the conclusion of groundbreaking empirical research published today by a team of leading economists from the Equality of Opportunity Project that Vox got an exclusive early look at.
Paul Ryan is a protégé of Jack Kemp, most famous for his enthusiasm of supply side economics and desire to create equality of opportunity for minorities in broken urban communities.
It was driven by a belief in open competition and equality of opportunity: remove all artificial restrictions on competition and you would produce the greatest happiness of the greatest number.
"Giving people enough money to live on with no strings attached" is necessary to achieve true "equality of opportunity" and could "eventually make real progress towards eliminating poverty," Altman wrote.
The Russell Sage report, despite presenting some good news, highlights an unresolved dilemma: Are there economic forces at work that are inexorably worsening equality of opportunity regardless of government intervention?
The awkward truth about capitalism is that without proper equality of opportunity, the market cannot distribute wealth fairly or democratically, nor can it provide a safety net for the vulnerable.
Many young Koreans believe, rightly, that equality of opportunity is impossible in the face of ostensibly fair rules that favor the daughters and sons of the rich and the powerful.
Electing a Democratic senator would send a message to Louisiana residents that everyone — women, people of color, the disabled, or LGBTQ — deserve protection of their civil liberties and equality of opportunity.
"Spain was very egalitarian, with a strong sense of equality of opportunity and constant progress since the 22s," says Charles Powell of the Elcano Royal Institute, a think-tank in Madrid.
Faithfulness to the rule of law allows us to live in a civil society in which everyone's rights are respected, where each of us is guaranteed liberty and equality of opportunity.
Theodore Roosevelt pushed for it as a way to ensure equality of opportunity among Americans — and to prevent the concentration of wealth in the hands of a very few wealthy families.
Prioritizing diversityExamples: Inclusivity, access to capital, opportunities for advancementWhy it matters: According to research from the Federal Reserve, businesses profit when they are located in places with greater equality of opportunity.
More than 90 percent of Americans born in 23 earned more than their parents, but only 50 percent of those born in 1980 will, according to the Equality of Opportunity Project.
It recommends designing new policies in order to mitigate some of the impacts in advance, for example, through increased spending on education and training which in turn could expand equality of opportunity.
As a result, we have committed to the Charlevoix Commitment on Innovative Financing for Development to promote economic growth in developing economies and foster greater equality of opportunity within and between countries.
Jonathan Young, JD, PhD, served as Chairman of the National Council on Disability from 2010-2013 and is the author of Equality of Opportunity: The Making of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Or is he content for his magazine to promote the toothless, status-quo "equality" of "opportunity" most tech leaders seem to have in mind when hawking "Big Ideas" like Universal Basic Income?
In fact, the most advanced societies, the Nordic ones for example, have this equality of opportunity, there is high-quality public education that prepares each generation for a certain equality at the outset.
In the book he stresses core liberal beliefs: economic, political and cultural freedom, which he sees as indivisible, but also tolerance of disagreement and equality of opportunity—and thus the importance of education.
The third idea is that we don't need to worry about the level of income inequality because all that really matters, at least in terms of morality and fairness, is equality of opportunity.
Racial inequality is still a bigger issue than classism when it comes to economic disparities between wealthy black boys and wealthy white boys, according to a study by the Equality of Opportunity Project.
On Saturday, Mr. Saied offered his own unorthodox solution to the problem: His website announced that, to ensure equality of opportunity between the candidates, he would refrain from campaigning before the runoff vote.
But given the overwhelming importance of the topic to both equality of opportunity and broader economic growth, any knowledge is important — especially because we have traditionally known so little about innovation and innovators.
If you were dreaming up an ideal society, Rawls argued, but didn't know what lot you would be dealt, it would be in everyone's self-interest to ensure equality of opportunity and shared wealth.
This is a tragedy for poor children and their families, but it also compromises our goal of equality of opportunity for all its citizens and threatens the vitality and future prosperity of our nation.
We took race out of the equation only to realize that, if we truly wanted not just equality of opportunity for all Americans but equality of result, we needed to put it back in.
The divorce between the ideas of political and economic freedom in Latin America was in part a consequence of the region's difficulty in creating prosperous market economies and stable democracies based on equality of opportunity.
Be smart: Researchers distinguish between measures of "equality of opportunity," which assesses options open to individuals to improve their standing, and measures of "equality of outcomes," which describes the aggregate results of actions and policies.
" In addition to strengthening the social safety net, the purpose of public policy was the creation of conditions for growth, coupled with the idea that the role of government was to ensure "equality of opportunity.
The governing body said it would set up an independent review and that it was "fully committed to the principles and active promotion of equality of opportunity and we must take any such allegations seriously".
Such expanded equality of opportunity has caused some to argue for women to be required to register with Selective Service, and possible conscription, thus creating an equality of risk and sacrifice among men and women.
He is for universal, free public education and recognizes this as fundamental to the democratic way of life … The Radical believes completely in real equality of opportunity for all peoples regardless of race, color, or creed.
"The Commission's consistent view has been that the Government needs to do more to address the hurdles that ethnic minorities face by putting in place a long-term strategy to achieve equality of opportunity regardless of race."
The latest explanation was similarly vapid: a clutch of admirable but vague aspirations, such as improving the competitiveness of the economy and promoting equality of opportunity, flecked with trendy phrases such as "green economy" and "human capital".
Roosevelt cautioned that a country founded on the principle of equality of opportunity was in danger of becoming a land of corporate privilege, and pledged to do whatever he could to bring the new giants under control.
"People respond negatively to being forced to go and to being told that the reason they need to try to promote equality of opportunity and to advance diversity is because the law requires them to," Dobbin said.
Raj Chetty and his colleagues at the Equality of Opportunity Project have found that institutions like CUNY have large numbers of students who come from the lowest income quintile and make it to the highest income quintile.
Amos C. Brown of the NAACP's San Francisco office said the district's attorney's decision will help African-Americans "who've been the victims of an unjust criminal justice system, denied equality of opportunity" and had their humanity disrespected.
A recent study by the Equality of Opportunity Project, a research program run jointly by Stanford, Brown and Harvard, found that women were dramatically more likely to become inventors if, as children, they had encountered female inventors.
Detailed empirical studies by the Equality of Opportunity Project show that girls who grow up in places where there are an unusually large number of woman inventors are unusually likely to themselves grow up to become inventors.
The interesting question is whether the tech industry will support and ultimately merge with the Establishment — or, put another way, whether technology will ultimately increase equality of opportunity for everyone, or will intensify and calcify our existing inequities.
"The Constitution has to be read by justices in light of its broadest and most fundamental commitments, commitments to liberty, commitments to individual dignity, equality of opportunity," he said, putting on his glasses, and taking them off again.
The Center for International Private Enterprise defines Economic Inclusion as follows: Economic inclusion refers to equality of opportunity for all members of society to participate in the economic life of their country as employers, entrepreneurs, consumers, and citizens.
So, let me start with one concept, which is we used to say — and this is another thing that the market fundamentalists say — look, we shouldn't worry about inequality of income, all that matters is equality of opportunity.
Recent reporting on "Race and Economic Opportunity in the United States: An Intergenerational Perspective," published by the Equality of Opportunity Project, risks misleading audiences by cherry-picking the report's findings and pushing its conclusions further than the data justify.
And this clearly flies in the face of a disabled person's right to equality of opportunity, one of the four key promises laid out in the preamble of ADA, along with full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency.
But Krueger popularized the relationship and helped make income inequality a more mainstream concern among lawmakers by suggesting that it could be a proxy for the erosion of a value every politician in Washington claims to hold dear: equality of opportunity.
The draft and luxury tax are intended to yield equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome: clubs should clearly be rewarded for successfully identifying and cultivating young talent, even if they also have the fortune to play in a big market.
Google's solution, at least for now, is what they call the "equality of opportunity" method, which ensures a system doesn't accidentally discriminate based on sensitive, non-relevant data, for instance race or religion, when calculating something not directly related to them.
Brenda Skillen, a Catholic convert to Islam who works in a local Muslim support group, says that section 75 of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement has also made a difference in promoting equality of opportunity for all, not just for Catholics.
We recognize the value in development and humanitarian assistance that promotes greater equality of opportunity, and gender equality, and prioritizes the most vulnerable, and will continue to work to develop innovative financing models to ensure that no one is left behind.
We share a responsibility to build a more peaceful and secure world, recognizing that respect for human rights, the rule of law, and equality of opportunity are necessary for lasting security and to enable economic growth that works for everyone.
American ingenuity thrives on the freedom to explore and create, the pursuit of equality of opportunity, the appreciation of teamwork, the orientation to foster public involvement — inviting investors and serving consumers — as well as government encouragement, leadership and patent regulation.
We stand against Donald Trump's divisive candidacy and want a candidate who embraces the ideals that built America's technology industry: freedom of expression, openness to newcomers, equality of opportunity , public investments in research and infrastructure, and respect for the rule of law.
In other countries, most interestingly China, as its economy loses momentum and evolves, there may be a growing tension between groups holding the Leviathan view (supported inevitably by Grandees) and opposing Leveller-like groups (who favor equality of opportunity and a multiparty system).
" They also said that the "liberating ambitions" of the president's 2017 campaign platform, which stressed American-style equality of opportunity, not outcome, "are now lost on a growing number of our fellow citizens, including some of the most fervent supporters of 2017.
To counteract Trump's relative strengths, it is critical that the Democratic Party coalesces around a cohesive, inclusive, pro-growth message centered on jobs, the economy, health care and advancing equality of opportunity, while also highlighting President Trump's own policy failures in these areas.
"We stand against Donald Trump's divisive candidacy and want a candidate who embraces the ideals that built America's technology industry: freedom of expression, openness to newcomers, equality of opportunity, public investments in research and infrastructure, and respect for the rule of law," the letter concludes.
Under the guise of "social justice" (redistribution of wealth and power), these academics look at the world through the lenses of power and oppression, blaming all inequities on the moral failures of Western civilization and demanding equality of results rather than equality of opportunity.
The median annual family income of Berkeley students is $30,100 — among the lowest for colleges in New York State, according to an analysis by The Upshot of a study last month on intergenerational income mobility and student outcomes by the Equality of Opportunity Project.
Rubio, Bush, and Christie stuck to the party line: When it comes to gender, equality of opportunity matters, the selective service is a non-issue because the US isn't going to reinstate the draft, and the real concern here is the need to strengthen the military.
But Freedom House, which describes itself as an independent democracy watchdog, rates dozens of indicators, including real-world assessments of freedom of expression, freedom of religion, whether there is a level playing fields for opposition parties, equality of opportunity for women, the rule of law, transparency of government operations.
One diversity thing: Some of the more competitive schools in the U.S. have enrolled more students from families at the top 1% of the income scale than from the entire bottom half of income-earners, per research from the Equality of Opportunity Project cited in the Boston Globe.
If you look at a study like Raj Chetty's, for example, he did this huge study on equality of opportunity in the United States, and you can make a very good argument that the two most important things he identified as driving mobility differences were social capital and family breakdown.
Raj Chetty, an economist at Harvard and a director of the Equality of Opportunity Project, points out that while ninety per cent of people born in the nineteen-forties outearned their parents—the traditional American expectation—this number has fallen to fifty per cent for people born in the nineteen-eighties.
These are just a few examples -- we could add Obama's support for charter schools at a time when candidates like Bernie Sanders and Bill de Blasio seek to dismantle them as some kind of fifth column designed to undermine public education rather than an effort to increase equality of opportunity.
Research by The Equality of Opportunity Project led by economist Raj Chetty found that the most elite private institutions -- what they designated as "Ivy Plus Colleges" -- admit more students whose families rank in the top 1% of earners than those from all of the families in the bottom half of the income distribution.
Similarly, an earlier study from the Equality of Opportunity Project showed that black and Latino kids with exceptional math skills are less likely to grow up to be inventors than similarly skilled white and Asian kids, and the research offered some suggestive evidence that a lack of role models may be an issue here.
The common bonds are there: promoting free enterprise and innovation, limited government, equality of opportunity, personal accountability and work ethic, the importance of strong families, the value of faith or moral tradition, concrete compassion for the weak, the notion that personal character matters, and the beneficial role of strong American leadership in the world.
A 2017 study by the Equality of Opportunity Project found that access to elite universities remains deeply unequal, with more students from the top 1% admitted to a group of 12 of the country's top private universities — many of which dominate the US News rankings — than students from the bottom 50% of the income distribution.
At the same time, research from the Equality of Opportunity Project found that while many kinds of colleges can help students move to the top 20 percent of the income distribution from the bottom 20 percent, moving to the top 1 percent from the bottom 20 percent almost always requires a highly selective institution.
Because Chetty and his co-authors (Harvard's Nathaniel Hendren and Berkeley's Emmanuel Saez and Patrick Kline) posted all their data online — thus enabling others to run their own analysis and see what factors predict economic mobility — it quickly reoriented the debate about equality of opportunity in think tanks on both the right and left.
The report, by the Stanford economist Raj Chetty, the Harvard economist Nathaniel Hendren and colleagues at The Equality of Opportunity Project, provides an empirical basis for an economic susceptibility that black parents like me have sensed: Across generations, we are less likely than whites to rise and when we do, are more likely later to fall.
But the Nordic nations as a whole, including a majority of their business elites, have arrived at a simple formula: Capitalism works better if employees get paid decent wages and are supported by high-quality, democratically accountable public services that enable everyone to live healthy, dignified lives and to enjoy real equality of opportunity for themselves and their children.
The argument is that democratic societies have got to negotiate these trade-offs and find the right balance between free markets and a progressive taxation system or a safety net that helps to even out the winners and losers in a way that preserves equality of opportunity but doesn't allow society to become destabilized by inequalities.
That's not an unfamiliar point to political theorists; Michael Young's 1958 classic The Rise of the Meritocracy is a book-length critique of what he saw as an emerging elite of skill, and John Rawls's landmark work of political philosophy, A Theory of Justice, argues at length that a just society must offer a good dose of substantive equality and not just formal equality of opportunity for roughly the kinds of reasons Murray offers.
"Sikhs have served honorably and capably in the U.S. Armed Forces and other militaries around the world, and while we are eager for a blanket proclamation that all observant Sikh Americans can serve in every branch of the military without seeking accommodations, this policy clarification is a great step forward towards ensuring equality of opportunity and religious freedom in the Air Force," Giselle Klapper, a staff attorney for the Sikh Coalition, said in a statement.
And although discrimination remained a pernicious force in our society and continues to this day, and although there are controversies about how to best ensure genuine equality of opportunity, there's been at least rough agreement among the overwhelming majority of Americans that our country is strongest when everybody's treated fairly, when people are judged on the merits and the content of their character and not the color of their skin or the way in which they worship God or their last names.
Though it's not as if he did a complete 180: He opened up Playboy to radical feminist Germaine Greer two years later in a January 1972 interview, in which she took Friedan to task ("What she wants for [women] is equality of opportunity within the status quo, free admission to the world of the ulcer and the coronary") but reserved her harshest venom for Hefner, mocking his "breast fetishism"—her logic being that female bodies never orgasm from men touching their boobs.
And although discrimination remained a pernicious force in our society and continues to this day, and although there are controversies about how to best ensure genuine equality of opportunity, there's been at least rough agreement among the overwhelming majority of Americans that our country is strongest when everybody's treated fairly, when people are judged on the merits and the content of their character, and not the color of their skin or the way in which they worship God or their last names.
Because the role of the editorial board can be confusing, particularly to readers who don't know The Times well, the board, in consultation with the current publisher, A.G. Sulzberger, has developed a statement of its guiding values, which include: Arguing for "a world that is both free and fair" Supporting a world order in which "freedom and progress advance through democracy and capitalism" Guarding "against the excesses of those systems by promoting honest governance, civil rights, equality of opportunity, a healthy planet and a good life for society's most vulnerable members" Championing "what Adolph Ochs called 'the free exercise of a sound conscience,' believing that the fearless exchange of information and ideas is the surest means of resisting tyranny and realizing human potential" The editorial board is an institutional voice, but it is not the voice of the institution as a whole.

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