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3 Sentences With "enlivenment"

How to use enlivenment in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "enlivenment" and check conjugation/comparative form for "enlivenment". Mastering all the usages of "enlivenment" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Many of the drawings can be interpreted, although this notion is repudiated time and again in the essay, as preparations for the sculptures, and the sculptures, in turn, sometimes seem to be awaiting enlivenment by an imaginary performance to take place in, on, or around them.
Sports have always been of tremendous impact to the world as a whole, as well as individual societies and the people within them. There are so many positive aspects to the world of sport, specifically, organized sport. Sports involve community values, attempting to establish and exercise good morals and ethics. Spectator sports provide watchers with an enlivenment through key societal values displayed in the "game".
Literally meaning 'an enlivenment', Kikashi () is a forcing move, usually one made outside the primary flow of play. Unlike sente, though, a move is kikashi when it yields a high efficiency in play by forcing the opponent to abandon a course of action. A kikashi stone will usually be sacrificed while conferring an advantage; for example, the kikashi stone could act as a ladder breaker or destroy the opponent's potential eyeshape, while the answering move has no value at all. Moves can be kikashi, or not, depending on whether they are answered with appropriate sophistication or not.

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