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20 Sentences With "engage in conflict"

How to use engage in conflict in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "engage in conflict" and check conjugation/comparative form for "engage in conflict". Mastering all the usages of "engage in conflict" from sentence examples published by news publications.

After all, this is the primary purpose of the military specifically: to define and engage in conflict.
The goal is to foster dialogue on how the international community can more effectively engage in conflict prevention and management.
People often engage in conflict over land and water, some of whom use violence against women as a way to send a message.
What's more, some politicians win the prize for certain peace-promoting actions, but then engage in conflict later on (or have engaged in conflict previously).
Every co-founder situation is different, but one common problem that keeps popping up revolves around how the founders engage in conflict: either not enough, or far too much.
Then without interruption from outer space, the base-cities would engage in conflict, with the victor being granted the ownership of the planet. Of course, it is your duty to ensure a new world for your species to claim.
She chases the warthog until Simba springs into action, and the two lions engage in conflict. When the lioness pins Simba, he recognizes her as Nala, his childhood playmate. They are happy to be together, but Timon is jealous after they leave for a night of romance. He and Pumbaa start singing the song "Can You Feel The Love Tonight?" and are joined by Simba and Nala on their night out.
Yella says he produced more than 300 porn films. In November 2011 Yella began working on a new album, entitled West Coastin', which was released in the summer of 2012. Yella was played by Neil Brown Jr. in the 2015 N.W.A. biopic, Straight Outta Compton. He is portrayed as very interested in sex and women, and also as less aggressive than the other members and unwilling to engage in conflict with Ice Cube.
Dunnock singing from high perch Dunnocks are territorial and may engage in conflict with other birds that encroach upon their nests. Males sometimes share a territory and exhibit a strict dominance hierarchy. Nevertheless, this social dominance is not translated into benefits to the alpha male in terms of reproduction, since paternity is usually equally shared between males of the group. Furthermore, members of a group are rarely related, and so competition can result.
Việt Nam sử lược, Quyển 2, Chương 5 In 1740, Mật launched a rebellion against the Trịnh lords in Thanh Hóa. He attacked Hưng Hóa and Sơn Tây. He was defeated by the Trịnh army, retreated to Nghệ An, then to Muang Phuan, and occupied Trình Quang Mountain as his base area. In 1764, he sought aid from Nguyễn Phúc Khoát, but was refused because the Nguyễn lords did not want to engage in conflict with the Trịnh lords.
Bilbo's journey takes him from light-hearted, rural surroundings into more sinister territory. The story is told in the form of an episodic quest, and most chapters introduce a specific creature or type of creature of Tolkien's geography. Bilbo gains a new level of maturity, competence, and wisdom by accepting the disreputable, romantic, fey, and adventurous sides of his nature and applying his wits and common sense. The story reaches its climax in the Battle of Five Armies, where many of the characters and creatures from earlier chapters re-emerge to engage in conflict.
Encolpius and Ascyltus are two corrupt boys roaming the mean streets of Rome at the time of the empire of Nero. Both boys constantly engage in conflict with each other for the love of the young Gitone, who often prefers Ascyltus, infuriating lover Encolpius. Due to a misunderstanding, the three end up in the house of a rich freedman: the crude Trimalchio, who in his rich dinner amazes guests with exuberant courses. Escaping from the house of the crude man, Ascyltus and Encolpius continue to fight for Gitone until Encolpius makes friends with the poet Eumolpus, while Ascyltus dies of diseases.
According to figures collected by the Soufan Group in 2016, between 27,000 to 31,000 people including women and children who would not normally engage in conflict had traveled to Syria and Iraq to join the Islamic State and other extremist groups fighting in the region. One reason suggested for the influx of foreigners in the fight is that the Syrian government took no steps to curtail the inflow of foreigners moving into Iraq during the Iraqi insurgency. In the first half of 2012, 700-1,400 fighters were said to have entered Syria. Their numbers continued to increase, however, and by 2013 may have numbered more than 11,000.
Tolbert quickly responded to the violence by hitting Ethridge over the head multiple times with a wagon axle. During the altercation, William White, one of Tolbert's followers, was pushed to the ground, is speculated to have grabbed a shotgun and fired the first shot, which hit J.I Ethridge in the middle of the forehead, killing him on impact. Outrage at the murder of their leader prompted Etheridge's followers to engage in conflict with Tolbert and his supporters. The gunshots, which were overheard by the white voters, prompted the majority of those who were at the polling stations inside the general store to engage in the conflict.
The fear of a levée en masse captured the imagination of the army, causing it to engage in conflict with the population through hostage-taking, reprisals, and summary justice; military law was employed to overcome Serbian national resistance and severe preventive measures were undertaken against civilians. Disarming the populace was done by holding village elders responsible for handing over a certain quota of weapons that were judged to be held before the war began. There were summary executions at the hands of the Austro-Hungarian authorities with little or no legal process. Military courts even tried Serbians for the crime of (insulting the Emperor or his family).
Several writers, while sharing the vision of civil resistance as progressively overcoming the use of force, have warned against a narrowly instrumental view of non-violent action. For example, Joan V. Bondurant, a specialist on the Gandhian philosophy of conflict, indicated concern about "the symbolic violence of those who engage in conflict with techniques which they, at least, perceive to be nonviolent." She saw Gandhian satyagraha as a form of "creative conflict" and as "contrasted both to violence and to methods not violent or just short of violence".Joan V. Bondurant, "Creative Conflict and the Limits of Symbolic Violence" in Bondurant (ed.), Conflict: Violence and Nonviolence, Aldine, Chicago, 1971, pp. 121–22.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Firstly, a balance of power is understood to be an unintentional result of great power competition which occurs due to a constant pursuit of power by multiple states to dominate others leading to balance. Secondly, the balance of power is also understood as the efforts of states to create an equilibrium through the use of ideational or material forces such as alliances. Realists view a balance of power as desirable as it creates an inability to be dominated by another state and therefore provides security as it is less likely that states will engage in conflict or war that they cannot win. Realists also theorise that the balance of power leads to the ‘security dilemma’.
Dlamini was not scheduled to speak on that day, but his colleagues requested that he should speak on behalf of them. He spoke with eloquent SiSwati and received widespread cheers from his colleagues for having defended their strike and clearly making the needs of the teachers known. From time to time, Dlamini would serve King Sobhuza II. Whilst serving in the King's advisory council, he's also head of the southern African development community's brigade (SADC Brigade) which is a group of SADC peace- keeping troops tasked with the responsibility to engage in conflict areas to install peace. Below Dr. Dlamini in terms of rank are the Army Chief of Staff and Generals commanding the various battalions.
Although he never used the words "collective action problem," Thomas Hobbes was an early philosopher on the topic of human cooperation. Hobbes believed that people act purely out of self-interest, writing in Leviathan in 1651 that "if any two men desire the same thing, which nevertheless they cannot both enjoy, they become enemies." Hobbes believed that the state of nature consists of a perpetual war between people with conflicting interests, causing people to quarrel and seek personal power even in situations where cooperation would be mutually beneficial for both parties. Through his interpretation of humans in the state of nature as selfish and quick to engage in conflict, Hobbes's philosophy laid the foundation for what is now referred to as the collective action problem.
This may be a directly acquired item, something located after navigating a tough environment, a good purchased or bartered with a hard-earned resource or fashioned from parts and ingredients prepared by the hero, spontaneously summoned from another world, a magical food that is consumed, or even the earned loyalty and aid of another. 15.GUIDANCE: The hero is transferred, delivered or somehow led to a vital location, perhaps related to one of the above functions such as the home of the donor or the location of the magical agent or its parts, or to the villain. 16.STRUGGLE: The hero and villain meet and engage in conflict directly, either in battle or some nature of contest. 17.BRANDING: The hero is marked in some manner, perhaps receiving a distinctive scar or granted a cosmetic item like a ring or scarf. 18.VICTORY: The villain is defeated by the hero – killed in combat, outperformed in a contest, struck when vulnerable, banished, and so on. 19.

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