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149 Sentences With "elitists"

How to use elitists in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "elitists" and check conjugation/comparative form for "elitists". Mastering all the usages of "elitists" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Isn't this a double standard set up by liberal elitists?
Trump's cabinet sure looks like a bunch of elitists to me!
Mike: Look at us, a pair of coastal elitists — literally the worst.
"I didn't think in terms of elitists or globalists," Trump told CNBC.
It included elitists distrustful of the people and populists distrustful of the elite.
Trump supporters are everyday Americans, $1000/day in D.C. is no joke. #elitists.
So today, on World Emoji Day, tell those emoji elitists to back off.
He also, however, had strong words for the very "elitists" Gamer Aim condemned.
He really captured the buzzwords, the idiosyncrasies and the hypocrisy of Democratic elitists.
And a billion dollars' worth of ads saying we're not elitists won't change that.
"Only them elitists know where Ukraine is," Ali said as Wilson laughed as well.
The more the elitists disapproved, the more the hoi polloi embraced their reputed trash.
Look at these elitists, in France 3.4% budget deficit berating Italy for being at 2.4%?
They help prevent him from being tagged as one of the elitists he rails against.
Elitists plead for more reason in political life—and who can disagree with that, in principle?
He saw them as spoiled elitists expecting to inherit the leadership without getting their hands dirty.
DeVos wants low-income kids to have the same choices that liberal elitists have for their families.
What is it about these elitists who feel they know better how we should run our lives?
And you know, when you say "Davos" you know what a lot of people think: globalists, elitists.
His goal is to topple the elitists he despises, to boost himself, and to maintain his power.
"There's kind of reverse snobbery, weirdly, about scientists, academics, elitists — whatever you want to call them," she said.
On her interview with C-SPAN, she said the word nationalism has been compromised or poisoned by elitists.
Republicans are more united than the echo chamber of party elitists on the right would have you believe.
Let's just take a look at that "rules-based international order" that the elitists are so anxious to defend.
And what's lost there is people who are not particularly interested in the stuff that elitists are talking about.
The world is dominated by irresponsible populists who are whipping up resentments, and irresponsible elitists who are ignoring discontent.
Isn&apost Trump&aposs path better than the alternative that the elitists were warning us about six months ago?
The elitists and mainstream media cheer Kaepernick on, imperiling the welfare, lives and future of black America into perpetuity.
That's part of what makes them so angry: Washington bureaucrats and elitists telling them what they need to do.
The group was frequently crowned, by critics and other elitists, the most important indie rock band of the '90s.
The criticism of his remarks, they said, reflects a "gotcha" game by intellectual elitists who fail to understand him.
It is not surprising that Trump's working class base feels so differently than establishment elitists do about public lands.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: So when I decided to come to Davos I didn't think in terms of elitists or globalists.
These "elitists" are all hiding something, so prepare for plenty of jaw-dropping reveals throughout the lush eight-episode season.
Those are hard working Americans that are better off than those professional elitists who look down their nose at others.
These conclusions, Harris and Murray insist, are disputed only by head-in-the-sand elitists afraid of the policy implications.
The knock on the GOP was that it was composed of a bunch of pipe-smoking, out-of-touch elitists.
"The elitists, the lefties, the minority groups" are really ruining the country, of course, but there was a lot more.
The deep state mentality that supports the elitists is being challenged by those who have tasted a little economic freedom.
Another less condescending explanation is that the public favors these sorts of down-market entertainments specifically because elitists disfavor them.
Instead of liberals versus conservatives, we could have populists (like Trump) versus anti-Trump elitists (like Barack Obama and Mitt Romney).
" He said the efforts of "the silk-stocking Washington elitists to control the vote of the people of Alabama have failed.
The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders.
Exam-flunkers, meanwhile, are united by anger at the elitists who claim to be open as long as their jobs are protected.
Luckily, a band of self-satisfied elitists found him babbling on the streets, threw some pants on him, gave him a stage.
" She later defended her comments, saying she was standing up "for law-abiding citizens who are smeared by anti-gun liberal elitists.
For the NBA elitists that tune in because they have to, who manage to stay awake only to analyze a handful of prospects.
Indochino's flexible and convenient approach to tailoring strips away the notion that custom-made clothes are reserved for fashion elitists or the wealthy.
His point: Elitists would be as angry about illegal immigration as working-class people are if their own jobs were at risk, too.
He echoed his constituents' view that urban elitists were inflating taxes through social service programs and excessively generous contracts with public sector unions.
The State of the Union is about you and me, not the political class or the elitists on the left or the right.
By reducing Trump supporters to "ignorant deplorables," we only enhance our image as liberal elitists who couldn't care less about the working class.
Many voters here define themselves as culturally Republican and argue the liberals in urban, coastal California are elitists out of touch with rural lifestyles.
Far from destroying the GOP, Trump could save it by attracting disaffected working-class voters who are sick of D.C.'s incompetent pseudo-elitists.
And if you hate elitists and believe they are out to get Trump, then his lies become, in a remarkably twisted calculation, hard truths.
The energy expended by many "elitists" on constructing tortuous apologies for their advantages would be better invested in sharing the fruits of those advantages.
The true elitists are the 1 percenters who use their money to elect corrupt politicians and stir up class warfare to divide and conquer.
In Trump's view, elitists are always highly academically trained and always more concerned with protecting certain classes over meeting the needs of working people.
The elitists gussy up defense of their personal financial gain in the garb of morality and principle, but in the end it's just pure selfishness.
Both consider themselves to be "taking back" their respective countries from a varied cast of bogeymen: among them elitists, social justice warriors, Muslims and immigrants.
Politicians of the left and right argue that American capitalism fails ordinary people because it has been rigged by a cabal of self-serving elitists.
Dear Mr. President: You have a long habit of suggesting that journalists are a bunch of "elitists," a characterization echoed by some in your entourage.
At first blush, the Power emails may seem to be nothing more than political screeds from government elitists exhibiting their disbelief that America elected Trump.
Right-wing critics would have you believe so—that these moralizing elitists are making rules for the public that they themselves don't have to follow.
Trump represented a road to a summit from which his son-in-law could lord it over the elitists who had looked down on him.
Together, let us make a unified, concerted effort to drain the swamp of these self-important, idiotic elitists who have forgotten who their masters are.
The FPO portrays itself as the only alternative to Austria's entrenched duopoly of the Social Democrats and conservatives, denouncing them as elitists unwilling to impose reforms.
In other words, one more elitist clone of the elitists who dominate the federal judicial nominating process and who occupy every seat on the High Court.
Perhaps they're haughty, condescending elitists who see technology as a badge of social status, and an $800 cellphone as a way to lord that over others.
Liberal elitists, jargon-spouting intellectuals and anyone who got up in the morning blaming America for the world's ills would soon hear from him, and how.
When the electorate was more jumbled (for example, when the parties had similar numbers of racists and smug elitists) most Americans had interests in both camps.
"There are lots of elitists, I suppose, who are still slavishly devoted to a particular way of thinking about how classical music should be," he said.
Unlike some Democrats who shrink when attacked as elitists by Republicans, Ocasio-Cortez takes that charge on directly -- by leaning heavily into her own personal story.
Flake, on the other hand, thinks that the people of Arizona are ignorant and just need to be educated by him and his fellow DC elitists.
The steady background caterwauling by corporate and academic elitists about the perils of insufficient skilled immigration to the United States has reached a crescendo in recent months.
"You're helping Trump by saying 'F--- Trump,' because he can say 'look at these people, these elitists,' " Reiner told "Rising" co-hosts Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton.
Holding a copy of new record that I helped write was way more satisfying than playing another show to a ho-hum crowd of jaded Bay Area elitists.
Maduro has vowed to see his term through, however, blasting opposition politicians as coup-mongering elitists seeking to emulate the impeachment of fellow leftist Dilma Rousseff in Brazil.
"Don't let the elitists in this country, the power brokers in this country, tell you who's going to represent you in the United States Congress," he urged voters.
A good chunk of the electorate in working-class towns like Grimsby have come to see the Labour Party as big-city elitists, rather than blue-collar allies.
He views elitists as having lectured him his whole life about how to act and what to say -- even though they allegedly lack the life experience he has. 25.
"Maybe ask Saru Jayaraman from the National Restaurant Association or Ai-Jen Poo, director of the Domestic Farm Worker's Allience [sic] if they feel like they're Hollywood elitists," she tweeted.
Of course, their work has found an audience mainly in cities and college towns, and especially at the Sundance Film Festival, where liberal elitists from the coasts gather each January.
Yes, poor, backwards Southern rednecks are more generous than the fair-trade coffee-drinking elitists who look down their noses at them on their way to yoga instead of church.
The 70-year-old former judge has upended the race with a campaign promising to take on "silk-stocking Washington elitists," rolling out endorsements from the likes of former Gov.
People are tired of being told by these self-proclaimed elitists that they don't know what they're talking about, and they need to listen to the so-called smart people.
Here's a story that is perfect fuel for Trumpian populist resentment: those elitists at their private schools, they are giving the high hat to the the President-elect's most trusted advisor!
When conservatives need to cast liberals as aloof elitists they appoint themselves the poor white's defenders—until their ideology is threatened, and then it is time to take out the trash.
Yet their rage against "elitists" who continue to point out inconvenient truths is very real — because it's a fact of life that many people feel special hatred for those they've mistreated.
Equally critically, though, these dates show us why federal courts should matter to all of us — and why Trump's efforts to pack the courts with narrow-minded elitists are so dangerous.
Sanders himself has stoked fears of superdelegates, railing against them as undemocratic elitists who subvert the voters' will while also bizarrely petitioning them to ignore the public and give him the nomination.
A background paper from the conservative Heritage Foundation once dubbed the NEA "Welfare for Cultural Elitists" and accused it of funding pornography when it gave grants to a nude LGBT photo series.
But the education elitists and Senators continue to believe that only government-run education has a place in America today and that privately-run schools somehow do their students a great disservice.
We do not need elitists and social justice warriors such as Kaepernick to profit on our travails in a way that panders to base emotions and eradicates home, self-reliance, commitment, industry  and thrift.
Those elitists had used their media dominance to determine what the values of the country should be, values often at odds with what a majority of the middle of the country wanted them to be.
Marge Baker, the executive Vice President for People For the American Way, called the deal on judicial nominations the latest example of McConnell trying to "install ideological extremists and narrow minded elitists" onto the courts.
A year later, although menus now dispense with the envelopes and customers no longer receive playlists ("several people called us out on Yelp for being hipsters and elitists," Mr. Turgeon said), business is still booming.
Swing voters agree with many progressive ideas, from jobs to health care to higher taxes on the wealthy, but Democrats have a knack for antagonizing the working class by coming off as condescending, angry elitists.
At the root of this lay the agenda described in Mead's book: American workers were under siege by clueless elitists whose embrace of open borders, trade agreements and environmental zealotry was destroying the working class.
The opposition's December legislative victory has re-polarized parts of the OPEC-member nation and Maduro has reaped rewards for labeling some of his political rivals as divided elitists incapable of solving the economic crisis.
There is nothing – not more jobs, not higher incomes, not even less risk of nuclear war – that matters more to these elitists than their unhinged hatred of Donald Trump and everything and everyone he stands for.
" Obama, 54, said, "When our leaders express a disdain for facts, when they're not held accountable for repeating falsehoods and just making stuff up, when actual experts are dismissed as elitists, then we've got a problem.
Today, the sun is shining and I am bursting with pride that so many decent, ordinary British people refused to be cowed by the bullying tactics and politics of the bloated globalists and the liberal elitists.
Many conservative Republicans feel that frightening news of climate change usually comes from alarmist liberals who belittle their religious faith, elitists who condescend to them and a federal government that, until Mr. Trump, had forgotten them.
The governor tried to remove professors whom he considered elitists, defund expensive research labs and measure the productivity of faculty members on spreadsheets so that they could be paid according to the revenue they brought in.
For the Trump base, the mainstream media is the perfect foil, elitists beholden to the Georgetown cocktail circuit more than to rust belt values, less dedicated to breaking real news than to chasing clicks and ratings.
I think she's grandstanding with her New York elitists to position herself for 2020, as a spokesperson for the extreme left and she's out of touch with the people of Massachusetts -- we are a fairly moderate state.
It's hard to escape the conclusion that the purpose of the magazine is not to develop ideas, but rather to fashion a disguise, so that the vulgarity and profanity of Trumpism may become acceptable to prissy elitists.
Sports of The Times MILWAUKEE — Beware, Western Conference elitists, you splash-brothers-obsessed, "nothing hoops noteworthy occurs on the east side of the Mississippi River" sorts: The Milwaukee Bucks are legitimate contenders to grab an N.B.A. championship.
But as my colleague Adi Robertson has noted, such a system would almost certainly generate many false positives — giving conservatives in particular yet more reason to complain that they are being censored by liberal Silicon Valley elitists.
"By then, Lemon was laughing too hard to speak so Wilson continued in a mock Southern accent, apparently imitating people who voted for the president: "Donald Trump&aposs the smart one — any y&aposall elitists are dumb!
Kernen asks about whether Trump's decision to come to Davos doesn't contrast with his faux-populist branding, and Trump responds: So when I decided to come to Davos, I didn't think in terms of elitists or globalists.
I think, in this election, there was a lot of sense — and there's still the sense, if you look at Twitter — of the media is in our ivory tower, we're all elitists, and we didn't understand the country.
" Ricky Diaz, a spokesman for McCrory's gubernatorial campaign, wrote in a statement obtained by The Carolina Mercury that "it is the height of hypocrisy for these Hollywood elitists to deny their service to customers over a political disagreement.
If his message in 2016 was that the political establishment and cultural elitists were exploiting, ignoring and sneering at regular Americans, his message this time is that the opposition despises and is aggressively plotting to destroy MAGA country.
What FOX and talk radio have been teaching the right for decades is that native-born, working- and middle-class whites are locked in a zero-sum struggle with rising Others — minorities, immigrants, gays, coastal elitists, hippie environmentalists, etc.
Elitists like Zuckerberg try to make the argument that the bail system is unfair to poor people, but fail to understand that law-abiding citizens regardless of income level expect laws to be enforced that will keep them safe.
The elitists gave their game away, though, when they routinely cast Bernie Sanders and his supporters as virtual doppelgängers of the Trump crowd—another out-of-control and misguided mob, hopelessly immature and unrealistic about how the system works.
At the end of the day, it has to move forward, we have to expand our minds, and we have to be more open-minded to that crowd as well—because if we're not, if we're acting like elitists.
" The NRA alone, he declared, stood ready to lead the fight against tyranny imposed by the "global elitists and all their friends in the White House" who were conspiring to "hide the truth we all know in our gut.
Despite Obama, despite Hillary Clinton and despite a whole swarm of self-serving elitists seeking to suffocate American industry, we're just one election away from powering the Great American Comeback – and no one can deliver that better than Donald Trump.
On the culture side, they've tied education to liberalism -- not unfairly, since the highly educated do tend to be more liberal -- and portrayed the educated as elitists who are out of touch with authentic American values (and, apparently, authentic deli meats).
Days before the cinematic elite (or, elitists) at the Academy Awards select the "best" films, filmmakers, cast, and crew of 2015, you've probably already decided who you think deserves the big ticket categories like Best Actress, Best Directing, and Best Picture.
Representative Devin Nunes of California, who is a member of the executive committee advising Mr. Trump and is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said the transition was actually operating more efficiently because it was not filled with Washington elitists.
To Justice Democrats, the strategy of advertising a "Cuellar fund" and putting out a call for Texas candidates was a success, and to the congressman it shows that elitists from the coasts struggled to find a candidate who'd face him.
Many of them felt lost in the rapidly changing culture and hated that they were being told they had to change their long-held beliefs or risk being condemned by some elitists living in New York, Washington or Los Angeles.
Even its elitists, its Schlesingers and Bells, were tempered by the power of the labor movement, by the role Marxism still played in even liberal politics — forces too powerful to allow non-elite concerns to entirely escape the liberal mental horizon.
The two camps have broadly painted each other as, on one side, populists who are focused on expanding Bitcoin's commercial potential and, on the other side, elitists who are more concerned with protecting its status as a radical challenger to existing currencies.
Long before privilege awareness became fashionable, candidates (often from quite privileged backgrounds) would try to portray themselves as self-made (born in, as Bill Clinton would have it, log cabins of their own creation), and their opponents as out-of-touch elitists.
Instead, these elitists are endorsing a dangerous game of refugee roulette where only a select few win the lottery of resettlement in the U.S. Everyone else is left trying to survive another year until the next spin of the refugee roulette wheel.
In 453, a young Navy veteran, running as a Republican, unseated a New Deal Congress member in rural California with a campaign that promised, "Richard Nixon Is One of Us" — not one of the pointy-headed pinko elitists running things in Washington.
But the media's obsessive focus on this voting bloc would leave you to believe that Trump's voters largely live in areas hit by the decline in manufacturing, are suffering from economic anxiety, and turned out last Tuesday to voice their disdain for smug urban elitists.
Trump's executive order was done at the behest of a handful of members of Congress, who are unhappy with certain national monument designations, and a cabal of think tank elitists and corporate interests who don't understand the value of public lands to average Americans.
"It is now almost 2020, and here are our female candidates: the Meanie, the Lightweight, the Crazies, and the Angry, Dissembling Elitists," the journalist Rebecca Traister wrote, archly, in November, referring to the caricatures that have emerged of the women vying for the Democratic nomination.
Instead, he can offer him something almost better: He can offer Trump the chance to be aggrieved and defensive about someone who he believes to be on "his team," and who is being attacked by the liberal elitists of Hollywood for daring to be there.
Eventually, once the America First movement became a national organization, headquartered in Chicago, college students started to fall away in favor of conservative business leaders who wanted to stick it the liberal president they hated and Midwesterners who felt that East Coast elitists were condescending to them.
Even more remarkable is the oblivion on the left to the rioting in the streets of Paris by working class farmers, truck drivers, and laborers who are tired of paying higher taxes for $6 a gallon of gasoline to subsidize the new deal of the green elitists.
Because Democrats have trouble prioritizing the laundry list of goals and don't realize that individually popular goals — spur the economy, provide health coverage to those who need it — can become quite unpopular once they are combined and attacked as a big government project by liberal elitists.
All of his career moves included the same ingredients: an appreciation of the power of television, a sense of theatricality and a deep resentment of the "New York-Hollywood elitists" who he believed populated the rest of the news media and looked down on his America.
We have people who are elitists, who are part of the ruling class of this country, or pretenders to that throne, who are openly and willingly going out here and telling the American people who have voted for Donald Trump that they're stupid and they don't know any better.
And he sounded a populist note by contrasting his youth without a bathroom to the senator's roots in Mountain Brook, a wealthy Birmingham suburb that for decades has been used in Alabama campaigns as a symbol for elitists who are out of touch with the rest of the state.
From Paul Bloustein, Cincinnati, Ohio Paris climate change agreement withdrawal is no loss for US The Paris climate accord is nonbinding, commits signatories to emission standards they get to set, and has no meaningful enforcement mechanism (other than, I suppose, global elitists talking offending nations to death) to ensure compliance.
The red segment gathers its strength from those who did not graduate from college, blue-collar white males, evangelicals, Second Amendment adherents and Southerners, all of whom see Trump as someone willing to fight to preserve a way of life that they consider to be under attack from liberal elitists.
"If I felt that he needed me there, I'd have gone, but I think it's pretty much established and there might be some shenanigans by some of the elitists, but they've done that before," the Trump supporter said on WVOM radio, referring to efforts to deny Trump the delegates necessary to officially become the nominee.
He wants to cultivate the press as an enemy because it allows him to paint journalists as out-of-touch elitists (in contrast to his faux—tax cheat—man of the people schtick), and because his constant drumbeat of "fake news" lets him respond to any criticism by simply saying it was made up.
With the charismatic and controversial Bill O'Reilly as its public face and Ailes as the strategic mastermind behind the scenes, Fox News Channel built its appeal on the idea that the mainstream media was full of East Coast elitists and liberals who not only ignored the concerns of the everyman but sneered at them.
When Trump was found to have said a series of deeply misogynistic things during an "Access Hollywood" taping, his supporters insisted that the freakout over his remarks was simply a function of elitists pushing their PC ideals down everyone's throat rather than simply just acknowledging that no one should talk like that about women.
Even if there is an economic collapse when Britain leaves the European Union — as most analysts think is likely — her mandate probably won't be hurt: Already the right-wing press is lining up to lay the blame for the coming crisis on the bad attitude of "Remoaners," as it has labeled the "liberal elitists" who remain pro-Europe even after the referendum result.
Within two generations, these forces succeeded in stealing the essence of success from a once formidable community, leading to the pathologies we suffer today and the rise of the royalty class of black elitists, reflected by a Nike-powered, 22019-year-old multi-millionaire whose message to young black boys and girls who revere him is not inspirational but instead one that denigrates the spirit of hope, effort and enterprise.

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