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108 Sentences With "earthlike"

How to use earthlike in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "earthlike" and check conjugation/comparative form for "earthlike". Mastering all the usages of "earthlike" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"Titan has really revealed an Earthlike world," Dr. Lebreton said.
But it may be even more Earthlike than we knew.
Why, then, do they still insist on categorizing this planet as Earthlike?
"We've found an Earthlike planet around our nearest star," the cover asks.
Perhaps it truly was a little more Earthlike than its current appearance suggests.
Because of the nature of its atmosphere, Titan is a very Earthlike place.
"I grew up wondering if there were other Earthlike planets out there," he said.
"It's a very Earthlike environment that could, for all we know, support life," Lunine said.
This is neither the closest system known, nor does it contain the most Earthlike exoplanet.
It may be that, in the next few decades, we will identify a nearby Earthlike planet.
Adda's hair, which fell over her eyes in Earthlike gravity, drifted up and out of her way.
One reason the search for an Earthlike planet is so compelling is that it is unexpectedly nostalgic.
"There are viable models and stories that lead to a viable Earthlike planet today," Dr. Anglada-Escudé said.
Not everyone, mind you: Researchers now estimate that there are one billion Earthlike exoplanets in the Milky Way.
The earthlike planets that will be studied by the James Webb telescope will be selected from among TESS's finds.
Is it coming from an earthlike planet in orbit around Proxima Centauri, or from a galaxy far, far away?
Since red dwarfs are the commonest stars, the most likely place to find an Earthlike planet is in orbit around one.
On the horizon behind this uncannily Earthlike mesa, the distant rim of Gale Crater appears ghostly behind a haze of dust.
" This sentence represents an interesting paradigm shift in the history of plush fictional spacecraft, because it correlates "luxury" directly to "Earthlike.
Astronomers' instruments are not yet sensitive enough to spot Earth-size planets in Earthlike orbits around stars similar to our sun.
With the big light extinguished, the little lights, including a potential Earthlike planet and everything it might represent, will become clear.
Kepler's biggest quarry was Earthlike planets at just the right distance around their stars for liquid water to exist on their surfaces.
To even claim the existence of an Earthlike planet is also to claim, rightly or wrongly, that we know and understand our planet.
In its youth, more than three billion years ago, the planet was warmer and wetter, blanketed with a thick atmosphere — possibly almost Earthlike.
Indeed, with balmy temperatures and habitable pressures, this region of Venus's atmosphere is the most Earthlike environment in the solar system, excepting Earth itself.
Alternatively, all planets may form in the same way, as mini-Neptunes with rocky Earthlike cores surrounded by thick atmospheres of hydrogen and helium.
This planetary bounty more than doubles the number of confirmed planets that Kepler has already found, and some of them are thought to be Earthlike.
Astronomers expect that a few decades of technological advances are needed before similar observations can be made of Earthlike planets around larger, brighter sunlike stars.
Rather than conquering terrain and imposing Earthlike conditions—"terraforming"—the idea was to incorporate machines and drugs to make people adapt to a new reality.
NASA's Kepler Telescope, which is on a mission to find Earthlike planets, documented KIC 8462852's abnormality after monitoring the star system from 2009 to 2013.
But Proxima Centauri is much smaller and dimmer than our sun, and the planet, even if similar in size to Earth, would not be particularly Earthlike.
Although the alien world is likely more akin to Jupiter than Earth in mass, it's easy to imagine what might happen to a wildly eccentric Earthlike planet.
METI, by contrast, would be very deliberately sending messages to specific locations, such as Proxima B, an Earthlike planet in the habitable zone near our closest neighbor, Proxima Centauri.
On the moon Titan, it revealed surprisingly Earthlike geographic features and great lakes of liquid natural gas on its surface that outweigh all the oil and gas reserves on Earth.
Similarly, E.S.A.'s Planetary transits and oscillations of stars or Plato spacecraft, will also look for transits of Earthlike planets that may reside in "goldilocks" zones in other stellar systems.
" Referring to the recent announcement that scientists had discovered a distant planet with earthlike qualities, Mr. Kimmel quipped: "This might not be the best time to make contact with aliens.
On Titan, Cassini and Huygens revealed surprisingly Earthlike geographic features and great lakes of liquid natural gas on the moon's surface that outweigh all the oil and gas reserves on Earth.
The first pictures of Earthlike worlds may come from enormous ground-based observatories, including the Giant Magellan Telescope in Chile, which are poised to come online starting in the mid-2020s.
Scientists are working off computer models that offer mere hints of what's possible: Conditions could be Earthlike, but they could also be hellish like Venus, or cold and dry like Mars.
Titan is kind of like a bizarro version of Earth: It has a thick, nitrogen-dense atmosphere, where it rains down methane and other liquid hydrocarbons, which flow into amazing, earthlike features.
Uber is facing a sexual harassment claim as well as a lawsuit from Google, NASA discovered planets with what could prove to be Earthlike conditions, and more information was revealed about Apple's new Apple Park campus.
VAMP would be able to spend up to a year gliding above Venus at altitudes of 30 to 45 miles (50 to 70 kilometers) where conditions are surprisingly Earthlike, in contrast to the inferno that lies below.
A scientific research consortium on Tuesday announced plans to build and launch a privately financed telescope the size of a small washing machine in hopes of finding an Earthlike planet in the Alpha Centauri system, one of our closest cosmic neighbors.
Less than a quarter of the way through a two-year search for nearby Earthlike worlds, TESS has already discovered 203 possible planets, according to George R. Ricker, an astrophysicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the leader of the project.
"We're studying the habitable zones of Earthlike worlds," including those beyond our solar system, in order to figure out where we should be looking for life, author Michael J. Way of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies told me over the phone.
That includes Venus, which is actually so Earthlike—despite the fact that it's blazing-hot and inhospitable to us humans—that it's often called Earth's twin: They're both rocky, they have a similar size and mass, and they're neighbours in our solar system.
If there are a lot of otherwise earthlike planets boasting neither complex life nor big moons, the idea may be taken to have some merit, as it would if those searching for signals from alien intelligence found such signals coming from big-mooned planets.
With an extensive sample of this sort it should be possible to estimate how many Earthlike worlds exist in the galaxy, and what fraction of those are located at a distance from their parent star that might permit liquid water to form on their surfaces.
"Some of the ever-increasing number of exoplanets identified around stars other than our sun may be similarly rocky and layered, though Earthlike worlds are smaller than the giant exoplanets whose size makes them easiest to find," NASA said in a press release earlier this year.
More particular, she wants to find an Earthlike exoplanet — a rocky planet of reasonable mass that orbits its star within a temperate "Goldilocks zone" that is not too hot or too cold, which would allow water to remain liquid — and determine that there is life on it.
In order to pass from the conclusion that planets which are really Earth-like are rare to the conclusion that it is the reason why we don't perceive advanced aliens, we need the step in which we prove that any advanced aliens must evolve in the Earthlike setting.
Katja Novitskova, who is representing Estonia at this year's Venice Biennale, likes to emphasize the dissolution of scale that digital images allow: E. coli bacteria and embryonic stem cells are blown up to human height; a roundworm is magnified to appear as large as an image of Saturn's earthlike moon, Titan.
He points out that "there are more single-celled organisms alive on Earth than there are Earthlike planets in the observable universe"; that the number of single-celled organisms that have lived on this planet over the course of 3.8 billion years is beyond calculation; that these organisms have interacted "gazillions" of times (I love it when words of the appropriate magnitude desert even the experts).
Mars is also sufficiently Earthlike to allow humans to walk its surface (with training in thin-air chambers) unprotected.
Titan: Exploring an Earthlike World. World Scientific. pp. 154–155. lake on Titan, Saturn's moon, was named after the dam in 2007.Titan: Sotonera Lacus.
The story occurs partly in the 'Conglomerate', a cabal of business corporations ruling a dystopian, interplanetary human society, and partly on 'Planet Anomaly', an Earthlike world populated by multiple hominoid species.
Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis wrote in The Journal of Baháʼí Studies that Shikasta is the "symbolic rendering of the coming of a new prophet to an earthlike planet", and relates it to principles of the Baháʼí Faith.
Such large eruptions threaten civilization.Rampino, M.R., 2002, Super eruptions as a threat to civilizations on earthlike planets: Icarus , v. 156, p. 562-569.Rampino, M.R., 2008, Supervolcanism and other geophysical processes of catastrophic import, in Bostrom, N., and Mirkovich, M.M., eds.
Electricity would also be generated via this system. Small artificial gas giant planets could be constructed from excess hydrogen and helium to store it for future use. Excess gas could also be used to build new earthlike planets to custom specifications.
"Of Missing Persons" is a 1955 science fiction short story by American writer Jack Finney, which describes a burned-out bank teller named Charley Ewell living in 1955 New York City who receives a chance to emigrate from Earth to Verna, a lush, earthlike planet light-years away.
The unnamed Renewal campaign world (sometimes referred to as "The Land") lies at the centre of the campaign's cosmology, surrounded by six more or less earthlike worlds and twelve supernatural worlds (including a plane of the undead, a plane of demons, a "pole" of spirits and the like). People from the Land very rarely travel to any of the other worlds, and the denizens of the other worlds only slightly more frequently visit the Land. Several nations from one of the more earthlike worlds - the Keltoi, the Tagmatoi and the Amgeara (parallel versions of the Fir Cruthen, the Teutonians and the Al'Gaia, respectively) - invaded the Land in 1108 and 1109, before the portal connecting the two worlds was eventually sealed in 1110.
All of Weinbaum's nine interplanetary stories were set in a consistent Solar System that was scientifically accurate by 1930s standards. The avian, botanical Martians of "A Martian Odyssey" and "Valley of Dreams", for instance, are mentioned in "Redemption Cairn" and "The Red Peri", and the tripedal Venusian trioptes of "Parasite Planet" and "The Lotus Eaters" are mentioned in "The Mad Moon," and the vicious, pseudomammalian pests of that story appear in Valley of Dreams as minor antagonists. The rock-eating Pyramid-Makers of Mars are mentioned in "Tidal Moon". In Weinbaum's Solar System, in accordance with the then-current near-collision hypothesis, the gas giants radiate heat, enough to warm their satellites to Earthlike temperatures, allowing for Earthlike environments on Io, Europa, Titan, and even Uranus.
Ladoga Lacus is a geographical feature on Saturn's largest moon, Titan, named after Lake Ladoga, Russia. It is one of a number of "methane lakes" found in Titan's north polar region. The lake, detected in 2004 by the Cassini space probe, is composed of liquid ethane and methane.Athéna Coustenis, F. W. Taylor Titan: Exploring an Earthlike World.
On December 5, 2011, scientists from the Kepler mission announced that a possible Earthlike world (Kepler-22b) had been discovered orbiting in the star's habitable zone by NASA's Kepler spacecraft. This was significant in that it was the first relatively Earth-sized extrasolar planet (about twice as big) confirmed to be orbiting within a star's habitable zone.
The Kree were introduced to the Ultimate Marvel reality by the miniseries Ultimate Secret. The Ultimate Kree are brownish ichthyoid humanoids with green glowing eyes. They breathe an earthlike atmosphere, and their throats are unable to speak English without surgical modification. Ultimate Kree have referred to a Supreme Intelligence, but it has not yet been shown.
The lake is composed of liquid ethane and methaneAthéna Coustenis, F. W. Taylor Titan: Exploring an Earthlike World. (World Scientific, 2008) pp. 154–155. . and was detected by the Cassini–Huygens space probe. Indications are that it is an Intermittent lake and so was named in 2013 Five New Names Approved for Use on Titan after the Great Rann of Kutch, India-Pakistan.
GamePro commented that the game is solidly made, but derivative. They elaborated that the weapons are not truly important to the action and that many of the outer space locales "look suspiciously Earthlike", leaving the "terrific" four-player mode as the only element to set Top Gear 3000 apart from the many racers which preceded it. Nintendo Power gave it a rating of 3.2/5.
If the planet has a very thin atmosphere, a thick ice crust forms over most of the surface, but the substellar point remains hot enough to yield a region of thin ice or even episodically open water. If the planet has an atmosphere with Earthlike pressures, containing approximately 20% (molar) carbon dioxide, then the greenhouse effect is sufficiently strong to maintain a pool of open water under the substellar point with temperatures comparable to the Earth's tropics. This state has been dubbed "Eyeball Earth" by the author. Modeling of the effect of tidal locking on Gliese 581g's possible atmosphere, using a general circulation model employing an atmosphere with Earthlike surface pressure but a highly idealized representation of radiative processes, indicates that for a solid-surface planet the locations of maximum warmth would be distributed in a sideways chevron-shaped pattern centered near the substellar point.
Star System The first step of the process allows the GM to, in a matter of minutes, populate the star system with several adventure-worthy planets and moons of specific size, position and "type" (the "Planet Type" is a rough gauge of the habitability of the world; either Earthlike, Tolerable, or Hostile.) Geographical Features If the players wish to approach a planet from the system's jump point, the next step guides the GM in generating the physical features of the planet; atmosphere, temperature, distribution of water bodies, mountains, deserts, etc. The "Planet Type" (Earthlike, Hostile, etc.) is now used to extrapolate details such as the mean temperature and the atmosphere classification (e. g. Thin, Normal, Contaminated, Corrosive) - although the actual chemical composition of the atmosphere is not specified. At this point, the GM can produce a map of the world using the appropriately sized World Log from the rulebook.
Map of "Thanator, the Jungle Moon" by Lin Carter Callisto is presented as having an Earthlike, even tropical environment, capable of supporting human and other life. An unexplained illusion makes the moon appear an airless, lifeless orb to outside observers. The moon is tidally locked to Jupiter, always presenting the same face to its mother planet. Callisto's known civilized area is limited to this side of the moon.
Rochard is a two-dimensional side-scrolling platformer taking place in three-dimensional scenes. The player character works his way through a series of environments, each containing a mix of puzzle and combat encounters. To overcome these challenges, the player has access to several tools and mechanics that relate to gravity, weight and matter properties. Players can change the gravity between “normal” earthlike gravity and low gravity by holding the L1/LB/Shift button.
Eviless was introduced in Wonder Woman #10 (1944), but not formally by name until issue #28. A slave driver from Saturn (later retconned as a subatomic earthlike world near or within Saturn), Eviless and Duke Mephisto Saturno (of the Saturnian Invasion Force) battled Wonder Woman.Wonder Woman #10 (1944) Although defeated by Wonder Woman, she later returned after being taken to Transformation Island. She pretended to die by controlling her heartbeat and stole the Golden Lasso.
Composite images of the Earth created by NASA in 2001 Earth is the only known planet with seas of liquid water on its surface, although Mars possesses ice caps and similar planets in other solar systems may have oceans.Ravilious, Kate (21 Apr 2009). "Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans" in National Geographic. Earth's of sea contain about 97.2 percent of its known water and cover more than 70 percent of its surface.
The book is both an adventure story and a satire on the scientific dispute over Creationism. It is set on Kforri, an earthlike planet of the star Muphrid (Eta Boötis). There descendants of space travelers from Earth have reverted to a pre-technological society. The truth of their origin has faded into legend, and as a result the story of the space voyage and the scientific theory of evolution have become competing accounts of the genesis of humanity.
"Pale orange dots: The impact of organic haze on the habitability and detectability of earthlike exoplanets." In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, volume 48 Oceanus would explore Titan and help understand habitability across the Universe. Oceanus was proposed to launch in February 2024 with a 10-year flight time to Titan. The spacecraft would spend two years orbiting Saturn and flying by Titan which would be followed by two years in a circular Titan orbit.
Silicon-based beings native to the planet (Excalbians) create a habitable earthlike area on the surface. There, Kirk and Spock, along with replicas of Abraham Lincoln and Surak are pitted against replicas of four historical figures considered "evil" by the Federation. Ostensibly this is so that they can gain an understanding of the concept of "good vs. evil" In the videogame StarCraft, the main hive world of the Zerg is located on Char, a planet with important volcanic activity.
Much of his science fiction is thoroughly grounded in science (with the addition of unscientific but standard speculations such as faster- than-light travel). A specialty was imagining scientifically plausible non- Earthlike planets. Perhaps the best known was the planet of The Man Who Counts in which Anderson adjusted its size and composition so that humans could live in the open air but flying intelligent aliens could evolve, and he explored the consequences of those adjustments.
By the 1970s, the ideas of canals and ancient civilizations had to be abandoned. Authors soon began writing stories based on the new Mars (frequently treating it as a desert planet). Most of these works feature humans struggling to tame the planet, and some of them refer to terraforming (using technology to transform a planet's environment to be Earthlike). A common theme, particularly among American writers, is that of a Martian colony fighting for independence from Earth.
In Weinbaum's Solar System, Jupiter radiates enough heat to create Earthlike environments on the Galilean moons. Io, the innermost Galilean satellite, has a tropical climate, so that two human settlements are located at the poles, Junopolis in the north and Herapolis in the south. Extending partway around the equator are the Idiots' Hills, whose peaks extend beyond Io's "dense but shallow" atmosphere. Weinbaum was ignorant that Io is tidally locked, and therefore showed Jupiter rise and set during the story.
Janhunen has proposed a lighting solution for an O'Neill Cylinder. In Janhunen's concept sunlight is concentrated by cylindrical paraboloid concentrators and reflected by semi-toroidal and conical reflectors and controlled by local blinders to simulate earthlike diurnal and seasonal illumination cycles. The rural wall living cylinder is divided into 20 z-directed valleys which are in different phases of the light cycles. No moving parts are needed other than numerous and easily accessible local blinders that regulate light input into the valleys.
"The team has discovered the most Earthlike planet yet", said Michael Turner, assistant director for the mathematical and physical sciences directorate at the National Science Foundation, which supported the work. At the time of discovery, with 5.5 Earth masses, the planet was less massive than the previous candidate for lowest-mass exoplanet around a main-sequence star, the 7.5 Earth mass Gliese 876 d. Since 2013, many Earth-sized or smaller planets around main-sequence stars have been detected by the Kepler spacecraft and others.
Another star in the catalog, Gliese 581, has been the subject of controversy: In 2010 Steven S. Vogt and R. Paul Butler reported the existence of Gliese 581g, an earthlike planet in the star's habitable zone. Within months a group led by Michel Mayor published a paper refuting the validity of the claim. As of 2013 the issue is unresolved. A number of stars in this list that are listed under other names also possess Gliese designations; they may be found by searching on "Gliese".
In Weinbaum's Solar System, Jupiter radiates enough heat to create Earthlike environments on the Galilean moons. Ganymede, the third Galilean satellite, has a subarctic climate, large bodies of water, and a six-month rotation period. Due to Jupiter's tidal pull, every spot on Ganymede's surface is inundated with water every three months except a small area of the south pole where the human settlement of Hydropole is located. The Ganymedian natives, the Nympus, grow a mosslike plant called cree which is ordinarily red, but which turns blue when exposed to the ammonia in Ganymede's atmosphere.
They follow Campesino to an Earthlike world a hundred light years from the remains of a supernova. Landing on the world, Trevelyan discovers that it once had a race of intelligent natives who were wiped out four centuries earlier when the supernova's radiation front passed by. Their buildings are still mostly intact, and Trevelyan realizes that that is the secret to Murdoch's plan: he won't have to build housing or other infrastructure for his settlers, because he can simply renovate the deserted native buildings. Murdoch stands to become the richest man in the Stellar Union.
Burroughs' vision of Mars was loosely inspired by astronomical speculation of the time, especially that of Percival Lowell, who saw the planet as a formerly Earthlike world now becoming less hospitable to life due to its advanced age, whose inhabitants had built canals to bring water from the polar caps to irrigate the remaining arable land.Baxter, pp. 186-7 Lowell was influenced by Italian astronomer, Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, who in 1878, had observed features on Mars he called canali (Italian for "channels"). Mistranslation of this into English as "canals" fueled belief the planet was inhabited.
Burroughs's vision of Mars was loosely inspired by astronomical speculation of the time, especially that of Percival Lowell, who saw the planet as a formerly Earthlike world now becoming less hospitable to life due to its advanced age, whose inhabitants had built canals to bring water from the polar caps to irrigate the remaining arable land.Baxter, pp. 186-7. Lowell was influenced by Italian astronomer, Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, who in 1878, had observed features on Mars he called canali (Italian for "channels"). Mistranslation of this into English as "canals" fuelled belief the planet was inhabited.
The game's setting is a unique unnamed fantasy world. The world is more or less Earthlike, and the known, populated continent that hosts the player characters and their communities is a temperate-to-subarctic landmass broadly equivalent to Eurasia. There are nine intelligent humanoid races in the CP setting: humans, elves, dark elves, dwarves, four "greenskin" races (orcs, ogres, goblins, and trolls) and a variety of animal-human hybrids collectively known as beastmen. All are more or less evenly-distributed across the world's population (and thus player base), with some variation among the different factions.
A direct, to-scale, comparison between the primary mirrors of the Hubble Space Telescope, James Webb Space Telescope, and LUVOIR-A (HDST). LUVOIR-A, previously known as the High Definition Space Telescope (HDST), would be composed of 36 mirror segments with an aperture of in diameter, offering images up to 24 times sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope. LUVOIR-A would be large enough to find and study the dozens of Earthlike planets in our nearby neighborhood. It could resolve objects such as the nucleus of a small galaxy or a gas cloud on the way to collapsing into a star and planets.
The first to use the expression "original man," or "heavenly man," was Philo, in whose view the , or , "as being born in the image of God, has no participation in any corruptible or earthlike essence; whereas the earthly man is made of loose material, called a lump of clay."Philo, De Allegoriis Legum, I. xii. The heavenly man, as the perfect image of the Logos, is neither man nor woman, but an incorporeal intelligence purely an idea; while the earthly man, who was created by God later, is perceptible to the senses and partakes of earthly qualities.Philo, De Mundi Opificio, i. 46.
While Alstair and the remaining officers pilot the Adastra to Proxima Centauri I, the Centaurian homeworld, the automated ship will be flown to Proxima Centauri II, an Earthlike world that has long since been stripped of its native animal life and abandoned by the Centaurians. After Gary and Bradley land on Proxima Centauri II and release the animals there, Alstair reaches the Centaurian homeworld. Alstair rigs the Adastra's engines to explode, setting off a chain reaction that will destroy the Centaurian homeworld and exterminate the Centaurians, leaving Gary and Bradley to await the arrival of the next ship from Earth.
The scenario created was that of a binary star system in the globular cluster, Messier 13, with an Earthlike planet called Troas (or more informally, "Junior") located at one of the system's Lagrangian points. An earlier expedition to Troas for colonization had suffered some mysterious disaster, and a second expedition is being sent to find out if "Junior" was suitable for colonization, and to find out what happened to the first expedition. Asimov finished his short story, and then Anderson finished a story called "Question and Answer", but Kidd (or James Blish) never completed the third story. The proposed book was never printed.
Orbiting the star are three planets, whose discovery was announced in 2008; the discovery paper was published in 2009. The inner planet has a mass at least 7.5 times that of Earth, and is termed a super-Earth (this classification is based solely on the mass of the planet and should not be taken to imply that the planet could support Earthlike conditions). The middle planet and the outer planet are gas giants. The orbital periods for three planets are 9.3743 days for a 7.56 ME planet, 962 days for a 0.64 MJ planet, and 2172 days for a 0.54 MJ planet.
But the 5th expansion had no reference to "winter", was not time-scheduled and had no content description, only stating a cryptic "soon" reference. The ability to walk around and the types of worlds players can land on is expected to be expanded during upcoming seasons, with landing on planets with atmospheres or earthlike worlds not being part of the Horizons season, but due at a later stage. An example of a character on the Holo-Me page in Elite Dangerous On 24 February 2017, due to the new discovery in the Trappist-1 system, the 2.3 update would be delayed to put it in the game.
Artist's impression of a potentially habitable exomoon orbiting a gas giant. Upsilon Andromedae d lies in the habitable zone of Upsilon Andromedae A as defined both by the ability for an Earthlike world to retain liquid water at its surface and based on the amount of ultraviolet radiation received from the star. For a stable orbit the ratio between the moon's orbital period Ps around its primary and that of the primary around its star Pp must be < 1/9, e.g. if a planet takes 90 days to orbit its star, the maximum stable orbit for a moon of that planet is less than 10 days.
John Lorenzen is an astronomer from Lunopolis who is recruited by the Lagrange Institute for the second expedition to Troas. At this time, Earth is still recovering from a two-century-long era of war and chaos that began with the Soviet conquest of North America in World War III and ended with the unification of the Solar System at the conclusion of a war between Mars and Venus. Twenty-two years after the discovery of a faster-than-light drive, Troas is the only Earthlike world to be discovered, and enthusiasm for interstellar travel is waning. If Troas is not opened to colonization, humanity may give up interstellar travel altogether.
First appearance: The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, April 1966. A prototype faster-than-light spacecraft crewed by two men is sent to the Sirius system, known from robotic exploration to include an earthlike world. In orbit around the world, they notice that one of the continents has a thin, strange border all the way round its coastline, which radiates a low heat and appears black in visible light. After exploring the edges of the smaller continents, and discovering that the ocean hosts only one lifeform—a single species of algae that they think might have been genetically engineered—they decide to explore the large continent with the border.
She confronted Zophar in an epic battle, and was only able to stop him by using her powers of creation to seal him in another dimension, destroying nearly all life on the planet in the process. Unable to restore the planet until several millennia had passed, Althena instead chose to transform the planet's moon into an earthlike world, and transported the survivors there. These included not only humans but also a race of "beast-men," and another race of elf-like beings skilled in wielding magic. There was also a fourth race of people who would later come to be known as "The Vile Tribe" after they rejected Althena's teachings.
This means that any large structure filled with air would float on the carbon dioxide, with the air's natural buoyancy counteracting the weight of the structure itself. At an altitude of 50 km above the Venerean surface, the environment is the "most Earthlike in the solar system",Landis, quoted in Atkinson op. cit. with a pressure of approximately 1 bar and temperatures in the 0°C-50°C range. Because there is not a significant pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the breathable-air balloon, any rips or tears would cause gases to diffuse at normal atmospheric mixing rates, giving time to repair any such damage.
The player takes on the role of the eponymous Jett Rocket, a planetary inspector who is tasked with stopping the Power Plant Posse (PPP) from polluting the Earthlike planet Yoroppa. The objective is to clear each stage within the planet's three areas: the lush and tropical Atoll, the glacial and snowy Northpole, and the toxic and junglelike Swamps. Within each stage lies a set number of solar cells, many of which are scattered about and some of which are hidden, that Jett must collect in order to unlock each stage and gain access to the subsequent areas. Additionally, Jett must defeat a general of the PPP at the end of each area.
The scenario created was that of a binary star system in the Messier 13 globular cluster with an Earthlike planet called Troas (or more informally, Junior) located at one of the system's Lagrangian points. An earlier expedition to Troas had suffered some mysterious disaster, and a second expedition was being mounted to determine if the planet was suitable for colonization, and to find out what happened to the first expedition. Anderson finished his story, and Asimov finished a story called "Sucker Bait", but Blish (or Kidd) never completed the third story, and the proposed book never saw print. Anderson was able to sell Question and Answer to Astounding (where it appeared a few months after "Sucker Bait") and later to Ace Books.
In a 1996 Analog Science Fiction and Fact article,Analog Science Fiction and Fact, vCXVI #11, September 1996: "Children from the Sky" by Duncan Lunan Lunan speculated that the Green children of Woolpit were mistakenly transported to Earth due to malfunction in a matter transmitter. He also claimed that he can trace the Green Girl's descendants to the present. Taking a lead from Robert Burton's The Anatomy of Melancholy, he suggests that the children were accidentally returned from a settlement of humans established by extraterrestrials on an earthlike world with a trapped synchronous orbit rotation with unusual genetically modified vegetation, which would allegedly explain their unusual skin color. He presented his theory on 9 November 2011 episode of Ground Zero Live conducted by Clyde Lewis.
Through studies of the present cloud structure and geology of the surface, combined with the fact that the luminosity of the Sun has increased by 25% since around 3.8 billion years ago, it is thought that the early environment of Venus was more like that of Earth with liquid water on the surface. At some point in the evolution of Venus, a runaway greenhouse effect occurred, leading to the current greenhouse-dominated atmosphere. The timing of this transition away from Earthlike is not known, but is estimated to have occurred around 4 billion years ago. The runaway greenhouse effect may have been caused by the evaporation of the surface water and the rise of the levels of greenhouse gases that followed.
Burroughs vision of Mars was loosely inspired by astronomical speculation of the time, especially that of Percival Lowell, who saw the planet as a formerly Earthlike world now becoming less hospitable to life due to its advanced age, whose inhabitants had built canals to bring water from the polar caps to irrigate the remaining arable land. Lowell was influenced by Italian astronomer, Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, who in 1878, had observed features on Mars he called canali (Italian for "channels"). A misunderstanding that "canals" implied water, fueled belief that the planet was inhabited. The theory of an inhabited planet with flowing water was disproved by data provided by Russian and American probes such as the two Viking missions which found a dead, frozen world where water could not exist in a fluid state.
Burroughs' vision of Mars was loosely inspired by astronomical speculation of the time, especially that of Percival Lowell, who saw the planet as a formerly Earthlike world now becoming less hospitable to life due to its advanced age, whose inhabitants had built canals to bring water from the polar caps to irrigate the remaining arable land. Lowell was influenced by Italian astronomer, Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, who in 1878, had observed features on Mars he called canali (Italian for "channels"). Mistranslation of this into English as "canals" fuelled belief the planet was inhabited. The theory of an inhabited planet with flowing water was disproved by data provided by Russian and American probes such as the two Viking missions which found a dead, frozen world where water could not exist in a fluid state.
Burroughs' vision of Mars was loosely inspired by astronomical speculation of the time, especially that of Percival Lowell, who saw the planet as a formerly Earthlike world now becoming less hospitable to life due to its advanced age, whose inhabitants had built canals to bring water from the polar caps to irrigate the remaining arable land. Lowell was influenced by Italian astronomer, Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, who in 1878, had observed features on Mars he called canali (Italian for "channels"). Mistranslation of this into English as "canals" fuelled belief the planet was inhabited. The theory of an inhabited planet with flowing water was disproved by data provided by Russian and American probes such as the two Viking missions which found a dead, frozen world where water could not exist in a fluid state.
Following his expedition to the night side of Venus, the Smithsonian Institution appoints Hamilton "Ham" Hammond to head an expedition to Uranus. In Weinbaum's version of the Solar System, all of the gas giants generate significant amounts of infrared radiation, enough to produce Earthlike environments on the inner moons of Jupiter and Saturn and on the surface of Uranus itself. At the time "The Planet of Doubt" takes place at the turn of the 22nd century, the limited range of the spaceships ensures that Uranus can only be reached from the American base on Titan when Saturn reaches conjunction with Uranus, an event that occurs once every forty years.Weinbaum makes an astronomical error here; while there is indeed a conjunction of Uranus and Saturn in 2100, it is the wrong conjunction, placing Saturn and Uranus on the opposite sides of the Sun, instead of on the same side.
Scientists have monitored only a relatively small number of stars in the search for exoplanets. The discovery of a potentially habitable planet like Gliese 581g so early in the search might mean that habitable planets are more widely distributed than had been previously believed. According to Vogt, the discovery "implies an interesting lower limit on η as there are only ~116 known solar-type or later stars ... out to the 6.3 parsec distance of GJ 581". This finding foreshadows what Vogt calls a new, second Age of Discovery in exoplanetology: If the fraction of stars with potentially habitable planets (η, "eta-Earth") is on the order of a few tens of percent as Vogt proposes, and the Sun's stellar neighborhood is a typical sample of the galaxy, then the discovery of Gliese 581g in the habitable zone of its star points to the potential of billions of Earthlike planets in our Milky Way galaxy alone.
Set in an era "one hundred years from now", Ocean is a science fiction story that tells the tale of Nathan Kane, a United Nations special weapons inspector, and his mission to Cold Harbor, a UN research station in orbit around Europa. The Harbor's scientists have discovered a set of nonhuman artifacts in the ocean deep below the ice that covers the moon, and further research reveals that the artifacts are the powerful weapons, wormhole-based transport system, and cryogenic resting place of a conquering warlike race of prehuman beings. This culture's home world was located between Mars and Jupiter, and in their ongoing civil war against each other, they wrought great damage on Mars, which used to be a far more temperate, colonized Earthlike planet before its atmosphere was destroyed in the same conflict that also utterly destroyed their home planet, its remains eventually becoming the asteroid belt. This last act was apparently a threshold event of some kind that caused the culture to lay down their arms, possibly out of shame or out of fear of some kind of reprisal.

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