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23 Sentences With "dustups"

How to use dustups in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "dustups" and check conjugation/comparative form for "dustups". Mastering all the usages of "dustups" from sentence examples published by news publications.

So there have been a few ugly dustups between cities and companies.
PELOSI-TRUMP DUSTUPS Thursday was not the first time Pelosi had disparaged Trump.
She knows they threaten university presidents with withdrawing donations over these free speech dustups.
Now it finds itself close to the heart of these two major trade secret dustups.
The in-court dustups Monday elicited audible gasps from the gallery, including from family members of victims.
Fan dustups are often proxy wars for larger social conflicts, like changing demographics or post-#MeToo feminism.
But there are lingering frustrations from the primary season, so there may be a few dustups in Philadelphia.
In that sense, for his fans, Yiannopoulos on pedophilia is reminiscent of two recent caught-on-tape dustups.
Meanwhile, there were new dustups this past week between Trump White House aides and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Beyond the day-to-day barbs traded on Twitter, some of the biggest dustups between the factions have landed around endorsements.
To start off, two California drivers got into serious dustups because they completely misunderstood or misused their Teslas' ability to drive themselves.
Mnuchin, who was a Hollywood producer and banker before joining the Trump administration, has had a few public relations dustups of late.
But McCain so clearly takes all of her political dustups personally, sometimes to the point of tears, and the whole routine is woefully ineffective.
This is also likely an irritant to Abe, who's tried very hard to flatter and placate Trump to avoid just these kinds of international dustups.
Yet apart from that and similar dustups as a teenager — "I'm surprised I still have my teeth," Washington muses — he didn't have much to go on.
And with each of these dustups came an exhausting rinse-and-repeat peanut gallery debate on social media over whether the jokes in question actually merited all this hand-wringing.
The battle for control of the South China Sea has been simmering for a number of years, with an increasing number of standoffs, military exercises, and diplomatic dustups adding to the tension.
A source close to Trump's 2020 campaign denied to BuzzFeed News last week, before the latest dustups, that having previous experience working for any of the Bushes would disqualify someone from working on the reelection team.
Appearing mindful of past dustups with Fox News' Megyn Kelly and former candidate Carly Fiorina, he attempted to be solicitous, asking his opponent if calling her Secretary Clinton was okay because he wanted her to be happy.
We've had a lot of Twitter dustups in recent months, and most of them seem to hinge on the same problem: We don't know how to interpret what's written on Twitter, and that's been repeatedly weaponized by people who do know how to interpret what's on Twitter.
But even if it doesn't, high-profile social media dustups over fact-checking — like the one Abramson is currently navigating, or the one Chozick dealt with last spring, or the one Sally Kohn dealt with before that — reveal a crucial weakness in book publishing's typical workflow.
The fact that there does not appear to be any such trend — and that public desire to stymie free expression is concentrated in the working class and targeted primarily at Muslims — ought to prompt a reevaluation of the significance of on-campus dustups and perhaps greater attention to the specific contexts in which they arise.
If Rahm Emanuel, Chicago's mayor, is uber-progressive, well, New York City's Mayor Bill de Blasio spent part of his mid-twenties as an ardent supporter of Nicaragua's Marxist revolutionaries — and he has endured some high-profile dustups with his own police department following cop assassinations and an impolitic warning he gave to his biracial son about the NYPD's predatory cops.

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