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279 Sentences With "drunks"

How to use drunks in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "drunks" and check conjugation/comparative form for "drunks". Mastering all the usages of "drunks" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"There were people who were loud drunks, who were sloppy drunks, who were belligerent drunks," Roche said on CNN.
Some people are angry drunks, some are affectionate drunks, and one guy in Edgewater, CO is apparently a very generous drunk.
Set in Oakland, California, its cast of bruised native characters, including drunks, recovering drunks, gangsters and long-suffering grandmothers, are forever questioning and sometimes dabbling in their Indian culture.
The good news is if more are drinking at home, that probably means fewer drunks on the road and fewer drunks passed out at the bar like this sad sack.
Not every Native is like that, they're not all drunks.
His militia were widely feared as drunks, looters and murderers.
I don't want to shout over drunks or hen parties.
The real goal was getting drunks off the street, remember?
Drunks and children, it seems, simply can't be trusted around robots.
"You've seen not very happy drunks on the plane," he says.
But afterwards, they were just like drunks who can't walk straight!
" The columns became known as "los borrachos," Spanish for "the drunks.
Those two professions have produced a lot of world-class drunks.
"It keeps the drunks out," our bartender said, sounding quite pleased.
Just a normal Friday of drug-related cases, assaults and drunks.
Drowns out traffic, sirens, drunks outside your window at 2 a.m.
So I'm assuming you aren't a fan of Friday night drunks?
Luis, the bartender, shooed drunks away from us while we bought beers.
"It was full of drunks and people on comedowns," she tells me.
It's a vision of bars, flophouses, gangsters and drunks, violence and sex.
You see poor, old drunks waiting for someone to buy them something.
Smart kids grow up to be liberals, while conservatives reason like drunks.
"Only the drunks and drug addicts will be left," says a gloomy expert.
Within the community, the incident was recast as more drama among bad drunks.
Some Balanda thought he was just long-grassing, sleeping rough, like other drunks.
"Alzheimer's patients are trying to prove, like drunks, that they're fine," Bader said.
He had almost no formal education, and as a boy he mugged drunks.
The staff, men and women, know how to deal with drunks at night.
But you may have to ask to go elsewhere to escape loud drunks.
Many thought the street screams had come from drunks or perhaps quarreling lovers.
The deals have prompted unkind jokes about pairs of drunks propping each other up.
Instead, we're met with large crowds of drunks in novelty glasses and nonsensical looks.
The cops hated babysitting drunks almost as much as they loathed the paperwork involved.
The drunks in the guitar with the G&R shirts next to Hustler Store.
There are cuckolded husbands, dim-witted guards, and friendly drunks on adventures gone awry.
Campaigners enlisted youths to hand out ballots, round up drunks and mob rival demonstrations.
I was fun sober, and some of these people were not very fun drunks.
But he seemed to be endorsing a stereotype of southern Europeans as skirt-chasing drunks.
The instructions at the entrance are chillier: drunks and people with tattoos should stay out.
Before then all of her uncles were greedy drunks, and the Court was morally corrupt.
As we chat, Carlo tells me how the place often becomes a confessional for drunks.
One, called "Pick-Up," was about two drunks in San Francisco in the nineteen-fifties.
Yet flight attendants should not have to put up with drunks who treat them disrespectfully.
People just think of drugs, drunks, and fighting, and think, Nope, it's not for me.
During a discussion in Sintra, Professor Nevo said, "We're all drunks looking under the lamppost."
During the early days of my drinking, I was drawn to the legendary writer-drunks.
I would run into drunks and boza sellers and shopkeepers closing up for the night.
All the while, I kept praying that both intruders weren't violent or train wreck drunks.
Hong Kong (CNN Business)London's centuries-old insurance market is finally banning drugs and drunks.
Sure, over-served music fans and run-of-the-mill drunks got home safe and sound.
"There are two types of people who screw with me: drunks and schoolkids," Keytar Bear says.
"When you don't drink, you get a little irritated with the drunks," Girardi said in her confessional.
Maybe that had something to do with the golden serving dish or the lack of rambling drunks.
Drunks: An American History by Christopher M. Finan is available in bookstores and online from Beacon Press.
City government officials are afraid of drunks disturbing the late-night peace in neighborhoods across the city.
"A lot of people banged on the door all through the night, drunks, crackheads," Mr. Lopez said.
The Kims' tiny dining room window looks into a street that doubles as a urinal for drunks.
I was also responsible for doing knifepoint robberies on drunks that staggered down those streets by mistake.
"The sandhogs judged him on his writing about Irish being drunks," said John Donohue, a veteran sandhog.
Green snakes symbolizing alcoholism are wrestled with, and bottles entrap drunks, who often turned to "surrogate" alcohols.
The cars of two drunks decide to kiss, the lit match gives in to the windy field.
They're the ones who tend to be sloppy drunks and who make me uncomfortable in the car.
Bismarck supposedly said that God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America.
Jojo sages the corner of the mansion where all the "drunks" gathered on her first night as Bachelorette.
Lord Ahmed also wants to see whether airlines need more discretion to turn away drunks at the gate.
Our drunks are in their natural state, and it takes a lot to get them staggering or slurring.
Rollins on SVU, and she runs as smooth a ship as possible with drunks belting out their favorites.
Even when properly shaped, today's sperm are often pathetic swimmers, veering like drunks or paddling crazily in circles.
And I think that when people become mean, some people become mean drunks, that's a really negative indicator.
So this is what that is, I thought, remembering the drunks I had seen weaving in this way, imagining what I must look like to the guards in their booth, how maybe they had turned to watch me, people often watch drunks stumbling around, it amuses them, I don't know why.
In the camaraderie of blue-collar workers, bikers, outlaws, and town drunks, everyone had a story of their own.
By the "100 drunks in a bar" standard promoted by the football commentator Mike Florio, it was a catch.
There's the idea that everything about drunks and drinking has ­already been written perfectly by Bukowski, so forget it.
Apparently, when Neal Dow was just 7-years-old, he was forced by local drunks to fight a monkey.
Where once the prison was full and drunks slumped in the streets, there is now a buzz of activity.
This will mark her 843th year serving drunks, punks, and superstars at Hollywood's famous and infamous 24-hour hangout.
Escoffier introduced to the kitchens the concepts of electric light, hygiene and sobriety ("We are not drunks…We're cooks").
The venue offers snacks, but no alcohol, and closes at 11 PM on weekends to avoid late-night drunks.
There was also likely an element of uncomfortable comedy, as children giggled over their friends becoming drunks or thieves.
Even in satirical and vaudevillian modes (as in the trio of philosophizing town drunks), these performers respect their characters.
Pickpockets picked, and their niche subset, lush workers, took razors to the trousers of sleeping drunks on the subway.
A dive bar What is great about dive bars is that they're filled with drunks, and what's great about drunks is that they are usually oblivious about what's going on around them, so it's very likely that your awkward silences will be broken by continued drunken noise, which can offer distraction and consolation.
And it's that power that can make you "happy, joyous and free," and can keep hopeless drunks (like me) sober.
And we were whooping like drunks at the Mayweather/McGregor fight during this scene, because it was such a payoff.
The others were gum sellers, shoe shines, drunks, even children, forcefully detained by police and carted off to the homes.
It was not clear if the postscript, where Kavanaugh references his group of friends as "drunks" was meant in jest.
And the alternative, arrogant and out-of-touch leaders, are like fall-down drunks who ruin the party for everyone.
The overwhelming majority of my fellow visitors, of course, had not taken such a pledge, but they also weren't drunks.
Many shops stay open to 4 AM to lure raucous drunks off their downtown warpath for an early morning mistake.
They glanced at the diner door as it yawned open and a gaggle of drunks stumbled in from the cold.
Like being sober in a bar full of drunks, I saw clearly while others were barely aware of their surroundings.
Then again, his other achievements include rolling drunks for quick cash and working the mail room at a law firm.
I'm not exactly delighted by chatterboxes, elbowers, drunks and selfie-takers (who at times can all be the same person).
The bar was a watering hole for artists, prostitutes, pimps, drunks and whoever else might have walked in that night.
Rarely autobiographical, Giannascoli writes character-based vignettes that can be both disturbing and empathetic; portraits of grifters, drunks, and outcasts.
"I love drunks: I am one, right?" said the playwright Catya McMullen, 32, who has been sober for 20153 years.
Sometimes you work with an actor and you think, oh, yes, you are one of the drunks in the family.
Either way, once it's done cooking, it's basically just an assembly job that even the sloppiest of drunks can handle.
Golden retrievers are the happy drunks of dogs: they're constantly cheerful, always dopey, endlessly playful and they love everyone around them.
A new policy of impounding cars and motorbikes driven by drunks is an "important stride", says Daniel Kertesz of the WHO.
A few seats behind us were two obnoxious drunks from out of town who yelled insults throughout the game at players.
Every Halloween, New York City opens itself up like a hellmouth, spilling out creatures and drunks and parties by the thousands.
Over almost two decades of operation, Video Vision has been a favorite for film-buffs, families, drunks, and plenty of thieves.
With orchestral strings behind the strum, stomp and clap of a traditional-sounding beat, the women aren't singing about cheerful drunks.
There are the enormous floats spitting out plastic beads, the masks, the balls, the kings and drunks, the hierarchy and the anarchy.
There are many things that happen on the road that come with the territory: hecklers, drunks, chasing paychecks with club owners, etc.
Many nights, Salgado's force simply insured order on the streets: taking drunks home, driving sick people and pregnant women to the hospital.
Tony and the gang wander around beating random civilians The game opens with LaRocca beating up a few drunks at Bada Bing!
"The war on drugs has become a war on drunks," Mr. Panis said bitterly, days after his release from an overcrowded cell.
I hate the sloshing of drinks on the sticky dancefloor, and the drunks drinking them, the awful soundsystems and even worse music.
We have a feeling that restaurant and bar workers who already know how to deal with drunks, can readily handle the super-wasted.
You'll find a building full of drunks patiently swaying in little plastic booths, clutching their receipts tight as they wait for their munchies.
But there's something reflexive and diminishing about it—as though because he wrote about drunks and poor people that he was somehow peripheral.
And worse, a variety of unsavory characters like unwashed drunks have been showing up to loudly yell out their endorsements of his candidacy.
But, on the privileged side of town in all parts of America, children are raised by drunks, by drug addicts, by violent people.
Most NFL stadiums are not like this, and were designed primarily to make sour drunks in replica jerseys walk the longest distances possible.
It's mostly tourists, hipsters, and drunks walking in off the street for a quick round of Addams Family pinball or Daytona USA racing.
Sawed-off shotguns, guns in school parking lots, drunks with guns—it all seems to be good as far as Tomes is concerned.
Each massive work takes thousands of man-hours to produce, and bears traces of the lives of countless tipplers, revelers and serious drunks.
Revisit our recent interview with Jeremy Greenspan here, where he talks about how techno nostalgia and small-town drunks influenced the new album.
Anti-immigrant sentiment turned against the massive influx of new Irish- and German-Americans, who were stereotyped as drunks, polluting the nation with alcoholism.
New Orleans police, adept at managing unruly crowds from years of shepherding drunks at Mardi Gras, herded the opposing camps into their own pens.
With the help of computer data, Nichols planned to flood the streets with undercover cops disguised as drunks and priests, hippies and elderly women.
If you think Europe can't descend into a bar fight like drunks at closing time again, know you're not the first to believe it.
I've shepherded lots of weirdos, drunks, and degenerates around, cleaned up plenty of puke in the backseat, and was even once robbed at gunpoint.
I talk to drunks at the bus station, browse through kiddie books at the public library, get phrases from college kids and our babysitter.
O'Neill's drunks used to believe in something—God, love—but have lost or misplaced their faith, because of life, not in spite of it.
The tremendous humanitarianism of Lincoln is well-known, but I hadn't known until I started working on this book that it extended to drunks.
This kicks off an entire series of events, as one of the drunks turns out to be the nephew of a powerful mob boss.
So why are full-blown drunks, like F. Scott Fitzgerald—who died at the age of 44 after years of raging alcoholism—so damn creative?
Cubs centerfielder Rick Monday had experience dealing with streakers, drunks, and other intruders in the outfield, but he sensed something was different and otherwise awry.
We drove around, spotting a few stumbling, particularly well-dressed drunks (it's Milan, after all) and a few clowns burning their reds at the stoplight.
One impossibly humid night, I watched fans (it would be redundant to call them drunks) in the upper deck hurling beers down onto the bleachers.
But as chicharras they make me think of the heat, rotting meat, blackouts, drunks who stare with bloodshot eyes from their benches in the park.
He depicted the marginalized and disabled, winding drunks and bent beggars, and women of the Saint-Lazare prison, all in cool tones that dominate the canvas.
Samuel Burchard, introduced the candidate with an infamous assault on the Irish community -- effectively calling them drunks and, in what many considered an insult then, Catholics.
Parks's images show viewers the surface of things: a dark alley, a couple arguing, drunks passed out on a curb, a bloodied corpse on a sidewalk.
I had a run leading up to that point where I just wasn't having fun doing comedy, and it seemed like more drunks were coming out.
Because children are basically drunks without any sense of shame, they're not afraid to ask him any question about his size that comes to their mind.
Two sons, Eddie and Vallie, were great tennis players, taking men's doubles at the United States National Championships, before becoming crazy, gun-shooting, horse-racing drunks.
Photographer Sander van der Bij expected to find the usual TT-crowd—extremely loud drunks that only seem to like really loud honks and binge drinking.
I'm so used to drunks trying to grope me that when it happens, I just stay calm and defuse the situation by joking that it'll cost extra.
Folau's four-year contract was torn up in May after he posted a meme on social media that said hell awaited 'drunks, homosexuals, adulterers' and other groups.
When Danny and I were regulars, skateboarding wasn't quite as cool, and the only people we shared the T.F. with were drunks, drug users and drug dealers.
Almost any other Democrat — including one named Generic Democrat — would also beat the man who runs an administration of kooks, quacks, criminals, drunks, wife beaters and grifters.
"To some extent, tying two drunks together [in a merger] and hoping they walk straight is not what I call a feasible long term strategy," he said.
Folau was fired on Friday for a "high level" breach of RA's code of conduct after posting on social media that hell awaits "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and others.
"If only someone had a gun right now, this would be a whole lot safer," is not something anyone who witnessed two drunks brawl has ever once thought.
These food-slanging soldiers deal with a lot—the occasional condescending customer, picky eaters, bad tippers, drunks—all while carrying hot plates and making sure drinks stay filled.
Differences in those species notwithstanding, listless youths and hopeless drunks worldwide still have the pizzaiolos of 19th-century Naples to thank for giving the world the dollar slice.
It's been surmised that the stone carvers tasked with creating the hundreds of figures adorning the portals of the cathedral enlisted drunks and vagrants to sit as models.
"Some exclusive guest in his large yacht doesn't want to see young drunks sleeping on the pier in the morning," the spokeswoman of a local beach club said.
As long as the work is accurate and honestly reported, it shouldn't have to operate under constraints with a severity usually reserved for ex-offenders and reformed drunks.
In the early days of the game, they were also frequently ill-socialized drunks, which meant that their inhibitions were non-existent and their resort to violence quick.
Today, Garcia's clients are employees of nearby hotels and casinos, some old-school journalists, lost mariachis, weekend drunks, and graveyard shift workers in Colonia Juárez and from Reforma Avenue.
Yet another reason why I don't drive at night... Fuck the drunks puking in your car...The only person who can eat Taco Bell in my car is me.
Regulars in Den Lille Cafe were a mixed crowd: criminals, smugglers, rowdy blokes looking for a fight, hardened laborers, unemployed laborers, and the local crowd of hookers and drunks.
In the case of drunks, Malloy notes that alcohol dulls the frontal lobe and our executive function skills, leading us to say and do things we would normally avoid.
After a weekend of low-effort costumed drunks fighting, fucking, and puking in front of my apartment—sometimes simultaneously—I thought we were done this year's glorified national Santacon.
The host of party has always got to think on their feet and improvise, to navigate changing goalposts of social norms and political minefields with drunks stumbling through them.
Nope. I spent 17 years working in retail, among many colleagues hoping and waiting for a job that isn't behind the cash, or serving mouthy drunks at a bar.
Drunks shows how hard doctors have had to work to prove that alcoholism is, in fact, a disease and that giving up alcohol was possible for even habitual drinkers.
"The material contained blatant racial stereotypes that portrayed black women as 'prolific child bearers' and black men as layabouts, thieves and drunks," The Globe and Mail reported in 1994.
In novels like "Gone Girl" and its imitators — "The Girl on the Train," among them — the heroines are drunks and nuts; they are in other words, not like you.
It was a precursor of sorts to Alcoholics Anonymous, the creation of which is detailed in "Drunks," including the organization's early wrestling with how explicitly religious it should be.
But the songs don't romanticize junkies and drunks, the way so many artists have done, but instead examine the demoralization, bravery, and downright humiliation that come with battling addiction.
Ralphie May just got smacked in the wallet -- his upcoming concert has been canceled after audio surfaced of an old routine he did ripping Native Americans for being drunks.
"He completely turned everything I was seeing in the media on its head - that homeless people were drunks and drug addicts and deserved to be where they were," she said.
For alcoholics, this kind of housing is called a "wet house" or "bunks for drunks" and ABC7 visits one in Seattle that could work as a model for San Francisco.
On Friday, Rugby Australia terminated the playing contract of former Australia fullback Israel Folau, a fundamentalist Christian, for posting on social media that hell awaited "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and others.
The Wallabies fullback was sacked on Friday for a "high level" breach of RA's code of conduct after posting on social media that hell awaits "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and others.
But the film, from the sadly departed genius animator Satoshi Kon, has nothing but compassion for her and the rest of its cast of drunks, runaways, criminals, and assorted layabouts.
The action unfolds in Oxford, but an Oxford unrecognizable from its spire-crowded postcard form — the city is a damp and threatening place of inns and drunks and amiable nuns.
Police officers began reasserting their prerogative to pursue drunks, prostitutes, vagrants, subway turnstile jumpers and, notoriously, the so-called squeegee men who washed windshields, unsolicited, for money in stopped traffic.
In honor of the occasion — at the Five Spot in the East Village, late 1975 — the members of the group staggered theatrically onstage like drunks entering a two-bit casino.
Nasty talk didn't start with Trump, but it was the province of people we all viewed as idiots—schoolyard mobs, certain drunks in bars, guys hollering out of moving cars.
We are often taken for drunks, our caregivers are harmed, or even shot; we are perceived as threats and beaten when trying to communicate in sign language, or worse, killed.
In Minnesota, where U.S. Bank Stadium hosted its first regular season game last night, that means players come out through a place where well-heeled drunks can spill beer on them.
A new book, Drunks: An American History, by Christopher M. Finan, chronicles the various sobriety movements that have characterized every phase of American history, as far back as the 1003th century.
Over the years, fans of Dave Matthews Band have garnered a negative reputation: frat bros, sloppy drunks, and people who are more interested in partying than listening to music at shows.
You play drunks and you don't drink; you play English gentlemen when you're from Swaziland; you play sexual deviants when you've been married to the same woman for years and years.
READ MORE: I'm Your Flight Attendant and I Think You're All a Bunch of Drunks What is different about the process of making a beer for air travel versus terrestrial enjoyment?
A 69-year-old with a ready laugh and a green shawl wrapped round her, Lobzin said the village to which she had been evacuated was full of drunks and drug addicts.
Tact is notoriously alien to drunks and toddlers alike—one of many reasons why these two glorious subsets of humans are only ones who will always give it you straight, no chaser.
Former Wallabies fullback Folau, who has Tongan heritage, had his four-year Australia contract torn up last month for posting on social media that hell awaited "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and other groups.
I once watched a friendly gamer try to wrangle a group of drunks into a four hour game of Arkham Horror—a complicated and lengthy board game based on H.P. Lovecraft's work.
Fundamentalist Christian Folau is fighting the termination of his four-year contract in May after he posted a meme on social media that said hell awaited 'drunks, homosexuals, adulterers' and other groups.
So many of the great American writers were drunks — Chandler, Cheever, Faulkner, Fitzgerald — that writing, one assumed, must be enhanced, even made possible, by a drink... or, even better, a whole bottle.
The fundamentalist Christian was found guilty of a "high-level breach" of Rugby Australia's code of conduct after he posted on social media that hell awaits "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and other groups.
He chauffeurs drunks, boob-flashing partygoers, and tycoon types around Texas before being sucked into his true assignment: escorting Laura — a special mutant with powers similar to his own — to safety in Canada.
The story is brought alive by Mr French's Shanghai-noir telling, which echoes Dashiell Hammett and James Ellroy: Illicit hooch becomes a lethal blend…and drunks stagger and collapse on the Avenue Haig.
He saw cows with stringy tails, malformed hooves, giant lesions protruding from their hides and red, receded eyes; cows suffering constant diarrhea, slobbering white slime the consistency of toothpaste, staggering bowlegged like drunks.
Former rugby union player Folau had his contract with Rugby Australia torn up in May for posting on social media that hell awaits "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and other groups, angering the LGBTIQ community.
The former rugby union international had his contract with Rugby Australia torn up in May for posting on social media that hell awaits "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and other groups, angering the LGBTIQ community.
A 1983 letter written by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh described himself and his Georgetown Preparatory School classmates as "loud, obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers among us," The New York Times reported Tuesday.
I somehow managed to navigate my way out into Covent Garden while it was still light, and headed home to sleep it off via the automatic pilot built into all the best drunks.
In Berlin, we are fortunate enough to have the Spätkauf—Späti, for short—which is a type of convenience store that caters to drunks and stoners in the darkest hours of the night.
They cleared out undesirable elements — pickpockets, drunks, prostitutes — and children, to ensure they would not be corrupted by exposure to capitalists, and started work to renovate some of the city's run-down hotels.
They're mostly people who feel disillusioned, defeated by the world: old drunks, former performers, self-proclaimed failures, people scratching out a living on the edge of the city that most resembles America's id.
The one inhabited by the Kim family is a cluttered basement apartment with an awkwardly placed toilet and a window offering a front-row seat to the public urination attempted by passing drunks.
Police "apathy often takes the form of stereotyping and victim-blaming, such as when police describe missing loved ones as 'drunks,' 'runaways out partying' or 'prostitutes unworthy of follow-up,'" the report said.
Folau was sacked after being found guilty of a 'high-level breach' of Rugby Australia's code of conduct after he posted on social media that hell awaits 'drunks, homosexuals, adulterers' and other groups.
To review: Jackson brought brawlers, street fighters, drunks, hillbillies, knife fighters and duelers to the White House and the free will of rugged, self-willed settlers who busted on through to Texas and beyond.
"It made us think about some of the serious problems we have here in Russia; I would like to watch it again," she said, adding that even local drunks enjoyed watching their onscreen counterparts.
Folau, a fundamentalist Christian, launched legal action after his four-year contract was torn up in May for posting a meme on social media that said hell awaits "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and other groups.
But for a chap worth an estimated $28 million, is jetting in from California only to recycle some anecdotes and have drunks from Birmingham throw their arm around you worth a few extra bucks?
Of course persistent drunks will probably not utilize the service especially if they have been successful in the past driving home themselves but writing an irresponsible article of this sort is not true news. Brett.
But any longtime reader of The Verge knows by now that the prospect of hapless drunks being Nickelrolled by law enforcement forced to ride the Coca-Cola Rolla Coasta gives me literally all the joy.
But when Sober Cara is planning on only having to take care of Hungover Cara (not a whole horde of drunks), she keeps it simple with at least a slice of cold pizza on standby.
The song, about homeless people trying to keep their spirits up, reminded them of the world outside their window in Spitalfields in east London, then a warren of derelict houses populated by drunks and drifters.
Boîte The night-life slum known as Hell Square, a three-by-three grid of Lower East Side blocks below East Houston Street, has teemed with mobbed bars and hooting drunks for over a decade.
Security at most hotels instead focuses on limiting theft, corralling unruly drunks and ferreting out people wandering the halls without a room, said Mac Segal, a security consultant for an executive protection company, AS Solution.
Folau, a fundamentalist Christian, was sacked by Rugby Australia and his Super Rugby club New South Wales Waratahs last month for a post on social media that said hell awaited "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and other groups.
Folau, a fundamentalist Christian, faced a three-member panel over three days of hearings to decide whether he had breached the code of conduct with a post that said "hell" awaited "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and others.
Folau, a fundamentalist Christian with Tongan heritage, was found guilty of a "high-level" breach of Rugby Australia's code of conduct last week for posting on social media that hell awaits "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and others.
The 30-year-old was sacked after being found guilty of a 'high-level breach' of Rugby Australia's code of conduct after he posted on social media that hell awaits 'drunks, homosexuals, adulterers' and other groups.
Analyzing their motives, the government concluded that 210% acted out of 'subconscious Nazi motives;' 210% were inspired by extreme rightist or leftist beliefs; 2700% were drunks or thugs; 222% were children; and 13% were mentally deranged.
England number eight Vunipola was among some 30,000 Instagram users who "liked" the post by Folau, a fundamentalist Christian, saying "sinners" including drunks, atheists and gay people were going to "hell" if they did not repent.
One person offered a more diplomatic approach: "We need to learn tolerance or will soon start needing a map of seat locations for mouth breathers, droolers, farters, drunks, and perhaps a lot more things in life."
Solitary horses in twilit fields and drunks teetering out of 24-hour truck stops gazed back at Rowe, 38, who was leading a Stryker column down a two-lane highway through the so-called Suwalki Gap.
Wednesday's post, which took the form of a meme based on verses from the bible, said gay people and others he perceived to be "living in sin", including "drunks", "idolaters" and "atheists", would be condemned to hell.
Finance Minister Olaf Scholz's desire to scrunch together Germany's two largest private-sector banks is the functional equivalent of a bartender asking two drunks to prop each other up at the bar while pouring them another round.
But he's familiar with the moment when a pleasant buzz gives way to a loss of control, and he recognizes the difference between sanguine drunks and the darker sorts, like Mikhail, whose vodka demons keep him company.
Folau, a fundamentalist Christian, is awaiting sanction after being found guilty of a 'high-level' breach of Rugby Australia's code of conduct for a post on social media that said hell awaits 'drunks, homosexuals, adulterers' and others.
The "Taco Mode" option is clearly an effort to woo late-night riders with the munchies, but some Lyft drivers are unsurprisingly disgusted by the thought of sloppy drunks defiling their backseats with nacho cheese and mystery beef.
Folau, a fundamentalist Christian and 73-test Wallaby, is awaiting sanction after being found of a "high level" breach of Rugby Australia's code of conduct for posting on social media that hell awaits "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and others.
It is a constant theme, to push back against the image of them as the town drunks, the degenerates, and to make the point that alcoholism affects all classes of society and it afflicts the best and brightest.
" No one sensible is going to hold teenage drinking against you, but we are bothered when you mislead senators and the public today and deny what is obvious: As you put it in 1983, "we're loud, obnoxious drunks.
Israel Folau, who was sacked from a multi-million dollar rugby contract in May after posting on Instagram that hell awaited "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and other sinners, cited Bible verses in a sermon that was posted on Facebook.
Former rugby union player Folau had his contract with Rugby Australia torn up in May for posting on social media that hell awaits "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and other groups — one of a series of postings that angered LGBT campaigners.
This is an album for those straggling, happy drunks who stay an hour later than everyone else, winding around the empty dance floor with a half-empty bottle in hand ... and then accidentally on purpose slide into bed together.
We learn how to grapple with each other, putting our hands on the back of our partner's necks, and swaying from side to side, like two drunks leaning on each other for support or very intense slow-dancing teenagers.
They often concern people most of us might ignore—domestic workers, aging women, teenagers, drunks—who seem to be doing very little of import, and then they blow open to reveal the enormous interiors of the lives they depict.
In one episode, Nathan's attempt to increase sales at an antique shop—by encouraging drunks to pay for broken ceramics—involves a sumo-wrestling costume and a sexual confession lurid enough that the proceedings nearly grind to a halt.
Back when getting drunk was automatically better than anything else, because anything else was "work" or "being someone who wasn't comfortable in a small space with a load of drunks determined to have fun as fast as they can".
Field Niggas was filmed entirely at the intersection of 125th Street and Lexington Avenue in Harlem at night, entering the inner and outer lives of locals on the social fringes, respectfully following prostitutes, cops, K2 addicts, drunks, and bums.
He opens with a depiction of a world watched over by Uber, with drivers on hand to collect every child at the school gates, convey the old and frail to their relatives, and gracefully scoop faltering drunks from the gutter.
They are also wondering how to hedge against worries that young Chinese, and women especially, are not as keen on the stuff as their fathers (one youngster calls baijiu "something your dad drinks"; another says it is "just for drunks").
A literal wall has been erected to keep a lid on any customer defections; hired security has been ratcheted up; and the clubs have been rocked by gun-toting drunks, family values protestors, and strippers quietly ordering food from the enemy.
One could argue that the narrative scoots around without a clear thread pulling it together and that the biographical particulars of well-known drunks (Jean Rhys, Malcolm Lowry, John Berryman, and Raymond Carver) are disclosed as though for the first time.
Falling for a vicious bitch named Max, a gay or maybe sexless socialite, Eve/Jacaranda is subsumed into a crowd of shallow drunks, moving through scenes as gorgeous and then, later, just as goring, as the shark-infested Californian surf.
Opposite the upper seat, in the chair closest to the doorway, is the so-called manager, the one who sends out invitations, orders dishes, arranges the seating, urges people to drink more and then shoves the drunks into taxis afterward.
She's so soft spoken that I struggle to fully get her instructions to "relax your shoulders," and "make a space between your ribs" over the sound of ambient music, her singing bowl, and two bawling drunks on the street below.
THE LIFE OF A BAR Fieseler describes in the book how the Up Stairs Lounge had a family-like atmosphere in some ways where manager Buddy Rasmussen ran a tight ship: no hustling of patrons, no sloppy drunks and no drug use.
Former rugby union player Folau had his contract with Rugby Australia torn up in May for posting a meme on social media that said hell awaits "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and other groups — one of a series of postings that angered LGBT campaigners.
Drunks, which was published last week by Beacon Press, begins with Native Americans, for whom sobriety was not just a personal health issue but a way to restore pride and independence from the white colonists who first brought liquor to the continent.
At the time I was so into the Stooges, Blue Cheer, and some of Neil Young's guitar sounds, not to mention the mid-80s post-hardcore stuff like ANTi-SEEN, Pussy Galore, and Drunks With Guns, which was some really ugly stuff.
Or reading a 1983 handwritten letter by Kavanaugh, in which he says of his gang of friends that "we're loud, obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers among us" — adolescent boasting now being treated as if it is a crucial piece of incriminating evidence.
Editorial If only we could dismiss Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Laura Ingraham and the other well-paid propagandists at Fox News as though they were harmless drunks at the end of the bar, ticking off their conspiracy theories to anyone who will listen.
The town's regular parade of humanity passes before me: drunks getting on it at noon, young tough guys in doorways sucking at cigarettes, wealthy white retirees out shopping for bottled water in knee supports, their skin clammy and brown like damp lamb.
Washington (CNN)In a letter written in 1983, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh describes himself and his friends as "loud, obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers" -- a stark contrast to the image Kavanaugh painted of himself during his testimony before the Senate last week.
Wallabies fullback Folau, a fundamentalist Christian, moved a step closer to being sacked by Rugby Australia (RA) this week after he was found to have committed a "high-level" code of conduct breach for a post that said hell awaited "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and others.
As Senior Sergeant Craig Fox explained in a Facebook post, it is not standard practice in Tasmania for police to actually escort drunks into their bedrooms and make sure they are tucked in safe and sound, but in this case, that is exactly what happened.
Ms. Diaz said she and her son and daughter, Eduardo, 17, and Monic, 12, have been unnerved by the gunshots, ambulance sirens and yells of drunks that animate the night around their blue stucco home in northeast Las Vegas, perpetually strung with Christmas lights.
By Mr. Kurzman's count, 123 people have been killed in the United States by Muslim terrorists since the 2001 attacks — out of a total of more than 230,000 killings, by gang members, drug dealers, angry spouses, white supremacists, psychopaths, drunks and people of every description.
It may look like a Dalek redesigned by Jony Ive, but in its duties as a security guard on-the-cheap it has ended up in all sorts of weird scrapes: knocking over kids, getting beaten up by drunks, and, yes, committing suicide in a public fountain.
People were so surprised to see these people are so fucked up and narcissists and drunks and whatever, but we're all fucked up and you just have to find the right other kind of person who is also fucked up and compliments your fucked up-ness.
They don't want, as a socially conscious, family-friendly company, to cultivate or encourage the idea that Solo is the cup of choice for keg stands, black-out drunks, or underage parties,even if they do happen to be the cup of choice for those activities.
It wasn't that he sought out the company of drunks, gamblers, and prostitutes for some cheap excitement; it was rather that—deep within himself, in a place he could hardly locate—it seemed to him that these were the only people with whom he could ever identify.
I've grown to love the show, which my friend convinced me to watch by describing it as a "relatable" reality program, by which he meant rather than documenting the lives of unfathomably wealthy influencers who typically populate such entertainment, it follows a bunch of relatively poor drunks.
Initially it reads as slightly puritanical — drunks are bad, fat people are dumb, Jack and Wynn are handsome and good at everything — but this tendency reverses so completely and shockingly at the end that it can almost, but not quite, knock any smugness from a reader.
The show centers on two middle-aged fall-down drunks, the publicist Edina (Jennifer Saunders) and her best friend the magazine editor Patsy (Joanna Lumley), who use their income and shaky society status to score drugs, attend parties and generally attempt to relive their swinging-sixties youth.
The show centers on two middle-aged fall-down drunks, the publicist Edina (Jennifer Saunders) and her best friend the magazine editor Patsy (Joanna Lumley), who use their income and shaky society status to score drugs, attend parties and generally attempt to relive their swinging-sixties youth.
" On Tuesday night, The New York Times reported on a 1983 letter in which Kavanaugh wrote that the first guests to arrive at a beach house where they planned to spend the week should "warn the neighbors that we're loud, obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers among us.
The book was revolutionary for its time, in its willingness to portray alcoholism as a state of merciless dependence rather than a metaphysical state illuminated by the sepia-tones of tragic myth, as Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Faulkner, the holy trinity of modernist drunks, had done half a generation earlier.
Through a filter of Scandinavian pragmatism, the Wine Monopoly makes sense: Having less booze around means you get fewer drunks, and those who drink responsibly can get hold of what they want with a bit of foresight—most people know exactly when the Wine Monopoly closes on a Saturday.
Besides our subway system, the pizza shop is the only democratic place where Pizza Rat, cops, the homeless, Bill de Blasio, drunks, goths, hedge-fund traders, hipsters, Hell's Angels, sorority girls, and scientists join together in a communion of sauce, cheese, dough, and grease in the name of hunger.
Great NY Noodletown 3347 Bowery, New York, NY 3227 (37296) 3325-35 Tourists, drunks, and New York cops are all in on the secret: Great NY Noodletown is the best choice on Bowery to get all of your Cantonese favorites, from succulent duck to Singapore chow fun and salt-baked squid.
Why, as Humes puts it, has there "never been a recall aimed at fixing cars so drunks cannot start them, or so drivers cannot exceed the speed limit or to prevent cellphones from being used while cars are in motion," especially given that the technology to do all of this has long existed?
Such are the duties of being in charge of a place that, thanks to a critically acclaimed (at least in the West) and relentlessly bleak Russian movie, has an unwelcome reputation as possibly the most miserable place in Russia — a remote, frozen wasteland of drunks, brutish officials, crumbling buildings and unalloyed despair.
"These companies that come along and change the world often look like drunks at the wheel of a car… and then what happens is they reach a certain size where they can start pulling levers on monetization and ad-load and all of a sudden they look like very real businesses," Rogoff told CNBC.
At a panel discussion after the videos at the New York Society for Ethical Culture, Kliph Nesteroff, author of the excellent book "The Comedians: Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels and the History of American Comedy," seemed to suggest that the reason no one laughs at Mr. Bruce today is that all comedy bombs with future generations.
Over the years, he's made offensive comments about rivals (he said of the British Airways/Iberia merger that it reminded him "of two drunks leaning on each other"), colleagues ("We all employ some lazy ----- who need a kick up the backside") and customers ( "They're not always right and they need to be told so") alike in the past.
Goodell—perhaps the highest paid fall guy in the world—always deserves to be booed by a stadium full of angry drunks, but he especially deserves it after leading a Benghazi-ish witch hunt against Tom Brady, which led the Patriots quarterback and Friend of Donald Trump to be suspended for the first four games of the season.
The cast of the first season is a barely-motley crew of conventionally attractive saps, drunks, and blank-eyed doll people delivering canned one-liners (looking at you, Giannina and Amber) whose weirdness is hardly physical—it's found in their personalities, as they struggle with some of the most basic elements needed to build a lasting marriage.
He has cracked down on migrants, raised the alarm about a drug and security emergency, led a rebellion against the European Union, insulted its leaders as drunks, sated the news media with a constant stream of outrageous sound bites, baited the left into overreactions by purposefully echoing Mussolini and filled the widespread Italian demand for a law-and-order heavy.
The video switches between scenes at the nightclub where Camaleón works as a bouncer, looming over the crowd, expelling belligerent drunks by their belts, to Camaleón cruising the city on his moped, weaving between Mexico City traffic, to his dungeon-like apartment where grime drips down the walls, and to the outskirts of the city where he brings his falcon to hunt in misty grasslands.
Neighborhood Joint 9 Photos View Slide Show ' The neighborhood around Second Avenue and East Seventh Street has changed a good deal in the last four decades or so, since Moishe Perl opened his kosher bakery on a block that could be described as dicey, when he would often need to scatter a few drunks sleeping it off on the sidewalk when he opened up in the morning.
Then there are the couples who are glued at the hip, twins conjoined by church and state, or the bloviators, or the drunks who can turn a party into a Godzilla-stomps-Tokyo apocalypse, like the time the guy with the Ponderosa belt buckle slid chest first in a dance move and put a gouge three feet long in my hardwood floor, and I hadn't even invited him; he was my hairdresser's friend.

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