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97 Sentences With "drunker"

How to use drunker in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "drunker" and check conjugation/comparative form for "drunker". Mastering all the usages of "drunker" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Photo: MTN GODSAs you progress through a night of partying, Yopparatchi will get drunker and drunker through eight different stages of inebriation.
The dinner is a disaster and ends with a big fight: just a bunch of hair extensions and lashes flying about while everyone gets drunker and drunker.
Just arrive early and grab a big booth, and then keep texting more people to join you as you get drunker and drunker, and the place gets noisier and noisier.
He looked over quickly and saw it was me and smiled, a little blurrily, I thought, he was drunker than I was, or drunker than I felt, and then he faced forward again.
We were both younger and drunker when we first met.
Bit louder, bit trashier, bit drunker, and more easily bought. Allegedly.
I needed to get drunker if I was going to survive.
Down there, there's fights, they get thrown out, drunker than a skunk.
Later in the night, as everyone else got drunker, my date disappeared.
Then there's the fact we're much drunker than we planned to be.
But in the end they didn't get any drunker from a single glass.
Since I was drunker than him, I gave him the keys to drive.
We got drunk and happy and a lot drunker and a lot happier.
Not to mention, the drunker you get, the sloppier and less coordinated you become.
As you get drunker, really start to think about the curation decisions behind it.
"By the end, you won't know who's drunker: you or the tour guides," he said.
In one of the early episodes of the second season, he wanders through bars in New Orleans, asking whether anyone has seen God, getting drunker and drunker and picking fights with anyone who points out, with some justice, that he sounds untethered from reality.
But then again, like most alcoholic beverages, it gets easier to consume the drunker you get.
The drunker the students were—as determined by a breathalyzer—the higher the ratings they gave.
" They're all getting progressively drunker at a bar, when Stassi screams at Kristin, "You banged him!
The drunker they get, the more the crayfish strut around upright, flip their tails, or flop over.
We've had the exact same number of drinks all night, but I'm significantly drunker than he is.
Walking towards the back of the bar, she realizes that she's a little drunker than she thought.
Got drunker, got in a fight with a woman she knew there... She spent three days in jail.
The Golden Globes have long been known as the looser, drunker, more risqué cousin to the Academy Awards.
Alcohol in the driver's breath would trigger a reaction: the drunker the driver, the deeper the chemicals' color.
But if you're a gamer, be aware that your skills tends to spiral downward the drunker you get.
We sat at the Satellite Diner in downtown Spokane, surrounded by drunk straight guys and their drunker girlfriends.
When he came home, he was awake almost until morning, pacing, getting drunker on liquor he poured himself.
If women everywhere are matching men drink for drink, as I'm doing now, do they know they're getting drunker?
We staggered about, drunker than we'd ever been, unaware that what we were drinking was absinthe in name alone.
As the hours of my long labor wore on, my brother got drunker and his jokes more off the wall.
Kiddi (Theodor Juliusson) is larger, ruddier, drunker and luckier than Gummi (Sigurdur Sigurjonsson), and maybe better at raising and breeding sheep.
I find myself two or three drinks drunker than everyone else at the party and go: This is... This is cool.
" And those are all symptoms associated with being drunk, so you can see how people assume that they're just getting "drunker.
The Bachelor in Paradise is kind of like the drunker, less buttoned-up little brother of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.
Why is it that as we get drunker and as the hour gets later, we seem much more willing to hook up?
While the sensors can tell if someone's getting drunker, as of now, TAC is not the strongest, most concrete indication of intoxication.
The men who believed they were drunker were less likely to drive, or were willing to wait to get behind the wheel.
I now know this is because the oxygen situation on planes makes you drunker faster—at least, that's what I'm blaming it on.
I listened while the entire thing happened … you being nervous about having to tell the guy to fuck off and him getting drunker.
The clerk there told Kulick that Anderson sat down in front of the store at about 8:15 pm, already drunk, and got drunker.
The more dramatic change comes when they get a little drunker and begin crunching their abs (or, the crayfish equivalent) to flip their tails.
This speech sounds so over-the-top, lowly Pearson fiancé Toby Damon and Beth come to the conclusion Miguel must be drunker-than-drunk.
The front door opens and Willy staggers in, drunker than usual on paydays, and relieved that he has made it home to his family.
While riding the waves of some truly powerful painkillers, these innocent souls talk and behave like completely different (and, let's be honest, much drunker) people.
The room is drunker and shoulder-to-shoulder and the crowd is somehow both less homogenous in its composition and more heavily, overwhelmingly dude-dominated.
You might have heard from a well-meaning friend that drinking on antibiotics just "makes you get drunker, faster," but it's actually more complex than that.
When I walked inside, I realized the restaurant's innards are not so different from the street it sits upon—everyone's drunk and aiming to get drunker.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the men who believed that mixing booze and Bull would make them drunker were the ones who also perceived themselves as being more intoxicated.
They're generally the hardest hit by the invasion of mostly but not entirely youngish people who dress up and drink heavily and walk around aimlessly getting drunker.
That suggests that even if your BrAC is high, you won't necessarily feel all that drunk if you're hanging out with someone who's drunker than you are.
I turned out to be much drunker than I realized (my tolerance is way down after not drinking for a while!), and wake up with a hideous hangover.
Later in the evening, Mr. Shalimar is drunker and more aggressive, and he retaliates when Barbara does not return the big fat kiss he's tried to give her.
The pool women involved themselves, displaying a remarkable capacity to seem drunker in a crisis, despite the fact that they weren't drinking, as if drawing on unseen reserves.
I expected people to get looser as the night went on, but the drunker they got, the less they wanted their pictures taken by a stranger with a cardboard camera.
On the ride home, I order food I should be drunker for: fries covered in gravy and melted mozzarella, pita bread, a pork souvlaki skewer, and a side of ranch ($16.26).
There were seven judges and three performance rounds, and besides, who could keep one drunk professional musician from smoking with another, even if one was drunker and not exactly a professional yet?
Sarah's husband, Chris, showed up while we were setting up Wagner Concepts Drink-A-Palooza and he was drunker than any of us, having just left an office Cinco de Mayo party.
I don't know if it was the pain of losing his wife or his aging body, but by the end of the night, dad was drunker than I had ever seen him.
I think "I was drunker than I've ever been" and "the following report contains flashing images" are of similar minimal importance to the narrative of what follows—just something to bear in mind.
In an article calling the rape accusations against him a "malicious lie," he says that his "too drunk to consent" story was really just about hooking up with a girl who was drunker than he was, nothing more.
Alcosynth's effects last for the same length of time as those of normal alcohol, but Dr. Nutt explains that alcosynth would make it impossible to feel drunker than you would if you'd had about four or five alcoholic drinks.
The Star Is Born model is sublimely simple: He's in decline; she's full of hope; as they fall in love and marry, she gets famous and he gets drunker, culminating in a televised awards show where she wins and he ruins it spectacularly.
And not just because Ally starts carving out a career for herself as a pop star with a new look and backup dancers, far enough outside of Jackson's guitar-and-grit sensibilities that he's inclined, in his drunker moments, to suggest that she's selling out.
People often apologize for being drunk ("I'm way drunker than I thought" is a frequent refrain); once in a while, someone goes overboard and throws up or passes out—though this was more common in an earlier, fascinatingly raw version of the show, which appeared on Funny or Die.
"In my personal experiences, I have never been drugged, but I have had guys attempt to get me drunker by serving me drinks that are not portioned correctly or continuously filling my cup without my asking," said Olivia Emery, 18, a sophomore at American University studying international relations.
I was like, 'I want to be the cool guy, I want to be at every party, I want to be at every restaurant, I want to be friends with every chef, I want to be drunker than every chef, I want to be harder and work harder than any chef.
However, when I was younger, or drunker, I might have been more annoyed about it—but what I do is look for that, like a tiny little itch, and then scratch it so it becomes more irritable, and therefore find the comedy in it, find the comedy in that bit of conflict.
The university is in Albany, and its fan base—anecdotally, it is split between older men who refer to using the bathroom as "going to the little boys room" and the younger, drunker fans circulating word on Saturday that the Pearl Street Pub was definitely checking ID's—has the shortest distance to travel.
Whether I want to deliver an update while perhaps being a little drunker than advisable, share a meme without individually messaging it to seven different people, or just generally be a little sad/weird/vulnerable online, close friends has become both a micro version of a finsta and the realest version of myself I share anywhere on the internet.
And as the night wears on, and people get drunker and wearier and more wired, their imaginations will take them into a land that is sacred and profane, apocalyptic and eternal, where a gold-skinned god with a New Yawk accent tempts a man who believes in the sacredness of the constitution, and the institutions it protects.
Joe was tending bar at Fulk's and the girl came in with a blond boy and said, "This is my friend who just moved here," and the blond boy ordered tequila and Tecate and the girl ordered gin and they went and sat outside and talked and smoked and the girl said, "I want to get drunker," and so she went inside and ordered tequila from Joe and then more gin and pointed outside and said, "I lost my virginity to that mother," and Joe said, "Looks like a nice guy," and the girl said, "Whatever," and Joe said, "Eight dollars," and the girl said, "I love you," but Joe didn't hear her. 227.
As they get drunker and the clock ticks toward midnight, they pull their chairs closer to the women on stage.
Haaf Gruney is used as a setting in the 2014 novel The Sixteen Trees of the Somme (Svøm med dem som drunker) by Norwegian author Lars Mytting.
As quoted in Steinberg, Concerto, 487. and William Forster Abtrop wrote of the Fifth Symphony, "The furious peroration sounds like nothing so much as a horde of demons struggling in a torrent of brandy, the music growing drunker and drunker. Pandemonium, delirium tremens, raving, and above all, noise worse confounded!"Boston Evening Transcript, 23 October 1892. As quoted in Steinberg, Symphony, 631 The division between Russian and Western critics remained through much of the 20th century but for a different reason.
The > furious peroration sounds like nothing so much as a horde of demons > struggling in a torrent of brandy, the music growing drunker and drunker. > Pandemonium, delirium tremens, raving, and above all, noise worse > confounded! The reception in New York was little better. A reviewer for the Musical Courier, March 13, 1889, wrote: > In the Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony ... one vainly sought for coherency and > homogeneousness ... in the last movement, the composer's Calmuck blood got > the better of him, and slaughter, dire and bloody, swept across the storm- > driven score.
She coined the slogan "Vodka gets you drunker quicker," saying in a Guardian interview: "It just seemed ... to be obvious that people who wanted to get drunk fast needed to know this." Her bosses disagreed and suppressed it.
He declines, explaining that he is just a drunk, who gets drunker every year. He confesses that coming to her boarding house every year is a vain attempt to sustain the illusion of a dignified life that he does not actually live.
"Drunker Than Me" is the title of the debut song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Trent Tomlinson. It was released in October 2005 as the first single from his debut album Country Is My Rock. Tomlinson wrote the song with Ashe Underwood.
Mas Borracho is the fourth album by Infectious Grooves, released in 2000Mas Borracho on, Retrieved February 14, 2017. The title, as written on the album, is "but drunk" in Spanish. However, it is most likely a misspell of "más borracho", meaning "more drunk" or "drunker".
With them were five other members of the gang, including Max Greenberg. As the night went on, the hoods got drunker and rowdier. Closing time came at 1 am and the gangsters refused to leave. While Walter Costello loudly demanded more drinks, the bartender stole away to a telephone and called the police.
Rhett, drunker than Scarlett has ever seen him, returns home from the party long after Scarlett. His eyes are bloodshot, and his mood is dark and violent. He enjoins Scarlett to drink with him, but she declines with deliberate rudeness. However, Rhett pins her to the wall and tells her they could have been happy together.
Country Is My Rock is the debut album of American country music artist Trent Tomlinson. It was released on March 7, 2006 (see 2006 in country music) on Lyric Street Records. The album produced three chart singles on the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts between 2005 and 2007: "Drunker Than Me" (No. 19), "One Wing in the Fire" (No.
Weston enters, even drunker than he was before. Emma is frightened by him, but Wesley tells her to stay calm. Weston asks where Ella is, and then goes into a rage when Wesley and Emma tell him where she went. Weston then tells them that he has already found someone who will buy the land and pay in cash.
Meanwhile, Jim Deakins is traveling up the same path that Boone had taken. After getting the story out of the locals, he pretends to merely be curious about the goings-on. As he gets the sheriff progressively drunker, he steals the keys to the jail and sets Boone free. They go back to the inn where everyone had been drinking.
But Rudbeck's swindle is uncovered and he returns to England to be with his wife. Johnson now goes to work for Gollup, a retired army sergeant who has married a Nigerian woman and runs the local store. Gollup is an abusive drunker given to racist epithets, but he admires Johnson's good-humored courage in facing up to his words and blows. Johnson, in turn, enjoys the compliment to his courage and, when Gollup next attacks him, retaliates.
After numerous deals cut short due to labels that went bankrupt or were being taken over, Tomlinson landed a songwriting deal with Cal IV Entertainment. Some of his songs were recorded by Emerson Drive and Blue County on their respective debut albums. He also cut some sides for Lyric Street Records, with whom he later signed a record deal. Tomlinson's debut single, "Drunker Than Me", was released in late 2005, followed by his album Country Is My Rock.
Unfortunately, when they go to an Oktoberfest featuring Grammy-winning nuclear polka band Brave Combo, Marge, who tries to go through the night without drinking, gives in and ends up drunk along with Homer. He tries to drive them home, but in a drunken stupor overturns the car. In order to avoid an arrest, Homer makes things look like Marge (who is drunker than he is) was the driver. She is arrested, but he bails her out.
Acid formed in August 2003 through auditions held by Hideki. Their live setlist was made up of both of Hideki's solo albums at the beginning and, after one year of excessive touring through Japan, the group went into the studio at the end of 2004 to record their first album. Acid 1.5: Punk Drunker was released in March 2005. With the end of Siam Shade, Hideki didn't want people to always compare his new band with the old one when he was singing.
One scene makes it clear why Dale left the film – he stormed off the set in anger, in the middle of a sex scene in which he was being goaded by Hannaford off-screen. As the party continues, Hannaford gets progressively drunker. He is washing his face in the bathroom when he breaks down in front of Otterlake, asking for the young director's help to revive his career. A series of power outages in the middle of Hannaford's party interrupts the screening.
Trent Tomlinson (born July 3, 1975) is an American country music artist. After several failed attempts at finding a record deal, Tomlinson was signed to Lyric Street Records in 2005, with his debut album Country Is My Rock, released in early 2006. This album produced three Top 40 singles on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country Songs charts: "Drunker Than Me" at No. 19, "One Wing in the Fire" at No. 11, and "Just Might Have Her Radio On" at No. 21\. Three further singles were released in 2009.
Voiced by: Norio Wakamoto (Japanese); Kent Williams (English; Funimation dub) is the strongest fighter of Team Jolly Devil Six. Although the team's alternate via rock-paper-scissors, he is able to fight after decapitating his fleeing teammates Imajin and Gaou. A user of the , Chu gets stronger the drunker he is and is touted as an alchemist who fuses the alcohol he drinks with his aura. After exhausting their aura, he and Yusuke agree to a hand-to-hand combat fight with their heels against two knives stuck into the arena floor, which Chu loses after both use headbutts.
As the play unfolds it emerges that no-one has fulfilled his potential. Michael has failed as an actor and has tried to set himself on fire while in America, JJ is seriously ill and Tom's youthful idealism and intelligence has given way to the savage indignation of a man who feels he has been deserted by his mentor (JJ), his best friend (Michael) his dreams and his life. As everyone gets progressively drunker truths are told and souls are bared. Michael is shocked by Tom's negativity but when he challenges him to leave Tom makes an excuse for remaining in the town.
College junior Bret lives a hedonistic lifestyle at a fictional mediocre West Coast college called Poniente University. Fraternity tradition states that he has to take 21 drinks on his birthday night, which coincides with a raging party at his fraternity house. Bret seems to live the perfect life--wealthy, good-looking, and ultra-popular--but as the night moves forward and he gets progressively drunker, he begins to reflect on the long-forgotten decisions that got him to the top of the social pyramid. The action of the book intercuts between the wild fraternity party raging around him and flashbacks to critical moments in his younger life.
The film is a confusion kidnap drama; Aditya (Sai Dharam Tej) is a booze-happy youngster who enjoys his day-to-day life until he meets a beautiful girl Anjali in an accident. He falls in love with her at first sight itself and also makes her fall in love with him too. After she entered to his life the entire lifestyle changes he leaves one by one all his bad habits, acquires a job in a corporate company and she also separates Aditya from his father Manohar (Rajendra Prasad) who is a big womanizer and drunker than him and also joins Manohar in a rehabilitation center. The twist in the story arises when complications erupt between the couple and they break up with each other for a small quarrel.
The closing track "Shut Down SETI" refers to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence in its title and lyrically explores "human savagery from the perspective of an extra terrestrial outsider" as well as motivations of vanity and pride in the guise of "scientific curiosity" which is often used to justify such research. It has been musically described as ""Taman Shud"'s angrier, drunker older brother", with Liddiard and Kitschin's vocals contrasting to create a "two-pronged environment" that culminates in a "finale overture, as though drawing elements from every single prior track on the album." Allmusic noted that the track, "with its surrealistic ranting, sudden stylistic shifts, and white squalls of dissonance, wouldn't have sounded out of place on David Bowie's Blackstar." OndaRock, on the other hand, compared the track to Tom Waits.

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