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4 Sentences With "drollest"

How to use drollest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "drollest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "drollest". Mastering all the usages of "drollest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The Division's drollest commentary comes from the art directors that underplayed the post-outbreak grime.
Idah Meacham Strobridge gives an account of riding Monk's stage in her book, The Land of the Purple Shadow. She writes: > Hank Monk, the incomparable! The most daring - the most reckless of drivers; > and the luckiest. The oddest, the drollest of all the whimsical characters > who made Western staging famous the world over.
With its disturbed young hero, crumbling old mansion and macabre developments it immediately brings to mind 'Psycho.' The more apt comparison, however, is with that much-cherished English comedy of some years back, 'The Green Man,' in which Alastair Sim (at his drollest) went around blowing up a series of troublesome types." Tom Milne of The Monthly Film Bulletin thought that the rats were "so well-mannered and prettily groomed that they are more likely to elicit coos of delight than shudders of fear ... When the horrors do come, they are very tame indeed: not one single shot to match the chilling menace dispensed by the brooding crows in The Birds or the prowling felines in Eye of the Cat. Instead, Daniel Mann settles for facile effects, like the cut-in shot of rats tearing at a piece of raw meat while they are supposedly demolishing Ernest Borgnine, and gradually drives what might have been an unusually intriguing horror film pretty much into the ground.
His name is much more likely to endure as the writer of humorous original sketches and novelettes in Dutch, which he published under the pseudonym of De oude heer Smits (Old Mr. Smits). Among the most popular are Brieven en Ontboezemingen (Letters and Confessions, with three Continuations), 1853; Familie van Ons (Family of Ours), 1855; Bekentenissen eener Jonge Dame (Confessions of a Young Lady), 1858; Uittreksels uit het Dagboek van Wijlen den Heer Janus Snor (Extracts from the Diary of the late Mr. Janus Snor), i865; Typen (Types), 1871; and, particularly, Afdrukken van Indrukken (Impressions from Impressions), 1854, reprinted many times. The last-named was written in collaboration with Lodewyk Mulder, who contributed some of its drollest whimsicalities of Dutch life and character, which, for that reason, are almost untranslatable. Mulder and Lindo also founded together, and carried on, for a considerable time alone, the Nederlandsche Spectator (The Dutch Spectator), a literary weekly, still published at The Hague, which bears little resemblance to its English prototype, and which perhaps reached its greatest popularity and influence when Carel Vosmaer contributed to it a weekly letter under the title of Vlugmaren (Swifts).

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