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423 Sentences With "droits"

How to use droits in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "droits" and check conjugation/comparative form for "droits". Mastering all the usages of "droits" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Il en résulte que les femmes sont dissuadées de porter plainte, comme le montre un sondage de 2014 commandé par le Défenseur des Droits, l'instance gouvernementale chargée d'aider les citoyens à faire valoir leurs droits.
Le rôle de la Cour est de veiller au respect de ces droits.
En 1995, quand des milliers de femmes venues du monde entier se sont réunies pour la Conférence mondiale sur les femmes - à Pékin, où Hillary Clinton a dit, " Les droits des femmes sont des droits humains " - je n'étais pas là.
Ces projets ignorent cependant l'importance capitale pour les citoyens européens, des droits humains internationaux.
Personnellement, je suis scandalisée que les chiens aient plus de droits que des femmes voilées.
La défense a d'ailleurs dénoncé le travail sélectif d'un lobby international d'organisations des droits de l'homme.
C'est aussi ce qui justifie par exemple la politique culturelle et de droits d'auteur que je défends.
Certains défenseurs des droits de la personne l'ont cloué au pilori, lui reprochant de stigmatiser les musulmanes voilées.
Des voix responsables doivent s'élever à chaque occasion pour défendre et promouvoir les bastions européens des droits humains.
Cette intuition était confortée par nos parents qui nous parlaient de faux moudjahidines — de faux anciens combattants — de plus en plus nombreux à réclamer des droits, et aussi par le spectacle des injustices induites par ces droits: accès privilégié au logement et à l'emploi, détaxes, protections sociales spéciales et autre.
Le code de vie, qui affirmait aussi les droits des parents de même sexe, était l'initiative d'un conseiller municipal, André Drouin.
Oskar Schlemmer: The Dancing Artist continues at the Centre Pompidou-Metz (1 Parvis des Droits-de-l'Homme, Metz, France) through January 16, 2017.
In 1791 de Gouges had published, as a pamphlet, a declaration of women's rights ("Déclaration Des droits de la Femme et de la Citoyenne").
Deploying heavily armed police scares people, said Nicole Filion, a coordinator with La Ligue des droits et libertés, a civil liberties group observing the demonstrations.
C'est déjà le cas en France, où la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, à Strasbourg, devient un sujet de débat à l'approche de l'élection présidentielle.
La Cour affirme que les autorités nationales sont les premières garantes des droits de l'homme; elle ne manque d'ailleurs pas de le rappeler souvent dans ses décisions.
Gloria Karefa-Smart, la mère d'Aisha, est l'unique exécutrice testamentaire de l'auteur, et elle est réputée pour sa protection des droits de citation du travail de l'écrivain.
A cela s'ajoute une gangue de fer qui freine les initiatives individuelles et qui nie aux Algériens " le droit d'avoir des droits " auquel faisait référence Hannah Arendt.
Ce n'est pas la Cour de Strasbourg qui accorde ces droits: ils l'ont été par les gouvernements des pays européens au moment où ils ont ratifié la Convention.
De même, c'est grâce à un arrêt de la Cour européenne que les enfants, qu'ils soient nés de parents mariés ou non, ont désormais en France les mêmes droits.
Il ne faut pas être devin pour voir que des attaques répétées à l'encontre de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme pourraient avoir le même genre de conséquences.
En plus de revoir les constitutions ou de limiter les mandats de certains dirigeants, il faut assurer les droits fondamentaux en pratique, tout particulièrement l'égalité entre hommes et femmes.
Pour les habitants de ces quartiers défavorisés, la plupart issus de l'immigration, le manque de piscines publiques renforce le sentiment qu'ils n'ont pas les mêmes droits que les autres.
Créée après la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le cadre du Conseil de l'Europe, cette cour a pour mission de s'assurer que les Etats appliquent la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme.
According to an investigation by the Défenseur des droits (an independent agency charged with protecting the civil rights of French citizens) published in 2014, during her professional life, one in five women faces sexual harassment.
Du berceau jusqu'à la tombe, les libanais sont assignés à la résidence de leur communauté; ils ne peuvent faire valoir leurs droits sans passer par des leaders communautaires et les réseaux clientélistes de ces derniers.
Or à peine ce projet connu, un réseau composé d'associations humanitaires et des droits de l'homme, d'avocats et de juristes — qui s'était déjà mobilisé contre l'état d'urgence, à ses yeux liberticide — a fait connaître son opposition.
Toutefois, sa directrice Natalia Narotchnitskaïa développe dans de nombreuses interviews un discours très hostile : l'Occident voudrait soumettre la Russie, lui imposer ses règles, voire la "démembrer", et à ces fins il instrumentaliserait la question de droits de l'homme.
Des milliers de descendants d'immigrés des Caraïbes nés en Grande-Bretagne — désormais appelés génération Windrush — ont subi de plein fouet l'impact de mesures anti-immigration en se voyant retirer leurs droits aux aides à la santé et au logement.
Il avait fait l'objet de violentes critiques de la part d'autres figures du combat pour les droits civiques aux États-Unis — certains le surnommaient Martin Luther Queen en raison de son homosexualité — et se croyait surveillé par le gouvernement américain.
"Bullfighting is a spectacle that's cruel to animals and degrading to all humanity, led by irresponsible individuals who are insensitive to animals' suffering or, worse, take joy in that suffering," a spokesperson from the Association for Animal Rights (Association Droits des Animaux) told Motherboard.
Elle compare la démarche du groupe à celle de l'artiste blanche Dana Schutz, dont le portrait d'Emmett Till, un adolescent noir dont le lynchage en 1955 par deux hommes blancs dans l'état du Mississippi fut l'un des déclencheurs du mouvement des droits civiques, a fait l'objet de vives critiques le mois dernier.
Rebecca Horn: Theatre of Metamorphoses at the Centre Pompidou-Metz (1 Parvis des Droits de l'Homme, Metz, France), curated by Emma Lavigne and Alexandra Müller, remains open until January 13; and Rebecca Horn: Body Fantasies at the Tinguely Museum (Paul Sacher-Anlage 2, Basel, Switzerland), curated by Sandra Beate Reimann, remains open until September 22.
Notices released in 1999:H. (D.) v. M. (H.), [1999] 1 S.C.R. 761; Quebec (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) v.
Quebec's human rights commission, the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse condemned the proposed charter as a "radical" infringement on fundamental rights.
The Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse (CDPDJ; English: Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission) is a government agency created by the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms in 1975. The current name and responsibilities of the Commission result from the merging in 1995 of the mandates of the Commission des droits de la personne and the Commission de protection des droits de la jeunesse.
Interventions nationales , Ligue des droits et libertés, accessed 4 January 2011.
Neither manoeuvre was successful, as Droits de l'Homme raked the British ship but caused little damage as most of her shot scattered into the ocean. Indefatigable and Droits de l'Homme manoeuvred around one another, exchanging fire when possible until 18:45, when Amazon arrived. During this exchange, one of Droits de l'Hommes cannon burst, causing heavy casualties on her packed deck.Woodman, p. 88.
Droits de l'Homme, was involved in the Action of 6 November 1794, chasing the British 74s and . Droits de l'Homme caught up with Alexander first, but was forced out of action with damage to her rigging, but Alexander was soon caught by and and captured. Droits de l'Homme was lightly involved in Battle of Groix, on 22 June 1795, firing few if any shots during the battle.
The group was founded in 1989 in Brussels, Belgium, and originally named "Brussels-Human Rights" ("Bruxelles- Droits de l'Homme" in French), with the aim of promoting and defending human rights, rule of law and democracy. It published a bimonthly journal in French Droits de l’homme sans frontières.Droits de l’homme sans frontières, editor: Willy Fautré, . It later adopted the name of its magazine: "Droits de l’homme sans frontières - Human Rights Without Frontiers".
This was refused by the hait-droits, the most radical part of the rebels.
The mechanism ensuring the protection of Human Rights, as specified in the Quebec Charter, involves two stages: # The complaint process at the Commission des droits de la personnes et des droits de la jeunesse; # The judicial process before the Human Rights Tribunal.
In December 1796 Droits de l'Homme, under capitaine de vaisseau Raymond de Lacrosse, took part in the invasion attempt against Ireland, carrying 549 soldiers. On their way, the fleet was dispersed by tempests. The Droits de l'Homme arrived at Bantry Bay and cruised off the coast, capturing the brigs Cumberland and Calypso. She stayed there for eight days to ascertain that no French ship was in distress on the coast, and departed for Brittany. Droits de l'Homme wrecked On 25 Nivôse An V in the Action of 13 January 1797, off Penmarch, Droits de l'Homme met the British frigates (44), under Sir Edward Pellew, and (36), commanded by Robert C. Reynolds.
The droits of admiralty were definitely surrendered for the benefit of the public by Prince George of Denmark, when Lord High Admiral of England in 1702. American law does not recognize any such droits, and the disposition of captured property is regulated by various acts of Congress.
Another evolution described by Jean Carbonnier is the subjectivisation of the law. This refers to the fact that the "rights to..." (droits à...) become more and more important. The author speaks in terms of a "pulverisation in subjective rights" (pulvérisation en droits subjectifs). Subjective rights (or entitlements) are replacing legal principles.
The film was the closing film for the 2010 Festival International du Film des Droits de l’Homme in Paris.
Retrieved 10 April 2012.Valerio, Ivan. Le FN a-t-il pillé les droits du groupe électro M83?. Europe 1.
Gaétan Cousineau (2012) Gaétan Cousineau is an administrator and former politician in the Canadian province of Quebec. He was the mayor of Gatineau from 1983 to 1988 and is now president of the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse (known in English as the Quebec Human Rights Commission).
French policy emphasised, along with the International Convention, that the real evil was prostitution, not trafficking, defined as an "accompanying evil". At the same time, Nicole Péry, minister for women's rights (Secrétaire d'État aux droits des femmes; 1998–2002), included prostitution in her department's campaign on violence against women, calling it a form of violence at Beijing+5, (New York 2000).Péry N. Dossier Prostitution 2000Pery N. 2001. Actualites. Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité, Secrétariat d'État aux Droits des femmes et à la Formation professionnelle, Service des droits des femmes et de l'égalité.
Flag of the Ligue des droits de l'homme Monument to Ludovic Trarieux in Place Denfert-Rochereau, commemorating the foundation of the Ligue des droits de l'homme (designed by Jean Boucher). The Human Rights League ( [et du citoyen] or LDH) of France, is a Human Rights NGO association to observe, defend and promulgation of Rights Man within the French Republic in all spheres of public life. The LDH is a member of the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH). Ligue des droits de l'homme et du citoyen (LDH) , name as registered with the FIDH (web retrieval: 22 Feb.
Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc., [2008] S.C.J. No. 46 at para 19. Additionally, when the quasi-constitutional law is a rights-protecting measure such as a human rights act, the protected rights are to be interpreted broadly and exceptions and the limitations on these rights are to be construed narrowly.Quebec (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) v.
Sexual orientation is not defined in any human rights act, but is widely interpreted as meaning heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality. It does not include transsexuality or transgender people.Quebec (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) c. Maison des jeunes 1998 IIJCan 28, [1998] R.J.Q. 2549; (1998), 33 C.H.R.R. 263 (T.D.P.Q.); REJB 1998-07058 Accessed on March 3, 2006.
Fatima felt it "better than never". The same year, Fatima founded the Association Harkis and Human RightsIn French : Association harkis et droits de l'Homme.
In the Action of 6 November 1794 Alexander was overrun by the Droits de l'Homme, but escaped when she damaged the Droits de l'Hommes rigging. Alexander was then caught by Marat, which came behind her stern and raked her. Then, the 74 gun third-rate Jean Bart closed in and fired broadsides at close range, forcing Bligh to surrender Alexander. In the meantime, Canada escaped.
By 13 January, all of the French fleet had been accounted for except the small brig Mutine, which was blown all the way to Santa Cruz and was captured there in July, and the 74-gun Droits de l'Homme. Droits de l'Homme had been among the ships under Bouvet in Bantry Bay and then with those that carried on to the Shannon, but as the fleet broke up she became separated. With provisions running low and landings still impossible, Captain Jean-Baptiste Raymond de Lacrosse determined to return to France independently. Progress was slow as Droits de l'Homme was overloaded with 1,300 men, including 800 soldiers under General Jean Humbert.
52,000 Ukrainians and 100,000 Greeks in Georgia. Since 1990, 1.5 million Georgian nationals have left.Ethnic minorities in Georgia . Federation Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l'Homme.
No date. Retrieved 2009-02-23 It distributes press passes and accredits journalists.Réseau des Journalistes pour les Droits de l’Homme (RJDH-NIGER) . Retrieved 2009-02-23.
Note: The office holder occasionally appears in official navy lists styled differently sometimes referred to as the Solicitor to the Naval Department. Comptroller of the Droits.
Adelle Blackett is a professor of law at McGill University Faculty of Law. Her scholarship focuses on labour law and human rights issues. She was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2020 and was awarded a fellowship by the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation in 2016. Blackett has served as a commissioner of the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse.
The Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse (Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission) is a publicly funded agency created by the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. Its members are appointed by the National Assembly. The commission has been given powers to promote and protect human rights within all sectors of Québec society. Government institutions and Parliament are bound by the provisions of the Charter.
Penguin Books; pp. 164–65Mee, Arthur (1937) Cornwall: England's farthest south. London: Hodder & Stoughton; pp. 205-06 The battle is probably the engagement with the Droits de l'Homme.
The copyright protection of computer programs was, and to some extent still is, the subject of much debate in France. Patent protection was first excluded by Loi n°68-1 du 2 janvier 1968 sur les brevets d'invention"Loi n°68-1 du 2 janvier 1968 sur les brevets d'invention" Legifrance and defined in copyright by Loi n°85-660 du 3 juillet 1985 relative aux droits d'auteur et aux droits des artistes- interprètes, des producteurs de phonogrammes et de vidéogrammes et des entreprises de communication audiovisuelle."Loi n° 85-660 du 3 juillet 1985 relative aux droits d'auteur et aux droits des artistes-interprètes, des producteurs de phonogrammes et de vidéogrammes et des entreprises de communication audiovisuelle" Legifrance The legal position was resolved by the transposition of May 14, 1991 EU Directive into French law: computer programs and any associated preparatory works qualify for copyright protection in France as in other European Union jurisdictions. Databases are protected by a related sui generis right.
Quebec (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) c. Maison des jeunes 1998 IIJCan 28, [1998] R.J.Q. 2549; (1998), 33 C.H.R.R. 263 (T.D.P.Q.); REJB 1998-07058 Accessed on March 3, 2006. The Federal Court of Canada has stated that sexual orientation "is a precise legal concept that deals specifically with an individual's preference in terms of gender" in sexual relationships, and is not vague or overly broad.
In 1795, he was sent to Martinique and Guadeloupe to crush revolts. On his return to France, Lacrosse was arrested. Freed, he was attached to the planned invasion of Ireland in late 1796, commanding the 74-gun Droits de l'Homme. The invasion failed, and on her journey back, the Droits de l'Homme fought the Action of 13 January 1797 against two English frigates, the Indefatigable under Sir Edward Pellew and the Amazon.
In 1791 the National Assembly of the French Revolution declared the full civil rights for the Jewish population of the French Republic (Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen).
II) pp. 14 & 16 The heavy seas pounding her on the beach destroyed Amazon; the Droits de l'Homme, badly damaged in the battle, was also wrecked, with heavy casualties.James (Vol.II) pp.
Dionysios Spinellis, Athens, A.N. Sakkoulas Publ. 2001, 269-292 = European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 9: 2001, 197 - 219. 20\. A typology of juvenile justice systems in Europe, Contribution to the Volume in honour of Professor Alice Yotopoulos – Marangopoulos, Athens, Nomiki Vivliothiki Publ., 2003, 251-273. 21\. Le prononcé de la peine et les Droits de l' Homme, in: Alice Yotopoulos – Marangopoulos (dir.), Droits de l' Homme et Politique criminelle, Athènes/Komotini/Bruxelles, 2007, 31 - 52. 22\.
She also used her position as a platform to campaign against the government of Maurice Duplessis. In the 1960s, she became a campaigner against nuclear weapons, founding in February 1961 the Quebec wing of Voice of Women (VOW) and serving as the national president of VOW from 1962-1963. She also was a founder of the La Ligue des droits l'homme devenue en 1978 la Ligue des droits et libertés and the Fédération des femmes du Québec.
As the chase developed, the weather, which had been violent for the entire preceding month, worsened. An Atlantic gale swept the Ushant headland, driving a blizzard eastwards and whipping the sea into a turbulent state, making steering and aiming more difficult. At 16:15, two of Droits de l'Homme's topmasts broke in the strong winds. This dramatically slowed the French ship, and allowed Pellew, who had recognised his opponent as a French ship of the line, to close with Droits de l'Homme.
Menhir commemorating the wreck of Droits de l'Homme (shown in the picture as damaged by storm with the topmost portion having broken off)Exact French casualties are difficult to calculate, but of the 1,300 aboard Droits de l'Homme, 103 are known to have died in the battle and just over 300 were saved from the wreck, indicating the deaths of approximately 900 men on the French ship between the morning of 14 January and the morning of 18 January.James, pp. 15–19. However, a French source suggests that up to another 500 of the crew were rescued from the wreck by the corvette Arrogante and the cutter Aiguille on 17 and 18 January.Jakez Cornou et Bruno Jonin, L'odyssée du vaisseau "Droits de l'homme" : L'expédition d'Irlande de 1796, éditions Dufa, 1 January 1988, p. 216. This would give a toll of only about 400.
Cousineau worked for the Commission municipale du Québec from 1992 to 1998, when was appointed by the Canadian government to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada in Montreal.Gaétan Cousineau, Commission des droits de la personne et des jeunesse, accessed 13 April 2011. He was not re- appointed in November 2006, amid suggestions that new prime minister Stephen Harper was attempting to pack the board with its ideological allies.Andrew Mayeda, "Critics say PM is staging refugee board power grab," Ottawa Citizen, 28 February 2007, A3. After leaving the Immigration and Refugee board, Cousineau was appointed to a five-year term as president of the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, which began in September 2007.Robert Dutrisac, "Choix contesté à la présidence de la Commission de l'équité salariale", Le Devoir, 27 June 2007, accessed 13 April 2011.
The damage the more manoeuvrable British vessels inflicted on the French ship was so severe that as the winds increased, the French crew lost control and the Droits de l'Homme was swept onto a sandbar and destroyed.
Given the broad, established meaning of "civil rights" in Canadian constitutional law, it has not been used in the more specific meaning of personal equality rights. Instead, the terms "human rights" / "droits de la personne" are used.
By 22:30, Droits de l'Homme was in severe difficulties, with heavy casualties among her crew and passengers and the loss of her mizzenmast to British fire. Observing the battered state of their opponent, Pellew and Reynolds closed on the stern quarters of the French ship, maintaining a high rate of fire that was sporadically returned by Droits de l'Homme.James, p. 13. Having exhausted the 4,000 cannonballs available, Lacrosse was forced to use the shells he was carrying, which had been intended for use by the army in Ireland.
Andrew Duffy, "Senator, Katimavik founder dead at 84," National Post, 8 December 2007, A14. The organization is committed to upholding the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. , Ligue des droits et libertés, accessed March 12, 2020.
In 1917 he became the first vice-president of the Association Guillaume Budé. He was a member of the central committee of the Ligue des droits de l'homme ("Human Rights League"), which defended Alfred Dreyfus in the Dreyfus affair.
He was reportedly tortured in the Diata section of Brazzaville and nearly executed before an order to the contrary arrived from higher command."Entre arbitraire et impunité : les droits de l'homme au Congo-Brazzaville" , Congolese Human Rights Observatory, April 1998 .
Nibizi has since reported to the United Nations on human rights violations in Burundi. As coordinator of the human rights organization Coalition Burundaise des Défenseurs des Droits de l’Homme, she continues to fight for progress on human rights for all Burundians.
Il aurait mieux valu que vous soyez tous illettrés.” Quoted in Rollinde, Le Mouvement marocain des droits de l'Homme (2003), p. 123.Susan Ossman, Picturing Casablanca: Portraits of Power in a Modern City; University of California Press, 1994; p. 37.
Il aurait mieux valu que vous soyez tous illettrés.” Quoted in Rollinde, Le Mouvement marocain des droits de l'Homme (2003), p. 123.Susan Ossman, Picturing Casablanca: Portraits of Power in a Modern City; University of California Press, 1994; p. 37.
Among the members of the group were Michel, Paule Minck, Eliska Vincent, Élie Reclus and his wife Noémie, Mme Jules Simon, Caroline de Barrau and Maria Deraismes. Because of the broad range of opinions, the group decided to focus on the subject of improving girls' education. Commonly known as the Revendication des Droits de la Femme (Demand for Women's Rights), the group had close ties with the Société Coopérative des Ouvriers et Ouvrières (Cooperative Society of Men and Women Workers). The July 1869 manifesto of the Revendication des Droits de la Femme was thus signed by the wives of militant cooperative members.
The number of disappeared in Algeria is estimated at between 10,000 and 20,000 – the Algerian government admitted to 6,164 in 2005; the Algerian national human rights institution, the Commission Nationale Consultative de Promotion et de Protection des Droits de l'Homme (CNCPPDH) to 8,023.
Hope returned to the Cape on 23 October 1797. She then disappears from online records. Hope did not possess a letter of marque, and so the capture of Haase was by a non-commissioned vessel. Hence the prize became a Droits of Admiralty.
He has lectured widely at leading European universities. Together with Professor Sima Avramović, he was the organizer of the prestigious Belgrade Competition in Oratory. Additionally, Stanojević was the only representative from Eastern Europe of the international review Revue internationale des droits de l’Antiquité – Brussels.
Mission du Bicentenaire de la Révolution française et de la Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen. Le Bicentenaire de la Révolution: répertoire numérique détaillé des archives de la Mission du Bicentenaire. Archives Nationales (1991) p. 29. .Revue internationale de musique française, Volume 10.
Previously he has served as a member of the French Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and as a member of the Women's Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (Délégation aux droits des femmes et à l'égalité des chances entre les hommes et les femmes).
The taxes called droits d'enregistrement, correspond to the stamp acts. They mainly apply to the sale of buildings (in addition to local taxes), inheritance and gifts, assignment of businesses and registration of vehicles. Revenues collected by the state amounted in 2006 to €14.7 bn.
In "On the Jewish Question", Karl Marx criticized the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen as bourgeois ideology: :Above all, we note the fact that the so-called rights of man, the droits de l'homme as distinct from the droits du citoyen, are nothing but the rights of a member of civil society – i.e., the rights of egoistic man, of man separated from other men and from the community. ... according to the Declaration of the Rights of Man of 1791: :"Liberty consists in being able to do everything which does not harm others." :Liberty, therefore, is the right to do everything that harms no one else.
To the surprise of Lacrosse and his officers, Indefatigable did not retreat from the ship of the line, nor did she pass the ship of the line at long-range to leeward as expected. Instead, at 17:30, Pellew closed with the stern of Droits de l'Homme and opened a raking fire. Lacrosse turned to meet the threat and opened fire with the guns on the upper deck accompanied by a heavy volley of musket fire from the soldiers on board. Pellew then attempted to pull ahead of Droits de l'Homme and rake her bow, to which Lacrosse responded by attempting to ram Indefatigable.
Mint masses, also known as moneyers' masses were legalized by Act of Parliament dated 17 July 1649 entitled An Act touching the monies and coins of England. A grain is 20 mites, a mite is 24 droits, a droit is 20 perits, a perit is 24 blanks.
The original castle was built in 990 by Aremburga of Ancenis, widow of Guerech, Duke of Brittany,Aimé Champollion, "Droits et Usages", Revue archéologique, p 517 Paris 1860 . Retrieved 1 January 2019. \- Camille Mellinet, Oeuvres littéraires d'Éd. Richer p 353, Nantes 1888 . Retrieved 1 January 2019.
The Crown of England had, from medieval times, legal rights over certain property found or captured at sea or found on the shore. These included the rights to shipwrecks, ships found abandoned at the sea, Flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict, enemy ships and goods found in English ports or captured at sea in wartime and goods taken from pirates. At first, these were collectively known as Droits of the Crown, but after the creation the office of the High Admiral, later the Lord High Admiral, of England in the early 15th century, they were known as Droits of Admiralty, as the Crown granted these rights, and legal jurisdiction the property specified in them, to the Lord Admiral. This jurisdiction ceased in 1702, but the name Droits of Admiralty remained in use. Holdsworth 559-560 Early Prize Law made little distinction between financial rewards made to officers and men of the Royal Navy and to privateers (civilians authorised to attack enemy shipping by Letters of marque issued by the Crown), as the former did not exist as a permanent force until the 16th century.
S. Rethoré ce acceptans tous les droits de proprieté quelle a et pouvoir avoir sur Marie Cezette negresse mere dud. S. Rethoré, Jeannette es Marie Rose, Creoles, filles de lad. Cezette es sœurs dud. S. Rethoré es sur leurs enfans nés es a Naitre consentant quil exerce lesd.
Meanwhile, Revue Noire published a special issue about his work in 1996. Kacimi was awarded the Grand Prix du Mérite from the King of Morocco in 2000. Kacimi was also a human rights activist. He exhibited his work for the Organisation Marocaine des Droits Humains (OMDH) in 2002.
S. Rethoré, Jeannette es Marie Rose, Creoles, filles de lad. Cezette es sœurs dud. S. Rethoré es sur leurs enfans nés es a Naitre consentant quil exerce lesd. droits es en jouisse fasse es dispose en toute propriété es Comme de Choses lui appartenant au Moyen des presentes, mad.
193 he made his debut in theatre in Le Havre in 1885 with Les Droits de la femme.Henry Gidel, Le Vaudeville, PUF, 1986, p.91 He obtained many successes in his time but today his most famous play remains Les Surprises du divorce written in 1888 with Alexandre Bisson.
Human- rights groups are able to operate in the Central African Republic with few official restrictions, but the government does not tend to be responsive to their concerns. Domestic human-rights NGOs limit their operations almost exclusively to the capital. Some NGOs have questioned the neutrality of the country's only officially recognized NGO umbrella group, the Inter-NGO Council in CAR (CIONGCA), which is run by a kinsman of the president. Among the active and effective local human-rights groups are the LCDH (Ligue Centrafricaine des Droits de l'Homme), the OCDH (Office centrafricain des Droits de l'Homme), the ACAT (l'Action des Chrétiens pour l'Abolition de la Torture), and AWJ (Association of Women Jurists).
In July, the UMP majority, seconded by the Nouveau Centre, approved one of Sarkozy's electoral promise, which was to quasi-suppress the inheritance tax.Les députés votent la quasi-suppression des droits de succession, Le Figaro, 13 July 2007 Les droits de succession (presque) supprimés, Libération, 13 July 2007 The inheritance tax used to bring eight billion euros into state coffers.Droits de succession : pour une minorité de ménages aisés, L'Humanité, 7 June 2007 This reform was included in a fiscal stimulus package that allegedly aimed at reviving the economic growth. However, the TEPA Law, another measure of the stimulus package, sparked a polemic because it seemed to favour richest households through tax cuts.
For the archivist Paul Raymond, the name of Pays Quint comes from gleaning rights, called in the region droits du quint, given by Charles III of Navarre to the barons of Espelette; the holder of these rights had the right to claim one fifth of any cargo passing through these roads.
Le Canadien () was a French language newspaper published in Lower Canada from November 22, 1806 to March 14, 1810. Its motto was: "Nos institutions, notre langue et nos droits" (Our institutions, our language, our rights). It was released every Saturday and the yearly subscription was of 10 chelins or shillings.
He was appointed an Officer of the Légion d'honneur in 1986. He resigned the prelature on 1 October 1988. He was elected, for one year, president of the Council of the Christian Churches of France on 17 November 1987. He received his first prize of the Droits de l'Homme in 1988.
Around that time Lightning was re-rated to be a post ship, which meant that he could retain command. On 2 February 1812, Lightning sailed for the Leeward Islands. In August or September 1812, Lightning detained the American droits Republican and Greyhound. On 2 September 1812, Lightning captured the Alligator.
Pékin 5 ans pres. Service des droits des femmes et de l’égalité. 23rd special session, "Women 2000 : Gender Equality, Development and peace for the 21st Century" Mrs Nicole Pery, Minister of State for Women's Rights and vocational Training. In 2001 she criticised a Benetton advertisement for its portrayal of women's bodies.
In 1994 Sassou Nguesso left the country for Paris. He returned to Congo on 26 January 1997 and intended to contest the presidential election scheduled for July."Entre arbitraire et impunite: les droits de l'homme au Congo- Brazzaville" , Congolese Human Rights Observatory and International Federation of Human Rights, April 1998 .
It helps to visualize the geometrical distribution and possible symmetry among individual faults. :4) P (pressure) and T (tension) DihedraAngelier, J. and Mechler, P. 1977. Sur une methode graphique de recherche des contraintes principles egalement utilisable en tectonique et en seismologie: la methode des diedres droits. Bull. Soc. geol. Fr. 19, 1309-1318.
The armed rebellion continued the next day. From 2 o'clock in the morning, the call to arms had sounded in the Quinze Vingts. The tocsin tolled before 10 o'clock in Fidelite (Hotel de Ville) and Droits de l'Homme. In these two sections and in Arcis, Gravilliers, and Popincourt illegal assemblies were held.
He worked as a lawyer. He first ran for election to the National Assembly of Quebec in the 1981 election, as a Quebec Liberal Party candidate in Rosemont. Unsuccessful in that election, he ran in Chambly in the 1985 election, and was elected that year."Gérard Latulippe, nouveau président de Droits et Démocratie".
James (Vol.II) pp.7-8 In the Action of 13 January 1797, Amazon, in company with Pellew's ship Indefatigable, encountered the French ship Droits de l'Homme, a 74-gun ship of the line.James (Vol.II) p.11 Normally, frigates would not engage a ship of the line as they would be severely outgunned.
Quebec (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) v Boisbriand (City of), 2000 SCC 27, [2000] 1 S.C.R. 665, is a leading Canadian civil rights decision of the Supreme Court of Canada. The Court considered the nature of a handicap in law and found that a handicap is not merely a biomedical condition but rather can exist as a perceived limitation or social construct. The decision arises from two separate claims by individuals for discrimination under the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. Réjeanne Mercier was refused employment with the city of Montreal as a Gardener- horticulturalist on the grounds that her medical condition involving chronic back pains would be too costly and would interfere with her long-term employment.
75 (15–18 Aug. 1788) in Analyse des Papiers Anglais in 1788Cf. Jourdan, notes 19 and 21. According to Popkin, who conducted extensive archival research into the matter, this excerpt eventually influenced the formulation of the Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen of 1789, one of the foundational documents of the French Revolution.
Keith Bradley, Slavery and Society at Rome. Cambridge University Press: 1994, , page 162 Also, he punished the killing of a slave by his/her master without previous trialAubert, Jean-Jacques. "L'esclave en droit romain ou l'impossible réification de l’homme". Esclavage et travail forcé, Cahiers de la Recherche sur les droits fondamentaux (CRDF). Vol. 10. 2012.
The same year, he became President of the PCF Comité pour la défense des libertés et droits de l'homme en France et dans le monde ("Committee for the defense of human liberties and rights in France and throughout the world"). He criticized the renovation of the party under his successor. He died in 1997.
Simone Chapuis-Bischof (born March 16, 1931) is a Swiss activist. She was an organizer for women's suffrage in Switzerland. She was also the head of the Association Suisse Pour les Droits de la Femme (ADF or in English, the Swiss Association for the Rights of Women), and the president of the journal, Femmes Suisses.
Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF) is a non-governmental organization, registered since 1989 as an association without lucrative purpose in Belgium,Droits de l’homme sans frontières - Human Rights Without Frontiers, ASBL, BE 0436.787.535, 'Moniteur belge', 05/04/2006 that "focuses on research, analysis and monitoring of a wide range of human rights concerns in many countries around the world".
The CSC is the only body legally allowed to close media outlets, establish bans on reporting, and license television, radio, and newspaper reporting. It also oversees and disburses government funding for private media, through its "press assistance fund". It distributes press passes and accredits journalists.Réseau des Journalistes pour les Droits de l’Homme (RJDH-NIGER) . Retrieved 2009-02-23.
James, p. 10 Two, including the flagship Fraternité, were chased by the British fleet, eventually reaching safety at Rochefort. The third, the ship of the line Droits de l'Homme, was intercepted by two British frigates led by Captain Sir Edward Pellew and destroyed in a running action that cost the lives of over 1,000 Frenchmen.James, p.
It was originally a "seigneurie" or Lord of the Manor and in turn this lordship was originally a dependency of the barony of Beauville. It was detached in favour of the De Ver family in 1463Les droits seigneuriaux dans la sénéchaussée et comté de Lauragais (1553-1789): étude juridique et historique. Jean Ramière de Fortanier. Laffitte Reprints, 1932.
They then returned to St Helena, where George Vancouver and , which had arrived there in the meantime, joined them. The entire convoy, now some 20 vessels or so strong, sailed from there on 22 August for Shannon. Because the captures occurred before Britain had declared war on the Batavian Republic, the vessels became Droits to the Crown.
L'Action nationale was founded in 1917 under the name L'action française (French Action) by members of the Ligue des droits du français (League for French Rights). It was published in Montreal from 1917 to 1927. The first director was Omer Héroux. He was followed by the Catholic priest Lionel Groulx, whose name would become strongly associated with the periodical.
The vessels the privateers had captured became droits to the Admiralty as the privateers had had no commission to seize them.Annual Register (April 1781), p.48. From 2 February 1782 to February 1783 the French occupied the colony after compelling Governor Robert Kingston to surrender. At that time the French captured Barbuda and five other small British warships.
The sea was rough, preventing Droits de l'Homme from using her lower deck batteries and from boarding the British. Lacrosse was wounded; he gave command of the ship to his second officer, Prévost de Lacroix, and had his crew swear not to strike their colours.Parkinson, C. Northcote (1934) Edward Pellew, Viscount Exmouth, Admiral of the Red.
In practice, this rule separated out 60% of students. Although at that time, the Baccalauréat concerned only a small few (1500 per year), for the others it became a rallying symbol which set off the student mobilization.Rollinde, Le Mouvement marocain des droits de l'Homme (2003), p. 122. This decision provoked student unrest in Casablanca, Rabat, and other cities.
En 2004, Patrick Martinet avais expliqué les problèmes qui existaient déja en raison de la fermeture de CFI-TV, le principal client. Cela a fait qu’il y avait environ 50% en moins sur les droits de diffusion. Il fallait donc faire un effort cette fois-ci avant de trouver un système qui permettrait de redémarrer correctement.
The parquet is not considered an independent judicial authority in the meaning of article 5 of the Convention de Sauvegarde des Droits de l’Homme et des Libertés Fondamentales.Article de Eolas. The European court for the rights of man condemned France in November 2010 for having conferred on it jurisdictional functions.Arrêt Moulin contre France (no&37104/06).
In 1986 he founded Alwatane (the Nation) magazine, which dealt with the topics of liberation, development and socialism in Morocco and other Arab countries. The development of cooperation and friendship relationships with the international progressive movement, particularly in Europe, led him to create the Centre marocain pour la coopération et les droits de l'homme (CMCDH) with other fellow activists.
Metro stations, more so than railway and bus stations, often have a characteristic artistic design that can identify each stop. Some have sculptures or frescoes. For example, London's Baker Street station is adorned with tiles depicting Sherlock Holmes. The tunnel for Paris' Concorde station is decorated with tiles spelling the Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen.
Nevertheless, it was decided that certain annual financial payments which were owed the nobility and which were considered "contractual" (i.e. not stemming from a usurpation of feudal power, but from a contract between a landowner and a tenant) such as annual rents (the cens and the champart) needed to be bought back by the tenant for the tenant to have clear title to his land. Since the feudal privileges of the nobles had been termed droits de feodalité dominante, these were called droits de féodalité contractante. The rate set (May 3, 1790) for purchase of these contractual debts was 20 times the annual monetary amount (or 25 times the annual amount if given in crops or goods); peasants were also required to pay back any unpaid dues over the past thirty years.
The Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), Sarkozy's party, won a majority at the June 2007 legislative election, although by less than expected. In July, the UMP majority, seconded by the Nouveau Centre, ratified one of Sarkozy's electoral promises, which was to partially revoke the inheritance tax.Les députés votent la quasi-suppression des droits de succession, Le Figaro, 13 July 2007 Les droits de succession (presque) supprimés, Libération, 13 July 2007 The inheritance tax formerly brought eight billion euros into state coffers.Droits de succession: pour une minorité de ménages aisés, L'Humanité, 7 June 2007 G-8 Summit in 2009 Sarkozy's UMP majority prepared a budget that reduced taxes, in particular for upper middle- class people, allegedly in an effort to boost GDP growth, but did not reduce state expenditures.
When Tremblay refused, the Mouvement laïque québécois (MLQ), a non-profit organization supporting secularization, filed a complaint with the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse on his behalf. In 2008, Saguenay's city council passed a by-law amending the language of the prayer and scheduling the prayer before the official opening of council sessions; however, the councillors continued to act as before.SCC, par. 13 That same year, the Commission adopted a resolution indicating its intention to exercise its discretion not to seize a tribunal, despite the fact that it believed that there was sufficient evidence to prove discrimination, leaving the possibility for the plaintiff to represent himself before the Human Rights Tribunal of Quebec, as provided by section 84 of the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.
The collection of income due them involved the community in endless litigation. By a Bull of Honorius III, 13 April 1223, the strict original rule established by Viard was relaxed somewhat.Macphail 1881:14. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Pierre Hélyot states,Helyot, L'Histoire des ordres monastiques..., on the authority of René Chopin, Traité des droits des religieux et des monastres, II, tit.
Lissouba appointed Charles David Ganao to replace him on 27 August. Sassou-Nguesso's visit to Owando, Yhombi-Opango's political stronghold, in May 1997 led to an outbreak of violence between his supporters and those of Yhombi-Opango."Entre arbitraire et impunité: les droits de l'homme au Congo-Brazzaville", Congolese Human Rights Observatory and International Federation of Human Rights, April 1998 .
From 1991 to 1995 she was President of the Ligue des droits de l'homme and had been a signatory to the Manifesto of the 121. She was an officer of the Légion d'honneur. Madeleine was an active board member of Le Mouvement Social and later became its editor.Madeleine Rebérioux: Between History and Culture Madeleine was against the war in Vietnam.
In May 2011, the French Government merged the office of the Children's Ombudsman () with the main ombudsman agency and other bodies, creating a new body named the Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits). In July 2011 Dominique Baudis was appointed to the office by the Council of State on the nomination of the Prime Minister, for a single six- year term.
In copyright law, related rights (or neighbouring rights) are the rights of a creative work not connected with the work's actual author. It is used in opposition to the term "authors' rights". Neighbouring rights is a more literal translation of the original French droits voisins. Both authors' rights and related rights are copyrights in the sense of English or U.S. law.
Ditshwanelo (Setswana for "Rights"), or the Botswana Centre for Human Rights, is a human rights organisation founded in 1993 in Botswana. It aims to improve human rights through education and governance. The group has campaigned against capital punishment and for LGBT rights. For its advocacy it has received awards from the Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme and OutRight Action International.
There were no casualties on either side. The British then brought their prizes into St Helena on 17 June. By 13 September Asia had reached the River Shannon and by 27 October she was at Blackwall. Because the capture of the Dutch vessels had occurred before Britain declared war on the Batavian Republic, the vessels became Droits to the Crown.
Cousineau has a diploma in Civil Law from the University of Ottawa and a Master of Public Administration degree from the École nationale d’administration publique. He ran a private law practice from 1968 to 1992.Gaétan Cousineau, Commission des droits de la personne et des jeunesse, accessed 13 April 2011. He was councillor for Gatineau's sixth ward from 1979 to 1983.
Garba Lompo is a Nigerien politician who was Minister of Justice in the government of Niger from May 2009 to February 2010. He was previously the President of the National Commission on Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties (Commission nationale des droits de l'Homme et des libertés fondamentales, CNDHLF)."Remaniement gouvernemental au Niger, nouveau ministre de la Justice", AFP, 15 May 2009 .
He resigned on 12 September 1957, in protest against the massive use of torture and extrajudicial killings. The other was General de Bollardière, who was the only army official to denounce the use of torture.le général Jacques de Bollardière , Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH) October 2001. He was put in charge of military arrests and then had to resign.
Taking the pseudonym of Lieutenant Noëlle, she joined the Maquis du Mont Mouchet, serving until June 1944. She subsequently joined another maquis which focused on sabotaging trains. De Chambrun was a member of the Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme, where she championed the human rights of the homeless and undocumented immigrants. She campaigned for abortion rights in France.
Les droits des pantouflards. Today, the repayment of student costs by the pantoufle is not required except in the most exceptional cases(C.B. et A.J. Pantoufle, pantouflage et pantouflards, Le Figaro, 15 octobre 2007). The term "pantouflage" also applies to politicians who, following an electoral loss or a termination from a ministerial position, assume a private industry, high-paying position without significant responsibilities.
Between two hearings of the Zola case, on 17 or 18 February, at the tenth or eleventh hearing, Trarieux thought about creating the Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH, "Human Rights League") On 20 February 1898 a first meeting took place in his home, at 4 Logelbach Street. After several months of tireless activity, having united the support of a thousand people, Trarieux and his friends convened a general assembly, in the hall of the "Sociétés Savantes", in Paris.Bertrand Favreau (ed), "Dreyfus réhabilité, cent ans après - Antisémitisme: il y a cent ans, et aujourd'hui...", Éditions Le Bord de l'eau, 2007. It was there that, on 4 June 1898, was finally formed the Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH, "Human Rights League"), of which Trarieux was proclaimed President and entrusted with the drawing up of its statutes.
The Ligue des droits et libertés (known in English as the Quebec Civil Liberties Union) is a not-for-profit human rights organization based in Montreal in the Canadian province of Quebec. Under the Duplessis regime, some of the founders of the League were already very active in the defense of human rights in Canada. This is particularly the case of Frank Scott, who founded the Canadian Society for Human Rights in 1937, Thérèse Casgrain, pioneer in the fight for women's suffrage and founder of the League for Women's Rights, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, who participated in the creation of several groups intended to federate the opposition forces to the duplessist regime in the second half of the 1950s. J.Z. Léon Patenaude, Jacques Hébert, and Gérard Pelletier joined them to launch the Ligue des droits de l'homme on May 29, 1963, in Montreal.
In September 2007, the SNRT Group (Al Aoula, 2M TV and Arryadia) paid 225 million dirhams for the rights to broadcast the following three seasons of the Botola.La SNRT décroche les droits TV du GNF Throughout the week, every game played in the Botola is broadcast live by at least one TV channel. BeIN Sports network also broadcasts a few matches every week.
The International Federation for Human Rights (; FIDH) is a non-governmental federation for human rights organizations. Founded in 1922, FIDH is the second oldest international human rights organisation worldwide after Anti-Slavery International. As of 2016, the organization is made up of 184 member organisations including Ligue des droits de l'homme in over 100 countries. FIDH is nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and independent of any government.
Le Pelletier held very radical views, but they moderated when he began writing for l'Echo de Paris. For many years he was an active propagandist of Freemasonry, and held a high rank in this movement. In January 1882 he founded a Freemasons lodge, Les Droits de l'homme (Human Rights). This quickly became one of the most brilliant and active lodges in the Grand Orient de France.
The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (now OutRight Action International) presented its Felipa de Souza Award to Ditshwanelo in 2000, recognising its advocacy for same sex desire. The Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme awarded Ditshwanelo and then president Alice Mogwe a Human Rights Prize in 2012, celebrating its work in advocating for a people-centred development of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve.
The university's publishing house, Éditions Panthéon-Assas, was established in 1998. Panthéon-Assas hosts several faculty- led publications in French: Jus Politicum ("Political Law") since 2008, the Revue de droit d'Assas ("Assas Legal Journal") since 2010 and Droits fondamentaux ("Human Rights") since 2012. They are all available online. It also hosts a faculty-led publication in English, the Sorbonne-Assas Law Review, since 2012.
29 August 2005. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). "Conclusions.""La mission d'établissement des faits chargée de faire la lumière sur les violences et les allégations de violations des droits de l'homme survenues au Togo avant, pendant et après l'élection présidentielle du 24 avril 2005" 40,000 refugees fled to neighboring Benin and Ghana, most of whom have since been repatriated despite concerns.
Clowes, p. 303. By 20:30, the frigates had returned to the much slower French ship and began weaving in front of Droits de l'Hommes bow, repeatedly raking her.Henderson, p. 25. Lacrosse's increasingly desperate attempts to ram the British ships were all unsuccessful and what little cannon fire he did manage to deploy was ineffectual, as the rolling of the ship of the line prevented reliable aiming.
This ship could not come close without the risk of grounding but sent her boats to the wreck in the hope of rescuing survivors. The brig was joined later in the day by the cutter Aiguille.Clowes, p. 304. On the Droits de l'Homme, many survivors were too weak to reach the boats, and a number of men fell from the hull and drowned in the attempt.
The term clerico- nationalism was coined by Paul-André Linteau. Henri Bourassa publicized clerico-nationalist views, as did the editors of his newspaper Le Devoir, and the League des droits du français (League of French Rights). Clerico- nationalist thinking was most thoroughly developed and spread by Lionel Groulx and the Ligue d'Action française (French Action League), which he led. Clerico-nationalism was focused on the past.
Victor Basch (1926). Basch Viktor Vilém, or Victor-Guillaume Basch (18 August 1863/1865, Budapest – 10 January 1944) was a French politician and professor of germanistics and philosophy at the Sorbonne descending from Hungary. He was engaged in the Zionist movement, in the Ligue des droits de l'homme (president from 1926 to 1944) and in Anti-Nazism. His father was the journalist and political activist, Raphael Basch.
Moral rights were first recognized in France and Germany, before they were included in the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in 1928.Kwall, Roberta Rosenthal (2010) The Soul of Creativity: Forging a Moral Rights Law for the United States, Stanford University Press Canada recognizes moral rights (droits moraux) in its Copyright Act (Loi sur le droit d'auteur).Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c.
The SERPAJ has a consultative status in the United Nations Economic and Social Council and in UNESCO, receiving in 1987 the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education. It is member of the Ligue internationale pour les droits et la libération des peuples and observer member of the International Coalition for the Decade. The SERPAJ is also member of the Network Memoria Abierta, created in 1999.
Marie Bonnevial became involved with various groups interested in spiritualism and literature. She was also a feminist, syndicalist and socialist. She became active in the Ligue des droits des femmes (League of Women's Rights), where she met Maria Deraismes and Clémence Royer. The secretary of the Fédération Française des Sociétés Féministes, Aline Valette, founded the weekly tabloid L'Harmonie sociale which first appeared on 15 October 1892.
11 Battle between the French warship Droits de l'Homme and the frigates HMS Amazon and Indefatigable, 13 & 14 January 1797, Leopold Le Guen At 13:00, two ships emerged from the gloom to the east and Lacrosse turned away rather than risk his passengers in a pointless engagement. The ships persisted and were soon revealed to be the frigates Indefatigable under Captain Sir Edward Pellew, and Amazon under Captain Robert Carthew Reynolds, which had taken on supplies at Falmouth and then returned to their station off Brest. As Droits de l'Homme steered southwest, the winds increased once more and the sea became choppy, preventing Lacrosse from opening the gunports on his lower deck without severe risk of flooding and snapping his topmasts, which reduced his ship's stability.Gardiner, p. 159 Realising his opponent's difficulties, Pellew closed with the larger ship and began a heavy fire.
The term is used in English law in the phrase "droits of admiralty". This refers to certain customary rights or perquisites, formerly belonging to the Lord High Admiral, but now to the crown, for public purposes and paid into the Exchequer. These droits (see also wreck) consisted of flotsam, jetsam, ligan - (goods or wreckage on the sea bed that is attached to a buoy so that it can be recovered), treasure, deodand, derelict (maritime), within the admiral's jurisdiction; all fines, forfeitures, ransoms, recognizances and pecuniary punishments; all sturgeons, whales, porpoises, dolphins, grampuses and such large fishes; all ships and goods of the enemy coming into any creek, road or port, by durance or mistake; all ships seized at sea, salvage, etc., with the share of prizes such shares being afterwards called "tenths", in imitation of the French, who gave their admiral a droit de dixième.
These feudal privileges are often termed droits de féodalité dominante. With the exception of a few isolated cases, serfdom had ceased to exist in France by the 15th century. In early modern France, nobles nevertheless maintained a great number of seigneurial privileges over the free peasants that worked lands under their control. They could, for example, levy the cens tax, an annual tax on lands leased or held by vassals.
The organization also played an important rule in the Tunisian revolution in 2011. They fought to have election lists that keep gender quotas in mind for the Constituent Assembly of Tunisia. They always lobbied to have gender equality be put into all new laws. In 2008, the association won the Prize for human rights of the Republic of France (Prix des droits de l'Homme de la République française).
In 1933, she was a representative to the fifth biennial conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations, held in Banff. Her 1947 lecture series "The rights of the married woman in the civil and political life of the province of Québec" () was highly influential. Some of Lacoste-Frémont's proposals in "Les droits" informed Marie-Claire Kirkland's Bill 16, which, in 1964, made substantial changes to Civil Code provisions regarding women's rights.
The film rights to Suite française were purchased by Universal in 2006. Ronald Harwood, who wrote the script for The Pianist, was set to write the screenplay, with Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall producing the film. In 2007, TF1 Droits Audiovisuels acquired the rights to the novel from publisher Éditions Denoël. The novel was then adapted for the screen by Saul Dibb and Matt Charman, with Dibb directing.
During that year he established a section of the Ligue des droits de l'homme at Clermont-Ferrand and gave a series of public lectures attacking the conviction of Dreyfus for treason as "illegal". Hauser wrote, "I want a France great and noble, a France faithful to its mission of justice and truth." Antisemitic students at the university and the right-wing press attacked him as a "traitor" and a "Prussian".
The Messina Palace is located on a street corner of Strada San Cristoforo with Republic Street. Historically Strada San Cristoforo was named Strada della Fontana in referenced to a spring in the area that served the population with drinking water. During the French occupation the street was known as Rue des Droits de l'Homme . The building is built from grey stone but the lower part of the building is painted yellow.
In May 2005, Amidane started his activities in the movement behind the Independence Intifada. For this, he was one of the first Saharawi human rights defenders to be arrested that year. He is member of the Saharawi organisation Collectif des Défenseurs Sahraouis des droits de l'homme (CODESA). In 2006, few months after his release, Amidane's home was attacked by armed group of special forces of the Moroccan police.
Approaching the larger French ship with all sail spread, Reynolds closed to within pistol shot before raking Droits de l'Homme. Lacrosse responded to this new threat by manoeuvring to bring both British ships to face the westward side of his ship, avoiding becoming trapped in a crossfire.Henderson, p. 24. The battle continued until 19:30, when both Amazon and Indefatigable pulled away from their opponent to make hasty repairs.
They got back to France and on arrival Bessières was made director of droits réunis for the Hautes-Alpes (1803). In 1804 he went back to meet Ali Pasha, becoming his agent, and in 1805 he was made France's consul general to Venice. From 1807 to 1810 he served as French imperial commissaire (i.e. in charge of all civilian affairs of the French-ruled Ionian Islands) back on Corfu.
Hindostan was converted to a storeship in 1811 under Duncan Weir. Hindostan shared with , , , and Tuscan in the American droits for Phoenix, Margaret, Allegany and Tyger, captured on 8 August 1812 at Gibraltar on the arrival of the news of the outbreak of the War of 1812. Hindostan was in the Mediterranean in 1815, and then reverted to being a storeship in Woolwhich. On 22 September 1819 she was renamed Dolphin.
William D. Irvine is a Canadian writer, historian and academic, currently Professor Emeritus of History at York University. He specializes in French history and has published a book on the Human Rights League of France (Ligue des droits de l'homme). He received his B.A. degree in 1966 from the University of British Columbia and Ph.D. from Princeton University. As an author, he has largely been collected by libraries.
In 1962 he resided for several months in Charles de Foucauld's retreat in Béni-Abbés (Algeria). The Abbé was then called to India in 1971 by Jayaprakash Narayan to represent, along with the Ligue des droits de l'homme (Human Rights League) France in the issues of refugees. Indira Gandhi then invited him to deal with the question of Bengali refugees, and the Abbé founded Emmaus communities in Bangladesh.
London: Methuen & Co., pp. 175-78 After 13 hours of combat, running out of ammunition, the British broke contact when Indefatigable sighted land ahead. Indefatigable, despite having damage to her masts and rigging, managed to beat off the lee shore and escape Penmarch reefs; Amazon ran aground and was destroyed near Plozévet, and her crew captured. Droits de l'Homme, having lost her rudder, masts and anchors, ran aground off Plozévet.
Voici ces articles. Art. 3 - Sa Majesté l'Empereur, Roi de Hongrie et de Bohême, renonce pour elle et ses successeurs en faveur de la République française, à tous ses droits et titres sur les ci-devant provinces belgiques, connues sous le nom de Pays-Bas autrichiens. La République française possédera ces pays à perpétuité, en toute souveraineté et propriété, et avec tous les biens territoriaux qui en dépendent».
After the failed breakout security forces killed ninety-six prisoners (according to official figures; other sources claimed up to 110) while trying to suppress the resulting mutiny. An inquiry into the incident was conducted in March by an official human rights organization, the Observatoire National des Droits de l'Homme, which supported the Minister of Justice's account. Eight people were later sentenced to death for their parts in the escape attempt.
François Crépeau (February 2015). François Crépeau, (born April 14, 1960) is a Canadian lawyer and Full Professor at the Faculty of Law at McGill University, as well as the Director of the McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism. Professor Crépeau was the 2017-2018 International Francqui Professor Chair in Social Sciences at Université catholique de Louvain, in collaboration with six other Belgian universities."François Crépeau appointed International Francqui Professor", McGill University News and Events, August 31, 2017 He was the 2016-2017 Robert F. Drinan, S.J. Visiting Professor of Human Rights Chair at Georgetown University (Washington, DC). He has been guest professor at the following institutions: Centre de recherches sur les droits de l’homme, Université de Paris Panthéon-Assas (2018), Institut international des droits de l’homme (Strasbourg) (2001, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2015) ; Graduate Institute for International Studies (IUHEI-Genève, 2007), Institut des hautes études internationales, Université de Paris II (2002), Université d’Auvergne-Clermont 1 (1997).
Quebec's Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, established in 1976, would then investigate and enforce the law against anyone who had committed discrimination, or harassment, "based on one of the prohibited grounds and on one of the protected areas", or against anyone who had endangered a child. Since 2008, Quebec's Ministry of Justice has specifically been assigned for the fight against homophobia, so as to perform full social acceptance among and within Quebec's population. "The mandate of the Bureau de lutte contre l'homophobie is to oversee the implementation, monitoring and assessment of the Government Action Plan against Homophobia", which "promotes respect for the rights of sexual minority members", and sets down "the creation of safe, inclusive environments", as one of its five priorities. In 1984, in Manitoba, LGBT activists pushed for inclusion of protection from discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation with tactics including a 59-day hunger strike by Richard North.
The Association des Juristes Maliennes (AJM), or Association of Women Jurists of Mali, is an organization which tries to promote and protect women's rights in Malian law. An apolitical organization, the AJM's membership consists of around fifty women lawyers, solicitors, magistrates and judges. It is a member organization of Groupe Pivot / Droits et Citoyenneté des Femmes (GP/DCF).Kether R. Hayden, Women's Associations in Mali: Empowerment, Leadership, and Political Mobilization, Student thesis, 18 April 2008.
The funeral of Corporal Théophile Maupas on 9 August 1923 at Sartilly in Normandy. In April 1915, Blanche Maupas, the widow of Théophile Maupas, contacted the League of Human Rights (La Ligue des droits de l'Homme ) about the execution of her husband. She then began a two-decade-long fight to have her husband's and other men's convictions annulled. On April 11, 1920 France's Ministry of Justice refused to review the case.
The International Institute of Human Rights (French: Institut international des droits de l'homme, IIDH) is an association under French local law based in Strasbourg, France. It includes approximately 300 members (individual and collective) worldwide, including universities, researchers, and practitioners of human rights. The IIDH was founded by René Cassin, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968. Cassin donated the prize money for the creation of an international institute of human rights in Strasbourg.
Busbridge arrived at Long Reach on 19 October. Because the capture of the Dutch vessels had occurred before Britain had declared war on the Batavian Republic, the vessels became Droits to the Crown. Still, prize money, in the amount of two-thirds of the value of the Dutch ships amounted to £76,664 14s. Of this, £61,331 15s 2d was distributed among the officers and crew of Sceptre, General Goddard, Busbridge, Asia, and Swallow.
Szerman, Nathalie and Feki, Masri. Les druzes du Golan Israël Magazine, 9 July 2007 Original: L'objectif révélé du centre est de «faire l'inventaire des graves violations de l'occupation israélienne contre les Arabes syriens du Golan afin de faire connaître à la communauté internationale la situation des. Droits de l'homme dans le Golan» et d'encourager une intervention internationale. L'un de ces abus serait le «nettoyage ethnique» des Arabes syriens du Golan effectué par Israël.
Et la liberté de notre Cité Vous couvrira de gloire. Verses: Célébrons par nos accords Les droits sacrés d'une si belle cause, Et rions des vains efforts Que l'ennemi nous oppose. Que peut craindre notre ardeur? Sous Chestret nous portons les armes: À côté de ce vainqueur Le péril a des charmes. César vainqueur de l’univers Te décerna le titre de brave, Des Romains tu brisas les fers, Jamais tu ne vécus esclave.
261 while at the Action of 13 January 1797 the independently sailing 74-gun ship of the line Droits de l'Homme was driven ashore and destroyed in the approaches to Brest by two frigates of the blockade squadron.Woodman, p. 89 On 12 April 1798 the British blockade fleet under the command of Admiral Lord Bridport sailed from its winter anchorage at St Helens on the Isle of Wight for the Breton coast.
On 23 June 2011, he started serving as a Member of the European Parliament. His predecessor, Dominique Baudis, was to become ombudsman (Défenseur des droits) towards the French Republic. He sits in the EPP Group, the Committee on International Trade and the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. During this mandate, he asserted the fact that there could be no competitiveness for European businesses as long as external trade relations are not balanced.
Harrak, Fatima (2009). "The History and Significance of the New Moroccan Family Code". Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought in Africa Working Paper Series, Northwestern University. Following Mohammed VI's accession to the throne in 1999, reforming the Mudawana was a major platform that guided the early years of his reign. Various women's organizations supported these measures, such as l’Union de l’Action Féminine (UAF) and Association Marocaine pour les Droits des Femmes (ADFM).
She was the only woman to serve on this commission. From 1905 to 1907 Sainte-Croix was a member of the independent Coulon-Chavagnes commission that studied the marital laws in France, under which women were disadvantaged, with a view to overhauling the civil code. She was a founding member and member of the board of the League of Human Rights and the Citizen (Ligue des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen).
In April 1918 he was called as a witness at the trial of Almereyda's Bonnet rouge journal. After the war he joined the Clamart section of the French Communist Party for a short period. He then became a member of the Ligue des Droits de l’Homme (League of Human Rights). Marmande contributed to various journalist of the reformist trend in the CGT, including L'Atelier and Le Peuple et Syndicats of René Belin.
Au niveau des problèmes, nous avons la guerre, la maladie, le manque de nourriture, etc. Quant aux droits de l'enfant, c'est en Afrique, et surtout en Guinée nous avons trop d'écoles mais un grand manque d'éducation et d'enseignement. Sauf dans les écoles privées où l'on peut avoir une bonne éducation et un bon enseignement, mais il faut une forte somme d'argent. Or, nos parents sont pauvres et il leur faut nous nourrir.
Reactions included demonstrations and petitions. Criticism came from the left, trade unions, women's and human rights and poverty groups who saw this bill, which simultaneously addressed begging, squatting and assembling in public areas of buildings, as an attack on the poor, stating that no one chooses to be a beggar or a prostitute.Tubiana, M., B. Marcus et al. Ligue des droits de l'Homme, Syndicat des Avocats de France, Syndicat de la Magistrature.
Voici ces articles. Art. 3 - Sa Majesté l'Empereur, Roi de Hongrie et de Bohême, renonce pour elle et ses successeurs en faveur de la République française, à tous ses droits et titres sur les ci-devant provinces belgiques, connues sous le nom de Pays-Bas autrichiens. La République française possédera ces pays à perpétuité, en toute souveraineté et propriété, et avec tous les biens territoriaux qui en dépendent» signed on 17 October 1797.
His father, René, was an entrepreneur ("fermier de droits de place" - "farmer of rights of place"-) on the markets, which was a service to the communes organizing markets, in Brittany and in Normandy. He was a single child who went to the secular school of the village. Catechism, communions and masses were little appreciated. He lived a country childhood punctuated by agricultural work and which would influence all his work as a writer and photographer.
The Lycée Français Louis Pasteur is composed of three buildings, two yards, and three sports areas. One main building has the classrooms, the laboratories, the CDI and the BCD (school libraries), the administration, the meeting rooms. One building has the "Salle des Droits de l’Homme" which is a hall used for all the representations (theatre, shows, big meetings, etc.) and for some sport competitions or training (gymnastic, karate, fencing, etc.). Its capacity is around 200 seats.
He later founded the band Simentera. His ideas received an invitation by his government and became author of the Cape Verdean Musical Projects for Expo 92 in Seville and Expo 98 in Lisbon. He is a founder and director of Quintal da Música Cultural Association, a private cultural center featuring traditional music. As a composer, he was a member of SACEM (Societé française des Droits d'auteur) with compositions that Cesária Évora and other Cape Verdean artists recorded.
J'ai donc pris la résolution d'abdiquer la couronne en faveur de > mon petit-fils, le duc de Bordeaux. Le dauphin, qui partage mes sentiments, > renonce aussi à ses droits en faveur de son neveu. Vous aurez donc, en votre > qualité de lieutenant général du royaume, à faire proclamer l'avènement de > Henri V à la couronne. Vous prendrez d'ailleurs toutes les mesures qui vous > concernent pour régler les formes du gouvernement pendant la minorité du > nouveau roi.
Critics charged that the inspections would lead to invasions of privacy and intimidation.Bertrand Marotte, "Quebec inspectors seek welfare fraud", The Globe and Mail, 13 June 1986, A8. The inspectors were nicknamed the Bou-bou Macoutes, a reference to both François Duvalier's notorious Tonton Macoutes and a diminutive nickname for Robert Bourassa. The Ligue des droits et libertés and the Quebec Human Rights Commission strongly opposed the practice, and the Quebec Legal Services Commission argued that mandatory visits were unconstitutional.
He has served on the Board of Trustees of the Ligue Tunisienne des Droits de l'Homme since 1988. He is a founding member of the Ettakatol political party, and a member of the Tunisian General Labour Union.Arielle Thedrel, Khalil Zaouia : «On nous a mis devant le fait accompli», Le Figaro, 19/01/2011 He is a former advisor of Mustapha Ben Jafar. On 20 December 2011, he joined the Jebali Cabinet as Minister of Social Affairs.
His book went into a second edition in 1795, a third in 1796 and a fourth in 1803. He continued to work for the government during the Directory, but the Consulate and First Empire did not employ his services. Under the Restauration, he established a stenographic service for the French Parliament and took a government post in the administration of business licenses (Régie des Droits Réunis). In 1817, he had become stenographer for the conservative journal Le Moniteur Universel.
Daniel Raphaël Mayer (29 April 1909 – 29 December 1996) was a member of the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO), a socialist party in France, president of the Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH, Human Rights League) from 1958 to 1975. He founded the Comité d'Action Socialiste in 1941 and was a member of the Brutus Network, a Resistant Socialist group. Mayer also supported the Libération-sud resistance movement headed by Emmanuel d'Astier de la Vigerie.
The French Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects, Directorate-General of Customs and Indirect Taxes is a law enforcement civilian agency responsible for levying indirect taxes, preventing smuggling, surveilling borders and investigating counterfeit money. The agency acts as a coast guard, border guard, sea rescue organisation and a customs service. Though it is a civilian service, agents are armed. In France, it is commonly known as "les douanes", which means customs ("la douane" is a border checkpoint).
On 4 September 2008 a new CNDHLF leadership was elected with Mamoudou Djibo, an academic, becoming Chairperson,"Un nouveau président élu pour la commission des droits de l'homme au Niger" , Xinhua, 4 September 2008 . Aissata Adamou Zakaria, a former magistrate becoming vice-chair. Lompo Garba was excluded from standing for chair due to a two-term limit. Anne Marie Douramane, a jurist, was elected Rapporteur General and Oumarou Lalo Keita, a journalist was elected assistant Rapporteur.
On the morning of 15 January, a small boat carrying nine British prisoners (part of the crew of the Cumberland, captured by Droits de l'Homme earlier in the campaign) managed to reach shore. The sight of the British- manned boat reaching shore prompted a mass launching of small rafts from the wreck in hopes of gaining the beach. However the waves increased once more, and not one of these small craft survived the passage.Pipon in Tracy, p. 169.
27-29 Between Justice And Politics: The Ligue Des Droits De L'Homme, 1898-1945, William D. Irvine, Stanford University Press, 2007. In 1957, he published The League's fight for democracy, in which he expressed his political ideas and his fight for human rights.KAHN Émile, Joseph His wife, Suzanne Collette-Kahn (1884-1975), an associate Professor of German, was Vice- President of the League of Human Rights and Secretary-General of the International Federation for Human Rights.
AD 1789. Jean Jacque Rutledge (1742-1794), son of Walter, became a prominent and prolific journalist, essayist, novelist, playwright, translator, and social commentator during the French Revolution (1789-1799). As a republican, he shared the leftist views of his fellow Cordeliers (Société des Amis des droits de l’homme et du citoyen) and championed the rights of the working classes. He was much influenced by the writings of English philosopher and political theorist James Harrington (1611-1677).
Following de Condorcet's repeated, yet failed, appeals to the National Assembly in 1789 and 1790, Olympe de Gouges (in association with the Society of the Friends of Truth) authored and published the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen in 1791. This was another plea for the French Revolutionary government to recognize the natural and political rights of women."LES DROITS DE LA FEMME - Olympe de Gouges". Retrieved 2015-11-30.
Communist member of Parliament Jean-Claude Gayssot proposed the law. It is one of several European laws prohibiting Holocaust denial. Its first article states that "any discrimination founded on membership or non-membership of an ethnic group, a nation, a race or a religion is prohibited." The law also requires the Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme (National Consultative Commission on Human Rights), created in 1947, to publish an annual report on relations between ethnicities in France.
He was active in the upper house, and was the author of a controversial report on the attempted insurgency of April 1834. In this he attacked the popular societies, and in particular the Société des Droits de l'Homme, and tried to show that there had been a grand conspiracy throughout France. Amédée Girod de l'Ain died on 27 December 1847 in Paris, aged 66. The Baron Girod de l’Ain is a hybrid perpetual rose developed by Reverchon in 1897.
William Bourdon was Under Secretary-General (1994–1995), then Secretary-General of the Fédération internationale des droits de l'homme from 1995 to 2000. In October 2001, he founded Sherpa, whose goal is to "defend the victims of crimes committed by economic operators." He is also currently the organization's president. Sherpa is housed on the premises of ; William Bourdon is a member of the Conseil d'administration (administrative council) of France Libertés and is the longtime lawyer of Danielle Mitterrand.
Rollinde, Le Mouvement marocain des droits de l'Homme (2003), p. 127. Students in Casablanca rose again on March 23, 1966, and many were arrested.Hughes, Morocco Under King Hassan (2011), p. 157. In reference to these events, members of UNFP proceeded to create a Marxist–Leninist organization, Harakat 23 Mars (March 23 Movement), which much later gave rise in 1983 to the Organisation de l'action démocratique populaire—one of the founding elements of the Unified Socialist Party.
Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects (DGDDI), commonly known as les douanes, is a French law enforcement agency responsible for levying indirect taxes, preventing smuggling, surveilling borders and investigating counterfeit money. The agency acts as a coast guard, border guard, sea rescue organisation and a customs service. In addition, since 1995, the agency has replaced the Border Police in carrying out immigration control at smaller border checkpoints, in particular at maritime borders and regional airports.
Myriam Merlet (October 14, 1956 – January 12, 2010) was a political activist, scholar and economist who served as Chief of Staff of Haiti's Ministry for Gender and the Rights of Women (Ministère a la Condition Feminine et aux Droits des Femmes (MCFDF)), from 2006 to 2008. One of the particular focuses of her work was on how rape and rape culture is used as a political weapon, and was not considered a criminal offense in Haiti until 2005.
Trottier co-founded the One School System Network which advocates for the defunding of the tax-payer supported Roman Catholic School System in Ontario. The One School System Network lobbied against the Conservative Party leader John Tory's 2007 election campaign proposal to fund all private faith-based schools in Ontario fully. In June 2014 he filed an affidavit and was granted intervenor status by the Supreme Court of Canada on behalf of the Canadian Secular Alliance, in the case of Mouvement laïque québécois v Saguenay, a Supreme Court of Canada case looking at the constitutionality of government prayer. Atheist Alain Simoneau and the secular rights organization Mouvement Laïque Québécois had initiated an action before the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) against Jean Tremblay, Mayor of the Quebec town of Saguenay, calling for an end to the practice of the municipal council initiating its city council meetings with a Catholic prayer, on the basis that doing so infringes on freedom of conscience and religion.
At the age of 41 he told Jean-Jacques de Felice. "There is a period of detention beyond which justice is turned into revenge.Jean-Jacques de Felice, avocat et militant des droits de l'homme, est mort,, 28/07/08 Militaris Action and Resistance Group n, against the strike force nuclear power, from Lyon to Mont Verdun, June 19, 1971. With ideas close to historian Madeleine Reberioux, or the Hellenist Pierre Vidal-Naquet , Felice always spoke "in opposition to the established order”.
88 At 04:20 on 14 January, lookouts on all three ships sighted waves breaking immediately eastwards. Desperate to escape the heavy surf, Indefatigable turned north and Amazon turned south, while the battered Droits de l'Homme was unable to make any maneuvre and drove straight onto a sandbar near the town of Plozévet, the force of the waves rolling her onto her side.James, p. 18 Amazon too was wrecked, although in a more sheltered position which enabled the frigate to remain upright.
323 He was still under Pellew in the Action of 13 January 1797 when Amazon, in company with HMS Indefatigable, engaged and drove ashore the much larger French ship of the line Droits de l'Homme. In the heavy storm in which the battle was fought, Amazon became unmanageable and was also wrecked, although the frigate was beached and all but six of her men survived, unlike her larger opponent which was run on a sandbar and destroyed with hundreds of lives lost.James, Vol.
The National Commission on Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties (fr: La Commission Nationale des Droits de l'Homme et des Libertés Fondamentales, CNDHLF) in the West African state of Niger is a national human rights institution charged with investigating breaches of human rights law and advising the Government of Niger on human rights issues. It is a member of the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions and is accredited at the United Nations through the International Co-ordinating Committee of NHRIs.
Frot vacillated in his political positions. The pacifist Léon Emery stated at the 1935 congress of the Ligue des droits de l'homme, "Parliament has, in the last twenty years, done nothing for democracy ... the distrinction between fascist states and democratic ones is merely a question of degree and not a fundamental one." Frot spoke out against this position, saying "parliament is, after all ... the reflection of the wishes of universal suffrage." This drew boos that forced him to leave the podium.
94% of Green voters supported its legalization. 59% of voters from the Swiss People's Party and 63% of Christian Democratic voters supported it. LARGE CONSENSUS POUR LES DROITS DES LGBT Les Suisses pour l'introduction du mariage pour tous, selon un sondage A poll by Tamedia, conducted on 5 and 6 December 2017, found that 45% of the Swiss population supported both same-sex marriage and adoption, 27% supported only same-sex marriage, 3% supported only same-sex adoption and 24% were against both.
J Isaac, L'époque révolutionnaire 1789–1851, p. 60, Hachette, Paris 1950 Shortly after the storming of the Bastille, late in the evening of 4 August, after a very stormy session of the Assemblée constituante, feudalism was abolished. On 26 August, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen) was proclaimed (Homme with an uppercase h meaning "human", while homme with a lowercase h means "man").J Isaac, L'époque révolutionnaire 1789–1851, p.
That same year, Croatian historian and anti-Yugoslavist intellectual Milan Šufflay was assassinated in Zagreb. As a response, Albert Einstein and Heinrich Mann sent an appeal to the International League of Human Rights in Paris condemning the murder, accusing the Yugoslav government. The letter states of a "horrible brutality which is being practiced upon the Croatian People". The appeal was addressed to the Paris-based Ligue des droits de l'hommeRealite sur l'attentat de Marseille contre le roi Alexandre (Human Rights League).
Rollinde, Le Mouvement marocain des droits de l'Homme (2003), p. 123. “La répression est instantanée, l'armée apporte son renfort à la police et le général Oukfir n'hésite pas a mitrailler la foule depuis un hélicoptre. Les chars d'assaut mettront deux jours à venir à bout des derniers manifestants. Les victimes seront tres nombreuses, deux mille personnes passent devant les tribunaux.”Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, The Berber Identity Movement and the Challenge to North African States; University of Texas, 2011; p. 93.
Paris: 1994. However, biographer Françoise Basch underscores that her grandfather identified with his family history and the suffering of persecuted Jews, and not with Judaism as a religion. As both a member of the League against Imperialism created in Brussels in 1927, and as President of the Ligue des Droits de l'Homme from 1926–1944, Basch was one of the architects of the Popular Front. He fought and suffered for the principles of legal and social justice as well as human rights.
In 1865 Michel opened a school in Paris which became known for its modern and progressive methods. Michel corresponded with the prominent French romanticist Victor Hugo and began publishing poetry. She became involved in the radical politics of Paris and among her associates were Auguste Blanqui, Jules Vallès and Théophile Ferré. In 1869 the feminist group Société pour la Revendication du Droits Civils de la Femme (Society for the Demand of Civil Rights for Women) was announced by André Léo.
Walter Resseler and Benoit Suykerbuyk, Dynamiet voor de sultan: Carolus Edward Joris in Konstantinopel (Antwerp, b+b, 1997). After his return to Belgium, Joris worked as a bookseller and was secretary to the Antwerp branch of the Ligue des droits de l'homme. After the First World War he was convicted of collaborating with the occupying forces' Flamenpolitik, and sought refuge in the Netherlands. He returned to Belgium after an amnesty in 1929 and worked as a self-employed publicity agent.
Wealth may be subject to taxation when transmitted for sale or for free (gift, inheritance). In these cases, inheritance or gift tax may be payable (known as droits de succession) in France. In addition, it may be taxed when owned: wealth is subject to annual taxation through the impôt de solidarité sur la fortune (ISF) and local property taxes are payable on real estate. Capital gains is payable when assets are disposed of, but this tax is a tax on the profit.
These victims were known as "Bigeard's shrimps" ("crevettes Bigeard") after the surname of a notorious paratroop helicopter commander.Film testimony by Paul Teitgen, Jacques Duquesne and Hélie Denoix de Saint Marc on the INA archive website Henri Pouillot, mon combat contre la torture, El Watan, 1 November 2004.Des guerres d’Indochine et d’Algérie aux dictatures d’Amérique latine, interview with Marie-Monique Robin by the Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH, Human Rights League), 10 January 2007. French military chaplains quieted the troubled military's consciences.
The Ivorian Human Rights League (Ligue Ivoirienne des Droits de l'Homme, LIDHO) is a politically- and religiously- independent body with a goal of ensuring a fair and lawful legal system. Established on 21 March 1987, it relies on donations from partner organisations. The league focuses on research and producing educational materials as a lobby for the rule of law, denouncing human-rights violations and providing strategies for overcoming them. LIDHO works in a number of areas, including gender equality and peace.
He is a member of the editorial board of Cités (Cities) and Droits de cités (Laws of Cities) (PUF) and of the journal Agenda de la pensée contemporaine (Calendar of Contemporary Thought) (Flammarion). He was Writer in Residence at Château de Blandy-les-Tours in 2008 at Mission Stendhal Laureate in China in 2009. His poetic works have been featured in various magazines and anthologies. Some of his books and poems have been translated into English, Dutch, Korean and German.
When the War of 1812 broke out, the British captured several American ships in the Mediterranean. Hyacinth shared with , , , and Tuscan in the American droits for Phoenix, Margaret, Allegany and Tyger, captured on 8 August 1812 at Gibraltar after the arrival of the news of the outbreak of the War of 1812. Ten days later, Hyacinth and were in sight when the letter of marque Sir Alexander Ball captured the American ship Grace Ann Green. Nine days after that, Hyacinth and captured the Eliza.
Nicolae Titulescu was born in Craiova, the son of a solicitor. He grew up at his father's estate in Titulești, a commune in Romania that was later named after him. Upon graduating with honours in 1900 from the Carol I High School in Craiova, Titulescu studied law in Paris, obtaining his doctorate with the thesis Essai sur une théorie des droits éventuels. In 1905, Titulescu returned to Romania as a professor of law at the University of Iași, and in 1907 he moved to Bucharest.
Chicago, etc: Friends of Soviet Russia, etc.], 1921. p. 362 Lafont did however become a member of the French Communist Party in the same year. He was expelled from the party in 1923, due to his links to the League for Human Rights.Irvine, William D. Between Justice and Politics: The Ligue Des Droits De L'homme, 1898-1945. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 2007. p. 77 Lafont joined the Socialist-Communist Union. He was the sole candidate of that party elected in the 1928 French National Assembly election.
She became a member of the Ligue des droits de femme (League for Women's Rights). At the start of her public career, as a singer-actress, she appeared in light opera at Antwerp in 1895 and was soon a star at the Théâtre des Bouffes Parisiens,The New York Times Illustrated Magazine Supplement, "The drama", 21 May 1899. where she appeared in André Messager's operetta, Les p'tites Michu (1897). In London, at the Empire Theatre, she had a hit with The Honeysuckle and the Bee.
He was condemned to a 7,500 Euros fine by the Tribunal de grande instance de Paris, while Plon and Perrin, two editing houses who had published his book in which he defended the use of torture, were sentenced each to a 15,000 Euros fine.condamnation du général Aussaresses pour "apologie de crimes de guerre" , Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH, Human Rights League), February 2002. The judgement was confirmed by the Court of Appeal in April 2003. The Court of Cassation rejected the intercession in December 2004.
Prairial uprising Félix Auvray, 1831 Early on 1 Prairial the tocsin was sounded in the Faubourg Saint-Antoine and in the Jardin des Plantes. Once more, as in October 1789, it was the women that took the initiative and brought their menfolk into action after them. In the Faubourg du Nord (Saint-Denis) they called the men out from the workshops at 7 o'clock in the morning. There were food riots and assemblies of women at bakers' shops in Popincourt, Gravilliers, and Droits de l'Homme.
In 2008, the ensemble was further complemented by the construction of a nearby square planted with palm trees, in the north of its namesake Sainte-Thérèse Church. The Place de Verdun has fountains of a much more contemporary appearance. To the south, the Grande Fontaine [Great Fountain] forms a playful bell of water. It is assisted in the north by the Droits de l'Enfant [Rights of the Child] fountain, where a water jet raises a ball which can be rotated by only the force of the wrist.
The National Coalition of Guinea for the Rights and Citizenship of Women (CONAG-DCF) (Coalition nationale de Guinée pour les droits et la citoyenneté des femmes) is a women's rights group in Guinea. CONAG-DCF is a coalition of NGOs and unions of teachers and researchers from across Guinea. It documents violence against women, helps women in prison, and raises awareness of early marriage and others issues relating to girls' rights. In May 2005 CONAG reported the widespread practice of forced or arranged marriage in Guinea.
By 13 January most of the survivors of the fleet had limped back to France in a state of disrepair. One ship of the line that remained at sea, the 74-gun Droits de l'Homme, was commanded by Commodore Jean-Baptiste Raymond de Lacrosse and carried over 1,300 men, 700–800 of them soldiers, including General Jean Humbert.Parkinson, p. 177. Detached from the main body of the fleet during the retreat from Bantry Bay, Lacrosse made his way to the mouth of the Shannon alone.
Although this reduced the number of available guns on the French vessel, Lacrosse still held the advantage in terms of size, weight of shot and manpower. The French situation was worsened however by the loss of the topmasts: this caused their ship to roll so severely in the high seas that it was far more difficult both to steer the ship and to aim the guns than on the British vessels. View of the wreck of the French ship Le Droits de l'Homme, by John Fairburn.
Captain Reynolds commanded the frigate Amazon in the Action of 13 January 1797 when, in company with HMS Indefatigable, the frigates engaged and drove ashore the much larger French ship of the line Droits de l'Homme. In the heavy storm in which the battle was fought, Amazon became unmanageable and was also wrecked, although the frigate was beached and all but six of her men survived, unlike her larger opponent which was run onto a sandbar and destroyed with hundreds of lives lost.James, Vol. 2, p.
Among the most prominent are the Movement against Racism, Anti-Semitism, and Xenophobia; the Ligue des Droits de l'Homme; Human Rights without Frontiers; and the Liga voor Mensenrechten. Although opposition to bans against head scarves and burqas had a vocal following, support for bans remained widespread and popular. That said, the issue was not a major topic during the campaign preceding the June 10, 2007, federal elections. In 2005 the Center for Equal Opportunity issued a comprehensive report on public symbols of religious and philosophical convictions.
Badinter continues his struggle against continued use of the death penalty in China and the United States, petitioning officials and working in the World Congress against it. In 1989, he participated in the French television program Apostrophes, devoted to human rights, together with the 14th Dalaï Lama. Discussing the disappearance of Tibetan culture from Tibet, Badinter used the term "cultural genocide."Les droits de l'homme Apostrophes, A2 – 21 April 1989 – 01h25m56s, Web site of the INA He praised the example of Tibetan nonviolent resistance.
Among these was General Mohamed Oufkir, the second most powerful figure in the country behind King Hassan II, who on March 23, 1965 allegedly fired on the crowds from a helicopter.Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, The Berber Identity Movement and the Challenge to North African States; University of Texas, 2011; p. 93.Rollinde, Le Mouvement marocain des droits de l'Homme (2003), p. 123. “La répression est instantanée, l'armée apporte son renfort à la police et le général Oukfir n'hésite pas a mitrailler la foule depuis un hélicoptre.
Boutin was elected to the National Assembly in 1986. In 1993, Boutin founded the anti-abortion NGO Alliance pour les droits de la vie (ADV) (English: Alliance for Human Life), considered the largest anti-abortion organization in France. The same year, she became a consultant for the Pontifical Council for the Family headed by Cardinal Lopez-Trujillo. In 1998, Boutin became somewhat famous because of a five-hour speech in opposition to the PACS domestic partnership plan, arguing that its adoption by the government would encourage homosexuality.
Koffigoh was born in Kpélé Dafo. He served as the head of Togo's Bar Association"Togo's President Agrees to Yield Power to a Rival", The New York Times, 29 August 1991. and in August 1990 he founded the first human rights organization in the country, the Togolese League of Human Rights (Ligue togolaise des droits de l'homme, LTDH), which quickly won support both at home and abroad.John R. Heilbrunn, "Togo: The National Conference and Stalled Reform", in Political Reform in Francophone Africa (1997), ed.
Over 60% of voters chose to vote using the Internet rather than paper. The Forum des droits sur l'Internet (Internet rights forum), published a recommendation on the future of electronic voting in France, stating that French citizens abroad should be able to use Internet voting for Assembly of the French Citizens Abroad elections.What is the future of electronic voting in France? , The Internet rights forum 26 September 2003 This recommendation became reality in 2009, with 6000 French citizens choosing to make use of the system.
He took office on 4 May, succeeding Aimé Emmanuel Yoka.Jean Jacques Koubemba, "Ministère de la Justice : Pierre Mabiala promet un cadre fort, débarrassé des antivaleurs", ADIAC, 5 May 2016 .Cyr Armel Yabbat-Ngo, "Ministère de la justice, des droits humains et de la promotion des peuples autochtones : Pour Pierre Mabiala, la justice ne peut être un foyer d’antivaleurs", La Semaine Africaine, 14 May 2016 . In the July 2017 parliamentary election, Mabiala stood unopposed as a candidate in Makabana, with no other candidates standing in the constituency.
In the face of the rise in oil prices, a reduction in the rate of the TIPP for fuel sold to consumers was adopted by the Parliament in 2006. The TIPP is collected by the services de la direction générale des douanes et des droits indirects (DGDDI) when fuel products are consumed on the domestic market. The revenue from the TICPE amounted to €13.7 bn in 2013. Energy products are subject to both the tax on energy products (TICPE) and the value added tax (VAT).
I promise to respect our country's rights and freedoms, to defend our democratic values, to faithfully observe our laws and fulfil my duties and obligations as a Canadian citizen. In French, this would be: :Dorénavant, je promets fidélité et allégeance au Canada et à Sa Majesté Elizabeth Deux, Reine du Canada. Je m'engage à respecter les droits et libertés de notre pays, à défendre nos valeurs démocratiques, à observer fidèlement nos lois et à remplir mes devoirs et obligations de citoyen(ne) canadien(ne).
The award of prize money in the two World Wars were governed by this legislation, which was further modified in 1945 to allow for the distribution to be made to Royal Air Force (RAF) personnel who had been involved in the capture of enemy ships. The Prize Act, 1948 abolished the Crown prerogative of granting prize money or any money arising from Droits of the Crown in wartime. O’Hare 116-117 For more on the Prize Court during World War I, see also Maxwell Hendry Maxwell-Anderson.
In practical terms, the British interception of the four Real Armada frigates represented the end of an era for Bourbon Spain and regular specie shipments from the Spanish Empire's New World mines and mints. The squadron to which Mercedes belonged was the last of its kind that the world would see: a Spanish treasure fleet moving bullion from the New World Viceroyalties to the Iberian kingdoms. Under the terms of the Cruizers and Convoys Act of 1708 ships captured at sea were "Droits of the Crown" and became the property of their captors, who received the full value of the ships and cargo in prize money. However, since technically Britain and Spain were not at war at the time of the action, the Admiralty Court ruled that the three ships were "Droits of the Admiralty", and all revenues would revert to them. The four Spanish ships carried a total of 4,286,508 Spanish dollars in silver and gold coin, as well as 150,000 gold ingots, 75 sacks of wool, 1,666 bars of tin, 571 pigs of copper, seal skins and oil, although 1.2 million in silver, half the copper and a quarter of the tin went down with the Mercedes.
In French copyright law, article 23 of the March 11, 1957 Act granted a 50-year exploitation right term for posthumous works, vested in the author's successors if the work was made available to the public during the 50 years following the year of his death, and vested in the owner of the work after that period.Journal officiel de la République française, 14 mars 1957, p. 02725. In 1985, the term was extended to 70 years for musical compositions with or without lyrics.Loi n°85-660 du 3 juillet 1985 relative aux droits d'auteur et aux droits des artistes-interprètes, des producteurs de phonogrammes et de vidéogrammes et des entreprises de communication audiovisuelle p. 07495 This article was codified as article L. 123-4 of the Intellectual property code in, Loi n°92-597 du 1 juillet 1992 relative au code de la propriété intellectuelle (partie législative) In 1997, the exploitation right term of posthumous works was reduced to 25 years, if the work was first made available to the public after the 70 years following the year of the author's death, as a consequence of the implementation of the EU Directive 93/98/EEC.
Since the original founders (Monique Mickus, Jacques & Pierrette Gaspart) had French backgrounds, they chose the proven French educational system as the foundation for the School's curriculum. Mme Christiane Bayet, mother of Monique Mickus, who was on the original Board of Trustees for the school and an educator herself, taught French, Latin and Philosophy when the school first opened in 1978. She used to quote a saying from Victor Hugo: "Open schools and you will close prisons." Co-founder Monique Mickus came from a long line of educators and was one of the first teachers in 1978 when the school opened. Her great-grandfather, French historian and author Alphonse Aulard (1849-1928), held the chair of Professor of History of the French Revolution at the Sorbonne, succeeding Michelet. He was also a co-founder of the Ligue des droits de l'homme and was president of the Mission Laïque from 1906-1912. Her grandfather, Albert Bayet (1880-1961) was Professor of Sociology at the Sorbonne and at the École pratique des hautes études. He too was a member of the Ligue des droits de l'homme and was president of the Ligue de l'enseignement from 1949-1959.
The Ecumenical Center for Human Rights (Centre Oecumenique des Droits de L'Homme) is a human rights organisation founded in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in 1979 to monitor the situation in Haiti under the dictatorship of Jean-Claude Duvalier. The center became a leading critic of the abject living conditions of Haitian cane cutters in the Dominican Republic, known as "Braceros". When in 1980, the center's Director was barred from Dominican Republic, its activities were transferred to San Juan, Puerto Rico. From 1986 onwards it has been based in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
In the mid-1960s, Laberge-Colas was a member of the Ligue des droits de l'homme du Quebec (Quebec Human Rights League), an organization which advocated for the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. Along with Thérèse Casgrain and Monique Bégin, Laberge-Colas founded the Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ) in Montreal during a conference that ran from 23 to 24 April 1966. At the conference, Laberge-Colas was named the FFQ's first president. A number of members of the Ligue were also members of FFQ.
In the fall of 1789, Bailly was able to acquire ammunition for the troops. In October 1789, Bailly was involved in the establishment of the National Guard department, whose purpose was to arm the military. The mayor not only played a role in strengthening the National Guard, but also issued orders to Lafayette when trying to maintain civility within the city. Bailly's use of troops was to secure the prisons, certify the droits d'entrée would be collected, and to ensure that beggars would not congregate in the city.
She unsuccessfully attempted to regroup the French fleet, almost colliding with the Droits de l'Homme in the process. Proserpine then fired a broadside at the approaching British fleet before she escaped. Almost a year later, on 13 June 1796, about 12 leagues south of Cape Clear, Ireland, the frigate Dryad, under the command of Captain Lord Amelius Beauclerk, captured Proserpine following a relatively brief chase but a bitter action. In the engagement, Proserpine, under the command of Citizen Pevrieu, lost 30 men killed and 45 wounded out of her crew of 348 men.
His grandfather, Claude Goujon, was director of a tax farm (les droits réunis) in Dijon, and his father, Claude Alexandre Goujon, was a tax farmer from Bourg-en-Bresse. On 9 February 1762, Claude Alexandre married Joan Margaret Nicole Ricard, daughter of Joseph Ricard, a barrister, and First Secretary of the Stewardship of Burgundy (born 1745). In 1774 the family moved to Provins. The young Jean-Marie Goujon abandoned his studies after his father encountered financial difficulties, going first to Dieppe and then Saint-Malo to join the Navy.
Plaider les droits de l'homme (PLDH) is a Strasbourg-based NGO active in the field of human rights. In collaboration with the University of Strasbourg (France) and University of Freiburg it organises an annual Moot Court on the European Court of Human Rights. The German Judge of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany Johannes Masing, the German Professor Matthias Jestaedt and the French Professor Florence Benoît-Rohmer are in charge of this unique French-German collaboration. The honorary President of the association is Hans-Christian Krüger, former Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of Europe.
In the elections of 5 July 1831 Audry was reelected for Rochefort, Charente-Maritime. In September 1831 Audry de Puyraveau was among the deputies who declared themselves against a hereditary peerage. The Orleanist outcome of the July Revolution had only partly satisfied him, and in 1832 he was a member of the steering committee that founded the Society of the Rights of Man (Société des droits de l'homme) intended to maintain the revolutionary spirit. In the general election of 21 June 1834 Audry lost his seat to Vice Admiral Grivel, but the election was annulled.
The Association Tchadienne pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits de l'Homme or Chadian Association for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights (abbreviated as ATDPH or ATPDH) is a human rights organization operating in Chad. According to group co-founder Delphine Djiraibe, following the rebellion by Idriss Déby that overthrew the dictatorship of Hissène Habré in 1990, she and several colleagues returned to Chad from abroad and saw widespread starvation and poverty among the people. The event motivated them to found the ATDPH to prevent similar suffering in the future.
What he followed as a lawyer reflects a humanism illustrated by his involvement in movements such as the League of Human Rights.Jean-Jacques de félice, avocat militant des droits de l’homme , Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle, 29 janvier 2016 Jean- Jacques de Félice had a Protestant culture and background. His father, Pierre de Félice, himself a lawyer, was a politician and secretary of state, member of parliament, senator of Loiret (republican left) under the Fourth Republic. His mother was very deeply Protestant and this was always in this memory.
In 1922, he left the DDP, to become chairman in 1926 of the German Human Rights League. When Carl von Ossietzky was arrested in 1932, Gerlach took over the editorial duties of the magazine Die Weltbühne. After the Nazis took control over Germany in 1933, Gerlach fled to Austria first, then to France on the invitation of the Ligue des droits de l'homme, where he could work on peace matters and against the Nazi regime. From the end of 1934 he headed the campaign for providing the Nobel Peace Prize to Carl von Ossietzky.
Conseil de l'Europe, Recueil des Travaux Préparatoires de la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme, vol. 4, éd. Martinus Nijhoff, La Haye 1977A.W.B. Simpson, Human Rights and the end of Empire, Britain and the Genesis of the European Convention, Oxford University Press, 2004 He also prepared through his works the creation of the future European Economic and Social Committee, created in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome, and the future European Social Charter, adopted in 1961 by the Council of Europe and creating a European Committee of Social Rights.
258 At 13:30 the British fire achieved some success when Zélé fell back with damaged rigging, allowing the second French ship to take up the position at the head of the line. This ship, which had been firing distantly on the British force for half an hour, opened a heavy fire on Mars as did a number of following French ships over the ensuing hours, including Droits de l’Homme, Formidable and Tigre.Rouvier, p. 207 This combined attack left Mars badly damaged in the rigging and sails, causing the ship to slow.
Jules Bazile was born in Paris, on the Ile-St-Louis. He began his career as a clerk in the Interior Ministry. He wrote in republican newspapers under the Second Empire and chose "Jules Guesde" as a pen name after his mother's name, Eléonore Guesde. On the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, he was editing Les Droits de l'Homme at Montpellier, and had to take refuge in Geneva in 1871 from a prosecution instituted on account of articles which had appeared in his paper in defence of the Paris Commune.
To strengthen the society Pope Pius (Pié) XI gave a gift (1924) in the form of a precious jewel ("broche"). Other known generous donor was Baron Joseph de Saint-Vincent at Chateau Las Lanès (Fontcouverte, Aude, FR). A play titled TAMPON ("Un acte en vers") was published by the Marquise with all proceedings going to the society ("Tous droits réservés au profit de l´ouvre de La Brindille D´Or"). La Brindille D'Or later inspired the formation of Little Brothers of the Poor (Les Petite Frères des Pauvres).
He was first politically active when he was at university, having been an active member of his student union.Municipal Elections in Bastia: Gilles Simeoni, Lawyer for 20 Years and Militant since Birth (FR) The beginning of his political career came in 2001 when Simeoni and the A Mossa Naziunale movement, which he led at that time, supported Marie-Jean Vinciguerra during the Bastia municipal elections.Bastia, the Citadel of Zuccarelli (FR) In 2003 he did work with the Ligue des droits de l'homme.FR In 2007 Gilles Simeoni ran to represent Haute- Corse's 2nd constituency.
The latter, which came to be associated with the Association Marocaine pour les Droits des Femmes (ADFM), played a key role in a working group that examined the family code. This group, with input from several Moroccan women's organizations and funding from the World Bank, produced Le Plan d’action national pour l’intégration de la femme au développement (The Plan of Action for the Integration of Women in Development, or PAIWD). By the time the plan was introduced, King Hassan II had died and his son, King Mohammed VI, had taken the throne.
Then on 10 July 1813 Brev Drageren was part of a squadron that captured eight small vessels in the Elbe and Weser. The squadron included , , , , the hired armed cutter Princess Augusta, and gunboats. In August Brev Drageren was in company with when they captured the Danish droits Haabet and Evers, No. 73 and 123, on the 13th and 14th. In October 1813 Captain Arthur Farquhar, of the 18-pounder 36-gun frigate Desiree, arrived at Heligoland to assume command of the British naval forces there, including Brev Drageren.
The legal system of Armenia began and still shares the patterns and the characteristics that describe the legal systems of civil law countries.R. David Traité élémentaire de droit civile comparé: Introduction à l'étude des droits étrangers et à la méthode comparative. Paris, 1950 The Constitution of Armenia is based on the model of the French Constitution,Khachatryan H.M. First Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, 1998. and several principal aspects of the Civil Code of Armenia depict the model code of civil law elaborated for the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Due to her northwards turn, Amazon had even less room to manoeuvre than Indefatigable and by 05:00 she had struck a sandbank. Although the frigate remained upright, attempts over several hours to bring her off failed; at 08:00 Reynolds ordered his men to prepare to abandon ship. Droits de l'Homme had been more seriously damaged than the British frigates, and was closer to shore at the time land was spotted. As Lacrosse's crew made desperate efforts to turn southwards, the ship's foremast and bowsprit collapsed under the pressure of the wind.
With the ship virtually unmanageable, Lacrosse ordered the anchors lowered in an attempt to hold the ship in position until repairs could be made. This effort was futile, as all but two anchors had been lost during efforts to hold position in Bantry Bay, and British gunfire had damaged one of the anchor cables and rendered it useless.James, p. 17. The final anchor was deployed, but it failed to restrain the ship and at 07:00 (according to the French account), the Droits de l'Homme struck a sandbank close to the town of Plozévet.
On 9 November 2006, Michael Fleming from Variety reported that the rights to Irène Némirovsky's novel Suite Française (written during the Nazi occupation of France but published posthumously in 2004) had been acquired by Universal Pictures. Ronald Harwood, who wrote the script for The Pianist, was set to write the screenplay, with Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall producing the film. The following year, TF1 Droits Audiovisuels acquired the rights to the novel from publisher Éditions Denoël. The novel was adapted for the screen by Saul Dibb and Matt Charman, with Dibb directing.
The son of a diplomat, his primary and high school education took place in Bombay (now Mumbai), India; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; and Kigali, Rwanda. He studied law at the University of Louvain (UCLouvain), Panthéon-Assas University and Harvard University, before obtaining a Ph.D. from the UCLouvain. His doctoral thesis, a comparative study of the role of courts in fundamental rights adjudication, was published in French as Fonction de juger et droits fondamentaux. Transformation du contrôle juridictionnel dans les ordres juridiques américain et européens, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1999, 1164 pp.
The force, under the command of Contre-amiral Joseph-Marie Nielly, consisted of the 74-gun ships of the line Marat, Tigre, Droits de l'Homme, Pelletier and Jean-Bart with the frigates Charente, Fraternité, Gentille and the corvette Papillon.James, p. 183 In addition to the Lisbon convoy, a number of other vulnerable British targets were in the region, including a second convoy from the Mediterranean Sea under Rear-Admiral Philip Cosby en route to Britain and the first-rate HMS Victory, which was sailing independently with Lord Hood on board.Tracy, p.
As of 10 March 2008, official government figures put the number of deaths at 40, which includes both government security personnel and civilians. Marafa said that total included those who had been injured and later died. He placed 30 of the deaths in Douala alone, with two dead in Yaoundé and eight in the Northwest, Southwest, and West provinces combined. On 7 March, the Maison des Droits de L'Homme (House of Human Rights, MDH), a Cameroonian human rights organisation affiliated with the International Federation of Human Rights, claimed the death total was "more than 100".
Pellew swam out to the wreck with a line and, with help from young Irishman Jeremiah Coghlan, helped rig a lifeline that saved almost all aboard. For this feat he was created a baronet on 18 March 1796. On 13 April 1796, off the coasts of Ireland, his squadron captured the French frigate Unité, and the Virginie nine days later. His most noted action was the Action of 13 January 1797, cruising in company with , when the British sighted the French 74-gun ship of the line Droits de l'Homme.
Normally, a ship of the line would over-match two frigates, but by skillful sailing in the stormy conditions, the frigates avoided bearing the brunt of the superior firepower of the French. In the early morning of 14 January, the three ships were embayed on a lee shore in Audierne Bay. Both the Droits de l'Homme and Amazon ran aground, but Indefatigable managed to claw her way off the lee shore to safety. Pellew was also responsible for pressing young violinist and composer Joseph Antonio Emidy who had been playing in the Lisbon Opera orchestra.
Association des Universitaires Motivés pour une Haiti de Droits or the Association of University Students Committed to a Haiti with Rights is a non- profit organization engaged in humanitarian aid and development activities in Haiti. AUMOHD works amid disasters, conflicts, chronic poverty and instability. Founded in 2004, it provides assistance to the people of Haiti from its headquarters in the Delmas neighborhood of Port-au-Prince. Following the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the facilities in Haiti's capital were largely undamaged and have become a community hub for relief efforts.
A traditionalist Catholic and talented writer, she published the nationalistic History of our Brittany in 1922, which was illustrated by Jeanne Malivel, inspiring the foundation of Seiz Breur, the nationalist movement in Breton art and literature.Ligue des Droits de l’Homme. Après le Dictionnaire des romanciers de Bretagne, le Dictionnaire des auteurs de jeunesse de Bretagne on line . Accessed 6 february 2007 In 1929, she published the Mystery of Brittany, which was dramatised in the Abbe Perrot's Breton language translation at a Bleun-Brug festival in Douarnenez in front of nearly 10,000 people.
Albert Einstein and Heinrich Mann sent a letter to the International League for Human Rights in Paris appealing to the global cultural public to protest against the murder of Milan Šufflay appealing for protection of Croat scientists from the Yugoslavian regime. The appeal was addressed to the Paris- based Ligue des droits de l'hommeRealite sur l'attentat de Marseille contre le roi Alexandre (Human Rights League) and made the front page of the New York Times on 6 May 1931.Einstein accuses Yugoslavian rulers in savant's murder, New York Times. 6 May 1931.
He was largely instrumental in the foundation of ecoles normales in provincial towns, and himself gave courses of lectures on psychology and practical ethics in their early days. He died in Paris on 5 April 1896. His chief philosophical works were an edition of the Théodicée of Leibniz (1874), a monograph on John Locke (1878), Devoirs et droits de l'homme (1880), Franciscus Glissonius quid de natura substantiae, seu vita naturae senserit, et utrum Leibnitio de natura substantiae cogitanti quidquam contulerit (1880); and De La solidarite morale (4th ed., 1893).
On 19 January 1910 Rousset was found guilty of both charges and on 2 February 1910 he was sentenced to five years hard labor. A committee to release Rousset was organized that included anarchists, the socialist journals l'Humanité and la Guerre sociale, the unions, the Committee for Social Defense (Comité de Défense Sociale) and the League for the Rights of Man (Ligue des Droits de l’Homme). On 22 March 1910 the Committee for Social Defense published a poster A bas Biribi! signed by trade union activists, revolutionary socialists and libertarians.
Deloncle published many accounts of his journeys and missions, notably that to Burma. He was in turn Secretary of the Société de géographie and the Société des etudes maritimes at coloniales, and was founder of many philanthropic societies including the Association pour la défense des droits individuels. Deloncle was sent on an official mission to India by Jules Ferry in 1883. His dispatches were embellished and enlivened by Octave Mirbeau and published under the pseudonym "Nirvana" in 11 instalments in Le Gaulois between 22 February and 22 April 1885.
"ENTRE ARBITRAIRE ET IMPUNITE : LES DROITS DE L'HOMME AU CONGO- BRAZZAVILLE" , Congolese Human Rights Observatory and International Federation of Human Rights (, April 1998 . On June 5, 1997, government forces surrounded Sassou Nguesso's home in the Mpila section of Brazzaville, attempting to arrest two men, Pierre Aboya and Engobo Bonaventure, who had been implicated in the earlier violence. Fighting broke out between the government forces and Sassou Nguesso's fighters, called Cobras, igniting a 4-month conflict that destroyed or damaged much of Brazzaville. Angola supported Sassou Nguesso with about 1,000 Angolan tanks, troops.
In December 2013, the French government agency Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme awarded Jackson's Indigenous Social Justice Association a prize of 70,000 euros (US$95,100) in recognition of its contribution to human rights. Jackson was responsible for hundreds of rallies and actions, especially in remembrance of lost lives to injustices. Jackson confronted police annually in enabling the TJ Hickey January marches from Redfern where he died to NSW Parliament in the heart of the City of the Sydney. Jackson was often a speaker at protest rallies for Aboriginal rights.
In 2003, he became Secretary General of La Cimade, a French organisation which brings legal aid to migrants and asylum seekers. He left in 2005, when he was appointed Secretary General of the French national human rights institution, the Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme. Forst is also a founding member of Front Line Defenders, an Irish non governmental organisation based in Dublin and a former board member of the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). In 2015, Forst was appointed Knight of the Legion of Honour by the French government.
Offices of Tibet are official agencies of the 14th Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration based in Dharamsala, India. They are present in 13 countries, based in New Delhi, Kathmandu, Geneva, New York, Tokyo, London, Paris, Moscow, Brussels, Canberra, Pretoria, Taipei and Budapest.DIIR, Offices of Tibet, Department of Information and International Relations They are in charge of bilateral relations with different countries as well as with European Union InstitutionsBureau du Tibet à Paris and the United Nations Organisation.En bref, les droits de l'homme au Tibet , Bureau du Tibet de l'ONU, mars 2002.
The syndicate's initial main priority, according to Malika Amaouche, member of the collective Droits et prostitution and coordinator of the assises de la prostitution in 2009, was the repeal of the law on internal security (2003), which prohibited passive soliciting. It also aims to fight against discrimination and marginalisation faced by sex workers by claiming professional status to ensure their social protection and benefits. The syndicate also seeks to allow sex workers to speak in the public debate about their professional activity, according to its treasurer Mistress Nikita.
He was acquitted on technical grounds, but his reputation was tainted. Nevertheless, he was reelected to the Senate in January 1933, and was admitted to the Ligue des droits de l'homme (Human Rights League), which was normally strongly opposed to corruption. After the start of World War II (1939–45) Besnard visited Italy, which had not yet declared war against France, and had a long interview with the Foreign Minister, Galeazzo Ciano around 1 January 1940. Ciano warned him that the Germans were preparing a massive attack against Belgium and the Netherlands.
In 2012, in accordance with the American Psychological Association, the professional order for Quebec psychologists () reaffirmed "its position that homosexuality per se is not a mental disorder", and that it "opposes portrayals of sexual minority youths and adults as mentally ill due to their sexual orientation". In May 2018, the professional order for Quebec sexologists () also issued a public notice reiterating the position of the Quebec psychologists that those practices are strictly forbidden by all the professional orders and associations in Quebec (including medicine and psychiatry), as it could have harmful effects on one's mental health. Any complaints concerning aversive therapies, whether it be conducted by religious, professional or other practitioners, would be filed with either one of the Orders, or associations, and/or Quebec's Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, under the harassment clause, section 10.1 of the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, or under the psychological ill-treatment clause, section 38 of the Youth Protection Act. "No ideological or other consideration, including one based on a concept of honour, can justify any situation described in section 38". On May 22, 2015, Manitoba Health Minister Sharon Blady announced measures to stop conversion therapy in Manitoba.
Pierre Bonny (25 January 1895 - 26 December 1944) was a French corrupt police officer. As an inspector, he was the investigating officer on the 1923 Seznec case, in which he has been accused of falsifying the evidence.Between Justice And Politics: The Ligue Des Droits De L'Homme, 1898-1945, William D. Irvine, Leland Stanford Jr University, 2007The French Against the French: Collaboration and Resistance, Milton Dank, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1974, p.214 He was once praised as one of the most talented police officers in the country, helping to solve the notorious Stavisky financial scandal in 1934.
In 1982, various items were recovered from the wreck and brought ashore in the United Kingdom from the cargo of Lusitania. Complex litigation ensued, with all parties settling their differences apart from the salvors and the British Government, which asserted "droits of admiralty" over the recovered items. The judge eventually ruled in The Lusitania, [1986] QB 384, [1986] 1 All ER 1011, that the Crown has no rights over wrecks outside British territorial waters, even if the recovered items are subsequently brought into the United Kingdom. As of 1998, the case remained the leading authority on this point of law today.
Northern Cyprus (), officially the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC; , KKTC), is a de facto stateCouncil of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe, (1996), Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la convention européenne des droits de l'homme, p. 153 that comprises the northeastern portion of the island of Cyprus. Recognised only by Turkey, Northern Cyprus is considered by the international community to be part of the Republic of Cyprus. Northern Cyprus extends from the tip of the Karpass Peninsula in the northeast to Morphou Bay, Cape Kormakitis and its westernmost point, the Kokkina exclave in the west.
There he read the works of Karl Marx. In 1876, he returned to France to become one of the chief French advocates of Marxism, being imprisoned for six months in 1878 for taking part in the first Parisian International Congress. He edited at different times Les Droits de l’Homme, Le Cri du peuple, and Le Socialiste, but his best-known organ was the weekly Égalité. Guesde, who was in prison at the time, was the author of a resolution moved by the delegates from Paris at the Socialist Workers' Congress (1879) and carried by a large majority.
In March 1987, the Soviet delegation to the UN walked out when Littman arranged for Natan Sharansky to speak to the Commission about refuseniks. Also in 1987, he accused the Soviet delegate of antisemitism when he appeared before the UN Commission on Human Rights."NATIONS UNIES : devant la sous- commission des droits de l'homme Le délégué soviétique s'est exposé à l'accusation d'antisémitisme," Le Monde, 22 August 1987, accessed 12 January 2010 In 1988 he requested that several Jews in the USSR who were refused permission to emigrate should be allowed to do so. He repeated the request to Boris Yeltsin in 1991.
Droits de l'Homme was irreparably damaged, and many of the men on board were soldiers with no training for what to do in the event of a shipwreck. Each successive wave swept more men into the water and desperate attempts to launch boats failed when the small craft were swept away by the waves and broken in the surf. Rafts were constructed, but several were swamped in attempts to carry a rope to the shore. The men on the one raft that remained upright were forced to cut the rope to prevent them from foundering in the heavy seas.
The Picasso museum, which was renovated in 2013, is housed in the Hôtel Salé, a mid nineteenth century edifice. It has a rich collection of 3500 drawings, engravings, paintings, ceramic works and sculptures by Pablo Picasso (1881–1973). It was gifted to the government by the kin of Picasso as compensation for the estate tax (droits de succession). The museum which was renovated in 2013 housed in the Hôtel Salé, a mid nineteenth century edifice has a rich collection of 3500 drawings, engravings, paintings, ceramic works and sculptures by the grand maître (great master) Pablo Picasso (1881–1973).
This extract was entitled Extrait du plan général de réforme concerté par les patriotes hollandois and appeared in the periodical Analyse des papiers anglais. In this period Cerisier closely collaborated with the trailblazer of the French Revolution, Honoré de Mirabeau, and Jeremy Popkin and others have speculated on the basis of archival research that this co- writer of the Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen was influenced by this extract of the Dutch document.Popkin Cersisier was elected a representative for the Third Estate to the Estates General of 1789 for Bourg- en-Bresse, but he did not take his seat.
On 20 December 2006, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the text of the International Convention on the Forced Disappearance of Persons after more than 25 years of development and was signed in Paris on 6 February 2007Le Monde 6 February 2007, Droits de l'homme : un traité international sur les disparitions forcées at a ceremony to which representatives of the 53 first signatory countries attended and in which 20 of them immediately ratified it. On 19 April 2007, the Commission on Human Rights updated the list of countries that ratified the Convention, which included 59 nations.
Most people see in that respectful deference the silence respectueux of the Jansenists. However, De la Chambre (Traité du formulaire), Bouix (De Papâ, II, 95), and Bertrand (Histoire littéraire, III, 19) are of opinion that Caulet really meant an internal adhesion of the mind, albeit this adhesion may not have come up to the "ecclesiastical faith" as proposed by Fénelon, and later admitted commonly by theologians. Pope Clement IX did not urge the point, and accepted Caulet's adhesion such as it was. In February, 1673, Louis XIV, in need of funds, attempted to extend to all French bishoprics the droits de régale.
Wikisource is an online digital library of free-content textual sources on a wiki, operated by the Wikimedia Foundation. Wikisource is the name of the project as a whole and the name for each instance of that project (each instance usually representing a different language); multiple Wikisources make up the overall project of Wikisource. The project's aim is to host all forms of free text, in many languages, and translations. Originally conceived as an archive to store useful or important historical texts (its first text was the Déclaration universelle des Droits de l'Homme), it has expanded to become a general-content library.
Sassou Nguesso instead appointed Mbemba as a member of the National Commission of Human Rights, a constitutional body, a few days later.Thierry Noungou, "Jean Martin Mbemba prend les commandes de la Commission nationale des droits de l'Homme", Les Dépêches de Brazzaville, 7 October 2009 . Mbemba was then elected as President of the National Commission of Human Rights at a meeting held in the Palace of the Parliament in Brazzaville on 2 October 2009, and he took office on 7 October.Pascal-Azad Doko, "Jean-Martin Mbemba entend oeuvrer pour que son institution joue pleinement son rôle", La Semaine Africaine, number 2,936, 13 October 2009 .
Following the Bourbon restoration he returned to France in 1817 and realised his plans for a monument to Louis XVI on the Place de la Concorde, which is the elliptical device with a declaration of the "Droits du Homme", which he had invented for the National Assembly at the Menus Plaisirs, and that Chateaubriand had incorporated without citing the author. Pâris spent the last two years of his life preparing a catalogue of his collection of paintings and antiquities, which he bequeathed to the city of Besançon, together with his library, catalogued by his friend Charles Weiss.Wild 1996:186.
In 1796 he was appointed by the Directory commissioner for the organization of the départements of Dyle and Mont-Tonnerre. Under the Empire, Mallarmé was collector of the droits réunis (sales taxes) at Nancy, and lost his money in 1814 in raising the levée of volunteers. Appointed sous-préfet of Avesnes during the Hundred Days, he was imprisoned by the Prussian authorities in revenge for the death of the maidens of Verdun, and held for six months in Wesel. He took refuge in Brussels and then Mechelen (with the Cellite monks), and remained in exile during the Bourbon Restoration.
In 1794 after serving in the Army of the Coasts of Brest, Humbert served under Hoche in the Army of the Rhin-et-Moselle. Charged to prepare for an expedition against Ireland, he took command of the Légion des Francs under Hoche, sailing in the ill-fated Expédition d'Irlande against Bantry Bay in 1796, and was engaged in actions at sea against the Royal Navy. Contrary weather and enemy action forced this expedition to withdraw. The trip home ended in a naval battle, the Action of 13 January 1797, during which Humbert, on the French ship Droits de l'Homme (1794), narrowly escaped death.
He was succeeded at the Ministry of Justice by Pierre Mabiala on 4 May.Jean Jacques Koubemba, "Ministère de la Justice : Pierre Mabiala promet un cadre fort, débarrassé des antivaleurs", ADIAC, 5 May 2016 .Cyr Armel Yabbat-Ngo, "Ministère de la justice, des droits humains et de la promotion des peuples autochtones : Pour Pierre Mabiala, la justice ne peut être un foyer d’antivaleurs", La Semaine Africaine, 14 May 2016 . Yoka then returned to his seat in the National Assembly.Roger Ngombé, "Assemblée nationale : le réaménagement du bureau à l’ordre du jour de la session en cours", ADIAC, 2 June 2016 .
From 1673 and 1696 the Counsel to the Navy Board was allowed to employ a solicitor. In 1692 a separate office for the Board of Admiralty was created called the Solicitor for the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy, was appointed until 1698 when the office became vacant until 1699. In 1703 an Assistant to the Admiralty Counsel was established who had previously been called the Solicitor of Admiralty Droits both of these offices were then held concurrently by the same person. However the post holder was always usually known as the Solicitor instead of the assistant counsel.
Despite his illness, for more than two years, he started writing texts which were to remain unfinished, and he often helped write, publish and broadcast Droits pluriels; he also took part in conferences and workshops. He died on 21 September 1998, and was buried at Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. He wished to experience the year 2000 with new technology, and created a website about Morocco and human rights, which he called Maroc- Réalités.Official Site One of the main aims of the site was to gather texts written by martyrs and democrats, especially Mehdi Ben Barka.
Jeanne Oddo-Deflou (1910) Jeanne Oddo-Deflou (1846–1915) was a French translator, educator and feminist. In 1898, she founded the Groupe français d'Etudes féministes, believing that while women's suffrage was the ultimate goal, it was important first to reform the underlying laws. From 1899, she was a member of the Ligue française pour le droit des femmes and from 1901 of Suffrage des femmes in support of votes for women. A delegate at various meetings of the International Congress of Women (London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin), she served as secretary for the Congrès des droits civils et du suffrage des femmes.
Hope did not possess a letter of marque, and so the capture of Haase was by a non-commissioned vessel. Hence the prize became a Droits of Admiralty. The High Court of Admiralty ruled on 4 April 1799 that as Hope had faced resistance and that the capture had cost her the chief part of her voyage, the captors could retain the entire value of the prize (£2,900), with one-third to go to the owners and two-thirds to the master and crew. The money to captain and crew was to be divided according to the usual practices for private ships of war.
In the Sainte-Pélagie Prison he met Louis Charles Delescluze, later military commander of the Paris Commune, the writer Jules Vallès, Raoul Rigault and other future supporters of the Commune. In 1867 he became a political journalist, writing in the Nain Jaune of Paris. He contributed to the Peuple souverain, Suffrage universel, Patriote français, Rappel à l'homme libre, Droits de l'homme, Radical, Marseillaise, Mot d'ordre and finally to L'Écho de Paris. Lepelletier became known for his novels, mainly drawn from dramatic works, including Le Capitaine Angot (1875), Le chien du commissaire (1876), Ivan le nihiliste (1880), L'Amant de cœur (1884) and Laï-tou (1885).
Ferdinand Faure, Frossard, Ernest Lafont, Henry Torres, Victor Meric and George Pioch then founded the Unitary Communist Party, which was based on the class struggle, refusal of national defense under capitalism, internal democracy in the party and union independence. He joined the staff of Paris- Soir with other former members of the editorial team of l'Humanité including Frossard, Aimé and Victor Méric. Pioch was recognized as one of the leading critics of music and theater of the time. Pioch joined the League of Human Rights (Ligue des Droits de l'Homme) and was involved in the struggle led by Bernard Lecache in 1926–27 for Sholom Schwartzbard.
Ropac opened his first gallery in Lienz/ Austria 1981, at the age of 21, followed by a second one in Salzburg/ Austria 1983, at the age of 23, which moved 1989 to the Villa Kast, Salzburg. He founded a third one in Paris Le Marais nine years later (1990). Launched with just one exhibition room, Ropac's space today stretches across three floors on Rue Debelleyme in Paris's Marais neighborhood. In 2012 he opened an additional gallery in Paris Pantin, the northeast edge of Paris. Here he renovated a 1900 former heating systems factory in Pantin,Valérie Duponchelle (10 September 2012), Thaddaeus Ropac :«Les artistes ont tous les droits» Le Figaro.
The European Court of Justice in the Rioglass caseCase 115/02 Administration des douanes et droits indirects v Rioglass [2003] ECR is legally employed in the production of cars in Spain and transported to Poland and then equipped with a non-member car window and windshield trademark. The court declared that the transport of products would be legally produced in a Member State and then transported to a non-member State, and if one or more Member States did not involve any sale of the products related, therefore it is not necessary for them to bear the responsibility of infringing the specific subject matter of the trademark.
Rear-Admiral Robert Carthew Reynolds (bap. 30 July 1745 – 24 December 1811) was a long serving and widely respected officer of the British Royal Navy who served in four separate major wars in a 52-year career. During this time he saw only one major battle, although was engaged in one of the most noted frigate actions of the French Revolutionary Wars, the destruction of the Droits de l'Homme, in which his own frigate was driven ashore and wrecked. Reynolds died in 1811 during a great storm in late December, which scattered his convoy and wrecked three ships of the line including his own flagship HMS St George.
EuroMed Rights, formerly the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN, French: Réseau euro-mediterranéen des droits de l'Homme) is a network of 80 human rights organisations, institutions and individuals based in 30 countries in Europe and the Mediterranean region. It was established in 1997 in response to the Barcelona Declaration, which led to the establishment of the Euro- Mediterranean Partnership. The members of EuroMed Rights admit to universal human rights principles and are convinced of the value of cooperation and dialogue across and within borders. EuroMed Rights promotes networking, cooperation and development of partnerships between human rights NGOs, activists and a wider civil society.
This ship, clearly much larger than either of the British vessels, was the Droits de l'Homme. At the same time, lookouts on the French ship spotted the British, and Lacrosse was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to engage the enemy. He knew that his ship was far larger than either of his opponents, but had earlier spotted sails to westwards he believed to be British and thus considered himself outnumbered and possibly surrounded. British records show that no other British vessels were in the vicinity at the time and it is likely that Lacrosse had seen the French ships Révolution and Fraternité returning to Brest from Bantry Bay.
In addition, Lacrosse was concerned by the increasing gale and rocky lee shoreline, which posed a considerable threat to his over-laden vessel, which was already damaged from its winter voyage and carried a demi-brigade of the French Army and Humbert, neither of which could be placed at risk in an inconsequential naval action.Henderson, p. 23. Determined to avoid battle, Lacrosse turned southeast, hoping to use his wider spread of sail to outrun his opponent in the strong winds. Pellew, however, manoeuvred to cut the Droits de l'Homme off from the French coast, at this stage still unsure of the nature of his opponent.
The Belgian Football Association sells the television rights for the Belgian First Division every three years. In 2005, the newly created Belgian TV channel Belgacom TV bought the TV rights for a record amount of €36 million per season until 2019–20. In May 2008, the rights were again sold to Belgacom TV in association with both public broadcasters VRT (Dutch) and RTBF (French) for an amount of €45.7 million per season.Belgacom obtient les droits TV (Belgacom gets TV rights) RTBF and VRT thus received the rights to show summaries of first division games, as well as rights to a weekly magazine on the competition.
The two wings house a number of museums; the Musée national la Marine (naval museum) and the Musée de l'Homme (Ethnology) are located in the southern (Passy) wing and the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, including the Musée national des Monuments Français, in the eastern (Paris) wing, from which one also enters the Théâtre national de Chaillot. It was in the Palais de Chaillot that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948. This event is now commemorated by a stone marker, and the esplanade is known as the "esplanade des droits de l'homme" ("esplanade of human rights").
In 1990, the National Congress for Democratic Initiative (Congrès National d’Initiative démocratique, CNID) was set up by the lawyer Mountaga Tall, and the Alliance for Democracy in Mali (Alliance pour la démocratie au Mali, ADEMA) by Abdramane Baba and historian Alpha Oumar Konaré. These with the Association des élèves et étudiants du Mali (AEEM) and the Association Malienne des Droits de l'Homme (AMDH) aimed to contest Moussa Traoré's rule, with a plural political life. Under the old constitution, all labor unions had to belong to one confederation, the National Union of Malian Workers (UNTM). When the leadership of the UNTM broke from the government in 1990, the opposition grew.
Several Radical independents had already been presidents of the Council (Ferdinand Buisson, Emile Combes and Charles Floquet, among others) and the Radicals already benefited from a strong presence across the country. The party was composed of a heterogeneous alliance of personal fiefdoms, informal electoral clubs, masonic lodges and sections of the Ligue des droits de l'homme (Human Rights League) and the Ligue française de l'enseignement (French League of Education, an association dedicated to introducing, expanding and defending free, compulsory and non-religious primary education).Nick Hewlett, Democracy in modern France (2005) p. 48 The secularising cause was championed by Émile Combes' cabinet start of the 20th century.
However his rule was characterised by severe droughts and poor government management and problems of food shortages. In the late 1980s the people of Bamako and Mali campaigned for a free-market economy and multiparty democracy. In 1990, the National Congress for Democratic Initiative (Congrès National d'Initiative démocratique, CNID) was set up by the lawyer Mountaga Tall, and the Alliance for Democracy in Mali (Alliance pour la démocratie au Mali, ADEMA) by Abdramane Baba and historian Alpha Oumar Konaré. These with the Association des élèves et étudiants du Mali (AEEM) and the Association Malienne des Droits de l'Homme (AMDH) aimed to oust Moussa Traoré.
It was through the efforts of French left-wing intellectuals led by Magdeleine Paz that Serge was released and allowed to return to Belgium and then France in April 1936. In 1935 Magdeleine Paz joined the Comité de liaison contre la guerre et l‟union sacrée (Liaison committee against war and the union sacrée), a pacifist organization. In the early 1930s Magdeleine Paz became a member of the Ligue des droits de l’Homme (League of Human Rights), representing the Socialist Party. The Cahiers of the League refused to publish an article by Magdeleine Paz in which she denounced the Moscow Trials held between 1936 and 1938.
Priézac was born in Limousin. Graduating as doctor of law in Bordeaux in 1614, he was professor of jurisprudence and conseiller d'État. He was elected to the Académie française in 1639 as a founder member. He wrote the Défence des droits et prérogatives des roys de France, contre Alexandre-Patrice Armacan, théologien (Defence of the rights and prerogatives of the kings of France, against Alexandre-Patrice Armacan, theologian), first published in Latin in 1639, then in French the following year, in which he argued that cardinal Richelieu, by proclaiming the supremacy of royal power and defending France's interests, was only defending the power and interests of the Catholic religion.
In the elections for the French National Assembly, each candidate nominates a substitute (), who assumes the functions of the elected deputy if they die, enter the executive government, have a mission of more than six months entrusted by the Government or are appointed to the Constitutional Council or Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits). If the deputy resigns, or their election is determined to be invalid, a by-election () is held instead. The Electoral Code does not provide for any age restriction to be appointed alternate. For the Fourteenth Legislature (2012 - 2017), the youngest Deputy- Substitute of France was Nicolas Brien, born in 1989, elected in Allier's 2nd constituency.
He served as central committee member of the League of Human Rights (Ligue des droits de l'homme, LDH), was a founder and majoritaire of the Socialist Party of France (PSdF). He urged the party to work with the Radicals and wanted the party to build coalition cabinets as he felt the alternative, would be instability and reaction. Renaudel was a member of the Chamber of Deputies, and a national leader of the French Section of the Workers' International (Section Française de l'Internationale Ouvrière, SFIO). He was editor of the daily newspaper L'Humanité; and was the founder and political editor of the socialist weekly publication, La Vie Socialiste.
After the attempt on the First Consul in the Rue Sainte-Nicaise he was deported to French Guiana, but was allowed to return to the French Empire in 1809. In 1811, while under surveillance at Auxerre, he was accused of having provoked a riot against indirect taxes known as the droits réunis (afterwards called contributions indirectes), and was imprisoned in the Château d'If, where he remained until 1814. On the second Bourbon Restoration, Fournier was confined for about nine months in La Force Prison. After 1816 he turned Royalist, and passed his last years in importuning the Restoration government for compensation for his lost property in Saint-Domingue.
Français of Nantes took office under the Consulate as préfet of Charente-Inférieure, rose to be a member of the Conseil d'État, and in 1804 obtained the important post of director-general of the indirect taxes (droits réunis). The value of his services was recognized by the titles of Count of the Empire and Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor. On the Bourbon Restoration he retired into private life (as the owner of a Paris hôtel), but from 1819 to 1822 he was representative of the département of Isère, and after the July Revolution he was made a Peer of France. He died in Paris.
Parker is the daughter of noted trumpeter Sidney Mear and a native of Rochester, New York. She obtained her J.D. degree in 1983 from the University of San Francisco School of Law, interning at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States (OAS), and externing for Justice Frank C. Newman of the Supreme Court of California. She received a diploma in Droit international et droit comparé des droits de l'homme (International and Comparative Law of Human Rights) from the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France in 1982. That same year, she founded the Association of Humanitarian Lawyers and continues to serve as its president.
The Association for Human Rights in Central Asia (Eng.);;;, Association Droits de l’Homme en Asie Centrale (Fr.), Ассоциация "Права человека в Центральной Азии" (Rus.), AHRCA is an abbreviation used in official documents of the organization and the media. The Association for Human Rights in Central Asia, also known as AHRCA is a French independent human rights organization that conducts research on the observance of human rights in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, and also the situation of refugees from these countries. The slogan of the organization is "The right to be heard". Founded on November 8, 2006 in the city of Le Mans, Department of Sarthe, in France.
Miller, A History of Modern Morocco (2013), pp. 162–168–169.Said a witness: "I saw men, young and old, who furiously hurled stones and insults at a barracks of auxiliary forces close to El Koréa, the poor folks' market; everywhere I saw agitation and discontent, but contrary to the first days of independence, you could see the hatred and the despair in their eyes, in place of the joy and the hope" Bouissef-Rekab, À l'ombre de Lalla Chafia (1991) p. 70. Quoted in Rollinde, Le Mouvement marocain des droits de l'Homme (2003), p. 123. The repression was swift: the army and the police were mobilized.
State feminism culminated in the Senate's new Délégation Aux Droits Des Femmes (Delegation for Women's Rights) initiating an inquiry in 1999. The 2001 report of the Delegation (named after its author, Senator Dinah Derycke (1997–2001)) was critical of what it saw as the lack of commitment in the fight against prostitution, mainly the difference between France's official abolitionist position and what was occurring in practice. Although the report received a favourable reception in parliament initially, its political impact was limited. Senator Derycke retired due to ill health and died soon after, while other pressures diverted the debate into other related measures, such as organized crime and trafficking and 'modern slavery'.
Robert was secretary to Georges Danton for a time, and was above all interested in financial affairs, working as a munitions supplier to the French army until 1808. He was the son of Jean-François Robert and Catherine Douhomme. He married Louise-Félicité de Kéralio and their daughter, Adélaïde Robert, married the famous Belgian musicologist François-Joseph Fétis. In July 1790 he was one of the founders of the Société des Amis des Droits de l’Homme et du citoyen, and was also inscribed among the members of the Société des amis de la Constitution, the Société Fraternelle des Jacobins and the Club des indulgents.
Paul Aussaresses was condemned for "apologism for war crimes" because he had justified the use of torture, claiming it had helped to save lives.condamnation du général Aussaresses pour "apologie de crimes de guerre" , Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH, Human Rights League), February 2002. Although Aussaresses claimed that torture was an efficient way to fight against what he saw as FLN terrorism, recent historical research demonstrates that, contrary to the popular "ticking time bomb scenario", torture was not used for short-term intelligence purposes. Instead, the aim of torture was not to make people talk but to affect the armed groups as a whole and to break the civilian population's morale.
Standing over thirty feet high and constructed of red granite and concrete, the Monument's red granite facade bears the text of the first sentence of Article One of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights - Tous les êtres humains naissent libres et egaux en dignité et en droits." The words "Equality," "Dignity," and "Rights" - in English and French – are etched on granite plaques and carried by anthropomorphic figures behind the façade. They also appear on granite plaques within the Monument, known as the House of Canada, in 73 Indigenous languages found in Canada.
Lucien Le Foyer was born in Paris on 29 June 1872. He became an advocate at the Paris Court of Appeal. Starting in 1902 the French pacifist societies began to meet at a National Peace Congress, which often had several hundred attendees. However, they were unable to unify the pacifist forces apart from setting up a small Permanent Delegation of French Pacifist Societies in 1902, led by Charles Richet (1850–1935), with Lucien Le Foyer as Secretary-General. Le Foyer was a member of the Human Rights League (LDH: Ligue des Droits de l’Homme) as were Frédéric Passy, leader of the Société des amis de la Paix and Théodore Ruyssen.
The governor was sure that Isaac was behind the attacks that two French newspapers made on his administration. Isaac was involved in review of various reports on Algeria issued between 1892 and 1896, and submitted his own report on French and Muslim justice, police and security on 28 February 1895. He issued a report on 15 March 1898 in which he asked the Algerian committee to end the system of attachment that Albert Grévy had started in 1881, and that had been expanded by Louis Tirman between then and 1891. Isaac was one of the first members of the Central Committee of Ligue Des Droits De L'Homme, formed in 1898.
Fallaci accused the judge of having disregarded the fact that Smith had called for her murder and defamed Christianity. In France, some Arab-Muslim and anti-defamation organisations such as MRAP and Ligue des Droits de l'Homme launched lawsuits against Oriana Fallaci, charging that The Rage and the Pride and The Force of Reason (La Rage et l'Orgueil and La Force de la Raison in their French versions) were "offensive to Islam" and "racist". Her lawyer, Gilles William Goldnadel, president of the France-Israel Organization, was also Alexandre del Valle's lawyer during similar lawsuits against del Valle. Fallaci became, in her last years, staunchly socially conservative, opposing abortion (except for rape), euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and gay adoptions.
Many in Quebec regard him as the father of the modern Quebec nation. According to a study made in 2006 by Le Journal de Montréal and Léger Marketing, Lévesque was considered by far, according to Québécois, the best premier to run the province over the last 50 years. Of the things he left as his legacy, some of the most memorable and still robust are completing the nationalization of hydroelectricity through Hydro-Québec, the Quebec Charter of the French Language, the political party financing law, and the Parti Québécois itself. His government was the first in Canada to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the province's Charte des droits de la personne in 1977.
The Action of 13 January 1797 was a minor naval battle fought between a French ship of the line and two British frigates off the coast of Brittany during the French Revolutionary Wars. During the action the frigates outmanoeuvred the much larger French vessel and drove it onto shore in heavy seas, resulting in the deaths of between 400 and 1,000 of the 1,300 persons aboard. One of the British frigates was also lost in the engagement with six sailors drowned after running onto a sandbank while failing to escape a lee shore. The French 74-gun ship Droits de l'Homme had been part of the Expédition d'Irlande, an unsuccessful attempt by a French expeditionary force to invade Ireland.
In January 1821, he rebuked Caroline of Brunswick when he was asked to present the Ipswich address, forwarding this to Henry Vassall-Fox, 3rd Baron Holland. He also spoke against granting Caroline £50,000 a year from the consolidated fund, suggesting it should be paid from crown revenue or admiralty droits, and argued her treatment showed the need for legal and parliamentary reform. He later called for the Six Acts to be repealed on grounds of seditious meetings and libels, arguing that restricted county meetings had meant "public opinion has not been expressed with the openness and to the extent that it is hitherto". However, he lost the vote in Parliament, with 88 votes against and 66 votes for.
In 1973, the French Government created an office of Ombudsman (). A reform in May 2011 merged that office with the Children's Ombudsman (Défenseur des enfants), the equality authority (Haute autorité de lutte contre les discriminations et pour l’égalité, HALDE) and the body supervising the conduct of police and other security agencies, the Commission nationale de déontologie de la sécurité (CNDS), creating a new body named the Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits). In July 2011 Dominique Baudis was appointed to the office by the Council of State on the nomination of the Prime Minister, for a single six- year term but died in April 2014. In June 2014, former minister Jacques Toubon was chosen for the following six years.
View of the wreck of the French ship Le Droits D' Homme, John FairburnThe Expédition d'Irlande was a French attempt to invade Ireland in December 1796 during the French Revolutionary Wars. Encouraged by representatives of the Society of United Irishmen, an Irish republican organisation, the French Directory decided that the best strategy for eliminating Britain from the war was to invade Ireland, then under British control.Come, p. 181 It was hoped that a substantial invasion in the summer of 1796 would encourage a widespread uprising among the Irish population and force the British to abandon Ireland, providing a major strategic and propaganda coup for the French Republic and a staging point for a subsequent invasion of Britain.
The Prize was inaugurated in Bordeaux in 1984 by French lawyer Bertrand Favreau, to recognise lawyers of any Bar or nationality whose work furthered the defence of human rights, the supremacy of law, or resistant to intolerance and racism. The prize is awarded after consultation with international NGOs and humanitarian organizations. It commemorates the memory of the French lawyer, Ludovic Trarieux (1840–1904), who in the midst of the Dreyfus Affair, in France, in 1898, founded the Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH), "Human Rights League"). The first prize was awarded, on 29 March 1985, to South African leader Nelson Mandela, during his imprisonment. His daughter, Zenani Mandela Dlamini, received the award on Mandela's behalf on 27 April 1985.
In 2013, the film, produced by France's TF1 Droits Audiovisuels and UK's Entertainment One, was given a budget of €15 million ($20 million). Mick Brown of The Daily Telegraph noted this was "big by European, if not American, standards". In May 2013, it was reported that Suite Française would be a co- production between France, U.K. and Belgium, with Xavier Marchand, Romain Bremond, Michael Kuhn and Andrea Cornwell producing the film along with American Harvey Weinstein of The Weinstein Company serving as the executive producer. Dibb focused his adaptation on book two of Némirovsky's novels, which explores the relationships between the French women and the German soldiers who occupied their village, in particular the story of Lucile Angellier.
Sondages et démocratie : pour une législation plus respectueuse de la sincérité du débat politique, french Senate Reynié is also a member of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights.Arrêté du 10 novembre 2005 relatif à la composition de la Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme, Legifrance, November 11, 2005 In 2010, with the Foundation for Political Innovation, he participated in the creation of the Think Tanks Forum, a meeting which is open to the public and convenes prominent French think tanks at the Sorbonne University, to discuss major contemporary economic and social issues. In 2012 he was a member of the "Visitors Program" of the BEPA (Bureau of European Policy Advisers).
"Arte inaugure son nouveau siège à Strasbourg" November 2007 saw the extension of the Strasbourg tramway into the European Quarter, with the inauguration by European Parliament president Hans-Gert Pöttering, CoE Secretary general Terry Davis and Eurocorps Lieutenant General Pedro Pitarch of the Parlement européen, Droits de l'homme and Robertsau Boecklin tram stations.Pictures of the inauguration on Mr. Pöttering's official website – search in "Images", "Archives", "November 2007". The newest Council of Europe buildings were inaugurated in 2006 and 2008, and the newest European Union building was inaugurated in 2017. In all, there are fourteen different buildings in the European Quarter: seven belonging to the Council of Europe, five belonging to the European Union, plus Arte and the IIHR.
Son of a boarding school master and author of school manuals, Brazier's education was however strongly neglected due to the French Revolution. At first a jeweller's apprentice, then employed in the "Droits réunis" (the French indirect taxes administration of the time), he showed a talent for verse and was encouraged and guided by Armand Gouffé. Following his first success at the Théâtre des Délassements- Comiques, in 1803, he left his job to devote himself to chansons and to the theatre, following courses at school to fill in the gaps in his education. His witty, spirited and lively chansons often proved popular, though the vulgarity of his style has led to them being forgotten.
Gaudin was born in Saint-Denis (Seine département) in 1756. After Napoleon made him his Minister of Finance, where he held office until 1814, Gaudin organised the French direct contributions, reintroduced direct taxes ("droits réunis"), founded the Banque de France and the Cour des comptes, and set up the first cadaster, or record of land ownership as a basis of taxation. He was rewarded in 1809 with the duché grand-fief of Gaeta, in the then-French controlled kingdom of Naples; effectively, this was a life peerage, nominal but of high rank. During his Cent Jours return, Bonaparte reserved a seat for Gaudin in the planned imperial Chamber of Peers, but that never materialised.
La France est un pays amazonien. La forêt amazonienne, ce patrimoine écologique universel, dépasse les frontières des hommes. Nous avons le devoir d'agir, Monsieur Bolsonaro.Le Monde - Emmanuel Macron assure le chef amazonien Raoni du soutien de la France - 16/5/2019 - « En tant que pays amazonien » avec la Guyane, « la France est naturellement engagée dans la lutte contre la déforestation » et « défend les droits des autochtones, notamment en tant qu'acteurs essentiels de la préservation des forêts et de la biodiversité, et par conséquent engagés dans la lutte contre les dérèglements climatiques » Macron called the Amazon wildfires an "international crisis", while claiming the rainforest produces "20% of the world's oxygen"—a statement disputed by academics.
The rank was obtained after a mere exam, rather than the competitive exam required for full ensign. he served on the corvette Assemblée nationale from October to November, on the 74-gun Mucius from November to December, on the brig Citoyen from December 1793 to September 1795, and the 74-gun Trajan in November 1795. Promoted to Lieutenant,first lieutenant de vaisseau auxiliaire on 27 November 1795 and lieutenant de vaisseau entretenu on 21 March 1796 Lamellerie served on the Droits de l'Homme from November 1795 to November 1796. He then transferred on the frigate Bravoure. Promoted to Commander on 22 January 1799, he served on Indivisible before being appointed to captain the frigate Sirène on 22 July 1800.
Alphonse Chigot was born on October 24 in Graçay in the Cher department in the Centre-Val de Loire. He was the son of a soldier Jean Alexandre Chigot and Francoise Adele Chigot (née Martin). His father served in the armies of the Napoleonic Empire culminating in his participation at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Retired from the army his father was variously an inn keeper and an employee of the Administration des droits reunis (the agency charged with the collection of indirect taxes in France) and from 1852 the manager of a tobacco shop at Aulnoy-lez- Valenciennes. The 18 year old Chigot enlisted in a regiment of Chasseurs à Pied, (light infantry) in 1842.
He won the exclusive concession to typography and printing from the Paris Commune and became secretary to the Société des droits de l'homme, which later became the Club des Cordeliers, whose journal he published as well as becoming one of its loudest orators. Momoro was also among the signatories of the anti-monarchical petition which led to the Champ de Mars massacre, an event that would end in formalizing the split between the moderates and extremists. In the wake of this affair, which led to his imprisonment until September 1791, Momoro resumed his printing activities under his self-given title of "first printer of the national liberty", publishing Jacques-René Hébert's radical newspaper, Le Père Duchesne.
When Admiral William Cornwallis tries to put him in a position where he can make easy prize money by capturing a large shipment of Spanish gold, he instead takes on a stronger enemy frigate sent to warn the convoy and keeps it from accomplishing its mission. Eventually, by superior seamanship and skill, he drives it away. Hornblower rationalises that this is poetic justice, after he had earlier connived to facilitate the escape of his steward, who was facing hanging for striking a superior officer (a punishment Hornblower could not abide). It later transpires that the ships were claimed by the Government as (Droits of Admiralty) so that Hornblower would not have profited in any case.
In 1834, the lawyer of the Society of the Rights of Man (Société des droits de l'homme), Dupont, a liberal sitting in the far-left during the July Monarchy, associated the three terms together in the Revue Républicaine which he edited: The triptych resurfaced during the 1847 Campagne des Banquets, upheld for example in Lille by Ledru-Rollin. Two interpretations had attempted to conciliate the three terms, beyond the antagonism between liberals and socialists. One was upheld by Catholic traditionalists, such as Chateaubriand or Ballanche, the other by socialist and republicans such as Pierre Leroux. Chateaubriand thus gave a Christian interpretation of the revolutionary motto, stating in the 1841 conclusion to his Mémoires d'outre-tombe: Neither Chateaubriand nor Ballanche considered the three terms to be antagonistic.
In 1834, his membership in a Jacobin-leaning organization, the Société des Droits de l'Homme (Society for the Rights of Man), led to his first arrest. Released in early 1835, he served as a lawyer for 164 defendants indicted for republican insurgency during 1834, and, in July 1835, he assisted twenty-eight of them to escape from Sainte-Pelagie prison in Paris, an institution reserved for political troublemakers. In 1834, the Society for the Rights of Man, at about the time of Barbès's arrest, was dismantled by the police. He responded by founding the short-lived Society of Avengers, which was followed, the next year, by the League of Families, the organization for which Barbès composed the oath of membership, a must for all aspiring conspirators.
"Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1793" was never officially adopted The Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen of 1793 (French: Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen de 1793) is a French political document that preceded that country's first republican constitution. The Declaration and Constitution were ratified by popular vote in July 1793, and officially adopted on 10 August; however, they never went into effect, and the constitution was officially suspended on 10 October. It is unclear whether this suspension was thought to affect the Declaration as well. The Declaration was written by the commission that included Louis Antoine Léon de Saint-Just and Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles during the period of the French Revolution.
At one of the conferences Maria Pognon, who would be one of the founders of the CNFF, argued against paternity suits and for a national maternity fund to support unwed mothers and their children. Her proposal was rejected by the majority of attendees. The 1900 meetings included the philanthropic and educational Congress of Women's Works and Institutions (Congrès des Œuvres et Institutions Féminines) and the Congress on the Status and Rights of Women (Congrès de la Condition et des Droits de la Femme) which called for full gender equality. The two groups decided to combine to form the CNFF, defined as a federation of associations with the purpose of improving the condition of women in education, economics, society, philanthropy and politics.
However, the voting was postponed and Chafik Sarsar, a university lecturer in constitutional law, was finally elected president of the new independent Higher Authority for elections.Kamel Jendoubi nommé président d'un groupe d'experts sur le Yémen par le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies aux Droits de l'Homme On 23 January 2015, in the government of Habib Essid, he was appointed as help to the prime minister, Head of Government of Tunisia, for Relations with Constitutional Institutions and Civil Society. On 6 January 2016, he also became responsible for human rights. On 5 December 2017, he was appointed by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to leads a group of international and regional experts to investigate on human rights violations in Yemen.
Following Aussaresses' revelations, which suggested that torture had been ordered by the highest levels of the French state hierarchy, Human Rights Watch sent a letter to President Jacques Chirac (RPR) to indict Aussaresses for war crimes, declaring that, despite past amnesties, such crimes, which may also have been crimes against humanity, may not be amnestied.Human Rights Watch : le gouvernement français doit ordonner une enquête officielle., Human Rights Watch. The Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH, Human Rights League) filed a complaint against him for "apology of war crimes," as Paul Aussaresses justified the use of torture, claiming it had saved lives following the Necessity Defense [AKA: Choice of Evils] and/or the Self-Defense (although he did not explicitly use this expression).
This line was taken over by the Compagnie du chemin de fer métropolitain de Paris and was renamed Line 12 on 27 March 1931. The Line 8 platforms were opened on 12 March 1914 on the first section of the line from Beaugrenelle (now Charles Michels on Line 10) to Opéra; this line had been opened on 13 July 1913, although the platforms at Concorde and Invalides were not yet finished. Concorde is distinctive due to its décor created by artist Françoise Schein: she covered the entire station's Line 12 walls with tiles spelling the Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen of 1789. Ezra Pound's famous Imagist poem, "In a Station of the Metro", was inspired by this station.
Pellew was aware that his frigate was heavily outclassed by his much larger opponent, and that Amazon, which was distant, was not large enough to redress the balance when it did arrive. He correctly assumed, however, that the ocean was too rough to allow Lacrosse to open his lower gunports without the risk that heavy waves would enter them and cause Droits de l'Homme to founder.Gardiner, p. 159. In fact, the French ship was totally unable to open her lower deck gunports during the action: an unusual design feature had the ports lower than was normal and as a result the sea poured in at any attempt to open them, preventing any gunnery at all from the lower deck and halving the ship's firepower.James, p. 12.
The statistics compiled by the OQLF for 2005–2006 reveal that some 1306 complainants filed 3652 complaints. 1078 (29.5%) complaints were from the region of Montreal, 883 (24.2%) from the region of Outaouais, 386 (10.6%) from Montérégie.Respect des droits linguistiques et plaintes - 2005–2006 - Statistiques, on the Web site of the Office québécois de la langue française, retrieved 18 February 2008 Section 51, the language of products (labelling, packaging, instructions manuals, directions, warranty certificates) (article 51) amounted to 43.0% of the total. 13.8% were for breaches of Section 52, language of catalogues, pamphlets, business directories, and 9.6% were for breaches of Sections 2 and 5, the language of service. Between 1 April 2005 and 31 March 2006, the OQLF closed 2899 complaints.
The law creates a government agency called Haute Autorité pour la Diffusion des Œuvres et la Protection des Droits sur Internet (HADOPI) (English: Supreme Authority for the Distribution and Protection of Intellectual Property on the Internet); replacing a previous agency, the ARMT (Regulation of Technical Measures Authority) created by the DADVSI law.(French) The new government agency is headed by a board of nine members, three appointed by the government, two by the legislative bodies, three by judicial bodies and one by the Conseil supérieur de la propriété littéraire et artistique (Superior Council of Artistic and Literary Property), a government council responsible to the French Ministry of Culture.(French) The agency is vested with the power to police Internet users.
Barrington Reynolds was the second son of Rear-Admiral Robert Carthew Reynolds, a successful and long-serving Royal Navy officer who had once served under Samuel Barrington who is probably the origin of Barrington's Christian name. Like his elder brother, Barrington Reynolds had been born at the family seat in Penair, near Truro, Cornwall, but aged only nine he was brought onto his father's ship the frigate for service as a captain's servant. Britain was engaged at this time in the French Revolutionary Wars and Amazon was attached to the squadron under Sir Edward Pellew which harassed French shipping along the Biscay Coast. In February 1797, Amazon and Pellew's ship engaged the much larger French ship of the line Droits de l'Homme in a storm off Brest.
The droit d'auteur or authors' rights, in France, Belgium, Romania or Germany, grant (subject to some exceptions) the benefice of the right to natural persons (the author and heirs) and denies it to legal persons (except for collective works, and for software), whereas "droits voisins" or neighbouring rights, grant rights to the editor or the producer. Both authors' rights and neighbouring rights are copyrights in the sense of English or U.S. law.Related rights Copyright requires a material fixation of the work, as for example a speech or a choreography work, although it is an intellectual work (an œuvre de l'esprit), they will not be protected if they are not embodied in a material support. Such requirement does not exist under the droit d'auteur.
Already a "liberated" woman (for the time), it was her meeting, and subsequent marriage to, Léon Brunschvicg, a feminist philosopher and member of the Ligue des droits de l'homme, that spurred her to feminist activism; she became vice-president of the League of Electors for women's suffrage. The French Union for Women's Suffrage (UFSF: Union française pour le suffrage des femmes) was founded by a group of feminists who had attended a national congress of French feminists in Paris in 1908, led by Jeanne Schmahl and Jane Misme. The UFSF provided a less militant and more widely acceptable alternative to the Suffrage des femmes of Hubertine Auclert (1848–1914). The sole objective was to obtain women's suffrage through legal approaches.
Bonnet was arrested on 3 May and flown to Paris for questioning:. he was held in prison on remand (détention préventive) for two months. After a trial in Ajaccio, he was found guilty of conspiracy to arson (complicité de destruction de biens appartenant à autrui par l'effet d'un incendie) on 10 January 2002 and sentenced to three years of imprisonment, two of which were suspended, and three years deprivation of his civil rights (privation des droits civiques)... Bonnet appealed against his conviction, first to the Court of Appeal in Bastia, which rejected the appeal on 15 January 2003, and then to the Court of Cassation, France's highest court, which rejected his petition on 13 October 2004.Bulletin criminel 2004 N° 243, p.
The phrase "general will," as Rousseau used it, occurs in Article Six of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (French: Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen), composed in 1789 during the French Revolution: > The law is the expression of the general will. All citizens have the right > to contribute personally, or through their representatives, to its > formation. It must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes. All > citizens, being equal in its eyes, are equally admissible to all public > dignities, positions, and employments, according to their capacities, and > without any other distinction than that of their virtues and their > talents.quoted in James Swenson, On Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Stanford > University Press 2001), p. 163.
Nous vous en supplions, pour l'amour de votre continent, pour le sentiment que vous avez envers votre peuple et surtout pour l'affinité et l'amour que vous avez pour vos enfants que vous aimez pour la vie. En plus, pour l'amour et la timidité de notre créateur Dieu le tout-puissant qui vous a donné toutes les bonnes expériences, richesses et pouvoirs de bien construire et bien organiser votre continent à devenir le plus beau et admirable parmi les autres. Messieurs les membres et responsables d'Europe, c'est de votre solidarité et votre gentillesse que nous vous crions au secours en Afrique. Aidez-nous, nous souffrons énormément en Afrique, nous avons des problèmes et quelques manques au niveau des droits de l'enfant.
Both served with distinction: Sir Edward captured several more frigates and destroyed the French ship of the line Droits de l'Homme at the Action of 13 January 1797, ending the war as commander in chief in the Mediterranean. Israel was most noted for capturing the French flagship Bucentaure at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 while in command of HMS Conqueror.Henderson, p. 16 Historian William James has noted that while Nymphe was slightly heavier both in tonnage and weight of shot, the French ship carried 80 more personnel who had been serving as a unified crew for significantly longer than those aboard the British frigate; among Pellew's men were 80 Cornish tin miners pressed into service only a few weeks earlier.
During the operation, the French fleet was beset by poor coordination and violent weather, eventually being compelled to return to France without landing a single soldier. Two British frigates, the 44-gun and the 36-gun , had been ordered to patrol the seas off Ushant in an attempt to intercept the returning French force and sighted the Droits de l'Homme on the afternoon of 13 January. The engagement lasted for more than 15 hours, in an increasing gale and the constant presence of the rocky Breton coast. The seas were so rough that the French ship was unable to open the lower gun ports during the action and as a result could only fire the upper deck guns, significantly reducing the advantage that a ship of the line would normally have over the smaller frigates.
As daylight broke over Audierne Bay, crowds of locals gathered on the beach. The Droits de l'Homme lay on her side directly opposite the town of Plozévet, with large waves breaking over her hull; to the north, Amazon stood upright on a sandbar, her crew launching boats in an effort to reach the shore, while Indefatigable was the only ship still afloat, rounding the Penmarck rocks at the southern edge of the bay at 11:00. On board the Amazon, Reynolds maintained discipline and gave orders to launch the ship's boats in an orderly fashion and to build rafts in which to bring the entire crew safely to shore. Six men disobeyed his command, stole a launch, and attempted to reach the shore alone, but were swept away by the current.
Abbesses station can be accessed via two shafts, one for the lifts, the other the stairs which are decorated with, on the descent, famous sights in Montmartre such as the Moulin Rouge, Sacré Coeur or place des Abbesses, and depictions of nature and daily life while ascending. This installation was painted in 2007 to replace a mosaic patchwork previously done by artists from the area, which had been vandalised over the years. Representation at Concorde station of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Concorde station was renovated in the early 1990s, it is decorated with small ceramic tiles, each depicting a different letter. Together forming extracts from the Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen de 1789, the design was conceived by Françoise Schein.
Hessel continued to hold a diplomatic passport, having been named an "ambassador for life". He was a member of the French division of the International Decade for the Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World and was a founding member of the Collegium International"Appeal for the International Ethical, Political and Scientific Collegium" Collegium International (5 February 2002). 17 March 2011 and served as vice president. He was a member of the Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme and the Haut Conseil de la coopération internationale. In 2003, along with other former Resistance members, he signed the petition "For a Treaty of a Social Europe" and in August 2006, he was a signatory to an appeal against the Israeli air-strikes in Lebanon.
According to some feminist groups, as well as some human rights advocacy groups, wearing the scarf can symbolize a woman's submission to men. The theme of the scarf as a symbol of submission of the woman to the man is found in many a discourse. Among them are: "Les Chiennes de Garde": "It's the symbol of the oppression of women, of a demonization of the body and women's sexuality" (communiqué , 7 March 2005), "Les Penelopes": "Veiled, they are property of masters who designate them, to others and to the girls themselves, as that which is forbidden." (article published on the website of this association) la Ligue des Droits de l'Homme: "The LDH recalls its hostility to the veil, a symbol of oppression for many women" (communiqué , 6 January 1997).
These extensions transformed a cross-shaped network, centred on Homme de Fer, into a lattice shape, with two lines running in tandem along key routes in the city centre. This enabled more transfers and more direct links between stations, along with greater frequency in the city centre. This scheme is unique in France, but similar to systems in Switzerland and Germany. On considerable sections of track, the current network retraces the old network: Porte de l’hopital - Campus d’Illkirch (line A); Etoile Polygone - Aristide Briand (line D); Graviere - Neuhof Rudolphe Reuss (line C); Montagne Verte - Homme de Fer - Gallia (line F); place de Bordeaux - Wacken and Droits de l’Homme - Robertsau Boecklin (line E); Gare centrale - Pont de Saverne (line C) and Pont de Saverne - Homme de Fer (line A) - around 14.4 km in total.
Nicolas de Condorcet was a mathematician, classical liberal politician, leading French Revolutionary, republican, and Voltairean anti- clericalist. He was also a fierce defender of human rights, including the equality of women and the abolition of slavery, unusual for the 1780s. He advocated for women's suffrage in the new government in 1790 with De l'admission des femmes au droit de cité (For the Admission to the Rights of Citizenship For Women) and an article for Journal de la Société de 1789.Marie- Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet, On the Admission of Women to the Rights of Citizenship (1790), The First Essay on the Political Rights of Women. A Translation of Condorcet’s Essay "Sur l’admission des femmes aux droits de Cité" (On the Admission of Women to the Rights of Citizenship).
Act No. 97-283 of March 27, 1997, increased the copyright term of most works from life plus fifty to life plus seventy years. Because the related EU directive required implementation by July 1, 1995, the new copyright term was given retroactive effect to that date. In 1997, a court decision outlawed the publication on the Internet of Raymond Queneau's Hundred Thousand Billion Poems, an interactive poem or sort of machine to produce poems.Luce Libera, "12 268 millions de poèmes et quelques... De l’immoralité des droits moraux," Multitudes n°5, May 2001 The court decided that the son of Queneau and the Gallimard editions possessed an exclusive and moral right on this poem, thus outlawing any publication of it on the Internet and possibility for the reader to play Queneau's interactive game of poem construction.
Instead, the > case should have been by instruction, which allows adversarial examination." > Les Echos, 15 November 2012Poussielgue, Gregoire (15 November 2012), "Les > anciens dirigeants d'Havas blanchis par la justice" Les Echos "Le Tribunal a > en effet estimé que la procédure pénale n'avait pas été respectée, tout > comme la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme. En l'espèce, les > dispositions de cette Convention relatives notamment à l'accès au dossier, > l'assistance effective d'un avocat pendant l'enquête et l'équilibre entre > les parties n'ont pas été respectées, a estimé le Tribunal de Nanterre. Dans > son justement, le Tribunal estime que, compte tenu de la lourdeur et de la > complexité du dossier -qui compte 700 pièces -, une enquête préliminaire > n'était pas la façon la plus adéquate de faire les investigations, et qu'il > aurait fallu une instruction, qui permet des procédures contradictoires.
He was at Caen in 1584, where he was nominated "prieur du college des droits", but he left when they would not pay him. About 1584 or 1585, he was married, probably in France, to Renee de St Martin, the former lady-in-waiting to Penelope Devereux, Lady Rich. And on 14 January 1585, he was appointed counsellor and master of requests by Henry of Navarre, the future Henry IV. He returned to England, where he followed Leicester to the Low Countries in May 1585, and when Leicester returned to England, he left Hotman behind as his agent, with the special commission to pacify the troubles in Utrecht. He performed this task well and wrote to Leicester but had the effrontery to write directly to Queen Elizabeth for which Leicester upbraided him.
According to the Fédération Internationale des ligues des Droits de l'Homme (FIDH), from the beginning of the Second Intifada to April 2003, more than 28,000 Palestinians were incarcerated. In April 2003 alone there were more than 5,500 arrests. In 2007, the number of Palestinians under administrative detention averaged about 830 per month, including women and minors under the age of 18.2007 Annual Report: Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, B'Tselem, Special Report, December 2007. By March 2008, more than 8,400 Palestinians were held by Israeli civilian and military authorities, of which 5,148 were serving sentences, 2,167 were facing legal proceedings and 790 were under administrative detention, often without charge or knowledge of the suspicions against them. In 2010, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics reported that there were "over 7,000" Palestinians in Israeli jails, of them 264 under administrative detention.
The prosecutor of Bobigny court, in France, opened up an investigation in order "to verify the presence in Le Bourget Airport, on July 20, 2005, of the plane numbered N50BH". This instruction was opened following a complaint deposed in December 2005 by the Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH) NGO ("Human Rights League") and the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH) NGO on charges of "arbitrary detention", "crime of torture" and "non-respect of the rights of war prisoners". It has as objective to determine if the plane was used to transport CIA prisoners to Guantanamo Bay detainment camp and if the French authorities had knowledge of this stop. However, the lawyer representing the LDH declared that he was surprised that the judicial investigation was only opened on January 20, 2006, and that no verifications had been done before.
The French attorney general of Bobigny opened up an instruction in order "to verify the presence in Le Bourget Airport, on 20 July 2005, of the plane numbered N50BH." This instruction was opened following a complaint deposed in December 2005 by the Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH) NGO ("Human Rights League") and the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH) NGO on charges of "arbitrary detention", "crime of torture" and "non-respect of the rights of war prisoners". It has as objective to determine if the plane was used to transport CIA prisoners to Guantanamo Bay detainment camp and if the French authorities had knowledge of this stop. However, the lawyer defending the LDH declared that he was surprised that the instruction was only opened on 20 January 2006, and that no verifications had been done before.
1, str. 82 - 93 # Quelques observations sur le pret dans les droits primitifs, Studi Volterra, Naples 1970 # Arbeiten an die Kodifizierung des Burgerliches Rechts in Jugoslawiens, Ost-Europa Recht, 1970 # Zajam u Skici za zakonik o obligacijama prof. Mihaila Konstantinovica, 1972, br. 1-3, str. 509 - 525 # Rimsko i anglosaksonsko shvatanje svojine, Anali Pravnog fakulteta, 1972, br. 5 - 6, str. 843 – 857 # "Gaius noster" o imenu pisca najstarijeg udzbenika prava, Anali Pravnog fakulteta, 1973, br- 6, str. 59-66 # Rerum cottidianarum sive aurerum libri VII. 1983, 1-4, p. 639-652 # Da Spartaco ad Augusto, Atti dell’Academia Costantiniana, Perugia, 1986, p. 364-371 # Gaius et les Romanistes, Studi Guarino, 1987 # La protezione dei poveri: influsso del cristianesimo o politica antifeodale? Atti dell’Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana, VII, 1989, p. 495-500 # Laesio enormis e colonato tardo-romano, Atti dell’Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana, VIII, 1990, p.
However, beginning in 1929, the colonial administration started to investigate his activities after they intercepted one of his letters to a Kouyaté, secretary for the Ligue des droits de l'homme, who was accused of being an ally of the Comintern. Despite this suspected Communist alliance, the French authorities did not oppose M'ba's appointment as head chief of the Estuaire Province by his colleagues.. In those years, M'ba, a member of the Ligue, distanced himself from Roman Catholicism, but did not break completely with his faith. He instead became a follower of the Bwiti religious sect, which Fangs were particularly receptive to... He believed this would help revitalise a society which he felt had been damaged by the colonial administration. In 1931, the sect was accused of murdering a woman whose remains were discovered outside a market in Libreville.
In 1889, after attending the women's rights congress Congrès français et international du droit des femmes, she became an avid member of the women's movement. From 1892, she was a leading figure in the French League for Women's Rights (Ligue Française pour le Droit des Femmes), becoming president two years later and remaining in the post until 1903. She proved to be an effective leader and public speaker, organizing and presiding the International Feminist Congress (Congrès Feministe International) in Paris in both 1882 and 1896 and, together with Marguerite Durand, the 1900 International Congress on the Status and Rights of Women (Congrès international de la condition et des droits des femmes), also held in Paris. In 1901, she was one of six women who established the National Council of French Women (Conseil National des Femmes Françaises).
Merlet also played a key role, with other Haitian feminists and members of the government, in helping change the Haitian legal status of rape. Until a new law was pass in 2005, rape was not considered a crime in Haiti, but a public decency offence. From 2006 to 2008, Merlet was Chief of Staff of Haiti's Ministry for Gender and the Rights of Women (Ministère a la Condition Feminine et aux Droits des Femmes (MCFDF)), and continued as an advisor until her death in 2010. In 2010, Merlet participated in V-Day's 10-year anniversary, V TO THE TENTH, at the Superdome in New Orleans, where she participated in the parade and gave a talk at the Superlove event called "Power to the Women of Haiti" with fellow activists Elvire Eugene and Ann Valérie Timothee Milfort.
Whiteside was a founding member of the Civil Liberties Association, National Capital Region (CLA-NCR) which formed around 1968 in Ottawa, Canada.Clément, Dominique "Rights Associations, 1960's to 1980's - Ontario",Canada's Human Rights History, accessed October 2, 2013 At the time, Whiteside was employed by the Canadian Department of the Secretary of State and involved in the development of the federal government's human rights program. Along with Reg Robson of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA), Whiteside pushed for federal government funding to organize a national civil rights organization, while the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and its head Alan Borovoy were opposed to using government funding to form the new organization. The Canadian Federation of Civil Liberties and Human Rights Associations formed in 1972 in Montreal and included the BCCLA and Quebec's Ligue des droits et libertés as members.
Since French Act No. 2007-1544 of 29 October 2007,French Act No. 2007-1544 of 29 October 2007 ; cf. P. Véron, “La nouvelle saisie-contrefaçon – Transposition de la directive sur le respect des droits de la propriété intellectuelle”, AAPI/CCI, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, 21 November 2007 this expression is used in almost all the articles of the French Intellectual Property Code relating to the saisie-contrefaçon to refer to the person entitled to request it. Simply put, the persons having standing to request a saisie-contrefaçon are generally the holders of the allegedly infringed intellectual property right and the exclusive licensees – after the right holder has been notified and yet taken no action. The person having standing to request the saisie-contrefaçon does not have to provide evidence of the alleged infringement as the saisie-contrefaçon precise goal is to gather evidence.
Dr Hay, in his memoirs, repeatedly refers to the outbreak as a revolution rather than a rebellion, for example, and Jacobs argues that the rebels' slogan—Liberté, egalité ou la mort—was not only a battle cry: their "revolutionary aspirations, ideology, battle colours, and their mountain redoubt [became] one and the same". Tessa Murphy, on the other hand, has placed the rebellion as less a direct consequence of the French revolution, and the result of international rivalries in the Caribbean. This rivalry meant that men like Fédon and Philip, for example, "experienced an expansion—and later a violent contraction—of their possibilities for political inclusion" which drove them to rebellion. The difference, she says, is that while the revolutions that raged throughout the Caribbean at this point were concerned with gaining new droits de l'homme for all, in Grenada it was the recovery of traditional rights that inspired revolt.
10: Cornwall (Chichester: Phillimore, 1979) All of the lordships of the Hundreds of Cornwall belonged, and still belong, to the Duchy of Cornwall, apart from Penwith which belonged to the Arundells of Lanherne. The Arundells sold their lordship to the Hawkins family in 1813 and the Hawkinses went on to sell it to the Paynters in 1832. The Lordship of Penwith came with a great number of rights over the entire hundred. These included: rights to try certain cases of trespass, trespass on the law, debt and detinue, to appoint a jailor for the detention of persons apprehended, to receive high-rent from the lords of the principal manors and to claim the regalia of the navigable rivers and havens, the profits of the royal gold and silver mines, and all wrecks, escheats, deodands, treasure trove, waifs, estrays, goods of felons and droits of admiralty happening within the hundred.
Prominent members had included Sir Isaac Newton, John Gay and Alexander Pope. Still another honour was conferred on Ramsay in 1730: the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Civil Law at Oxford University. Prior to the conference of the academical titles (and apart of his Life of Fénelon and Travels of Cyrus) Ramsey had been remarked in the intellectual circles of his time. The influential Mémoires de Trévoux published several of his tractsin 1732, his introduction to the mathematical work of Edmund Stone – and remained favourable throughout to his philosophical contributions. In 1719 he had published an Essai de Politique, revised in 1721 as Essai philosophique sur le gouvernement, où l'on traite de la nécessité, de l'origine, des droits, des bornes et des différentes formes de souveraineté, selon les principes de feu M.François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, archvèque-duc de Cambray and published in English translation in 1722.
Human rights are a key focus of the UN and is one of fundamental principles of the French Republic as a nation and society as well as in its foreign policy. The UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights passed in 1948 is partially inspired by France’s own Déclaration des droits de l’Homme et du citoyen from 1789 and many parallels can be drawn between the two. France works with the UN to advocate “the universal and indissociable nature of human rights”. It has consistently played a leading role in this area through its roles on the Human Rights Council (see: ) and the Security Council. Some UN human rights focus areas France is deeply engaged in are promoting women’s rights, protecting journalists and freedom of the press, combating impunity, arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance, universal abolition of the death penalty and fighting against child soldier recruitment.
These courses gave academy members a chance to identify and nurture six of the most gifted young students in any given year and offer them a place on a scheme known as the École royale des élèves protégés, a scheme which offered free tuition with a small stipend, for three years, preparing students for Prix de Rome competitions.Louis Courajod, Histoire de l'enseignement des arts du dessin au XVIIIe siècle. L'École royale des élèves protégés, précédée d'une étude sur le caractère de l'enseignement de l'art français aux différentes époques de son histoire, et suivie de documents sur l'École royale gratuite de dessin fondée par Bachelier, Paris, J.-B. Dumoulin, 1874, cité par Annie Verger, « Entrer à l'Académie de France à Rome -- La faveur, le droit, le choix », dans Gérard Mauger, Droits d'entrée: Modalités et conditions d'accès aux univers artistiques, Paris, Ed. MSH, 2006 (lire en ligne [archive]), p. 13-46.
The principle of the retroversion of the sovereignty to the people, which challenged the legitimacy of the colonial authorities of the Spanish Empire,Nuevas perspectivas en la Historia de la Revolución de Mayo was the legal principle underlying the Spanish American wars of independence and Philippine Revolution. This principle was a preprocessor to the concept of popular sovereignty, currently expressed in most constitutional systems throughout the world, whereby the people delegate governmental functions to their civil servants while retaining the actual sovereignty. This concept of the precedence of popular sovereignty over the national sovereignty is derived from the French political document, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1793 (French: Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen de 1793) and forms the philosophical basis for article 4 of the Malolos Constitution and echoes the American Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.
He was a Visiting Research Professor at the Stanford Law School, Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Hong Kong, member of the Advisory Board of the Concord Center, School of Law in Jerusalem, Visiting Research Professor at the Harvard Law School, Consultant and Honorary Professor at the Gujarat National Law University, Visiting Professor at the University of Cambridge (Herbert Smith Visiting Programme), Visiting Professor at the Institute of Higher International Studies, Panthéon-Assas University and at the Institut des droits de l'homme in Strasbourg. In addition to his teaching activities, Professor Thürer has been an expert for and member of numerous international institutions. In 1991, he was elected to Assembly, the supreme governing body of the International Committee of the Red Cross. In this capacity, he participated in missions to Zimbabwe, Zambia, Russia, Belarus, Poland, East Timor, India, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines and New Zealand.
Several women's rights groups, such as the Association of Malian Women Lawyers, the Association of Women in Law and Development, the Collective of Women's Associations, and the Association for the Defense of Women's Rights (Association pour le Progres et la Defense des Droits des Femmes Maliennes – APDF), worked to highlight legal inequities, primarily in the family code, through debates, conferences, and women's rights training. These groups also provided legal assistance to women and targeted magistrates, police officers, and religious and traditional leaders in educational outreach to promote women's rights. Malian women's rights NGOs, such as Action for the Promotion and Development of Women, the Committee for the Defense of Women's Rights, and the Women's and Children's Rights Watch (CADEF), educated local populations about the negative consequences of underage marriage. The government also helped to enable girls married at an early age to continue in school.
The tax system has never been united in France. There have always been an extreme diversity in collection, the base, the rates and the nature of the taxes. Until 1789, taxes were collected by the state, the church and lords. After the French revolution, taxes consisted of taxes on wealth and on incomes. The current tax system was shaped during the 20th century. All taxes created under the French Revolution were abolished, the last being the patentes, abolished in 1974. Whereas taxation aimed at assuring "the maintenance of the public force" and "the expenditures of the administrations"(Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen de 1789), taxation is now aiming at assuring efficient public services and a fair distribution of the wealth and the income. Historically, most taxes have been paid either or in shares of harvest (dime and champart) or work (corvée, military service).
First page of the bill as finally adopted by both houses of Parliament DADVSI (generally pronounced as dadsi) is the abbreviation of the French Loi sur le Droit d'Auteur et les Droits Voisins dans la Société de l'Information (in English: "law on authors' rights and related rights in the information society"). It is a bill reforming French copyright law, mostly in order to implement the 2001 Information Society Directive, which in turn implements a 1996 WIPO treaty. The law, despite being initially dismissed as highly technical and of no concern to the average person, generated considerable controversy when it was examined by the French Parliament between December 2005 and June 30, 2006, when it was finally voted through by both houses. Most of the bill focussed on the exchange of copyrighted works over peer-to-peer networks and the criminalizing of the circumvention of digital rights management (DRM) protection measures.
The Draft provided for the jurisdiction of the overflown territorial State, for the State of Landing and for the State of Registration of the aircraft. Article 3(1) provided that "[i]ndependently of any applicable jurisdiction, the State of registration of the aircraft is competent to exercise jurisdiction over offences committed on board the aircraft." This provision paralleled maritime law in favour of the unworkable maxim cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad coelum et ad inferosLord A.D. Nair, The Law of the Air (1964) and solved the problem of lex loci delicti commissi over the High Seas. The principle of the law of the flag had been proposed by Paul FauchillePaul Fauchille, 19 Annuaire, p 19 (1902) in 1902 and 1910Paul Fauchille; La circulation aérienne et les droits des états en temps de paix, Revue générale du droit international public, No.1, 1910, pp 55–62.
In October, a French force was pressing on Spanish General Francisco Ballesteros in the vicinity of San Roque, Cádiz. Ballasteros asked for assistance. Rear- Admiral Legge, the commander of the British fleet at Cadiz, dispatched a force on 11 October to Tariffa to come to his assistance. , and Tuscan carried eight companies each from the 47th and 87th regiments of foot, a detachment of 70 men from the 95th Regiment, and four light artillery pieces. The troops landed on 18 October and the next day the French advanced along the coast. Fire from Tuscan, Statelys boats, and Gunboat 14 sent them into retreat. When the War of 1812 broke out, the British captured several American ships in the Mediterranean. Tuscan shared with San Juan, Sabine, , , and in the American droits for Phoenix, Margaret, Allegany and Tyger, captured on 8 August 1812. Tuscan arrived at Portsmouth on 11 October, having convoyed transports from Gibraltar. In May 1813, Jones recommissioned Tuscan, which returned to the Mediterranean.
Marie Antoinette, whose life was as much in danger, remained with the king, whose power was gradually being taken away by the National Constituent Assembly.Castelot, Charles X, Librairie Académique Perrin, Paris, 1988, pp. 78–79. Representation of the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen" in 1789, with the "Eye of Providence" symbol in the triangle at the top (by Jean-Jacques-François Le Barbier, 1789) The abolition of feudal privileges by the National Constituent Assembly on 4 August 1789 and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (La Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen), drafted by Lafayette with the help of Thomas Jefferson and adopted on 26 August, paved the way to a Constitutional Monarchy (4 September 1791 – 21 September 1792). Despite these dramatic changes, life at the court continued, while the situation in Paris was becoming critical because of bread shortages in September.
Several human rights organisations reported on human rights abuses during the Northern Mali conflict that started in early 2012. The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its Malian member organisation Association Malienne des Droits de l'Homme (AMDH) published a detailed report in December 2012, referring to evidence of a rape campaign in Gao and Timbuktu after their takeover by the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA), recruitment of 12- to 15-year-old children as child soldiers by Ansar Dine, and the summary execution of up to 153 Malian soldiers by the MNLA and Ansar Dine on 24 January 2012. Human Rights Watch reported the use of "several hundred" child soldiers by the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO), and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Amnesty International published a detailed report in May 2012, describing the human rights situation as "Mali's worst human rights situation in 50 years".
Emmanuelle Jouannet is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal européen de droit international, the Société européenne de droit international, the International group in Legal Theory, the Revue belge de droit international (RBDI)12, the magazine Archives de philosophie du droit, the BRILL's Series : Studies in History of International Law, the Société française pour la philosophie et la théorie juridiques et politiques (SFPJ), the Société française de droit international, the Société européenne de droit international, the Association française de philosophie du droit, the American Society of International Law, the Institut Michel-Villey pour la culture juridique et la philosophie du droit, the Institut européen des droits de l'homme, the Commission de validation des acquis de l'université Paris-I. Emmanuelle Jouannet is Member of the Academic Council du Institute for International Law and the Humanities of University of Melbourne, in Australia, and member of the Advisory Boards du French Law Program Faculty of the University of Maine.
The Bourgeois of Paris were given some privileges almost equal to the nobility's, the oldest being the exemption from mortmain, from the Taille,L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux, 1864, ibidem. and freehold to benefit from the noble guard. At an early period, the Bourgeois of Paris received the right to wear a helmet and/or crested coats of armsClaude de Ferrière, Des droits de patronage, Paris chez Nicolas Le Gras, 1686, p. 545 : « Par un privilège spécial il est permis aux Bourgeois de Paris, par Lettres Patentes du Roy Charles V. du 9 Août 1391, de se servir des ornemens appartenant à l'état de Chevalerie, et de porter les Armes Tymbrées, ainsi que les Nobles d'extraction » ; Répertoire universel et raisonné de jurisprudence civile, criminelle, canonique et bénéficiale, Paris, tome premier, 1784, p. 613 : « On observera seulement que, par cet édit, les bourgeois de Paris sont maintenus dans le droit de porter des Armoiries timbrées » ; A.-L.
On 4 July 1898 the first manifesto of the League of Human Rights proclaimed: "from this day, anyone whose liberty is threatened or whose rights are violated can be ensured of obtaining help and assistance from us". On 20 August 1898, after the humiliating arrest of Dreyfus supporter Colonel Georges Picquart, found "guilty – of having denounced the Henry forgery", on the orders of Jacques Cavaignac, the War Minister, Trarieux wrote another open letter to Cavaignac, and distributed 400 000 copies of it all over France. Cavaignac had to resign on 5 September 1898 and nearly one year day-for-day after the constitution of the League of Human Rights, on 3 June 1899, the Supreme Court quashed the Dreyfus judgment of 1894 and referred the case to the War Council in Rennes. He continued to develop the Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH, "Human Rights League"), that soon had several tens of thousands of members.
Quebec citizens who believe their right as consumers "to be informed and served in French"Article 5 in the Chapter II on Fundamental language rights of the Charter of the French language , on the Web site of the Office québécois de la langue française, retrieved 18 February 2008 is not being respected can file a complaint to the OQLF which is responsible for processing these complaints. As per Section 168 of the Charter, the complaint must be written and contain the identity of the complainant.Questions générales concernant le respect des droits linguistiques , on the Web site of the Office québécois de la langue française, retrieved 18 February 2008 The Office does however ensure privacy of information as per the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information. The OQLF does not have the power to send an agent unless it has received a complaint or a vote by the members of the OQLF.
In parallel with the resolutions of the international organizations, several non-governmental organizations drafted projects for an international convention. In 1981, the Institut des droits de l'homme du Barreau de Paris (Institute of Human Rights of the Paris Law School) organized a high-level symposium to promote an international convention on disappearances, followed by several draft declarations and conventions proposed by the Argentine League for Human Rights, FEDEFAM at the annual congress of Peru in 1982 or the Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restepo from Bogotá in 1988. In that same year, the French expert in the then Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, Louis Joinet, prepared the draft text to be adopted in 1992 by the General Assembly with the title Declaration on the Protection of All Persons Against enforced disappearances. The definition presented was based on the one traditionally used by the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.
Moving to Paris in 1803, he became friendly not only with the like-minded Ducis, but also with the sceptical Cabanis; and it was on this philosopher's advice that, in order to catch the public ear, he produced the romance of Lina, which Sainte-Beuve has characterized as a mingled echo of Florian and Werther. Like several other literary men of the time, he obtained a post in the revenue office known as the Droits runis; but from 1814 he devoted himself exclusively to literature and became a contributor to various journals. Already favorably known by his Essai sur l'art d'être heureux (Paris, 1806), his Éloge de Montaigne (1812), and his Essai sur le beau dans les arts (1815), he not only gained the Montyon Prize in 1823 by his work De la philosophie morale ou des différents systèmes sur la science de la vie, but also in 1824 obtained admission to the Académie française.
Thomas Paine's intellectual influence is perceptible in the two great political revolutions of the eighteenth century. He dedicated Rights of Man to George Washington and to the Marquis de Lafayette, acknowledging the importance of the American and the French revolutions in his formulating the principles of modern democratic governance. Thus, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen) can be encapsulated so: (1) Men are born, and always continue, free and equal in respect of their rights. Civil distinctions, therefore, can be founded only on public utility; (2) The end of all political associations is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man; and these rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance of oppression; and (3) The nation is essentially the source of all sovereignty; neither can any individual, nor any body of men, be entitled to any authority, which is not expressly derived from it.
He then proclaimed a state of emergency in Algeria, while left-wing parties, the trade union CGT and the NGO Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH, Human Rights League) called to demonstrate against the military's coup d'état. The following day, on Sunday 23 April, Gen. Salan arrived in Algeria from Spain and refused to arm civilian activists. At 8:00 pm President de Gaulle appeared in his 1940s vintage military uniform on television, calling on French military personnel and civilians, in metropolitan France or in Algeria, to oppose the putsch: Due to the popularity of a recent invention, transistor radio, de Gaulle's call was heard by the conscript soldiers, who refused en masse to follow the professional soldiers' call for insurgency and in some cases jailed their officers. The putsch met with widespread opposition, largely in the form of civil resistance,Adam Roberts, ‘Civil Resistance to Military Coups’, Journal of Peace Research, Oslo, vol.
Polls taken in 2012 suggested that a majority of the public opinion was still opposed to it, even though Nicolas Sarkozy and a few other prominent right-wing politicians like Philippe Séguin (candidate to the mayorship of Paris in 2001) Gilles de Robien and Jean-Louis Borloo have stated publicly that they personally supported it, but that they would respect the overwhelming opposition to it within their own parties. In January 2006 left-wing senators again tried to put the bill to allow foreigners to vote on the agenda, but the right-wing majority again blocked it. In the late 1990s-early 2000s some symbolic local referendums on the subject were organized either under the auspices of the Ligue des droits de l'homme or of the municipal authorities, one of them in Saint-Denis, at the initiative of the Communist Party mayor. The Cergy administrative court ruled in 2006 that the referendums were not legally binding.
The International League for Human Rights (ILHR) is a human rights organization with headquarters in New York City. Claiming to be the oldest human rights organization in the United States, the ILHR defines its mission as "defending human rights advocates who risk their lives to promote the ideals of a just and civil society in their homelands." The ILHR had its origins in the Ligue des droits de l'homme et du citoyen, founded in France in the late nineteenth century. The group was reconstituted in New York City in 1942 by European refugees and Roger Nash Baldwin, founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, and was known until 1976 as the International League for the Rights of Man. In 1947, the league was granted consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), giving it the right to testify before that body about human rights abuses.Jan Eckel, “The International League for the Rights of Man, Amnesty International, and the Changing Fate of Human Rights Activism from the 1940s through the 1970s,” Humanity 4, no.
He is traditionally attributed as the author of Considérations sur la régale et autres droits de souveraineté à l'ègard des coadjuteurs [ French, Considerations of the regalia and other rights of sovereignty regarding the coadjutors ] (1654). the Lord Lieutenant of Alsace, and his wife, Marie Betauld; the nephew of , the 61st Bishop of Uzès (1677–1728);Michel Poncet de la Rivière (1638–1728), the brother of Vincent–Matthias, was appointed in 1677 as the Bishop of Uzès at the request of the 4th Duke of Uzès but he had to renounce the title of Bishop-Count, which had been held by his predecessors. the uncle of Mathias Poncet de la Rivière, the 90th Bishop of Troyes (1742–1758);Mathias Poncet de la Rivière (1707–1780) began as a canon in 1721 under his uncle at the Cathedral of Angers. He later became the personal chaplain of the Duke of Lorraine, Stanisław Leszczyński, the King of Poland, and, in 1750, one of the founding members of the Académie de Stanislas.
The concept of état légal was theorized by French jurist Raymond Carré de Malberg in his 1920 book Contribution à la théorie générale de l'État. He distinguished three differents forms of states: the police state, in which the power acts freely in an arbitrary way; the "state of rights" (état de droits or Rechtsstaat), where the authority of the law is limited by constitutional rights; and the "legal state" (état légal), a rule of law which gives primacy to the authority of the law over constitutional rights. In a democratic state, where the power is entrusted to the people – generally via universal suffrage – the difference between the état légal and the Rechtsstaat has a significant consequence. In the first situation, the decision of the majority is set in law as decided, and thereafter applied by the state; whereas in the Rechsstaat, the state (or the majority) is limited in the nature of the laws it is able to introduce by a set of rules protecting fundamental rights and minorities (e.g.
In 1923, Netter co-founded the Jewish Women's Union for Palestine with Suzanne Zadoc-Kahn, wife of doctor and chair of the Central Committee of Keren Hayesod, Léon Zadoc-Kahn; the Union later became the French section of the Women's International Zionist Organization; she was also active in other women's Jewish groups. Between the late 1920s and the onset of World War II, she travelled widely in Europe and North Africa promoting Zionism at conferences. From the 1920s in particular, she fought passionately for the right of women to work and vote [only realised in France 27 years after other major European nations]. She was involved in feminist groups such as la Ligue française pour le droit des femmes (French League for Women's Rights), the Société pour l’amélioration du sort de la femme et la revendication de ses droits (Society for the improvement of the lot of women and the assertion of their rights), which she chaired in 1932 in 1934, and other women's associations such as L'Union Féminine des carrières libérales et commerciales (Union of women in liberal and commercial careers).
Frigates built after the Bourbon Restoration used a different artillery system, one involving 30-pounders. On two-deckers, the 18-pounder was mounted on the upper deck as secondary artillery, to complement the 36-pounder main artillery on the lower deck. A 74-gun would carry thirty 18-pounders; this lighter secondary battery added firepower to the ship without raising the centre of gravity too much. In rough weather, vessels often could not use their main battery lest water enter through the gun-ports, and the secondary battery then became the vessel's main armament; for example, the Droits de l'Homme was effectively reduced to the firepower of a frigate when she fought the action of 13 January 1797 in stormy weather, leading to her destruction at the hand of two British frigates that would normally not have been a match for her; in the opposite case, during the Glorious First of June, Vengeur du Peuple used her main batteries but became unmanageable and sank after taking in water from her lower gun-ports, whose covers had been ripped off in a collision with HMS Brunswick.
Degueldre on 6 July). The OAS became notorious for stroungas, attacks using plastic explosives. In October 1961 Pierre Lagaillarde, who had escaped to Francoist Spain following the 1960 barricades week, was arrested in Madrid, along with the Italian activist Guido Giannettini.René Monzat, Enquêtes sur la droite extrême, Le Monde-éditions, 1992, p.91. Monzat quotes François Duprat, L’Ascension du MSI, Edition les Sept Couleurs, Paris, 1972 Franco then exiled him to the Canary Islands. The Delta commandos engaged in indiscriminate killing sprees, on 17 March 1962; against cleaning-ladies on 5 May; on 15 March 1962 against six inspectors of the National Education Ministry, who directed the "Educative Social Centres" (Centres sociaux éducatifs), including Mouloud Feraoun, an Algerian writer, etc.26 mars 1962, la fusillade de la rue d’Isly à Alger, Ligue des droits de l'homme (LDH, Human Rights League), article based on sources from Benjamin Stora, Histoire de la guerre d'Algérie, La gangrène et l'oubli and Sylvie Thénault, Histoire de la guerre d'indépendance algérienne It is estimated that the assassinations carried out by the OAS between April 1961 and April 1962 left 2,000 people dead and twice as many wounded.Universalis, Encyclopaedia; Grands Articles, Les (2015-10-28).
The notion of humanitarian aid provision being a pull factor to the area has been contested by academics.Violaine Carrère, 'Sangatte, un symbole d'impuissance ' in Plein droit 2003/3 (n° 58)Maud Angliviel, 'La relative consécration d’obligations étatiques dans la « jungle » calaisienne Dignité de la personne humaine ' (2015) in La Revue des droits de l’hommeJérôme Lèbre, '« Appel d'air », attractivité libérale et inhospitalité absolue' in Lignes 2019/3 (n° 60)Jean-Pierre Alaux, 'Calais vaut bien quelques requiem ' in Plein droit 2015/1 (n° 104) Smaller camps continued to be set up and evicted over the following years, and local volunteers provided aid to migrants. After a visit to the city by French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve in September 2014, Cazeneuve and the mayor of Calais Natacha Bouchart agreed on opening a day centre in Calais for migrants and a night shelter specifically for women and children.Agence France-Presse, 'Calais mayor threatens to block port if UK fails to help deal with migrants ' (03/09/14) in The Guardian It was this decision that led to the opening of the Jules Ferry Centre in January of the following year, around which the camp expanded.
Feria-Tinta studied international law at the London School of Economics receiving her LL.M with merit in 1996. She received further training at the Institut International des Droits de l'Homme in Strasbourg (1997) and at the Institute of Human Rights of the Abo Academy in Turko (Finland) under the sponsorship of the European Commission and the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2001. In 2000 she was among the 24 lawyers selected worldwide to be trained by members of the International Law Commission in all areas of General International Law, taking part in the thirty-sixth session of the International Law Seminar in Geneva, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 54/111, under a United Nations Fellowship. Her areas of expertise include international dispute settlement, immunities, consular law, diplomatic protection, treaty law, recognition of state and governments under international law, self-determination under international law, boundary delimitation, law of the sea, territory, investment law, human rights, use of force, laws of war, State Responsibility (inter alia State Responsibility for crimes against humanity, genocide, extrajudicial executions and torture); command responsibility for gross human rights violations; victim rights under international law.
Considerations of flooding had tactical implications. For instance, at the Battle of Ushant in 1778, the French squadron initially gained the initiative by sailing windwards from the British; however, as the sea strengthened, the French, whose ships were listing in the direction of the enemy, had to close their lower gunports, thereby losing their heavier artillery and a significant fraction of their broadside; since the British were on a parallel course, their list was opposed to their enemy, and they were free to bear all their guns. On 17 February 1783, the two-decker HMS Argo found herself unable to use her lower battery when two French frigates intercepted her. Similarly, during the Action of 13 January 1797, the French 74-gun ship of the line Droits de l'Homme fought the British frigates Indefatigable and Amazon in a sea so heavy that she had to seal her lower battery, leaving her with only 30 18-pounder guns, which effectively reduced her to the fighting qualities of a frigate; the British frigates, with their higher freeboard, remained free to use their full potential, and eventually forced the 74-gun to beach herself, even though they would not have been a match for a ship of the line in normal conditions.

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