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268 Sentences With "drives home"

How to use drives home in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "drives home" and check conjugation/comparative form for "drives home". Mastering all the usages of "drives home" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We talk nearly every day, normally on my drives home.
I hope Katie drives home the insanity of having guns.
Cooper's tribute really drives home the humanity of this story.
Friend Y. drives home and I sleep in the back seat.
Paul realized that nothing drives home a point like props. Gov.
And it drives home how tech-oriented the nation is becoming.
Schütz drives home the emotions through deliberate repetitions of overlapping phrases.
Instead of sleepovers, he drives home after hanging out with friends.
Skipping SoulCycle really drives home the fact that you're wasting money.
I suppose it drives home the point that Dany is often overlooked.
The Ram Power Wagon drives home a message in its strong accents.
"This drives home the importance of access to quality affordable health care."
That will be the moment that drives home the new demographic reality.
The situation in Yemen drives home the urgency of these protests, Corcoran said.
Popular wisdom drives home the importance of a head start and specializing early.
However, the original ending of the story drives home a pretty important fact.
That, more than anything, drives home how long five years can really be.
The design, more than the play itself, ultimately drives home that emotional impact.
But this story drives home how dangerous flaws in these devices can be.
But it drives home the point that Kalanick is misunderstood as a person.
It's a point one new study on LGBQ youth suicide risk really drives home.
For the authors of the new study, this finding drives home two primary messages.
The discovery drives home just how much native biodiversity may remain undiscovered in Madagascar.
The new spotlight on San Bernardino and lockscreen protections only drives home the point.
Hearing it drives home how quickly the world could shift into something I don't recognize.
The long drives home and fewer events will cull the herd down to a fraction.
But it still drives home how much this team is relying on Fleury right now.
And, assuming she drives home drunk, it's a problem for other people on the road.
Boris Johnson drives home his message at the JCB Factory in Staffordshire, England, Dec. 26.
It drives home Simon's point: what are the limits between living and dead, performer and bereaved?
She's an animated speaker who drives home the relevance of Cole's work, then and now. (
But the scope of Trump's order drives home the uncertainties of that process, healthcare experts said.
The lingering of this sequence drives home, without dialogue, how momentous this is for her character.
An episode called "Back Burners" drives home the significance of these devices during the early aughts.
And the attack in Orlando likewise drives home how much hate there is in the world.
Beautiful Day ends with a coda that drives home both his humanity and his enormous impact.
That's a point Sallie Krawcheck, CEO of the investing platform Ellevest, drives home again and again.
But it all drives home the point that the best art doesn't work in half-measures.
It drives home that Bob is horrible, but that's something I was already on board with.
TensorFlow lite drives home the point that Google cares about the nexus of AI and mobile devices.
I love this playlist for kitchen dance parties, long drives home, sun-soaked reflection, or aggressive bopping.
It's the kind of thing that drives home just how widespread and disastrous the flooding has been.
It further drives home the point that federal government never registered parents and kids properly, Falcon said.
But season 2800 of 2656 Reasons Why really drives home an uncomfortable point: Hannah is already dead.
It drives home the point there are people, not just numbers, involved in this slow-motion catastrophe.
I think this just drives home the urgency around the agenda that I've just outlined for you.
But this impression is a false one, and Seasonal Associate drives home this message with startling abruptness.
This side-by-side video drives home how closely the two overlap: So that's pretty blatant, right?
Stella's largely unnecessary voice-over drives home the show's coming-of-age vibe and its naked earnestness.
The point the video drives home is that there's no such thing as a "limited" nuclear war.
That the team was investigating a wave of disappearances when it was targeted, drives home the point.
She then drives home to get several hours of sleep before heading to the office the next morning.
Anthropocene drives home the fact that climate change, ecological destruction, and species extinction are all present-day concerns.
If anything, this move further drives home the point that content creators need to put their content everywhere.
The orchestration further drives home this aquatic sensibility with dreamy harp threads and flutes woven throughout the score.
To me, this drives home how pervasive and how deeply our differential treatment of the sexes is ingrained.
Mr. Carsen drives home the specific way that Faninal (the sturdy baritone Markus Brück) has made his fortune.
In a Monday statement, the Sierra Club said Inhofe's endorsement drives home his conservative streak on environmental issues.
In one advertisement, a young woman drives home through swirling snowflakes, to be greeted by the family dog.
And the apocalyptic imagery of the burning hills of Bel Air drives home the impact of a warming planet.
Throughout the book, Bandi drives home the idea that if one person messes up, the entire family is screwed.
Throughout, it drives home the idea that we are all connected and one family, as Bedard states early on.
The fundamental drivers from a consumption perspective are incredibly sound and that's what this payroll report really drives home.
Metroid: Samus Returns, which launches this week on the Nintendo 3DS, really drives home just how unique the series is.
For those that didn't live through it, the series really drives home why this case so powerfully captured national attention.
He drives home in silence and lets his parents find her decapitated corpse sitting in the backseat the next morning.
The last piece of evidence that drives home the true nature of this film might be the most cringe-worthy.
It really drives home the issue that often I&aposm asked about which is, you know, what can you do?
It's just one of many ways the episode drives home how many problems this person had before he met Gypsy.
Jefferson's death further drives home the troubling reality that Black lives are under constant surveillance of blue, trigger-happy hands.
"[The study] drives home the fact that people respond well to robots that react and behave as human beings do."
One of my friends drives home around midnight (she doesn't drink), and the other two pass out at my place.
" One song that drives home the empathy element of Bowie's multifaceted legacy is his collaboration with Queen in "Under Pressure.
Legion drives home how corrupted body haired Lenny is when she drags one tar-covered finger across Syd's pristine lips.
When he drives home from work every day at midnight, he skims past signs for sparkling new houses — Harmony Homes!
This is certainly an interesting use case, but the scenario drives home the importance of providing these choices for customers.
What about the person who drives to the meeting, sits in their car, then drives home without entering the building?
In the process she drives home the timeless lesson that matters of government policy are also matters of people's lives.
He drives home, to the house in which he grew up with Deah, to rest his head for the night.
It may seem obvious, but it drives home how the wall has separated communities in the name of reinforcing security.
As the refugee crisis in Europe drives home, the fallout from a calamity in one region can trigger crises in others.
Even as what happened with "The Office" drives home the looming threat Netflix faces, investors have given Netflix a rich valuation.
The fresh cup that La Victoria serves to guests drives home the point—rich, flavorful, perhaps roasted a touch too long.
He also drives home that the Tethers are living, breathing "Americans," as Red describes herself, just like Adelaide and her family.
From the moment we meet Rosaline, Star-Crossed drives home the point the older Capulet sister is the less traditional one.
And even if the message is unclear, his gracefully slinking delivery drives home at least one part of its spectral intent.
The contrast between the exhibition title's scientific literalness — Elements of Geology — and the works' crazy quilt coloration drives home the point.
In combo with the song, the work drives home the uncanny mundanity that shrouds most of life's most important moments and connections.
Amid pursuits and firefights, the plot drives home the life-or-death struggle between godless Communism and the Korean love of family.
" Alana, now Alana Dusan, recalled that after long drives home to Camarillo from softball tournaments, her father would say, "The camera's ready.
Aching here there and everywhere, she drives home and tells her family that Grandma needs to lie down for a little bit.
It drives home a singular message: Manafort's conduct has been egregious and he deserves to go to prison for a long time.
Super. Too-small kids' costume: This look really drives home that we're taking a kid's holiday and making it twisted and dark.
The series even drives home the point that people can be predisposed to addiction via genetics when Kevin (Justin Hartley) is in rehab.
That moment drives home how unexamined Noah's motivations are in his point of view, how much he puts himself onto a golden pedestal.
Simply as a concept, this measurement is offensive; to see it presented in physical space drives home the exact dimensions of female oppression.
It's a local problem... Tragically, Tuesday's attack in New York City drives home a point that terrorism watchers have been making for years.
Klinger drives home Gallop's point that just because a product is designed for sex, it doesn't need to have its own separate category.
Emergency scissors are always nearby and no one was hurt, but it drives home the cold reality of what carelessness can lead to.
Mumphery drives home to Vienna, Ga., which has a diner, fast-food joints, a single motel behind the gas station and a streetlight.
The range of experiences in the book drives home the point that there isn't one way to be a woman in the outdoors.
The inclusion of Mierle Laderman Ukeles in the exhibition — whose works are the least sculptural and most documentary here — drives home the point.
The mantra silkscreened on T-shirts, painted on signs and embroidered on hats drives home what matters here: Mni Wiconi, or Water is Life.
And when she drives home, there's a bittersweet sense of seeing her boys, and the freedom of knowing Perry isn't home, but also dread.
An ongoing controversy over the display of works by Kelley Walker at the Contemporary Art Museum in St. Louis (CAMSTL) drives home this responsibility.
If there's one thing Tara's story in "Swear" drives home, it's that the big revenge plot we've been expecting might take a different form.
It's worth doing, though, because it drives home how much malfeasance takes place in the open, without the need for diabolical conspiracy or coverups.
The Bloodlines patch drives home how difficult it can be to determine the "true" version of a work of fiction — especially a video game.
Each evening, she drives home to a rural subdivision outside Les Andelys — widely spaced 1970s houses on a hillside reached by a rough road.
This pandemic drives home the necessity of looking beyond immediate market forces when considering how to structure and manage a national health care system.
"Luiselli drives home just how much pain and sacrifice we are prepared to accept in the lives of others," our critic Parul Sehgal writes.
A recent academic article on the use of clicker-based quizzes in large lectures drives home just how useful such temperature-taking can be.
A white flashback drives home his point, showing George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald H. Rumsfeld in a meeting of Mr. Bush's wartime cabinet.
It also has its own setting: a living room-style setup that drives home the horror of being attacked from above in one's own home.
The new film Every Day is a rare romance that drives home a very kindergarten message: It's what is on the inside that truly counts.
And it drives home powerful themes from the novel — like immigration, assimilation, and race — in interesting ways that are enhanced by a live-action series.
But overall, Rock Band VR just drives home how big the gap is between playing a real concert and noodling around with a prop guitar.
Issue editor Day, who chose size and body diversity as the theme of the 2017 issue, explains that this very conversation drives home that idea.
Instead, it drives home plenty of tired stereotypes about crazy, oversexualized women who are here to ruin the misguided (but ultimately good) men around them.
It's a strategy that really drives home the idea that drivers are mere stopgaps in Lyft's (and Uber's) long-term plans, and it's not unfounded.
The story can seem as jarringly jam-packed as Jack's Christmas list, but it drives home its message heartily, with a maximalist retro visual style.
As a recovering alcoholic, she doesn't drink but enjoys the cooking classes, the food samples, and hanging with her friends, whom she often drives home.
It drives home the foundation Morano wanted for the movie: that it is really hard to kill someone, both the physical act and the psychological.
But it drives home that Trump isn't as interested in implementing his agenda as he is in stifling the Russia investigation by any means necessary.
We have seen two sexual assaults on 13 Reasons Why already, and this final one drives home what they are always about: Not sex, but power.
Listening all the way through drives home how the traditional early-middle-late narrative, which holds that the works steadily grow in experimentation, can become blurry.
Even as colleges gradually become more open, Nicolazzo says her research drives home the importance of having what she calls "queer bubbles" for students on campus.
If nothing else, the uproar over comments about men's and women's earnings in professional tennis drives home the fact that a gender pay gap stubbornly persists.
There's even a light persona-swap situation, with Heather's co-dependency on Jill which once again drives home the long-intrigued mystique of close female friendships.
In relation to the song, I think this drives home the idea of feeling manipulated and figuring out how to leave a situation— regaining your control.
The company's "A Coke is a Coke" ad, which will air right before the National Anthem, drives home the message that people joining together is beautiful.
The docuseries drives home the point that Lucas's actions, as a mass murderer and/or pathological liar, directly impacted the lives and emotions of countless others.
This drives home that idea that the entire effort of foreign policy is to affect the politics of the other countries, which we want to do.
I'm disappointed that this is how data is being used, and really drives home the need for people to understand the data before they use it incorrectly.
A slickly produced video posted last month drives home just how starkly the US has reversed its previous efforts to shield the details of its involvement there.
Anthropocene drives home the fact that climate change, ecological destruction, and species extinction are all present-day concerns, not consequences to be dealt with by our descendants.
We've seen the reboot's proton packs before in promo images, but the one pictured in the trailer really drives home the origin story nature of Feig's reboots.
As Miss Wardwell drives home, she has no idea she's going to have to swerve to avoid a young woman standing in the middle of the road.
A second performance by Public Movement, "Choreographies of Power," further drives home how objects and aesthetics have been employed as tools for the building of nation-states.
That question drives home the real lesson from the president's July 4 performance: Donald Trump, schooled in "The Apprentice," knows that a speech involves more than words.
When my older brother worked late nights, for instance, it was common for him to be stopped and searched by Cleveland police officers on his drives home.
How all of this will play out remains to be seen — but it drives home the need to maintain a strong system of VA medical facilities nationwide.
More troublingly, the attack drives home the point that experts have long warned about: Russia's not the only country interested in interfering in the 2020 US election.
It really drives home the way in which we're watching a very famous dead man come back to life in an age that he just wasn't built for.
Showing us the sedimentary layers of toys in a bedroom hints at Miyubi's fleeting popularity, and the family's hideously gelatin-heavy Thanksgiving spread drives home its generational disconnects.
The point that events like PG&E's bankruptcy drives home, however, is climate change is now testing the limits of society's ability to manage and define financial risk.
Critics of Trump's policies say the President is willfully confusing the issue and exploiting the welfare of children as the administration drives home its zero tolerance immigration policy.
The play really drives home that you can be amazed and moved and thoroughly entertained by live human beings operating within the actual limits of time and space.
" Turning your financial goals into something visual such as a graph is crucial, says Reining, because "it drives home the point that you can, in fact, retire early.
The mix's final selection, a song from the Berlin-based DJ/producer Daniela La Luz drives home the sympathetic effect of the boundary-blurring work that preceded it.
It's a revelation that drives home just how hard it is for the US to get the global community to truly unite in an attempt to isolate Pyongyang.
Plus, being around his nephew drives home how much Paradiso wants to find a partner and have a family, something he feels unable to do with his excess skin.
The Equifax hack, due to its scale, drives home many of those concerns given that nearly one out of two Americans potentially saw their information compromised by this attack.
The film pretty openly drives home the idea that humanity cannot survive if it is tribalistic and fragmented, which between Brexit and the US election have become foregrounded concerns.
Still, the Daily Stormer's quick reappearance drives home how difficult it is to drive a site off the internet entirely, given the distributed and international nature of the web.
Crutcher's death drives home that it is neither a few bad guys nor the need for cops and citizens do fun activities together that's leaving unarmed black people dead.
Studying Greenland to get an idea about how Ontario might look, in tens of thousands of years, drives home just how long this waste will be in the ground.
But this particular iteration drives home that point in a manner that feels, on the tail end of a wearying year, like a deep point of relief, and even joy.
" It's impossible to tell whether she's singing about a lover or a computer, but the ambiguity drives home the point: "I know you love me/ Cause you're always watching me.
Watching them try to perform new identities highlights the complex layers of cultural identity and drives home how often we assign "otherness" with only the most cursory of first impressions.
Eric Barnhart, an FBI special agent, said the case "drives home the troubling reality of insider threats and that current and former clearance holders will be targeted by our adversaries".
Really drives home the point that a big part of maintaining American leadership abroad is the strong moral leadership it takes here at home to make the case for engagement.
It confirms as much as it queries and ends with a sequence that drives home the cruel lawlessness of whatever is wrong with the entire godforsaken town of Castle Rock.
Meanwhile, the camera closes in on David, whose fidgeting drives home how uncomfortable he is, while the women he's interested in are regarded from a distance like African safari animals.
But watching her performance in Killing Eve drives home exactly how frustrating it is that we've missed out on seeing Oh take on more leading roles worthy of her talent.
The goal of Opensignal's study is to "quantify the real-world experience of 5G E," and seeing the numbers drives home that AT&T's fake 5G network is just plain LTE.
Black metal wouldn't exist without Celtic Frost's misanthropic grunts, but it's this moment of atmospheric layering that drives home the genre's odd love of mixing extreme imagery with sweeping gothic romance.
Watching the FuseBox-enabled Stacker system slowly create a print, level by level really drives home how far the technology needs to go in order to address the problem of speed.
And when we see Qyburn's bribery of Varys's former King's Landing sources (a bunch of kids), it only drives home how much more entertaining Varys is at this sort of business.
But nothing drives home the revolutionary potential of a device like this than seeing it used to perform mundane tasks: effortlessly putting on a hat or stirring a pot, for instance.
If he had a vague understanding of the need to make an impact sooner over later, Detroit's return to the playoffs without getting much from him effectively drives home the point.
A CNN analysis of swing state IRS data compiled by the liberal-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities drives home how the Senate and House bills pick winners and losers.
Equally, it drives home how the competition in cloud computing is moving from cost savings — Amazon Web Services started by selling cheap computing and storage — to value creation through better insight.
Pakistan must build a new tradition that combines legal compulsion with quick and immediate punishment, and most important, a strong and robust activism that drives home the value of women's lives.
Its best scene, a comic sequence involving a very demanding waitress at a small-town restaurant that only serves one dish, drives home just how versatile MacKenzie is as a director.
This essay by M. H. Miller drives home with great poignancy how the effects of these debts can span generations, imperiling the finances and later lives of parents who backed loans.
Ms. Mokotoff and Mr. Mann were both opera lovers, and she liked to tell the story about one of their late-night drives home from the Metropolitan Opera House in Manhattan.
What's remarkable about the senator's campaign is that he drives home the fact almost all of us, save the very rich, are a single medical issue away from complete financial ruin.
And this week, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement arrested the suspected culprit: 21-year-old Andru Reed, who allegedly took the hard drives home to download video games for his Xbox.
Their storylines intersect and come apart while Bojack is in rehab, which drives home the point that this show has never been about Bojack being messed up while everyone else is fine.
The aftershock drives home the dire nature of the problem: until water of some kind is flowing, Portland is running the risk of another major fire destroying vast sections of the city.
"This just drives home the message that soda taxes work," said senior author Kristine Madsen, faculty director of the Berkeley Food Institute in UC Berkeley's School of Public Health, in a statement.
In fact, the most recent instance when a nominee chosen by a president of one party was confirmed by a Senate controlled by the other vividly drives home the point about deference.
Either way, all of these women look beautiful before and after they opted for something new, which further drives home our point: It may be time to bust out a new look.
This metric is helpful because it drives home how close outcomes, even in big states, don't affect the delegate count very much — they're essentially draws, due to Democrats' proportional delegate allocation rules.
"This activity drives home the point that it remains an open question as to what degree the U.S. market, in which many names are already in correction mode, may fall further," Cuggino said.
On one hand, it's a super cool visual and, honestly, great TV -- but the more impressive thing is how it drives home how treacherous it is for anyone in the path of Florence.
Every time it looks like the president, Congress or both can't handle their jobs, it drives home the message that Republicans can't do what many of these voters want most: make government work.
The survey, she says, really drives home how much a person's finances can change in a single year: People who reported being financially stable in 2018 didn't necessarily report the same this year.
The sequence of the Brady children singing along to Vance Joy's "Riptide" while dad drives home from the stadium after a November win over Miami is, to use the artistic term, rather precious.
In bookending his show this way, Mr. Macdonald not only toys with the meaning of a joke, but he also drives home the point that the part can be funnier than the whole.
But they are the perfect fit for a certain type of summer playlist: the one for after the pool party has ended, for the late night smoke sessions and neon-lit drives home.
Collier insists he's "not as bad" of a racist as M.E's Klan uncle, but the show drives home the point that when it comes to prejudice, degrees of bigotry are not a meaningful measure.
Detailing the mythical origins of humor, and the genitals' seminal role in everything we now call comedy, the essay drives home the hilarity of attaching strictures and stigmas to ubiquitous pieces of biological necessity.
Cover shooter mechanics and first-person controls get standardized and deployed across the medium, but a storytelling ethic that drives home its meaning through repetition and asking open, complicated questions just didn't find purchase.
Mr. Concannon said the Roma opinion "drives home that the U.N. has an obligation to respond to the ongoing health emergency in Haiti by taking the swift and urgent action that the situation demands."
"It drives home growing worries about a competence deficit within American organs of power under the increasingly besieged Trump administration," said Richard Javad Heydarian, a political analyst at De La Salle University in Manila.
While all three characters are compelling — each story is more heartbreaking than the next — the point that One of Us drives home is that women in the Hasidic community have far less recourse than men.
After killing a man with her Chevrolet Corvair, she calmly drives home and dishes up Hamburger Helper ready meals for dinner, ducking questions from her husband over whether or not they should have a kid.
For Kate Bornstein, the play drives home how all identities are becoming more capacious and can be transgressed: "We're talking about people who genuinely question their own privilege and do something about it," she said.
On a freezing winter night, an academic named Muriel drives home to the old Vermont farmhouse she shares with her new husband, Zachary, and, to celebrate her equally new doctorate, slides into bed with him.
"It really drives home how volatile conditions are," said Ken Pimlott, a career firefighter who oversaw the Ranch Fire as chief of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, better known as Cal Fire.
Photo: Mark Makela (Getty)Amazon, as a consumer-facing brand, is one of the most trusted institutions in America (second only to the military), which drives home how well the company's e-commerce scheme works.
The fact that this is the story coming out of the debate drives home the narrative that Donald Trump is not a typical candidate for president — and suggests that he is something aberrant and dangerous.
But Dorsey's tweet about a vipassana, the oldest Buddhist meditation practice, drives home a problem with this self-proclaimed nirvana-seeking population: Silicon Valley is exploiting age-old spiritual practices for the benefit of tech companies.
Mjolnir's parody videos show that the typical life of an MMA fighter isn't all revolved around combat, and it also drives home the fact that a lot of the athletes don't always take themselves too seriously.
The actor's side-by-side comparison drives home his point that Stone's costume really does make her look like a female version of Legolas and we're glad Bloom is welcoming the similarity and isn't actually mad.
According to Harris, who teaches a course called 'Managing Soccer: Global & Local Perspectives', United are bigger than any one man and the decision to send Mourinho packing drives home that philosophy to players, fans and opponents.
Republicans believe the FBI's move drives home a message that they've been trying to push for months: The Clintons and their allies are tainted by decades of scandal and believe they are above the law. Sen.
" The installation of a Barbara Kruger piece, designed specifically for this exhibition called, Untitled (Smashup) drives home the sheer magnitude of the piece: It was made with "25,000 feet of BC lumber, 360 gallons of paint.
But the report, in the current issue of The Journal of Race, Gender, and Poverty, drives home the extent to which capital punishment, supposedly reserved for the "worst of the worst," is governed by skin color.
The wording not only gives us some insight to gender issues on Wall Street in the 1980s, but also drives home the point that the employer's obligation to pay the deferred compensation is an unsecured obligation.
This discrepancy drives home a key point: Buttigieg is gaining popularity in the first two, overwhelmingly white early voting states, but he has yet to gain traction in more diverse states where Biden, Warren, and Sen.
The psychedelic element is something he really drives home with the visuals, which include yellow smiley face balloons, trippy patterns, a glum Big Bird, and bright wiggly colors that dance and slide and spin into one another.
Why it matters: It's well-documented that the prices of health care services vary widely by location, but the price discrepancy among flu shots — which are cheap — drives home how inconsistent and arbitrary the system can be.
However, "MARS" successfully drives home a bleak concept that arguably gets lost in the excitement over the next phase of space exploration: It won't be easy, and space isn't filled with glittering metropolises, massive spaceships and friendly aliens.
The exhibition drives home the connection between the 1950s designs as a stylistic homage to those of the 18th-century aristocracy, like Marie Antoinette, by displaying his designs side by side with those of noblewomen in similar silhouettes.
Financial experts routinely recommend that people spend no more than 30% of their income on housing, but the report drives home just how hard this is to do for a wide swath of workers in the U.S. today.
A huge cage-like sculpture in the center, however, which turns out to be a holding pen for cattle that will eventually be slaughtered, drives home an underlying point: Some bodies cannot choose safety or abuse at will.
It drives home the core argument for the Biden campaign: That Trump is humiliating the U.S. on the world stage and weakening our alliances, whereas Biden has the deep relationships with world leaders to turn that damage around.
The surge in attempts to ban abortion in the earliest stages of pregnancy drives home that the end goal of anti-abortion politicians and activists is to ban all abortion — at any point during pregnancy and for any reason.
That drives home the commitment enshrined in NATO's founding treaty that an attack on one ally is an attack on all, meaning all 28 NATO nations would be required to respond in the case of any potential Russian aggression.
I love everything Maeve, so I'm biased, but their exchange drives home just how shocking it is that the hosts are rebelling against their code; Sizemore just can't fathom a reality in which Maeve really cares for her daughter.
This moment really drives home how much we're not seeing about Noah and Helen's relationship, as well as giving a look at how oddly chummy these three can be now that their romantic relationships with each other are over.
Photos by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge There was so much happening during this Extinction Rebellion protest that it was hard to get a clear shot — but the crowded composition drives home the energy we felt at the event.
"It drives home the message that policies that curb greenhouse gas emissions can have a strong effect on future sea level rise," said Andrea Dutton, an associate professor in the Department of Geoscience at the University of Wisconsin Madison.
It is Pooh's own lack of self-regard that seems to echo Christopher's feelings about himself; it is the simple, honest hurt the bear feels after being yelled at that drives home how thoughtless Christopher has been to his family.
"This study drives home the fact that genetics plays a major role in why some people are obese — and that some people are fortunate enough to have genes that protect them from obesity," Professor Farooqi said, according to the outlet.
Some seemed tired and bored; others were Clinton supporters who had come, simply, to see the spectacle up close; and many were die-hard Trump supporters, facing long drives home and trying to get in position to beat the traffic.
"Our baby's so beautiful — I wish I could hold her," Nick says, in a scene that drives home how utterly miserable it must be to share a home with your own flesh-and-blood offspring but never get to touch her.
"Compared to the majority opinion Justice Kennedy joined three years ago striking down a deeply similar Texas law, the fact that Justice Kavanaugh dissented drives home that, on abortion cases, the chief justice is now the swing vote," Vladeck said.
It may reflect a mid-'90s sensibility in some of its stereotypes of gay men, but it also drives home a call for equality that resonates even — and maybe especially — today, considering America's increasingly entrenched and polarized views with regard to LGBTQ people.
As for the customers, she makes it crystal clear that she has a "zero tolerance policy" on harassment or abuse, a point she drives home early on when she asks a rude biker to leave after he makes a crack at someone's weight.
But here is the part that drives home what was at stake in the decision: Monday's news may have a huge impact on Middle Tennessee State even though that university never had any chance of receiving an invitation to join the Big 25.
In this week's episode of Strip Panel Naked, the mini-comics masterclass hosted by Hass Otsmane-Elhaou, the focus is on a graphic novel by Jeff Lemire called The Underwater Welder, and the ways the author drives home symbolism with his illustrations.
The left edge is uneven, but seemingly perfectly so; the form is studied and feels sterile, but it is the striated, agitated brushwork within this anonymous silhouette — perhaps the people behind the statistics — that drives home the split between slaves and free blacks.
A scene in which Roseanne has to ask them for their actual wifi password so her granddaughter can Skype her mother (who's currently on a military tour in Afghanistan) drives home how badly Roseanne misjudged them with a series of blunt reveals.
"The Key" drives home the point that Maggie's level-headed diplomacy and sound decision-making represents a way out of the group's spiral of misery, primarily through a test of Maggie's resolve when meeting some of the show's most mysterious and intriguing characters to date.
But the Niger ambush drives home the reality that the United States is waging war against terrorism in West Africa and that a sizable contingency of the U.S. government doesn't know about it or doesn't care to know, because Africa isn't considered strategically important.
If "The Raid" drives home the horror, it also does a great job of disseminating the larger allegorical point that makes Watership Down both so memorable and so formative: Everything in these rabbits' lives is a fight, because everything about living is a fight.
As the title forcefully drives home, "The Last Black Man in San Francisco," the debut film for both Fails and Talbot, is a lament for the exodus of black people from the city and the affordability crisis that is pushing out all but the rich.
The shameful bias of Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who deforms the Democratic debates by scheduling them to reach the lowest possible audience, drives home the perception of Clinton as the insider establishment candidate as Sanders battles against a system that is fixed.
The quote is by Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Harry's school, who Ms. Rowling has said is gay, and drives home the point of the anthology: "Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."
It drives home the point that the 2016 election, which every American intelligence agency has said involved Russian interference to help elect Donald Trump, is part of a pattern in which Mr. Putin has worked to erode Western institutions and undermine faith in democratic practices.
I think this drives home the need for us to be successful with the missions that we have undertaken in Afghanistan as a reconciliation to reduce the level of violence, to reduce the level of risk to Afghans broadly, and the risk to American service members.
The crowd I saw it with laughed at the right places and got emotional at the right places, but it all felt rather muted — like the drowsy emotions you might feel while falling asleep in the back seat of a car while someone else drives home.
It's when Vida concentrates on the bar, what it represents, and the conflict that Emma, Lyn, and Eddy feel over how best to honor Vida and her legacy — which includes considerable bills — that it drives home what gentrification can mean on both personal and professional levels.
" TOM PORCELLI, CHIEF U.S. ECONOMIST, RBC CAPITAL MARKETS, NEW YORK         "This report really drives home the rock-solid state of labor in the United States…Given the fact that the standard error in this thing is so significant, (this headline miss is) nothing short of close enough.
Mr. Burstein, following Norbert Leo Butz as the dustman with the soul of a philosopher, drives home the character's rhetorical intelligence; I heard, perhaps for the first time, the speech rhythms ("I put it to you, and I leave it to you") that so impress Higgins.
As I was working on this piece, I stumbled across this tweet by writer Bolu Babalola that drives home my point: Serena van der Woodsen is a perfect example of mediocre white women failing upwards on screen to the detriment of the romantic advancement of women of color.
"Evolution" is the best of the last three episodes because it emphasizes all of those changes and really drives home how effectively Kang and the writing team have used Rick's departure and the six-year jump, which were narrative moves we were both highly skeptical of at first.
But what the Shapiro/brain pills story drives home to me is that there's another important factor in our current political scene: the use of political action as a marketing ploy, by people out to make a buck selling stuff that has little to do with politics per se.
John Kennedy, a Kavanaugh supporter who sits on the Judiciary Committee which vetted Kavanaugh's nomination, said that hearing personal stories from women "drives home the point that sexual violence is prevalent in America" and said that the #MeToo movement had opened his eyes to the extent of the problem.
"This guidance drives home the important message to asset managers that they are expected to do more than simply make the claim that they take ESG factors into account, without making clear to investors how they do this," Ashley Alder, the SFC's chief executive, said in a statement.
"The results from our efforts in Hansa Bay have stirred a mix of lasting emotions within our team and drives home the need to recognize the sacrifices that service members and their families make in protecting our freedoms," said Terrill, who works at San Diego&aposs Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Still, Trump's triumphal appearance at CPAC — six years after he delivered his first major political speech at the gathering, and one year after he canceled on the conference in the midst of a contentious primary — further drives home how much he's reshaped what was once American conservatism in his own image.
There are tons of apps and websites to help you create a budget, but experts say the best way to manage your money is to do it yourself: Doing so gives you complete ownership of your financial decisions, and it drives home the importance of understanding where every dollar goes.
The bestselling novel is now an HBO series, and the screen adaptation drives home one of the book's core messages: For Elena (Elisa del Genio), her best friend/double/nemesis Lila Cerullo (Ludovica Nasti), and all the children growing up with them in working-class postwar Naples, violence undergirds every interaction.
The work on surprise medical bills really drives home how many people end up spending a lot of money because they go to a hospital and they discover while they maybe have coverage for the hospital's surgical fee, they didn't have coverage for the specific doctor that was sewing them up.
The fact that the large western economies (with the exception of Germany) lost ground in the 2016 SEDA results, while many countries considered poor made significant gains, drives home the fact that no country can be confidant that its current economic strength or status will guarantee its place in the world of tomorrow.
" Meanwhile, Evan Fray-Witzer, the Boston-based attorney for Russian tech executive Aleksej Gubarev who is suing Buzzfeed and dossier author Christopher Steele over the document&aposs publication, said Strzok's testimony "drives home" that the "dossier" was really a "collection of memos that were written over many months by private individuals for political purposes.
"I think this drives home the need for us to be successful with the missions that we have undertaken in Afghanistan as a reconciliation to reduce the level of violence, to reduce the level of risk to Afghans broadly, and the risk to American service members," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said at the time.
However, the move also drives home how disappointing Amazon's "HQ2" decision has been for those areas that lost out when the retail giant opted to split its "second" headquarters between Queens and Arlington, Va. There are cities across the U.S. that would have benefited more from Amazon's ability to fund computer science courses in their school systems.
He made some serious mistakes today and then of course the press ratchets it up to 11 as they do on just about everything, but the fact that it is also coming from the Republican side, from the conservative side, from people like Newt Gingrich I think drives home the point that -- I don&apost agree there shouldn&apost have been a summit.
Withings drives home the importance of using the scale at the same time every day — for me it was just after my alarm went off in the morning — because your pulse wave velocity can change throughout the day based on time elapsed from your last cup of coffee, the last time you ate or worked out, consistent use is key to getting an accurate daily reading.
While concerns about concussions are most likely one of the factors that have led to the N.F.L.'s regular season ratings decline, the fact that the Super Bowl viewership drop was less severe than the regular season decrease drives home the fact that the N.F.L.'s problem is the frequency with which hard-core fans watch rather than casual fans turning off the television.
The new teaser certainly drives home the fact that this darker redo of the cheerful '90s sitcom Sabrina the Teenage Witch is coming from the makers of Riverdale: the dark streets, old-timey cars, and trio of cool girls in matching outfits (in Riverdale, it's Josie and the Pussycats; here, it's a clique known as the Weird Sisters) all keep it in the same universe as the hit CW show.
It's the first 4K Blu-ray player that Sony is selling to consumers, and it's also compatible with "virtually every optical disc format" including Blu-ray 499.993D and Super Audio CD. Sony is pricing the X800 at $299.99, which really drives home the value of the Xbox One S — Microsoft's redesigned system sells for the same price or lower, and you get a full-on games console to go with your 4K Blu-ray capability.

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