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32 Sentences With "draws a connection between"

How to use draws a connection between in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "draws a connection between" and check conjugation/comparative form for "draws a connection between". Mastering all the usages of "draws a connection between" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In the above video, Arzon draws a connection between running and feminism.
In this work, Mutu draws a connection between Sims's experiments and the colonial assault on African bodies.
Other research draws a connection between decreased sick days and increased productivity after plants have been introduced to the workplace.
The ad also draws a connection between his vote and the more than $100,000 he has received from the health care industry.
Ms. Hval successfully draws a connection between corporeal blood and the kind that's mixed for horror films, making a sumptuous, sanguine work along the way.
In a video posted by TYT Politics, the Fault in Our Stars actress draws a connection between the current conflict over the DAPL and the false narrative of Thanksgiving.
By surrounding it with shipping containers, Huang draws a connection between the militaristic and colonial notion of empire that Napoleon represents and the economic policies of today's corporate enterprises.
While Mesa draws a connection between low-hanging balls and canines, I tend to associate long-ass balls with the old geezers I see in the changing room at my YMCA.
It seems that Thurman draws a connection between her experiences with Tarantino and with Weinstein: "Quentin used Harvey as the executive producer of 'Kill Bill,' a movie that symbolizes female empowerment," she tells Dowd.
If the OIG draws a connection between McCabe's political relationships and the decisions he made, therein would lie the elusive "smoking gun" that FBI senior leadership purposely distorted their fealty to the Constitution and the bureau's mission.
In a piercing essay, Sophia Moskalenko explores what happens when adults and institutions fail their children and the lasting damage it leaves — and draws a connection between feeling abandoned after the Chernobyl disaster and inaction in the face of climate change.
The work also draws a connection between Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, and the Philippines; many Filipinos head to Hong Kong, a former British colony, to be domestic workers because they can't make a living wage in their own country.
In her ongoing film series Thread Routes, which began in 2010, Kimsooja draws a connection between the ancient practices of textile culture in Peru, Europe, India, and China, which are featured in the first four chapters of the work, respectively.
AdWeek reports that Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi paid special attention on the space between the "U" and lowercase "b," and Uber subtly draws a connection between the new font and curvy roadways: Uber subtly alludes its new logo to roadways seen from overhead.
In the opening of Endgame, after Captain Marvel rescues him from starvation in space, Stark doubles down on the core logic of that film, and draws a connection between the unwillingness for everyone to listen to him and the reality that Earth's Mightiest Heroes failed to stop Thanos from killing half of the planet.
Author Sarah Banet-Weiser, a professor of media and communication at the London School of Economics, spent five years researching and writing the book, which draws a connection between what she calls "popular feminism" — the unthreatening, capitalist-friendly kind — and "popular misogyny," the backlash to it, which she argues operates as a kind of distorted mirror image to popular feminism.
President Obama in a new interview draws a connection between former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and the current GOP presidential nominee, Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE.
"Can Artists Really Disown their Early Work?" The Huffington Post. August 11, 2010. Through the ritual of cremation Baldessari draws a connection between artistic practice and the human life cycle.
They deal with each other as if it was a dysfunctional father-daughter relationship they shared. Gia becomes defiant. Henry responds by dragging Gia into his missing daughter's bedroom. While captive, Gia draws a connection between this violence, and the violence and abuse of her own childhood.
In accordance with many of Murakami's novels, 1Q84 is dominated by religious and sacred concepts. 1Q84's plot is built around a mystical cult and two long-lost lovers who are drawn into a distorted version of reality. 1Q84 assigns further meaning to his previous novels. 1Q84 draws a connection between the supernatural and the disturbing.
Dallas: Scriptorium Press, 2001. pp. 59–70. She does not fit into a neat category of female characters; she is neither good nor evil, but something in between. Roger Sherman Loomis's work The Grail: From Celtic Symbol to Christian Myth draws a connection between the concept of the feminine "Grail-bearer" and the sovereignty goddess of Ireland, Ériu, who grants the chalice to only the worthy.
Kilbourne is critical of the advertising industry, accusing it of misconduct. She argues that the superficial, objectifying and unreal portrayal of women in advertising lowers women's self-esteem. Sexualized images of women are being used to sell virtually all kinds of goods, and Kilbourne argues that they degrade women, encourage abuse, and reinforce the patriarchal, sexist society. Kilbourne also draws a connection between advertising and pornography, stating that "the advertisers are America's real pornographers".
Both works emphasize a personal, first-person perspective. Mekas draws a connection between Walden Pond and Central Park through multiple intertitles labeling it "Walden". He explained that the association with Walden was not limited to the park: The film is dedicated to the Lumière brothers, whose early actuality films were precursors to documentary filmmaking. The Lumières' unstructured, single-shot works depicting informal moments served as an inspiration to avant-garde filmmakers working in new forms outside of mainstream cinema.
Deans draws a connection between the elephant-bird in Horton and the Infantograph, a failed invention Geisel created that combined two photos and was meant to give couples an idea of what their children would look like. Nel, meanwhile, connected the book to the short story "Matilda the Elephant". Noting that the Geisels could not have children, Nel argued that "Matilda", and by extension Horton, may have been manifestations of the Geisels' longing for children.Nel (2004), p.
He and Matthew Feinberg developed the idea of "moral reframing". Based on moral foundations theory, moral reframing is a technique of political persuasion in which a political message draws a connection between a given issue and the audience's assumed moral values. Willer's talk on political communication has been viewed over 1 million times since it was posted on the TED website January 20, 2017. Willer's other research on politics emphasizes the effects of various forms of threat and anxiety on political attitudes, for example, the effects of racial status threats, terror threats, and masculinity threats.
On the other hand, some actors who portrayed cowboys promoted positive values, such as the "cowboy code" of Gene Autry, that encouraged honorable behavior, respect and patriotism. Historian Robert K. DeArment draws a connection between the popularized Western code and the stereotypical rowdy cowboy image to that of the "subculture of violence" of drovers in Old West Texas, that was influenced itself by the Southern code duello.DeArment, Robert K. Deadly Dozen: Forgotten Gunfighters of the Old West, Volume 3. University of Oklahoma Press; First edition (March 15, 2010). c. Introduction.
Yaponchik is then found and rushed to hospital. Black sees the crime scene at the bathhouse, and draws a connection between Yaponchik and the beast from the sea in the Biblical Book of Revelation, who is said to survive a fatal head wound; fearing that Yaponchik will likewise survive, Black heads to the hospital. Surova beats him there, however, and confronts the recovered Yaponchik. As Surova is about to shoot his quarry again, he is convinced instead that Yaponchik is "not the one" he is thought to be.
Psalm 147 is one of the last five psalms in the Book of Psalms and, like the others in this group, begins and ends in Hebrew with the word "Hallelujah" ("Praise God"). Thus it is classified as a psalm of praise. Spurgeon notes that verse 1 draws a connection between praise and song, since "[s]inging the divine praises is the best possible use of speech". Beginning in verse 2, the psalmist presents a series of reasons for praising God, including his continual attention to the city of Jerusalem, to brokenhearted and injured individuals, to the cosmos, and to nature.
Peter and Wendy is a 2015 television film made for ITV in the UK. It was written by Adrian Hodges, directed by Diarmuid Lawrence and produced by Stewart Mackinnon and Christian Baute, Headline Pictures. The film is based on the story of Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie, blending it with an original narrative set in the present day. The film draws a connection between the stories of Barrie and the real life Great Ormond Street Hospital, echoing sentiments shared by Barrie himself, who left all the rights to Peter Pan to the hospital in 1929, a few years before his death. It was first broadcast on 26 December 2015.
Gaia philosophy (named after Gaia, Greek goddess of the Earth) is a broadly inclusive term for related concepts that living organisms on a planet will affect the nature of their environment in order to make the environment more suitable for life. This set of hypotheses holds that all organisms on a life- giving planet regulate the biosphere in such a way as to promote its habitability. Gaia concept draws a connection between the survivability of a species (hence its evolutionary course) and its usefulness to the survival of other species. While there were a number of precursors to Gaia hypothesis, the first scientific form of this idea was proposed as the Gaia hypothesis by James Lovelock, a UK chemist, in 1970.
Joseph Perl, who ridiculed the ecstatic dancing and singing of the Hasidim, died on Simchat Torah (a holiday known in English as "rejoicing in the Torah"), a holy day traditionally — and currently — celebrated by song, dance and a processional through the streets carrying Torah scrolls, so the Galician Hasidim did not miss the opportunity to dance on Perl's fresh grave immediately after his burial.Dauber (2004), p. 214. Dauber draws a connection between the reported response of Hasidim to Perl's death and the fact that they likely were aware of his memoranda to the government: "Many of these memoranda were intended to be secret, for obvious reasons, but Perl's authorship became generally known, and it is said that Hasidim danced on Perl's fresh grave immediately after his burial."Mahler, Rafael.
In the book, he draws a connection between the decline of the "rational" theological school of Mu'tazila in favour of the rise of Ash'arism, which would become the mainstream Sunni theology, in the 10th century. In this the author sees an act of "intellectual suicide", the nucleus of the end of the Islamic Golden Age and the decline of Islamic civilization into a "dysfunctional culture based on a deformed theology" locked in determinism, occasionalism and ultimately fatalism. In his review of the book, Frank Griffith describes it as "war literature", and "a Catholic refutation of Ash'arite Muslim theology", complaining that Reilly constructs an undue equation between Ash'arism and contemporary Jihadism, while most Jihadists in fact follow Salafism and are hostile towards Ash'arism.Frank Griffe, Review of Reilly's Closing of the Muslim Mind in American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 28:4 (2011), Association of Muslim Social Scientists of North America and International Institute of Islamic Thought.

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