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279 Sentences With "did over"

How to use did over in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "did over" and check conjugation/comparative form for "did over". Mastering all the usages of "did over" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In 220, "The Lion King" did over $70 billion worldwide, "Frozen 229" did over $227 billion, and "Toy Story 10" did over $1 billion.
I know that's what I did, over and over again.
MORE doing what he did over the last few years.
For the same reasons Apple did over seven years ago.
On this measure, Klobuchar did over 20 points better than Clinton.
And be ready to share what you did over the weekend, too.
I&aposm proud of the work that we did over those six months.
"We did over 300 shows and I had carpal tunnel issues," he says.
They have resigned from his administration, as James Mattis did, over military policy.
All they did over at TBS was say she&aposll be back tomorrow night.
And that's what I did, over the course of a few hours at home.
Sadly, the words ring as true today as they did over a year ago.
That will change if they keep playing the way they did over the weekend.
And this is what Dr. G. Yunupingu did over and over and over again.
And I want to thank Bob Corker -- great job you did over there, great job.
It won't stall the way Hurricane Florence did over the Carolinas, leading to catastrophic flooding.
I did over 3,400 treatments (waxing, vajacials, or otherwise) last year, so I've seen it all.
Well, what Taylor did over nine innings, Yankees right-hander Kirby Yates tried squeezing into one.
Most of the hacks he did over 20 years, he said, relied on very similar bugs.
Alibaba's Singles Day in 2487 did over $30 billion, and that number is expected to grow.
Well — he could talk about the things the Republican majority did over the last two years.
Worse than sitting through 26 debates like many Americans did over the course of this campaign season.
President Trump will not shortchange our military like the Obama administration did over the past eight years.
The paths they took varied based on region and how well they did over the summer split.
"It's funny when someone from the office asks you what you did over the weekend," she said.
I'm not averse to extending them by another three weeks, either, as Trump did over the weekend.
Garry Shandling did over 20 showcases for my mom before she gave him a prime-time slot.
Every day, millions fill their tanks the same way their grands and greats did over a century ago!
You could knock them down, as the Houston Astros did over three nights last weekend at Nationals Park.
It's probably long enough to make you question what the hell you just did over and over again.
" He also points out that "individual investors did over 90 percent of all NYSE trading 50 years ago.
In their absence, some airports have had to close checkpoints, as Baltimore-Washington International did over the weekend.
But it won't be a situation where it'll burst through his target, as it did over the summer.
Let's hope we soon get to see what they did over the next decades of their long, productive lives.
And she did over $120,000 in sales just by herself this past year — she has about 400 different customers.
When you're just being honest about what you did over the weekend instead of anything productive via GIPHY 12.
They were wrong — Obama and the Democrats did the same thing that Bush and the Republicans did; over-reach.
In the first half of 2016, Groupon revenue looked better than it did over the same period last year.
Wearing a wrist brace didn't help, and neither did over-the-counter drugs or the codeine her doctor prescribed.
Oh, wait, the world already did (over and over again), and Margaret Atwood captured it back in the 1980s.
For some inexplicable reason, that's exactly what a group of tourists allegedly did over the weekend, France 24 reports.
I did over 20 years in the system, back and forth, and most of it came from technical violations.
Will Democrats try to poke and regulate the tech industry more aggressively than Republicans did over the last two years?
"We wanted to show people that you can judge us by what we did over the last year," Dash said.
Can artists in residence at Chaco today, like Moran did over a century ago, help preserve this sacred historical site?
As she later did over dinner on Thursday with fellow EU leaders, May asked for help to overcome British divisions.
I think there are some others that lowered their rates significantly more aggressively than we did over the past year.
He did over perform there in the runoff, but not by much: he garnered 57% of the vote there vs.
Like many things Trump did over the years, it's probably illegal, but enforcement of white-collar criminal law is spotty.
It's meant to stand for everything that I ever did over the course of my 25 years in the business.
Nunberg struck a dramatically different tone Tuesday than he did over the course of several TV interviews a day earlier.
If Trump were listening to Pence, he wouldn't have done any of the things he did over the past week.
Obviously called out for the work, the Weinstein stuff and all the amazing work you guys did over the year.
Here's how to do it without losing your mind (which I did, over a Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese-colored accent wall).
But Beijing doesn't wield as much influence over Kim Jong Un as it did over his father and grandfather, experts said.
And within a few hours of arriving, I've already seen way more protesting than I did over four days in Cleveland.
Indonesia's forest fires alone emitted more greenhouse gases in just three weeks last year than Germany did over the whole year.
Part of the process is going to be public, like the hearings that David did over the last couple of days.
But when we asked our Snapchat followers what they did over their summer recess, we were blown away by their stories.
"On one side of it, he's likely got family, but we can't know exactly what he did over there," she said.
Investing in a strong Kurdistan Region will result in a key security partner tomorrow, as it did over the past decade.
The proposed rule change would also prevent members from blocking the well of the House, as Democrats did over the summer.
For years now I have cleaned homes; did over and above what is expected; never called in sick or was late.
But it sure seems like people are appreciating the ACA more now than they did over the last past seven years.
Did over-predictions of electricity demand lead to less stringent Clean Power Plan carbon dioxide targets than could have been pursued?
But whenever he tries to talk sense, as he apparently did over the issue of Chinese currency manipulation, he gets overruled.
MORE did over the same period of time, according to the Globe, averaging 85033 million viewers for the first 15 addresses.
Fully two-thirds of white voters without college degrees voted for Donald Trump, as did over 80 percent of white evangelicals.
You may recall Democrats did over 10 points better than Clinton in the average special congressional election in 2017 and 2018.
But whenever he tries to talk sense, as he apparently did over the issue of Chinese currency manipulation, he gets overruled.
Yes, but: Smith noted that today's giants exert more control over their platforms than Microsoft did over Windows in its heyday.
It was amazing to get to test the experiment… We did over 93 parabolas of microgravity, and I did not get sick!
A warmer climate means an atmosphere that can hold more moisture … until it all precipitates back out, as it did over Houston.
But they argued the company was fitting into a larger travel ecosystem, as it did over the last decade on the street.
When school started in the fall, I worked at UberEats in Columbia, though far fewer hours than I did over the summer.
I just think what he did over the last eight years, the Supreme Court thing and the game he's playing right now.
Suffice it to say, Apple and Moses are certainly going to have the best "What I Did Over Summer Vacation" essays, ever.
In hindsight I think sometimes unfairly because I came to kind of respect a lot more things that they did over time.
No other combat sport athlete came close to earning what Mexican boxer Saul "Canelo" Alvarez did over the course of last year.
Here&aposs something that&aposs always bothered me: Knowing that many people obsess, like I once did, over the money they make.
From arts and crafts to costume parties to sleeping in a cabin again, here's everything I did over the course of the weekend.
As a federal district judge, I've sentenced hundreds of people, but I've rarely agonized as much as I did over this man's fate.
And our first principle was that you forgave Alicia for all these things she did over the years, but they do add up.
There is evidence that when prices drop, as they did over the last few years, people shift to bigger, less-fuel-efficient cars.
Incomes have grown much faster than they did over the previous quarter century, and the poverty rate has been reduced by 38 percent.
I have no idea exactly what they did over there, but I guess all I can say is I'm glad they're back now.
The work I did over the weekend, I definitely hit it much better today off the tee and that was a big key.
In the second week of operating Kapten booked more rides in London than it did over the same period in all of France.
I felt like ending this project needed to be done in a way that really honored everything that everybody did over the years.
And crossed the animals did, over a shaky cellular connection and onto my iPhone as the bus lurched into stop-and-go traffic uptown.
During my meeting, I got a call that the client on that freelance project I did over the weekend wants to see more options.
But over the last year its outlook has plummeted in North America and Europe, where in 2016 it did over half of its business.
That's what Todd Orr did over the weekend, after he was attacked by a grizzly bear in Madison County, Montana, not once but twice.
But that's OK. In my twenties I picked a few things that I did over and over again, thinking I was good at them.
They were more than willing to take on a president of their own party as Democrats did over the conduct of the Vietnam War.
What this study did: Over a 10-year period, the international team of researchers gathered pathogen samples around the world and sequenced the genomes.
Saudi Arabia has less leverage than it once did over the U.S., which is far less dependent on Saudi oil than in the past.
Instead, they think it will stall, much as Hurricane Harvey did over Houston last year, besieging the area for days with wind and rain.
At week 52 of this flu season, which was the last week of 2017, however, "we did over 5,000 respiratory viral tests," he said.
Weird combo, I know, but I'm just supplementing the grocery run that my roommates apparently did over the weekend (without charging me anything — thanks, guys!).
Massey: Some of the first gigs we did over there were some of the first raves over there, and they were on a large scale.
The authority could shut down the tunnel and do the repairs all at once, as it did over about 13 months in the Montague tunnel.
"The coolest part about being on YouTube is that you're not waiting until Monday morning to see how you did over the weekend," Macchio said.
Conrad never actually told Montag what she thought she did, and instead just told her "You know what you did!" over and over again. 8.
What they did: Over a five year period, the international team conducted a genome analysis of 262 parasites resistant to 37 different types of drugs.
But the offices of downtown Manhattan still celebrate the same way they did over 100 years ago, no matter how much the world has changed.
And the reality is that 500,000 people in our city are living more affordably because of the work that Mayor Bloomberg did over 20193 years.
How could Ansari be taken down for doing one-millionth of what so many old white abusers did, over decades, with the media's collective silence?
In the meantime, Judge won't be lifting weights, hitting or throwing, in order to avoid further aggravating the injury, as he did over the winter.
It's hard to imagine Mr. Rock releasing a club set after hardly any time to refine it, the way Mr. Chappelle did over New Year's.
It's also heavily seeded with quotations from interviews that Sendak did, over the years, with Terry Gross, Nat Hentoff and Emma Brockes, among many others.
The individual will be given a topic to talk about—his or her favorite holiday, what they did over the weekend, their job, and so on.
"I like looking at the visuals — the interaction of the graphic artists and fine artists, and the collaborations that we did over the years," Jagger says.
What they did: Over a 4-year period, the team collected large amounts of microbiome data from humans, animals and the environment and sequenced their DNA.
Amazon says its customers bought 2.7x times as many Fire TV Sticks over the Black Friday shopping period than it did over the same period last year.
Nvidia claims a 2080 at the same resolution did over 70fps in Battlefield V and over 60fps in Metro Exodus—a far sight better than the 1080Ti.
She claims Nelly told her to "shut up" and said he wanted to have sex with her without protection, which she says he did over her objections.
In an interview with Reuters last year, Ohnishi said Chinese shoppers have not been spending as much as they did over the past two or three years.
I don't think it was any more than they were just good friends, and that's what they did over there, but it just seemed kind of strange.
It's still a very poor country, and it hasn't gone through the same phase of coal-fueled industrial development that China did over the past few decades.
"We have over 8 million customers in Canada, we did over 400 million transactions last year and we had only 8 customer complaints about sales practices," he said.
"The president, as I think many people expected, did over the course of his first several years in office, trade emails with the secretary of state," he said.
We have to as individuals create a new normative system just like we did over the course of our human history as we had to navigate different contexts.
While they want to push policy reforms, like they did over the weekend, they almost always find themselves getting distracted by 140-character messages from the President himself.
Technology and digital farming have the potential to have the same kind of impact in agriculture over the next decade as biotechnology did over the last 24 years.
The full bloom Trump you've seen over the last week is because of what Bannon did over the past several years -- inside and outside of Trump's inner circle.
"We have over 8 million customers in Canada, we did over 400 million transactions last year and we had only eight customer complaints about sales practices," he said.
India's coal demand is growing at a slower pace than it did over the previous decade, as the country turns to solar power and other clean energy sources.
Among some positive signs for Twitter, the company anticipates revenue as a whole to move slowly upward in 2017, instead of remaining flat like it did over 2016.
She cites, as an example, the reporting that The New York Times did over the weekend on the F.B.I.'s slow action in the Larry Nassar molestation investigation.
That's what Justin Rose did over the past four days to win the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines, protecting his status as the world's top-ranked golfer.
Had China not played the role it did over the last two decades, then American workers would have faced less pressure, but they would not have faced no pressure.
At the same time, the officials have stressed that no single individual should again dominate the central bank in the way that Rajan did over his three-year term.
" He described this approach as "the human way": If you were having a conversation with a person, "You wouldn't try to assume what the person did over the weekend.
"We wanted to do a much better job in the paint area than we did over there (at Duke)," North Carolina coach Roy Williams said, referring to interior scoring.
The hope then was that observing such jets in an event like researchers did over the summer would confirm the link between neutron star mergers and gamma ray bursts.
Yes, they will note, Strzok is a bad actor and someone who should have known far better than to do what he did over text during the 2016 campaign.
All of these concerns will hover over the Lakers' final 17 games — 11 of which are at home — as they did over the crowd outside Staples Center on Tuesday.
Brett Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court is a sad day in our history, but none of us have had to endure what you did over these past months.
But with less than a week to go before Monday's nonwaiver trading deadline, the Mets are running into the same problem with Bruce that they did over the winter.
One employee wondered what Amazon was doing to prevent the company from facing the type of backlash Google and Facebook did over data privacy and the spread of misinformation.
And did George H.W. Bush, did Mitt Romney, did John McCain say a single good word about anything Barack Obama ever did over the course of eight solid years?
"You never know what&aposs going to happen, but the only thing people are going to remember you by is what you did over the last four games," Shannon said.
The exclamation point at the end of the company's official name is supposed to symbolize action, but what Yahoo did over the past four months is the opposite of action.
They told Buzzfeed it was not down to the little stunt I did over Christmas, when I called myself "Social Justice Editor at Buzzfeed," but instead for something I said.
We didn't grow in China, but we did remarkably better than we did over the second half of last year, which is what we expected, and it's what we delivered.
The instruction booklet's long lost, and the cart rattles, but if I plug it into my second-model Mega Drive, it works just as it did over 230 years ago.
Clinton had a much greater TV advertising advantage over Trump than Obama did over Mitt Romney, suggesting that TV ads are no substitute for face-to-face contact with voters.
The purpose of the event, according to the museums, is to showcase the work that conservators did over the last five years on more than 80 objects, including the inkstand.
Amid all the shirtless men peacocking in front of the Trouble camera, no heartthrob deserves to get the thirsty acclaim Noah Centineo did over the summer more than Gael's portrayer Martinez.
"And did George H.W. Bush, did Mitt Romney, did John McCain say a single good word about anything Barack Obama ever did over the course of eight solid years?" he asks.
This uncertainty about the Sanders alternative is why you'll be hearing even more about Mike Bloomberg over the next week than you did over the past one, when you heard plenty.
"If it's a terrible year, I'm not going to sit there and go, 'Wow, that defined my career,' because the stats will show what we did over 18 years," Stewart said.
The label evolved as punk did over the next decades, driving an angular, electronic sound in the '90s and 2000s with groups like Q and Not U, Medications, and El Guapo.
"The number one driver for global risk sentiment is the U.S.-China trade talks, which suddenly don't look as promising as they did over the weekend," Commerzbank strategist Christoph Rieger said.
The moral of the story for the Fed should be that it should think twice before resorting again to highly-unorthodox monetary policies as it did over the past eight years.
What Brain did over nine months is just one example of how quickly a small group at a large company can automate a task nobody ever would have associated with machines.
However, Mr. Trump has considerably less leverage with Mr. McConnell than he did over House leaders, as Mr. McConnell and Republican senators are less susceptible to pressure from the White House.
But any fan who heard Mr. Elliott's mellow voice in a legitimate commercial could not help recalling the spoofs of Madison Avenue spots that he did over the years with Mr. Goulding.
"The number one driver for global risk sentiment is the U.S.-China trade talks, which suddenly don't look as promising as they did over the weekend," wrote Commerzbank rates strategist Christoph Rieger.
In the barrage of news surrounding President Donald Trump, one of the things his administration quietly did over the past few months was reopen the federal prison system to private prison companies.
When asked about the scene comparison by The Los Angeles Times, Kahn was quick to shut down the notion that Swift stole from the Lemonade artist, as he previously did over Twitter.
When it ends, we put on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, and my roomie comments on how I moan more about Guy Fieri and his food than I did over Christian Grey.
The year 2012 also happens to be—not coincidentally, the researchers theorize—the first year that a slim majority of Americans reported owning a smartphone, as did over a third of teens.
Obama's lackluster track record with Russia is in stark contrast to the Trump administration that has already, in its first 18 months, surpassed what Obama did over a total of eight years.
Deirdre Whiffin, a speech therapist, led a game in which each student wrote on a Post-it something they did over spring break, and then everyone had to guess who did what.
"The number one driver for global risk sentiment is the U.S.-China trade talks, which suddenly don't look as promising as they did over the weekend," Commerzbank rates strategist Christoph Rieger wrote.
Sources connected with the singer tell TMZ ... Belafonte hired Lorraine Gilles and then convinced both her and Mel B to have 3-ways, which they did over a period of 7 years.
Usually it's only when a candidate is sinking in the polls that he starts aiming potshots at the-real estate mogul, as Jeb Bush did over the protracted slow death of his campaign.
The foundation is an effort to further the work the Bidens did over eight years in the Obama administration and cement the former vice president's more than four decade legacy in public life.
It's just that advancing economies like this one inevitably sacrifice some labor for innovation, just as the United States and other developed countries did over the past century when it came to agriculture.
What they did: Over a 2-year period, the research team removed and froze testicular tissue from 5 young rhesus macaques, and implanted the tissue back into the monkeys once they reached puberty.
"I got a lot of touching feedback both in person, at the likes of PAX, and through various things we did over email and YouTube comments and that sort of thing," he explains.
Only manufacturing jobs expanded more slowly than the workforce did over the period of study, but that had more to do with business cycles and offshoring to China than with technology, he says.
"One of the real takeaways for me in all of the reading that I did over the years about Warren, was how important it was to stay away from the noise," Weschler explains.
A sternly worded letter may not do any more now than it did over the last year, but a paper trail of displeasure and responses with a distinct "lack of candor," as Rep.
And the potential for Florence to linger over the Carolinas after it makes landfall, as Harvey did over the Houston area last year, could also be linked to climate change, Dr. Francis said.
Back when they were together, Jerome never found out how she'd gained the name Tiny, but another man did, over a perfect haircut one afternoon while Jerome was elsewhere looking the other way.
Which brings us to another mystery: Why weren't Ms. Swinson and her party able to exert more influence over Labour's Brexit platform, as the far-right Brexit party did over Mr. Johnson's Conservatives?
While it's extremely unlikely it's going to approve 10,000 applications for commutations between now and January 2017, it's entirely plausible that it will approve more than the 186 it did over Leff's tenure.
And when the President tweets about it or mentions it in a news conference, it will get a 1000 percent more coverage than any previous claims of voter fraud ever did over the years.
In addition to rocking the deep cowl neckline dress, the faux birthday girl wore a tiara on her head as well as a diamond choker — just like her sister did over a decade ago.
However, when the town receives a substantial amount of snowfall, like it did over the weekend, Wejher's luscious locks of hair and long cape transforms into a statue that looks creepily like Darth Vader.
If, for example, you use it with office co-workers, you'll learn a lot more about what they did over the weekend, even before you ask them when you get back into the office.
After the Justice Department asked for a blanket extension, Sabraw ordered the government to turn over a list of the children under 5 years old to the ACLU, which it did over the weekend.
It was just another venue for Democrats to voice their dissatisfaction about the repeal rolling through Congress right now—as they explicitly did over procedural objections in the last 13 minutes of the night.
What other campaigns took more than a year to build, with visits to fish frys in Iowa and cable news studios, the Bloomberg campaign did over the three months from Thanksgiving to Presidents' Day.
"If the resistance is mobilized and goes all-in, like it did over the Muslim ban and health care, then perhaps you see some action in Congress," the CHC chief of staff told me.
But of course it did; over time, I'd outgrown my prankster middle school self, gained the confidence to build a solid friend group, and devoted myself to my primary loves of art and archery.
Where he went and what he did over the next several hours is now the subject of intense scrutiny as investigators try to understand what could have motivated him to pull out a Ruger .
I understand now, even more than I did over the first 20 years of my career, that we need renewed energy in fighting these rare diseases and finding the treatments that will save lives.
Wilder said his team did over 222 quarter-mile runs on a single axle, and more than 900 with the same transmission, and both looked like new when they pulled them out to inspect them.
In other words, what makes a smartphone smart now isn't exactly the same as it was in, say, 2006, so should Qualcomm be demanding the same royalty rate that it did over a decade ago?
Nowadays, as CNBC's Carl Quintanilla found out on a tour of the bomb shelter, the winding tunnels remain in tact, with much of the facility looking the same as it did over 50 years ago.
But the economy has grown only marginally faster during his tenure than it did over the previous ten years, when the Congress party was in government, despite receiving a big boost from low oil prices.
Our conversations have ranged from conflicts of interest and blind trusts to our discussion today about the Muslim ban and what everyday people, as well as major companies, did over the weekend to combat it.
What they did: Over a 7-year period, the team collected and tested tissue samples from tonsils and blood tests from 66 children with RT and 80 children with sleep apnea (as a control group).
There's natural ability that they overwhelm guys [with], just like Denver [did] over New England.... Most people are going to the passing game and you've got to put pressure on the passer with four rushers.
But if, like us, you have, you might have observed the same confusion we did over which state ID to choose — there are three: Standard ID, REAL ID and Enhanced ID. Why should you care?
He is going to be the first scoring champion (36.1 points per game) to win the scoring title by more than eight points per game since Michael Jordan did over Dominique Wilkins in 1986-87.
It's brought Kari Byron, Tory Belleci, and Grant Imahara back together again for White Rabbit Project, a new series that has them exploring strange questions in much the same way that they did over at Mythbusters.
Strikingly, Fogel concluded that railroads mattered, but only a bit; alternatives like canals weren't much costlier and could have expanded and improved in much the way that railroads did over the second half of the century.
This story is an update of a report CNN did over the summer reflecting the changes in Jared Kushner's role in his father-in-law's political organization in the wake of Donald Trump winning the election.
Houston has thus added an extra Saturday shift for trash pickup in these neighborhoods, and since March, the city has already collected 210,000 tons more trash than it did over the same time span last year.
It was a weird rally, in other words, but only because Trump was president—in most ways, it seemed like the kind of rally Trump did over and over again in the long summer of 2016.
Mr. Painter said that the first family should cease all such fund-raising, no matter how noble the cause, or they could find themselves facing the same allegations that Hillary Clinton did over the Clinton Foundation.
For example, the company says that the nearly 30,000 videos that it removed for hate speech violations over the last month generated just 3% of the views that knitting videos did over the same time period.
That's not happening with Florence, though, which has been gaining strength and is anticipated to stall and drop massive amounts of rain over the Carolinas and Mid-Atlantic, much like Hurricane Harvey did over Houston, Shepherd says.
She said the state has experienced considerably more fire activity so far this year than it did over the same period of time last year, and the worst part of the fire season was still to come.
There are sporadic blog entries on what Lukas did over the weekend or last night or on vacation, regular food posts, and even art projects, along with guest posts and the constant stream of Uni-verse observations.
By taking the steps he did over the last year Comey exemplified the political independence we expect from an FBI director, while at the same time exhibiting a degree of political naivete that cost him his job.
We will pay the cost for what the Trump administration did over the past year, of course, but we will also pay the price for what we did not do with that time and those resources instead.
Washington (CNN)It is no longer surprising when President Donald Trump fuels a conspiracy theory online, as he did over the weekend with regard to the apparent suicide of multimillionaire financier and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.
If Democrats take back the Senate, they have the opportunity to wield the same power Mitch McConnell did over any future Supreme Court vacancies — but only if Democrats learn the lesson of 2014 and turn out to vote.
Mastodon's ever-changing formula remains electric and refreshing; now as always, they offer something different, and have injected new life into a genre that's often resistant to change—much like Metallica and others did over a decade prior.
All this made her a reassuringly wry documentarian of the surrealities of fame, addiction, and mental disorder, which she did over the course of three nonfiction books and five novels, including her groundbreaking debut Postcards from the Edge.
He attributed the considerable help he received from Lucille Ball and from Ms. Burnett to their each having seen him in one of the productions he did over the years with Billy Barnes, a songwriter and cabaret producer.
Storms are also increasingly stalling, as Dorian did over the Bahamas, although that phenomenon has not been directly linked to climate change, according to scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association.
In the first two weeks of March, hospitals ordered more than twice as many metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) as they did over comparable periods in January and February, according to data compiled by Premier, a healthcare-supply company.
As for Bedingfield, the singer/songwriter is still living her dream, though, unlike some of the characters her famous song soundtracked, she's looking forward, even if her life looks a little different than it did over a decade ago.
A student journalist interviewed his classmates as they crowded into the dark closet of their culinary classroom — one interviewee expressed as much disbelief over our country's resignation to school shootings as she did over the shooting happening outside the door.
Instead, we'll have to settle with binge-watching the first season all over again — which many of us did over Thanksgiving — and savoring this anecdote about Nicholas Braun, who plays Cousin Greg on the drama, meeting Hillary and Bill Clinton.
Some had predicted that the Tory party would split over Europe in the same way it did over agricultural protectionism in the 19th century; in fact there are signs the ruling party could come back together more quickly than thought.
What they did: Over multiple years, the scientists surveyed coral health on 159 reefs from Australia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Indonesia — saying this represents more than half of all global coral reefs and 73% of human populations living near the coast.
So if Zuckerberg were to work as a content moderator for an hour and his net wealth continued rising at the same average pace it did over the past year, he'd make just shy of $1 million during his shift.
And that if he could make Trump enact the Ryan agenda, then there would be a policy backbone to conservative Republicanism that would survive Trumpism -- no matter what the President said or did over his time in the White House.
By the same token, it takes nothing away from what Kevin Durant did over five games en route to winning the Bill Russell Award to point out that it was, among other attributes, not just fun but funny to watch.
If, God forbid, a jetliner filled with American passengers mysteriously blows up midair in October, like Pan Am Flight 103 did over Lockerbie, Scotland, in the 1980s, voters may well blame Trump, even before anyone knows for sure who is responsible.
Together, Australia and the United States remain committed to investing in our alliance and working to maintain and promote long-term prosperity, security, and stability in the Pacific over the next 100 years, as we did over the last century.
Hubby buys our first round of whiskeys and I find an old castmate from an opera I did over the summer, so we get to hang out and chat in a booth, one-on-one... my preferred method of communication.
In the first nine months of 2018, Americans drove slightly more miles in passenger vehicles than they did over that span the previous year, yet gasoline use dropped by 20183 percent, thanks in part to fuel-efficient vehicles and electric cars.
Our Founders distributed power between states and branches of government, and expected us to argue, just as they did, over the size and shape of government, over commerce and foreign relations, over the meaning of liberty and the imperatives of security.
Our Founders distributed power between states and branches of government, and expected us to argue, just as they did, over the size and shape of government, over commerce and foreign relations, over the meaning of liberty and imperatives of security.
They do have three courses they can follow in good conscience: They can seek reassignment to a position that is not affected by the policy, as John Negroponte did in leaving the White House and accepting reassignment to Ecuador after objecting to what he considered a betrayal of South Vietnam; they can continue working to mitigate the effects of a policy they object to, as Ryan Crocker did with extraordinary effectiveness in Iraq; or they can resign and go public with their objections as the Bosnia dissenters did and as Ann Wright did over Iraq and Ambassador Robert Ford did over Syria.
In this decade, when a TV show has done an episode satirizing rom-com tropes, the way Community or Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23 did over the course of their runs, those episodes have usually involved signposting a fake relationship.
M. McFarland Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is currently sitting lower on the Tomatometer than Daredevil did over a decade ago—but that's through no fault of Ben Affleck, who actually proves to be a bit of genius casting as Batman.
Not only is the action star an adrenaline junkie in his own life, but he did over 1000 high altitude, low open jumps (known as a HALO jump) in the latest installment of the Mission: Impossible franchise, just to get the scene right.
"Always a ham," said the actress's grown daughter, Fernanda Gordon, who revealed that her mom will wear the same dress to Sunday's show that she did over a half-century ago when she won an Oscar for West Side Story in 1962.
"Well, the big guns, first of all, are the same guns the enemy has, and that people that can break into your home or do what this maniac did over the weekend," he said, referencing last week's mass shooting in Orlando, Fla.
For comparison, the hydraulic fracturing revolution and lower natural gas prices have added more than 2023 times the electricity generation to our nation's grid over the decade from 2007 to 2016 than taxpayer subsidy-rich solar did over the same time frame.
We should have learned our lesson, but we never did: Over and over again, we drive ourselves to the cineplex to see the latest Marvel offering, imagining that just a little more worldbuilding will produce a film worth the price of admission.
But the biggest challenge might simply be that the iPhone was a once-in-a-generation product that cannot grow as briskly as it did over the last 10 years, when hundreds of millions of people got an iPhone for the first time.
Weber noted that the U.S. Federal Reserve has actually been normalizing its policy rate at half the speed it did over previous cycles and being a buyer of last resort was not a function that any central bank had at the core of its remit.
Their analysis, which appears this week in Nature Climate Change, puts the current ocean warming situation in dramatic relief: over the last 18 years, the oceans absorbed roughly the same amount of heat from global warming as they did over the entire 20th century.
Since January, when the president used his Twitter feed to claim credit for Ford Motor's decision to invest $700 million in a Michigan plant, he has kept up "jobs"-related tweets, though more sporadically than he did over the first two months of his presidency.
A support group for veterans figures prominently, and when Castle isn't talking about "the things we did over there," he's having recurring nightmares about his wife's death and sledgehammering walls at a construction site deep into the night, like a really depressed John Henry.
Ms. Harris's advisers recognize that she needs to be seen as more of a happy warrior or, in her case, happy prosecutor, and are hopeful she'll stress notes of commonality at the debate in the way she did over the weekend in New Hampshire.
The top two seeds, who earn a first round bye, in the AFC had already been decided, though the New England Patriots had to win on Sunday, which they duly did over the New York Jets, to take the number one spot ahead of the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Perhaps Cannon knew they didn't have a critical darling when the film was released on President's Day Weekend in 1987, but not only did Over The Top not open at number one, it finished fourth behind that classic tale of a Philadelphia underdog making it big: Mannequin.
There's a general consensus on the Grimms' tendency to turn wicked mothers into wicked stepmothers, as they did over time for "Snow White" and "Hansel and Gretel": It seems to be a gentle bowdlerization, an attempt to keep the biological mothers in their stories models of virtue.
With new trailers for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Dragon Quest XI, and a promising new intellectual property from Platinum Games called Babylon's Fall, Square Enix brought a little bit of hype to fans, but not nearly as much as some other publishers did over the weekend.
While the sequel took in 34 percent less than its series predecessor did over its first three days in theaters in 2011, Lionsgate spent only about $9 million to acquire certain rights to the movie, which was produced by Millennium Films for a reported $40 million.
Rob Refsnyder, whom the Yankees once viewed as their second baseman of the future, was designated for assignment last week and will almost certainly end up with an opportunity to play more regularly somewhere else than he did over the last three seasons with the Yankees.
That warning came through very clearly in over a dozen interviews I did over the last week with some of the largest Democratic donors on Wall Street who have helped fund Clinton's campaigns over the years as well as funneled cash to Bill Clinton's political career in the 1990s.
New Jersey, which had its game against Winnipeg on Tuesday postponed due to inclement weather, went 0-7-4 during its 11-game skid in 23-91 and scored as many goals Saturday in a 5-4 loss at Arizona as it did over the previous five contests.
Rider earnings have gone up substantially on a per hour basis and we generate much more profits than we did over the last year as well, so I think this type of thing is just incredible and the teams of data scientists have done a great job on that.
The result: "Dead Men Tell No Tales," which cost roughly $2873 million to make and market worldwide, collected about $2000 million from Friday through Sunday at North American theaters, or 222 percent less than "On Stranger Tides" did over its first three days in 2011, after adjusting for inflation.
The Post retells the story of Karen, after eight months of dating, having a small gold cross engraved with the word "Yes" so that she would have it ready to give to Mike when he proposed, which he shortly didover an outing to feed the ducks at a local pond.
U.S. officials have expressed concern that an international court ruling expected in coming weeks on a case brought by the Philippines against China over its South China Sea claims could prompt Beijing to declare an air defence identification zone, or ADIZ, as it did over the East China Sea in 2013.
The Democrats' promise to repeal Trump's tax reform — which would become the biggest tax increase in American history — and the democratic socialist, anti-American stances of today's progressive Democratic Party, point to a Trump victory in 2020 — just as Reagan prevailed over Walter Mondale, and Richard Nixon did over George McGovern.
The injury which will end his career, whether that's imminent or not, is the one in the GIF, the one which didn't put him on a shelf but which he did over and over, 220 odd pounds flying up and then down to a sudden thud of pelvis slamming against vertebrae.
All the work that Sanchez did over the winter and in spring training to improve behind the plate, and all the praise Manager Aaron Boone heaped on recently him for his conditioning were rendered hollow as Sanchez repeatedly had to turn and give chase to a ball that had eluded him.
On the contrary, worker productivity — which is how we measure the extent to which workers are being replaced by machines — has lately been growing much more slowly than in the past; it rose less than half as much from 2007 to 2018 as it did over the previous 11 years.
U.S. officials have expressed concern that an international court ruling expected in coming weeks on a case brought by the Philippines against China over its South China Sea claims could prompt China to declare an air defense identification zone, or ADIZ, as it did over the East China Sea in 2013.
Respect him or fear him, across the world, every national leader that matters knows there is a new sheriff in Washington, D.C. The Russia policy arena is a good place to start now that a bright light is shining on what the Obama administration actually did over the past eight years.
But during the past eighty years the executive branch has come to exert far more control than it once did over areas like working conditions, the environment, and the financial sector, responsibility for which Congress has largely delegated to agencies and departments such as the E.P.A. and the Department of Labor.
U.S. officials have expressed concern that an international court ruling expected in coming weeks on a case brought by the Philippines against China over its South China Sea claims could prompt Beijing to declare an air defense identification zone, or ADIZ, as it did over the East China Sea in 2013.
When I jokingly tweeted about "investing in Dogecoin" in late 230, I never imagined that the tongue-in-cheek cryptocurrency I had just brought into the world would still be around in the year 21, let alone hit a $20173 billion market cap like it just did over the weekend.
Using a measure developed by political scientists Andrew Martin and Kevin Quinn, we can see that Roberts has actually been moving to the center since his appointment, much like Kennedy did over his career — a reminder that the median justice may not be ideologically static over the course of their Supreme Court stint.
Trump might indeed break the record number of judges if he gets reelected, given his current pace, but it would almost certainly take him years; at present, he has appointed less than half the number of judges Ronald Reagan did over Reagan's eight years, according to data from Russell Wheeler at the Brookings Institution.
The economy didn't collapse — in fact, the U.S. economy has now added more than twice as many private-sector jobs under Mr. Obama as it did over the same period of the George W. Bush administration, and the unemployment rate is a full point lower than the rate Mr. Romney promised to achieve by the end of 2016.
Speaker Paul RyanPaul Davis RyanEmbattled Juul seeks allies in Washington Ex-Parkland students criticize Kellyanne Conway Latina leaders: 'It's a women's world more than anything' MORE (R-Wis.) suggested Thursday that President Obama should have gotten as emotional over the deaths caused by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorists as he did over gun violence.
Many of the subjects were recruited from refugee camps within Germany, hired by the artist to play out these mundane tasks, which metaphorically indicate the repetitious and precarious nature of their existence — a reality that remains as visceral for the thousands of Syrian refugees in Germany today, as it did over a decade ago when Rosefeldt created the piece.
Facts First: Trump might indeed break the record if he gets reelected, given his current pace, but it would almost certainly take him years; at present, he has appointed less than half the number of judges Ronald Reagan did over Reagan's eight years, according to data from Russell Wheeler, a Brookings Institution visiting fellow who is an authority on judicial confirmations.
What he did over the time of meeting all the candidates was really try to go to school on what a world-class CFO is like, and we ended up recruiting a wonderful guy named David Ebersman, who had been the CFO of Genentech, and then took them public, and he has gone on to great things as a CEO of Lyra Health.
Having a removal case terminated, as Liliana Barrios and many others did over the summer, does not confer legal status, but it does remove the threat of imminent deportation and provide an immigrant time to pursue legal ways of staying in the country, such as asylum or by accruing enough time in the country to be eligible to stay through a process known as cancellation of removal.
But I think given the work that he did over the course of his lifetime and given the role that he played to shed light on the inhumane treatment of farmworkers that he himself experienced, I think that he would really call into question the lack of humanity in a lot of both the rhetoric as well as the policies that we're seeing coming out of this current administration.
The pair have been based in Brooklyn since 2014, but when they head back to Beantown—as they did over the long over the long Thanksgiving weekend for a short break from their international tour in support of their new, self-titled second LP—they get a chance to head back to Goldstein's childhood home, the gutted basement of which once served as an ad hoc studio space for the duos first edits and tracks.
And she noted that the Trump administration can always appeal a judge's ruling and receive a stay on an injunction, as it recently did over an order that would have paused a Trump policy requiring some asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico as their cases are processed in the U.S. Ultimately, Frost said, conservatives who are now seeking to limit injunctions may come to regret it should the Supreme Court rule in their favor.

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