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53 Sentences With "desired object"

How to use desired object in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "desired object" and check conjugation/comparative form for "desired object". Mastering all the usages of "desired object" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They changed the desired object to dumplings - and it was a hit.
Younger kids can, with your help, print out a picture online of the desired object.
Moving closer to the desired object I wanted to recognize, the shoe in this case, fixed the issue.
So regardless of our shared evolutionary history, these gestures—like reaching out for a desired object out of reach—simply make sense.
In other words, fetishists may find it hard to become—or stay—aroused and to enjoy sex unless their desired object is present.
Another common assumption about fetishes is that they largely involve solitary sexual activities, such as masturbating while looking at, sniffing, or touching one's desired object.
Under the control of a computer the nozzle moves horizontally to build (as is true of any 218D-printing process) the desired object up layer by layer.
First, an operator wearing a VR headset moves the arm to a desired object, lowers the gripper, and adjusts the two clamps until a firm grip is established.
"Gaze aversion is the tendency to show a fearful response towards being watched, characterized by avoidance or a slower approach towards a desired object or location," the researchers wrote.
Presumably, an officer could take four hours of boring footage, run it through Dextro, and then automatically redact everything but the moments in which the desired object or motion appears.
In other words, fetishes have long been thought to center around the interaction between one person and their desired object, with other people not really being necessary to the equation.
When you're a kid, calling dibs on everything around you is as simple as licking the desired object in question and shrieking a proclamation of "no backsies" to everyone within earshot.
This noninvasive BCI infers what object the robot should pick and where to bring it based on the brain's reflexive response when an image of the desired object or location is flashed.
In the case of this new web app, users can now work alongside Sketch-RNN to see how well it takes a starting shape and transforms it into the desired object or thing you're trying to draw.
The practice, whose stated purpose is to divine water or other things located underground or concealed within something else, involves holding a special device (like a dowsing rod or a divining rod) and letting the ideomoter effect cause your hand to "mysteriously" point to the location of the desired object or substance.
It is possible that the pointing exhibited by other species is different in purpose and origin from the pointing said to be indicative of a developing psychological understanding. The former, referred to as imperative pointing, was originally described by Vygotsky (1978) as pointing which begins in an attempt to reach for a desired object. When another retrieves the desired object, the individual learns to associate the gesture (typically hand and all fingers extended outward) with a communicated intention to acquire the desired object. However, research suggests not all points develop in this way.
Fold the ends of the twisted loops together such that the loose ends are between them. Place in the loops the desired object and pull the loose ends away from it, carefully shaping the knot. This should tighten the loops to the point where they cling firmly to the desired object, yielding the boa knot. Said knot is hard to move around.
A mold is a hollow shape which exactly encloses the shape of a desired object. The object is usually created by pouring a liquid into the mold and allowing it to solidify: typical liquids include molten metal or plastic, plaster of Paris, epoxy resin. Molds generally divide into two classes: solid or flexible.
The SkyScout located celestial objects (trivially including the Earth for ease of accessing audio narration about the planet); the user selected the desired object from the database and red arrows in the viewfinder directed the user to point the viewfinder to the object. The SkyScout also featured a "Tonight's Highlights" mode, leading the user through the night's best objects.
The text states that in the inner ritual of worship, virtues towards others is an act of worship to one's inner wife (Patni-samyajas) and the God within, and that the four most important virtues are: non-violence (Ahimsa), compassion, patience and memory. The text, notes Deussen, mentions Ahimsa twice, once as Samyajas (virtuous duty and offering) and another as Iṣṭis (desired object).
Fans are convenient to carry around, especially folding fans. Next to the folding fan, the rigid hand screen fan was also a highly decorative and desired object among the higher classes. Its purpose is different since they are more cumbersome to carry around. They were mostly used to shield a lady's face against the glare of the sun or the fire.
Mimetic (imitatory) behaviour connects proto-hominid species with humans. Imitation is an adaptive learning behavior, a form of intelligence favored by natural selection. Imitation, however, as René Girard observes, leads to conflict when two individuals imitate each other in their attempt to appropriate a desired object. The problem is to explain the transition from one form of mimesis, imitation, to another, representation.
The use of a MacGuffin as a plot device predates the name MacGuffin. The Holy Grail of Arthurian legend has been cited as an early example of a MacGuffin. The Holy Grail is the desired object that is essential to initiate and advance the plot. The final disposition of the Grail is never revealed, suggesting that the object is not of significance in itself.
It was used for coins and currencies of varying forms. For example, kisi pennies; a traditional form of iron currency used for trading in West Africa. They are twisted iron rods ranging from <30 cm to >2m in length. Suggestions for their uses vary from marital transactions, or simply that they were a convenient shape for transportation, melting down and reshaping into a desired object.
This involved humans holding objects such as fruit, leaves or peanuts in one hand. Once the gorillas had given twigs to the humans, they would receive one of these objects. If the gorillas did not give them a twig, they would not get their desired object. The gorillas were shown to quickly learn about receiving rewards as mistakes made by the gorillas in the beginning of the experiments gradually decreased.
Selective laser sintering (SLS) uses powdered material as the substrate for printing new objects. SLS can be used to create metal, plastic, and ceramic objects. This technique uses a laser, that is controlled by a computer, as the power source to sinter powdered material. The laser traces a cross-section of the shape of the desired object in the powder, which fuses it together into a solid form.
Diplopia is the simultaneous perception of two images of a single object that may be displaced horizontally, vertically, diagonally (i.e., both vertically and horizontally), or rotationally in relation to each other.Cassin, B. & Solomon, S. (1990) Dictionary of Eye Terminology. Gainesville, Florida: Triad Publishing Company It is usually the result of impaired function of the extraocular muscles, where both eyes are still functional, but they cannot turn to target the desired object.
A point-and-shoot interface is an efficient object-oriented, text-based interface, usually presented on a non-GUI platform such as DOS or mainframe computers. In a point-and-shoot, many objects are displayed in a list, and to the left of each object is an input field. The operator interacts by moving the cursor to the desired object and marking it by typing a letter or number which represents a command or function.
A scent transfer unit is a vacuum device used to collect scent evidence from a crime scene or item of evidence. The unit was invented by Bill Tolhurst (a former president of the National Police Bloodhound Association) while working for the Niagara County Sheriff's Department. Several law enforcement agencies have bought scent transfer units. The device works by vacuuming an odour from a desired object onto a sterile gauze pad placed over the air intake.
Switch access may be placed near any area of the body which has consistent and reliable mobility and less subject to fatigue. Common sites include the hands, head, and feet. Eye gaze and head mouse systems can also be used as an alternative mouse navigation. A user may utilize single or multiple switch sites and the process often involves a scanning through items on a screen and activating the switch once the desired object is highlighted.
Icchā śákti (or Iccha shakti) is a Sanskrit term translating to "will-power". It is used as a technical subdivision of Shakti in Shaktism. Helena Petrona Blavatsky in her The Secret Doctrine (1888) introduced the concept of Itcha sakti (will-power): : "Its most ordinary manifestation is the generation of certain nerve currents which set in motion such muscles as are required for the accomplishment of the desired object".Helena Petrona Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Penguin, 2016 [Theosophical Publishing House, 1888], p. 208.
Sor Violante do Ceu introduces the humor of self-parody and gender play that become more explicit, as found in her poetic romance, "Amada prenda del alma" (Rimas varias) . In this work, she presents an all-female love triangle that implicitly pokes fun at the inevitability of heterosexual possessiveness (Dugaw 10). The woman, the desired object of exchange, moves not between men, but from woman speaker to woman addressee. In these poems, the extremes are not of hierarchical gender positions, as found with heterosexual love, but feeling.
The relationship giver-receiver is always asymmetrical: the former are higher in status. Also, Kula valuables are ranked according to value and age, as are the relationships that are created through their exchange. Participants will often strive to obtain particularly valuable and renowned Kula objects whose owner's fame will spread quickly through the archipelago. Such a competition unfolds through different persons offering pokala (offerings) and kaributu (solicitory gifts) to the owner, thus seeking to induce him to engage in a gift exchange relationship involving the desired object.
The strict version of this view is that these functions are social actions that have been internalized. Pointing, according to Vygotsky, starts out as an attempt to grab a desired object. Then, a transitional gesture develops in which the individual reaches toward the object when it is desired as a cue to another to retrieve it. This transitional gesture, says Vygotsky, is an important step toward language in that participation in these social interactions are internalized and become an understanding of the psychological functions of others.
In the Pramāṇavārttika Dharmakīrti defines a pramana as a "reliable cognition". What it means for a cognition to be reliable has been interpreted in different ways. Following commentators like Dharmottara, who define it as meaning that a cognition is able to lead to the obtaining of one's desired object, some modern scholars such as Jose I. Cabezon have interpreted Dharmakīrti as defending a form of Pragmatism.Cabezón, José I., 2000, "Truth in Buddhist Theology," in R. Jackson and J. Makransky, (eds.), Buddhist Theology, Critical Reflections by Contemporary Buddhist Scholars.
The commercially-made unilens monocular is a convenient pocket size. Its metal mount can be clipped onto a wooden pole in a manner somewhat reminiscent of the "selfie stick" used with today's cameras, onto a walking stick, trekking pole, or umbrella tip. Original instructions advise the user to sit with the arm holding the device resting on the knee and to move the lens forward and back until the desired object is in focus. Normally this is when the lens is held about four feet from the user's eye.
Similar results followed with a perception of slope test, in which participants were in high and low choice groups to push themselves up a slope on skateboard with only their arms. Again, the high choice group perceived the slope as shallower than the low choice in order to reduce cognitive dissonance. Both of these studies suggest that intraphysic motives play a role in perception of environments in order to encourage the perceiver to engage in behaviors that lead them either to acquire a desired object or be able to complete a desired task.
The Telrad, a reflector sight for astronomical telescopes introduced in the late 1970s Reflector sights have been used over the years in nautical navigation devices and surveying equipment. Albada type sights were used on early large format cameras, "Point and shoot" type cameras, and on simple disposable cameras. These sights are also used on astronomical telescopes as finderscopes, to help aim the telescope at the desired object. There are many commercial models, the first of which was the Telrad, invented by amateur astronomer Steve Kufeld in the late 1970s.
We see frequently the vices and follies of the powerful much less despised than the poverty and weakness of the innocent. To deserve, to acquire, and to enjoy the respect and admiration of mankind, are the great objects of ambition and emulation. Two different roads are presented to us, equally leading to the attainment of this so much desired object; the one, by the study of wisdom and the practice of virtue; the other, by the acquisition of wealth and greatness. Two different characters are presented to our emulation; the one, of proud ambition and ostentatious avidity.
When an economist observes an exchange, two important value functions are revealed: those of the buyer and seller. Just as the buyer reveals what he is willing to pay for a certain amount of a good, so too does the seller reveal what it costs him to give up the good. Additional information about market value is obtained by the rate at which transactions occur, telling observers the extent to which the purchase of the good has value over time. Said another way, value is how much a desired object or condition is worth relative to other objects or conditions.
These crosshairs are generally illuminated by a small LED. Reflector sights are useful for locating bright objects visible to the naked eye such as stars and planets. Since the sight uses a beam splitter "window", instead of an optical telescope with the ability to gather light, objects dimmer than the naked eye limit can not be seen through it. Finding dim objects with a reflector sight is accomplished by using the object's known position relative to brighter objects as a reference and then slewing a known angular distance (or "star hopping") from the bright object to the desired object.
Optic ataxia has been often confused with Balint's syndrome, but recent research has shown that optic ataxia can occur independently of Balint's syndrome. Optic ataxia patients usually have troubles reaching toward visual objects on the side of the world opposite to the side of brain damage. Often these problems are relative to current gaze direction, and appear to be remapped along with changes in gaze direction. Some patients with damage to the parietal cortex show "magnetic reaching": a problem in which reaches seem drawn toward the direction of gaze, even when it is deviated from the desired object of grasp.
Any satellites in areostationary orbit will suffer from increased orbital station keeping costs, Silva and Romero's paper even includes a graph of acceleration, where a reaction force could be calculated using the mass of desired object: because the Clarke belt of Mars lies between the orbits of the planet's two natural satellites. Phobos has a semi- major axis of 9,376 km, and Deimos has a semi-major axis of 23,463 km. The close proximity to Phobos' orbit in particular (the larger of the two moons) will cause unwanted orbital resonance effects that will gradually shift the orbit of areostationary satellites.
Though the printer-produced resolution is sufficient for many applications, greater accuracy can be achieved by printing a slightly oversized version of the desired object in standard resolution and then removing material using a higher-resolution subtractive process. The layered structure of all Additive Manufacturing processes leads inevitably to a stair-stepping effect on part surfaces which are curved or tilted in respect to the building platform. The effects strongly depend on the orientation of a part surface inside the building process. Some printable polymers such as ABS, allow the surface finish to be smoothed and improved using chemical vapor processes based on acetone or similar solvents.
Ocular motility should always be tested, especially when patients complain of double vision or physicians suspect neurologic disease. First, the doctor should visually assess the eyes for deviations that could result from strabismus, extraocular muscle dysfunction, or palsy of the cranial nerves innervating the extraocular muscles. Saccades are assessed by having the patient move his or her eye quickly to a target at the far right, left, top and bottom. This tests for saccadic dysfunction whereupon poor ability of the eyes to "jump" from one place to another may impinge on reading ability and other skills, whereby the eyes are required to fixate and follow a desired object.
Gans agrees with Girard that human language originates in the context of a mimetic crisis, but he does not find the scapegoat mechanism, by itself, as an adequate explanation for the origin of language. Gans hypothesizes that language originates in "an aborted gesture of appropriation," which signifies the desired object as sacred and which memorializes the birth of language, serving as the basis for rituals which recreate the originary event symbolically. The originary sign serves to defer the mimetic violence threatening the group, hence Gans's capsule definition of culture as "the deferral of violence through representation." For a more detailed explanation of the originary hypothesis, see Generative Anthropology.
This indicator, known as the Herzog Teleseme, was one of the conveniences of Holland House, serving as a signalling system. It consisted of a dial sunk into the wall, and connected by electricity with the office; upon this dial were printed 140 articles at times needed by travellers, and the guest moved the pointer until it pointed at the desired object, and then pressed an electric button, whereupon the clerk in the office sent up the desired newspaper, or bottle, or food, or any other needed thing. The rooms had brass bedsteads, red-birch woodwork, Wilton carpets, and modern furniture. Holland House was fire-proof, and contained sanitary plumbing.
She may have drawn inspiration from the general fashion for anything Pharaonic, inspired by the French researches during the Napoleonic invasion of Egypt; the 1821 public unwrappings of Egyptian mummies in a theatre near Piccadilly, which she may have attended as a girl, and very likely, the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. As Shelley had written of Frankenstein's creation, "A mummy again endued with animation could not be so hideous as that wretch," which may have triggered young Miss Webb's later concept. In any case, at many points she deals in greater clarity with elements from the earlier book: the loathing for the much-desired object, the immediate arrest for crime and attempt to lie one's way out of it, etc.
The power of appetitive mimesis in conjunction with the threat of violence is such that the central object begins to assume a sacred aura – infinitely desirable and infinitely dangerous. Mimesis thus gives rise to a pragmatic paradox: the double imperative to take the desired object for personal gain, and to refrain from taking it to avoid conflict. In other words, imitating the rival means not imitating the rival, because imitation leads to conflict, the attempt to destroy rather than imitate (Gans, Signs of Paradox 18). Generative Anthropology theorizes that when this mimetic instinct becomes so powerful that it seems to possess a sacred force endangering the survival of the group, the resultant intra- species pressure favours the emergence of the sign.
In a master/slave configuration, a supervising static camera is used to monitor a wide field of view and to track every moving target of interest. The position of each of these targets over time is then provided to a foveal camera, which tries to observe the targets at a higher resolution. Both the static and the active cameras are calibrated to a common reference, so that data coming from one of them can be easily projected onto the other, in order to coordinate the control of the active sensors. Another possible use of the master/slave approach consists of a static (master) camera extracting visual features of an object of interest, while the active (slave) sensor uses these features to detect the desired object without the need of any training data.
Medieval tornesel coin die from Frankfurt am Main Artistic medals have been produced since the late Renaissance period, and, after some classical precedents and Late Medieval revivals, the form was essentially invented by Pisanello, who is credited with the first portrait medal, which has remained a very popular type. He cast them like bronze sculptures, rather than minting them like coins. Medalists are also often confusingly referred to as "engravers" in reference works, referring to the "engraving" of dies, although this is often in fact not the technique used; however many also worked in engraving, the technique in printmaking. The production of coins is accomplished through the use of either a die for minting coins by hammering or, in modern times, milling or, mostly in prehistoric times and also in Asia, a mold for casting the desired object.
They also bought two sons of Old Grimes, a famous plain-bodied Vermont ram, but from then on they bred only from their own sheep. In 1871, Fred Peppin said, > "We were satisfied with the type of wool that the country would grow, > instead of endeavoring to produce what the climate and soil continually > fight against. Thus we developed all its good natural tendencies and after > the flock had a character of its own, tried experiments on a small scale > only, and in such a way that they could do no permanent injury, and > abandoned then when they were found not to achieve the desired object." They ran some Lincoln ewes, but their introduction into the flock is undocumented. In 1874, the Peppin brothers, George and Frederick, formed a double stud (recorded ewe and ram pedigree), the foundation stock being selected by T. F. Cumming.
" :"Fifthly. Whatever may be the limit of the power of Congress over interstate commerce, it is believed that the attempt to regulate the business of transportation by general congressional enactments establishing rates and fares on 1,300 railways, aggregating nearly one-half the railway mileage of the world, and embracing an almost infinite variety of circumstances and conditions, requires more definite and detailed information than is now in the possession of Congress or of your Committee. Believing that any ill-advised measures, in this direction, would tend to postpone indefinitely the attainment of the desired object — cheap transportation — the Committee deem it expedient to confine their recommendations, in this regard, to such measures only as may be enacted with entire safety, reserving other matters of legislation for further inquiry and consideration." Adroitly phrasing their initial conclusions on such contested historical issues as the Commerce Clause, the need for internal improvements and their funding, but with the continuing lack of political consensus, and insufficient data, the committee recommended the following "for present action", then continued with their conclusions ::"1.

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