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131 Sentences With "demonizes"

How to use demonizes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "demonizes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "demonizes". Mastering all the usages of "demonizes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He demonizes those who don't look like us -- undeniable.
Such a charitable description unfairly demonizes Israel and romanticizes Palestinians.
He demonizes sources of information that are not sufficiently supportive.
Our culture readily demonizes parental ambivalence, never mind parental alienation.
So, in some ways, I would say she demonizes us.
Look at The New York Times, which the President demonizes often.
She demonizes us, she demagogues us, but she does it while smiling.
It demonizes people who disagree and turns political opponents into personal enemies.
Minority voters who Trump demonizes are surging to the polls in huge numbers.
Anti-Muslim rhetoric that demonizes Islam does more than feed into harmful stereotypes.
"The president demonizes immigrants, documented and undocumented, and also relies heavily on them."
The film never demonizes the internet or even lays out an explicit ideological statement.
But Trump engages in the worst kind of demagoguery about it, and he demonizes immigrants.
He demonizes his opposition as terrorist collaborators, yet still allows them to participate in elections.
But a person on the edge of inside neither idolizes the Us nor demonizes the Them.
It fetishizes privacy, demonizes technology and assumes that government is the right institution to protect us.
When Trump demonizes journalists as "the enemy of the American people," that is an outrageous overstep.
As Trump demonizes the media, he gins up his base to harass them at his rallies.
Opponents contend it demonizes transgender people and limits government protections against discrimination for gays and lesbians.
The more each party embraces its extremes and extremists, the more each demonizes and dehumanizes the other.
It has been exporting a fundamentalist Wahhabist ideology for years that demonizes Shia, Jews, Christians and the West.
Yeah, and even though you hold that view, The Deuce never really demonizes the industry in its narrative.
Ducournau demonizes neither character — even when Justine starts sampling human flesh — or any other character in her film.
It demonizes calorically dense and delicious foods, preserving a vicious fallacy: Thin is healthy and healthy is thin.
By all means, stand up to Trump when he demonizes immigrants or separates families, but pick your battles.
" She thinks the federal government demonizes pot, but in her circles "there's a lot of trust in marijuana.
It demonizes queer culture as being promiscuous but perpetually fights against allowing it the legitimacy afforded to monogamous relationships.
Vladimir Putin's spokesman says he isn't happy about Donald Trump's new ad which he says "demonizes" the president and Russia.
He is instinctively a divider rather than a uniter, a demagogue who demonizes anyone who tries to hold him accountable.
He demonizes socialism and focuses on more progressive Democrats as villains in order to paint the entire party as extreme.
Their fears are climbing as Trump ramps up deportations and falsely demonizes immigrants as stealing jobs and hurting the economy.
He scolds and demonizes us Americans whenever he speaks here, even when some of us have just been murdered by terrorists.
It recognizes that I identify with aspects of femininity but don't identify with the heteronormative system that trivializes and demonizes them.
Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent who calls himself a democratic socialist and who demonizes billionaires, is the front-runner in polling.
I think there is an obvious common theme here that he demonizes minorities and seeks to paint them as the other.
Objections and questions about the act are met with a backlash that demonizes the source as anti-victim or rape apologists.
"Pretty much any diet that either demonizes or glorifies one particular food is not going to be a good idea," says Zuk.
" Second, Trump proceeded to say he took no blame for his rhetoric, which repeatedly demonizes the news media: "Not at all, no.
Instead of celebrating the growth of tech companies that add millions upon millions to the tax coffers, San Francisco demonizes their success.
Throughout the nation's history no good has ever come from political posturing that demonizes opponents and offers simplistic solutions to complicated problems.
Facebook is ramping up a legal fight with the Italian government over a neo-fascist group that idolizes Mussolini and demonizes immigrants.
But North Korea demonizes Japan domestically, using World War II-era characterizations focusing on the occupation of the Korean peninsula, according to Schuster.
Gay rights leaders and transgender people said the legislation demonizes the community and espouses bogus claims about increasing the risk of sexual assaults.
You have access to all kinds of cynicism that puts down the way your family lives and demonizes the way the community lives.
"We decided to protest because we don't want to live in a country that demonizes and oppresses immigrant communities," Ball told Business Insider.
Not to mention, it demonizes the procedure and marginalizes the experience of the thousands of trans people who benefit from it every year.
The wellness industry demonizes food and tells us to avoid fat, or sugar, or gluten or dairy, even in the absence of disease.
But I didn't understand why anyone would expect the DNC to lend it's credibility to a channel that demonizes the Democrats every night.
"I think that part of why this study is troubling is that we live in a sex-negative culture that demonizes sex," she said.
Trump attacks, demonizes and defames a long and growing list of Americans who may be liberals or conservatives who he treats as political enemies.
" The Democratic front-runner was more direct on Wednesday, accusing Trump and Cruz by name of using "offensive, inflammatory rhetoric that demonizes all Muslims.
"It means replacing a President who demeans and demonizes people with a president who believes in empathy, compassion and respect for everyone," he said.
The last thing we need is another president who demonizes and lies about anyone who disagrees with him, and can't admit ever being wrong.
Advertised as "a classic Christmas story for a changing world," it instead demonizes a woman for caring more about her career than her boyfriend.
Although Hungary receives billions of dollars annually from the European Union, his government regularly demonizes the bloc, even spending tax dollars on anti-E.
It's to the film's credit, however, that it never demonizes Drew, despite his nightly withdrawals to their bedroom to bury himself in a video game.
But Walsh is betting on Republican fatigue with Trump's impulsive and dysfunctional governing style, the way he personally demonizes his opponents, and his frequent lies.
But Walsh is betting on Republican fatigue with Trump's impulsive and dysfunctional governing style, the way he personally demonizes his opponents, and his frequent lies.
But there's another genre that seems to have the same proselytizing agenda that champions Christianity and demonizes all other faiths (including the faithless): horror movies.
When the President demonizes and stirs up hatred against immigrants, he is not only attacking my hometown -- he is attacking the very meaning of America.
Warren would be bad for the markets and economy because she demonizes the wealthy, said billionaire fund manager Leon Cooperman in a recent CNBC interview.
Assuming that Hillary Clinton wins, she will face an opposing party that demonizes her and denies her legitimacy no matter how large her margin of victory.
And we certainly can't support a big wall with a "Trump" logo on it, or the candidate who demonizes Latinos and calls new immigrants rapists and murderers.
But if you mock these concepts without bothering to understand them, you're no better than your "PC" leftist adversary who demonizes your words without bothering to explain why.
The political climate that demonizes the right is one that will lead not just to more division, but to surprise election results like we saw three years ago.
Asprey glorifies coconut oil and demonizes olive oil, ignoring the wealth of randomized trials (the highest quality of evidence) that have demonstrated olive oil is beneficial for health.
To hear Andrew Yang talk is to understand why it is possible for people like the Petersons to support him: Unlike the president, he never demonizes other Americans.
For all that he demonizes everyone who isn't a rich Anglo-descended white guy, his characters are constantly being forced to see things from the Other's point of view.
"Orwell's portrait of a government that manufactures their own facts, demands total obedience, and demonizes foreign enemies has never been timelier," organizers of the event wrote on their site.
It's time to pull back the curtain on the disconnected myth that glorifies lawless "independence" and demonizes federal agencies and the public lands they manage for all of us.
These raids are, of course, part of a concerted agenda to stoke xenophobia and hatred, visiting yet another terror upon the immigrant communities this administration ceaselessly otherizes and demonizes.
America's criminal-justice system represents the collective will of millions of decision makers — voters, politicians, judges and prosecutors — who have created a structure that demonizes and denigrates black bodies.
As with most gender-flipped A Christmas Carols, this one also demonizes a career woman by implying that the moral of the story is sticking to gender roles more.
I asked him what he thought about the American press corps' quandary when it comes to covering a president, like Mr. Trump, who trades in falsehoods and demonizes journalists.
"ACT demonizes all Muslims as terrorists who want to subvert the political system in this country," said Heidi Beirich, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Instead, this GOP "Anyone-but-Trump" strategy will hand the election to Hillary Clinton, as it games the system, demonizes Trump, antagonizes his supporters--and fractures the party even further.
He demonizes protesters at his rallies as "vicious," and on Sunday several times he repeated the lie that the man who stormed the stage in Ohio was linked to ISIS.
A leader or a government draws a circle around a group of people and generalizes them and demonizes them, making it a matter of necessity to hate them as a whole.
Mr. Trump, highly unpopular among voters who will choose the Democratic nominee, routinely demonizes the press, labeling it "the enemy of the people" and attacking individual outlets in strikingly personal terms.
We know that labeling any food "good" and "bad" elevates or demonizes foods, which can make you feel guilty when you eat a food that you've decided is "not good," she says.
Director Kate Woods helmed four episodes (four, five, six and seven) of Netflix&aposs "Messiah," and says that the show was designed to be controversial amidst criticism that the show demonizes Muslims.
The alternative holds that Trump was lying and that he is an intentionally divisive and destructive leader of truly bad character who demonizes one set of constituents to stir resentment among another.
In a time in which Donald Trump openly demonizes minorities and gins up hate of those who look or pray differently, this was a victory for the American ideals of tolerance and pluralism.
An unending drumbeat of propaganda, from both official state outlets and private media empires aligned with the government, demonizes refugees and Muslims, falsely warning of an existential threat to Hungarian society and culture.
After Betty implies the Black Hood might be from the Southside, Toni immediately comes to the defense of her home, suggesting Betty demonizes the Southside due to her privilege — and that super-tight updo.
Indeed, while some radical feminists consider the term TERF to be a slur that demonizes their views, the term was popularized by radical feminists who wanted to separate themselves from their anti-trans peers.
There, in one of the global elite's premier beachheads, they chatted radiantly with Democrats, whom Trump demonizes, and members of the news media, which Trump has cast as an enemy of the American people.
Politics has always been about groups: us versus them, what group gets what, whether you trust people from another group, which group will govern, and whether you will support a candidate who demonizes another group.
SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: And we&aposll have the latest, and the latest in the battle, the left demonizes all things Conservative especially the president&aposs Supreme Court pick, whoever it ends up being.
Moscow is not happy with Donald Trump's new pre-election video slating Vladimir Putin as a judo-wielding anti-hero, saying the attack ad, although aimed at Hillary Clinton, in fact demonizes the Russian leader.
"While the Trump Administration demonizes those who are fleeing violence from Central America, California is committed to lifting up our immigrant communities and understanding the root causes of migration," Newsom told the newspaper in a statement.
Tanya GuyattCharlotte, N.C. To the Editor: To proclaim that women do 65 percent of the housework and child care because men passively "resist" doing their share demeans, dismisses and demonizes dads — and ignores decades of research.
But he continues to call entitlements "freedoms," and in doing so demonizes employers and the so-called "1 percent" — while failing to mention that he makes over $85033,000 a year, nearly double the average CEO salary.
Instead of quietly regulating abortion out of existence using obscure "admitting privileges" or "ambulatory surgical center" laws, anti-abortion activists are shifting back to visceral, often misleading rhetoric that both humanizes the fetus and demonizes abortion.
She has been successful — close to 90 percent of Win's clients are still living independently a year after they are discharged from the shelter system — and she has fought aggressively to reframe the narrative that demonizes homelessness.
If Biden wins only the nomination, I won't have to worry that there's a fair chance that, in Bernie Sanders, a man could be elected president who, without nuance or discrimination, demonizes entire sectors of American industry.
Like the president, Moore is a conspiracy theorist who demonizes religious minorities; he once wrote that Keith Ellison, a Democrat from Minnesota, should not be allowed to serve in the House of Representatives because he is Muslim.
Next time Trump demonizes the press — and there will be a next time — take a moment to reflect on Julie Brown and what this country would be like if we didn't have a free, fair and vibrant press.
"'Broken windows policing is a Giuliani-era approach to policing which has no consideration for any of the norms of justice and really demonizes and terrorizes communities of color," Donna Lieberman, executive director of the NYCLU, told me.
Pain and fear However, Trump's success has also stirred pain and fear in the hearts of millions of people, most of them legal citizens, who look like the immigrants he demonizes, carry names like theirs and speak accented English.
Any structured eating plan or "healthy eating plan" that demonizes certain food groups, puts stress on daily food choices and can fall into the realm of disordered eating, says Danielle Zolotnitsky, RD, an outpatient dietitian at Einstein Medical Center.
So it was familiar and personal terrain to them, and they spent years on the floor at the factory with their team to capture a well-rounded view of what happened that neither demonizes nor glosses over the conflicts.
I mean how reliably Trump's outrageous behavior always reaches journalists, as government officials use the very media that he demonizes to expose his malfeasance, ridicule his cluelessness, warn Americans about his intentions and head him off at the pass.
He likened adults bringing children to the border, who include people fleeing the violent Central American cartels the Trump administration routinely demonizes, to petty criminals: "If you rob a liquor store, you're going to be separated from your kids."
Throughout the 2016 election cycle, church elders have issued thinly veiled condemnations of Trump (who only received 14 percent of the vote at the Utah GOP caucus) and encouraged LDS voters to aid Syrian refugees, a group Trump routinely demonizes.
The bottom line to keep in mind is that any structured eating plan or "healthy eating plan" that puts excess stress on daily food choices or demonizes whole food groups is a diet, and can fall into the disordered eating realm.
What makes "MC, Middle, Headliner" work is how it never directly demonizes the anti-PC Jason (Dov Davidoff) as an uncouth loudmouth, but it also doesn't celebrate him as a bold truth-teller being held back by a repressive culture.
On the one hand, overblowing the risks of e-cigarettes demonizes what may be a potentially less dangerous (albeit still risky) alternative to cigarettes for adult smokers; on the other hand, underselling the risks could wind up increasing teen vaping, he says.
To have all of the work we have done in elevating our progressive ideals be dashed away by a complete Republican takeover of Washington — a takeover headed by a candidate that demonizes Latinos, Muslims, women, African Americans, veterans, and others — would be unthinkable.
But McCain's party was already well along in the process of becoming what it is today — a party that is not only completely dominated by climate deniers, but is hostile to science in general, that demonizes and tries to destroy scientists who challenge its dogma.
Tomorrow it&aposs the FBI director Wray and Rod Rosenstein and it will be on TV. And we&aposll have the latest and the latest on the battle of the left demonizes all things conservative especially the president&aposs Supreme Court pick wherever it ends up being.
So despite the rhetoric of the right that demonizes, criminalizes and attempts to demoralize and sometimes outright arch-villianize Latinos, every Latino person I met during this episode was very hopeful about their future, no matter how dire their circumstances in the present seemed to me.
It's also worth being said that society sort of demonizes and delegitimizes trans women's sexualities, creating this sub-industrial market where transgender sexuality is really valuable, even though it's secretive because people are so disgusted with their attraction to us, while simultaneously getting off because of us.
By some strange trick of physics, you can lean to the left (criticizing the sexual subjugation of women by the governmental and religious authorities of a Muslim country) and inadvertently graze the right (in France, the extreme-right National Front Party often demonizes Muslims this way).
" Both criticized the Trump administration of promoting an immigration policy that demonizes those seeking a better life in the US. "My parents came from Jamaica on banana boats and raised two children here, that one became a teacher and the other had success as a soldier.
An unending drumbeat of propaganda, from both official state outlets and the private media empires of Orbán allies, demonizes refugees and Muslims, warning of an existential threat to Hungarian society and culture — and touting the Orbán regime as the only thing protecting the country from an Islamic takeover.
While Vietnamese history decries and demonizes the invasion, and would try to ostracize these children as the products of prostitution or rapes by invaders, Phan began to find very different stories, many of them touching stories of love and remembrance, stories that did not fit into the dominant narrative.
One of those parties attacks the victims of sexual assault, constantly deploys racist rhetoric, wishes to write trans people out of the law, demonizes immigrants, courts white supremacists, spits up conspiracy theories, and fawns over a man whose already-rotten brain was long ago melted by basic cable.
In its list, the group said Trump creates his own media; exploits youth at a rally; endorses police brutality; demonizes people who believe, look or love differently; strips vulnerable people of their families, jobs and ability to live; and believes Congress should change its rules to give him more power.
The organization is concerned about rhetoric that "dehumanizes" and "demonizes" the enemy or suggests that a particular adversary is "outside the bounds of humanity" and can be treated "as if humanitarian law doesn't apply," the group's deputy director for the Middle East, Patrick Hamilton, told reporters via a telephone conference call.
It was evident when the country took the land and the lives of a once-thriving Native American population, and again when the government endorsed the internment of innocent Japanese-American families during World War II; it can be seen again today, as a new president uses rhetoric that demonizes Muslim American citizens.
Women, blacks, Hispanics, seniors and young people have it within their voting power to defeat a president who foments national division, exploits racial tension, and demonizes whole groups of Americans while his party makes a mockery of calling itself the party of Lincoln by waging hostile and anti-democratic attacks against their right to vote.
" China's state press trumpets those moves at every opportunity ("Spying Bogey Demonizes Chinese in US," as a headline in the Global Times put it), because they advance the Communist Party's argument that American pressure is born not of reason but of anxiety over a rival that is, in the words of Kiron Skinner, "not Caucasian.
She also demonstrates a deep understanding of the power of the media and the optics of racial inequality and solidarity—with a cameo in Beyoncé's "Lemonade" and her performance as the leading actress in The Hate U Give, a film adaptation of Angie Thomas's YA novel about police shootings and the way our police state demonizes black bodies.
" Omar also, perhaps unintentionally, draws parallels between science fiction, historically viewed as a "lesser" literature, and Muslims, viewed as a "lesser" human: "As a community often subjected to a narrative that demonizes them and depicts them as the ultimate 'other,' this type of [science fiction] storytelling could help bridge the gap separating them from mainstream society.
And the drama playing out in Turkey today is the story of just how off track a once successful country can get when a leader who demonizes all his rivals and dabbles in crazy conspiracy theories comes to believe that he alone is The Man — the only one who can make his country great again — and ensconces himself in power.
She is living proof that President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE couldn't be more wrong — both morally and factually — when he demonizes those who come to America seeking a better life.
A culture that lionizes male sexual conquest and ignores or even demonizes women's sexual desire does not absolve anyone from committing a crime, but growing up in such a culture certainly makes men more likely to disregard women's feelings and see sex as a way to bolster their own masculinity rather than something that should take place between two enthusiastically consenting adults.
And to the police officers, and the firemen, and the first responders, the heroes who rushed in to burning buildings instead of out of burning buildings, the last seven years of having a president, having an attorney general that demonizes you, that vilifies you, that sides with the criminals land looters instead of the brave men and women of law enforcement, that will end on January 20, 2017.
Facts Matter is more of a behind the scenes initiative to ensure that stories about immigration are properly fact-checked, which leads to a lack of "statistical perspective, and are spread in order to enflame fear in the public," according to Kristian Ramos, the organization's Communications Director "Our Words Matter and Facts Matter campaigns have positioned our organization to tackle a media landscape which has in some ways been infected with nationalist fervor which demonizes immigrants and people of color," said Ramos.
In July of that year, the inspector general sent the allegations to Quinn's office, which will investigate the medical care and oversight IHSC provides at a time when President Donald Trump demonizes immigrants, detains them in record numbers, and enacts restrictive policies to keep them out of the US. The allegations in the DHS memo, if corroborated, are a cry from someone working for ICE echoing what advocates, lawsuits, and other media reports have been saying for years: The medical care ICE provides and oversees for immigrants in private and local jails could be very bad.

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