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29 Sentences With "deemphasizes"

How to use deemphasizes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "deemphasizes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "deemphasizes". Mastering all the usages of "deemphasizes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

A horror game that deemphasizes combat can certainly work, but The Evil Within lacked focus.
Doctor groups have recently begun pushing for a new practice of medicine that deemphasizes the role of pain.
Either way, the Twitter sorting algorithm deemphasizes content with weak feedback, so if tweetstormers are boring their audience, they'll pay the price in visibility.
"Many market participants have either been regulated out of the market or management deemphasizes those areas where they got their fingers burnt," Kohli said.
When a text or teacher ignores or deemphasizes the struggles of the labor movement it serves the interests of those who are anti-union today.
This is among the most important points of emphasis in military doctrine to emerge in the 21st century, one the nation ignores or deemphasizes at its peril.
Adam was raised a secular humanist, a "nonreligous lifestance" that deemphasizes the role a God-like entity plays in a person's life and emphasizes making good personal decisions.
Moreover, their modestly straightforward simplicity deemphasizes their conceptual character, so that, in the end, the viewer is left to experience the pure appeal of nothing but paint and canvas.
They can use that clout to help create program content that deemphasizes weapons, puts violence in context, and makes sure the proprietors of criminal violence are the bad guys.
Lopez Obrador took office late last year pledging to pacify the country with a security policy that deemphasizes armed confrontation, following years of military-led offensives against powerful drug cartels.
As we touched upon at WWDC in June, Apple's reworked some of the core functions to make launching apps significantly faster through a new "Dock" and deemphasizes the app grid screen.
It feels like something many critics and fans have asked for, a new kind of blockbuster that deemphasizes violence and weapons, making room and time for some bigger and more audacious ideas.
An approach that deemphasizes the financial center, and instead seeks to redistribute investment capital — and political capital — to traditionally marginalized communities in ways that will not reproduce the inequitable aspects of gentrification?
The question now is whether Warren adjusts or deemphasizes her support for Medicare for All in hopes of winning back some of the support she's lost over the past six to eight weeks.
For one, the band usually deemphasizes traditional black metal atmosphere for sheer intensity, references to Satanism are infrequent and seem more metaphysical or allegorical—though it can admittedly be hard to tell, as the band does not publish their lyrics—and the duo dresses like normal human beings during live performances.
Integrated vector control may also alleviate pressure on mass drug administration, especially with respect to rapidly evolving drug resistance. Combining vector control and mass drug administration deemphasizes both, making each less susceptible to resistance evolution.
Some county attorneys and sheriffs take an approach emphasizing strict enforcement, while others take an approach that deemphasizes prosecution for minor offenses.Bill Kelly, How Tough is Nebraska on Pot Possession? Depends on the County, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (September 18, 2014).
CIT is used as an interview technique, where the informants are encouraged to talk about unusual organizational incidents instead of answering direct questions. Using CIT deemphasizes the inclusion of general opinions about management and working procedures, instead focusing on specific incidents. In market research, CIT has been used more frequently in the last ten years.
The Impossibility of Reason was recorded with six-string guitars in drop C tuning, a standard that future albums would follow, and deemphasizes electronic effects. Rob Arnold later explained that the higher tuning allows "much more clarity and power to the attack" in comparison to the murky drop A tuning used on Pass Out of Existence.Holland, Brian D. Rob Arnold Interview Modern Guitars Magazine (August 21, 2007). Retrieved on 12-04-10.
In practice, the cut does not break the suspension of disbelief necessary to keep an audience engaged to a narrative or program. The cut represents a continuous transition in setting and time—in turn, the dissolve and wipe respectively identify changes in time and setting. In many cases, cuts are also used in place of dissolves or wipes for minor changes, or to edit away insignificant details to maintain pace. Usage of the cut in this manner conforms to the goals of continuity editing, which deemphasizes the presence of the film crew.
" Some film critics were polarized with Star Trek. Keith Phipps of The A.V. Club gave the film a 'B+' grade, and asserted that it was "a reconsideration of what constitutes Star Trek, one that deemphasizes heady concepts and plainly stated humanist virtues in favor of breathless action punctuated by bursts of emotion. It might not even be immediately recognizable to veteran fans." In concurrence, Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times stated that "the Gene Roddenberry years, when stories might play with questions of science, ideals or philosophy, have been replaced by stories reduced to loud and colorful action.
Ghost notes, however, are not simply the unaccented notes in a pattern. The unaccented notes in such a pattern as a clave are considered to represent the mean level of emphasis—they are neither absolutely emphasized nor unemphasized. If one further deemphasizes one of these unaccented notes to the same or a similar extent to which the accented notes in the pattern are emphasized, then one has 'ghosted' that note. In a case in which a ghost note is deemphasized to the point of silence, that note then represents a rhythmic placeholder in much the same way as does a rest.
The Sierra Club, The Humane Society, and the Eco-Justice Program have all officially endorsed the Green Bible. Reaction to the Green Bible among Christian leaders has been mixed. Some leaders have praised the concept of the Green Bible, but have raised issues with how some content is presented, stating that the environmental message deemphasizes the Bible’s central message of the Gospels. Richard Land, head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission said about the edition: “Sure it's important, but when they asked Jesus what was most important, he said, 'Love your God, and love your neighbor as yourself.' He didn't say anything about creation”.
When taking an Implicit Association Test, people with induced high-level construals are significantly faster at associating temptations (such as candy bars) with "bad," and healthy choices (such as apples) with "good" than those in the low- level condition. Further, higher-level construals also show a significantly increased likelihood of choosing an apple for snack over a candy bar. Without any conscious or active self-control efforts, temptations can be dampened by merely inducing high-level construals. It is suggested that the abstraction of high-level construals reminds people of their overall, lifelong values, such as a healthy lifestyle, which deemphasizes the current tempting situation.
The character of Taizong was revised to suit the new context. The novel highlights the fact that Taizong is the emperor of China, and that even a man as powerful as he comes to accept the importance of charity and patronize Buddhism. Yet the shamanic narrative consistently deemphasizes the emperor's political position and instead simply posits him as an individual who comes to repent sin and embrace righteousness. In the original, the emperor is harassed by the spirits of soldiers who had died in his wasteful military campaigns; in the shamanic myth, he is threatened by the spirits of people whose property he had unjustly taken.
The cut-up method, because of its random or mechanical basis for text generation, combined with the possibilities of mixing in text written by other writers, deemphasizes the traditional role of the writer as creator or originator of a string of words, while simultaneously exalting the importance of the writer's sensibility as an editor. In this sense, the cut-up method may be considered as analogous to the collage method in the visual arts. New restored editions of The Nova Trilogy (or Cut-Up Trilogy), edited by Oliver Harris (President of the European Beat Studies Network) and published in 2014, included notes and materials to reveal the care with which Burroughs used his methods and the complex histories of his manuscripts.
The economic model recognizes the effect of bodily limitations on a person's ability to work, and there may be a need for economic support or accommodations for the person's disability while the charity model regards people with disabilities as unfortunate and in need of assistance from the outside, with those providing charity viewed as benevolent contributors to a needy population. The functional solutions model of disability is a practical perspective that identifies the limitations (or "functional impairments") due to disability, with the intent to create and promote solutions to overcome those limitations. The primary task is to eliminate, or at least reduce, the impact of the functional limitations of the body through technological or methodological innovation. The pragmatism of the functional solution model deemphasizes the sociopolitical aspects of disability, and instead prioritizes inventiveness and entrepreneurship.
A source of confusion is the notion that a transitional form between two different taxonomic groups must be a direct ancestor of one or both groups. The difficulty is exacerbated by the fact that one of the goals of evolutionary taxonomy is to identify taxa that were ancestors of other taxa. However, because evolution is a branching process that produces a complex bush pattern of related species rather than a linear process producing a ladder-like progression, and because of the incompleteness of the fossil record, it is unlikely that any particular form represented in the fossil record is a direct ancestor of any other. Cladistics deemphasizes the concept of one taxonomic group being an ancestor of another, and instead emphasizes the identification of sister taxa that share a more recent common ancestor with one another than they do with other groups.
For example, the large and highly diverse macroethnic groups of East Indians, North Africans, and Europeans are presumptively grouped as Caucasians prior to the analysis of their DNA variation. They argued that this a priori grouping limits and skews interpretations, obscures other lineage relationships, deemphasizes the impact of more immediate clinal environmental factors on genomic diversity, and can cloud our understanding of the true patterns of affinity. In 2015, Keith Hunley, Graciela Cabana, and Jeffrey Long analyzed the Human Genome Diversity Project sample of 1,037 individuals in 52 populations, finding that non-African populations are a taxonomic subgroup of African populations, that "some African populations are equally related to other African populations and to non-African populations," and that "outside of Africa, regional groupings of populations are nested inside one another, and many of them are not monophyletic." Earlier research had also suggested that there has always been considerable gene flow between human populations, meaning that human population groups are not monophyletic.

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