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32 Sentences With "curly braces"

How to use curly braces in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "curly braces" and check conjugation/comparative form for "curly braces". Mastering all the usages of "curly braces" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's not all junked up with "unnecessary" symbols, particularly curly braces.
Python ditches the curly braces, and instead does the same thing with indentation.
C code is an often rigid world of semicolons and curly braces and memory management.
In many if not most languages, curly braces are used to group together lines of code.
Our if-then from above would look like this in C++: Instead of curly braces, Python uses whitespace.
The first is that it ditches the curly braces employed in almost every other C-like programming language to group statements together.
The syntax mirrors that of C by design, and in a JavaScript program you'll find a similar mess of curly braces, semicolons, and return statements.
Rather than sprawling over line-endings and being broken up by a tangle of curly braces, each chunk would be surrounded with indented white space.
In C++ or Java (etc.), if you were to make it so that some stuff happens if some condition is true, you put all of that stuff inside of some curly braces after the condition to be evaluated.
A Refal Hello World example is shown below. $ENTRY Go { = ;} Hello { = ; } The program above includes two functions named Go and Hello. A function is written as the name of the function followed by the function body in curly braces. The Go function is marked as the entry point of the program using the $ENTRY directive.
Within a Spin code program, assembly code program(s) can be inline inserted. These assembler program(s) will then run on their own COGs. Like Python, Spin uses indentation whitespace, rather than curly braces or keywords, to delimit blocks. The Propeller's interpreter for its proprietary multi-threaded Spin computer language is a bytecode interpreter.
An undirected graph At its simplest, DOT can be used to describe an undirected graph. An undirected graph shows simple relations between objects, such as friendship between people. The graph keyword is used to begin a new graph, and nodes are described within curly braces. A double-hyphen (--) is used to show relations between the nodes.
Lua does not use the traditional curly braces or parenthesis. if/else statements only require the expression be followed by `then`, and closing the if/else statement with `end`. if hours < 24 and minutes < 60 and seconds < 60 then return true else return false end Indentation is optional. `and`, `or`, `not` are used in between true/false statements.
Python uses indentation to indicate control structures, so correct indentation is required. By doing this, the need for bracketing with curly braces (i.e. `{` and `}`) is eliminated. On the other hand, copying and pasting Python code can lead to problems, because the indentation level of the pasted code may not be the same as the indentation level of the current line.
Notational conventions vary from author to author, but sets are typically enclosed in curly braces: {} , or square brackets: [] . Some theorists use angle brackets to denote ordered sequences , while others distinguish ordered sets by separating the numbers with spaces . Thus one might notate the unordered set of pitch classes 0, 1, and 2 (corresponding in this case to C, C, and D) as {0,1,2}. The ordered sequence C-C-D would be notated or (0,1,2).
TeX commands commonly start with a backslash and are grouped with curly braces. Almost all of TeX's syntactic properties can be changed on the fly, which makes TeX input hard to parse by anything but TeX itself. TeX is a macro- and token-based language: many commands, including most user-defined ones, are expanded on the fly until only unexpandable tokens remain, which are then executed. Expansion itself is practically free from side effects.
Both Sass and Less are CSS preprocessors, which allow writing clean CSS in a programming construct instead of static rules.What's Wrong With CSS What's Wrong With CSS Less is inspired by Sass.About Less About Sass was designed to both simplify and extend CSS, so things like curly braces were removed from the syntax. Less was designed to be as close to CSS as possible, and as a result existing CSS can be used as valid Less code.
Chart of the Voice Quality Symbols, as of 2016 Voice Quality Symbols (VoQS) are a set of phonetic symbols used to transcribe disordered speech for what in speech pathology is known as "voice quality". This phrase only means what it does in phonetics (that is, phonation) in a few cases. In others it means secondary articulation. VoQS symbols are normally combined with curly braces that span a section of speech, just as with prosody notation in the extended IPA.
Classes corresponding to what are held to be species or genera are concrete sums of their concrete constituting individuals. For example, the class of philosophers is nothing but the sum of all concrete, individual philosophers. The principle of extensionality in set theory assures us that any matching pair of curly braces enclosing one or more instances of the same individuals denote the same set. Hence {a, b}, {b, a}, {a, b, a, b} are all the same set.
By prefixing a sequence of statements enclosed in curly braces with the keyword `atomic`, the user can indicate that the sequence is to be executed as one indivisible unit, non-interleaved with any other processes. atomic { statements; } Atomic sequences can be an important tool in reducing the complexity of verification models. Note that atomic sequences restrict the amount of interleaving that is allowed in a distributed system. Intractable models can be made tractable by labeling all manipulations of local variables with atomic sequences.
Perl programmers may initialize a hash (or associative array) from a list of key/value pairs. If the keys are separated from the values with the `=>` operator (sometimes called a fat comma), rather than a comma, they may be unquoted (barewords ). The following lines are equivalent: %favorite = ('joe', "red", 'sam', "blue"); %favorite = (joe => 'red', sam => 'blue'); Individual values in a hash are accessed by providing the corresponding key, in curly braces. The `$` sigil identifies the accessed element as a scalar.
It is likely that the name comes from the MX suffix given to Macromedia Studio products released in 2002 and 2004, or simply "Macromedia eXtensible Markup Language". MXML is used mainly to declaratively lay out the interface of applications and can also be used to implement business logic and internet application behaviors. It can contain chunks of ActionScript code, either when creating the body of an event handler function, or with data binding where the curly braces ({) syntax is used. MXML is often used with Flex Server, which dynamically compiles it into standard binary SWF files.
Such constants are generally safer to use than macros, since they reside within a specific identifier namespace. An enumerated type is declared with the specifier and an optional name (or tag) for the enum, followed by a list of one or more constants contained within curly braces and separated by commas, and an optional list of variable names. Subsequent references to a specific enumerated type use the keyword and the name of the enum. By default, the first constant in an enumeration is assigned the value zero, and each subsequent value is incremented by one over the previous constant.
A hash literal is a key- value list, with the preferred form using Perl's `=>` token, which makes the key-value association clearer: my %phone-book = 'Sally Smart' => '555-9999', 'John Doe' => '555-1212', 'J. Random Hacker' => '553-1337', ; Accessing a hash element uses the syntax `%hash_name{$key}` – the key is surrounded by curly braces and the hash name (note that the sigil does not change, contrary to Perl 5). The value of `%phone-book{'John Doe'}` is `'555-1212'`. The list of keys and values can be extracted using the built-in functions `keys` and `values`, respectively.
Such reformatting can be tedious to do by hand, but some text editors and IDEs have features to do it automatically. There are also problems when Python code being rendered unusable when posted on a forum or web page that removes white space, though this problem can be avoided where it is possible to enclose code in white space-preserving tags such as "
" (for HTML), "[code]" ... "[/code]" (for bbcode), etc. if hours < 24 and minutes < 60 and seconds < 60: return True else: return False Notice that Python does not use curly braces, but a regular colon (e.g. `else:`). Many Python programmers tend to follow a commonly agreed style guide known as PEP8.

A hash variable is marked by a `%` sigil, to distinguish it from scalar, array, and other data types. A hash literal is a key-value list, with the preferred form using Perl's `=>` token, which is semantically mostly identical to the comma and makes the key-value association clearer: my %phone_book = ( 'Sally Smart' => '555-9999', 'John Doe' => '555-1212', 'J. Random Hacker' => '553-1337', ); Accessing a hash element uses the syntax `$hash_name{$key}` – the key is surrounded by curly braces and the hash name is prefixed by a `$`, indicating that the hash element itself is a scalar value, even though it is part of a hash. The value of `$phone_book{'John Doe'}` is `'555-1212'`.
At the time of Verilog's introduction (1984), Verilog represented a tremendous productivity improvement for circuit designers who were already using graphical schematic capture software and specially written software programs to document and simulate electronic circuits. The designers of Verilog wanted a language with syntax similar to the C programming language, which was already widely used in engineering software development. Like C, Verilog is case-sensitive and has a basic preprocessor (though less sophisticated than that of ANSI C/C++). Its control flow keywords (if/else, for, while, case, etc.) are equivalent, and its operator precedence is compatible with C. Syntactic differences include: required bit-widths for variable declarations, demarcation of procedural blocks (Verilog uses begin/end instead of curly braces {}), and many other minor differences.
For Goodman and other proponents of mathematical nominalism,Bueno, Otávio, 2013, "Nominalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics" in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. {a, b} is also identical to {a, {b} }, {b, {a, b} }, and any combination of matching curly braces and one or more instances of a and b, as long as a and b are names of individuals and not of collections of individuals. Goodman, Richard Milton Martin, and Willard Quine all advocated reasoning about collectivities by means of a theory of virtual sets (see especially Quine 1969), one making possible all elementary operations on sets except that the universe of a quantified variable cannot contain any virtual sets. In the foundations of mathematics, nominalism has come to mean doing mathematics without assuming that sets in the mathematical sense exist.
The various bracket characters are frequently used in many programming languages as operators or for other syntax markup. For instance, in C-like languages, `{` and `}` are often used to delimit a code block, and the parameters of method calls are generally enclosed by `(` and `)`. In C, C++, Java and other C-derived languages—as well as in Scheme-influenced languages that have adopted C/Java syntax, such as JavaScript—the "`{}`" symbols are referred to as "braces" or "curly braces" and never as brackets. Since the term "brace" is documented in the definitive programming specifications for these languages, it is preferable to use the correct term brace so there is no confusion between the brace (used to denote compound statements) and the bracket, used to denote other concepts, such as array indices.
JIS X 9010 (JIS C 6229) also defines character sets for the JIS X 9008:1981 (formerly JIS C 6257-1981) "hand-printed" OCR font. These include subsets of the JIS X 0201 Roman set (registered as ISO-IR-94 and omitting the at sign (@), lowercase letters, curly braces ({, }) and overline (‾)), and kana set (registered as ISO-IR-96 and omitting the East Asian style comma (、) and full stop (。), the interpunct (・) and the small kana), in addition to a set (registered as ISO-IR-95) containing only the backslash, which is assigned to the same code point as in ISO-IR-93. The JIS C 6527 font stylises the slash and backslash characters with a doubled appearance. The character names given are "Solidus" and "Reverse Solidus", matching the Unicode character names for the ASCII slash and backslash.
The classical theory is described using a spacelike foliation of spacetime with the state at each slice being described by an element of a symplectic manifold with the time evolution given by the symplectomorphism generated by a Hamiltonian function over the symplectic manifold. The quantum algebra of "operators" is an -deformation of the algebra of smooth functions over the symplectic space such that the leading term in the Taylor expansion over of the commutator expressed in the phase space formulation is . (Here, the curly braces denote the Poisson bracket. The subleading terms are all encoded in the Moyal bracket, the suitable quantum deformation of the Poisson bracket.) In general, for the quantities (observables) involved, and providing the arguments of such brackets, ħ-deformations are highly nonunique—quantization is an "art", and is specified by the physical context.
An example of curly brackets used to group sentences together Curly brackets { and }, also known as curly braces (UK and US) or simply braces, flower brackets (India) and squiggly brackets (colloquially), are rarely used in prose and have no widely accepted use in formal writing, but may be used to mark words or sentences that should be taken as a group, to avoid confusion when other types of brackets are already in use, or for a special purpose specific to the publication (such as in a dictionary). More commonly, they are used to indicate a group of lines that should be taken together, as in when referring to several lines of poetry that should be repeated. In music, they are known as "accolades" or "braces", and connect two or more lines (staves) of music that are played simultaneously. In mathematics they delimit sets, Curly brackets are often also used to denote the Poisson bracket between two quantities.

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