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47 Sentences With "cucks"

How to use cucks in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "cucks" and check conjugation/comparative form for "cucks". Mastering all the usages of "cucks" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Cucks abound, and they have not been defending the president.
Hey relax not all of us are blue pilled cucks.
To all the Commies, conspiracy wackos & nazi optics cucks: pucker up.
They don't realize that there certainly are a lot of alpha cucks out there.
I call it like I see it, and I helped meme a President into office, cucks.
A comprehensive glossary of male internet culture, explaining everything from cucks to Chads, can be found here.
The establishment is corrupt and full of political cuckolds, or "cucks," who have failed America through their cowardice.
The typically quaint comments section of the Townsends video was quickly inundated with mentions of "cucks" and MAGA.
He then goes on to refer to BuzzFeed as "a bunch of cucks" — "cuck" being an alt-right buzzword.
Nobody should count on it whipping any sense into those conservatives who fell for him, also known as cucks.
Several white supremacists insisted that anyone distancing themselves from Kessler were cucks and traitors to the cause of white nationalism.
Men who identify as cucks and like to hotwife may hide to watch the action or observe via video camera.
"We hunt down the cucks," he said, using alt-right slang for conservatives considered insufficiently committed to the movement's ideas.
"The pathetic nerd cucks at Discord have caved and joined the war against free speech," said a post on AltRight.
"Normalization" of Trump and what he stands for is, to the cucks I associate with at least, considered tantamount to death.
Ley writes about how these "cucks" are bucking the traditional script that men have to control their wives, sexually and otherwise.
" When he and Mr. Middleditch said that they didn't want to discuss politics, the "fans" started yelling at them, calling them "cucks.
Ladies, that means someone can call you a cunt a whopping 70 times in one tweet, and gentleman, a tirade of 70 cucks.
The slur often has racist undertones: Alt-right memes regularly depict "cucks" perpetuating "white genocide" by inviting black men to sleep with their wives.
Other posts talk about how the "French dindu cucks" should "be executed," accompanied by a Photoshopped image of a WoW paladin pissing on their grave.
"Steve's going on to Breitbart where he'll be fighting the good fight against those globalist cucks, like my son-in-law Jared," fake Trump said.
He made fun of Malala Yousafzai, referred to rape culture as "idiotic," and declared Canadians and upper Midwesterners — especially anyone at UW-Madison — to be cucks.
The term cucks has been popularized in the Trump-supporting community as a derivative of "cuckold" and is meant to be a derogatory term for other conservatives.
Soy has become part of one of the alt-right's go-to insults for men who are also deemed to be "cucks," or at least cuck-adjacent.
"They're still cucks, so we'll reban them when things slow down a little bit," the note read (it was recently removed from the front page of the subreddit).
Trump supporters have long called those they disagree with "cucks," because wanting everyone to have access to healthcare is apparently akin to letting a stranger fuck your wife.
"Join us cucks and snowflakes, safe spacers and libtards, as we enjoy a collective cathartic yell into the heavens about our current political establishment," the New York event page reads.
Men who call themselves cucks celebrate and even engineer their wives' infidelity with "bulls" (the men these women, known as "hotwives," have sex with, often in front of their husbands).
"Join us cucks and snowflakes, safe spacers and libtards, as we enjoy a collective cathartic yell into the heavens about our current political establishment," reads the tongue-in-cheek event description.
"Weak" moderates or liberals who buy into the feminist agenda are deemed "cucks," a term derived from "cuckold," the arcane Old English word for a man whose wife cheats on him.
The only way to make this deal more US friendly is to scrap it entirely, which is almost certainly what the "great negotiator" and his cabinet of oil cucks intend to do.
They claimed that the two men, described as white men in their 20s, called them "cucks," which is a disparaging term for a liberal man that is commonly used by the alt-right.
Going by the name "Goldman Cucks," the group pledged to use the same loophole exploited by the initial thief to steal even more funds, either for payment or for free in smaller transactions.
Kavanaugh "all but came out and said he's going to approach his entire tenure as one giant case of "me vs the f---ing libtard cucks," said Oliver before adding, "Why this particular asshole?
But the fact that the cucks are winning an internecine struggle for influence over Trump will not meaningfully diminish the risk of having a man of Trump's temperament and character at the helm of government.
" Murray's Bannon also shares his future plans now that he's left Breitbart, which include a new show for Crackle called "Cucks in Cars Getting Coffee," creating "wrinkled barn jackets called Frumpers for guys," and a future skin care line called "Blotch.
The same year, meme scholars from Roma Tre University, University College London, Telefonica Research, and the Cyprus University of Technology teamed up to write Kek, Cucks, and God Emperor Trump: A Measurement Study of 20163chan's Politically Incorrect Forum and Its Effects on the Web .
Now that's been joined by a grievance industry on the right, which seems to think that every factory closure in Ohio is the result of devious trade negotiators in Beijing, and that everything else wrong in the world is the fault of Goldman bankers, Beltway "cucks" and the Fake News Media.
But first... I was surprised to learn there is apparently another option, which was to refuse to go, complain that no Trump representatives were invited (they were, one attended), slam Facebook's overture as a "pat conservatives on the head" session, blast the people who do attend as "cucks" and sit in the corner and sulk.
Many r/The_Donald members believed that the newer, high-ranking mods (who were each named by their predecessors) were too liberal, and under the thumb of progressive Reddit admins who wanted to censor free speech on the subreddit — hence all the accusations that r/The_Donald had been taken over by shills, cucks, and SJWs.
In New York alone, at least 2,100 are slated to get together in Washington Square Park and scream their heads off from 7 to 8 PM. "Join us cucks and snowflakes, safe spacers and libtards, as we enjoy a collective cathartic yell into the heavens about our current political establishment," the NYC event's description reads.
Several students who attended Don Jr. events on college campuses boiled his appeal down to a few factors: his in-person humor, his bluntness and his talents as an internet memelord — blasting scathing GIFs and images of his enemies into social media, and writing shocking tweets on the verge of bad taste, all in the name of owning socialist libs and weak cucks.
The New York Daily News is mocking former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon on its Monday cover for his about-face on his comments about Donald Trump Jr.Donald (Don) John TrumpDick Cheney to attend fundraiser supporting Trump reelection: report House chairman warns foreign governments to 'cease and desist' spending money at Trump properties Chris Cuomo: 'I should be better than the guys baiting me' MORE  "Sloppy Steve Cucks Himself," the Daily News's headline reads.
In Kek, Cucks, and God Emperor Trump: A Measurement Study of 4chan's Politically Incorrect Forum and Its Effects on the Web, a team of eight researchers from Roma Tre University, University College London, Telefonica Research and Cyprus University of Technology archived 10 weeks of data from /pol/, the "politically incorrect" board in which news and current events are discussed, including over 1 million unique images (since all threads on 4Chan must start with an image post).
Kek, Cucks, and God Emperor Trump: A Measurement Study of 4chan's Politically Incorrect Forum and Its Effects on the Web. suggesting that anonymous social networks can serve as a platform for users to contribute unique digital content.
Elevated use of hate speech is seen in Western European countries (e.g., Italy, Spain, Greece, and France).Gabriel Emile Hine, Jeremiah Onaolapo, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Nicolas Kourtellis, Ilias Leontiadis, Riginos Samaras, Gianluca Stringhini, Jeremy Blackburn (2017). Kek, Cucks, and God Emperor Trump: A Measurement Study of 4chan's Politically Incorrect Forum and Its Effects on the Web Retrieved 2020-07-17.
There is overlap between the alt-right and the men's rights movement, a part of the manosphere which believes that men, rather than women, face more oppression in Western society. It also adopts the movement's view that feminism has undermined and emasculated men, and believes that men should aggressively reassert their masculinity so as not to become "beta males" or "cucks". There has been some clear influence between the two movements; prominent manosphere ideologue RooshV for instance attended an NPI conference and quoted antisemitic material from white nationalist sources in his articles. Some alt- right figures have distanced themselves from the manosphere and its proponents; Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents Publishing was of the view that "the manosphere morally corrupts men" because it does not promote "the resurgence of traditional and biologically based sexual norms" but rather encourages rape culture.

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