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"crunchiest" Antonyms

11 Sentences With "crunchiest"

How to use crunchiest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "crunchiest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "crunchiest". Mastering all the usages of "crunchiest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Toss ramen, quinoa, and almonds into cabbage for the crunchiest slaw ever.
Yes, TB fanatics, this crispiest, crunchiest, cheesiest snackable mashup of 2016 is here.
The hottest and crunchiest chicken I ate was the one I waited longest for.
During those long, jet-lagged days and nights, what I wanted most were biscotti, the crunchiest dessert I know how to make.
From there I fought my usual angsty longing for the crunchiest fill imaginable, in favor of clean, crisp and light on the word putty.
Another preference of mine is using panko bread crumbs, since they are the crunchiest right from the get-go and stay the crispiest once cooked.
While most guitarists in hardcore were caught in an arms race to see who could get the heaviest, crunchiest tone, Banks' guitar cut through with a clean shimmer.
I had my first last year, when the Los Angeles chef Jessica Koslow taught me that using more oil than corn kernels yielded the best-textured, crunchiest popcorn.
The second, after you've sliced the logs into cookies and lined them up on a baking sheet like members of a marching band, is to dry them and set their signature texture, which covers the spectrum of crunch: They're crunchy at the center; crunchier as you make your way down to the ends; and crunchiest at their tips.
Nor did he swallow each genre whole, preferring to pick and choose among specific musical elements from everywhere — streamlined rhythm guitar and hyperactive bass here, steady straightahead rock beats and flashy guitar solos over there, now for aching quietstorm horns and moaning backup singers, now for monster grooves straight from the James Brown playbook, now for classic pop showtunes that could have come from the prerock era, now for psychedelic alienation effects to rival the late Beatles, plus a soul-derived vocal style that veered effortlessly between soft/wet croon and harsh/crazed shriek while hitting every note in between, and let's not forget the zippiest, crunchiest, slickest, most elegant synthesizer sound ever to split the difference between American disco and British new wave.
CCM Magazine, in praising the album, called On Fire! "the crunchiest Petra sound yet" and praised the first two tracks as "the most exciting eight minutes of rock Petra has ever put to tape."Eischer, Mark, CCM Magazine On Fire! review, November 1988, Pages 29–30.

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