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6 Sentences With "counting upon"

How to use counting upon in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "counting upon" and check conjugation/comparative form for "counting upon". Mastering all the usages of "counting upon" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Like all aging pitchers, he is counting upon precision to do what raw stuff used to.
Our fathers are in fact counting upon us to build upon and protect the family legacy when he eventually dies.
It seems that such believers are counting upon their God both to carry out their revenge for them and to insulate them from those who are different or who make them personally uncomfortable.
PARIS (Reuters) - New tariff threats by the United States on certain French products are bad for the global economy, and France is counting upon the solidarity of its European partners as it looks to challenge the move, the French finance minister said.
In 1455 Littleton explained the "new found haliday" which consisted in counting upon the finding (invencio) instead of the traditional devenerunt.Year Book Trin., 33 Henry VI, no. 12 ff.
In Ethiopia, the popular saying at the time was: "Of a black snake's bite, you may be cured, but from the bite of a white snake, you will never recover." There was an overwhelming national unity in Ethiopia as various feuding noblemen rallied behind the emperor who insisted that Ethiopia, unlike the other African nations, would retain its freedom and not be subjected to Italy. The ethnic rivalries between the Tigrians and the Amhara that the Italians were counting upon did not prove to be a factor as Menelik pointed out that the Italians held all Ethnic Africans, regardless of their individual ethnic backgrounds, in contempt, noting the segregation policies in Eritrea applied to all Ethnic Africans. Further, Menelik had spent much of the previous four years building up a supply of modern weapons and ammunition, acquired from the French, British, and the Italians themselves, as the European colonial powers sought to keep each other's North African aspirations in check.

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