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360 Sentences With "coping mechanism"

How to use coping mechanism in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "coping mechanism" and check conjugation/comparative form for "coping mechanism". Mastering all the usages of "coping mechanism" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's kind of a coping mechanism, and it's a coping mechanism for the characters too.
" I asked if that was a coping mechanism, and he said, "Pretty much everything I did for the last forty-four years was some sort of coping mechanism.
My imagination is my favorite coping mechanism for difficult clients.
It's a coping mechanism -- and even James Comey uses it.
A coping mechanism is this kind of glazing over things.
MacPherson turned to the one coping mechanism she knew: stitching.
The meltdown is a coping mechanism to avoid admitting it.
It became a sort of coping mechanism for any stressful situation.
But like the darkest times, finding a coping mechanism is essential.
It's a coping mechanism, and you go into another, better place.
Could there actually be some medical benefit to this coping mechanism?
It felt too good, too satisfying; it was my coping mechanism.
It's become my main coping mechanism: Working out saved my life.
In a vacuum, a coping mechanism is not a bad thing.
Read This Next: Running Is a Great Coping Mechanism for Grief
Please give up this harmful addiction and find another coping mechanism.
Subsequently at her doctor's urging, Rivers started journaling as a coping mechanism.
Memes, like jokes as a whole, can serve as a coping mechanism.
Though she still has bad days, she has a good coping mechanism.
It is a coping mechanism, a way to avoid being emotionally wrecked.
The artificial intelligence creates "digitally generated memetic collages" as a coping mechanism.
But some of these games can actually serve as a coping mechanism.
Blichfield: It's more of a coping mechanism Sinclair: Yeah, it's a painkiller.
The rush to have another child may have been a coping mechanism.
He said he began abusing opiates shortly after as a coping mechanism.
Smoking marijuana, he said, became a coping mechanism to manage his stress.
She says she started abusing Vicodin and alcohol as a coping mechanism.
Troy: They do they get very uncomfortable—but it's our coping mechanism!
With my usual coping mechanism—exercise—off the table, I became clinically depressed.
And it doesn't take much to trigger this coping mechanism, either, says Niyogi.
In many cases, addiction can become a coping mechanism for trauma and depression.
Laughter is a coping mechanism that helps so many of us keep sane!
But Bisan reiterates that it should instead be seen as a coping mechanism.
Humor is a coping mechanism, and who isn't exhausted by other people sometimes?
Of course, like any coping mechanism, emotional eating can become a serious problem.
To handle his paranoia, the rapper turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism.
I wrote this as a, uh, coping mechanism after certain late-2016 events.
Staying silent can be a coping mechanism to keep those fears at bay.
But Hugh is quick to learn that avoidance is a very unhealthy coping mechanism.
"She actually eats a lot, but it's eating as a coping mechanism," Shin explains.
Still, the idea that Mr. Robot is Elliot's coping mechanism is a fascinating one.
Painting is her coping mechanism, form of expression, and a necessity to her survival.
Early marriage for girls has emerged, sadly, as a coping mechanism under the militants.
Playing The Sims remained a coping mechanism for me years after the bullying stopped.
She had gone through so many hardships, and her only coping mechanism was drugs.
And naturally, as a coping mechanism, I became very interested in the GRG's research.
I think that's one thing we all had in common as a coping mechanism.
Devoid of context, Gervais's bravado might be sympathetic, a relatable if tedious coping mechanism.
Over time, the novel became more than a coping mechanism; it became a guide.
Yelling at the video games has been a popular hobby coping mechanism since Pong debuted.
What began as a coping mechanism for Mr Spencer's depression has become a cottage industry.
Unfortunately, this is probably not a coping mechanism you were equipped with in high school.
I identify with your experience with your mom, and the cultural myth as coping mechanism.
These memory flubs aren't necessarily intentional, but more of a coping mechanism, the researchers speculate.
It's not my place to rob you of a coping mechanism I formerly employed myself.
But they have a coping mechanism for dealing with the change: plotting an escape route.
Other research shows that conspiracy theories can be a coping mechanism for uncertainty and powerlessness.
Now it's widely recognized as quite the opposite: a powerful coping mechanism during difficult times.
I so badly didn't want Cindy to fade back and that become my coping mechanism.
A person's mind reaches for an old coping mechanism—never mind that it's been discarded.
"People fear using food to cope, but it's a beautifully orchestrated coping mechanism," Sweeney said.
"People fear using food to cope, but it's a beautifully orchestrated coping mechanism," Sweeney said.
Her humor could be a coping mechanism against, or a symptom of, that familial angst.
But as powerful men have always known, there's no coping mechanism quite like a beard.
The silliness of the script is gradually revealed as part of this fantastical coping mechanism.
And in a way I am because my coping mechanism is to laugh at something.
"Making this music for him has been the best coping mechanism I've found," says Sreekumar.
Through all this, Trump hasn't been relying on his usual coping mechanism: ranting on Twitter.
It's going to become an industry, a constant, a coping mechanism, a way of life.
Procrastinators are less compassionate toward themselves Procrastination, they've realized, appears to be a coping mechanism.
If drinking was your stress relief, it's a good time to find a healthier coping mechanism.
In fact, it can serve as a huge coping mechanism or an indicator of self-confidence.
It's a coping mechanism to try and fly under the radar — but it doesn't really work.
Not wanting to follow her mother's path, Gerdes turned to a different coping mechanism: endurance sports.
Feeling that difference could cause one to internalize higher standards of beauty as a coping mechanism.
If there was ever a time to use humor as a coping mechanism, this is it.
For most of these characters, the focus on food is a coping mechanism, a welcome distraction.
Dissociation is most commonly thought of as a coping mechanism in response to trauma, pain, or stress.
Because fashion isn't just a Band-Aid or a coping mechanism for dealing with our bigger problems.
Apollo becomes her coping mechanism, her outlet for channeling the overwhelming grief she has yet to process.
Her writing is a coping mechanism and a plea for tolerance in the face of religious extremism.
Instead, she turns to alcohol as a coping mechanism — which is sadly common, though certainly not recommended.
Moleza, like a lot of other kids in the community, uses jiu jitsu as a coping mechanism.
" In his experience, they're actually using gaming "more as a coping mechanism for either anxiety or depression.
He believes her accidental over-medication was a coping mechanism for the issues Reconstruction had brought up.
And while that might be a helpful coping mechanism, it's not really true for most of us.
In this manner, nostalgia can be a sort of coping mechanism for survivors of trauma and tragedy.
He insulated himself from an exit that was never supposed to happen—disassociation was a coping mechanism.
For Sonia, restlessness is an essential coping mechanism, a way to keep her mind on the present.
Self-deprecation has become this generation's coping mechanism and is our new way of maintaining humility (Bellis).
It was his coping mechanism, a way to remain whole when everybody wanted a piece of him.
Like Ms. Strange, Ms. Pugsley eventually stopped learning the names of her patients as a coping mechanism.
In retrospect, I'd used survival rates not as a piece of information, but as a coping mechanism.
Trotter suggests a coping mechanism I adopted a few years ago, and highly recommend: getting a dog.
A coping mechanism Amelia Joubert, 203, of Fort Mill, South Carolina, was diagnosed with DID three years ago.
To everyone I rolled my eyes at for suggesting exercise as a mental illness coping mechanism, I'm sorry!
Discretion is a survival strategy, a coping mechanism especially useful for black women living in the public eye.
I saw my own passion for storytelling as shameful, as a borderline unhealthy coping mechanism for my depression.
In fact, it feeds the spiral of drug use, because drugs are often taken as a coping mechanism.
It is a coping mechanism, a survival mechanism, and its existence doesn't depend on others' understanding or approval.
At the end of the episode, Ruthie was revealed to be nothing more than Princess Carolyn's coping mechanism.
I think that was her coping mechanism to help me feel that I'm not inferior to white people.
"Both of us had used food as a coping mechanism; I would just eat my feelings," Masella said.
Reynolds, who is known for his quick wit, says he uses humor as a defense and coping mechanism.
And plus, I feel like I built up so much of a coping mechanism of blocking things out.
And any type of eating because of emotion, not because of physiological hunger, is an unhealthy coping mechanism.
Millennial respondents cited watching Netflix or Hulu as the top coping mechanism, according to a survey by YellowBrick,
It's a coping mechanism to say, 'I'm not going to get this,' and move on with your life.
"I realized that as a coping mechanism I had stopped seeing the people who were homeless," she said.
And travel can produce long-term health benefits such as using leisure as a coping mechanism for stress.
" He said that people with autism "may keep their hands in their pockets because it's a coping mechanism.
"You stay so long inside the jail you need to develop a coping mechanism to survive," he said.
The coping mechanism many use to deal with dramatic loss is rarely the healthiest or the most artistically pleasing.
The art is therapeutic for Haden too — he has autism — and his mom says drawing is a coping mechanism.
It was a dangerous coping mechanism that left me feeling completely worthless in more ways than just my weight.
So your best coping mechanism is to see a professional to figure out how to clear up your skin.
I'm aware this may be a coping mechanism, because the prospect of everything being pointless is hard for me.
Not to be defeated by the night, we engaged in a tried-and-true New York coping mechanism: pizza.
He was the first thing she purchased with her own money and a coping mechanism as she got older.
These early life events can increase the risk of substance use, which is often used as a coping mechanism.
Clearly David has developed this coping mechanism across a lifetime of trying futilely to convince himself he's mentally ill.
The whole thing was dumb of me, but I was going on self-destruct mode as a coping mechanism.
While I am not employed as an elf, I tend to lean on helping others as a coping mechanism.
She says it's great that people here are feeling positive right now and having fun, it's a coping mechanism.
She continually reopens a wound on her hand as a coping mechanism, a reassurance that she is rid of infection.
The goal is that it could be used as a coping mechanism for someone trying to check their phone less.
After a certain point, I, as a coping mechanism, began to black out, and I became very detached from reality.
Since she was 12, she writes, she sought solace in masturbation as a coping mechanism, which made her feel shame.
I think it's a psychosexual coping mechanism to cure me of wanting to sleep with these people in real life.
Rose replaced bulimia as a stress-coping mechanism with more healthful approaches, such as yoga, mindfulness and writing, she said.
A state of mindfulness acknowledges the pain, but gives you a coping mechanism without any of the drama queen stuff.
In some cases, she says, the symptoms act as a sort of coping mechanism for underlying anxieties and emotional challenges.
In retrospect, a reflexive coping mechanism may have been kicking in — any reasonable analysis should have drastically lowered my expectations.
"Going through the election was traumatic, and this was a coping mechanism for me—to write these jokes." he said.
The song is ultimately about energy; about finding it and preserving it, and then expelling it as a coping mechanism.
I don't think everything is going to be OK, but this is a delightfully weird coping mechanism, I guess. 1.
Occasionally, our Sadness Lamps overload on the egomaniacal melancholy of their owners and take up smoking as a coping mechanism.
It's a coping mechanism, a survival strategy, but with time (and without therapy) that distanced posture just becomes the posture.
Though elsewhere, the director harnesses the nervous laughter coping mechanism of the former employees to inject humor into the grim tale.
But avoiding triggers isn't considered a healthy coping mechanism for people with PTSD; in fact, it's a symptom of the disorder.
In a way, this is just a coping mechanism to survive in a world that's not accepting of women with muscles.
It's this definition that encapsulates the deep adoration for Slipknot, and how many fans use their music as a coping mechanism.
"Amy's coping mechanism is to pretend that everything is always happy in her world," Dr. Venus Nicolino explains in the clip.
Look, I do think that the crazy-hot kids on this show should be using sex as a coping mechanism more.
But this can be troubling and limited as a coping mechanism: You've come to rely on something you can't readily conjure.
For future astronauts traveling far from their home world, these escapes into a simulated wilderness may be a crucial coping mechanism.
Their polished exterior is essentially a very well-practiced coping mechanism, because a lot of high functioners have reputations to uphold.
If you see me on set and you think I'm texting or something, I'm using the puzzle as a coping mechanism.
I'm terrified at my body's ability to cope, but more terrified of what would happen if the coping mechanism stops working.
But such a coping mechanism has limits, particularly for countries that share borders, alliances or trading relationships with the United States.
We've talked about the idea of comfort TV here on Mashable, and how it functions as a sort of coping mechanism.
My coping mechanism was to find common interests between me and the people who scared me, and then lean into those.
As powerful as these women appear while in motion, their exercising, and running in particular, is often used as a coping mechanism.
Domino doesn't so much put up with his humor, his coping mechanism, because I'm also experiencing that and handling it more maturely.
Hiking and a love of nature have provided her with a healthy coping mechanism that sustains her even on her roughest days.
I tend to forget the details of these incidents, perhaps due to some coping mechanism that we develop to adapt and survive.
I'm sure, like anything you're addicted to, letting that go is difficult because it's a coping mechanism to make you feel good.
I think a really big part of it is using humor, not even as a political tool but as a coping mechanism.
She used to publish her eating disorder–related drawings online as a coping mechanism and a way of grappling with her disease.
When your coping mechanism is swamped, it makes you insensitive to things that people in the West would look on with horror.
Taking refuge in traditional masculinity is a coping mechanism that works only so much as it deadens a man and his emotions.
The more that we can make people laugh and think about this or anything more deeply...maybe that's a coping mechanism, too.
The story was a coping mechanism for Lovecraft, whose father and mother died in the same mental hospital twenty-six years apart.
And since most people seem to view coffee more as a coping mechanism than a mere beverage, this is great news, right?
Harrison points out that when it's the primary or only coping mechanism in someone's repertoire, their emotional needs will never be met.
The two founded Sloomoo after Robinovitz discovered that playing with the toy was a helpful coping mechanism during a time of grief.
And it was a very weird coping mechanism, but I taught myself Keynote and I wrote my dream podcast in a presentation.
Of course, the nightmarish state of affairs in 2019 isn't news, and turning to entertainment for comfort isn't a novel coping mechanism.
If you're grappling with meaning in a meaningless universe, is your art itself a coping mechanism or a response to the futility?
While lushing out may not be the most ideal coping mechanism, it seems that mothers, especially those with young children, get a pass.
Here's the thing: Not only is it okay to spend on yourself, but for low-income people, it's an entirely normal coping mechanism.
People remind each other not to normalize Donald Trump all the time, but they often forget that normalization is partly a coping mechanism.
I asked Jia Tolentino, the New Yorker staff writer who wrote The Year That Skin Care Became a Coping Mechanism, for her take.
"When we were in the heart of our struggle with infertility, we sometimes used humor as a coping mechanism," the Blakes told Mashable.
The use of art as a coping mechanism and a call to action in the face of adversity is, of course, nothing new.
Although he's propped up by his artificially inflated ego, it's clear he uses it (and his faded '90s fame) as a coping mechanism.
Hers is the empathic but neutral take of the therapist: generosity, in her world, is as much a coping mechanism as lashing out.
One said that in his experience, those addicted to gaming are using it more as a coping mechanism for either anxiety or depression.
And so Mr. Hagerman developed his own eccentric experiment, one that was part silent protest, part coping mechanism, part extreme self-care plan.
Because that was my coping mechanism.. and to be honest, I didn't want to feel like a victim nor be perceived as one.
Perhaps as a coping mechanism for realizing the significant damage he levies on the world, Zuck has developed the attributes of a sociopath.
The simple act of journaling can also serve as a healthy coping mechanism when you're in the gym and dealing with social anxiety.
It is a well-documented coping mechanism of abuse victims to "escape" with mental blocks or fantasies, which would be consistent with Harry's situation.
It occurred to me that these men don't think of their eating as a horrifying habit, coping mechanism, or something to master or game.
In 2015, I posited that the rise of American superhero cinema in particular was, in some sense, a psychological coping mechanism with 9/11.
The humor is a coping mechanism—one of many I came to adopt when that man's suicide launched me into a period of grief.
She embraces total and utter narcissism as a coping mechanism, hoping that sleeping for an entire year would cure her of depression and ennui.
Call it a coping mechanism, but it made dealing with Infinity War's biggest losses a little easier, and turned into internet currency for months.
Kourtney Karadashian's breakover has been a coping mechanism for the reality star after her devastating split from longtime love Scott Disick, she revealed Monday.
"Everyone has their own coping mechanism and it leads with safety, and figuring out what feels like a safe choice for you," he says.
Evidence from clinical studies show that problematic gaming is best viewed as a coping mechanism associated with underlying problems such as anxiety or depression.
Conspiracy theories are, generally speaking, a favored coping mechanism of those who lack power: They flourished among liberals in the wake of Trump's election.
Consequently, many LGBTQ people turn to underground economies like sex work or drug sales for income, and many use drugs as a coping mechanism.
People entertain these fantasies because they need a coping mechanism, something that allows them to cling to any scrap of sanity they have left.
Stressors faced by LGBQ teens, such as stigma and isolation, "may make drugs foolishly appear attractive as a coping mechanism," Ayers said by email.
This becomes your coping mechanism but deep down inside you feel powerless to change the hopelessness of being stripped and reduced to a number.
After years of avoiding drugs, Violette began dabbling once again, using heroin as a coping mechanism and as a means of fueling his production.
It's almost too much to bear, so Judy finds an unusual, unsettling coping mechanism: She starts wearing her beloved dog in a baby sling.
I understand that the people of Charleston, and of America as a whole, latched onto the overwhelming message of forgiveness as a coping mechanism.
Some people will read this and wonder why is teaching mindfulness as a coping mechanism so problematic if it does, in fact, help people?
As dissociation is most often a coping mechanism against psychological trauma and turmoil, one answer could be that we are living in particularly stressful times.
Somehow, I had gained around 40 pounds because of my lack of motivation to do anything and my use of food as a coping mechanism.
This challenges the assumption that sad people listen to sad music to make themselves feel worse, when, in fact, it may be a coping mechanism.
We doubt that Ally will adopt a constructive coping mechanism for her fears (gradually exposing herself to her stressors and practicing relaxation techniques, for example).
Jessica herself developed an alcohol addiction as a coping mechanism for her PTSD after being under the mind-control of the first season's villain, Kilgrave.
It's a coping mechanism that worked inside the bunker, but Andrea encourages her to actually experience those emotions now that she's in the real world.
It just so happens that forgetting these particularly low moments of my life is one coping mechanism my brain has chosen to keep me going.
It's not just that Charles is having some rough days (or months), but he's chronically broken, and increasingly reliant on alcohol as a coping mechanism.
Besides, she tells me, art was something Qamar used as a coping mechanism while growing up with racist abuse—and it always stuck with her.
Understand that for some people, addiction is a lifelong battle, or stems from family issues, or is a coping mechanism for racism, misogyny, and transphobia.
As we saw during the rise of the World War III meme from earlier this year, memes can serve as internet culture's ultimate coping mechanism.
Everyone has their own way of dealing with the Trump presidency; for many, one coping mechanism is to listen to Pod Save America every week.
For some of those listeners, the music is described as an "outlet," or a "coping mechanism" that they say helps them channel anger and stress.
"Everyone deals with the trauma differently, and perhaps her coping mechanism is denial and dismissal of the fact that the experience has impacted her life."
But every coping mechanism and substance that I used to help me through the day is now gone, and it feels a lot like awkward nakedness.
It&aposs the most valuable and it&aposs the hardest because it means we have to give up our coping mechanism, which is drugs and alcohol.
The comedy was so strong, you could avoid most of the horror if you blinked enough (a coping mechanism Kimmy herself would probably advocate — magical blinking!).
I'm still hiding all these things inside of metaphor, and I've been placing these people inside of places as a coping mechanism to discuss my feelings.
The Russian collusion hoax was in fact nothing more than a massively multiplayer coping mechanism for people who couldn't accept the results of the 2016 election.
Masturbation relieves stress and is a coping mechanism that works (in moderation, of course), and de-stressing is a proven way to support your immune system.
The Discourse was a coping mechanism masquerading as a moral necessity, a form of "empowerment" passed off as an exercise of a new kind of power.
As I later found out, there is a wealth of scientific evidence to back up the idea that talking to yourself is a viable coping mechanism.
While there's nothing directly humorous about the struggle to pay for college, The House does what good comedy does: It uses humor as a coping mechanism.
I want it to be a coping mechanism and I want it to actually heal and I don't want to shove scripture or anything down your throat.
"The main thing I learned from talking to [Alex] was that the drugs are less the problem than they are a really shitty coping mechanism," says Lewkowicz.
The coping mechanism of control couldn't save his father from dying, so he turned to alcohol, to pills, anything to keep those feelings from resurfacing in full.
Her coping mechanism has allowed her to, as she puts it, "say yes" to many life experiences, including getting married, starting a family and taking new jobs.
"Gambling has been suggested as a potential coping mechanism, often among females," said senior study author Dr. Jason Landon of Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand.
Her need to save people, and fix people, and do way too much for those in her life, as a sort of coping mechanism, spoke to me.
And according to Derhally, this coping mechanism might make sense for parents, in particular, since they may already feel this sort of selfless love for their children.
While it's seen as a coping mechanism, some social media users were thoroughly creeped out by the family pushing a silicone recreation of their son as merch.
It's a familiar coping mechanism for people burned out by apocalyptic news and vitriolic social media feeds: Please, let's just not talk about it for an hour.
Athletes may experience "emotional upheaval" when they're injured, in large part because they no longer have the coping mechanism that may have kept these feelings at bay.
" In the past, Matera's women suffered from attasamento, a state of psychic immobility, "a coping mechanism in a place where the horrors of life were constant and.
Maybe refusing to relinquish the idea of summer as a season of less responsibility and more freedom is a necessary coping mechanism we've collectively put in place.
Create responses ahead of time to generic holiday questions, think about what level of information you want to share with others, and commit to a coping mechanism.
Downsides: If you're going through a breakup and live a long distance from your best friends, using these visits as a coping mechanism may be more challenging.
It seems useful to think about lying in a similar way — not just as a pathology but as a coping mechanism, a flawed solution to a deeper problem.
" A simple, and often effective, coping mechanism is "finding a network of support, having conversations with family and friends, processing the feelings and making meaning out of them.
Privacy was and is a coping mechanism, a sanctuary from the increasingly anonymous and policed world to which modern man has migrated, and the technologies he confronted there.
"If you are anxious and using smoking as a coping mechanism, [providers] really have to address the anxiety as well as the smoking cessation and education," Little said.
Research shows that binge-watching can have negative long-term health effects — but for those who can practice self-control, it's not a bad coping mechanism, says Trub.
"They want to cope with that stress, and one coping mechanism that's possible is the use of opioids," Duncan, the report's lead author, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
The project grows to be something far grander than a coping mechanism as Valdez fights for his sister's release within the final months of President Obama's clemency initiative.
Episode 20013: Mirages of Earth In the fifth episode of the series, see how the crew uses virtual reality as a coping mechanism for stress caused by isolation.
On Drugs-Forum, a 25-year-old American called Reason4rhyme recounted how vaping has acted as a coping mechanism for the behavioral aspects of his former meth addiction.
And so this tour feels like a coping mechanism, where Bey and Jay give the fans what they want—more of themselves—while turning those public details into performance.
"The song is about the human capacity to compartmentalize intense thoughts and feelings, and how that coping mechanism might fail us on an individual and societal level," he said.
She didn't have a coping mechanism when we would all have to talk behind her back, she didn't understand it because she was always the cool girl at school.
Given the deadpan, afflectless solemnity of the beats and her own energetic delivery, as if she's trying to construct cheer as a coping mechanism, 15 plays like a lament.
Humor has become a coping mechanism over the past several months so there's no shortage of jabs — but the overarching sentiment is that an independent investigation is needed immediately.
The prompts are the perfect balance between intellectually stimulating and just plain fun, and I often find my responses to be the coping mechanism I didn't know I needed.
One coping mechanism for the less hands-on moments is to distract your brain with the latest 'You're Wrong About' podcast or listen to soothing music in one ear.
Sympathy is always lurking in her voice, especially for Parker's female characters, but you can't stop and wallow; there's the next quip to get to, the next coping mechanism.
Enrollment in income-driven plans has grown to eight million, a more than fourfold increase from 2013, making it a crucial coping mechanism for a broad population of borrowers.
In a difficult moment when you're feeling tempted and your natural inclination is to buy things to self-soothe, it's important to have a healthy coping mechanism to turn to.
And while impostor syndrome can serve as a coping mechanism to decrease the pressure to succeed, no one wants to feel like they didn't earn what he or she has.
When times seem dark, people often turn to humor as a coping mechanism, and laughing in the face of misery is a cathartic exercise that's most enjoyed by the British.
In fact, to compensate, my coping mechanism is usually humor — making jokes and providing sarcastic running commentary to help ensure that other people don't feel as sad as I do.
Viewing Muay Thai as a game may also be a coping mechanism for dealing with the fluctuation of victories and defeats, to which virtually all Thai fighters much grow accustomed.
The couple sees their donations not as a coping mechanism but as a responsibility, to the extent that they have become an unofficial line item on the family's operating budget.
In a video posted to his account last night, the actor explained that his coping mechanism to surviving the madness is figuring out new and different ways to pass the time.
Read These Stories Next: Revive Yourself With These 10 Self-Care Actions 10 "Treat Yourself" Buys That Helped Me Get Through Breakups The Breakup Coping Mechanism You Probably Haven't Thought Of
It centers on an artist who uses an alternate world as a kind of coping mechanism, and it examines the perils of becoming lost in such a world, to some degree.
This coping mechanism has paid off in ways I never expected: The possibility of having a panic attack, for instance, used to mean that I didn't like to go on vacations.
"This intervention is a coping mechanism and a way for parents to remember their kids when they're gone," Schreck, who has created over 100 songs in the past two years, says.
Even though it's generally not the best option, cheating can act as a coping mechanism for someone who doesn't know how to deal with relationships problems, stress, or feelings of inadequacy.
Toward the end of the video, Mr. Paul says that his smiling and laughing "is not a portrayal of how I feel about the circumstances," describing it as his coping mechanism.
Like the article said humor is a big part of a teenagers coping mechanism, and teenagers need the humor to feel more comfortable with what is going on around the world.
But according to new research on gender and autism, girls are often better than boys at masking their autistic traits as a coping mechanism, which may contribute to the skewed ratio.
And some studies have shown that writing down the things you're grateful for can help with anxiety and writing thoughts about a traumatic or stressful experience can be a useful coping mechanism.
After losing her arm in an accident, Lauren, a 21-year-old from San Diego, California, says she's turned to her sense of humor as a coping mechanism to feel more comfortable.
The university believes that men's final clubs and frats cause sexual assault because they are all-male, the suit alleged, and that women only join single-sex groups as a "coping" mechanism.
But in using the language of video games to power those sequences, Snyder helps us contextualize Babydoll's purest coping mechanism and better understand how it ties into the movie's broader, darker themes.
"I absolutely condemn any suggestion or act of non-consensual touching in any form, as well as disassociation as a coping mechanism for abuse of any kind," he said in a statement.
In this case maybe Susie and Nick's sense of superstition, their sense that Arthur's death was foretold or predicted somehow becomes a healing device and a coping mechanism to fit their narrative.
Dissociation is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as an experience of mental detachment, or disconnection between the mind and body, an unconscious coping mechanism that typically develops in response to trauma.
I reason with myself that going through this separation from my wife has been very hard on me, and shopping for clothes that fit is way better than drinking or another coping mechanism.
Children caught in conflict zones Girls caught in the middle of conflicts are more likely to become child brides, with many refugee families marrying off their daughters as a safety or coping mechanism.
As a kind of coping mechanism, she took out an ad in a Buenos Aires paper looking for men who fit a description of what she imagined her father would look like now.
As a proud member of Crush Twitter, I believe that airing the occasional crush-related frustration or making light of unrequited love or lack of a significant other is a classic coping mechanism.
While the study doesn't attempt to explain the disparities, Greytak believes the drug and alcohol use may be a coping mechanism for youth who are trying to manage bullying and feelings of worthlessness.
Boxing has proven to be a healthy coping mechanism for the pent up frustration that often accompanies my anxiety, and the rush of endorphins makes a noticeable difference in my day-to-day.  
By the end of the film, Kevin is exhibiting abilities that amount to superpowers, somehow derived from what professional consensus indicates is his brain's extreme coping mechanism to a fleetingly shown childhood of abuse.
Like so many other viewers and critics, I've long related to how the show depicts depression, particularly the self-aware, space-black humor that many depressed people (including me) use as a coping mechanism.
And, yes, it's possible that trying to read this whole thing as a scam is just a coping mechanism to not have to face that fact that Nathan for You really might be over.
Luke resurrects his childhood imaginary friend Daniel to help him cope, but his coping mechanism takes a violent turn when he finds himself being terrorized by what he thought was something he could trust.
When I know I won't be able to kayak regular for the rest of the year, I feel a drop in my mood, a slight panic that my best coping mechanism has gone offline.
For Ryan Standfest to give off a defeatist vibe in the face of adversity is nothing new, but for him to use humor as a coping mechanism rather than a distancing device is refreshing.
Dr. Bonior refers to this coping mechanism as "mask and distract," because the motivation is just to get your mind off of your ex, rather than actually putting effort into finding someone you like.
"Financial pressures associated with the drought were partly the cause of an increase in alcohol and drug consumption by men as a coping mechanism, which resulted in increased violence against women," the report read.
Pondering who and what she would be today is a coping mechanism her fans still resort to, allowing her, like other stars who died young, to live on as a symbol of eternal youth.
The fantasy might be a coping mechanism, an escapist vantage point from which to examine the environment — not unlike watching the tides turn at the expense of so many populations elsewhere in the world.
"There's just too much to do," a 16-year-old told a VICE reporter, referring to why teens see sobriety as the best coping mechanism in this fucked-up world we've handed to them.
Farrow told me in an email that when she wrote the piece, she was just writing for herself: "In retrospect I wrote it as a coping mechanism for post-grad anxiety and stress," she said.
The article was intended as a critique of manufacturers selling these products as "treatments" despite no specific scientific research suggesting that was the case—not of the people who use them as a coping mechanism.
In the end, I found my favorite coping mechanism at the booth of Los Angeles Nomadic Division, where stress balls designed by Bettina Hubby to look like breasts fit my very non-VIP collector's budget.
For people like the Davis sisters, who have lost three family members to glioma (in 2017, their father's sister also passed away from glioblastoma), diving headfirst into the research and community has been a coping mechanism.
But especially for women, humor has emerged as an easy coping mechanism for relentlessly being told by pop culture that they're probably going to be raped and murdered by a stranger, as ludicrous as that is.
As Will Smith tries and fails to contain his hatred for his new movie Suicide Squad, he's found a coping mechanism for the contractually obligated press tour: He's pretending it's not a tour for Suicide Squad.
"Perhaps the very coping mechanism that gets people through extreme poverty — focusing on the very near term — is what prevents us from making the choices that will help the most in the long run," Micah says.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 44%Summary: Based on the novel by Paula Hawkins, "The Girl on the Train" centers around Rachel Watson (Blunt), a woman reeling from her recent divorce who uses alcohol as a coping mechanism.
She has a point, but I can't help thinking that for people of a certain age—and especially now, in the midst of a pandemic—retreating to more innocent times can be a necessary coping mechanism.
A 2011 study on self-harm from King's College London found that people do so for many reasons: depression and anxiety, amongst other mental health problems, as well as doing so as a coping mechanism for trauma.
Amy Morin, LCSW, a psychotherapist and author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do, says that shopping can make a great coping mechanism for a number of reasons, not least of all because you're treating yourself.
The singer discussed them candidly in her 2017 documentary Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated, and before that, she'd been open about how she'd had to manage her bipolar disorder, drug addiction and self harming as a coping mechanism.
They haven't returned since she started practicing Transcendental Meditation, which turned out to be an even more necessary coping mechanism when she and her then-husband, Andrew Veyette, a principal with City Ballet, separated two years ago.
She and her family might be all right if the new world order could find a way to equally value the disabled, the nonwhite, the non-binary and the people who need an artificial coping mechanism or two.
Previous versions from the '50s and '70s starring music icons Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand illustrate how that throughout music history the industry has treated artists as products instead of people, and addiction is a common coping mechanism.
A manager can also remind each employee involved in the conflict that their coworker may be "trying to cope in the best way they know how" — even if that person's coping mechanism is driving them up the wall.
"Methadone: An American Way of Dealing" (on Saturday and Thursday), co-directed with Jim Klein, centers on the clients of a Dayton methadone clinic, many of them factory workers who have turned to drugs as a coping mechanism.
It is understandable but also somewhat unfortunate that this alternate reality — the world of "The Handmaid's Tale," adapted by Hulu from Margaret Atwood's Reagan-era novel — would become a coping mechanism for people beset by recent political developments.
In other words, astrology may seem frivolous (Cameron definitely could figure out her complex feelings about her mom without it, for example) but just by holding that space for reflection in her life, astrology becomes a powerful coping mechanism.
She created a Facebook page, Justice for Mikelle Biggs, initially as "a coping mechanism for anyone who was touched by her life," but also now serving as a place to collect tips and advocate for child safety and awareness.
It is incumbent on parents not to drink or consume other substances as a coping mechanism for stress, or to not say "yes" every time a glass of wine or a beer is offered at a restaurant or party.
As she explained on the Mindscape podcast, the War Nymph avatar idea was something of a coping mechanism for some of the very real trauma she's experienced over the past few years—mostly at the hands of the Internet.
Commit to a healthy coping mechanism I&aposm a huge proponent of taking your personal growth and mental well-being into your own hands, but sometimes the thing you have to do is not think about any of it.
Notwithstanding Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman's talk of transparency, the offering has to be seen as part of the Al Saud dynasty's coping mechanism for sliding oil prices and the damage this is doing to the finances of the kingdom.
A passive-aggressive person may become extremely difficult to deal with once confronted, so cope by remembering that their behavior stems from their inability to recognize their own weaknesses and their unhealthy coping mechanism to blame others for their failures.
For instance, Baires says that outside of the specialized court system, she has seen judges take the way women tend to normalize abuse by partners and use it against them instead of understand the coping mechanism as a psychological reaction.
After four years of bingo creation, it's uncertain whether it successfully operates as a coping mechanism, or if it instead distills the rot that permeates the information security vendor landscape, bottled up like a poisonous gas that imperils us all.
Another coping mechanism for weekend anxiety is to allow some time for just "being" instead of doing, says Metta McGarvey, lecturer on education and the faculty chair of the Mindfulness for Educators program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
In fact, one of the best points that Jackie has to make is that the country's mourning in the wake of Kennedy's death was orchestrated in part by Jackie herself—her attempt to secure her husband's legacy as a coping mechanism.
Abuse is known to be cyclical, and it is a typical, if maladaptive, coping mechanism for the abused to reenact this violence upon another, weaker target — or to internalize it, in the way of the Zionist's loathing for the diaspora Jew.
Research shows that the people most susceptible to false memories have a tendency toward dissociation, a coping mechanism reported by victims of sexual violence: they learn to detach from the moment, to feel as if they were not fully there.
The game, which allows users to create and evolve a pathogen to destroy the world, soared to the top of the charts of Apple's China app store in January, as players turned to disaster-themed content as a coping mechanism.
He understands how he is different, and he has created a coping mechanism for himself that enables him to function in society and pursue his interests in the arts as an escape when it all becomes too much for him.
Maybe they make us feel cared for, like we're doing something good for ourselves, like a coping mechanism, like a way to clear our heads, like we're taking the time out of our days to do something for ourselves and no one else.
" Wedge from LifeSIGNS confirms that self-poisoning can become a dangerous way for young people to feel in control of emotions that can seem unbearably huge: "Self-injury becomes a reliable coping mechanism to help deal with past trauma and current distress.
At a time when modern-day women are encouraged to use skin care as a coping mechanism, to do detoxes and cleanses, to cry at SoulCycle, that these characters choose such bizarre, disconcerting ways of coping is in itself a rebellious act.
The young woman eventually admitted that, feeling heavily invested in the Alex/Maggie romance as a coping mechanism with her own sexual identity issues, she was feeling lost without the show as her anchor when it was on hiatus for a few weeks.
It's gotta be like, no, there is something a little off, we're hinting at it, we're really in his coping mechanism, what Elliot would do, but the audience is going to sense it and is going to maybe predict it, maybe not.
For Standfest to give off a morbid and defeatist vibe in the face of adversity is nothing new, but for him to tackle personal issues and present work that uses humor as a coping mechanism rather than a distancing device is refreshing.
"Checking out" or numbing yourself a little is a normal coping mechanism, but if you're avoiding your problems, pain, or fears all day, that's not good—use the energy of Pisces season to dive deep, check in, and to open up to transformation.
When I spoke to people who were raised in these scenarios, they discussed the isolation or confusion they experience during Christmas and how coming up with a coping mechanism—even if it isn't as extravagant as the Cohens' Chrismukkah spectacle—is necessary.
"People often express so much shame around the behavior, but I try to help them see that eating may have met their emotional needs in many ways, and that maybe, at the time, it was the best coping mechanism they had," adds Harrison.
And it's not because these people are necessarily unintelligent (though being a more analytic person is correlated with being less swayed by conspiracies.) Instead, believing in conspiracy theories, psychological research informs us, is a coping mechanism to deal with uncertainty in the world.
But two years later, panic giving (also known as the rage donation), often facilitated by zippy new digital-payment methods, has become a coping mechanism of choice for many who feel whipsawed by breaking news alerts, tense election cycles and executive orders.
She can now add author to her resume too: Her book, Misfit (which hit shelves in March), details her struggles with eating disorders, her fight to normalize body diversity in the modeling industry and how humor can be a coping mechanism, among other topics.
Farmers are struggling with how to emotionally process their pain from the Trump administration's policies, and anger at the USDA may be a coping mechanism, said Ted Matthews, a Minnesota psychologist who has spent 303 years counseling farmers and rural residents across the Midwest.
The prosecutors had taken a hard stance against Siatta, first with charges and in plea negotiations and later in a deposition and in court, where a prosecutor belittled the idea that the accused might have been drunk as a coping mechanism for post-combat illness.
Jane's chief coping mechanism for dealing with her grief is to design and build umbrellas: not ordinary umbrellas whose function is solely to keep the rain out, but beautiful little collapsible sculptures that double as artworks and character development (and which also keep out the rain).
There was almost a collective sigh of white relief when those families went to court and said, 'I forgive you,' not understanding that for black folks in the antebellum South and beyond, forgiveness is a coping mechanism because you can't do what you'd like to do.
Using humor as a coping mechanism is nothing new, but the millennial and Gen Z tendency to approach serious issues with jokes adds another layer to political discourse — a layer that senior political analysts of the region probably didn't, or couldn't, properly factor into their analyses.
Bills fans are trapped in a hell of their own choosing and can't bring themselves to leave the cult of sadness, so it's easy to understand why their coping mechanism is drunkenly doing backflips off car roofs and onto folding tables in parking lots in freezing temperatures.
When asked how they cope with burnout, 16% of respondents said they watch Netflix, Hulu, or TV. They also reported sleeping and exercise as a coping mechanism (10% each), followed by drinking alcohol (9%), taking drugs (8%), meditation (8%), surfing the Internet (7%), and talking to friends/family (5%).
Brennan notes that where the Advice Animal image macro age explored stereotypes and the rage comic age explored feelings, the rise of the "wholesome meme" today could be regarded as a sort of "culture-wide therapy" or "coping mechanism" to deal with the grim realities of the present.
Where the song once said "Baltimore, too many niggas dying," it now says "Can't nobody stop our shine" and in the apparent interest of pushing the song to the masses, 300 has deflated a song that was initially made as a coping mechanism to heal a city in pain.
Like many military dramas, Shooter is half wish-fulfillment and half coping mechanism, an elaborate retelling of a cultural myth that has only grown stronger in an era of perpetual mass shootings: that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
Whether the contemporary hysteria of image-mediation is a real signal of world's end or just this generation's apocalyptic imagination hopped up on Juul fumes and FourLoko, Auder's work sketches out a coping mechanism that never veers into reactionary territory or engages with the politics of caps-lock liberal outrage.
The ensuing months have seen much discussion of Trump and meditation — in meditation circles, at least — and much of the discussion has been along these same lines: using meditation as a coping mechanism, a way to create an island of calm amid the perpetual storm that is the Trump presidency.
The craze has been well-documented, spurring think pieces that touch on how skin care reflects South Korean geopolitical policy, how Korean skin care became an educational experience for skin care enthusiasts, or how skin care in general became a psychological coping mechanism in the age of chaos in American politics.
I spent a lot of my early twenties cracking jokes about this stuff as a coping mechanism but at the end of the day, American Muslims face really brutal experiences that make it hard for us feel welcome here and we don't have to downplay that to make people like us or fit in.
After illustrating how painful obsessive-compulsive disorder can be to those in its grip, Begley elegantly explains the difference between compulsive behavior and O.C.D. For someone with a compulsion, the behavior itself is a coping mechanism for anxiety; that's why so many hoarders find their conduct comforting while those around them view it with alarm.
Beginning with his time fighting in the Finnish army alongside the Nazis and moving through his late-life celebrity, just as the breadth of the AIDS crisis was coming into focus, this elegant biopic frames Laaksonen's art as a kind of coping mechanism and key to a supportive subculture in the face of pervasive discrimination.
Bebe: Growing up as the only child of two Jewish parents, I was very allowed to do whatever I wanted, so I spent all my time in the backyard dancing and fantasizing and playing with Barbies and going to dance class and when things got hard as a kid, I started using that artistic expression as a coping mechanism to escape.
It's hard not to wonder if we didn't latch onto the sheer stupidity of this one incredibly inane argument for personal rights to arms as a kind of coping mechanism for the incomprehensibly painful circumstances we found ourselves in: near-constant deaths, and no clear path to stopping them within a system that works very hard to protect the status quo.
One: Because I had been an indiscriminately fearful child — and, despite repeated exposure to "considerable to high" dangers over many decades, that child failed to be eradicated and replaced by someone braver — the act of preparing for every type of unknown, even one I'm unlikely to encounter, began as a coping mechanism and evolved over the years into a passion.
But given how she and her mother have described Mariah's upbringing as one steeped in a feeling of otherness, of being rejected by both white and black kids in school, of being terrorised while living in a white neighbourhood, of trying to navigate a world sorely ill-equipped to handle the complexities of mixed ethnic heritage, humour may well have been a coping mechanism of sorts.
Sharing Noura's story on Instagram was a reflex, a coping mechanism to deal with the intense frustration I felt -- not only at the great injustice that this young woman had faced at the hands of her family and the Sudanese justice system, but also that such a major case had flown under our collective radar What made Noura's story so unusual was that she had killed her attacker.

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