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278 Sentences With "cooped up"

How to use cooped up in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "cooped up" and check conjugation/comparative form for "cooped up". Mastering all the usages of "cooped up" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That's a fucking long time to keep [someone] cooped up.
So what do these animals do, cooped up in empty apartments?
While you've been cooped up inside, the storms have been brewing!
They're active and curious and not used to being cooped up.
Well, that shows how long we've been cooped up in an office.
"It'll be our little secret," Jean tells a mournful, cooped-up Allison.
Just because you're cooped up inside doesn't mean you can't have fun.
Everyone who's cooped up inside needs a way to pass the time.
I have five and they spend their time cooped up inside the house.
Maybe it was the fact that I was cooped up inside my apartment.
But that's probably because most families haven't been cooped up for long enough.
Still, everyone being cooped up at home poses other challenges for the industry.
But then I started to struggle with feeling burnt out and cooped up.
For Mr Trillanes was cooped up in the senate building in Manila, the capital.
When the weather turns bad, foragers get cooped up inside and turn to Facebook.
Zahava was tired of keeping her son cooped up and away from other children.
Maybe I'm just older, but instead of feeling cooped up, I feel calmed down.
"It's not helping to be cooped up in this tiny, little room," she said.
We've been cooped up for eight months of rain, cold, and darkness ... so much darkness.
I don't like being cooped up or spending all day in front of a computer.
I was about to spend seven days cooped up with my boyfriend of two weeks.
According to her official Instagram account, Wilson is trying to deal with being cooped up.
But being cooped up at home can mean close contact with family members or roommates.
Compounding the problem is the rampant street violence that keeps young children cooped up indoors.
He also wasn't suited to be cooped up at a vineyard, as he tells Laris.
Not every cat lover is a crazy cat lady cooped up in a cartoony ol' house.
For the gloomy days when you're all cooped up, a backup form of entertainment is crucial.
Celebrities spend their Oscar night cooped up in a theater without any snacks (weep for them).
Last week, McGrath released a new ad showing her and her family "cooped up" at home.
Many parents right now are finding themselves cooped up with such questions all day, every day.
Many parents right now are finding themselves cooped up with such questions all day, every day.
Nerida Ross, the store's cyclist, said books offered an escape for those cooped up at home.
Instead of being cooped up in hospitals for her final days, she's out living her best life.
It's a great way to let off steam after being cooped up at Depression Manor for days.
"I wasn't cooped up in a cabin in the woods with an acoustic guitar but…" she laughs.
Now that many of us are cooped up at home, indoor air quality is even more important.
Now that many of us are cooped up at home, indoor air quality is even more important.
The smell suddenly reminded me of that summer we spent cooped up in our tiny dark apartment.
With coronavirus-related quarantines and social distancing, most people are spending more time cooped up at home.
I'm so lucky to be cooped up with a partner I love, but I miss my coworkers.
Cooped up in a hotel room, they all needed to find their own space, Ms. Goode said.
Being cooped up with Disney+ and iPads, admittedly, is hardly a perfectly analogous situation to the movie.
Yes, some of it is simply the result of being cooped up on a plane all day.
For several days, he'd been cooped up inside, trying to avoid TV vans parked outside his home.
The hothouse atmosphere gives rise to simmering tensions between the handsome visitor and the cooped-up residents.
It's now 36323 degrees and balmy, and the walk feels incredible after a week of being cooped up.
Having been cooped up all day today and yesterday, it feels great to get out and get moving.
Ecuador granted Assange asylum in its London embassy in 2012 where he has remained cooped up ever since.
Abby Lee Miller's not letting her battle with cancer slow her down ... or keep her cooped up inside.
When the weather does finally warm up, you'll have plenty to show for the months spent cooped up.
I didn't want to stay cooped up in the house, so after breakfast we went to the park.
Unlike other viral games, though, Pokémon Go has not kept players cooped up inside staring at their screens.
But at the same time, we're cooped up inside, deprived of the outside world and any new stimuli.
So many of us are turning to baking as a source of comfort while cooped up at home.
Millions of Americans are cooped up at home — some stocked up with food and hand sanitizer, some not.
She said she could not imagine spending three days in a shelter, cooped up and away from home.
Everyone is cooped up at home all day, so I may as well do something to contribute to society.
Nomi's not feeling so great about being cooped up in Bug's house, and she breaks down when Amanita leaves.
In the Southern heat, twisty seductions, jealous rivalries, and sexual tensions are pulled taut among the cooped-up women.
I'll look down at the clock and realize, wow, I've been cooped up in this car for five hours.
Filmmakers are releasing their movies for free or lifting rental costs so cooped-up people can watch at home.
Just 'cause we're all cooped up at home doesn't mean you can't getcha tan on while quarantining ... Exhibit A?
People are stockpiling pot as they prepare for what may be weeks cooped up in their homes on end.
" As she explained to Hyperallergic, these categories are "based on moods one might be experiencing while being cooped up.
Of course, Lane finds away to make sure Cooper isn't constantly cooped up inside a tour bus 24/7.
A stale sort of mugginess in the air told him they had been cooped up together for some time.
This process was always a little scary because the animals could be quite aggressive after being cooped up all night.
Luckily it's not far, and it's nice to get some exercise after being cooped up in an office all day.
These guys will soon be cooped up with nothing but each other and the constant bad news about climate change.
I'm no scientist, but it's probably getting a bit stuffy in your home with you being cooped up like that.
PARELES Cooped-up songwriters are going to write songs, and they're thinking about the same topic as nearly everyone else.
" JC: "The fact that we're cooped up in our homes does not mean that gun violence is going to stop.
O'Brien admitted it's frustrating to be cooped up, but having a furry friend around is helping with her mental health.
I'm 28, feeling cooped up, and already longing for my social life, but the coronavirus isn't just about my health.
"But maybe we should stay cooped up / Like we don't know what moonlight is," she sings in a near whisper.
If you're ready to scream spring, or just scream from being cooped up in a parka too long, forge on ahead.
These types of things typically have a training period that lasts multiple years and keeps you cooped up away from society.
It felt like I was constantly cooped up, and my weekends away in whatever city I could get to became explosive.
"Cooped up in my apartment with a bunch of friends, I watched Game of Thrones all winter," he told the Week.
While studies show tigers can peacefully coexist with people, any frustrated, cooped-up cat has the capacity to eventually lash out.
I didn't love seeing the reindeer all cooped up as a tourist attraction — they looked pretty miserable, which made me sad.
My son's school has a chalky, cooped-up smell, and at my daughter's preschool the kids look a bit glassy-eyed.
Despite being cooped up in their studios, many artists find inspiration in the changing seasons — the sculptor Steven Haulenbeek particularly so.
In a time of distress and uncertainty, it's nice to know that our favorite A-listers are just as cooped up.
Going from real face time to FaceTime Cooped up New Yorkers are turning to virtual happy hours for comfort and support.
Instead of moping about cooped up inside, take this as an opportunity to be productive and unleash your inner Marie Kondo.
Being cooped up inside the house may be especially difficult for seniors who are used to going out to stay active.
By the time we reached our guide, the kids had been cooped up in the car for a couple of hours.
Conan O'Brien, like the rest of the late night hosts, is currently cooped up at home practicing coronavirus social distancing measures.
It's like a bunch of hens cooped up in a hen house so of course we were pecking at each other.
She wasn't going to remain cooped up in her safe house all day and let her assailants get the better of her.
Nor will anyone who cringes at the idea of spending 18 hours or more cooped up in a 32-inch plane seat.
They had been cooped up in a tent in the mountains, playing dominoes with former guerrillas, waiting for the rain to stop.
Gluten-free banana bread Being cooped up is the perfect excuse to try out a new recipe that might otherwise seem overwhelming.
Plus, many fields of science feature isolating environments like labs and hospitals, where researchers and students spend long hours cooped up together.
"There are [sic] people like me who just stay at home most of the time cooped up in their room," she wrote.
"I think younger girls who have been cooped up at home will be eager to get out of the house," he said.
He comes out of the brothers' room, which is what we call the space in which the three boys are cooped up.
But by the second night, it seemed too sad to be cooped up in a dark room in the City of Light.
But after weeks of being cooped up inside, we wanted to see if we could re-enter the world of the living.
Parents and guardians now have the herculean task of keeping cooped up kiddos actively engaged, and averting their eyes from multiple screens.
A few weeks later, telling the story over dinner, John would explain that the storm had kept him cooped up for days.
They say he feels cooped up in the White House and stymied by the slow confirmation process for many of his Cabinet members.
Being cooped up indoors is a small price to pay to help halt the alarming spread of coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19.
Phil says ya just gotta acknowledge the reality ... you're gonna be cooped up together, and it's not gonna be all sunshine and flowers.
But being cooped up inside for far too long also made us realize that there are only so many TikToks we can watch.
Not only does it protect against the spread of illness, it also makes being cooped up in your home a lot more pleasant.
Efforts to "flatten the curve" have meant people are spending much more time cooped up at home, and many have turned to baking.
The board noted that clogged sewer lines are more than just a headache for residents cooped up in their homes during a pandemic.
Accustomed to being surrounded by dozens of kids my own age, I had been cooped up in my grandmother's house for two months.
It could also be an early sign of a fading willingness to live cooped up with their families or in crowded, shared houses.
But evidence is now mounting that we are paying a physiological price for spending all those hours cooped up unnaturally within four walls.
I don't do well cooped up in the house and I decide to shovel out my car and put some salt on the sidewalk.
The scientists cooped up there are turning on each other, due to the presence of an alien parasite they dug out of the ice.
It followed Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell), a miner for Lunar Industries who's going stir crazy after three years cooped up in an isolated station.
Thirty-six straight days of sleeping on concrete or in a bush, and being cooped up with the same people day in, day out.
Here I befriended the "lady explorer" Isabella Bird, who scaled the Rocky Mountains and survived the winter in a cabin cooped up with frontiersmen.
With many people around the world cooped up inside, traffic to video streaming and online gaming has grown, Cloudflare said in a blog post.
Similarly, a Malinois with a strong working drive is not going to be happy cooped up in your apartment while you work long hours.
"I wanted to support the artists who will suffer, and I am already feeling cooped up," said Ms. Ledbetter, 39, a criminal defense lawyer.
If you planned on being cooped up in your home for the remaining days of the year, push yourself to experiment with new activities.
It's decided that Allie will "arrest" Elle in order to keep her cooped up inside the house, since that way Campbell can't get to her.
He said it was "unintentional animal cruelty" to keep a rabbit cooped up and to fail to give it a proper diet of grass hay.
" Minutes later, Michael bemoans the fact he can't leave the apartment, coming to the realization, "I'm tired of being cooped up in here like Belle.
Our lack of disposable income meant that we spent most of our free time cooped up in our apartment, fighting about not having any money.
Wendy accused Kevin of keeping her cooped up at home and treating her like a "show pony," and he fired back by calling her lazy.
Get creative in the kitchen: Being cooped up indoors is the ideal time to get cooking with new recipes and hone your top chef skills.
And this means a very good chance of plans getting ruined by rain or snow and many more days of being cooped up at home.
Spending time outside could also calm your and your kids' nerves, which, if you have all been cooped up together for days, could be helpful.
Consider taking a walk around the block or spending some time in your backyard, especially if you've been cooped up working from home all day.
We'll feel driven toward quiet, he believes, the way someone cooped up in an office for too long yearns for a walk in the park.
Being mostly cooped up indoors due to COVID-19-related social distancing means there are a lot of things we can't do at the moment.
I'd been cooped up for a bit with post-E3 obligations, and it sounded like a great excuse to get out and about a bit.
With children cooped up at home because of the coronavirus, experts warn they may be at higher risk for bumps, scrapes, broken bones and more.
I curl up on the couch for another online lecture, punctuated by random YouTube clips from my extrovert husband who's been cooped up all day.
I thought more and more, floating through endless hours cooped up inside our apartment, of a summer I had spent doing sterile cell culture experiments.
The extra space — 400 square feet in total — offered ample elbow room for a road-tripping couple who had been cooped up in a car.
Like hundreds of thousands of young Chinese who traveled back for the holidays, he has been cooped up at home since, waiting out the coronavirus.
But those coupe back seats are cooped up — difficult for passengers, be they long of limb or lengthy in senior years, to reach and sit comfortably.
There's nothing like feeling the electricity and excitement first hand, devoid of interruptions, cooped up amongst a congregation of fighting game fanatics, roaring, cheering, reacting, applauding.
My kids are much more likely to sneeze on me when we're cooped up in the winter than when they're running around outside in the summer.
How to deliver a taste of freedom to these cooped up jungen without attracting unwanted attention is a challenge worthy of Mike's rare combination of talents.
Amy McGrath, "Cooped Up."  The very well-funded challenger to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) introduced herself to voters with Hollywood-level production-quality ads.
Fed is gettin' in on the action ... posting a vid of his tweeners and behind-the-back shots against his wall while cooped up at home.
In a mud hole of constant drizzle, skating was a welcome activity for cooped-up children and their exhausted parents, a more kid-friendly bowling alley.
The coronavirus outbreak is creating a boon for an erectile dysfunction product ... because couples apparently really want to get down while they're cooped up at home.
When Nipsey Hussle dropped his 2013 mixtape, Crenshaw, I was teetering toward depression while cooped up in my dismal bedroom on the other side of the world.
Kevin is firing back at the beloved talk show host after she told us she "was cooped up only to be a show pony" during their marriage.
The game's publishers Sega and developers Sports Interactive decided to give free access to the game as people cope with being cooped up at home all day.
Elise finds that she needs the daily release of flipping on the trampoline or tumbling on the ground, especially after being cooped up at school all day.
"People are cooped up in cabins that are very small, with not a lot of air movement, especially if you've adopted the lock-down instructions," he says.
Lewis says when he wasn't on the road, she kept him cooped up at home in moldy conditions so bad ... he had to wear an oxygen mask.
Ahead, we rounded up some of our favorites to keep in your stash as summer rolls around — because nobody has time to be cooped up inside doing hair.
Instead of being cooped up in your hotel room, you can charge all your essentials anywhere: In a café, on a train, or inside your new favorite museum.
I feel bad that this is the first day I've actually been up for doing something after work — he's basically been cooped up in my apartment all week.
During this five-day period, it'll be in your interest to reflect on expansion and growth: Where in your life have you felt cooped up or stuck lately?
But all are wrestling with similar challenges: worry, attempts to still work, uncertainty about the future, and the balance between adjusting to being cooped up and cherishing safety.
If you're still planning on getting something out of being cooped up in your home until the crisis subsides, keep these three suggestions in mind, according to Walker.
She and the girls spent days inside cooped up inside her parents' apartment in Wuhan while Sam Roth worked frantically to get them home to the United States.
When Gaddafi visited a hotel where journalists had been cooped up for several days, a scrum of reporters crowded around the Libyan leader to get pictures and soundbites.
Though she's been cooped up at home in a wheelchair, we've watched as her teenage desires have crept past the child-like dressing her mother has kept her in.
In fact, various cedar scents and bright colors were used on the British Antarctic Survey's research station in Antarctica to combat the blues of being cooped up all winter.
His parents bought him the ball before he got sick, but it wasn't until he was cooped up in the hospital that he started carrying it with him everywhere.
And the more the men are cooped up together, the darker their feelings toward each other turn, which really requires living in the stew with them for a while.
Cooped up in the White House for weeks now, except for a brief trip to Virginia on Saturday, Trump appears to be working the phones even harder than usual.
Still, some New Yorkers couldn't resist going out with a group of friends on Saturday night after being cooped up for what they said felt like a long time.
Coupled with isolation as people are urged or forced to stay home and flatten the curve, we've got a recipe for a cooped-up, bored, and stressed out population.
But it's cheap, and after spending all that time cooped up with your discounted Udemy classes, it might be a good idea to give your brain some fresh air.
Cooped up in Lord Byron's Villa Diodati in the 1816 summer of endless rain, she and the other illustrious people gathered challenged one another to write a ghost story.
If hours sitting at a desk or cooped up in a hot car have your legs screaming for action this summer, there's no better way than a scenic hike.
"Look, my husband had a full baby with a woman he was involved with for 15 years … where I was cooped up only to be a show pony," she said.
Such a mission might involve half a dozen people, perhaps from different cultures, cooped up together for some three years in a space no bigger than a typical family home.
My parents used to say that cruises were no fun — that you'd be cooped up in a cabin where you couldn't turn around without bumping into a piece of furniture.
One positive of being cooped up is that it's led me to a greater appreciation for the wheelchair that I do have, which is my only form of getting around.
Ms. Morales, a Bronx native, Mr. Velez and their nine-year-old son, Ian, left a "cooped-up" apartment in Co-op City for the suburban feel of Morris Park.
Most importantly, you, too, are cooped up inside, so embrace this version of cabin fever — and remember, this is Charlie Brooker, and he's not known for copout feel-good storytelling.
Tumbleweeds might as well have rolled across the Golden Gate Bridge during rush hour Friday, though cooped-up people filled nearby Crissy Field to exercise, mostly keeping a respectful distance.
President Trump spent a snowy weekend cooped up in the White House, serving fast food to the Clemson Tigers and not giving in to proposals to end the government shutdown.
Knowing that the coronavirus has us all cooped up indoors, the creators of the game made all dungeons, raids, and expansion packs available to everyone through the end of April.
After being cooped up in his apartment for what seemed like years, he couldn't wait to go the dance and checked with Madame Ito to make sure of the date.
But we also know the profound influence simply getting dressed has on a person's mood, attitude, and sense of purpose (even if we're all cooped up and climbing the walls).
Self-quarantine, under those circumstances, sounds like chaos waiting to happen, and that doesn't even include the city's many families cooped up in small spaces who are just as vulnerable.
Being cooped up since the Mesozoic Era will take its toll on anyone, so naturally, the T-rex have been getting about 70 million years of FOMO out of their system.
It's been a rough week for WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange, who's cooped up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London with no internet and, possibly, poisonous vegan meals trying to kill him.
Cooped up with her controlling aunt Ida after her brother sells their house upon their parents' death, Maud immediately searches for escape, going to the local dance hall, smoking, and painting.
According to a Facebook post by one the rescuers with BFDR, Amanda Brooke Charsha-Lindsey, Lazarus had been cooped up in a poop-filled barn stall for the past six years.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - As coronavirus fears inflict havoc on Wall Street, a few stocks are thriving on expectations that millions of people will spend weeks or longer cooped up at home.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - As coronavirus fears inflict havoc on Wall Street, a few stocks are thriving on expectations that millions of people will spend weeks or longer cooped up at home.
I know if I'm cooped up in my apartment for several weeks, it's only a matter of time before I start repeating her perfect line delivery to anyone who will listen.
For $85 to $130 a day, they will take city dogs hiking in beautiful places like Harriman State Park and South Mountain Reservation, while their owners are cooped up in cubicles.
After a week of being cooped up in my apartment and working it's a great way to decompress, to drink and be silly, and escape the news for a few hours.
Luckily, we here at Task & Purpose are experts at filling boredom and decided to whip up a few recommendations to keep you from going bats — insane while cooped up at home.
If you're one of the thousands of employees asked to work remotely amid the coronavirus pandemic, chances are you're spending a lot of time cooped up at home on your laptop.
It nails the feeling of journalists who are involuntarily cooped up together far away from home, and it nicely conveys why war coverage could be just the thing for adrenaline junkies.
But you can forego that cooped up, indoor experience and hit up an outdoor movie or drive-in movie theater and enjoy both the weather and the thrill of the flick.
"I would imagine life getting kind of hard on those buses after two and a half days or more, largely cooped up in those buses driving around in the desert," Townsend said.
The character's original identity briefly surfaces late in the film, but most of the run time goes to the array of caricatures cooped up in the dysfunctional boarding house of his brain.
Samsung Electronics, that conglomerate's darling, thrived in 2017, clocking up record profits, contributing to a surge in exports for the year, all while Mr Lee has been cooped up on criminal charges.
Priebus had been cooped up on a United Airlines flight to San Francisco with sketchy wireless service for about 6 hours, and was now just getting caught up on the day's events.
Spring is finally here, but instead of spending your free time living your best life out in fresh air, you're probably cooped up indoors — at least, you should be, given the circumstances.
But too often patients and physicians find themselves cooped up in dim rooms and sterile hallways with little access to natural light or views of nature: too much concrete, not enough jungle.
"I've had so many messages [from followers] stating they were so grateful for my memes because they didn't feel so alone while they're cooped up in their private practice all day," they said.
"The Peanut Butter Falcon" follows Zak (Zack Gottsagen), a young man with Down syndrome, who escapes the nursing home where he's been cooped up by the state of North Carolina for two years.
Mr. Woods said that the group discovered that inmates wanted to keep the jail open because they preferred to stay outdoors than to be cooped up in a cell most of the day.
Now that they're back in California, they'll also have to comply with "shelter at home" orders -- but guessing they'd prefer being cooped up on their home turf rather than a hotel down under.
The show took great liberties with the characters: Instead of staying cooped up, the Addamses traveled around the country in an RV that looks like their house, all while having various supernatural adventures.
As much as we cherish all the resolutions and fresh starts the new year brings, there's a distinct cabin fever-feeling that brews when cooped up during the coldest, darkest time of the year.
If you're cooped up at home today, Amazon has some tech and home deals that can at least put off your cabin fever for a little bit — and get you ready for warmer weather.
But all that changed for me this weekend when Pokémon Go's developers, Niantic Labs, pushed out a new update for the game — and I'll bet I'm not the only player feeling suddenly cooped up.
One reason I talk about being unhoused and disabled so openly is that keeping such facts cooped up makes you want to isolate the rest of your personal life from the people in it.
A lot of us are going to be working from home indefinitely thanks to the coronavirus outbreak, which may lead some of us to feel cooped up and, well, maybe a little bit bored.
On Friday morning, rain was an unexpected guest, keeping the Hoffmans' daughters, Claire, 7, and Katelyn, 4, cooped up in the coach, where their father was trying to rest for an afternoon tee time.
In 1939, Joseph Haas, founder of the National Band and Tag Company, devised a fashionable method to deal with cooped-up cannibals: mini sunglasses equipped with red celluloid lenses on a hinged aluminum frame.
When Six Flags in St. Louis announced its recent "Coffin Challenge," where anyone brave enough to be cooped up in a coffin for 30 hours straight could earn $300, cash, the campaign went viral.
That's why I'm urging millennials to wake up: Don't be reckless and flout the advice to stay in, but also don't stay so cooped up that you go stir crazy over fears of the unknown.
Dr. Vaile Wright, director of clinical research and quality at the American Psychological Association, says there's more benefits to social activities than just busting boredom, especially when you're cooped up for long periods of time.
Many presidents have complained of being cooped up inside the White House — George W. Bush in particular said he missed the outdoors — but Mr. Trump can go for days without breathing in fresh outside air.
ON ROAD TRIPS, PLAN STOPS If you're getting to your destination by car, Ms. Ogintz recommended stopping every two to three hours to counteract the cooped-up feeling that comes from being in a car.
I can't recall all of the details â€" I just remember my body shaking from being cooped up at home writingâ€" but somebody saw how desperate I was and came to my rescue.
I often come here to work whenever I start feeling cooped up at home, but I just got back from a week of visiting my sister at college, so I haven't been by in a bit.
The folksy sort of omnipresence Trudeau has cultivated online stands in stark contrast to the imagined embodiment that US President Donald Trump projects through social media—singular, afraid, cooped up, a trembling kernel of confused rage.
Anxious and Cooped Up, 1.5 Million Kashmiri Children Are Still Out of School With soldiers and militants claiming the streets, and most schools simply shuttered, education has been on hold through months of crisis in Kashmir.
J.K. Rowling granted an open license for teachers to post videos of themselves reading aloud from the "Harry Potter" books while students are cooped up at home and schools are closed due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni of Italy, facing a daunting migration crisis that intensifies with the summer heat, has kept his government cooped up in August cabinet meetings and has held talks this week with Libyan envoys.
But some say shuttering schools isn't actually useful since children can't realistically be cooped up at home for months at a time and will inevitably congregate together in other enclosed quarters — at libraries, gyms and malls.
It's easy to see why; he's cooped up in his house for hours, mixing titanic loads of vodka and Jell-O powder through a stainless steel distillery, dosing an army of plastic thimbles with a makeshift pump.
Consider the case of an anonymous soldier who described his isolation experience to The Daily Beast: cooped up in a 15-by-15 room with three other soldiers at Fort Bliss, subsisting on canned tuna and tortillas.
We're still quite a ways off from the expected holiday 2020 launch of the PlayStation 5, but Sony gave us some nuggets of information to chew on this week while we're all cooped up in our homes.
At the beginning of "Girlfriend on Mars," a pot-dealing slacker couple, Kevin and Amber, are living like a cooped-up Adam and Eve in their humid, mulchy Vancouver apartment, surrounded by a garden of homegrown weed.
She'd been cooped up there for the church's annual crèche, but apparently couldn't jive with the whole Jesus thing—fleeing her cell at about 2:30 AM and hoofing it to a nearby highway, snarling the local traffic.
It has me on edge not only about contracting the coronavirus, but also about the prospect of one of my kids' accidentally breaking a finger while they're unnaturally cooped up with little to do but climb the walls.
" A custom paint-by-numbers portrait of my dog A Nintendo Switch "I never play video games but the idea of spending potentially months cooped up like this made a $300 gaming system seem like a necessary purchase.
A potential wild card witness is Jerome Corsi, a conspiracy-minded author who exchanged emails with Stone about reaching out to Assange while the WikiLeaks founder was cooped up at the time at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.
Stir-crazy from a week cooped-up in his West Wing warren, week eight saw the president take Air Force One to the farthest points west that he had ventured during his young administration: Ypsilanti, Michigan and Nashville, Tennessee.
Every audience member is pre-assigned a "country" for the night, a section of the auditorium that corresponds to a nationality of the migrants cooped up at the camp in Calais waiting to make the perilous dash to Britain.
Gifted at accents and impressions, she has been hilarious recently as herself, capturing the hostility of a couple cooped up in at home and the difficulty of conversation over FaceTime, a crossover collaboration with Eva Victor that went viral.
Gifted at accents and impressions, she has been hilarious recently as herself, capturing the hostility of a couple cooped up in at home and the difficulty of conversation over FaceTime, a crossover collaboration with Eva Victor that went viral.
The team announced its efforts to help those cooped up in their homes during the COVID-19 scare ... saying the plan is to have players call up "older and more vulnerable" fans in the North Liverpool and Kirkby communities.
Cooped up beneath Meereen like common cattle, chained so they can't fly like their brother Drogon, having not seen their mother in months — Rhaegal and Viserion have to just hang out and wait to be important to the plot again.
Featured Article: "Anxious and Cooped Up, 183 Million Kashmiri Children Are Still Out of School" After India revoked the autonomy of the Kashmir region in August, soldiers and militants have claimed the streets and most schools shuttered their doors indefinitely.
The good boy sat cooped up in his custom UGA-themed dog house — which comes equipped with a permanent air conditioner, lots of space, and a prime view of the cheerleaders — while rain poured down between the hedges at Sanford Stadium.
We know you were probably thinking it, so we're just going to say it: Having sex with your partner (or reigniting the self-love flame) is as good a way as any to spend time cooped up in your apartment.
"I think consumers will be thankful for something new to play given that so many find themselves cooped up under shelter in place regulations, so yes, I think that staying home will have a positive impact on sales," said Pachter.
My resolution and why I chose it: To find meaningful freelance work so that I can shed the unpalatable drudgery of being cooped up in the same place all day, every day, doing unsatisfying work in the name of money.
And while we usually picture these animals as being too fat to walk and cooped up in their coops being exposed to unnatural light patterns, there is another breed of oversized chickens out there—and it's even scarier to the unacquainted.
But, no matter what level of dysfunction your family displays when they're all cooped up together, there is comfort to be found in the fact that there is always another clan that is more of a mess than yours could ever be.
On Soccer BARCELONA, Spain — It was as they were whiling away one of those long, sultry evenings cooped up in the comfortable surroundings of the Hotel Lucerna in Culiacán, Mexico, that Pep Guardiola outlined to Ángel Morales his vision of the perfect goal.
With long, sunny days in most places across the country, you're more likely go for a jog in the park, play pick-up soccer or bike around a city park than stay cooped up in a stuffy gym surrounded by sweaty strangers.
Chu's slender fragility and marvelously expressive face drive the story, but Lee has some lovely, impetuous moments as Carey, unable to tolerate being cooped up, trundles his father's hospital bed around town with casual but not unkind disregard for its oblivious occupant.
Growing up in a village outside Beirut during Lebanon's 1975-90 civil war, which killed more than 150,000 people, she remembers being cooped up at home with little to do but watch movies like "Annie" and "Grease" as the fighting burned outside.
During these missions, would-be astronauts spend months at a time cooped up in places like the Concordia station in Antarctica or the HI-SEAS dome on the side of a Hawaiian volcano to study human psychology under these uniquely stressful conditions.
The most famous example in recent days is Justin Vernon of Bon Iver, cooped up in a frosted-over Wisconsin log cabin to record For Emma, Forever Ago onto an eight-track machine, but everyone from the Band to Neil Young has done something similar.
Julian Assange, cooped up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, seems to still be having trouble deciding whether or not he'll make good on his promise to be extradited to the U.S. because former president Barack Obama commuted the sentence of U.S. whistleblower Chelsea Manning.
After being cooped up in "Shank Shaw" jail (I see what you did there, Riverdale!), we see FP back on his bike like he never left only this time with his son in tow for some father and son biker-bonding and it's adorable.
The 20-year-old is currently cooped up at home basking in the glow of motherhood, where sources tell PEOPLE she's surrounded by her family, as well as her boyfriend Travis Scott and his family — who are all "over the moon" about the new addition.
After all, in the months since our last oceanside getaway — which was likely around Labor Day — we've been cooped up indoors perfecting our self-care routine with moisturizing sheet masks, online shopping binges, and the occasional meditation session (unintentionally working on a vitamin D deficiency).
And just as cooped-up families or roommates are discovering strain in their relationships, the pandemic has highlighted and deepened internal divides in the administration as the coronavirus response becomes an all-encompassing focus for aides navigating a once-in-a-generation health crisis.
The test flight crews will be medically examined, presumably make sure that they're not going to try to eat people after being cooped up in a small metal can for 20 hours straight (along with, presumably, the more ordinary health factors of a long journey).
It seemed inevitable that distributors, seeking to avoid a pile-up of releases in the latter half of the year, would find another way to release some of their films — especially with many individuals and families cooped up at home in quarantine or self-isolation.
"I'm quite optimistic that with most of the consumer part of the economy, people who've been cooped up in their apartments for the last several weeks are going to be ready to spend when they get out," saidAndy Rothman, investment strategist at Matthews Asia.
Knowing there was a chance it could be ineffective, MacCaskill didn't want to spend what could potentially be the finals days of her life cooped up in a hospital, so she learned how to administer the IV herself so she could continue to do what she loved.
As for submariners, Jon Bailey, a robot submarine driver and former Navy submariner, said it best: "During my time in the Submarine Service, I -- along with many others -- endured many weeks and months cooped up in a steel tube under the waves," he shared in a tweet.
Being cooped up makes me feel the need to move, and Martin Kimson, a personal trainer, suggested on YouTube that piling some books into a duffel bag to add weight can be used to do bicep curls for your arms and rows to help strengthen your back.
While I had been thinking about this for a while, the thought of the pup being cooped up all day while I was at work, along with the prospect of paying a dog walker hundreds of dollars a month, put a serious damper on my enthusiasm.
If you're cooped up in a tub-less, shoebox city apartment or happen to live with a handful of roommates who have a collective adversity to Clorox, dipping into a tub may not be an option — or at least not one that seems like more of a luxury than a liability.
Holiday cheaters could be looking for escape or feel nostalgic for simpler timesOne Illicit Encounters survey of over 400 of its members found that 70% of respondents decided to cheat on their partners over Christmas because they were cooped up, which led to feelings of irritability and desperation for change.
"To have 10 people cooped up in half a room is an abomination, and it doesn't say that we care about these people," said Councilman Donovan Richards Jr., a Democrat, who is the lead sponsor of one bill requiring more public information on the homes and a co-sponsor of the other bills.
White House Memo WASHINGTON — As he prepared to finally emerge from the White House on Monday morning, after days of complaining that he had been cooped up there waiting for Democrats to negotiate with him to end a 24-day government shutdown, President Trump momentarily seemed to forget where he was headed.
How to talk to people who are still posting photos from their vacation (don't they know we're in the midst of a global health emergency?) Arguably it's fair to associate a certain amount of obnoxiousness with posting fun-in-the-sun snaps while others are cooped up in quarantine or even working the front lines.
Cooped up at Mar-a-Lago -- Trump didn't play golf either Saturday or Sunday out of concern for how it might look when funerals were ongoing for the victims of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida -- Trump reportedly was fuming at the coverage of the indictments of 13 Russians by special counsel Bob Mueller.
In the latest flexing of his muscles, Italy's interior minister and leader of the Northern League, the pugnacious Matteo Salvini, kept more than a hundred asylum-seekers cooped up on one of Italy's coast-guard vessels, the Ubaldo Diciotti, for almost a week as he demanded EU agreement on a policy for the redistribution of migrants.
In the wake of that 2013 documentary — which investigated the disturbing impact of captivity on orcas at Sea World and other marine parks — attendance dropped at these establishments, the Sea World chief executive stepped down and many of us arrived at a keener understanding of how these animals are compromised by being cooped up in tanks.
WASHINGTON — After two months spent scorching the earth in Washington and complaining about being cooped up in the White House, President Trump is planning to return this weekend to the one place where he knows he will receive a hero's welcome for his troubles: Mar-a-Lago, his gilded club by the sea in Palm Beach.
If you're in the Bay Area and the thought of being cooped up all winter has your skin crawling, you might want to get out of the house and come visit us at WIRED25 next weekend, which will bring many of the people that we spoke to in our November issue, like Patrick Collison and Chris Evans, to our offices in San Francisco.
"People are cooped up, they're lonely, they're not getting very much face-to-face socializing, and they are going to be excited to return to restaurants and movie theaters and bars and to go shopping at the mall and to go to Disneyland, but if they've depleted all their savings, if they've ruined their credit scores, if they've declared bankruptcy, then they won't be able to afford those things," Stevenson said.
"Their days amount to little more than running the home and working as many hours as they can to meet these orders, cooped up inside," Mr. Kara said, noting that injury and chronic illness, including back pain and diminishing eyesight, were common complaints as a result of the monotonous work, which is often fulfilled in dusty or dirty environments and with no medical care offered by the subcontractors.
BURLINGTON, Iowa — Since President TrumpDonald John TrumpSchiff: Bolton 'refused' to submit affidavit on Trump's involvement in Ukraine controversy Yang congratulates Romney for 'voting his conscious and character' in convicting Trump McConnell 'disappointed' by Romney impeachment vote, but 'I'm going to need his support' MORE's impeachment trial kicked off nearly two weeks ago, three key senators in the Democratic field have been cooped up in Washington and unable to campaign across Iowa ahead of Monday's caucuses.
This is her being extremely terrified in the hit movie: If you need a quick Bird Box refresher, or you weren't one of the 40 million people to watch it over the holiday season, Lucy is one of the survivors cooped up in the house with Sandra Bullock and Co. In one memorable (and frightening!) scene, Lucy and the others go to the grocery store — but remember, you've got to keep your eyes covered so the monsters don't drive you insane enough to kill yourself, so they go to the grocery store with the car windows blocked out and navigate there using GPS.

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