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14 Sentences With "conundra"

How to use conundra in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "conundra" and check conjugation/comparative form for "conundra". Mastering all the usages of "conundra" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Thanks to the ceaseless churn of the internet, Fornite is far from the only easy solution to life's sartorial conundra.
While his most impactful research was at the edge of human knowledge, he truly loved physics and spent much of his time playing with conundra like the broken spaghetti problem.
After the Shield-on-fire, crisis-filled year the NFL had in 2014, a follow-up season in which the biggest issues were a general sloppiness in play and near-constant officiating conundra can practically be considered a boon.
The field of artificial intelligence is a large one, full of interesting research, arguments, and people — so you could be forgiven (as I hope to be) for not being familiar with Joanna Bryson, professor of CS at the University of Bath who for decades has studied AI and its many ethical and technical conundra.
Sit down in any merchant bank today, and you'll be faced with the same conundra about credit, contracts and exploitation that Shakespeare weighed up 212 years ago ("twill be recorded as a precedent," complains the Duke of Venice when someone suggests freeing a desperate man from a debt - before worrying about Venice's regulatory competitiveness as a global trade hub.) Drenched in Greek myth -- penniless Bassanio woos the heiress Portia as Jason, hunting the golden fleece -- "The Merchant of Venice" asks us what we value, love or money.
Persian also adopted the conundrum form mu‘ammā from Arabic. These conundra are in verse, do not include an interrogatory element, and involve clues as to the letters or sounds of the word. The main study is by Shama Anwari-Alhosseyni.Loqaz und Mo‘ammā: ein Quellenstudie zur Kunstform der persischen Rätsels (Berlin, 1986).
Spiritual and mundane conundra feature prominently in their songs. Apart from their numerous compositions in Kannada, Purandaradasa composed in the Bhandira language while Vadiraja composed in Tulu also. Their compositions use a range of musical instruments. These included the tamburi, vina, dandika, kombu, flute, ankle-bells, bhringimela, panchavadya maddala, bheri, rudravina, titti, nagasvara, conch, mridanga, cymbols, dundubhi, damaru, tambata, mauri, tuttuti, kinnari, and pancha maha shabda.
Sirach also mentions riddles as a popular dinner pastime, while the Aramaic Story of Ahikar contains a long section of proverbial wisdom that in some versions also contains riddles.Archer Taylor, The Literary Riddle before 1600 (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1948), pp. 41–42. Otherwise, riddles are sparse in ancient Semitic writing. In the medieval period, however, verse riddles, alongside other puzzles and conundra, became a significant literary form in the Arabic-speaking world,G.
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn's 1638 The Wedding of Samson, depicting Samson (right of centre) posing Samson's riddle. A riddle is a statement, question or phrase having a double or veiled meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be solved. Riddles are of two types: enigmas, which are problems generally expressed in metaphorical or allegorical language that require ingenuity and careful thinking for their solution, and conundra, which are questions relying for their effects on punning in either the question or the answer.
When created, LIPs often have an areal extent of a few million km2 and volumes on the order of 1 million km3. In most cases, the majority of a basaltic LIP's volume is emplaced in less than 1 million years. One of the conundra of such LIPs' origins is to understand how enormous volumes of basaltic magma are formed and erupted over such short time scales, with effusion rates up to an order of magnitude greater than mid-ocean ridge basalts.
The book analyzes the different positions on church and state of three Founding Fathers (James Madison, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson) and contextualizes them in modern-day judicial conundra like school prayers or public funding of religious institutions. It won the Hubert Morken Award from the American Political Science Association in 2011. The book was widely reviewed. In Perspectives on Politics, Professor Isaac Kramnick of Cornell University, called it a "very important book", although he regretted Muñoz's decision to look at only three founders, concluding that other founders could illuminate modern-day jurists further.
Captain Z-Ro would then send Jet back in time to intervene and ensure that history played out as originally recorded. Over the years, plots involved Z-Ro and Jet rescuing a wide range of historical figures, including Genghis Khan, Marco Polo, Magellan, William the Conqueror, Benedict Arnold, William Tell, Christopher Columbus, Blackbeard, Captain Cook, Leonardo da Vinci, Robin Hood, George Washington, Attila the Hun, Hernando Cortez and Daniel Boone. Like early episodes of Doctor Who, which premiered in the UK more than a decade later, most episodes were melodramatic history lessons for children. No serious effort was made to explain how the time machine worked, and time travel conundra (such as the grandfather paradox) were likewise glossed over.
The later Mohists or the group known as School of Names (ming jia, 479-221 BCE), consider that ming (名 "name") may refer to three kinds of shi (實 "actuality"): type universals (horse), individual (John), and unrestricted (thing). They adopt a realist position on the name-reality connection - universals arise because "the world itself fixes the patterns of similarity and difference by which things should be divided into kinds". The philosophical tradition is well known for conundra resembling the sophists, e.g. when Gongsun Longzi (4th century BCE) questions if in copula statements (X is Y), are X and Y identical or is X a subclass of Y. This is the famous paradox "a white horse is not a horse".
Some Islamic scholars faced questions that they felt were not explicitly answered in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, especially questions with regard to philosophical conundra such as the nature of God, the existence of human free will, or the eternal existence of the Qur'an. Various schools of theology and philosophy developed to answer these questions, each claiming to be true to the Qur'an and the Muslim tradition (sunnah). Among Sunni Muslims, various schools of thought in theology began to be born out of the sciences of kalām in opposition to the textualists who stood by affirming texts without delving into philosophical speculation as they saw it as an innovation in Islam. The following were the three dominant schools of theology that grew.

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