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"consciousness-raising" Definitions
  1. the process of making people aware of important social and political issues

149 Sentences With "consciousness raising"

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CABELL SMITH, production sound mixer [As part of the women's movement in New York, our] consciousness-raising group purchased a Sony Porta Pak to videotape our consciousness-raising sessions.
But I don't think you can skip the consciousness raising part.
Greater awareness (you could even call it consciousness-raising) would help.
Consciousness-raising and tactics like it have always frustrated feminists, too.
To object to such use is not censorship; it's consciousness-raising.
Or a Redstockings consciousness-raising group, a revolutionary cell speaking bitterness?
He thinks the fire will serve as an awful consciousness-raising.
I think my work is about consciousness raising more than anything else.
I didn't do consciousness-raising with my sisters in the late Sixties.
There's a point when "consciousness raising" loses its utility as an argument.
Reading her on almost any subject had an aspect of consciousness-raising.
It's a sincere attempt at feminist consciousness-raising, smuggled inside a murder mystery.
Through #MeToo, Twitter acted as a conduit for both consciousness-raising and awareness-raising.
In consciousness-raising sessions, feminists questioned the male supremacy influencing how most humans copulated.
To supporters, Ms. Tamimi is a courageous, consciousness-raising icon of popular Palestinian resistance.
"Many of these are consciousness-raising products," the exhibition's co-curator, Cara McCarty, said.
The world needs an ethical revolution, a consciousness-raising movement of truly international proportions.
One of Dr. Metzner's interests was consciousness-raising as it applies to planetary health.
To learn and internalize them would be to ascend within a comprehensive, consciousness-raising system.
We're doing deeper consciousness-raising work, and food is an essential component of building trust.
I think the best analogy is the women's movement, which was catalyzed by consciousness raising.
She entered a world of consciousness-raising hallucinogenic drugs, meditation and Eastern religion communal living.
"We're hoping for consciousness raising and an awareness in a broader base of shareholders," she said.
"Even back in the second wave, they realized that consciousness-raising wasn't enough," Kaba told me.
West, a feminist writer, is no stranger to Twitter as a site for potential consciousness-raising.
The absence of political or social consciousness-raising on the new album with Rogê is striking.
By that time, "Wives" has devolved from enjoyable, slapdash satire into a consciousness-raising pep rally.
I've come to see that, beyond purely entertaining, I am in the business of consciousness raising.
"There was a consciousness-raising," said Mr. Laïdi of Sciences Po. "But there's no xenophobia," he said.
We are a two-person consciousness-raising group, Chopra and I. Gloria Steinem would be proud. Except.
What if this verdict led to the creation of safe spaces for reflection and further consciousness-raising?
Smith is known for his thoughtful, consciousness-raising hip-hop lyrics but was better known for his acting.
But I can only do what feels right during these difficult times of transition and collective consciousness raising.
She even makes a case for plural marriage as a vehicle for a form of feminist consciousness-raising.
"I can only do what feels right during these difficult times of transition and collective consciousness raising," she wrote.
"Just remember, Hollywood is first and foremost in the money-making business, not the consciousness-raising business," says Ross.
There is no environmental consciousness-raising silver lining for the millions in the poor neighborhoods in the Cape Flats.
But until universal consciousness-raising takes full and wondrous effect, we need strong anti-racist public and institutional policies.
A feminist who attended consciousness-raising groups in her native Rome, she has no quarrel with the #MeToo movement.
I was in a feminist consciousness-raising group with a bunch of college women when I was in high school.
Like Sontag, she was no doubt being asked about her loyalty to the consciousness-raising circles that were suddenly everywhere.
It is useful to remember that even if consciousness-raising isn't sufficient for social change, it is always a prerequisite.
For a few years in the early '2258s, Hammond was part of a feminist consciousness raising group in New York.
Consciousness raising groups and zines are back; Rookie magazine's series of books are designed to look like well-worn yearbooks.
The film itself is typical of Obomsawin's style, unobtrusive and straightforward, interested above all in knowledge-sharing and consciousness-raising.
The event drew an estimated 20,000 activists, celebrities and other luminaries for a raucous political-convention-cum-consciousness-raising session.
Young's advocacy is resonant in an era of #MeToo consciousness-raising and outrage regarding sexual abuse within the Catholic Church.
But in the consciousness-raising work of #MeToo, the specific experiences of abuse were flattened to send a more generalized message.
Said class would cost them money, which would be used to pay the therapist and fund age-appropriate consciousness raising classes.
" The new tone, he said, reflects "the consciousness raising that has taken place on campuses — it is O.K. to be different.
So as leaders try to translate this enthusiasm into tangible political change, they are updating consciousness-raising for a new age.
She said she sees social media as powerful tool, "my generation's version of consciousness raising" -- but don't call her a slacktivist.
The moment, I believe, carried echoes of the original feminist consciousness-raising carried out by second-wave feminists in the 1960s and 1970s, although back then consciousness-raising happened in spaces like living rooms and libraries, subversive kaffeeklatsches organized by friends and groups like the Redstockings, and supplemented with magazines like Ms. and books like The Feminine Mystique.
Grace Gummer, in a truly unfortunate brown wig, portrays Nora Ephron, showing up intermittently as a kind of consciousness-raising Yoda figure.
First-person narratives have played a vital role in feminist discourse, including 1970s consciousness-raising and more recent forms of expression online.
Which is why the work of writing these histories is so crucial: Because the consciousness raising group and its conversations are critically
But the superluxury setting has led to the project's being prejudged as an emblem of globalization rather than of global consciousness-raising.
I'm not asking for male consciousness-raising groups; let's start with a basic understanding that masculinity is a subject worth thinking about.
The Charlottesville incident, and the president's remarks, had created a consciousness-raising call to eliminate — or defend — statues associated with the Confederacy.
And at that point, consciousness-raising in Soviet Russia was still — before Joseph Stalin's rise to power — a matter left to artists.
"It is useful to remember that even if consciousness-raising isn't sufficient for social change, it is always a prerequisite," she wrote.
The book that began my consciousness-raising around being black in America was the Autobiography of Malcolm X. That was my dad's book.
"A free woman needs a free man," a woman said in a rare moment of clarity during that same 1968 consciousness-raising session.
The center "concerns itself primarily with establishing consciousness-raising groups, but it also keeps lists of referral agencies," The Times wrote in 1976.
In all of these situations, we recognize the love of animals that decades later would translate into his consciousness-raising natural history programs.
This mirrors the development of the 1970s rape-crisis movement, which began with women sharing their individual experiences at feminist consciousness-raising sessions.
If women who stayed in Transition House went back to their batterers, then consciousness-raising and a place to run to were not enough.
Kathie Sarachild, another member of the group, picked up on Ms. Pyne's phrase and popularized the concept of consciousness raising as an activist tactic.
It took the petition and its associated consciousness raising from within for Microsoft to take action, but they do seem fully on-board now.
He described having a "fire in [his] belly" to explore the women's movement, and remembered the halcyon days of consciousness-raising to be extremely gratifying.
This personal-political connection crystallized when, starting in 2014, Donegan helped start an "accidental consciousness-raising group" that met on and off for a year.
She pushed her students to create work based on consciousness-raising sessions in which they investigated their experiences as women, including being harassed by men.
She referred to some of the movement's methods as Stalinist, singling out the British writer Juliet Mitchell's relation of Maoist practice to the consciousness-raising session.
Consciousness-raising exercises like #MeToo are powerful and important, but not because some putative allies might see our posts and finally treat women with compassion and humanity.
Consciousness-raising is becoming the implicitly accepted role of well-meaning contemporary art, commenting on the tragedy of our deteriorating environment to an audience already in agreement.
At the consciousness-raising groups of the late 40s, for example, women gathered in one another's homes in New York and around the country to discuss feminism.
"I always feel that consciousness-raising is the first step to societal change," added Satyarthi, joint winner of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize with Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai.
Women were meeting for consciousness-raising sessions at the Sergeant Pepper Coffee House, and helping rape victims at the Women's Center, and starting up the Combahee River Collective.
On one hand, it riffs on the second-wave feminist activist staple of "consciousness raising" groups, where women gathered to generate new ways of understanding a patriarchal society.
One commonly identified shift came in the 1960s, when "new social movements" began to experiment with street protest and consciousness-raising and nonviolent direct action in new ways.
"Safe space" may be the rallying cry of 2016, but the phrase was popularized in the 1960s, when feminist groups applied it to havens for consciousness-raising discourse.
It's also an old-school consciousness-raising session, intended to exhort the audience to reckon with (and to act against) the precarious, problematic state of race relations today.
Consciousness-raising consisted of small, in-person groups of women who met in kitchens, coffee shops, and university classrooms to discuss the impact of sexism in their own lives.
One might imagine such experiences could isolate her indefinitely, but as with many women before her, the #MeToo years have given Donegan a profoundly renewed respect for consciousness-raising.
These public performances on TikTok essentially act like consciousness-raising discussions from the early days of the feminist movement, wherein women gathered to share and listen to each other.
" Thompson expressed regret at leaving the film's production last month, but said she could "only do what feels right during these difficult times of transition and collective consciousness raising.
Or maybe it would be more apt to compare it to a consciousness-raising group, the kind in which Ms. Steinem found her own voice by listening to others.
Something like the opposite was true in the United States, where young artists radicalized by the Depression were eager to explore the possibilities of social consciousness-raising public art.
It seemed pretty clear that the hosts in The Raj were having some sort of consciousness raising of their own— do they have their own version of The Valley Beyond?
In her 1977 memoir Going Too Far, activist and author Robin Morgan recounted a consciousness-raising group where she admitted to the other women that she had faked an orgasm.
He'd recently joined the board of the New York City chapter of the National Organization for Women, the members of whom tapped Farrell to help organize men's consciousness-raising groups.
Mr. McMillian isn't a game changer — unlike David Hammons, his most conspicuous influence — but he's an exceptionally adroit player who freely adopts familiar tactics for his own consciousness-raising ends.
" While Ben Davis, the author of "9.5 Theses on Art and Class," praises artists for taking up the topic, he warned: "We should push the question beyond just consciousness-raising.
Yazzie said that changing the holiday is an important consciousness-raising effort, but more importantly, it lays the groundwork for other organizing efforts that center the needs of Native communities.
Still, as part of a broader, art-and-music-based consciousness-raising campaign, whose development by Lennon and Ono was usually more impulsive and intuitive than strategic, it served a purpose.
They are empowered by a consciousness-raising movement like Amber Rose's SlutWalk, which appeals for a reframing of the conversation around sexual assault so that blame doesn't rest on survivors' shoulders.
But a wave of consciousness-raising groups in the years preceding had allowed women to share details of their sexual and reproductive lives, which they had deemed central to their oppression.
This then is about a struggle for freedom, a liberation of the mind and the spirit that is fought for in prison visits and through consciousness-raising and mind-expanding reading.
The first generation of consciousness-raising helped name the problems; this version is intended to capitalize on a newfound alarm: Rights that women thought they'd already won may be at risk.
His most recent effort at consciousness-raising came late last year, when he tried to replicate a favored financial tactic of multinationals and have Crickhowell and its businesses incorporate in tax havens.
She forms consciousness-raising groups, bringing in the parents from the neighborhood and educating everyone about the dangers of drugs and ultimately gets swept up into the Regan revolution of the 1980s.
So many of those consciousness-raising groups of the '60s and '70s met in the living rooms of suburban ranch houses, the very domestic spaces that served as site of women's oppression.
A '70s pastel study by Paul Cadmus, an early touchstone of gay art, hangs alongside photographs documenting groups dedicated to women's consciousness-raising, sex on the New York's piers and political activism.
" In a 1996 interview with Salon, she said, "I would no more go to a consciousness-raising group and talk about my intimate life with my husband than fly to the moon.
Although the ritual itself has an incalculably long history, the term "sexual harassment" has only been around since the mid-1970s, when activists at Cornell University coined it during a consciousness-raising session.
Anne Forer Pyne, an early feminist activist and writer whose use of the phrase "consciousness raising" helped make it a foundational principle of the women's rights movement, died on March 21 in Tucson.
"We've got to learn to sleep with people because we want them," one woman said in a consciousness-raising session transcribed by the author of "The Dialectic of Sex," Shulamith Firestone, in 1968.
Through consciousness-raising activities and particularly her practice of t'ai chi ch'uan and Aikido, martial arts originating in China and Japan, respectively, Hammond learned to claim space through mindful and precise bodily movements.
The discussions — building on the idea of "consciousness raising" — led to a number of important feminist texts, including Anne Koedt's "The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm" (1970) and Shulamith Firestone's "The Dialectic of Sex" (1970).
Billed as an opera, it was a stylized reflection on the Black Panthers and racial activism that was a little bit music performance, a little bit consciousness-raising street fair, a little bit installation art.
And certainly, [the Internet] has been a real space of feminist consciousness-raising, and a space for concepts that have always been nurtured within feminist movements to be brought to a more mainstream and larger audience.
Solnit's early books garnered comparisons not with the consciousness-raising of Betty Friedan or the literary acumen of Kate Millett, but with Thoreau, the connoisseur of the American wilderness, and Benjamin, the theorist of urban wandering.
The number of women who labored in basement meetings, in consciousness-raising groups, in boardrooms, in unions, in news organizations and in their own kitchens to expand possibilities for women are far too many to count.
These exercises in consciousness-raising and criticism have surely nudged some Americans to rethink their views, and to reflect more deeply on the status and experience of women and members of minority groups in this country.
Mr. Macron was "scarred" by those protests, he had a "consciousness-raising," said Ismaël Emelien, one of the president's closest advisers until he left the government this year and who is still a source of counsel.
There's not a single piece in this exhibition that doesn't draw on long-standing feminist strategies like sharing oral and personal histories, public performance, group workshops/consciousness-raising, and subverting narratives or objects typically deemed feminine.
I think partly that is just being in London, though: London was much more competitive between the various systems, and they were the first to get into the consciousness-raising stuff that was going on at the time.
The '68 generation turned issues that would once have been seen as questions of culture or personal behavior into matters of public policy: Gay rights and women's liberation were discussed in parliaments rather than in consciousness-raising groups.
But as women emerge among the most active standard-bearers of the resistance to this presidency, they are drawing on tactics honed in the 1960s-era consciousness raising groups that awakened women to their thwarted aspirations and power.
In late 1970, Ms. Rainone came up with a third program, "Consciousness Raising," in which seven regular guests gathered at the WBAI studio in Manhattan once a week to talk about topics such as marriage, divorce, housework and sexuality.
"The most important thing is to organize with other women into consciousness raising groups, into action groups, but be as careful as possible not to be isolated because these times, like those times, are quite maddening," Laura X says.
"What was exciting was not just what people were talking about in consciousness-raising groups or studying through academic studies, but how these things were being lived out on the ground by women all across the country," she said.
And if consciousness raising is to be achieved only by offering up male athletes for ogling and objectification — as the United States men's gymnasts recently proposed, according to The Wall Street Journal — Mr. Dooley only awaits his gasping new fan base.
Yet by 2009, at seminars held during the annual Adult Novelty Manufacturers Expo — where, as Forbes noted, retailers connect with "the latest lubes, vibrators and RealDolls" — Ms. Comella found herself attending panels that resembled first-wave-feminist consciousness-raising sessions.
Salvador is reluctant to dwell on this period of his life — even as the recent election of Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's far-right president, echoes the former dictatorship — and he seems uncomfortable taking credit for any sort of consciousness-raising in Brazil.
Yes, she's wearing a s T-shirt that reads "I am invincible when I feel empowered," but she has also hosted a series of discussion groups where women share their experiences of gendered oppression, akin to the consciousness-raising groups of the '60s.
The project was meant to mobilize earlier consciousness-raising sessions and push women to work, beyond the confines of domestic labor and craft qualified commonly as "women's work," through the renovation and reclaim of the house, a traditional site of female oppression.
Through the 1970s, Ms. Lockwood taught courses on women and music, participated in consciousness-raising groups, and immersed herself in writers like the ecofeminist Susan Griffin, who suggested that the impulses to dominate nature and women grew from the same patriarchal root.
In an interview with Broadly, Bridges said that groups like the Duke Men's Project are "important," and he drew a parallel to the consciousness raising groups of second wave feminism that attempted to expose how personal experiences of injustice stem from institutional injustice.
T he theoretical arguments of that era are all here: Her works defy one-point linear perspective, and you must move to experience the works, which heightens your consciousness of your body in space (all part of the experiential and consciousness-raising '60s).
And though in real life, the young Jane was politically and socially engaged, with a consciousness-raising group and an internship at Ms. magazine, she does not believe she led her mother into a more forcefully feminist outlook, as the film suggests.
These efforts alone are unlikely to save the pollinators — on whom so much of our farming, and thus our very lives, depends — but they are the first steps toward the kind of collective consciousness raising that can be leveraged into political will.
In directing an episode of Black Mirror, Foster loves that she gets to explore our culture's unease with technological advances, but when it comes to real-life, nothing will help more than an old-fashioned consciousness-raising session about the things that hurt us most.
In the years following the Second World War, as the Cold War was setting in, this bi-coastal Beat scene scandalized the puritanical American mainstream, even as it foreshadowed widespread late '22016s Hippie culture, with its consciousness raising, herb puffing, and racial and sexual liberations.
It is, to its credit, an exercise in consciousness-raising that plots the flow of stylistic conventions from subcultures and colonial countries into the Western mainstream and highlights dress as self-expression and political protest — most directly, with a projection of graphic T-shirts.
Fifty years later, the closest we have to widespread men's consciousness-raising sessions are in the annals of incel subreddits, Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) forums, and YouTube comment threads under Jordan Peterson videos—many of them oozing with anger, resentment, and sometimes violence towards women.
Over the past 10 years, I've received thousands of letters — and tens of thousands of emails — from people in all walks of life who have written to share how the book changed their lives or how they have used it to support consciousness-raising or activism in countless ways.
Which is maybe why the reappearance of studs and the stereotypes of punk at Moschino (albeit in a campy as opposed to consciousness-raising way) — mixed in with tutu skirts and giant bows, Swan Lake embroidery and My Little Pony shades — provided a bad taste raspberry of relief.
I would say that in addition to the enormity of the revelations, the media's real engagement in covering this issue today from the front page to the style section to the business section to the sports section is probably why we're having such a great consciousness-raising moment.
Mariame Kaba, the educator and organizer whose nonprofit advocacy group Survived and Punished works to free incarcerated victims of sexual and domestic violence, compared #MeToo's utilization of women's first-person testimonies to "consciousness-raising," an organizing tactic that originated in the second-wave feminist movement of the late 1960s and 1970s.
He'd placed an ad in the Berkeley Barb for an all-male consciousness-raising session, forming a small group that would eventually stage a protest at the Playboy Club in San Francisco (sample sign: SMASH COMPULSIVE MASCULINISM, which rings as familiar) and publish two issues of a men's liberation newspaper called Brother.
Within a week or so, Ms. Collins, now 193, had created a secret Facebook group with just that title, inviting her friends into the internet era's version of a consciousness-raising group, where women of a certain age could talk about things they didn't want to share with husbands, partners or children.
Mr. Adler noted, however, that while "The Breaks" presents the conflict between MC Hammer's pop version of hip-hop and more street-level rapping, it neglects another 1990 cultural rivalry: between the Afro-centric, consciousness-raising New York style of groups like Public Enemy and the rise of tough-talking gangsta rap in Los Angeles.
Something I was talking with some of my heroes about this past weekend was how much #MeToo reminds us of this second-wave practice called consciousness-raising, in which women would sit together in person, on floors or in university classrooms or in coffee shops, and talk about the ways sexism impacted their lives.
He had not only devised classroom-based courses that lasted as long as 12 hours a day for 16 days — recalling the Landmark Forum, a self-development company that has its origins in the 1970s consciousness-raising seminar EST — but also advocated that his followers control habits of mind and body, like food and exercise.
As our show's title characters strip down at a consciousness-raising institute in Big Sur, boogie in a nightclub where they're the oldest people in the room and ponder the temptations of spouse swapping, you'll hear none of the swirling orgasmic chords and pumping rhythms that regularly churned the airwaves of the late 1960s.
And that woman has popped on a pink 'pussy hat' and is raising her hand in solidarity with others, an idea pioneered by Tarana Burke and made a — yes — meme by the actress Alyssa Milano: the consciousness-raising (CR) circle revived virtually on social media, but only after a slew of good old-fashioned, IRL investigative reporting.
Without the consciousness-raising of the Black Power movement, there would likely be no King holiday or Black History Month, no movements to end mass incarceration or apartheid, no free breakfasts in public schools (an outgrowth of hot-meal programs launched by the Black Panthers), no black studies programs at Harvard and other major universities, no Do the Right Thing or Lemonade, no Barack Obama.
The reality is that while statistics and the collecting of data can be incredibly dubious, there has been power and wide-scale consciousness-raising in the past few years with the publication and widespread sharing of some the more straightforward counting exercises: income inequality, the VIDA count, the Guerilla Girls decades-long arts accounting, Micol Hebron's Gallery Tally, Kim Drew's one-tweet count at the Whitney Biennial, to name just a few.

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