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110 Sentences With "condescending to"

How to use condescending to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "condescending to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "condescending to". Mastering all the usages of "condescending to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

This misses the significance of Reaganism while condescending to Reagan's supporters.
AR: He is so condescending to her, it drives me nuts.
In its messaging, Zero is actively trying to avoid condescending to its users.
Democrats are insulting and condescending to the swing-state voters they need the most.
" He called that "condescending to the millions of Democrats who have a different view.
Yang is genuine and does not come off as condescending to conservatives and Trump voters.
Besides condescending to his characters, he hasn't found a way to express his obvious confusion.
Scott scoffed at Turner's claims, suggesting it was condescending to black voters in South Carolina.
I think it's basically the sympathy of an outsider that's condescending to make people feel good.
"He instigated that whole incident by being condescending to the woman about her son," Alexander said.
This is the best line available to them and it is extremely condescending to the public.
Fellow artists and writers chimed in to agree that the campaign was condescending to SFMOMA's audience.
Anolik sometimes verges on condescending to Babitz ("what a sport and a champ and a trouper").
In 2009, she complained about her co-host Steve Doocy, who was condescending to her on air.
Back in April, for instance, Clinton was condescending to Black Lives Matter protesters about the crime bill.
Women say the industry doesn't speak to them, can be condescending to them, doesn't understand their needs.
It's also a little condescending to think that people will take a price that they think exploitative.
Now he may have blown his future, by shoving a white teacher who was condescending to him.
Consulting firms like JÜV are helping grown-up brands talk to young people without condescending to them.
But Ms. Worsham deftly ensures that there's nothing cloying or condescending to the Asperger's elements of the play.
A 911 operator has been accused of being "rude" and "condescending" to a drowning victim before she died.
That's not necessarily crucial, but it works better—it's just way more condescending to use a player's first name.
" In response to this, Barbara told AOL, "Not surprised at Ramona's response considering she's nasty and condescending to most.
In doing so, I am aware of a long, unfortunate political tradition: dismissing, caricaturing or condescending to young voters.
Paige considers the other female competitors suspiciously, unwittingly condescending to them because she doesn't view them as real wrestlers.
Even Julien's cat, Nevermore, is unfriendly and "condescending" to human beings, as Madame X, a cat lover, describes it.
Victoria calls him a prig for it; I'd use stronger language for being so condescending to the queen of England.
Sanders: Clinton 'condescending' to young voters Sanders' campaign manager Jeff Weaver had downplayed expectations for the Brooklyn native earlier Monday.
If the news often confines women's issues to a pink ghetto, it can be even more condescending to young women.
It was thrilling to feel that the writer and the director weren't condescending to us and assumed we'd keep up.
He can be extremely condescending to me about something minor that is not entirely my fault — and then apologetic afterward.
This urgency that women should support Clinton so she can defend causes can come across as condescending to young women.
We'd have no tolerance for someone who preached civil rights from the pulpit but was condescending to black people in private.
I believe that it's condescending to think that women and their claims can't stand up to interrogation and can't handle skepticism.
"It's condescending to the millions of Democrats who have a different view," Biden wrote, a formulation he'd largely repeat in Pittsburgh.
Others, like Reddit user PhD_in_everything, satirize internet archetypes like the mansplaining know-it-all by overtly condescending to whomever they're speaking with.
What is it with dudes who feel they're superior and, therefore, can be condescending to women who hold their exact same title?
For Clinton, that means displaying her characteristic command of policy detail while not appearing arrogant or condescending to Trump or his supporters.
The National Rifle Association was quick to blast the president's remarks, saying they were "condescending" to law-abiding gun owners. http://bit.
He treated interviewers the way cats treat mice, condescending to them and pouncing on their, in his view, naïve and ridiculous questions.
For the committed leftist, the ''liberal'' is a weak-minded, market-friendly centrist, wonky and technocratic and condescending to the working class.
Steven Universe naturalizes the issues many shows would rather sensationalize in a way that's clever but not condescending to its younger audience.
In fact, because of the word's feminine associations, it can be especially condescending to a man, belittling and feminising at the same time.
The company is one of several new marketing firms that illuminate the inner workings of kids these days without condescending to them. How?
Thankfully, though, Ms. DuVernay has dispensed with the winking and cutesiness that are Hollywood's preferred ways of pandering and condescending to grown-ups.
She is condescending to our party, and then does a complete behavioral change for the white male passenger who gets in line behind us.
The band girls are condescending to the Bellas, who have all apparently been on a big downswing in life since they graduated from college.
But one of the striking things about "Jane the Virgin" is that it is never truly ironic, let alone condescending to its source material.
Flipping the script, she turned herself into his relentless tormentor, condescending to him repeatedly and deploying some of his own trademark tactics against him.
I'm not saying you said this, but those folks who would say, "Oh, that's not what presidents do," it's condescending to the American people.
It feels condescending to suggest that, given there are hoards of people who love their CBD tinctures and gummies and claim effects from it.
While the slave master was rude and condescending to Daenerys, Missandei "diplomatically" — as Emmanuel described it — translated his words so as to not offend Khaleesi.
And it's condescending to assume that millennials don't understand that they can simultaneously save for a house while they enjoy the occasional avocado toast treat.
But for a moment, he seems entirely alien, like he's condescending to be in the world for a moment just to get a job done.
The left already has gotten into trouble for condescending to working-class people, and insulting all Trump supporters as racists simply magnifies that problem. 4.
He is, for instance, notably condescending to his chatterbox young girlfriend, Myna (Talene Monahon) — but then so is the play in giving her that name.
The initial spectacle of mediocrity condescending to genius is painful, but the subsequent triumph of self-taught brilliance over credentialed ignorance is thrilling to witness.
And I think that trying to create excitement around the book awards, around 5 Under 35, around books at large, is about not condescending to people.
In the meantime, we must find a middle ground between condescending to teens about their use of technology and dismissing concern about that trend as alarmist.
Trump is often described as a good listener in private — but in public, he's as condescending to his allies and followers as he is to his enemies.
He must be assertive enough to put concerns about his vigor to rest but not so aggressive as to seem mean-spirited or condescending to fellow Democrats.
From assorted commentators I have heard that it is unfair or condescending to say that all Trump voters were racists, or sexists, or that they hated foreigners.
I think it's quite condescending to suggest that really smart people with the best Ph.D.s in the country flew all the way there for a photo op.
I think it's kind of condescending to think that people have no value unless they're programmers, which is often the vibe I get when I'm in Silicon Valley.
There's nothing wrong with choosing cute over challenging, but it feels condescending to those on the spectrum and insulting to audiences who might prefer not to be cosseted.
Even if she didn't fully realize what she was doing — though at this point, I think it's becoming a little condescending to say so — Paige handled that situation masterfully.
One example invoked the Bethlehem Iron company, where he supposedly persuaded an employee named Schmidt (about whom Taylor was very condescending) to work harder by paying a piece rate.
I read one editorial criticizing the clowns for condescending to their audiences with "pidgin Japanese, and tiresome tomfoolery," and another expressing discomfort with the gladiatorial bloodthirstiness of the lion show.
Last week, Senator Dianne Feinstein was caught on video condescending to a group of school-age climate activists, telling them "there's no way to pay for" the Green New Deal.
Many conservatives see a through line from Ms. Palin's treatment by the national news media, which they viewed as unfair and condescending, to the heightened distrust of traditional news sources.
" It's hard to be an expert on such a rapidly changing field, Huang said, and "folks who feel like they know everything are generally condescending to the people around them.
"[It's] going to be hard for Trump to not come across as condescending to a female candidate," said Katherine Jellison, a professor at Ohio University who specializes in women's history.
The "mister" signified that this man was a grown-up, that the friendship he offered his young fans wasn't about condescending to us or compensating for his own lost youth.
Podhoretz was annoyed by it because he had reason to believe that he had "discovered" Friedenberg for Commentary , and now his own writer was condescending to him in someone else's pages.
"I don't think we have ever had a president so publicly condescending to what black politics means," said Mark Anthony Neal, an African and African-American studies professor at Duke University.
Washington (CNN)Bernie Sanders is hitting Hillary Clinton over her belief that young people who link her to the fossil fuel industry "haven't done their research," saying it's "condescending" to young voters.
And that failure to recognize the complexity of what's driving the Trump phenomenon is just another thing that makes people think the media doesn't understand them and is merely condescending to them.
While the other characters compete for the greatest stage effect of all time, he already has the answers, and only seems to be gently condescending to participate in the film's passionate rivalry.
Of the 10 authors who saw the most harassment — whose articles were most routinely met with hostile comments ranging from condescending to life-threatening — eight were women; the two men were black.
"I don't think there is anybody who is coming in and feeling like we are condescending to them," said Erik Gullberg, a bartender and server who has worked at Hearth for four years.
She enters a bikini contest and wows her date; she advances at work; she starts condescending to her two best friends (Aidy Bryant and Busy Philipps) because they remind her of her "former" self.
After initially giving Pell sweeping powers, the pontiff later clipped his wings when other departments accused him of an overbearing manner and of being condescending to the Italian-dominated Curia, the Church's central administration.
"(It felt) a little condescending to boil our problems down to, 'Yeah, we're not going to give you your money back, and that's OK, and here's a video of me dancing," she told CNN.
They all sing with operatic grandeur and lyrical finesse — especially the soloists Jill Paice, Tiffany Mann, Justin Keyes and Luke Grooms — without ever for a second condescending to or trivializing the people they play.
After initially giving him sweeping powers, the pope later significantly trimmed them back when other departments accused Pell of treating them in an overbearing way and of being condescending to the Italian-dominated curia.
So far, "Word of the Year" nominations for 2019 include: - "OK Boomer," described as a retort to someone older who expresses views that are out-of-touch or condescending to young people and their concerns.
But in trying to calibrate its response to what it deemed people capable of processing, the government risked condescending to Britons, said John Ashton, a former regional director of public health for the northwest of England.
Not by catering or condescending to it but by transforming it, so what you thought you saw (denim; schoolgirl uniforms complete with striped blazers; varsity jackets; Prince of Wales check) was almost never what you got.
It's condescending to suggest that comic book fans' taste level is at odds with cultural criticism — that fans will ignore glaring missteps because they're so desperate to see a live-action remake of their beloved source material.
Lizzie says the therapist laughed at her and was condescending to her as a teenager, asking her outright how bad a 20093-year-old child's problems could be before ending their sessions because he felt she was "fine".
Jenée Desmond-Harris: Throughout his presidency, Obama has faced frequent criticism for shaming or condescending to black audiences — qualifying statements about structural injustice with generalizations about individual failings — in a way that he doesn't when speaking to nonblack groups.
Thornberry was seen as condescending to the patriotic working class merely by tweeting a photograph of the house and identifying its location – creating a (perhaps correct) perception that she thought such enthusiastic patriotism a sign of chauvinism and limited intelligence.
Sanders: Clinton 'condescending' to young voters Clinton is much further along than Trump and Sanders in the process of locking up delegate support — especially among Democratic superdelegates — many of whom have decades of stored up loyalty and connections with her family.
They've sparked a debate that has raged for weeks, inspiring fiery columns and TV segments, with UK reporters retorting that the argument has edged into hysteria -- and that it would be condescending to readers not to share information from senior sources.
Sullivan didn't just defend his decision; he took aim at undergraduate critics in a way that was intellectually dishonest, if not downright nefarious, condescending to them as if they were too stupid to understand how the criminal justice system works.
Wagner has no interest in denigrating the struggling or the working poor: "It's unproductive to be condescending to working-class people who can't afford hand-milled furniture or don't want to live in machines because they work in machines," she tells Hyperallergic.
Other "Word of the Year" nominations for 2019 included: - "OK Boomer," described as a retort to someone older, typically a member of the Baby Boom generation, who expresses views that are out-of-touch or condescending to young people and their concerns.
This one led to a public spat with Ursula Le Guin, in which Ishiguro fretted that readers might not understand that he was writing a literary novel with fantasy tropes and Le Guin accused him of condescending to those tropes without fully understanding them.
His clash with Senator Dianne Feinstein during a hearing over proposed post-Newtown gun regulations—she accused Cruz of condescending to her like "a sixth grader" in the way he explained the Second Amendment's guarantees—was preceded one month earlier by a less-noticed but telling exchange.
Eventually, once the America First movement became a national organization, headquartered in Chicago, college students started to fall away in favor of conservative business leaders who wanted to stick it the liberal president they hated and Midwesterners who felt that East Coast elitists were condescending to them.
While the movie's premise feels prone to the maudlin, it's ultimately quite poignant; Wonder is a family-oriented tale in which people make mistakes in the way they treat one another, but learn and grow in a way that doesn't feel condescending to the film's younger audience.
Yet these household names (both condescending to their roles as, respectively, a police commissioner and a former judge) aren't the only victims of this psycho-killer disaster: There's also a casually expendable Nathan Fillion and a cinematographer, Michael Barrett, whose crisply chilling images deserve a worthier project.
Ronald Reagan didn't win the presidency by saying "there you go again!" and Mitt Romney didn't lose it by condescending to the "47 percent," but both episodes grew out of some underlying political reality at the time, and we indulge the fallacy because it lets us tell more exciting stories.
"From the outset, I think it was about embracing this beautiful, almost naïve language of words, gestures, movements, and interactions that were totally prescribed and extremely limited—not condescending to it, but allowing its simplicity to touch other feelings that you can't be over-explicating," Haynes told the Village Voice .
I talked with Autor just after the conference, and I admit part of me wanted him to make things simple by being a bad guy: sympathetic to the rich, condescending to the poor, a neoliberal hack making techies feel good about themselves by proposing partial solutions that don't challenge power or privilege.
They might even start naming and stop tolerating some of "the small indignities that make even the most privileged female lives taxing," as Goldberg put it — like "mansplaining" (a man condescending to a woman on a subject she knows better than he does) or "manspreading" (when men take up too much space on a subway, e.g.
The other ... And I have less of a problem with this, but one of the general responses to any of this, this came up with fact-checking Trump with his nationally televised address at the beginning of the year, which is, this is all condescending, we think we're trying to help the consumer, we're really condescending to them.
The ad presents some of the worst of male behavior -- a boy bullied and called a "sissy," audiences laughing along as a man on a sitcom grabs at a woman's behind, a businessman in a corporate boardroom condescending to a female employee -- while a voice over notes that men keep on "making the same old excuses": Boys will be boys.
I think they need to need to rename it BS-NBC, and I just don&apost even know what happened to Nicole Wallace, they must have done a liberal lobotomy on her because I have never seen anybody have such a personality change and be insulting kind of condescending to say that Ivanka and Melania and all the women of the White House, which I guess, would include my daughter are somehow dead inside.
But it's condescending to suggest that if we are interested in having agency over our bodies, if we are open to experiencing heightened states of awareness and emotion, if we are amazed by and eager to learn more about the possibilities of touch and intention and energy, and if we'd like to do everything within our power to stay out of doctors' offices, we are somehow privileged morons who deserve an intellectual (read: patriarchal) beat-down.

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