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457 Sentences With "commercial enterprise"

How to use commercial enterprise in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "commercial enterprise" and check conjugation/comparative form for "commercial enterprise". Mastering all the usages of "commercial enterprise" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It was run as a commercial enterprise until last month.
The luxury hotel is a European palace turned into a commercial enterprise.
"The supervisory board … technocratically reduced documenta to a commercial enterprise," the letter reads.
As early as the 18th century, Foxcroft said, dieting was becoming a commercial enterprise.
She&aposs created a multi-trillion-dollar -- I&aposm exaggerating, but a gigantic commercial enterprise.
Mrs Merkel argues that EU institutions have no business intruding in a purely commercial enterprise.
It is basically a commercial enterprise looking for new customers in the form of members.
That will need to change if we are serious about opening space to commercial enterprise.
We are aware that Dr Kogan established his own commercial enterprise, Global Science Research (GSR).
And none of them — at least not yet — have been deployed as a true commercial enterprise.
In particular, bushmeat hunting, legal or not, has become a substantial commercial enterprise in some countries.
You can't transfer it, for example, to a data aggregator, or to any other commercial enterprise.
She's now studying physics while running Seer Tracking, a commercial enterprise looking to license out her software.
Because for all of their curatorial efforts and goals to extend learning experiences, stores are a commercial enterprise.
Back in the 1920s, however, flower cultivation was not so much a public-spirited but a commercial enterprise.
The government turns a blind eye to the commercial enterprise, which some have likened to an alternative Internet.
Making America great includes properly funding scientific agencies that do work that no commercial enterprise would be interested in.
But the science behind genetic attraction is shaky ground to build a relationship on, let alone a commercial enterprise.
Then there's the matter of business: operating a dating service is a commercial enterprise, and a lucrative one at that.
There will be companies that successfully launch robotaxis and still fail to turn their service into a profitable commercial enterprise.
It offers students a chance to set up and run a commercial enterprise with profits going toward a scholarship fund.
We can hash out those issues for hours, but there is something to be said for balancing science and commercial enterprise.
A commercial enterprise of this size typically relies on relationships with multiple banks to meet its financial needs, not just one.
Some residential leases expressly prohibit running a commercial enterprise out of a home, and tenants who do so could face eviction.
The result is transforming what looked, to all external observers, like a long-tail technology play into a thriving commercial enterprise.
"They've said in the past that they see Soylent as more of a movement than as a purely commercial enterprise," Poulden said.
Under Mr. Johansson, UEFA was transformed from an administrative body into a commercial enterprise managing Europe's top club and national team competitions.
For one, it makes it easier to run as a non-commercial enterprise if the costs are distributed among a bunch of volunteers.
The store is the only commercial enterprise on the 7.7-square-mile island apart from 11 campsites run by the Shaw County Park.
The structure showcases the union of nature and mechanical ingenuity, appropriate for a hugely commercial enterprise that, at its core, celebrates human creativity.
Along with the influential role that Nature has in shaping the trajectories of ideas, technologies, and careers, it is essentially a commercial enterprise.
But we really shouldn't look at green buildings as a commercial enterprise, you should do green buildings because it's an ethical thing to do.
"Once you start charging people, you cease to be a hobbyist, and you start becoming a commercial enterprise, even a small one," he said.
For instance, Commonwealth Fusion Systems, a commercial enterprise spun off by MIT, is about seven years away from creating a more energy-efficient Tokamak reactor.
Once the computer industry consolidated to the graphically rich PC and Mac, though, Infocom went bankrupt, and interactive fiction as a commercial enterprise died soon after.
Cubans now anticipate improvements in public services such as transportation, communications, water and power service, health care, education and the freedom to pursue private commercial enterprise.
He hits up seemingly every foundation, academy or relevant commercial enterprise in Paris to finance his documentary film project, which will involve several months in Africa.
Like any commercial enterprise, the Russian troll factory built an image and brand name using every possible online tool — all of them provided by American companies.
"If a government official has a commercial enterprise or has published a book, U.S. government resources should not be used to publicize those ventures," the guidance said.
City officials hoped the data would help target hosts who rent entire apartments for short periods without being there, sometimes as part of a sophisticated commercial enterprise.
Of course there are lots of other reasons to write fan-fic besides coming to participate in the commercial enterprise, but from an industry perspective that's why it matters.
In general, if data is available in the corporate context for use by a commercial enterprise it should be available, with appropriate legal authorization and safeguards, to law enforcement.
"We are a commercial enterprise selling high-priced art, but we have a huge audience that isn't in a position to buy work that costs 100,000 euros," König says.
But unlike any real commercial enterprise — including the making and selling of paintings — Warhol's Business Art would have been a success if it had never brought in a penny.
He was vice president of sales and marketing at Velodyne from 2009 to 2012 and helped turn it into a startup that was hand-building LiDAR units into a commercial enterprise.
The last busy commercial enterprise you pass as you leave or enter Maverick Square to walk to or from The Watershed is the Colombian restaurant El Rinconcito Colombiano on Sumner Street.
Whether a commercial enterprise operates wind turbines in Iowa or extracts oil in North Dakota, access to the same tax provisions means a chance to compete on a level playing field.
But as rap has become more and more of a commercial enterprise—bolstered by analytics and streaming figures—the music is sometimes the least reliable way of knowing who artists are.
Now, Twitter has revealed that the academic's commercial enterprise, Global Science Research (GSR), also purchased one-time API access to a random sample of public tweets between December 2014 and April 2015.
Shipments of AR and VR headsets are expected to continue growing throughout 2019, though IDC says most of that growth is expected to come from the commercial-enterprise segment — not consumer sales.
With her efficiency, her style, her willingness to move with the times she made the ducal stately home thrive as a commercial enterprise as well as a monument of historic and artistic significance.
According to Schimmel, it means that the gallery, still very much a commercial enterprise, is committed to scholarship (a claim that is increasingly being made by other major galleries, including Gagosian and Zwirner).
The airline's facade as a civilian commercial enterprise concealed Washington's support for Chiang and for the mass evacuation of his followers from the Chinese mainland to Taiwan after he was defeated in 1949.
The measure exchanges investments for visas: Through the program, foreigners are eligible to apply for a green card if they invest half a million dollars into a commercial enterprise in the United States.
For the people I spoke with, returning taro to ancestral fields wasn't simply a commercial enterprise — it was kuleana, a reciprocal responsibility, taking care of the land as the land takes care of us.
Pamela Merritt, who co-founded a reproductive rights group called Reproaction in 21975, compared Planned Parenthood's legal priorities to a lobbyist for a commercial enterprise like McDonald's, focused on protecting its own business needs.
But in 2014, the UN's International Court of Justice ruled that Japan had misrepresented JARPA-II as a scientific program, deeming it a commercial enterprise that violated the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling.
I don't think I've ever swooned in the face of a commercial enterprise, but that's the most accurate wording I can think of to describe the first blush of my experience at House of Holiday.
The space economy is now estimated to be a $330 billion global commercial enterprise, $85033 billion of which is contributed by private commercial actors, with the rest of the revenue being generated by government spending.
By the 703th century the potteries of Jingdezhen were at the centre of what Robert Finlay, author of "The Pilgrim Art", describes as "a commercial enterprise unprecedented in range and volume in the pre-modern world".
I feel more comfortable with being mixed-race than I ever have before—and it's through the creation of my food and the very practice of commercial enterprise, I have felt more Chinese than ever, too.
Laying out an enormous sum of money on a product whose creation depends upon a harmony of massive egos, and whose final appeal is the result of intangibles, is a terrible basis for a commercial enterprise.
The home is run as a commercial enterprise, but Hu Wenru, its deputy director, says that since it opened three years ago it has been only gradually building up business and is not yet making a profit.
Now a decision by Australia's science agency to lay off 350 researchers and shift the organization's focus to more commercial enterprise threatens not only the work done at the station but also climate studies around the globe.
Twitter confirmed to The Telegraph on Saturday that GSR, Kogan's own commercial enterprise, had purchased one-time API access to a random sample of public tweets from a five-month period between December 2014 and April 2015.
As part of an ongoing effort to improve the regulatory conditions weathered by companies doing business in space, the Commerce Department has proposed to unify several offices under a new banner: the Space Policy Advancing Commercial Enterprise Administration.
Though professional baseball has always been a business—notwithstanding its exemption from the Sherman Antitrust Act—radio introduced a new dimension to the game as a commercial enterprise, and the teams wanted to cash in on this, too.
They added that Dr. Kogan had previously given assurances that no University data or resources had been used for his commercial enterprise, Global Science Research (GSR), the company that collaborated with Cambridge Analytica, where Dr. Kogan is director. Sen.
The crucial components, she determined, were dense concentrations of people; short streets (the better to keep watch over things); and a mix of commercial enterprise and housing in individual buildings and on whole blocks, again to keep sidewalks busy.
But 21st-century conspiracy theorists gather in vast online networks where bogus claims reach millions in minutes, and where participants like Mr. Jones use social media and online marketing to turn an eccentric preoccupation into a thriving commercial enterprise.
In honoring its founder's interests and legacy, it serves as a reminder that, sometimes, the dogged pursuit of a personal vision can be a more potent force than noisy self-promotion for expanding a modest commercial enterprise into an enduring institution.
How it works: Before the new regulation, foreigners who invested $1 million in any U.S. commercial enterprise or $500,000 in an enterprise based in certain rural or high-unemployment areas were eligible for a green card through the EB-5 system.
The minimum investment is $1 million for the visa; or foreign nationals who invest in a commercial enterprise in certain targeted geographic areas with high unemployment rates may get a visa for a $500,000 investment as a job-creating measure.
These changes include creating a new office, the Space Policy Advancing Commercial Enterprise Administration, within my office to oversee coordination of the department's commercial space activities, establishing a "one-stop shop" to work on behalf of the budding private space sector.
Time will tell if Second Home LA actually benefits the community in which it's located, or if it's simply a commercial enterprise sold with lip service to buzz words like community and diversity, but little understanding of the city's true dynamic complexity.
That concept is represented by awarding six points to an applicant who invests $1.35 million into a "new commercial enterprise" in the US, maintained for three years and with that individual holding management of that business as his or her primary application.
Its push to promote the use of its own currency through commercial enterprise, rather than speculative investment, comes the same week the Monetary Authority of Singapore urged investors to exercise "extreme caution" toward the cryptocurrency market, which many feel is in a bubble.
But the bulk of the economy will depend on Earth-bound workers — satellite operators, data analysts, software engineers and other technicians who will be in high demand as the space industry transitions from a government-dominated realm to an essential, commercial enterprise.
"Covertly doing the Chinese military's bidding on US soil is a crime, and Lin and the Chinese military took advantage of a commercial enterprise to evade legitimate US government oversight," John C. Demers, the US assistant attorney general for national security, said in a statement.
Pharmacies, grocery stores, banks and public transit will be allowed to operate, but any other commercial enterprise that is not vital — restaurants, bars, most stores, cafes, beauty salons — must close to limit the contagion, Mr. Conte said in an evening address to the nation.
Of course the book itself is the centerpiece of the work at a moment in our cultural history where books are under deep assault — both the commercial enterprise of book publishing and book reading and of course just the whole idea of truth and knowledge.
"We have previously sought and received assurances from Dr Kogan that no University data, resources or facilities were used as the basis for his work with GSR or the company's subsequent work with any other party," the university said on Tuesday, referring to Kogan's own commercial enterprise.
The idea is that by arriving at some baseline standards, the group will be better able to move from prototyping, which is expensive and low-volume in terms of output, to manufacturing and deploying AVs at the scale where they'll truly become a viable commercial enterprise.
"I do think the large platforms -- Google and Facebook being the most obvious, Twitter and others as well, are part of that ecosystem -- have to have a conversation about their business model that recognizes they are a public good as well as a commercial enterprise," he said.
What started as a humble dry goods store evolved into a retail emporium sheathed in gleaming white marble, which distinguished it from the earth tones of other contemporary Broadway buildings, with a rotunda and dome, elevating a commercial enterprise into a public institution and Stewart into an entrepreneurial prince.
"I do think the large platforms—Google and Facebook being the most obvious, Twitter and others as well, are part of that ecosystem—have to have a conversation about their business model that recognizes they are a public good as well as a commercial enterprise," he told MIT's Sloan Sports Conference.
"How can you hold onto it where it's fair for the students, but fair for the schools and in a way that supports this commercial enterprise that has made all these opportunities available?" said Val Ackerman, the commissioner of the Big East Conference and a co-chair of the N.C.A.A. committee on name, image and likeness issues.
For background, EB stands for employment-based, and the EB-2628 visas are for immigrants willing to invest at least $28500 million, or $6900,2628 in certain circumstances, in a U.S.-based commercial enterprise to be eligible for lawful permanent residence in the U.S.   For all intents and purposes, it's a way of bringing job creators to America.
Hence the ambition at GALVmed, one of the nonprofits funded by the Gates Foundation, is to establish a self-sustaining commercial enterprise with community health workers in parts of Africa and India trained to deliver the vaccine, and a complete distribution chain connecting them back to the manufacturer, with everybody earning a modest living along the way.
"I do think the large platforms — Google and Facebook being the most obvious, Twitter and others as well, are part of that ecosystem — have to have a conversation about their business model that recognizes they are a public good as well as a commercial enterprise," the former president said at MIT's Sloan Sports Conference last Friday.
A robust commercial enterprise — and that's exactly what the culture of victimhood is — while purporting to represent the aggrieved is actually betraying them and the rest of us, for there is no greater impediment to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness than the mistaken belief that your life, your liberty and your happiness are in the hands of others.
Chris, in the minute I have left with you, I thought it was fascinating I was reading today about something that is called Pyong- Hattan, which is the growing small elite that exist in North Korea and that the members of their growing small elite are allowed to have certain kinds of commercial enterprise, selling noodles, renting your apartment to someone if you like.
And then there are the numerous peddlers when much of the economy and commercial enterprise was out on the streets, including the strawberry seller who may have foraged his wares or bought them at market if he was more flush; the young hot-corn girl hawking her street food on a corner; and the black woman balancing a dish of syrup-drenched pears on her head alongside Duane Street Park.
The complaint goes on to document various additional "red flags" it says were raised to Facebook throughout 2016 suggesting Cambridge Analytica was misusing user data — including various press reports on the company's use of personality profiles to target ads; and staff in Facebook's own political ads unit being aware that the company was naming Facebook and Instagram ad audiences by personality trait to certain clients, including advocacy groups, a commercial enterprise and a political action committee.
A steel merchant operates within the town; this business is the only major commercial enterprise.
Pilling's Pond as a non-commercial enterprise continues as a historical and educational resource for the Licton Springs neighborhood.
Mojonation ceased operation as a commercial enterprise in February 2002, when it was replaced by the noncommercial Mnet project.
Alongside the commercial enterprise of the local newspaper, the Mearns Leader, Catterline has a local community radio station, Mearns FM.
Reile's Acres does not have any commercial enterprise within the city limits. Workers commute to the Fargo-Moorhead area or beyond.
I wanted to say simply this, that the fact that my client is engaged in a commercial enterprise is not a disentitling circumstance.
Thalfang is headquarters to the Hochwald Nahrungsmittel-Werke (“foodworks”), the biggest commercial enterprise in the Trier region and one of Germany’s biggest dairy businesses.
In 2011, the 133-year-old Lorne Hotel, still an ongoing commercial enterprise and the oldest free-standing licensed hotel in British Columbia, was destroyed by fire.
Lomography started as an art movement through which the students put on exhibitions of photos; the art movement then developed into the Lomographische AG, a commercial enterprise.
By 1908, the state had 9,581 miles of railroad linking coal mines, oil fields, and industries with the world. Commercial enterprise began to prosper around towns with banks.
USMobile, Inc. is an Irvine, California-based corporation that developed the commercial enterprise version Scrambl3 of NSA's Fishbowl (secure phone) techniques. The Scrambl3 apps runs both on Android and iOS platforms.
G. Binnig, "Aus dem Nichts. Über die Kreativität von Natur und Mensch", Piper (1990). and atomic force microscopy. In 1994 Professor Gerd Binnig founded Definiens which turned in the year 2000 into a commercial enterprise.
1990)) or for establishing a "commercial enterprise" to fraudulently acquire green cards for immigrants (see I.N.A. § 275(d); 8 U.S.C. § 1325(d)). These Amendment Acts cover spouses, children of spouses, and K-1 visa fiancés.
Inaugurated in 1912, the Opera House was acquired in 1952 by Maharaja Bhojrajsingh of Gondal. The Maharaja took the property on a 999-year lease and attempted to run it as a self- sustaining commercial enterprise.
The Royal Victoria Gallery for the Encouragement of Practical Science was an adult education institution and exhibition gallery in Victorian Manchester, a commercial enterprise intended to educate the general public about science and its industrial applications.
Automated mineralogy is a generic term describing a range of analytical solutions, areas of commercial enterprise, and a growing field of scientific research and engineering applications involving largely automated and quantitative analysis of minerals, rocks and man-made materials.
Translated by H.M. Wright. Stanford: Stanford University Press. pp. 68–69 Since the Song government took over several key industries and imposed strict state monopolies, the government itself acted as a large commercial enterprise run by scholar-officials.Gernet, 77.
This lack of understanding led Hocquart to believe that "the commercial bourgeois' capital was the key to both the expansion of trade and to the diversification of commercial enterprise."Donald James Horton. Gilles Hocquart, intendant of New France, 1729-1748.
The Aspen Skiing Company, known locally as "Ski Co", is a commercial enterprise based in Aspen, Colorado in the United States. The Aspen Skiing Company operates the Aspen/Snowmass resort complex, comprising four ski areas: Aspen Mountain, Aspen Highlands, Buttermilk, and Snowmass.
Räpina (, ) is a town in Põlva County, Estonia. Räpina was administrative centre of Räpina raion from 1950 until 1961, currently it is the administrative centre of Räpina Parish.The oldest commercial enterprise in Räpina is the paper factory what started work in 1734.
Many of its leading members, Leverett among them, opposed the colonial crackdowns on religious dissenters. Its members also engaged in trade. They frequently partnered in trading ventures.. The mixture of military leadership and commercial enterprise would have led to conflicts of interest.
Caffe Cino itself was beginning to suffer. As a commercial enterprise, it was ineligible for the government grants which allowed other experimental theatres to prosper. Joe refused to charge any admission. On March 30, 1967, Cino hacked his arms and stomach with a kitchen knife.
The Army Welfare Project (AWP) is a commercial enterprise of the RBA established in 1974 to provide benefits for retired RBA and RBG personnel in the form of employment, pensions and loans. The AWP manufactures alcoholic beverages in two distilleries located in Gelephu and Samtse.
Animals are sometimes used to attract business to a commercial enterprise, such as a bear at a gasoline service station, a monkey at a trade show, or an elephant at a shopping center. These animals are typically displayed but might also perform in a show.
Retrieved 23 July 2013.Honoring Juan Rodriguez, a Settler of New York – Retrieved 23 July 2013. The territory of New Netherland was originally a private, profit-making commercial enterprise focused on cementing alliances and conducting trade with the diverse Native American ethnic groups.
LaSalle became known as "Little Reno" and boasted dozens of clubs. With between 60 and 80 saloons in LaSalle from 1940 to 1950 this continued to be the town's primary commercial enterprise. In 1953 a federal raid on Kelly and Cawley's ended the era.
The urban population in Lebanon is noted for its commercial enterprise. Emigration has yielded Lebanese "commercial networks" throughout the world. Remittances from Lebanese abroad total $8.2 billion and account for one-fifth of the country's economy. Lebanon has the largest proportion of skilled labor among Arab States.
In 2010, Martin Lewis was a presenter on GMTV with Lorraine, a weekday morning chat show. The programme includes a regular feature called "Deals of the Week". Ofcom investigated a complaint that the programme promoted, a website owned and run by Lewis as a commercial enterprise.
Ten per cent of the £60,000 budget consisted of commercial enterprise payments, while the rest was made up of ratepayer fees.Warburton, p. 321. The South Australian Government had enacted more laws in relation to local government, in particular, the Town Planning Act 1920 and the Building Act 1923.
Sentech now operates as a commercial enterprise that is owned by the Government of South Africa via the Department of Communications and has its own board of directors. For a comprehensive list of South African radio and television frequencies, go to the frequency finder on the Sentech website:
The projects were run in the spirit of co-operation, solidarity and mutual aid. It was not a commercial enterprise run for profit—instead it was funded day-to-day by donations given by users, or by raising funds through benefit events such as gigs, cafés or film nights.
They will then need to create a pull request back into the Payara project's master branch to merge the changes into the main project. Payara Services Ltd commercial enterprise versions, consultancy services, migration and support subscriptions also fund development and engineering effort of the Payara Server open source project.
Taşhan caravanserai, also known as the Hekimhani or Hekim Han, is in the town of Hekimhan, near Malatya in Turkey. The building was built in 1218 under Sultan İzzettin Keykavus I of the Sultanate of Rum. Its builder was a doctor (hekim), and it was built as a commercial enterprise.
Nevertheless, knitters may find the following meanings entertaining and inspiring."Aran Isle Sweaters - how a dropped stitch gave rise to a popular myth.". Irish Culture and Custome. by Bridget Haggerty The meanings of some of these stitches have been embellished in recent times since the knitting became a commercial enterprise.
Witnesses included Lowenhaupt, Antony Van Couvering of Names@Work, and Paul Garrin. Van Couvering proposed that .nyc be run by his company as a purely commercial enterprise, with a portion of the revenue dedicated to benefiting the community. He testified that he was willing to work with Lowenhaupt on community interests.
Imperial Russia had no state sponsored expeditions or colonization in the Americas, but did charter the first Russian joint-stock commercial enterprise, the Russian America Company, which did sponsor those activities in its territories.Anatole G. Mazour, "The Russian-American Company: Private or Government Enterprise?." Pacific Historical Review 13.2 (1944): 168-173.
Its members also engaged in trade. Leverett frequently partnered with Edward Gibbons and Major General Robert Sedgwick in trading ventures. He was, for example, part owner with Gibbons of a ship lost off the Virginia coast. The mixture of military leadership and commercial enterprise sometimes led to conflicts of interest.
Prashanth appeared in dual roles in the 1998 film, Jeans under the direction of S. Shankar. It was quite the commercial enterprise. It featured Aishwarya Rai as the lead actress. The role of the male lead was declined by Abbas and Ajith Kumar, before it ended with the chocolate boy.
IFAR compiled information about stolen art; and by 1990, IFAR was updating its catalogue of stolen art 10 times a year.Yarrow, Andrew L. "A Lucrative Crime Grows Into a Costly Epidemic," New York Times. March 20, 1990. In 1991, IFAR helped to establish the Art Loss Register (ALR) as a commercial enterprise.
David Hayes would go on to start his own label, Very Small Records, releasing dozens of records over the coming decade that ran the gamut of punk styles, maintaining fidelity to his artistic and ethical vision — while the label that he exited would go on to become a multimillion- dollar commercial enterprise.
One of the most influential and best expertly researched business enterprises in history, the VOC's world has been the subject of a vast amount of literature that includes both fiction and nonfiction works. Japanese export porcelain plate (Arita ware) with the VOC's monogram logo The company was historically an exemplary company-state rather than a pure for-profit corporation. Originally a government-backed military- commercial enterprise, the VOC was the wartime brainchild of leading Dutch republican statesman Johan van Oldenbarnevelt and the States-General. From its inception in 1602, the company was not only a commercial enterprise but also effectively an instrument of war in the young Dutch Republic's revolutionary global war against the powerful Spanish Empire and Iberian Union (1579–1648).
By 2010, foreign investors' use of the EB-5 program was far less than Congress had originally anticipated. In 2011, USCIS began making a number of changes to the program in hopes of increasing the number of applicants. By the end of the 2011 fiscal year, more than 3,800 EB-5 applications had been filed, compared to fewer than 800 applications in 2007. Initially, under the first EB-5 program, the foreign investor was required to create an entirely new commercial enterprise; however, under the Pilot Program investments can be made directly in a job-generating commercial enterprise (new, or existing - "Troubled Business"), or into a regional center - a 3rd party-managed investment vehicle (private or public), which assumes the responsibility of creating the requisite jobs.
Produce, such as almonds, olives, wheat, artichokes, green beans, melons, lemons and tomatoes are grown there for export. These products are the main agriculture activity. Their biggest commercial enterprise is the cultivation, transport and export of almonds. Wildlife such as foul and rabbits are scattered about these lands also claiming this region as their own.
The first version of ADOIT was introduced in 2003, by the company BOC Group. Ever since, ADOIT has been continuously developed and advanced. The latest release of ADOIT is 11.0, released in June 2020. Apart from the commercial, enterprise edition of the tool, since 2013 ADOIT is also available as ADOIT Community Edition freeware.
Cap's Place, originally named Club Unique, is a historic site in Lighthouse Point, Florida, United States. It opened in 1928 as a speakeasy (with associated rum-running), gambling den and restaurant. It is the oldest extant structure in the City of Lighthouse Point and the oldest commercial enterprise in the area. Includes four maps.
It was the first-ever multinational corporation, financed by shares that established the first modern stock exchange. It became the world's largest commercial enterprise of the 17th century. To finance the growing trade within the region, the Bank of Amsterdam was established in 1609, the precursor to, if not the first true central bank.Quinn, Stephen.
In August 2004, it was decided to build the Nauka ISS module based on the FGB-2. During that time, there was an alternate rejected as a proposal for Nauka from RKK Energia, based on the canceled Commercial Enterprise Module (Entertainment and Studio Module), which was to be jointly funded by RKK Energia and SPACEHAB.
Emirates has countered rivals' frequent accusations that its ownership by the Government of Dubai amounted to a direct subsidy, representing an unfair competitive advantage not enjoyed by most other airlines, by stating that it was a fully fledged commercial enterprise run at arm's length from the Dubai government, despite being wholly owned by it.
Duško Mrduljaš was born on 17 July 1951 in Split, Croatia. He finished high school in 1972 in Split and in 1979 graduated from the Faculty of Economics also in Split. He is married and has two children. Working career began in the commercial enterprise "Dalma" in 1979 in Split on business planning and analysis.
The trust was established in June 1998 . The BBC estimated the commercial enterprise of Bangladesh Army to be over 30 billion taka. The trust was founded to look after the interests and welfare of retired military personals. The organization under the trust include hotels, golf clubs, filling stations, Trust Bank Limited and shopping complex.
The primate operation shut down in 2000 and the farm was closed. In 2003 the facility re-opened as a business park, the anti-protester infrastructure re-purposed to provide a high security environment. In 2014 it was reported that the commercial enterprise had closed and there were plans to demolish the buildings and replace them with residential property.
It was the first time an invasion intended to make the city of Mayagüez the capital of the island. The enterprise was conceived and carefully planned, organized and directed as a for-profit commercial enterprise by general Henri La Fayette Villaume Ducoudray Holstein, a Germano-French veteran of the Napoleonic wars and of the Bolivarian wars.
Under its original ownership, travelcuts was operated as a hybrid commercial enterprise and non-profit organization. It has since expanded to serve the general public as well. In 2014, the on campus locations of travelcuts were re-branded to join the flagship retail travel brand, Merit Travel. Travelcuts became a full service travel call centre and online travel agency.
In 1950, he co-founded the Kano Citizens Trading Company along with other Kano merchants, the cooperative was the first indigenous joint commercial enterprise formed in Kano and Gashash became secretary of the company. By the 1950s, Gashash had emerged as a financier of the Northern People's Congress and was later made minister for Land and Survey.
In 2013 she released a popular science book, "I pianeti extrasolari" (Extrasolar Planets), describing the history of exoplanets, detection techniques and likelihood of finding alien life. In 2016, she was an invited speaker at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies. Tinetti is co-director of Blue Skies Space Limited, a commercial enterprise for space science projects.
Vampires (sometimes stylized as Vampire$) is a 1990 horror novel by John Steakley. A dark fantasy with a contemporary setting, the novel concerns a company called Vampire$, Inc. which treats vampire-hunting as a commercial enterprise, funded by large payments from the vampires' potential victims and secretly supported from the highest levels of the Roman Catholic Church.
Crown Estate Scotland is a public corporation of the Scottish Government, i.e. a commercial enterprise under government control. As such it is managed by a board whose members and chair are appointed by Ministers. Board members are appointed to serve for a two or three year term, and may not serve for longer than eight years in total.
He is currently head of the Bonyad-e Mostazafen va Janbazan (Foundation of the Oppressed and Disabled), the second-largest commercial enterprise in Iran (behind the state-owned National Iranian Oil Company)Millionaire mullahs by Paul Klebnikov, 7 July 2003, The Iranian Originally printed in Forbes, Retrieved 15 May 2009 and biggest holding company in the Middle East.
Rathlin Island harbour In 1746, the island was purchased by the Reverend John Gage. In the later 18th century, kelp production became important, with Rathlin becoming a major centre for production. The shoreline is still littered with kilns and storage places. This was a commercial enterprise sponsored by the landlords of the island and involved the whole community.
When he reached the age of 21, he wed Robert's daughter Anna Ogden. The newly married couple moved back to East Haddam where they lived for five years. Returning to Elizabethtown, Spencer became partner in his father-in-law's successful tanning business. Under his management, the commercial enterprise continued to prosper until the outbreak of the American Revolution.
It moved to Oneonta after 1931 and in 1947 merged with the Hartwick College, established in 1927. The town was established in 1802 from the Town of Otsego. In 1803, the north town line was altered. The largest commercial enterprise to occur in Hartwick was probably the Southern New York Railroad which was constructed to the town in 1901.
Workers floated logs downriver on the Delaware to markets in Easton or Trenton. In 1829, the Delaware and Hudson Canal began operating between Honesdale, Pennsylvania and Kingston, New York. In its time, the canal company was the largest private commercial enterprise in the nation. It built 28 locks in Lackawaxen Township alone, raising the elevation of the canal .
This quickly replaced tobacco, which had been the island's main export. As the sugar industry developed into its main commercial enterprise, Barbados was divided into large plantation estates that replaced the smallholdings of the early English settlers. In 1680, over half the arable land was held by 175 large enslavers/planters, each of whom enslaved at least 60 persons.
There is a village church (Methodist and Anglican, in the Methodist building), and a primary school. The only commercial enterprise in the village is the post office and shop, a locally owned co-operative. Nearby Sandside has some commercial premises and a public house, The Ship Inn. Storth is in the civil parish of Beetham in the South Lakeland local government district.
He returned permanently to Antwerp in 1707, and became a master in the city's Guild of St Luke. He died in Antwerp and was buried on 7 September 1709. His widow, Anna Marie, survived him, and it is believed that she continued his workshop's production for some years with a couple of assistants. She also continued until 1711 the commercial enterprise selling lace.
In 1995 NRS established a subsidiary, Norwegian Space Centre Property, to own the facilities in Tromsø and Longyearbyen.Rødberg: 42 The same year, TSS was converted to a limited company, of which half was sold to the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC). The aim was that TSS would operate as a fully commercial enterprise. Its first major contract was with the Canadian Radarsat.
Dowie immigrated with his family in 1888 to the United States. He first settled in San Francisco, California and built up a following by performing faith healings across the state.J. Dowie, American First Fruits (San Francisco: Leaves of Healing, 1889) His ministry, the International Divine Healing Association, was run largely as a commercial enterprise. All members were expected to tithe.
He spearheaded the commercial enterprise of the US with the west coast of South America. When he went to Chile, he established his own business by 1838. He established many large silver mines, reaping huge profits. He was extremely hard working and ensured that all details of his business were personally attended to by him, including the loading of ships.
What drove the blues to international influence was the promotion of record companies such as Paramount Records, RCA Victor, and Columbia Records. Through such record companies Chicago blues became a commercial enterprise. The new style of music eventually reached Europe and the United Kingdom. In the 1960s, young British musicians were highly influenced by Chicago blues resulting in the British blues movement.
Donner 1981, p. > 52. The Banu Makhzum and Banu Umayya, in particular, acquired vast wealth from trade and held the most influence among the Quraysh in Meccan politics. The Banu Umayya and the Banu Nawfal, another clan descending from 'Abd Manaf that had become wealthy from their commercial enterprise, split from the Muṭayyabūn faction in 605 and engaged in business with the Aḥlāf.
Cabinet members are prohibited from holding any office of profit and from actively engaging in any commercial enterprise. The Cabinet generally directs and controls the Government and is collectively responsible to Parliament. It also has significant influence over lawmaking. Ministers may be designated by the Prime Minister to be in charge of particular ministries, or as Ministers in the Prime Minister's Office.
However, in the late 1960s, the city began revitalizing the downtown area with the construction of America's Cup Avenue, malls of stores and condominiums, and upscale hotels. Construction was completed on the Newport Bridge. The Preservation Society of Newport County began opening Newport's historic mansions to the public, and the tourist industry became Newport's primary commercial enterprise over the subsequent years.
KVINT (acronym for Kon’iaki, vina i napitki Tiraspol’ia ("cognacs, wines, and beverages of Tiraspol")) is a winery and distillery based in Tiraspol, the administrative center of Transnistria. Kvint products are certified 'Made in Moldova'. Founded in 1897, the company produced only vodka until 1938, when it began producing brandies. It is the oldest still-operating commercial enterprise in the region.
The range of functions served by ALR has grown as the number of its listed items has increased. The database is used by collectors, the art trade, insurers, and law enforcement agencies worldwide.Art Loss Register : History In 1991, IFAR helped create the Art Loss Register (ALR) as a commercial enterprise to expand and market the database. IFAR managed ALR's U.S. operations through 1997.
Squeri wrote, "Once PECS lost the encumbrance of a commercial enterprise, it quickly regained its tax free status." At the time of the sale, Tamiment was described as "one of the largest resort hotels in the country..." and included over 150 buildings, over 300 employees, a theater that could seat 1,000 people, and a dining room that could seat 1,200.
He commented "Satyagraha would have been impossible without Indian Opinion." In India, he would publish Young India, Harijan, and Navjivan. Indian Opinion continued to publish for many decades and played a significant role in the wider civil rights struggle of South Africa. But it also suffered from not being a commercial enterprise but rather a publication committed to serving social causes.
The Battle of the Boyne, 1690, occurred some west of the town, on the banks of the River Boyne, at Oldbridge. In 1790, Drogheda Harbour Commissioners were established. They remained in place until 1997 when the Drogheda Port Company a commercial enterprise replaced them. In 1825, the Drogheda Steam Packet Company was formed in the town, providing shipping services to Liverpool.
A traditional dabqaad incense burner. The cultural diffusion of Somali commercial enterprise can be detected in its exotic cuisine, which contains Southeast Asian influences. Due to the Somali people's for and facility with poetry, Somalia has often been referred to as a "Nation of Poets" and a "Nation of Bards", as, for example, by the Canadian novelist Margaret Laurence.Diriye, p.
Percona Server for MySQL is a distribution of the MySQL relational database management system created by Percona. Percona Server for MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is a free, fully compatible drop in replacement for Oracle MySQL. The software includes a number of scalability, availability, security and backup features only available in MySQL's commercial Enterprise edition.
Sáez was born in Montevideo, which at the time was part of the Spanish Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. She was the daughter of Francisco Sáez, a wealthy businessman, and Josefa Pérez. On 17 August 1819, she married Luis Vernet, whom she had met when he set up a commercial enterprise with Conrado Rücker. They had seven children.
Odyssey Moon Limited is based on the Isle of Man, and is the design of Robert D. Richards. His goals include developing the first commercial enterprise that utilizes the energy and resources on the moon. To achieve this end, the team enlisted the part-time consultant services of Alan Stern, NASA's former top-rank planetary scientist. On 22 September 2008, another veteran of NASA joined Odyssey Moon.
San Diego–Tijuana relies heavily on water from the Colorado River. Approximately half of San Diego–Tijuana's fresh water is used for non-drinking purposes, including landscape irrigation, commercial enterprise, and industrial processing. Methods such as saltwater desalination provides options for obtaining fresh water. Cities in the metropolitan region such as Carlsbad have begun desalination projects of their own, without a bi-national conference.
A factor in the choice of the location was its proximity to the natural salt marshes of the island. The Phoenicians exploited this valuable natural commodity. The shallow pools of seawater within the marsh evaporated under the hot summer sun enjoyed by the island, leaving a gleaming crust of salt crystals. The Phoenicians collected these deposits and so began the first commercial enterprise of the island.
KASOTC derives extraordinary success from this unique combination of elite instructors and advanced technology. When knowledge is combined with experience, a maximizing effect occurs to skills obtained, making the KASOTC experience unique to all other training facilities. It is the only reality-based, live-fire training facility of this kind in the world. Operated as a commercial enterprise, it is uniquely integrated with the Jordanian Armed Forces.
Western countries seized the chances to implement radio communication after the first radio transmissions of human voice in 1902. But the two mechanisms of radio broadcasting were distinctively different. In the USA, the Radio Act of 1927 confirmed its status as an advertising-funded commercial enterprise, while in Britain, the public broadcasting pioneer British Broadcasting Corporation set up in the same year.Thussu, D.K.(2006).
During 2015/2016, 7.8 per cent of learning activities in the Further Education sector included some element of Welsh, with 0.29 per cent of activities offered through Welsh only. The subjects with the highest number of learning activities with some element of Welsh were Retail and Commercial Enterprise (18.1 per cent); Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care (17.7 per cent) and Business, Administration and Law (14.2 per cent).
Both popes and states were so absorbed in continual external and internal dissensions that the Jews were left in peace. In every individual state of Italy a certain amount of protection was granted to them in order to secure the advantages of their commercial enterprise. The fact that the historians of this period scarcely make mention of the Jews, suggests that their condition was tolerable.
On July, 1st, 1832, the newspaper Северная пчела (Northern Bee) published announcements of the letting of apartments in this house. Since then the facade has remained essentially unchanged. The building was initially a commercial enterprise under the aegis of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. The shops of the merchants Dejtera, Kolpakov, and Nizovskaya, and porcelain, glass, and paper manufactories were located on the ground floor.
A vodka bottling machine for Shatskaya Vodka, in Shatsk, Russia This is a list of bottling companies. A bottling company is a commercial enterprise whose output is the bottling of beverages for distribution. A bottler is a company which mixes drink ingredients and fills up cans and bottles with the drink. The bottler then distributes the final product to wholesale sellers in a geographic area.
Johnson and his partner Wolcott started experimenting with the Daquerre camera design on October 6, 1839. Wolcott had constructed a workable camera within 24 hours and took a picture of Johnson. Wolcott took this picture on October 7, the first portrait in the world. On March 4, 1840, they opened the first studio in the world as a commercial enterprise for taking portrait pictures of people.
Zillessen was born on 17 October 1872 in Rheydt, Mönchengladbach, Germany. As a young woman she moved to Witten and there she began learning about photography. She continued her training in Berlin and Düsseldorf where she studied with Erwin Quedenfeldt. Around 1908 she moved to Bautzen with her partner, Margarethe Karow, and the pair start a photography studio They began the commercial enterprise with portrait photography.
Borough restrictions against commercial enterprise are still enforced. Perhaps the town's standout feature is the allée of American elm trees along Luzerne Street, the last cathedral-arched boulevard left in the United States. Today there are 195 elms, the longest continuous stand of American elms in the country, planted along Luzerne Street. Westmont's elm trees are intensively maintained to protect them from Dutch elm disease.
Ramadan (2007), p. 16Al Mubarakpuri (2002); Ar- Raheeq Al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar) pp. 81–3 Around the age of twelve, Muhammad accompanied his uncle Abu Talib in a mercantile journey to Syria, and gained experience in commercial enterprise. On this journey Muhammad is said to have been recognized by a Christian monk, Bahira, who prophesied about Muhammad's future as a prophet of God.
The village of Climax is now considered to be a ghost town. The former Colorado & Southern Railway line from Leadville is now operated as a tourist line by Leadville, Colorado & Southern Railroad. The line stops at an overview of the Climax Molybdenum Mine and Fremont Pass. Climax is also a destination for automobile tourists, bicyclists, and photographers, but lacking commercial enterprise, the location is not well advertised.
Paddy's Markets Haymarket Paddy's Markets is a commercial enterprise that has two large markets in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Paddy's Markets are located in Haymarket and Flemington and specialise in the sale of fruit, vegetables, fish, clothes and giftware. The Flemington Paddy's Market is the larger site and specialises in fruit and vegetable sales. The market is the primary delivery service of these products for Sydney.
London: Reaktion. The practice of tattooing appears to have been a largely non-commercial enterprise during the convict period in Australia. For example, James Ross in the Hobart Almanac of 1833 describes how the convicts on board ship commonly spent time tattooing themselves with gunpowder. By the beginning of the twentieth century, there were tattoo studios in Australia but they do not appear to have been numerous.
Financial problems compounded the VNQDD's difficulties. Money was needed to set up a commercial enterprise, a cover for the revolutionaries to meet and plot, and for raising funds. For this purpose, a hotel-restaurant named the Vietnam Hotel was opened in September 1928. The French colonial authorities were aware of the real purpose of the business, and put it under surveillance without taking further preliminary action.
In the last years of the USSR, there was a sharp reduction in the defense contracts for the Radio Technical Institute. In March 1991, Zimin founded a private commercial enterprise "KB Impulse". It hired the technical experts who worked at the Institute and specialized in communication systems. In 1991 Zimin organized a group of technical experts within the Radio Technical Institute for development of cellular telephone communications.
The Anglo-Siamese War (or Anglo-Thai WarOm Prakash, The New Cambridge History of India, Volume 2, Part 5: European Commercial Enterprise in Pre-Colonial India (Cambridge University Press, 1998), p. 289.) was a brief state of war that existed between the English East India Company and Kingdom of Siam in 1687–88."Anglo-Siamese War", in G. C. Kohn, Dictionary of Wars, rev. ed. (Routledge, 2013), p. 21.
JKT48 Theater, photographed 28 February 2020 fX was the venue for Social Media Festival (SocMedFest) 22–24 September 2011, which attracted 3,000 attendees, making it the largest social media festival in Indonesia, and featured a broad range of organisations using social media effectively, from commercial enterprise to non-profit humanitarian purposes. From 8 September 2012, idol group JKT48 perform regularly in their theater which set on its fourth floor.
Gurley's prominence and wealth were short lived, and his position as a sheriff's deputy did not protect him during the race massacre. In a matter of moments, he lost everything. During the race massacre, The Gurley Hotel at 112 N. Greenwood, the street's first commercial enterprise as well as the Gurley family home, valued at $55,000, was lost, and with it Brunswick Billiard Parlor and Dock Eastmand & Hughes Cafe.
The construction of the church building in 1831 coincided with the formation of the South Carolina Convention of Universalists in November 1830. The academy buildings were constructed in 1845 as a commercial enterprise to provide educational facilities to area residents. The school has alternately been referred to as an “academy,” “female seminary” and “boarding house.” The grounds and buildings continue to be used for private yearly family reunions.
His father (here, the mayor) is too busy to focus on his family, even at Christmas. Mayor Thistlewhite is a foil both for Santa, in his journey to rediscover the Christmas spirit, and for Sparky, in his efforts to sell out the town's historic district to an out-of-town commercial enterprise. In addition, the movie attempts to give more depth to the relationship between Mrs. Claus and Santa.
The London Tea Auction was a candle auction of tea, that ran regularly for over 300 years from 1679 until its closure on 29 June 1998. The auction made London the centre for tea's international trade. The East India Company held the first auction in Leadenhall Street and then in 1834 - after the East India Company ceased to be a commercial enterprise - the auction was held on Mincing Lane.
Baranof Warm Springs Baranof Warm Springs is a very small community, having only caretakers in the winter and intermittent visitors in the summer. There are around 15 seasonal homes. The community lies inside the jurisdiction of the City and Borough of Sitka. Other than property taxes and any dock fees from the new dock (2016) there is only one tax-paying commercial enterprise, the Baranof Wilderness Lodge and Resort.
It was built around the Auensee lake, a former gravel pit. The park featured a scenic railroad ride, a hippodrome, a dance hall, restaurants, and a public beach. Immensely popular prior to the onset of World War I, Luna Park's fortunes waned in the latter 1920s and early 1930s as the effects of the Great Depression encircled the world. The park ceased operating as a commercial enterprise on January 13, 1932.
College Press Service (CPS) is a commercial news agency supplying stories to student newspapers. It began as the news agency of the United States Student Press Association (USSPA). When USSPA suffered financial setbacks in the early 1970s, CPS was spun off and became a progressive alternative news collective in Denver, Colorado. It, too, later folded, selling its name to the commercial enterprise, and distributing the funds to progressive groups in Denver.
Bron was born on March 14, 1938, in Stanmore, Middlesex, into a Jewish family. Before her birth, her father Sydney had legally changed his name from Bronstein to Bron, in an effort to enhance his newly founded commercial enterprise, Bron's Orchestral Service. Her elder brother was the record producer Gerry Bron. She attended the North London Collegiate School and then Newnham College, Cambridge, where she read Modern Languages.
A Menulog advertisement on a bus in Brisbane, Australia In bus advertising, buses and their related infrastructure is a medium commonly used by advertisers to reach the public with their message. Usually, this takes the form of promoting commercial brands, but can also be used for public campaign messages. Buses may also be used as part of a political or promotional campaign, or as a tool in a commercial enterprise.
In 1827, the Delaware and Hudson Canal began operating between Honesdale, Pennsylvania and Kingston, New York. In its time, the canal company was the largest private commercial enterprise in the nation. Roebling's Delaware Aqueduct was constructed in 1848 as part of the canal, between Lackawaxen, Pennsylvania and Minisink Ford. It was designed by and built under the supervision of John A. Roebling, who would design the Brooklyn Bridge twenty years later.
Gernet, 68. In order to avoid ruining one's reputation as a moral Confucian, scholar-officials had to work through business intermediaries; as early as 955 a written decree revealed the use of intermediary agents for private business transactions with foreign countries.Gernet, 68–69. Since the Song government took over several key industries and imposed strict state monopolies, the government itself acted as a large commercial enterprise run by scholar-officials.
Official law reports or reporters are those authorized for publication by statute or other governmental ruling. Governments designate law reports as official to provide an authoritative, consistent, and authentic statement of a jurisdiction's primary law. Official case law publishing may be carried out by a government agency, or by a commercial entity. Unofficial law reports, on the other hand, are not officially sanctioned and are published as a commercial enterprise.
Gilsonite was discovered in the 1860s. By 1888 Samuel H. Gilson had started a company to mine the substance, but soon discovered the vein was on the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation. Under great political pressure Congress removed some from the reservation on May 24, 1888 to allow mining to proceed legally. Gilsonite mining became the first large commercial enterprise in the Uintah Basin, causing most of its early population growth.
Under the disguise of Paolo Riccobadi del Bovo he published a defense of Bernard de Montfaucon's Diario Italico against the critical attacks of Francesco Ficoroni. A fire consumed all his library and his literary correspondence with other erudite Europeans, among whom was Leibnitz, with the result that, as a man of letters, he is remembered largely for the notes in the commercial enterprise of the Raccolta di Statue.
Further distribution took place in the form of encouragement for readers to photocopy and distribute the newspaper by every available means. SchNEWS was a non- commercial enterprise and carries no advertising, it was written and edited by a small group of volunteers. It relied on the revenue it brought in from subscriptions, benefit gigs and donations. Its office space was for eight years donated by music group The Levellers.
Up to 100 tonnes of coffee can be processed each day in its three roasting plants. With about 9,000 tonnes of processed non-perishables and a capacity of more than 37 million sales units per year, Delica is also one of the biggest domestic packing companies of non-perishable products. As a commercial enterprise, Delica also acts as a middleman for the affiliated companies that belong to FMC.
With the formation of the Alberta Report, Byfield shifted to a commercial enterprise model with staff receiving regular wages. It was during that time that Alberta and the federal government entered into their "energy wars." Byfield took on the role as the "guru of regional discontent" and his magazines fed a growing sentiment of Western Canadian discontent and alienation. He dared suggest "western separatism", emulating the province of Quebec's threats.
Their debut single was the traditional historic Australian bush ballad from 1894, "Waltzing Matilda", which appeared in November and reached the Melbourne "Top 40" singles chart. and peaked at number 74 on the national chart. When being photographed for the album's cover, Potger was replaced by Ray – his day job with the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) as a radio producer barred him from involvement in a commercial enterprise.
The Canadian Aerodrome Company was the first commercial enterprise in the British Empire to design and manufacture aircraft. The company was formed following the dissolution of Alexander Graham Bell's Aerial Experiment Association. The company was established by Frederick W. "Casey" Baldwin and J.A.D. McCurdy in 1909, with the financial backing of Alexander Graham Bell. The company was headquartered in Baddeck, Nova Scotia at the Kite House at Bell's Beinn Bhreagh estate.
The Presbyterian church was organized the same year but had no building for a year afterward. At an early date La Cygne became a manufacturing point. A flour mill was built in 1870; a bank was started in 1871; the La Cygne organ factory was another early commercial enterprise, but it did not flourish. In 1881 a coal mine was opened, after which it became an important point for the industry.
Having passed the test, Robinson signed the contract which stipulated that from then on, Robinson had no "written or moral obligations" to any other club. By the inclusion of this clause, precedent was set that would raze the Negro leagues as a functional commercial enterprise. To throw off the press and keep his intentions hidden, Rickey got heavily involved in Gus Greenlee's newest foray into black baseball, the United States League.
The Art Placement Gallery is a commercial enterprise on 3rd Avenue SouthArt Placement URL accessed February 7, 2007 The Saskatoon Centennial Auditorium was opened April 1, 1968. In 2006 the centre underwent major renovation with funding from TCU Financial. The name TCU Place Arts & Convention Centre is sponsored for 10 years. TCU Place – Saskatoon's Arts and Convention Centre hosts ballets, symphonies, musicals, plays, concerts, and conventions in the heart of downtown.
Until the mid-1990s the PLA had extensive commercial enterprise holdings in non- military areas, particularly real estate. Almost all of these holdings were supposedly spun off in the mid-1990s. In most cases, the management of the companies remained unchanged, with the PLA officers running the companies simply retiring from the PLA to run the newly formed private holding companies. The history of PLA involvement in commercial enterprises began in the 1950s and 1960s.
In 1989, he was transferred to the Stavropol Radio Plant Signal as a chief engineer. In 1994, Vladimir Polyakov established a new company JSC Concern Energomera, a commercial enterprise promoting electronic energy meters on the domestic market. In 1996, Concern Energomera purchased a controlling interest of Nevinnomyssk Measuring Equipment Plant Kvant. In 1999, on the base of Stavropol Plant Analog, Vladimir Polyakov established JSC Monocrystal, the enterprise engaged in growth and processing of synthetic sapphire.
In 1835 Mads decided to settle on the island of Lombok, east of Bali and Java, because here there was a lively commercial traffic. The island contained two princely states, Karangasem Lombok and Mataram. The first was the largest, and it was the Raja from this state who allowed Lange to trade from the port city of Tanjungkarang, in exchange for a yearly fee. It was here that Lange created his first flourishing commercial enterprise.
In 1884, Germany asserted control over the northeast quadrant of the island of New Guinea, which became part of the German colonial empire. The colony was initially managed by the Deutsche Neuguinea-Kompagnie or German New Guinea Company, a commercial enterprise that christened the territory Kaiser- Wilhelmsland. The first European ship to enter the Sepik estuary was the Samoa in May 1885. But the river, in fact, did not yet have a European name.
It provided a space for Byfield to comment on "homosexuals, abortionists, human rights commissions and public education" which he strongly opposed. Prior to the establishment of the Alberta Report in 1979, Byfield also launched theSt. John's Calgary Report in 1977. When the two magazines were merged into the Alberta Report, Byfield shifted the business model from that of the lay order to a more commercial enterprise to attract a higher quality of journalists.
This mill was considered the "center of the universe" in far western Stafford during the 1800s. Tacketts Mill, besides being a commercial enterprise, also describes the local, unincorporated area. On February 27, 1837, the Virginia General Assembly passed an act stating that a separate polling station will be opened "at a storehouse, near the mill called Tackett's." In 1855-56 the Virginia General Assembly recognized Tacketts Mill as a separate voting precinct within Stafford County.
Gurley's prominence and wealth were short lived, and his position as a sheriff's deputy did not protect during the race massacre. In a matter of moments, he lost everything. During the race massacre, The Gurley Hotel at 112 N. Greenwood, the street's first commercial enterprise, valued at $55,000, was lost, and with it Brunswick Billiard Parlor and Dock Eastmand & Hughes Cafe. Gurley also owned a two-story building at 119 N. Greenwood.
Abandoned coal mine ventilation shaft at Mount Keira, Australia The Illawarra Coal Measures is a group of sedimentary rocks occurring in the Sydney Basin in eastern Australia. This stratum is up to 150 metres thick. Formed in the Late Permian, it comprises shale, quartz-lithic sandstone, conglomerate rocks, chert, with sporadically carbonaceous mudstone, coal and seams of torbanite. Coal mining of these measures remains a significant commercial enterprise to the present day.
This led to an increase in commercial enterprise in the township which had been laid out around Mold Castle. Trade soon began between the Welsh community and English merchants in Chester and Whitchurch, Shropshire. During the medieval period, the town held two annual fairs and a weekly market, which brought in substantial revenues, as drovers brought their livestock to the English-Welsh border to be sold. Nevertheless, tensions between the Welsh and the English remained.
A call recording service is a commercial enterprise that can record telephone calls for a fee. For example, a lawyer needing to record conversations with clients, for example, must be able to capture calls from an office telephone system, from a mobile phone, and a home line. Traditionally, this required three recording systems, one PBX-based, one smartphone-based, and one PC- based. These recordings, of course, end up in three different places.
From the start Fulmer was a commercial enterprise aiming to make a surplus for investment in its own development. It received no grant or membership fees. Its income was solely from projects, each with defined objectives and time and cost limits agreed with individual sponsors from Government or Industry. Normally, the project contract would provide that all results would belong in confidence to the sponsor, who would also own any patents arising from the investigation.
At his foundry in Lohr he offered practical school goer’s internships to Waldorf schools from 1965 onwards. Hundreds of Waldorf students from the different high schools were able to experience a 3 – 4 week practical, the aim of which was to connect institutions of the cultural and spiritual spheres of society with that of a commercial enterprise and unfold in the young person social imagination through practical experience in the work place.
Nuance, the dominant provider of speech recognition and text-to-speech technology, is starting to deliver voice portal solutions. Other companies in this space include TelSurf Networks, FonGenie, Apptera and Call Genie. Apart from public voice portal services, a number of technology companies, including Alcatel-Lucent, Avaya, and Cisco, offer commercial enterprise-grade voice portal products to be used by companies to serve their clients. Avaya also has a carrier-grade portfolio.
Justin Chang of Variety described the film as "adorable and annoying, patently unnecessary yet kinda sweet" and calling it "a calculated commercial enterprise with little soul but an appreciable amount of heart". He said, "The script does wink knowingly in the direction of attentive adults". San Francisco Chronicles Peter Hartlaub gave the film a mixed review. He said The Smurfs is a "rare movie where the worst parts are in the promos".
Kani is a tribe living in the Western Ghats area of Kerala, India. Their use of the forest plant arogyapacha (trichopus zeylanicus) as a key ingredient in a herbal remedy called Jeevani was noted by visiting scientists in the 1980s. The formula was eventually developed as a commercial enterprise by Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, with the tribe's Kerala Kani Welfare Trust receiving license fees and royalties. Members have been encouraged to cultivate the plant.
The end of the Cold War allowed many technologies that were formerly off limits to the public to be declassified. The most important of these was the Internet, which was created as ARPANET by the Pentagon as a system to keep in touch following an impending nuclear war. The last restrictions on commercial enterprise online were lifted in 1995. In the approximately two decades since, the Internet's population and usefulness grew immensely.
There were some of mains by 1897. A second pumping station was added in 1901, and in 1902, 102 million gallons (454 megalitres) of pressurised water were used by customers. The system was operated as a commercial enterprise until 1925, after which the business and its assets reverted to the City of Melbourne, as specified by the original act. One of the early improvements made by the City Council was to consolidate the system.
Ruins of a plantation in Saint Lucy, Barbados. Sugar cane cultivation in Barbados began in the 1640s, after its introduction in 1637 by Pieter Blower. Initially, rum was produced but by 1642, sugar was the focus of the industry. As it developed into the main commercial enterprise, Barbados was divided into large plantation estates which replaced the small holdings of the early English settlers as the wealthy planters pushed out the poorer.
Somali commercial enterprise in the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Indian Ocean, and the straits of Malacca. During the Age of the Ajuran, the Somali sultanates and republics of Merca, Mogadishu, Barawa, Hobyo and their respective ports flourished. They had a lucrative foreign commerce with ships sailing to and coming from Arabia, India, Venetia,Journal of African History pg.50 by John Donnelly Fage and Roland Anthony Oliver Persia, Egypt, Portugal and as far away as China.
After the First World War, Scotland returned to South-West Africa and then obtained what he describes in The London Cage as a "roving job with a famous commercial enterprise." This brought him to South America, where he worked between 1927 and 1933. While in South America, Scotland says he made "discreet inquiries" about the large German communities in those countries. Scotland returned to England in 1933, and made several trips to Germany in the ensuing years.
Children born in Syria to fathers who are Palestinian nationals, even if they themselves were born in Syria, are considered Palestinian not Syrian nationals. "Only in very limited circumstances, such as the absence or statelessness of a father, could the mother grant her child Syrian citizenship." Palestinians in Syria have the right to own more than one business or commercial enterprise as well as the right to lease properties. These rights extend to trade and commerce.
They named the streets for wine grapes. It is a treat to find some of those old grapes coming back into production again, with wines like Malbec and Barbera. In recognition of that heritage, Elliott Homes named all of the streets in the Villages of Zinfandel at Stonecreek for wineries around the world when they began to build at the south end of Zinfandel in 2000. The community grew, and Folsom Boulevard began to fill in with commercial enterprise.
De Lisle's business was responsible for supplying the radioactive material needed by local scientists and institutions working on problems and applications of radioactivity. Among his partners was Marie Curie, whose laboratory received substantial radium material and other kinds of support from de Lisle's business. By partnering with scientists and medical professionals, de Lisle played an important role in building a burgeoning commercial enterprise around the production of radium and the study and use of radioactivity in general.
Although both the cricket and football clubs were amateur, they formed part of the Crystal Palace Company’s commercial enterprise, which was intended to generate revenue.Morning Chronicle, Monday 25 May 1857 Membership of the club was by subscription only, at a price of one guinea per season, and spectators who wished to watch the games had to pay the one-shilling entrance fee into Crystal Palace Park.The Origin of Crystal Palace FC, Volume I. Steve Martyniuk 2016.
He was in favour of restructuring the NNPC to make it a fully commercial enterprise, but did not agree that it should divest its controlling stake in the oil producing joint ventures, and at that time was not in favour of rapid deregulation of the domestic fuels market. Lukman resigned in November 2003. The resignation was said to be due to a dispute over oil sector reform with the group managing director of the NNPC. Jackson Gaius Obaseki.
He attended Elisabet-Gymnasium in Breslau. His father had wanted him to join his commercial enterprise. However, due to Leopold Treitel's affinity and aptitude for learning, the headmaster of his school advised his father to let Leopold Treitel remain at school after the Mittlere Reife (GCSE) since he thought that Leopold Treitel would be more suited to become a scholar rather than a businessman.Hertha Nathorff Collection, 1813–1967, "Gedenk-Blätter für Rabbiner Dr. Leopold Treitel", p.
In 1994 Jewell Towne Vineyards became a licensed commercial enterprise,"The time is ripe." New Hampshire Union Leader (Manchester, NH) September 27, 2004, State, Business: C1. and the first 40 cases were released. Having made the wine in the Oldak home basement until 1996, the construction of a winery was completed in 1999, containing a wine cellar, bottling room, a large tasting room and a balcony used as an art gallery to exhibit work from local artists.
The Farmer's Union Building in Layton, Utah was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978. It was designed by local architect William Allen. It is a two-story roughly square building now, built in three sections (in 1890, in a year soon after that, and in 1930). with The building was deemed significant for NRHP listing for it having housed the Farmer's Union Mercantile Institution, which was the first commercial enterprise in Layton.
In 1776 Thomas Short returned to Edinburgh, bringing with him a 12-foot (3.7 m, focal length) reflecting telescope made by his late brother James Short. He intended to open a public observatory on Calton Hill as a commercial enterprise. However, in 1736 Colin Maclaurin, professor of mathematics at the University of Edinburgh, had collected funds for a university observatory. Due to the Porteous Riots and the Jacobite rising of 1745 the funds were left unused.
They specify hook sizes and types, the materials and colors to be used, as well as the sequence to be followed and the assembly methods. There are thousands of possible fly patterns available to the tyer. Hand-tied flies on the commercial market sell for under a US dollar to several US dollars each. Fly tying is a challenging and rewarding hobby for some, a money-saving strategy for others, and a profitable commercial enterprise for the professional tyer.
The modern sport arose from illegal venues and outlawed prizefighting and has become a multibillion-dollar commercial enterprise. A majority of young talent still comes from poverty-stricken areas around the world. Places like Mexico, Africa, South America, and Eastern Europe prove to be filled with young aspiring athletes who wish to become the future of boxing. Even in the U.S., places like the inner cities of New York, and Chicago have given rise to promising young talent.
Sydney Markets Plaza The Sydney Markets are a commercial enterprise in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Sydney Markets are located in the Inner West suburb of Homebush West, 16 kilometres west of the Sydney central business district, in the local government area of the Municipality of Strathfield. The market is the primary delivery service of these products for Sydney. The market has a wholesale sales section that caters to larger business and general sales to the public.
Six weeks later in the Evening Standard, Thomson said the South London Guardian article put the Stuckists in a difficult position, as he had been promised the gallery was run as a commercial enterprise, and it was "outrageous" that the show should be used to promote Scientology, linking it to the Stuckists, who had no connection with the Church.Mendick, Robert. "Scientology sect 'using British art as a front'", Evening Standard, 23 May 2007. Retrieved 24 December 2008.
The Raeapteek The Raeapteek (; ) is in the center of Tallinn city, Estonia. Opposite the Town Hall, at house number 11, it is one of the oldest continuously running pharmacies in Europe, having always been in business in the same house since the early 15th century. It is also the oldest commercial enterprise and the oldest medical establishment in Tallinn. The first known image of the Town-Hall Pharmacy is an oil painting by Oldekop, showing Tallinn's Town Hall Square in 1800.
Hatsumi claims that ninjutsu was developed by Japanese mountain clans, using "esoteric skills and philosophies" brought to Japan by Tang Dynasty exiles. The Iga-ryū Ninja Museum of Japan lists the only legitimate inheritor of authentic Ninjutsu as Jinichi Kawakami. This may be a biased opinion as Jinichi Kawakami is also the honorary director of the Iga-ryū Ninja Museum, a commercial enterprise and tourist attraction. The 1978 edition of the Bugei Ryuha Daijiten includes the full sōke lists for Masaaki Hatsumi's ryūha.
Cambridge University Press. p. 143. Starting in 1938, Hungary under Miklós Horthy passed a series of anti-Jewish measures in the emulation of Germany's Nuremberg Laws. The first, promulgated on 29 May 1938, restricted the number of Jews in each commercial enterprise, in the press, among physicians, engineers and lawyers to twenty percent. The second anti-Jewish law (5 May 1939), for the first time, defined Jews racially: people with 2, 3 or 4 Jewish-born grandparents were declared Jewish.
Boll Weevil Monument, erected by the citizens of Enterprise, Alabama to honour the pest that ended their dependence on cotton, a poverty crop Honey is perhaps the most economically valuable product from insects. Beekeeping is a commercial enterprise in most parts of the world and many forest tribes have been dependent on honey as a major source of nutrition. Honeybees can also act as pollinators of crop species. Many predators and parasitoid insects are encouraged and augmented in modern agriculture.
Adrian was first settled in 1826 by Addison J. Comstock, building a group of cabins at this site. Comstock built a sawmill, and in 1828 platted the first section of the city, nearly all of which in included in the current historic district. Both residences and commercial buildings were constructed on the area, with the first commercial enterprise, Dr. E. Conant Winter's dry goods store, opening in 1829. As Adrian grew, the earliest frame buildings were displaced by the growing commercial district.
More than 100 people living in the United States, the United Kingdom, Cyprus and Greece filed to participate in this class action. Foreign nationals and foreign organizations are legally allowed to sue in American courts. The municipality of Karavas, as well as Eleni Foka, the primary school teacher who had sued Turkey at the European Court of Human Rights for violating her human rights, also joined the suit.'TRNC' targeted as a commercial enterprise, by Elias Hazou, Cyprus Mail, 23 February 2011.
Dennis wrote a scathing review of The Conscious Lovers the week before its debut performance, but the critique had little effect on the play's popularity.[2] He strongly disapproved of what he perceived to be Steele's attempt to market bad entertainment as a commercial enterprise.[1][6] Dennis especially regarded Steele's departure from the traditions of comedic theater as distasteful. He considered the British comedy to be the greatest in all the theaters of Europe, in terms of both moral education and entertainment.
From 1826, the main commercial enterprise was the Mining Company of Ireland which ended operations in 1926.Second Report of the Commissioners (on) Railway Communications (in) Ireland By Irish Railway Commission W. Clowes, 1838 p45 In the 1840s, 50,000 tons per year were extracted here.The Industrial Resources of Ireland Robert Kane : Edition: 2 : Hodges and Smith : 1845 The mines featured significantly during the Young Irelander Rebellion of 1848. By 1866, twelve pits were being worked locally while three had recently been abandoned.
The first larger-scale commercial herds were established in the 1940s. In the 1960s, several grey cattle breeders were selling them as a commercial enterprise and the Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society was formed to register the cattle and to administer the breed. Murray Grey registries are in Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In New Zealand, Murray Greys have been favoured because of their resistance to facial eczema, which is a problem in other cattle breeds.
Guests at the house included such notable people as Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, who visited in 1824 (see: Visit of the Marquis de Lafayette to the United States). At Arlington, Custis experimented with new methods of animal husbandry and other agriculture. The property also included Arlington Spring, a picnic ground on the banks of the Potomac that Custis originally built for private use but later opened to the public, eventually operating it as a commercial enterprise. Custis married Mary Lee Fitzhugh.
Response was good, but there were no finances to support the venture until Eric Edgley, who ran His Majesty's Theatre as a private commercial enterprise, put up 400 pounds for the first production. During the first 15 years of the company, Bousloff presided as Artistic Director, battling against financial constraints. Access to funds with inconsistent, and dancers sometimes performed without being paid. It was not until 1968–1970 when professional dancers, administrative staff and permanent headquarters were put into place.
Equity crowdfunding is the online offering of private company securities to a group of people for investment and therefore it is a part of the capital markets. Because equity crowdfunding involves investment into a commercial enterprise, it is often subject to securities and financial regulation. Equity crowdfunding is also referred to as crowd-investing, investment crowdfunding, or crowd equity. Equity crowdfunding is a mechanism that enables broad groups of investors to fund startup companies and small businesses in return for equity.
Vodka bottling machine, Shatskaya Vodka Shatsk, Russia Milk separating and bottling A bottling company is a commercial enterprise whose output is the bottling of beverages for distribution. Many bottling companies are franchisees of corporations such as Coca-Cola and PepsiCo who distribute the beverage in a specific geographic region. Some bottling companies may also bottle other local beverages such as regional beers or wines. A bottler is a company which mixes drink ingredients and fills up cans and bottles with the drink.
The town was always a service center for the surrounding farms and ranches, and a "fisherman's getaway paradise" in its relative isolation and lack of commercial enterprise. With the arisal of the "urban drift" in the 1960s, the small town's population dwindled, services which could also be found in nearby Flora closed. The closure of the post office in 1965 reduced the town to its present status as a fishing, hunting, vacation site, with permanent residents estimated at 25 people.
Teatulia, known as Kazi and Kazi in Bangladesh, employs an average of 600 full-time workers and another 100 to 400 part-time workers at different times of the year. Teatulia was the first large commercial enterprise of any kind to start operating in Tetulia. As a way to give back to the local community, the Teatulia Cooperative established education, health, and cattle-lending programs. In the cattle-lending program, local women are given cattle by the Cooperative as a loan.
The Potter/Casey Company Building is a historic commercial building in Aitkin, Minnesota, United States. It was built in 1902 to house the expanding business of Aitkin County's leading retailer and to lease office space to other businesses on the second floor. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982 for having local significance in the theme of commerce. It was nominated for representing Aitkin County's most successful commercial enterprise at the turn of the 20th century.
Though named for and associated with the Toronto PET Users Group (TPUG), the magazine was published independently of the club as a commercial enterprise with paid writers. Twenty-eight issues were produced for TPUG from November 1980 to August 1984. In 1984 TORPET's owner and editor, Bruce Beach, dissociated the publication from TPUG and relaunched it as an oceanography journal, backronymming its name to Today's Oceanographic Research Program for Education & Training. TPUG launched its own computing journal, TPUG Magazine, in February 1984.
During his lifetime, the Jalayirid state reached its peak in power. In addition to his military adventures, which were considerable, he was known for his attempts to revive commercial enterprise, which had suffered heavily in the past years, in the region, as well as his patronage to the arts. His chronicler, Abu Bakr al-Qutbi al Ahri, wrote of Shaykh Uways Jalayir’ deeds in the Tarikh-i Shaikh Uvais. Shaykh Uways Jalayir was succeeded by his son Shaikh Hasan Jalayir.
The Pilgrimage of the Relics or Maastricht Septennial Pilgrimage () is a seven-yearly Catholic event in the Dutch city of Maastricht. Originating in the Middle Ages, it developed from a pilgrimage to the grave of Saint Servatius into the present-day religious, historical, cultural and commercial enterprise. Highlights in the programme are the displaying or unveiling of the relics in the main churches and secondly, the processions with the town's main relics. The next pilgrimage will take place in 2025.
In the 1900s, the surrounding Nairukuruku river plains were cultivated with bananas as the major cash crop. The village banana farmers became exponents of the Viti Kabani movement and the quest by its enigmatic founder Apolosi Ranawai for native indigenous commercial enterprise against the wishes of colonial administrators.Robert Nicole, Disturbing History: Resistance in Early Colonial Fiji, University Of Hawaii Press, 2011, pp.70–97. Ranawai had founded his Company at Nakorovatu, Matailobau where in 1912, as a carpenter he was building a church.
The others were Hendrick Krock, Wilchen Riboldt, Jacob Coning, Otto de Willarts, and Georg Saleman — all artists in the service of the court. This was the humble beginning to the formation of the Royal Danish Academy of Art (Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi) many years later. After 1701 he regularly visited Antwerp, and was in the Southern Netherlands in 1704. He received citizenship in Copenhagen as a sculptor on 12 December 1703, along with royal permission to run a commercial enterprise selling lace from Brabant.
The Gorham Manufacturing Company was one of the earliest companies to consider moving uptown. In 1903, its president Edward Holbrook leased the future site of 390 Fifth Avenue, at the southwest corner with 36th Street. At the time, much of the land was owned by John Jacob Astor IV. Holbrook hired McKim, Mead & White for the building's design, with Stanford White as principal. Holbrook requested that the Fifth Avenue building be fireproof, and that its layout be able to accommodate the "needs of a great commercial enterprise".
Location-based services (LBS) are services that are distributed wirelessly and provide information relevant to the user's current location. These services include such things as ‘find my nearest …’, directions, and various vehicle monitoring systems, such as the GM OnStar system amongst others. Location-based services are generally run on mobile phones and PDAs, and are intended for use by the general public more than Mobile GIS systems which are geared towards commercial enterprise. Devices can be located by triangulation using the mobile phone network and/or GPS.
The basic elements of the system were devised at the National Research Council of Canada in the 1970s, to study car collisions. In 1990, development was transferred to Neptec Design Group, a small commercial enterprise located in Kanata, a suburb of Ottawa. The system runs on Neptec's Advanced Vision Unit (AVU) processing platform, which handles video routing, algorithm processing, video overlays, and the system interface. The operating system is the Unix-like and POSIX compliant QNX Real-time operating system, running the Photon windowing interface.
The Office of Space Commerce is an office within the United States Department of Commerce. It is currently one of several offices within the department that are responsible for overseeing and promoting economic activity in space. The office is small in size and the current director is Kevin O'Connell. In May 2018, Wilbur Ross, the Secretary of Commerce announced plans to consolidate the Office with the Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs Office to form a new administration, the Space Policy Advancing Commercial Enterprise (SPACE) Administration.
Until Iraqis pay market prices for > oil products, drastic fuel shortages will remain. Recommendation 63 says in part that > The United States should encourage investment in Iraq's oil sector by the > international community and by international energy companies. > The United states should assist Iraqi leaders to reorganize the national oil > industry as a commercial enterprise, in order to enhance efficiency, > transparency, and accountability. Their report also notes that corruption may be more responsible for breakdowns in the oil sector than the insurgency itself: > Corruption is also debilitating.
The main reason for the bison's near-demise, much like the actual demise of the passenger pigeon, was commercial hunting. Bison skins were used for industrial machine belts, clothing such as robes, and rugs. There was a huge export trade to Europe of bison hides. Old West bison hunting was very often a big commercial enterprise, involving organized teams of one or two professional hunters, backed by a team of skinners, gun cleaners, cartridge reloaders, cooks, wranglers, blacksmiths, security guards, teamsters, and numerous horses and wagons.
Each vessel became its own small commercial enterprise, and trade with the Levant quickly began to depend on Hydra's vessels, though not without competition from those of Spetses and Psara. The plague of 1792 killed a large part of the population, and many people moved away. As a result, the town was almost completely abandoned for a while. By the end of the 18th century, Hydra had again become quite prosperous, with its vessels trading as far as France, Spain, and even the Americas.
The buildings have been associated with the Sydney Harbour Trust, who became responsible for the buildings in , Maritime Services Board, Sydney Cove Redevelopment Authority and Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority. The buildings are also now associated with the Shangri-La (former ANA) Hotel and part of the tourist and commercial enterprise in the area. Harts Buildings meet this criterion on a local level. The place is important in demonstrating aesthetic characteristics and/or a high degree of creative or technical achievement in New South Wales.
In small domestic systems, the water may be pressurised by a pressure vessel or even by an underground cistern (the latter however does need additional pressurizing). This eliminates the need of a water-tower or any other heightened water reserve to supply the water pressure. These systems are usually owned and maintained by local governments, such as cities, or other public entities, but are occasionally operated by a commercial enterprise (see water privatization). Water supply networks are part of the master planning of communities, counties, and municipalities.
Gate Mudaliyar Jeronis de Soysa (19 April 1797 – 28 May 1862) was a pioneering Ceylonese entrepreneur and philanthropist. He was a pioneer coffee planter and an industrialist who became the wealthiest Ceylonese of the 19th century by establishing the largest native commercial enterprise of the era. He was instrumental in the establishment of the first Ceylonese bank and is often referred to as a father of private enterprise in British Ceylon. He was the first Mudaliyar to be elevated in recognition of his philanthropy.
The Japanese entrepreneur Haruji Matsue arrived on Saipan in 1920 and formed the South Seas Development Company, which became the largest commercial enterprise in Micronesia. He significantly expanded the quantities of sugar cane produced in the islands, with over under cultivation by 1925. By the early 1930s the sugar-related industries accounted for more than 60% of the mandate's revenues. At its peak the company maintained over of sugar plantations using tenant farmers, as well as operating sugar mills on Saipan, Tinian and Rota.
In addition to the dinnerware line, Brayton also produced a range of decorative tiles, artware and vases. Brayton and his wife sold the pottery out of their home, attracting buyers by displaying wares in their front yard. In 1936, Brayton married his second wife, Ellen Webster Grieve (known as “Webb”), and they began to transform the small workshop into a larger commercial enterprise. They constructed a new manufacturing facility on a five-acre plot of land in 1938, between the Pacific Coast Highway and Glenneyre Street.
The first headquarters were first located in Manhattan, at 165 Broadway. After 1929, it was located at 261 Fifth Avenue, with several branch offices, including, at different times, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. From 1927 to 1930, under the direction of Saul Bron and Peter Bogdanov, Amtorg expanded into a major commercial enterprise, with more than 100 employees. During this formative period, Amtorg was very careful to clear any legal hurdles through the leading New York law firm of Thomas D. Thacher.
Champion Breweries PLC is a Nigerian brewing company located in Akwa Ibom state. The company is the producer of Champion lager beer and Champ Malta. Champion Breweries was established as a publicly funded commercial enterprise in 1974 and began manufacturing in 1976 with a capacity of 150,000 hecto litres of Champion beer and 10,000 hecto litres of Champ Malta. At formation, the firm patronized a plastic manufacturing company to produce crates for holdings the products instead of paper cartons, a precedent other beer producers later followed.
Redraft of the Castello Plan, drawn in 1916 The beginnings of New Amsterdam, unlike most other colonies in the New World, were thoroughly documented in city maps. During the time of New Netherland's colonization, the Dutch were the pre-eminent cartographers in Europe. The delegated authority of the Dutch West India Company over New Netherland required maintaining sovereignty on behalf of the States General, generating cash flow through commercial enterprise for its shareholders, and funding the province's growth. Thus its directors regularly required that censuses be taken.
During the Crimean War, Izhevsk supplied the Russian Imperial Army with 130,000 rifles, with a third of them grooved. By 1857, 50 years after the creation of the armory, over 670,000 flintlock firearms, over 220,000 percussion firearms, over 58 thousand rifles, as well as a plentiful number of swords and lances were produced. In 1867, the armory was reorganized into a lease and a private commercial enterprise. At this time, the armory was retrofitted and equipped with steam-engines, new machines, and an open-hearth furnace.
Tamaschke had been reprimanded for attempting to buy the Jewish-owned Czech company Nalus and Mansfeld, something which Himmler described in his official reprimand as Tamaschke taking "advantage of your position as an SS officer in order to lay your hands on a commercial enterprise you could not gain possession of in any other way".Tom Segev, Soldiers of Evil, Berkley Books, 1991, p. 95 Subsequently, Tamaschke served in the Heer and was still on the staff of the SS- Oberabschnitt Böhmen-Mähren in October 1944.
On 1 January 1987, MLG and MZP merged to become Migros Betriebe Birsfelden AG (MBB). MBB took over the marketing, sales and procurement divisions from FMC on 1 June 2004. As a commercial enterprise, MBB also offered logistics services (handling, storage, customs clearance) to third parties. 20 years after the merger, on 1 January 2007, MBB changed its name to Delica AG. In November 2006, the packaging production was outsourced to the newly founded InnoPacking AG in Pratteln by means of a management buyout.
The smelters continued to dominate the local economy until the close of the ASARCO lead smelter in 1949. Business and commercial enterprise prospered along with the smelter industry. Murray's industry would later include a water plant, lighting system, canning factory, flour mills, and brickyards.Raymond R. Rasmussen, History of Murray, State of Utah (1936) Many of those employed at the Franklyn and Germania smelters were immigrants from Scandinavian countries who had joined the LDS church in their homeland and moved to Utah; most spoke little English.
It was the first-ever multinational corporation, financed by shares that established the first modern stock exchange. The Company received a Dutch monopoly on Asian trade, which it would keep for two centuries, and it became the world's largest commercial enterprise of the 17th century. Spices were imported in bulk and brought huge profits due to the efforts and risks involved and demand. This is remembered to this day in the Dutch word peperduur, meaning something is very expensive, reflecting the prices of spices at the time.
The Encyclopedia Press (1907-1914). ("In 1664 he was joined by Mgr Pallu, Vicar Apostolic of Tong King. Siam, in those days the rendezvous of all commercial enterprise in the East, gave shelter to several hundred Annamite and Japanese Christians who had been expelled or lived there as voluntary exiles on account of persecutions at home.") Since the Tokugawa shogunate prohibited Japanese people established abroad to return to Japan, essentially as a protective measure against Christianity, the Japanese communities in Siam were gradually absorbed locally.
Bingham not only worked at the 1855 Exposition, but also displayed his own life-size portraits, for which he won a Medal First Class. Due to a lack of commercial success, however, he soon stopped producing these huge photographs and stuck to more standard formats. His work at the Louvre inspired him to make photographic portraiture a commercial enterprise, and in 1857 he opened his new atelier in the Nouvelle Athènes quarter of Paris, one of the hotspots of artistic activity at the time.
Abloh purchased deadstock clothing from Ralph Lauren for $40, screen-printed designs on them and sold them for prices upward of $550. The stated goal of Pyrex Vision was to represent the importance of youth culture, by centering the designs around a garment that most youth would notice from gym class. Virgil's ideas could be clearly geared around the importance of the now. He closed the company down a year later as he did not intend it to be a commercial enterprise but an artistic experiment.
The history of monopoly pertains to the historical tendency of a successful commercial enterprise to dominate an industry. The practice started during Advanced Industrialization with such companies as Standard Oil and the Carnegie Steel Company. The Sherman Antitrust Act was the first Federal statute to limit cartels and monopolies, and today still forms the basis for most antitrust litigation by the United States federal government. Recently, companies such as Microsoft have been accused by the U.S. Department of Justice of the monopolistic practice of Embrace, extend and extinguish.
Jonas and Marion raised a son, George Washington Martin, Sr. (1847-1910), who was trained in engineering, rose to prominence in the commercial enterprise known as the Produce Exchange and served as Brooklyn's Superintendent of Street Repairs in the Department of City Works. In October 1869 he married Emma Frances De Revere (1853-1910). George and Emma lived for many years in her parents' home in Macdonough Street, Brooklyn. At that time Macdonough Street was designated as belonging to that exclusive part of Brooklyn known as Stuyvesant Heights, that featured brownstone townhouses.
In the early 1970s Jeremy bought the assets of recording studio, Liverpool Sound Enterprises literally the only recording studio in the Liverpool area at the time. After a change of name to Amazon Studios Lewis focused on using the studio for his own band initially with the hope of turning the studio into a commercial enterprise in the longer term. The studio in its early days used a unique 8-track tube multitrack and various upgrades were made to the studio by Lewis. Many local artists up to this point had used the studio facilities.
His proposal involved the establishment of a commercial enterprise reminiscent of the British East India Company, which would provide the government with tangible financial benefits while setting the stage for the peaceful conquest of the region. Although the proposal met with sympathy at Court, Bezobrazov was initially thwarted by Finance Minister Sergei Witte, who suspected Bezobrazov’s political intentions. However, in 1896, King Kojong of Korea was persuaded by Jules BrinerYul Brynner's grandfather., a Russian merchant based in Vladivostok to grant a timber concession along the Yalu River border between Korea and Manchuria.
Rum was not refined in Barbados until 1703 and was originally a thing from Brazil, sugar was the focus of the industry. As it developed into the main commercial enterprise, Barbados was divided into large plantation estates which replaced the small holdings of the early English settlers as the wealthy planters pushed out the poor. The Irish as they were called were the Poor White Slaves and Planters that became the First Police force and Fishermen of Barbados. Some of the displaced farmers relocated to the English colonies in North America, most notably South Carolina.
The culture of Somalia is an amalgamation of traditions developed independently and through interaction with neighbouring and far away civilizations, such as other parts of Northeast Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, India and Southeast Asia.Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi, Culture and Customs of Somalia, (Greenwood Press: 2001), p.155. The textile-making communities in Somalia are a continuation of an ancient textile industry, as is the culture of wood carving, pottery and monumental architecture that dominates Somali interiors and landscapes. The cultural diffusion of Somali commercial enterprise can be detected in its cuisine, which contains Southeast Asian influences.
The zoo was opened to the public in 1986, and was home to about 30 species, most of which were native to Romania. It was originally administered by the "Authonomous Direction Horticultura", which was eventually turned into a commercial enterprise. In its early years the zoo was poorly administered, and in order to remedy this, the city acquired the land in 2002 and started a feasibility study on upgrading the zoo. The zoo was closed to the public in the autumn of 2004 for renovation and upgrading to comply with European standards.
The succession was settled and the production for China continued; in 1855 Bovet was awarded a gold medal at the world exhibition in Paris for an absolutely identical pair of watches ordered by the emperor of China. Two generations later the Bovets were running a flourishing Swiss-Chinese commercial enterprise and were no longer interested in watchmaking. The name was sold several times and relaunched in 1994. The current Bovet watches are modeled on their luxury precursors from the 19th century and look like pocket watches for the wrist.
You Only Live Twice. The world map in the background is common to emphasise the aim of world domination. In Ian Fleming's novels, SPECTRE is a commercial enterprise led by Blofeld. The top level of the organisation is made up of twenty-one individuals, eighteen of whom handle day-to-day affairs and are drawn in groups of three from six of the world's most notorious organisations—the Nazi German Gestapo, the Soviet SMERSH, Yugoslav Marshal Josip Broz Tito's OZNA, the Italian Mafia, the French-Corsican Unione Corse, and a massive Turkish heroin-smuggling operation.
The Gaydon Inn was famous in the 18th century for its association with violent highwaymen. The Malt Shovel pub, together with the adjacent community shop, is located off Church Road and is now the only commercial enterprise in the village. The Manor House on Kineton Road dates back to the 17th century. Although Gaydon has become something of a commuter village because of its proximity to the M40, which was completed in January 1991, it is undergoing a revival by looking back at its roots, agriculture and community spirit.
The IDS is the world's most important trade fair for dental medicine and dental technology. The trade fair is organized by the GFDI (Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Dental-Industrie mbH), the commercial enterprise of the Association of German Dental Manufacturers (VDDI) and staged by Koelnmesse GmbH. At IDS 2011, 1,954 companies from 58 countries participated and more than 100.000 trade visitors attended. At IDS 2013, 2.058 companies from 56 countries presented their products on exhibition space covering 150.000 m². The exhibition had more than 125.000 trade visitors from 149 countries.
Pallu, Vicar Apostolic of Tong King. Siam, in those days a rendezvous of commercial enterprise in the East, gave shelter to several hundred Annamite and Japanese Christians who had been expelled or lived there as exiles due to persecutions at home. Some Portuguese and Spanish Jesuits, Franciscans, and Augustinians provided the spiritual care of their countrymen in Siam. Msgr. Pallu, on his return to Rome (1665), obtained a Brief from Pope Clement IX (4 July 1669), by which the Vicariate of Siam was entrusted to the newly founded Society of Foreign Missions of Paris.
The theory of sexual fetishism, which Alfred Binet presented in the essay Le fétichisme dans l'amour: la vie psychique des micro-organismes, l'intensité des images mentales, etc. (Fetishism in Love: the Psychic Life of Micro-organisms, the Intensity of Mental Images, etc., 1887), was applied to interpret commodity fetishism as types of sexually-charged economic relationships, between a person and a commodity (goods and services), as in the case of advertising, which is a commercial enterprise that ascribes human qualities (values) to a commodity, to persuade the buyer to purchase the advertised goods and services.
The pair became interested in the fermentation of apple cider to create hard cider. A test batch was made to be served in 2009 at Larsen's brother's wedding,Laura McCandlish, "Corvallis' 2 Towns Ciderhouse Delivers the Goods with Artisan Brews," The Oregonian, March 20, 2012. which proved extremely popular with guests — and the trio were inspired by the positive reaction to launch a commercial enterprise specializing in the beverage. 2 Towns Ciderhouse was launched in 2010 from a small 1,000 square foot space in the Eastgate Business Center, located between Corvallis and Albany, Oregon.
The Wellington Harbour Board was constituted by act of parliament which took effect on 1 January 1880. Shipowners, those paying harbour dues, Wellington City, Hutt County, Wairarapa County, and Wellington's Chamber of Commerce all elected representatives to the board. The Mayor of Wellington was a member as was one further direct government appointment. In October 1988 obliged by central government's unexpected resort to the High Court the business of the port was taken over from the Board by a conventional commercial enterprise, also named Port of Wellington Limited.
In market-based economies, state-owned assets are often managed and operated as joint-stock corporations with a government owning all or a controlling stake of the company's shares. This form is often referred to as a state-owned enterprise. A state-owned enterprise might variously operate as a not-for-profit corporation, as it may not be required to generate a profit; as a commercial enterprise in competitive sectors; or as a natural monopoly. Governments may also use the profitable entities they own to support the general budget.
A state-owned enterprise is a commercial enterprise owned by a government entity in a capitalist market or mixed economy. Reasons for state ownership of commercial enterprises are that the enterprise in question is a natural monopoly or because the government is promoting economic development and industrialization. State-owned enterprises may or may not be expected to operate in a broadly commercial manner and may or may not have monopolies in their areas of activity. The transformation of public entities and government agencies into government-owned corporations is sometimes a precursor to privatization.
Starting in 1938, Hungary under Miklós Horthy passed a series of anti-Jewish measures in emulation of Germany's Nuremberg Laws. # The "First Jewish Law" (May 29, 1938) restricted the number of Jews in each commercial enterprise, in the press, among physicians, engineers and lawyers to twenty percent. # The "Second Jewish Law" (May 5, 1939), for the first time, defined Jews racially: individuals with two, three or four Jewish-born grandparents were declared Jewish. # The "Third Jewish Law" (August 8, 1941) prohibited intermarriage and penalized sexual intercourse between Jews and non-Jews.
In 1978, the Ministry of Public Works declared Bilbao, Huelva and Valencia and Barcelona autonomous ports. It became then known as the Autonomous Port of Barcelona (, ) and while remaining a government body, it was able to function as a commercial enterprise subject to private law. Opening the Bosch i Alsina wharf in Port Vell (also known as the Moll de la Fusta) to the public in 1981 marked the start to transform the Northern part of the port. This gained much momentum with the decision in 1986 that Barcelona would host the 1992 Summer Olympics.
UCAS Media is a commercial enterprise that raises money by offering commercial organisations and education providers a channel to communicate with prospective students: in effect, it sells targeted advertising space. UCAS Media does not disclose information about applicants to its advertising clients. However, it does send advertisements to applicants on behalf of its clients, and is able to target specific groups such as 'early adopters' or those located in a specific location. All UCAS Media profits are fed back into the UCAS charity, much of which is gift aided.
When it failed to get financial support on a continuing basis, NET split off as a private business and sought private funds. FCF planned a new strategy to make NET a self-sustaining, even profitable, commercial enterprise, rather than a money-losing tool of outreach. However, the FCF blamed the hostility of other large media and agitation by liberal groups for refusal of support from the big advertising firms. Without enough revenue to cover its cost, the corporate board forced Weyrich to stop new segment programming and focus on retooling the network for a relaunch.
In 2010, Hagman was hired as a spokesman for SolarWorld, a German solar energy commercial enterprise. While the SolarWorld commercials do not specifically mention either Dallas or J. R. Ewing, Hagman essentially revisits the character (complete with a picture of Hagman as J. R. Ewing from the original series on the mantle), stating that his oil company days are long over, "though still in the energy business", meaning solar energy instead, which alternative energy now plays a major part of the next-generation Ewing family war between Christopher and John Ross III.
Seismic testing in 1940 Reflections and refractions of seismic waves at geologic interfaces within the Earth were first observed on recordings of earthquake-generated seismic waves. The basic model of the Earth's deep interior is based on observations of earthquake-generated seismic waves transmitted through the Earth's interior (e.g., Mohorovičić, 1910). The use of human-generated seismic waves to map in detail the geology of the upper few kilometers of the Earth's crust followed shortly thereafter and has developed mainly due to commercial enterprise, particularly the petroleum industry.
Conway and Colley also officially formed the Hi-n-Dry independent record label and studio, converting Sandman's workspace into a commercial enterprise. The label's roster includes a number of their friends, colleagues and other Boston-area musicians. In 2004, Hi-n-Dry released the Mark Sandman box set Sandbox, which contained two CDs and a DVD of previously unreleased material spanning Sandman's musical career. The DVD featured clips from early Sandman shows, interviews from the Morphine tours, and various videos from other Sandman solo and group projects, such as Treat Her Right.
Atomics International was a division of a private company which engaged in the commercial enterprise of selling products and services to other companies, Universities and foreign governments. Atomics International also conducted research and development for the United States Government. Operating both as a contractor to the U.S. Government and as a commercial company, Atomics International maintained authorizations allowing for the use of radioactive materials in either situation. Activities using radioactive materials owned by the Department of Energy were supervised by that government agency and no licensing was required.
Godai's UK visit also included the Manchester Chamber of Commerce - reputed to have inspired the foundation of the pioneering Osaka Chamber and Industry.Broad 1997. Godai later returned to Europe to negotiate with the Comte des Cantons Charles Montblanc (1832–1893) to establish a joint venture commercial enterprise for the development of Satsuma's natural resources in exchange for European weapons and manufactured goods. This French–Satsuma trading company attracted French investment into the Satsuma domain to establish a steamship shipyard and textile (silk) spinning factories and to send promising students from Satsuma overseas.
Though it has attained some credibility as a religion in many countries, Scientology has also been described as both a cult and a commercial enterprise. Some of the Church's actions also brought scrutiny from the press and law enforcement. For example, it has been noted to engage in harassment and abuse of civil courts to silence its critics, by identifying as Fair Game people it perceives as its enemies. In 1979, several Scientology members were convicted for their involvement in the church's Operation Snow White, the largest theft of government documents in U.S. history.
Cameron revealed that she had purchased the land with Lawson as a liaison with the intention of donating it as a park in memory of her late husband. The gift came attached with a $5,000 gift for park development, as well as stipulations to preserve the name and funding for the park, and to prohibit commercial enterprise within its borders. The park was officially dedicated on May 27, 1910, with a large ceremony attended by nearly 15,000 people. Baylor University President Samuel Palmer Brooks served as the master of ceremonies for the dedication.
As a result of this growth, Lawrenceville has been noted for its role in Pittsburgh's gentrification: once a working-class district, the neighborhood now caters to higher-earning buyers. Increases in construction and commercial enterprise have also led to a shortage of street parking, as hundreds of drivers try to squeeze their cars onto too-narrow streets. Despite all changes, Lawrenceville still maintains old traditions, such as an annual Memorial Day parade on Butler Street. Lawrenceville residents also show their appreciation for Pittsburgh history with "Doo Dah Days," the Stephen Foster Music and Heritage Festival.
Stella Jean's designs reflect her Creole heritage, and she often works with Haitian and African artisans, incorporating their work into her fashions. Through her use of native craftspeople, she seeks to support struggling countries and communities and preserve their ancestral arts and traditions. She works with industry to generate commercial enterprise and self-sustaining local communities, focusing on women's empowerment. She began her partnership with Ethical Fashion Initiative in 2013 when she extended her reach into a wider range of ethical produced items like bespoke Bogolan (mud- cloth) from Mali and jewelry from Haiti.
19th century Métis fur trader The most important commercial enterprise in the early part of the territorial era was the lucrative fur trade. At the beginning of the 19th century two British companies competed for dominance in the North American trade: Hudson's Bay Company and the North West Company. The North West company had used Grand Portage as its western headquarters along with other smaller companies that operated in the area. Grand Portage was one of the four principal British trading and shipping points furs in North America.
In the last days of the war, West Pakistani-owned > businesses—which included nearly every commercial enterprise in the > country—remitted virtually all their funds to the West. Pakistan > International Airlines left exactly 117 rupees ($16) in its account at the > port city of Chittagong. The army also destroyed bank notes and coins, so > that many areas now suffer from a severe shortage of ready cash. Private > cars were picked up off the streets or confiscated from auto dealers and > shipped to the West before the ports were closed.
Boeing has developed a cooperative effort with this company. In early 1995, Prime Minister Utkur Sultanov requested U.S. Government assistance in transforming the Tashkent Aircraft Production Association named after Chkalov (TAPO) from a public sector military enterprise into a viable private sector commercial enterprise. In response, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (TDA) approved two Technical Assistance Grants, in the amounts of US$1,000,000 and $600,000 respectively, to partially fund the cost of goods and services required to facilitate the development and sale of TAPO manufactured aircraft on commercial terms.
Insurance involves pooling funds from many insured entities (known as exposures) to pay for the losses that some may incur. The insured entities are therefore protected from risk for a fee, with the fee being dependent upon the frequency and severity of the event occurring. In order to be an insurable risk, the risk insured against must meet certain characteristics. Insurance as a financial intermediary is a commercial enterprise and a major part of the financial services industry, but individual entities can also self-insure through saving money for possible future losses.
Appointed to the Federal Radio Commission by President Calvin Coolidge, he was in charge of the zone covering the Western United States. Lafount played an important part in developments and decisions regarding the regulation of the broadcasting industry in the U.S., favoring perspectives that saw radio broadcasting as a fundamentally commercial enterprise. He was also an early influence in making radio airtime available to political candidates and parties. Lafount later managed a number of well-known radio stations in the northeastern United States on behalf of Arde Bulova and served as president of the National Independent Broadcasters.
The building that housed the head-office of Contomichalos' company in Barlaman Avenue, Khartoum (2018)In 1908 Contomichalos left his uncle's company and started his own commercial enterprise. He quickly succeeded and expanded into the fields of agriculture, banking, real estate, and ships handling, establishing branches throughout Sudan – with major trade activities in what was then Southern Sudan – as well as in Cairo, London, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Haifa, and Panama. According to a study by the University of Khartoum (UoK), he "monopolized the cotton trade in Khartoum." Meanwhile, Capato's business empire collapsed after a series of misfortunes.
Petfinder is an internet company that operates the largest online pet adoption website serving all of North America. The company reports that it currently lists “more than 315,000 adoptable pets from nearly 14,000 animal shelters and rescue groups.” A commercial enterprise founded in 1996, it is now owned by Nestlé Purina PetCare Company and reports that it has facilitated more than 22 million pet adoptions as of 2013. Most of the pets listed on Petfinder are dogs and cats, but they list all types of animals available from shelters and rescue groups, from small fish, reptiles and birds to horses and livestock.
First Lenin statue built by the workers in Noginsk There were two main groups debating the fate of Soviet art: futurists and traditionalists. Russian Futurists, many of whom had been creating abstract or leftist art before the Bolsheviks, believed communism required a complete rupture from the past and, therefore, so did Soviet art. Traditionalists believed in the importance of realistic representations of everyday life. Under Lenin's rule and the New Economic Policy, there was a certain amount of private commercial enterprise, allowing both the futurists and the traditionalists to produce their art for individuals with capital.
As Málaga pioneered the Industrial Revolution in Spain, its educated and entrepreneurial merchant class agitated for modernity in government, making Málaga one of the most rebellious cities of the country. The bourgeoisie led several uprisings in favour of a more liberal regime to encourage free commercial enterprise. In 1834, soon after the death of Ferdinand VII, a revolt was organised against the inefficiency of the government of the Count of Toreno (Conde de Toreno), who had been appointed prime minister by the queen regent, Maria Christina on 7 June. His tenure in the premiership lasted only till 14 September.
Airspan originally focused its product line on the small cell and mini-macro equipment market, used by mobile operators to extend wireless services. Through the acquisition of Mimosa Networks in 2018, Airspan entered the market for fixed wireless solutions which are used in commercial, enterprise and operator networks for wireless backhaul and access applications. Airspan's 5G NR development program is focused on mmWave, Sub 6GHz, Massive MIMO, and Open Virtual RAN architectures. Airspan also offers fixed wireless access and backhaul solutions for PTP (point-to-point) and PTMP (point-to-multi-point) applications through its Mimosa Products.
Silicon Motion Technology Corporation, stylized as SiliconMotion is an American -Taiwanese company in developing NAND flash controller integrated circuits (ICs) for solid-state storage devices. The company said it supplies more NAND flash controllers than any other company, over five billion from 2006 through 2016. They are found in commercial, enterprise, and industrial applications ranging from SSDs, eMMCs, memory cards, and USB flash drives. Silicon Motion purchased Shannon Systems which added PCI Express solid-state drives for the Chinese data center market to its portfolio. Controllers are marketed under the “SMI” brand, enterprise-grade SSDs under the “Shannon Systems” brand.
Spring, p. 61 The British were solicited as well, but the request could not be granted, pushing back initiation of the railway's construction further. Nikolay Khomyakov, President of the Duma, and I.A. Zveginstov, supporters of the Anglo-Russian Entente, promoted a private initiative for a railway connecting India and Europe, to counteract the economic threat Germany posed to the region. Germany's influence over the region was enabled by the Baghdad Railway, which connected Germany and the Ottoman Empire (modern-day Turkey, Syria and Iraq), enabling Germany to begin plans for connecting the railway to Tehran to increase its commercial enterprise.
Mads Johansen Lange, nicknamed the King of Bali (18 September 1807 in Rudkøbing, Denmark13 May 1856 in Kuta, Bali, Indonesia), was a Danish trader, entrepreneur, peace maker on Bali, knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion, and recipient of the Danish gold medal of achievement. He was the son of Lorents Lange Pedersen and Maren Lange, a merchant and a merchant's daughter, respectively. Lange travelled to the Dutch East Indies at an early age and settled on the island of Bali. Here he built a thriving commercial enterprise, exporting rice, spices and beef, and importing weapons and textiles.
In the summer of 2001, Ritter started development on anti-spam technology using machine-learning statistical classification algorithms. Named Spilter, the software was originally an open-source system that ran on UNIX- compatible messaging infrastructure such as Sendmail, Postfix and Qmail. Following the success of the product's first release, Ritter was convinced to pursue it instead as a commercial enterprise, which led him to close-source the software and begin mapping out a business plan. Later that summer, Ritter discovered an open-source collaborative filtering program for email called Vipul's Razor, authored by Vipul Ved Prakash.
Fort Jones is registered as a California Historical Landmark. It takes its name from the frontier outpost once located less than a mile to the south of the city's corporate limits. The town was originally named Scottsburg (c. 1850), but was changed to Scottsville shortly afterward. In 1852, the site was again renamed Wheelock, this time in honor of Mr. O. C. Wheelock who, with his partners, established the area's first commercial enterprise. In 1854, a post office was established and the town was renamed again, becoming known as Ottitiewa, the Indian name for the Scott River branch of the Shasta tribe.
Checkmk is a software developed in Python and C++ for IT Infrastructure monitoring. It is used for the monitoring of servers, applications, networks, cloud infrastructures (public, private, hybrid), containers, storage, databases and environment sensors. Checkmk is available in three editions: an open source edition ("Checkmk Raw Edition – CRE"), a commercial enterprise edition ("Checkmk Enterprise Edition – CEE") and a commercial edition for managed services providers ("Checkmk Managed Services Edition – CME"). These Checkmk-Editions are available for a range of platforms, in particular for various versions of Debian, Ubuntu, SLES and RedHat / CentOS, and also as a Docker Image.
WBAI was purchased by philanthropist Louis Schweitzer, who donated it to the Pacifica Foundation in 1960. The station, which had been a commercial enterprise, became non-commercial and listener- supported under Pacifica ownership. The history of WBAI during this period is iconoclastic and contentious. Referred to in a New York Times Magazine piece as "an anarchist's circus," one station manager was jailed in protest, and the staff, in protest at sweeping proposed changes of another station manager, seized the studio facilities, then located in a deconsecrated church, as well as the transmitter, located at the Empire State Building.
She accompanies the Yang di- Pertuan Agong to official functions and state visits, as well as hosting visiting heads of state and their spouses. Article 34 of the Malaysian Constitution forbids the Raja Permaisuri Agong from holding any appointment, carrying any remuneration, or actively engaging in any commercial enterprise. The Raja Permaisuri Agong is, however, legally entitled to an annual payment which is included in the Civil List of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Previous holders of the title of Raja Permaisuri Agong whose husbands are deceased receive a pension from the Federal Government's Civil List.
The New York Times lauded the restoration effort, though it criticized the MTA's plans to turn the terminal into a mall of shops and restaurants, distracting visitors from the terminal's grandeur, and making it a large commercial enterprise. The Grand Central North passageways opened on August 18, 1999, at a final cost of $75 million. Some of the minor refits, such as the replacement of the train information displays at the entrances to each platform, were not completed until 2000. The final cost of $250 million was funded by the federal government, the MTA, the Grand Central Partnership, and bond issues.
USSPA later became independent, then suffered financial setbacks in the early 1970s, and disbanded. The College Press Service was spun off and became a progressive alternative news collective in Denver, Colorado. It, too, later folded, selling its name to a commercial enterprise, and distributing the funds to progressive groups in Denver. In 1967 Marshall Bloom was designated as heir apparent to assume the Executive Director position and lead the organization, but his push to send student editors to Cuba and defy the U.S. travel ban led the incumbent Executive Director and other national staff to withdraw their endorsement and support.
After acquiring his Ph.D., Shell moved to Schenectady, New York, to become Manager of Engineering for General Electric's new Information Services Department, the first commercial enterprise to link computers together using the client–server architecture. This architecture is the fundamental design for the Internet. He worked with John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz to commercialize the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System in 1963. In 1971 Shell wrote "Optimizing the Polyphase Sort" in the Communications of the ACM, and in 1972 he joined with a close friend and colleague, Mr. Ralph Mosher (who designed the walking truck), to start a business called Robotics Inc.
Skylon's solution to the issue was to position its engines at the end of its wings, which located them further forward and much closer to the vehicle's longitudinal centre of mass, thereby resolving the instability problem. A computer-generated image of the Skylon spaceplane climbing to orbit. REL intends ultimately to operate as a for-profit commercial enterprise which, upon the completion of development, shall manufacture Skylon vehicles for multiple international customers who shall operate their fleets directly, while being provided with support from REL. Skylon has been designed with the target of achieving no less than 200 flights per vehicle.
The Everglades Tropical National Park Association was established by Coe in 1928 with Fairchild, University of Miami president Bowman Ashe, and journalist Marjory Stoneman Douglas on the committee. It followed two very destructive hurricanes that caused widespread flooding in Miami and from Lake Okeechobee. One of the association's primary selling points was to portray the proposed area that would receive protection as worthless for human habitation and commercial enterprise; so far controlling the natural floods in the region had met with no success and a tourist attraction such as the park would be favorable.Davis, p. 332–333.
Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM) was established on 18 November 1955 as a residential public utilities company which, initially, only served the inhabitants of Medellin, Colombia its hometown. EPM is the head of a group that consists of twelve companies and has equity participation in eight others in the electricity and water sectors. Its affiliate EPM Telecomunicaciones, which operates under the name UNE, controls seven other companies in various cities around the country. Organized as a state-owned, industrial and commercial enterprise, owned by the municipality of Medellin, EPM provides electricity, gas, water, sanitation, and telecommunications.
Harper had described the structures as "some big, ugly red brick buildings." The National Trust for Historic Preservation asked that the historic legacy of a city and region not be held hostage to the narrow corporate preferences of a single commercial enterprise, but Conagra refused to reconsider. The Jobbers Canyon district was adjacent to another historic district, the Old Market, which has proved to be an important center of cultural, tourist, and residential development in Omaha. Omaha's then-planning director, Marty Shukert, said it was more important to keep the city's downtown core healthy than to keep the historic district.
His doctoral dissertation was titled The responsibility in commercial enterprise ('). Cobbenhagen was one of the founders of the Catholic College of Economics () in 1927, the predecessor of Tilburg University. From 1929 to 1954 he was Professor of General Theory and History of Economics, and during this period he was elected Rector Magnificus of the same university for three times (1932 – 1933; 1937 – 1938; 1945 – 1946). From 1935 until his death (1954) he was the editor of Economie, a journal of Tilburg economists having the mission of providing a space for contributions on issues of socio-economic planning.
Mid-1925 found the future of broadcasting under further consideration, this time by the Crawford committee. By now, the BBC, under Reith's leadership, had forged a consensus favouring a continuation of the unified (monopoly) broadcasting service, but more money was still required to finance rapid expansion. Wireless manufacturers were anxious to exit the loss making consortium with Reith keen that the BBC be seen as a public service rather than a commercial enterprise. The recommendations of the Crawford Committee were published in March the following year and were still under consideration by the GPO when the 1926 general strike broke out in May.
Ancient Phocis was about 1,619 km² (625 mi²) in area, bounded on the west by Ozolian Locris and Doris, on the north by Opuntian Locris, on the east by Boeotia, and on the south by the Gulf of Corinth. The massive ridge of Parnassus (2,459 m/8,068 ft), which traverses the heart of the country, divides it into two distinct portions. Being neither rich in material resources nor well placed for commercial enterprise, Phocis was mainly pastoral. No large cities grew up within its territory, and its chief places, such as Delphi and Elatea, were mainly of strategic or cultural importance.
The congressional intent of the EB-5 program has not always matched its operational reality. A key problem is that the program often invests in projects that fall outside the limited scope of the intention of the program (economic development in mostly-rural high unemployment areas). Fraud is another concern. According to USCIS, common EB-5 fraud schemes may involve anybody, including the petitioner (the immigrant investor) and the applicant, along with anyone or anything associated with the applicant, like the Regional Center principal, the sponsor, the developer of the new commercial enterprise, and the job-creating entity president, owner or manager, among others.
Hogganfield Loch is part of a series of kettle ponds in the area, caused by glacial slip dating from the last ice age. Other kettle ponds in the area include, Bishop's, Frankfield, Woodend and Lochend Lochs - the latter are part of Drumpellier country park. In 1923 a pre-refrigeration business was started at Hogganfield selling ice to the cafes, restaurants & eateries around Glasgow, until it became fashionable to use Scandinavian ice from Norway, thus ending Hogganfield Loch as a commercial enterprise. Hogganfield Loch is now part of a public park and bird sanctuary - the rare jack snipe as it travels from Siberia has been seen in the park.
Peter Heidenberger, represented Germany in the court case in Washington, D.C. stated to the press that: "The German government very much regrets what happened to Mr. Princz . . . and after the war passed various laws compensating individuals like Mr. Princz for the wrongs they suffered." ...the original law compensating Holocaust victims covered only refugees and not U.S. citizens,... and Princz missed a 1969 deadline for filing a claim under a 1965 law that did hold the possibility of some relief.... Princz alleges that his enslavement at the behest of I.G. Farben and Messerschmitt was a commercial enterprise exempt under the 1976 Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act.
The story centers around Delos David Harriman, the lead character of The Man Who Sold the Moon. Harriman, a tycoon and latter-day robber baron, had always dreamed of going to the Moon, and had spent much of his career and resources making space flight a practical commercial enterprise. Unfortunately, his business partners prevented him from taking the early flights because they could not risk the public face of their company. Now an old man, Harriman has still not been to the Moon, a fact that frustrates him, since he lives in a world where space travel is so commonplace that carnivals have their own barnstorming spacecraft.
Somali commercial enterprise in the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Indian Ocean, and the straits of Malacca. In ancient times the Kingdom of Punt, which is believed by several Egyptologists to have been situated in the area of modern-day Somalia, had a steady trade link with the Ancient Egyptians and exported the precious natural resources such as myrrh, frankincense and gum. This trade network continued all the way into the classical era. The city states of Mossylon, Opone, Malao, Mundus and Tabae in Somalia engaged in a lucrative trade network connecting Somali merchants with Phoenicia, Ptolemic Egypt, Greece, Parthian Persia, Saba, Nabataea and the Roman Empire.
Johnson, Hallelujah, 122 In 1892, the Society presented the premiere of the Mass in E flat by Amy Beach, a youthful work by the first important female American composer.Johnson, Hallelujah, 162-4 Critics condemned the H+H performance of the Berlioz Te Deum in 1888 as the work of "a musical crank".Johnson, Hallelujah, 150-2 As the Society considered works outside the traditional religious oratorio tradition, such as Saint-Saens' Samson and Delilah, it surveyed local religious leaders to determine if they would object to such performances on Sunday evenings. Some did not object to the music or subject matter, but to conducting a commercial enterprise on the Sabbath.
In 1874, a new settler to the area, Joseph McPhee, won the contract to build a bridge that connected the regularly flooded flats on the east side of the river to higher ground on the west side of the river. When the bridge was finished, McPhee and business partner Reginald Pidcock bought up of land on the western side of the river immediately adjacent to the new bridge. McPhee built a store beside the bridge, while Pidcock built the Courtenay River's first commercial enterprise, a saw mill. In 1888 Robert Dunsmuir established a mine in nearby Union, later renamed Cumberland, which brought an influx of settlers, and Chinese and Japanese immigrants.
The Garden studio, located in the Shoreditch area of East London, was built in 1981 by John Foxx and studio designer Andy Munro. It became a regular choice of studios for the likes of Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Cure and Depeche Mode, as well as Matt Johnson of The The who ended up buying the studio for himself. Milo Music became the studio's representative from the mid-1990s, when for the first time The Garden was run as a commercial enterprise. Orinoco Studios, located at 36 Leroy Street in Greater London, was founded in the mid-1980s with two studios: The Engine Room and The Toyshop Programming Studio.
Sevastyanov's instruction identified four geographical regions that present a special interest from the natural history point of view, including geographies of Japan and Kamchatka. He also mentioned a status and a role of a scientist in commercial enterprise, providing the examples of Carl Peter Thunberg and father and son Johann Reinhold Forster and George Foster. In total, Sevastyanov provided 14 basic procedures for conducting observations including an obligatory indication of the exact date of sample conducting and their classifications according to binomial nomenclature. He also mentioned a necessity to sketch the appearances and to conserve conducted samples for subsequent transfer to the Imperial Cabinet of the Russian Empire.
This was seen as signal to intensify anti-religious propaganda by CP organizations, the mass media, higher and secondary schools, as well as institutions of culture and scientific research. The Moscow Patriarchate successfully applied pressure in order to get revision of some of the anti-religious legislation. In January 1981, the clergy were requalified in their tax status from being taxed as a private commercial enterprise (as they were before) to being taxed as equal to that of medical private practice or private educators. This new legislation also gave the clergy equal property and inheritance rights as well as the privileges that were granted to citizens if they were war veterans.
The farms and land found buyers but the mansion house did not and was demolished. Most of the ancillary buildings were however sold: the kitchen garden became a commercial enterprise and the cottages and outbuildings were converted into modern dwellings. The result was a small nuclear village of about ten houses which has since expanded slightly but still remains within the original estate boundaries. The neighbouring estate of Carlton, half a mile to the north-east, had been subsumed by Stanwick Hall early in the nineteenth century and had served as the residence of the head estate manager, for stables and kennels and for associated staff accommodation.
A banana republic is a country with an economy of state capitalism, whereby the country is operated as a private commercial enterprise for the exclusive profit of the ruling class. Such exploitation is enabled by collusion between the state and favored economic monopolies, in which the profit, derived from the private exploitation of public lands, is private property, while the debts incurred thereby are the financial responsibility of the public treasury. Such an imbalanced economy remains limited by the uneven economic development of town and country, and usually reduces the national currency into devalued banknotes (paper money), rendering the country ineligible for international development credit.
It was not until 1983 that the TPLF began a concerted program of promoting the development of commercial enterprise, particularly grain, in the areas under its control. However, the limited purchasing power of the peasants and the insecurity of daytime travel discouraged professional traders and encouraged a hardier breed of part-time traders who were able to undercut their larger counterparts. The merchants slowly built capital and began transporting basic consumer items from Derg-controlled towns to the opposition-held territories and TPLF-controlled towns. The TPLF also turned to the merchants for consumer items, such as rubber sandals, sugar, canned milk and grain.
Prater was able to quickly determine that no one knew what the product of the lithium-salt reactions in existing batteries were, and guessed that it was lithium dithionite, which he was able to synthesize. Working in a trailer, Ballard and Schwartz built a simple battery and Prater brought a sample of the lithium dithionite, and when they were placed together and charged, a weak current was produced. After further development the system was able to be recharged about a dozen times. With the technology looking like it could be made into a commercial enterprise, Ballard contacted an acquaintance, John Horton, to provide further backing.
Very little information exists of Mason's activities as a daguerreotypist before he was engaged by Bellevue. Records show that he worked for the Meade brothers as chief camera operator at their 233 Broadway, New York, gallery soon after it opened in 1850.Craig. Mason. There is also evidence that Mason spent a few years in Northfield, Vermont and Springfield, Massachusetts, before returning to New York sometime in the middle 1860s.Craig. Meade. It is not clear, however, whether he actually resided in these cities or was simply registered as a freelance photographer and entrepreneur, promoting the services and products from his commercial enterprise, O. G. Mason & Company.
Born on November 27, 1867 in San Juan, guided by his father Manuel Sánchez Apellaniz and his mother Ana Morales, he studied in Ciales and in San Juan, Puerto Rico. In 1884, with his father, he founded a commercial enterprise. In addition to running the family business, he delved into literature, writing for newspapers and magazines during the latter part of the 19th century, before becoming involved in politics. He represented the Puerto Rican Republican Party, founded by Dr. José Celso Barbosa in 1899, in Washington during the discussions leading to the approval of Puerto Rico's first Organic Act, known as the Foraker Act of 1900.
I'm not saying he didn't work very hard and have the best intentions; it's just that his conception and our conception of the intentions were hopelessly at odds." Miller says the story was "old fashioned" and that he and writer Melly "were forced into making" the story "even more old fashioned by making it more sentimental. Gradually I found myself boxed in to a very conventional, almost 1950s studio situation and the final cut was beyond my control." Miller admitted "perhaps what we were doing was something quite dishonest in trying to steal in a realistic film inside the shell of a commercial enterprise.
Although the solicitation of donations and the sale of airtime may resemble a commercial enterprise, such actions do not necessarily constitute a call to action, and thus this does not forbid them from airing on noncommercial licensed stations in the U.S. A minority of stations, typically music stations, use the traditional model for music radio and allow traditional commercial advertising. Numerous religious broadcasters own many of their own stations. In the U.S., religious radio stations are exempt from certain rules requiring radio stations to have some local operations, which allows them to have massive networks of transmitters covering far larger areas than a radio station would otherwise be allowed.
Unlike other Dutch naturalists, Merian was not employed by a commercial enterprise or corporation. The preface of her Suriname book does not acknowledge any patrons or sponsors of her trip.Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium, Maria Sibylla Merian, Lannoo Publishers; Slp edition (November 8, 2016), p 177 Some believe her journey may have been financed by the directors of the Dutch West India Company. In her subsequent publication on the expedition Merian criticised the actions of the colonial merchants, saying that "the people there have no desire to investigate anything like that; indeed they mocked me for seeking anything other than sugar in the country." Merian also condemned the merchants’ treatment of slaves.
Army CHESS (Computer Hardware Enterprise Software and Solutions) is the main provider of commercial enterprise information technology (IT) solutions, computer software and hardware for the United States Army. CHESS allows authorized U.S. Army and other Federal Agency commissioners to easily procure a wide array of IT hardware and services through various contracting vessels. CHESS promotes competition amongst vendors in order to provide the best pricing as well as standardized hardware requirements mandated by the U.S. Army. CHESS allows for users to acquire an array of IT solutions through specific contract vehicles, this allows for a consolidated buy of IT products for the U.S. Army.
Major League Rugby is a North American professional rugby union competition that played its inaugural season in 2018. MLR is an initiative driven by existing USA Rugby-member teams, in partnership with private investors, who believe that American rugby can thrive at the highest levels: as a commercial enterprise; as an influential player on the international scene; and as a participation sport at the youth and senior level. MLR played the 2018 season with seven teams, expanding to nine teams for the 2019 season. While the 2020 season was cut short due to Covid19, the 2021 season will consist of thirteen teams: twelve from the United States and one from Canada.
Cafés in downtown Beirut Beirut's economy is service- oriented with the main growth sectors being banking and tourism. In an area dominated by authoritarian or militarist regimes, the Lebanese capital was generally regarded as a haven of libertarianism, though a precarious one. With its seaport and airport—coupled with Lebanon's free economic and foreign exchange system, solid gold-backed currency, banking-secrecy law, and favourable interest rates—Beirut became an established banking centre for Arab wealth, much of which was invested in construction, commercial enterprise, and industry (mostly the manufacture of textiles and shoes, food processing, and printing). The economy of Beirut is diverse, including publishing, banking, trade and various industries.
A privately owned enterprise is a commercial enterprise that is owned by private investors, shareholders or owners (usually collectively, but they can be owned by a single individual), and is in contrast to state institutions, such as publicly owned enterprises and government agencies. Private enterprises comprise the private sector of an economy. An economic system that 1) contains a large private sector where privately run businesses are the backbone of the economy, and 2) business surplus is controlled by the owners, is referred to as capitalism. This contrasts with socialism, where industry is owned by the state or by all of the community in common.
Town Team Baseball is a variety of amateur baseball played in the United States. In Town Team baseball, sometimes also called townball, the teams represent either a given city or town, or a commercial enterprise which sponsors the team. Usually a statewide governing body sets uniform rules for two or more classes, including proximity (how close the player must live to the town for which he plays) and other eligibility rules, pay or stipends for players and coaches, boundaries, and rules to prevent players from switching teams without reason. Such governing bodies may also coordinate annual statewide playoffs, facilitate communication between teams and leagues, and help to arrange for training and placement of umpires.
Transport Minister Ye Fei asked Yuan Geng to direct his attention to the China Merchants Steam Navigation Company in Hong Kong, a Qing Dynasty-era commercial enterprise which the PRC government regime had taken over in 1949 and kept in operation. Based on his in-depth knowledge of Hong Kong, Yuan Geng became convinced of the immense potential for market-led economic development on the mainland. His report on how to make better use of China Merchants was forwarded by the Transports Ministry to the State Council on 9 October 1978, recommending opening up the mainland economy to the international market using China Merchants as an instrument. This proposal was approved after three days.
Since 2003, the European Union has actively sought to restrict the use of geographical indications by third parties outside the EU by enforcing laws regarding "protected designation of origin". Although a geographical indication for specialty food or drink may be generic, it is not a trademark because it does not serve to identify exclusively a specific commercial enterprise and therefore cannot constitute a genericized trademark. The extension of protection for geographical indications is somewhat controversial. A geographical indication may have been registered as a trademark elsewhere; for example, if "Parma Ham" was part of a trademark registered in Canada by a Canadian manufacturer, then ham manufacturers in Parma, Italy, might be unable to use this name in Canada.
Northeastern University (NEU; ) is a public university in Shenyang, Liaoning province with strengths in engineering and architecture. It is known for its prominent role in the information technology industry. The university's academic motto is "Striving endlessly for self-improvement, combining knowledge and action as one" (), the first half of which is from the ancient Chinese classic Yijing, and the latter is a direct quote from Wang Yangming and also translated as "thinking-doing to theory" by the NEU's Engineering faculty. Having built China's first electronic analog computer, university research park, and university-run commercial enterprise, Northeastern is now part of a government plan to revitalize the Northeast China economy with a focus on high-tech manufacturing.
Privy to the lives of all humans, whose prayers he carries from their mouths into the presence of God, the Archangel Raphael enters into the worlds of two insignificant households: the family of Tobit, and the family of Raguel. The ageing Tobit and his wife Anna, who have been exiled in Nineveh, are almost overwhelmed by the turns that their life together has taken. Tasked with oversight of a commercial enterprise owned by the King of Assyria, Sargon II, Tobit is able to provide a comfortable life for his family. Not content to lie low in this foreign and dangerous land, however, the merchant makes the life of his family precarious by his nightly activities.
Born on 18 January 1717, Jean-François-Marie de Surville was the son of Jean de Surville, a government official at Port-Louis, Brittany, and his wife, Françoise Mariteau de Roscadec, the daughter of a ship owner. One of nine children, Surville left home at the age of 10 and joined the French East India Company. There were existing family connections to the company; an older brother was already in its service and his mother was a niece of one of the company's directors. Surville's employer was a commercial enterprise supported by the French government and established several years previously to trade in the East Indies, and he sailed on trading voyages around India and China.
Watercolor of the Wickson Plum by Deborah Griscom Passmore, 1896 From 1877 to 1906, he was a member (and later secretary and president) of the San Francisco Microscopical Society, an organization that championed the emerging use of microscopy for scientific research. The society went defunct after its laboratory was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake. In 1913, Wickson spent six months in Europe as one of two California delegates on the American Commission to Study Agricultural Cooperation and Rural Credit in Europe. Around 1919, Wickson consulted with real estate developer J.C. Forkner (eventual founder of the J.C. Forkner Fig Gardens) on the potential of fig farming as a viable commercial enterprise in California.
Her big innovation was to move from small, private classes to a mass-market movement. In 1930 this grew into a commercial enterprise, the Women's League of Health and Beauty, using the YMCA's Regent Street premises. Public displays in London garnered publicity, and more centres started in 1932 in Bromley, Southend, Slough, Bournemouth, Croydon, Birmingham, Glasgow followed by Ayr, Paisley and Edinburgh and finally franchised centres all over the UK. The Women's League of Health and Beauty classes included elements from dance, callisthenics, and remedial, slimming, and rhythmical exercise to music. The League published its own magazine, Mother and Daughter, from 1933 to 1935 with content on pacifism and feminist political discussion as well as general self- improvement.
He argues that because the ancients placed so much emphasis on status, which heavily regulated what commercial activities was acceptable for those in the upper orders and well as the lower ones, their economy differed from any modern economy where everyone was free and able to participate in whatever legal commercial enterprise. Finley also discusses the institution of slavery which was very prominent in the Ancient world. The relationship between master and slave was complex and even among slaves, there was a diversity of societal rankings. Yet despite this complexity, Finley shows how slavery provided free labour that at times had to be curtailed in order to provide work for the native artisans.
The experiment was repeated a few weeks later, as a commercial enterprise for which Zambeccari and Biaggini sold tickets, with a release of a balloon from the grounds of the Honourable Artillery Company on 25 November; this balloon was found nearly away at Petworth. Biaggini released an even larger balloon from Grosvenor Square in January 1784. Zambeccari was commissioned to launch a balloon in Venice in April 1784, an occasion that was painted by Francesco Guardi. He also collaborated with Vincent Lunardi before Lunardi's first manned flight in England on 15 September 1784. Zambeccari and Admiral Sir Edward Vernon ascended in a balloon from Tottenham Court Road on 23 March 1785 and landed later the same day near Horsham.
United States consumer advocate Ralph Nader called Gandhi "the greatest consumer advocate the world has seen" for advancing the concept that commercial enterprise should serve the consumer and that the consumer should expect to be served by the business. Vinoba Bhave and Jayaprakash Narayan, two great proponents of Gandhi's philosophy, and V. V. Giri and Lal Bahadur Shastri, contemporary Indian president and prime minister, similarly expected the business community to regulate itself as an expression of responsibility to contribute to society. These ideas were developed by some business leaders. In July 1966 in Bombay some people founded the Fair Trade Practice Association, which was later renamed the Council for Fair Business Practice.
On November 15, 2000, the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and is appointed to serve as the most significant mechanism for fighting TOC internationally. The first of its kind, the convention identified TOC as criminal actions that cannot be sufficiently combated by pacts tailored to a single commercial enterprise. The Ad Hoc Committee was established by the United Nations General Assembly to deal with this problem by taking a series of measures against transnational organized crime. These include the creation of domestic criminal offences to combat the problem, and the adoption of new, sweeping frameworks for mutual legal assistance, extradition, law-enforcement cooperation, and technical assistance and training.
The maintenance department was responsible for housing, food, clothing and remuneration of the command staff and guards, as well as for housing, feeding and clothing the prisoners. It was the chief accounting clerk in a commercial enterprise, responsible for the verification of all material goods and their current status and the management and upkeep of its real property. Internal accounts were prepared as requested by Amt D IV, first under Richard Glücks, then Gerhard Mauer. An important office of this department was the Gefangeneneigentumsverwaltung, the "prisoners' property management", which was responsible for holding all the personal property brought to the camps by the prisoners, for sorting, bundling and storing the prisoners' money, valuables, "civilian" clothing and so on.
In May 2012, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that the company behind the Festival was recycling films already released, and so appeared to be using government money to rebadge a festival it had already been running as a commercial enterprise. In August 2017, South Indian film actress/producer Kushboo accused the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne of discriminating against non-Hindi films and film stars. Mitu Bhowmick Lange responded with "I am very surprised to be honest because we have 60 films in 20 languages. The film festival has always always been about diversity," stating that some of the South Indian actors invited had not been able to attend due to busy schedules.
3 (August 1997); O. Prakash, European Commercial Enterprise in Pre-Colonial India, The New Cambridge History of India II:5 (New York, 1998); O. Prakash, The Dutch East India Company and the Economy of Bengal; J. F. Richards, The Mughal Empire, The New Cambridge History of India I:5 (New York, 1993),; Raychaudhuri and Habib, eds., The Cambridge Economic History of India I,; V. B. Lieberman, Burmese Administrative Cycles: Anarchy and Conquest, c. 1580–1760 (Princeton, N.J., 1984); G. D. Winius, "The 'Shadow Empire' of Goa in the Bay of Bengal," Itinerario 7, no. 2 (1983):; D.G.E. Hall, "Studies in Dutch relations with Arakan," Journal of the Burma Research Society 26, no.
The government set up a working party in the early 1960s to study the idea of setting up a second television station in Hong Kong, where the only television at that time was the wired, subscription- supported Rediffusion Television. There was debate as to whether the second station should be set up as a Crown corporation, as with the BBC; a purely commercial enterprise; or a combination of the two. Another challenge lay in procuring enough content for the new station. In 1962, Director of Information Services J.L. Murray stated that while English programming could be purchased from other countries, "no country is producing a mass of suitable pre-recorded material in Chinese".
John Kendrick (1740-1794) was an American sea captain during the American Revolutionary War, and was involved in the exploration and maritime fur trading of the Pacific Northwest alongside his subordinate Robert Gray. He was the leader of the first US expedition to the Pacific Northwest. He is known for his role in the 1789 Nootka Crisis, having been present at Nootka Sound when the Spanish naval officer José Esteban Martínez seized several British ships belonging to a commercial enterprise owned by a partnership of companies under John Meares and Richard Cadman Etches. This incident nearly led to war between Britain and Spain and became the subject of lengthy investigations and diplomatic inquiries.
In 2008, two little girls in Clayton, California, were forced to shut down their fruit stand. The mayor decided it was a commercial enterprise being run in an area that was not zoned for commerce. “They may start out with a little card-table and selling a couple of things, but then who is to say what else they have. Is all the produce made there, do they grow it themselves? Are they going to have eggs and chickens for sale next,” said Clayton Mayor Gregg Manning. The mayor later called the girls and their father “self-centered.” As this topic is being researched, Gregg Manning is no longer the Mayor of Clayton, California.
They used the theatre for a commercial enterprise with a group called the Children of the Chapel, which combined the choristers of the chapel with other boys, many taken up from local grammar schools under colour of Giles's warrant to provide entertainment for the Queen. The dubious legality of these dramatic impressments led to a challenge from a father in 1600; however, this method brought the company some of its most famous actors, including Nathaniel Field and Salmon Pavy. The residents did not protest at this use, probably because of perceived social differences between the adult and child companies. While it housed this company, Blackfriars was the site of an explosion of innovative drama and staging.
Qontis is a Switzerland based online personal finance management (PFM) platform. The service is part of a commercial enterprise between the Neue Zürcher Zeitung media property and e-banking solutions provider Crealogix. The platform provides users with the ability to document and organize data from all instances of private income and expenditures. Qontis' CEO (chief executive officer) is Christian Bieri, who formerly served as the Austrian Country Manager and CEE for the Vienna branch of Avaloq Evolution AG. The company's CMO (chief marketing officer) is Nils Reimelt, the former digital director at Ringier Axel Springer Media AG. In March 2014, Qontis developed a personal Finance Manager, which should be able to access the data of almost all Swiss ("multibanking").
Park Point at RIT (originally referred to as "Collegetown" or "College Park") is a commercial enterprise on the northeast corner of Rochester Institute of Technology's campus in Rochester, New York. The property was initially being leased to Wilmorite Properties, until it was bought by American Campus Communities in 2013. Park Point at RIT is a $72 million dollar project and is expected to bring in $10 million in tax revenue during the first ten years of operation. Although tenants were allowed to move in and shops began opening on August 15, 2008, the grand opening of Park Point at RIT was held on September 27, 2008, with a concert called Simone Square Bash 2008.
Since it had been used for military production, (though not of KdF-Wagens) and had been in Hirst's words, a "political animal" rather than a commercial enterprise – technically making it liable for destruction under the terms of the Potsdam Agreement – the equipment could have been salvaged as war reparations. Allied dismantling policy changed in late 1946 to mid-1947, though heavy industry continued to be dismantled until 1951. One of the factory's wartime 'KdF-Wagen' cars had been taken to the factory for repairs and abandoned there. Hirst had it repainted green and demonstrated it to British Army headquarters. Short of light transport, in September 1945 the British Army was persuaded to place a vital order for 20,000 cars.
The U.S. State Department has criticized Western European nations for discrimination against Scientologists in its published annual International Religious Freedom report, based on the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. In some countries Scientology is treated legally as a commercial enterprise, and not as a religion or charitable organization. In early 2003, in Germany, The Church of Scientology was granted a tax-exemption for the 10% license fees sent to the US. This exemption, however, is related to a German-American double-taxation agreement, and is unrelated to tax- exemption in the context of charities law. In several countries, public proselytizing undergoes the same restrictions as commercial advertising, which is interpreted as persecution by Scientology.
Key to the village economy is million square foot CherryVale Mall, one of the first enclosed shopping malls in Illinois. CherryVale, which draws shoppers from a radius of over , produces the greatest single source of revenue for the village, in the form of a 1% sales tax that is levied and collected by the State of Illinois and then distributed to the community. Because of this sales tax, Cherry Valley is one of only a handful of communities within Illinois that does not levy a municipal property tax. Another notable commercial enterprise in Cherry Valley is the Kegel Motorcycle Company, which has a strong claim to being the world's oldest Harley-Davidson dealership.
The prosperity brought about by tin mining was primarily shared between the British and the Chinese. As mining towns grew larger and became more economically important, urban infrastructure improved and these mining towns became the seat of administrative power for the British and traditional Malay capitals became insignificant. In 1839, the vulcanisation technique was discovered by Charles Goodyear, which marked the beginning of the extensive use of rubber in industry. In Malaya, Henry Nicholas Ridley, Director of Singapore and Penang Botanical Gardens, introduced rubber plantations in the early 1890s when he managed to convince the Kinderly Brothers of Inch Kenneth Estate in Selangor and a Chinese tapioca planter, Tan Chay Yan in Malacca to adopt rubber plantations as a commercial enterprise.
Louis XVI, who did not want to break openly with Britain, allowed Beaumarchais to found a commercial enterprise, Roderigue Hortalez and Company, supported by the French and Spanish crowns, that supplied the American rebels with weapons, munitions, clothes and provisions, all of which would never be paid for. This policy came to fruition in 1777 when John Burgoyne's army capitulated at Saratoga to a rebel force largely clothed and armed by the supplies Beaumarchais had been sending; it marked a personal triumph for him. Beaumarchais was injured in a carriage accident while racing into Paris with news of Saratoga. In April 1777, Beaumarchais purchased the old 50-gun ship of the line Hippopotame, and used her, renamed to Fier Rodrigue, to ferry arms in the insurgents.
It should enforce fair, ethical and efficient practices in the securities industry. With this mandate, PDEx has created a comprehensive governance structure that is designed to separate the market governance function of PDEx from its corporate governance structure that sees to the business needs of PDEx as a commercial enterprise. The Market Governance Board (MGB) is a separate and independent body that is created for the primary purpose of crafting regulation and the Market Compliance and Discipline Committee (MCDC) for the purpose of seeing to the proper observance of market rules and laws. The MGB is composed of 9 governors, 4 governors representing market interests, the issuers, the dealers, the salesmen, and the investors, 4 governors that are independent and a representative of PDEx as market operator.
Alongside the commercial enterprise of the local newspaper, The Mearns Leader, Arbuthnott has a Local Community Radio Station in Mearns FM. Broadcasting from nearby Stonehaven in the Townhall, Mearns FM helps to keep Arbuthnott up to date with local and charity events, as well as playing a wee bit of music. Staffed completely by volunteers, Mearns FM is run as a not for profit organisation, broadcasting under a Community Radio licence, with a remit to provide local focus news events and programming. Jointly funded by local adverts and local and national grants. Mearns FM has one of the largest listening areas of any Community Radio Station owing to the Mearns' distributed population, Mearns FM was set up to try to bring these distant communities together.
By the end of 1929, the club had expanded with the construction of a number of other buildings. Knight also operated a separate gambling barge nearby in the 1940s. Cap's Place is historically important locally, to Florida and the United States as an early local commercial enterprise run by one of the original settlers in the area, and as a part of the rum-running and gambling history of southern Florida and the US. Author Carmen McGarry wrote about Cap's Place, "A landmark comparable to no other in south Florida, it has withstood prohibition, mobsters, depression, wars, the ravages of nature, and many joyful and peaceful times for nearly a century." One unique aspect of Cap's Place was that it was only accessible by water (until 1953).
Bo and his team of municipal administrators also raised new Mao statues in Chongqing, while providing social housing to the city's less well-off. Some scholars have characterized this as an example of the revival of Maoism in the Chinese Communist ethos. In 2011, Bo and the city's Media Department initiated a "Red Songs campaign" that demanded every district, government department, commercial enterprise, educational institution, and state radio and TV station begin "singing red songs" praising the achievements of the Communist Party of China. Bo pledged to reinvigorate the city with Marxist ideals reminiscent of the Mao era."Chinese city of 30m ordered to sing 'red songs'". Sydney Morning Herald, 20 April 2011《走向复兴》等36首红歌].
Some governments, however, have labeled the church as a cult. Although the status is not changed or the freedom is not limited, German and Belgian government entities have accused Scientology of violating the human rights of its members and therefore called it a "totalitarian cult" and a "commercial enterprise". In 1995, a parliamentary report in France classified it, along with 172 other religious groups, as a "dangerous cult." French National Assembly Report of the Board of Inquiry into Cults (1995-12-22, in French, English translation available) In Russia, the government had refused to consider the church for registration as a religious organization, which became the subject of proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Church of Scientology Moscow v. Russia.
During his time in Chongqing, Bo initiated a series of Maoist- style campaigns to revive 'red culture' and improve public morale. The initiative included the promotion of Maoist quotes, 'red' songs, revolutionary television programming and operas, and initiatives to encourage students to work in the countryside, akin to the way students were required to do during the Down to the Countryside Movement of the Cultural Revolution.Branigan, Tania Red songs ring out in Chinese city's new cultural revolution, The Guardian, 22 April 2011. As part of the movement, Bo and the city's Media Department initiated a "Red Songs campaign" that demanded every district, government department, commercial enterprise, educational institution, state radio and TV stations begin singing 'red songs' praising the achievements of the Communist Party.
Alexeyev was a key member of the "Bezobrazov Circle", a politically-motivated investment-group organized by Aleksandr Mikhailovich Bezobrazov, whose investors included many members of the highest level in the Russian court. The "Bezobrazov Circle" aimed to establish a commercial enterprise reminiscent of the British East India Company which would reward its investors with financial benefits while setting the stage for the conquest of Manchuria and Korea. Alexeyev reassured the Emperor that increased aggressive action in the region would not provoke a military response from Japan. On August 13, 1903, Emperor Nicolas II appointed Alexeyev as , with all civil and military authority over Russian possessions in the Far East, including Russian-occupied Manchuria, the Liaodong Peninsula, and Russia's Amur Military District (present-day Primorsky Krai).
The Tianjin Weather Bureau operates both as a public service and a commercial enterprise. In 2009 it started to set up a number of “communication systems” to speedily send weather information to critical users. Of these, the Tianjin Port Meteorological Information Comprehensive Service System (天津港气象信息综合服务系统) and the Bohai Sea Oceanic Forecasting Service System (环渤海海洋预报服务系统) cater specifically to the need of port and shipping operators. The Weather Bureau also runs additional privately contracted weather monitoring for the Port, in particular deploying 150 automatic wind observation points to provide real-time data to the Dispatching Center (as wind strongly affects shipping operations).
On November 27, 2012, after voters in the states of CO and WA voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana, Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) introduced a bill referred to as the 'Respect States and Citizens Rights Act' which aimed to amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude any state that has legalized marijuana (for medical OR recreational use) from marijuana provisions of the CSA, effectively giving state law precedence over federal law in cases where an individual (or commercial enterprise) is acting within the letter of state law regarding marijuana/cannabis. The bill was referred to committee but died when no further action was taken. The same bill was reintroduced later in the 113th and 114th Congresses, where it died each time.
" While most critics were negative towards Dune, critic and science fiction writer Harlan Ellison had a different opinion. In his 1989 book of film criticism, Harlan Ellison's Watching, he says that the $42 million production failed because critics were denied screenings at the last minute after several reschedules, a decision by Universal that, according to Ellison, made the film community feel nervous and negative towards Dune before its release. Ellison eventually became one of the film's few positive reviewers. Daniel Snyder also praised elements of the film in a 2014 article which called the movie "...a deeply flawed work that failed as a commercial enterprise, but still managed to capture and distill essential portions of one of science fiction's densest works.
Cleghorn and Jaffrey, superintendent of the Madras Agri-Horticultural Society looked at various sites for a horticultural garden and found that Lalbagh suited their purpose despite being located at a distance from the Cantonment, the British centre of the city. He suggested that a European Superintendent be appointed with control under the Chief Commissioner. Cleghorn was against the use of Lalbagh for commercial enterprise and instead suggested that it should aim to improve the use of indigenous plants, aid in introducing useful exotic species and help in the exchange of plant and seed materials with other gardens at Madras, Calcutta and Ooty. Under Cubbon's orders, Lalbagh was made into the Government Botanical Garden in August 1856 and a professional horticulturist was sought from Kew.
Gottlieb Duttweiler – the founder of Migros, a retail business and consumer cooperative – was dissatisfied with the state of Swiss politics in the 1930s and therefore founded the Alliance of Independents with a group of like-minded people as an association. According to its statutes, it was not meant to be a political party at first but to be an association to help to reconcile capitalists and workers. From the beginning, the LdU also served the interests of the Migros cooperative, successfully lobbying against legislation that impeded its business model by restricting networks of general stores or sales by trucks (one of Migros' marketing strategies). The political scientist D.L. Seiler has therefore called it "a commercial enterprise continued by other means".
On the last day of conference, July 25, 1900, the African Association changed its name to Pan-African Association (PAA). It also changed its objective: > [Securing] civil and political rights for Africans and their descendants > throughout the world; to encourage friendly relations between the Caucasian > and African races; to encourage African people everywhere in educational, > industrial and commercial enterprise; to approach Governments and influence > legislation in the interests of the black races; and to amelio rate the > condition of the oppressed negro in all parts of the world. The permanent office changed to Room 416, 61-2 Chancery Lane, in central London. Additionally, the Association created a bureau to collect information, data, and statistics on the conditions of Africans around the world.
In November 1998, after a ceremony held at the Cetiya of the temple, the temple reported in brochures and national newspapers that a miracle () had occurred at the Cetiya, which was witnessed by thousands of people. The miracle involved seeing an image of a Buddha or of Luang Pu Sodh imposed on the sun. Shortly afterwards, the Thai media responded very critically, leading to a nationwide, very intense debate about the state of Thai Buddhism in general, and Wat Phra Dhammakaya in particular, that lasted for an unusually long ten months. Critics believed that Wat Phra Dhammakaya, and Thai Buddhism in general, had become too much of a commercial enterprise () and had grown corrupt; practitioners and temple devotees argued tradition was being followed.
The same may be said of many health and education services which are sought to be 'exported' by some countries as profitable industries.For example, in 2003 the Confederation of University Faculty Associations of British Columbia urged the government of Canada to specify exclusion of post-secondary education, saying in a submission “If GATS were applied to the Canadian education sector, the effects would be profound. Education would no longer be considered a public service; instead it would be categorized as merely another commercial enterprise.” Source: Background Paper on GATS and Post-secondary Education This definition defines virtually any public service as being "provided on a commercial basis" and is already extending into such areas as police, the military, prisons, the justice system, public administration, and government.
While it is not clear exactly when the estate vineyard started producing wine for commercial use, rather than just family consumption, the millennium during which the estate of Château de Goulaine has been producing wine makes it the oldest known wine business still in existence;G. Harding A Wine Miscellany pg 13, Clarkson Potter Publishing, New York 2005 It is believed to be the third oldest commercial enterprise in the world."The 100 Oldest Companies in the World" accessed 8 January 2010 It is considered the oldest European family owned business. Europe Intelligence Wire "The world's oldest family companies" Hull Daily Mail, January 10, 2007 The castle estate is one of the last Châteaux de la Loire to still be producing wine.
Despite the fact that the vote was sponsored by a commercial enterprise, and that its methodology was criticized, the vote was embraced by government and tourism officials in Mexico who projected that as a result of the publicity the number of tourists to Chichen would double by 2012.Figure is attributed to Francisco López Mena, director of the Consejo de Promoción Turística de México (CPTM – Council for the Promotion of Mexican Tourism). The ensuing publicity re-ignited debate in Mexico over the ownership of the site, which culminated on 29 March 2010 when the state of Yucatán purchased the land upon which the most recognized monuments rest from owner Hans Juergen Thies Barbachano. INAH, which manages the site, has closed a number of monuments to public access.
A demonstration satellite for the Teledesic constellation, originally labeled Broadband Advanced Technologies Satellite (BATSAT), and later renamed Teledesic T1 or just T1 (COSPAR ID 1998-012B), was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base on a Pegasus-XL launch vehicle on 26 February 1998 at 07:07:00 UTC. The satellite differed in size and design from the anticipated satellite for the final constellation, but was designed to support two-way communications at speeds up to E1 rates in the 28.6-to-29.1-GHz band. The 120 kg satellite was placed in a 535 km × 580 km orbit at 97.7° inclination and a period of 95.8 minutes. It was the first Ka- band satellite in orbit owned by a commercial enterprise.
Andocides, De Mysteriis But as Andocides was unable to clear himself from the charge, he was deprived of his rights as a citizen, and left Athens.Andocides, De Reditu § 25 Andocides traveled about in various parts of Greece, and was chiefly engaged in commercial enterprise and in forming connections with powerful people.Andocides, De Mysteriis § 137 The means he employed to gain the friendship of powerful men were sometimes of the most disreputable kind; among which a service he rendered to a prince in Cyprus is mentioned in particular.Photios I of Constantinople, Bibliotheca In 411, Andocides returned to Athens on the establishment of the oligarchic government of the Four Hundred, hoping that a certain service he had rendered the Athenian ships at Samos would secure him a welcome reception.
In 1576, Richard Farrant, then Master of Windsor Chapel leased part of the former buttery from More in order to stage plays. As often in the theatrical practice of the time, this commercial enterprise was justified by the convenient fiction of royal necessity; Farrant claimed to need the space for his child choristers to practice plays for the Queen, but he also staged plays for paying audiences. The theatre was small, perhaps long and wide, and admission, compared to public theatres, expensive (apparently four pence); both these factors limited attendance at the theatre to a fairly select group of well-to-do gentry and nobles. For his playing company, Farrant combined his Windsor children with the Children of the Chapel Royal, then directed by William Hunnis.
The idea of expanding both commercial enterprise and residential developments onto the water is oftentimes reflective of the demand to limit land-usage in urban areas. This has various, wide-reaching environmental impacts: reducing the aggregation of the urban heat-island effect, the zoning efforts expended on engineering and regulating the floodplain (and potentially, the capacity of waste-water reservoirs), and reduce the demands of the automobility state. The Recycled Park is a holistic approach to limiting the expense of waste. The employment of greenery has air-purifying effects, to reduce pollution. Additionally, the modular, hexagonal design allows reconstruction of each “island;” this space thus also offers environmental sustainability, as well as an open space for community-growing and other social opportunities.
WFOEs are often used to produce the foreign firm's product in mainland China for later export to a foreign country, sometimes through the use of Special Economic Zones which allow the importation of components duty-free into China, to then be added to Chinese-made components and the finished product then re-exported. An additional advantage with this model is the ability to claim back VAT on the Chinese manufactured component parts upon export. In addition, WFOEs now have the right to distribute their products in mainland China via both wholesale and retail channels. Another recent variant (the Foreign Invested Commercial Enterprise FICE) of the WFOE has also come into effect, and are used mainly for trading and buying and selling in China.
New Italy Settlement was listed on the New South Wales State Heritage Register on 9 August 2002 having satisfied the following criteria. The place is important in demonstrating the course, or pattern, of cultural or natural history in New South Wales. The sites are physical evidence of an early and possibly first area of Italian settlement in country New South Wales and the ongoing Italian presence through the museum site provide a continuity of Italian association with the settlement. The impact of government policies towards immigration, assimilation education and government support for commercial enterprise are reflected in the manner by which the settlers were initially separated, their later acquisition of land and the varying success of the activities carried out at the settlement.
Takamatsu's claim to lineage in ninjutsu has been disputed by a few individuals. The 1963 version of the Bugei Ryūha Daijiten indicates of Takamatsu's Togakure-ryu: "this genealogy refers to various written records and oral transmissions and there are many points/places where embellishments have been added and people appearing in the genealogy are also made older than they actually are. Thus the genealogy can be considered to be something that [Takamatsu's teacher Toda] Shinryūken newly arranged around the end of the Tokugawa shōgunate." The Iga-ryū Ninja Museum lists as the only legitimate inheritor of authentic ninjutsu as Jinichi Kawakami, although this is likely to be a biased opinion as Jinichi Kawakami is also the honorary director of the Iga-ryū Ninja Museum, a commercial enterprise and tourist attraction.
Bono with then-President Lula da Silva of Brazil in 2006 Bono has become one of the world's best-known philanthropic performers and was named the most politically effective celebrity of all time by the National Journal.Ronald Brownstein, , The NJ 20 29 April 2011.Michael Anft, Brennen Jensen, and Ian Wilhelm, "Voicing Support for Charity", The Chronicle of Philanthropy 3 August 2006.Dean Goodman, "Hollywood Hails U2's Bono for Philanthropy", Reuters New Media 15 February 2002 He has been dubbed "the face of fusion philanthropy", both for his success enlisting powerful allies from a diverse spectrum of leaders in government, religious institutions, philanthropic organisations, popular media, and the business world, as well as for spearheading new organizational networks that bind global humanitarian relief with geopolitical activism and corporate commercial enterprise.
However, the British government permitted commercial television in 1954 and commercial radio in 1972. Public service advertising, non-commercial advertising, public interest advertising, cause marketing, and social marketing are different terms for (or aspects of) the use of sophisticated advertising and marketing communications techniques (generally associated with commercial enterprise) on behalf of non-commercial, public interest issues and initiatives. In the United States, the granting of television and radio licenses by the FCC is contingent upon the station broadcasting a certain amount of public service advertising. To meet these requirements, many broadcast stations in America air the bulk of their required public service announcements during the late night or early morning when the smallest percentage of viewers are watching, leaving more day and prime time commercial slots available for high-paying advertisers.
For example, William Golding's To the Ends of the Earth trilogy, explores the complexities of what constitutes a stable and acceptable male role as the civilian main character is thrust into the militaristic world of the navy, and is forced to work out afresh his own ideas of manhood. Though much of the tradition focuses on a militaristic storytelling, some of the prototypes of the genre focus on a commercial naval heritage but continue to highlight the role of masculinity and heroism with that tradition. For example, Iglesias describes Coopers novels and the subsequent novels in the American tradition growing out of "a distinctive attitude borne of commercial enterprise, confronting and ultimately superseding its Atlantic rival." Only one of his novels, The Two Admirals, describes order of battle.
John Gruard McCaskey born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on July 3, 1874, was an essential factor in opening up the oil fields of Oklahoma and Texas. By his early 30s McCaskey was President of The National Sauerkraut Association, had become a self made millionaire and won for himself the cognomen of "the Sauerkraut King" after his friend E. W. Marland arranged for a contract with the farmers of Dutchess County, New York, giving McCaskey an option for the annual cabbage crop."E. W. Marland: Life and Death of an Oil Man", John Joseph Mathews, Pg. 80. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, (1985): From this he had built an extensive commercial enterprise, owning a large number of factories making sauerkraut in Ohio, Pennsylvania (the SnowFloss brand) and New York (the Seneca Kraut and Pickling Company).
Linuxcare was the first company to offer commercial / enterprise class support for Linux and Open Source software and supported 21 different Linux distributions on nine hardware architectures. Linuxcare held the Dell support contract for Red Hat Linux for many years, negotiating a deal with Dell that effectively substituted the Windows license SKU for a support contract with Linuxcare. In addition, Tyde is credited, through Linuxcare, as the founding sponsor of the Linux Professional Institute, the Free Standards Group, and one of the first platinum members of the OSDL (now the Linux Foundation - where Tyde served as Chief Technology Officer from 2005-2006). Linuxcare was intended to become publicly traded in 2001, led by Credit Suisse First Boston, but market circumstances and the termination of the companies CEO ultimately ended its ambition to go public.
Alfred Thayer Mahan (1840–1914) was a frequent commentator on world naval strategic and diplomatic affairs. Mahan believed that national greatness was inextricably associated with the sea—and particularly with its commercial use in peace and its control in war. Mahan's theoretical framework came from Antoine-Henri Jomini, and emphasized that strategic locations (such as choke points, canals, and coaling stations), as well as quantifiable levels of fighting power in a fleet, were conducive to control over the sea. He proposed six conditions required for a nation to have sea power: #Advantageous geographical position; #Serviceable coastlines, abundant natural resources, and favorable climate; #Extent of territory #Population large enough to defend its territory; #Society with an aptitude for the sea and commercial enterprise; and #Government with the influence and inclination to dominate the sea.
The Kingaroy Peanut Silos located in Haly Street, Kingaroy are a group of three concrete silos (Nos 2, 3 and 4) that were constructed between 1938 and 1951 by the Queensland Peanut Marketing Board for storage of peanuts before their processing and marketing. These large structures dominate the skyline of Kingaroy and the surrounding landscape. They are widely recognised symbols of the peanut growing and processing industry in Queensland that developed as a commercial enterprise in the South Burnett centred upon Kingaroy and which has been managed from this town since the 1920s. Although initial pastoral settlement in the Kingaroy area commenced in the 1840s when Taabinga station and Burrandowan station were taken up, the town of Kingaroy owes its establishment to the arrival of the Kilkivan branch railway in 1904.
CP/M originally stood for "Control Program/Monitor", a name which implies a resident monitor—a primitive precursor to the operating system. However, during the conversion of CP/M to a commercial product, trademark registration documents filed in November 1977 gave the product's name as "Control Program for Microcomputers". The CP/M name follows a prevailing naming scheme of the time, as in Kildall's PL/M language, and Prime Computer's PL/P (Programming Language for Prime), both suggesting IBM's PL/I; and IBM's CP/CMS operating system, which Kildall had used when working at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). This renaming of CP/M was part of a larger effort by Kildall and his wife/business partner, Dorothy McEwen to convert Kildall's personal project of CP/M and the Intel-contracted PL/M compiler into a commercial enterprise.
The Anglican mission, centred in Oro and Milne Bay, which were in early years less amenable to commercial enterprise and without a substantial mission presence elsewhere in the South Pacific, lacked these resources and depended on mission funds and personnel in Australia and England. Coastal village Anglican church in Oro (Northern) Province There are two church-affiliated high schools, Martyrs' Memorial School in Popondetta, Northern (Oro)The Constitution of Papua New Guinea sets out the names of the 19 provinces at the time of independence. Several provinces, including Northern, have changed their names; such changes are not strictly speaking official without a formal constitutional amendment, though "Oro" is universally used in reference to that province. and Province and Holy Name School in Dogura, Milne Bay Province, and numerous primary schools in Northern and Milne Bay Provinces.
The first Russian circumnavigation of the Earth took place from August 1803 to August 1806 and was carried out on ships Nadezhda and Neva under the command of Adam Johann von Krusenstern and Yuri Lisyansky. The expedition was initially planned as a commercial enterprise of the Russian-American Company to supply Kamchatka Peninsula and other Russian settlements in Alyaska, as well as to consolidate Russia's position in the remote possessions in the Pacific Ocean. The route of the first Russian circumnavigation Due to financial difficulties, the Russian government sponsored the party's outfit but, in return, in addition to its exploratory goals, the expedition was also meant to explore Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. The aim was to establish diplomatic and economic relations between Russia and Japan, as well as to open the Chinese market for trading Russian furs.
Retrieved 15 September 2015 This was an overgrown coffee (flower) estate previously used by the Kandyan kings as a country retreat. He also purchased many of the cinnamon estates that were previously owned by the Dutch administration in Moratuwa, Ratmalana, Dambuwa and Katunayake, citronella plantations in Ahangama and coconut plantatins throughout the island. His land holdings in Colombo consisted of several estates that stretched between Galle Face and Panadura.The cascade of the Soysa family by PADMA EDIRISINGHE Sunday Observer (Sri Lanka) Retrieved 23 January 2015 The De Soysa and Peiris family established the first Ceylonese- owned bank, the Bank of Kandy at Dalada weediya and Pettah, Colombo in 1839 & 1860, becoming the largest native commercial enterprise of the era at a time when European owned banks were reluctant to extend credit to the Ceylonese and the high interest rates of the Nattukkottai Chettiars.
In June 1958 Heine now became director of "Konzentrations GmbH", a newspaper holding company with a complicated co-operatively based ownership that comprised the bulk of the Social Democratic Party's media empire, at that time a substantial commercial enterprise. In the 1950s the party's daily press had a daily circulation in the region of one and a half million copies – some years more, which was reflected in an annual income of around 140 Million Marks. With a wide palette of regionally based daily newspapers such as the Berlin Telegraf, the Hannoversche Presse and the Dortmund based Westfälische Rundschau, the party's newspaper division employed around 15,000 people. Heines objective for the party's newspaper "Imperium" was that their newspapers should be "popular, good, social democratic mass-market newspapers" ("populäre, gute, sozialdemokratische Volkszeitung") but as society grew more prosperous sales began to falter.
White wine grapes were planted across the river near the town of Lormont. The vineyard remained in the possession of archbishops of Bordeaux until the Revolution, when it was nationalised and sold as a bien national. After the Revolution, a succession of owners oversaw the development of the property as a commercial enterprise, and by the middle of the 19th century the estate was widely regarded to be second only to Haut-Brion, though under the ownership and expansions of Jean- Baptiste Clerc from 1858 to his death just before 1880, the wines of Pape- Clément was selling at a price equivalent to a Médoc second growth. Later owners, including an Englishman named Maxwell who neglected the estate, experienced difficult times, with hail devastation in 1937, the onset of World War II and the expansions of the suburbs of Bordeaux coming closer.
Roman amphorae recovered from Catalonia. Rome's defeat of Carthage in the Punic Wars brought the southern and coastal territories of Spain under its control, but the complete conquest of the Iberian peninsula remained unaccomplished until the reign of Caesar Augustus. Roman colonization led to the development of Tarraconensis in the northern regions of Spain (including what are now the modern winemaking regions of Catalonia, the Rioja, the Ribera del Duero, and Galicia) and Hispania Baetica (which includes modern Andalusia) Montilla-Moriles winemaking region of Cordoba and the sherry winemaking region of Cádiz. While the Carthaginians and Phoenicians were the first to introduce viticulture to Spain, Rome's influential wine technology and the development of road networks brought new economic opportunities to the region, elevating grapes from a private agricultural crop to an important component of a viable commercial enterprise.
The governor had troops intervene and impose his orders. He ordered the culling of goats that were in empty lots (or which had devastated cultivated crops), in order to control herds and transform agriculture from a subsistence to commercial enterprise. These measures were badly interpreted by the general population, who developed a hate for him, referring to Captain- General as the mata-cabras (goat-killer). Fearing that the diplomatic crisis between Portugal and Spain, resulting from the Portuguese conquest of the Banda Oriental (province of Cisplatina) by Portuguese troops in 1817, would result in possible reprisals against the Azores, he promoted not only a thorough reform of the military structures in the archipelago, but also the restoration and construction of new forts (such as the Fort of São José, the Fort of São Caetano and the Fort of São João).
Full service (also known as hometown radio) is a type of radio format; the format is characterized by a mix of music programming (usually drawing from formats such as adult contemporary, country, or oldies) and a large amount of locally produced programming and segments, such as news and talk focusing on local issues, sports coverage, and other forms of religious and brokered content. It is found mainly on small-market AM radio stations in the United States and Canada, particularly on smaller, locally owned stations in rural areas. The format differs from community radio in that full-service radio is usually a commercial enterprise and is not as often ideologically driven as some of the more prominent community radio operators are. Nonprofit community radio stations often run formats comparable to those on commercial full- service radio, albeit usually with less mainstream music.
The EB-5 visa provides a method of obtaining a green card for foreign nationals who invest in a "new commercial enterprise" in the United States. The EB-5 program "affords foreign nationals and their spouses and unmarried children under age 21 the ability to obtain a U.S. visa based solely upon a minimum investment in a for-profit enterprise that creates or retains a specified number of jobs". To obtain the visa, individuals must invest $1,000,000 or $1,800,000 after Nov 21, 2019 (or at least $500,000 or $900,000 after November 21, 2019 in a Targeted Employment Area - high unemployment or rural area), creating or preserving at least 10 jobs for U.S. workers excluding the investor and their immediate family. If the foreign national investor's petition is approved, the investor and their dependents will be granted conditional permanent residence valid for two years.
In 1975, Meeker and her husband, Robert Meeker, opened the SOI Institute, a business producing SOI tests and educational materials and conducting training for educators and related research. During the 1980s and 1990s, Meeker developed a wide reputation in the field of educational psychology, and continued to run the SOI Institute.Official web site of the Structure of Intellect Institute During this time, Meeker was engaged as a consultant for the state departments of education in California, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. In the 1990s, Meeker worked extensively with Bridges Learning Systems, Bridges Learning Systems, an educational company using SOI materials and model a commercial enterprise founded by former U.S. Senator William E. Brock to implement school programs based on Meeker's SOI work and on the Integrated Practice Protocol (IPP) she developed with her husband, Robert Meeker.
As unions work with other organizations, it is claimed that they form, essentially, a commercial enterprise which seeks to economically dominate the market much in the same way that a monopoly does. In support of this claim, critics note that the Supreme Court has read the Sherman, Clayton and Norris-LaGuardia acts in such a way that unions are held exempt from federal antitrust laws but only so long as a union acts in its own self-interest and does not lose its primary character as a labor union by combining with other, non-labor groups or organizations. In crafting community and comprehensive campaigns, critics say, unions lose their exemption under these acts.Durie and Lemley, "Comment: The Antitrust Liability of Labor Unions for Anti-Competitive Litigation," California Law Review, 1992; Northrup and White, "Construction Union Use of Environmental Regulation to Win Jobs," Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 1995.
286–288 The German government has said that it does not consider Scientology a religion, but a "commercial enterprise with a history of taking advantage of vulnerable individuals and an extreme dislike of any criticism" whose "totalitarian structure and methods may pose a risk to Germany's democratic society". Accordingly, the German government has taken a very strong stance against the organization. Germany is not alone in opposing Scientology; in France, the Church of Scientology was convicted of organized fraud in October 2009, after a court found that members had been manipulated into paying large sums for Scientology products, and the Church only narrowly escaped being banned altogether.Lauter (2009-10-28) Scientology is similarly controversial in Belgium, Greece and the UK.German Embassy, Washington (2001) On the subject of Scientology's status as a religion, the German government has pointed to a 1995 decision by the Federal Labor Court of Germany.
9XM Talking: WHA Radio and the Wisconsin Idea by Randall Davidson, 2007, pages 322-327. An additional qualifier sometimes proposed for KDKA is that it was the first "commercial" station, but there is no consensus here either, as a 1945 advertisement for WWJ claimed that station was the one where "commercial radio began"."WWJ" (advertisement), Broadcasting, August 20, 1945, page 31. (WWJ and KDKA were both initially commercial-free, and did not start to accept advertising until the mid-1920s, so in this case "commercial" appears to just mean under the control of a commercial enterprise.) Additionally, Westinghouse's operation of KDKA's broadcasting service under a "Limited Commercial" license appears to have been merely a side-effect of the fact that it had previously been determined that type of authorization was required for KDKA's original role, of providing private point-to-point communication between company installations.
The Bethany Beach School was established for students in grades one through six; after the sixth grade they had to attend Lord Baltimore School in Ocean View. The boardwalk underwent yet another reconstruction in 1912. When the U.S. Lifesaving Service merged with the United States Revenue Cutter Service to form the United States Coast Guard in 1915, the town's lifesaving station became a Coast Guard station. The Delaware National Guard established a summer training camp just north of town in the early 1920s. The Ringler Theater, which showed movies and hosted dance parties, opened on the boardwalk in 1923; generally considered to be the first commercial enterprise on the boardwalk, it became one of the town's major attractions. A privately owned electric lighting plant began operations in 1924, lighting the town hall and street lamps; in 1926, the town bought the plant and began garbage collection.
In 1975, CEDO's current Executive Director Peggy Turk Boyer visited Puerto Peñasco with professors John Hendrickson and Don Thomson of the University of Arizona's Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) Department, as part of the UA's thriving marine biology program. They and their students conducted field activities out of a small beach house beside an experimental shrimp mariculture enterprise which was operated jointly by the UA's Environmental Research Lab (ERL) and the Centro de Investigación en Ciencia y Tecnología of the Universidad de Sonora (CICTUS). Carl Hodges, ERL's first director and founder of the affiliated nonprofit Desert Development Foundation (DDF), and CICTUS director, Xico Murrieta envisioned a new organization called the Institute for Deserts and Oceans (IDO). It would operate out of a new facility located in the Las Conchas housing development east of the shrimp labs and would be supported with profits from the shrimp mariculture commercial enterprise.
Until the mid-nineteenth century the rights of people to access land were little challenged, however this began to change with the rise of deer stalking as a commercial enterprise, and the increase in the number of people visiting the highlands following the coming of the railways. In 1846 the 6th Duke of Atholl attempted to prevent a group of botany students from the University of Edinburgh from entering Glen Tilt, however the resulting court case confirmed that access could not be prevented.Mitchell. p.p. 183-184.Mitchell. p.p. 97-100. The Trespass (Scotland) Act 1865 imposed fines on camping and the lighting of fires without the landowner's permission, but was largely ignored,Mitchell. p. 59. and throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century the basic legal position on access remained that there was no legal right of access, but equally no legal mechanism for landowners to prevent it.
Genoese merchants invested heavily in the Iberian commercial enterprise with Lisbon becoming, according to Virgínia Rau, the "great centre of Genoese trade" in the early 14th century. The Portuguese would later detach their trade to some extent from Genoese influence. The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada, neighbouring the Strait of Gibraltar and founded upon a vassalage relationship with the Crown of Castile, also insinuated itself into the European mercantile network, with its ports fostering intense trading relations with the Genoese as well, but also with the Catalans, and to a lesser extent, with the Venetians, the Florentines, and the Portuguese. Between 1275 and 1340, Granada became involved in the "crisis of the Strait", and was caught in a complex geopolitical struggle ("a kaleidoscope of alliances") with multiple powers vying for dominance of the Western Mediterranean, complicated by the unstable relations of Muslim Granada with the Marinid Sultanate.
Arriving in Sacramento City on June 25, he immediately set up his carpenter's bench under the shade of an oak tree at the foot of K Street and commenced work on a coffin, which he immediately sold for $50. Organizing the various craftsmen of carpenters and craftsmen he soon had a large commercial enterprise which included a partnership with the Baker and McGhee General Store. On August 1 he was elected as a member of the Sacramento City Council and was chosen as its President on August 25Major General Albert Maver Winn To further cement the ties of the civic population in the growing town of Sacramento, Winn went about organizing the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. On August 20, for the purpose of providing assistance and relief to brother Odd Fellows who were suffering from illness and distress from their overland or ocean voyage, and to bury the dead, the first general meeting of the Odd Fellows was held at the general store.
The United States immigration system's EB-5 visa program permits foreign entrepreneurs to apply for a green card if they make a sufficient investment in a commercial enterprise and intend to create 10 or more jobs in the United States. Dissatisfied with this mechanism, and taking advantage of the lack of a cap for H-1B visa issued to educational institutions, the University of Massachusetts began a program in 2014 that allows entrepreneurs to found U.S. companies while fulfilling visa requirements by teaching and mentoring on campus, with the university as sponsoring employer. Likewise, self-employed consultants have no visa that would allow them to enter the country and perform work independently for unspecified, extended periods (although, note that a B-1 visa would permit temporary travel to the U.S. to consult for specific periods), so consulting companies have been formed for the sole purpose of sponsoring employees on H-1B visas to allow them to perform work for clients, with the company sharing the resulting profit.
See particularly reports to the Quadrennial Conventions, Series VIII, and the material of Series V for information regarding the progress and problems of the Movement. The activities of the SVM also had spinoff effects including the formation of the Laymen's Missionary Movement in 1906 and the establishment of home mission projects such as the Yale Hope Mission. The identification of the work of the Volunteer Movement with the ethos of American society during this period was expressed clearly by the religious periodical The Outlook in its comments on the 1906 Nashville convention: The confidence which, directed to one end, gives security to commerce was at Nashville a faith in the ultimate worldwide prevalence of the influence and principles of Christ. Ambition, which drives some men into constructing great industries, was there the impulse to have a part in bringing that dominion to pass; and devotion to a purpose, which is the secret of success in commercial enterprise, was there manifest in the determination of those four thousand delegates thus expressed to make known to all the world "in this generation" the Good News.
The House of Alireza, Founded in 1845 by Zainal Alireza, is reputed to be Saudi Arabia's oldest organized commercial enterprise. Initially a food importer with suppliers from the Indian sub-continent, the House of Alireza expanded their businesses to include, real estate, representative agency rights for the shippers that delivered their cargo and joint ventures with construction and engineering companies with whom they contributed to the Kingdom's infrastructural development. Zainal Alireza's descendants separated their commercial activities into distinct (see Reza Investment Company, Rezayat, Xenel and Haji Hussein Alireza & Company) groups of which the original operates under the banner of Haji Abdullah Alireza & Company though is regionally known as Beit Alireza (translates in English to "House of Alireza") and is wholly owned by the descendants of the founder and continues to be a major shipping agent representing international companies such as Hapag-Lloyd, NYK, COSCO and the shipping lines of ExxonMobil. In the forefront of the Arabian pearling industry, the Alireza Group has been retailing and trading jewellery since in 1920s, and continue to do so in the modern day.
132 David Thompson has stressed the revolutionary nature of the entire package of reforms: :In all these ways—the organization of the new police (by Peel as Home Secretary in the 1820s), the new Poor Law, and in the new municipal councils—the pattern of government in England was changed fundamentally within a single decade. In conjunction with the removal of religious disabilities, these reforms laid the structural foundation for a new kind of State in Britain: a State in which the electoral rights and civil rights of citizens were extended and given greater legal protection, but in which the ordinary citizen was subjected to a much greater degree of administrative interference, direction, and control from the centre. The most spectacular element in this whole process—the Reform Bill of 1832—ensured that the state should also be partially democratized at the centre. The full significance of 1832 in the history of the country is appreciated only if it is seen as the central change in this mini-sided transformation of an agricultural nation ruled by squires, parsons, and the wealthy landowners into an industrial nation dominated by the classes produced by industrial expansion and commercial enterprise.
Charles de Soysa was born at the humble abode of his maternal grandfather in Moratuwa on 3 March 1836.The De Soysa Charitaya, by C. Don Bastian Jayaweera Bandara and V. S. M. De Mel, pp.iii, 1, 14, 17, 75-6, 89, 93-102, 109 (University of California) ASIN B00H1CYGL4 He was the only son of Mudliyar Jeronis de Soysa Dissanayake and Francesca de Soysa Lamaethani (née Cooray). Jeronis de Soysa, an Ayurveda doctor, was one of the most successful merchants in Ceylon and established the largest native commercial enterprise of the era.Charles Henry De Soysa; The Anepindu Sitano of Lanka, by Buddhika Kurukularatne The Island (Sri Lanka) Retrieved 1 December 2015Philanthropist and Patriot: Charles Henry de Soysa, by Wimalasiri A. Fernando The Island (Sri Lanka) Retrieved 5 December 2014Twentieth Century Impressions of Ceylon, by Arnold Wright, pp.256-7,260,313,538-54 (Lloyd's Greater Britain Publishing Company) His grandfather Warusahennadige Joseph Soysa (1764-1839), an Ayurveda practitioner, great grandfather Bastian Soysa and earlier ancestors; Don Francisco, Juan and Manual Soysa Muhandiram were salt and grain merchants having interests in the transportation, boat building and the agricultural sector.
Congress created the employment-based fifth preference category (EB-5) visa program in 1990 to "create jobs for U.S. workers and to infuse new capital into the U.S. economy". At that time the program was directed towards "alien entrepreneurs" who would not only invest $1 million or $500,000 in a "new commercial enterprise" but would also "engage in the management of the new enterprise" creating ten full-time jobs for U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents. In order to make the program more investor-friendly, Congress enacted the 1993 Appropriations Act which amended the EB-5 program to create the "Pilot Immigration Program" — the Immigrant Investor Pilot Program (IIPP). Under the IIPP, foreign nationals could invest in a pre-approved regional center, or "economic unit [referred to as regional centers], public or private, which is involved with the promotion of economic growth, including increased export sales, improved regional productivity, job creation, or increased domestic capital investment". Investments within a regional center provide foreign nationals the added benefit of allowing them to count jobs created both directly and indirectly for purposes of meeting 10-job creation requirement.
The history of the VCH falls into three main phases, defined by different funding regimes: an early phase, 1899–1914, when the project was conceived as a commercial enterprise, and progress was rapid; a second more desultory phase, 1914–1947, when relatively little progress was made; and the third phase beginning in 1947, when, under the auspices of the Institute of Historical Research, a high academic standard was set, and progress has been slow but reasonably steady. These phases have also been characterised by changing attitudes towards the proper scope of English local history. The early volumes were planned on the model of traditional English county histories, with a strong emphasis on manorial descents, the advowsons of parish churches, and the local landed gentry: a prospectus of c. 1904 stated that "there is no Englishman to whom [the VCH] does not in some one or other of its features make a direct appeal". More recent volumes – especially those published since the 1950s – have been more wide-ranging in their approach, and have included systematic coverage of social and economic history, industrial history, population history, educational history, landscape history, religious nonconformity, and so on: individual parish histories have consequently grown considerably in length and complexity.

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