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193 Sentences With "commas"

How to use commas in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "commas" and check conjugation/comparative form for "commas". Mastering all the usages of "commas" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And of course British and American rules differ on where commas are placed relative to other punctuation marks, like inverted commas.
The em dash comes to the rescue when the commas take over a sentence — saving it from sinking in a sea of commas.
The em dash comes to the rescue when the commas take over a sentence—saving it from sinking in a sea of commas.
One resident always told me I used too many commas.
Who cares about those pesky commas, periods and exclamation points?
Occasionally, we also miss commas and such because we're human.
How would you use commas to punctuate the following sentence?
Nailed to a tree next to the scene of the apparent crime was a note with a drawing of a clothes hanger, three commas, the drawing of a striped sailor's undershirt and five more commas.
Glad to see so many Oxford commas in their final papers!!!
Eight commas in one sentence — probably about five too many. Recast.
These look like lost commas, floating on a sea of ice.
That said, it would be difficult to avoid using commas entirely.
Drndic's fondness for commas gives her sentences their peculiar gasping quality.
The five commas offered a hint that this sentence was in trouble.
Punctuation is currently limited to periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points.
Commas, semicolons, and apostrophes are the only punctuation that should be used.
Johnson's top red flag: The product description doesn't have spaces after commas.
People like to say that commas indicate pauses, and it's absolutely true.
Contrary to popular belief, commas don't just signify pauses in a sentence.
So what did Cuban do once he joined the "three-commas club"?
The first has five commas, two countries and at least three time frames.
On "No Commas" you rap about the importance of buying back the block.
The answer is COMMAS, which are characters in the name of the film.
The wise men would say, "This isn't sound thinking," but somehow commas trump everything.
Are you tired of all those commas and zeros cluttering up your bank statements?
To say nothing of cashing a check with ass tons of zeros and commas.
Oxford commas are the world's most controversial punctuation mark — but where did they come from?
In general, British writers seem to omit optional commas more often than American writers do.
The commas and other orthographic shapes, splattered across the wall, become signs of painting's elasticity.
I'm pretty good, with commas, but I'm by no means a subject expert in grammar.
He and Ms. Morrison often bicker about commas — he loves them, she uses them sparingly.
Also separate a combination of those elements from the rest of the sentence with commas.
Commas turned into apostrophes; jive talk collided with standard English; words were underlined all over.
It has taken the Amazon valuation to four commas, or $1 billion, just like Apple.
So next time you argue commas with friends, share a little history about it too.
Joel Embiid just offered an olive branch to LaVar Ball ... but peace comes with three commas.
In emails viewed by BuzzFeed News, Klobuchar berated staffers over minor mistakes, misunderstandings, and misplaced commas.
There are even people who — gasp — put a space before "low" punctuation like periods and commas.
Add between five and 15 relevant tags to meet YouTube best practices, separating tags with commas.
From Axios: So what should the imagination-poor rich people do with all of those commas?
There's even a voice command bar for adding punctuation like commas, question marks, and exclamation marks.
I also loved her aversion to commas, even if that's something I couldn't abide by myself.
Cole laments the "typo police" who show up to closely read her stories for poorly placed commas.
No wonder novice writers are often at a loss, and put commas where they do not belong.
A couple of years ago, I had a student ask me if commas were real or imaginary.
Commas don't just signify pauses in a sentence — precise rules govern when to use this punctuation mark.
I'm revising commas at this point to avoid looking at the hurdles I seem unable to clear.
Below, we've listed some rules for using commas, as well as examples of those rules in action.
The debates stud our presidential elections like commas in a run-on sentence, punctuating without full stops.
Rove responded via email with a small quote which, of course, puts the word reporter in inverted commas.
You'll see a file full of neat columns that are separated by spaces and tabs rather than commas.
I came across one sovereign citizen who put multiple commas between his middle name and his last name.
Of McBride's noted lack of commas, recall that Gertrude Stein banished them because she thought they were servile.
Did the first paragraph contain, besides a value judgment, five commas, two em-dashes and only one period?
Despite all the fragments, the melody becomes impossible to stop, a series of commas and dashes, demanding continuation.
The number of commas in your net worth is a status symbol, and Americans have serious bragging rights.
And while everyone is sorting out what that means, make sure you take a second and smell the commas.
They build rhythmically, one clause piling on top of another, the commas like elegantly pointed toes delineating each step.
Commas are needed before coordinating conjunctions, after dependent clauses (when they precede independent clauses), and to set off appositives.
Keep in mind that when it comes to formatting, it's best to use periods, rather than commas, as decimals.
We pored over a menu full of lists of ingredients separated by commas, followed by bracingly large dollar figures.
Usernames and passwords should be stripped of characters such as commas or semicolons, in order to prevent command injections.
Ancient texts (like the Greek of the Gospel of John) had few of the devices that tell readers where words begin and end (spaces), which words are proper names (the upper-lower case distinction), where breaks in meaning come (commas, dashes, semicolons and full stops), who said what (inverted commas), and so on.
All of the commas — Oxford or not — have been replaced with semicolons, and "distributing" remains unquestionably exempt from overtime pay.
Future, "Commas" We owe Phelps Face to Future, who delivered that same intensity right back to Phelps and the crowd.
They reveal how these storms are shape shifters, going from relatively innocuous-looking spins to full-fledged, backwards shaped commas.
Silicon Valley venture capitalists are often associated with three commas, cars with butterfly doors, and hot tubs by Lake Tahoe.
"One of the last things he gave me before he died was a reprint of 'Commas for Dummies,'" she said.
I guess because he was a super sovereign citizen and the more commas you put, the more sovereign you are.
When most people read novels, they probably aren't thinking much about how many commas or quotation marks each sentence contains.
Taut yellow strings connected the tail fins to the grim mouths of sea bream, their silver backs curved like commas.
Commas are the nails, rivets, screws, joints, braces, brackets, hinges, pins and pegs in the vast architecture of human thought.
Boomerspeak's canonical features include the dot dot dot, repeated commas, and the period at the end of a text message.
Both men have a habit of long, winding sentences with plenty of commas, which some readers may find tricky to follow.
Entrepreneurs would still be amply rewarded for ingenuity and risk-taking, but those rewards would come with two commas, not three.
One reader might look at a passage and find it woefully short of commas; another might find it overstuffed with them.
There are 2,103 people across the globe with three commas in their net worths, according to the 2017 Forbes Billionaires list.
It could be a relative who has medical bills, a parent who is in debt, a bank balance with no commas.
Lowe's tweet did not use an Oxford comma, which appears in a list of three or more items separated by commas.
As an intern, part of beating that impostor syndrome is taking the small wins, like catching spelling mistakes or extra commas.
As an intern, part of beating that impostor syndrome is taking the small wins, like catching spelling mistakes or extra commas.
A point to the day The day isn't just for people who get cranky over misplaced commas or hyperventilate over errant hyphens.
This one goes out to the brave Americans who, day in and day out, swarm through commas, decimal points, addition, and subtraction.
You don't, after all, tell an actor to increase the pauses after commas by 8 percent or 15 milliseconds, whichever is longer.
North Atlantic right whale #1281 was named "Punctuation" because scientists thought the small scars on her head looked like dashes and commas.
We scoured the web for great reads and found stories about cat-loving judges, a pizza chain's improbable comeback, and Oxford commas.
You're left in no doubt that the word Reality has implied inverted commas around it, or at the very least a question mark.
Whether titles of books should be in italics or in inverted commas can divide them more decidedly than the Sharks and the Jets.
Floyd Mayweather says he's officially a member of the Tres Commas club -- despite the fact he never cashed his TWO biggest fight checks.
If life is a sentence, Your Name doesn't dare suggest ending it with a period; instead, it offers an endless drift of commas.
That exuberance shows in the novel's sentences, which rush by, fleet and frenetic, nearly tripping over the speed bumps of their own commas.
Tinashe), to bouncy, bulbous beats that bolster lyrics like "I can't save a thot 'cause they smell like some piss" (see: "Commas" feat.
"Arrived" in inverted commas because the chances are this 40,000-tonne clip of metal had never really departed New Orleans in the first place.
The text contained two mentions of the Western Wall, in inverted commas, and otherwise used a Muslim term for that location, the Buraq Plaza.
They make it coherent and add drama, inserting commas, semi-colons and ellipses (and, in the end, an inarguable and often premature full stop).
McCarthy, famous for his short sentences and unpunctuated conversations, relies almost entire on periods, commas, and a handful of question marks in his book.
"Also use commas when any distinct shift occurs in the sentence or thought process:"The cloud looked like an animal, perhaps a baby seal.
The rich collection of zeros and commas continued with John Overdeck and David Siegel, the founders of Two Sigma, who made $0003 million each.
It goes without saying that she's a flawless technician; she speaks the verse so clearly that you can feel the commas clicking into place.
They make it coherent and add drama, inserting commas and semi-colons and ellipses (and, in the end, an inarguable and often premature full stop).
You may want to consider having that conversation about money when the investment has fewer commas — because it only gets harder as the stakes rise.
Words seem inadequate, the structures of sentences finicky as a spider's web, requiring many commas, semicolons, and colons in the construction of a single paragraph.
Google promises that its new model results in far more readable transcriptions that feature fewer run-on sentences and more commas, periods and question marks.
Within the cathedral's quiet, I tell Katherine about Alain Mabanckou's Broken Glass, punctuated with commas alone, and Helen Oyeyemi's Mr. Fox, storytelling within storytelling, blurred realities.
Scientist and Princeton University researcher Adam J. Calhoun began wondering what his favorite books looked like without any words, just the periods, commas, colons, quotations, etc.
Faulkner, on the other hand, employs semicolons, apostrophes, and thousands of commas in his work, creating lengthy run-on passages nested inside complex arrangements of punctuation.
Then I saw her following every step of the editing process obsessively, changing words and reorganizing sentences and moving commas until the last second before print.
A more savvy hoaxer might tinker around Wikipedia for a while, editing commas and small errors in other articles, before trying to establish a new hoax.
I think it's cleaner and less distracting to go with: Yes, I place the comma on the end rather than "Hi, ___," because the two commas look weird.
I've found that using commas is a delicate balance between making a sentence clearly understood and trying not to sound like William, Shatner, and his infamous, cadence.
The New York Times and The Washington Post used em dashes in quoting Trump's Second Amendment comment, but in different places; The Associated Press stuck with commas.
Even the play's title, with its use of periods instead of commas, suggests the difficulty of getting words out and how inadequate they seem when you do.
Timothy Harper, a writing coach, and professor at the Craig Newmark School of Journalism told Business Insider he recommends a "comma diet" for students who overuse commas.
For example, as mentioned above, one of my weaknesses is low detail orientation — I am not the person you want to proofread your report for missed commas!
As much as people want the rules for commas to be ironclad, no mechanistic rules can substitute for slow proofreading and redrafting, or even better, a good editor.
Not so much world-weary as cosmically tired, Harrison's storytelling is sometimes hushed and sometime sonorous, rolling out on waves of complicated syntax that are averse to commas.
From the opening paragraph, neither commas nor em dashes can rein in his enthusiasm for the craft of storytelling, which Hicks embraces with contagious energy and sharp humor.
Writers feel moved to "get things down on paper," usually incoherently, and even in guarded moods say alarming stuff because they don't know where to put their commas.
Mr. Pompeo said the work on the plan amounted to "putting the commas in the right place, getting the sentences right," though he did not go into details.
Current and former staff members described Mr. Schroeder as someone who humiliated employees to the point of tears and who fixated on small details like the use of commas.
Today, he performs aerial acrobatics for fun — but if that's an average day off, we would love to know how he plans to celebrate joining the three commas club.
A sentence with too many commas, makes our writing hard to process, because we include unnatural stops in the flow of a thought, and it's frustrating, for the reader.
But there are no periods in politics, only commas, and there are still powerful forces pushing to keep dirty old fossil fuel power plants open as long as possible.
Meticulous to a fault, he said, she was late handing in final revisions on her last edition, having labored over the text correcting even misplaced bullet points or commas.
Sometimes there are long sentences like this one written without commas that dart every which way like runoff from a sudden thunderous shower and end up with simple declarative resolutions.
For all of my decent grammar and commas on this website, my personal tweets sometimes require a translator for anyone who is not Black and from the Southside of Chicago.
Samuel Johnson's commas, in the mid-18th century, were not only heavy; many would be ungrammatical today, and this style persisted into the first editions of The Economist in 1843.
It was almost done in protest against those annoying types of people who policed the use of oxford commas online, or Twitter personalities that made exhausting all caps their brand.
That first sentence I quoted, which (like everything else in this play) comes directly from the novel, is typical of what follows, fragmented locutions unadorned by commas or proper names.
" For the Atlantic, Emily Jan praised "the bustling street market, Weibo and WeChat icons flitting across the screen, the various a-yi mannerisms and phrases—all presented without explanatory commas.
Sometimes, she said, she will reinforce grammar by asking students to copy down a sentence from a favorite book and then discuss how the author uses a tool like commas.
In the emails seen by BuzzFeed, often sent between 1 and 4 in the morning, Klobuchar regularly berated employees, often in all capital letters, over minor mistakes, misunderstandings, and misplaced commas.
"We're working on a peace and reconciliation plan, putting the commas in the right place, getting the sentences right," Pompeo said at a press conference in Uzbekistan, The Associated Press reported.
The blog post Hasan managed to boost into Google's Top Stories module for at least seven minutes is mangled gibberish, a string of relevant terms separated by alternating commas and periods.
For all of my decent grammar and commas on this website, my personal tweets sometimes require a translator for anyone who is not Black and from the South Side of Chicago.
The most recent email, from earlier this month, stated that Pompeo "has underscored the need for appropriate use of commas in his paper (both their inclusion and omission)," according to CNN.
The seasonal set menu of eight courses and a few smaller bites (with optional wine pairings), eschews dish names in favor of shortened ingredient lists ('Taiwan' Rice Pork Mushroom, no commas).
To those of us who make do with fewer zeros and commas, that gap may seem meaningless, but you can fit the annual gross domestic product of North Korea in it.
The inverted commas are there to show that this is not like a company pension fund, or a sovereign wealth fund like Norway's, where the money has been invested in outside assets.
But as Adam J. Calhoun found out this week, the periods, colons, semicolons, and commas a writer uses can have just as much impact on their output as their choice of language.
Google Docs is, at long last, getting a grammar-checking feature, which'll be able to identify mixed up words (like "affect" and "effect"), incorrect tenses, improper uses of commas and clauses, and more.
Style guides are usually pretty straightforward documents — we have one here at The Verge — that let writers know what stylistic conventions a publication uses, covering everything from tone to the use of commas.
James Joyce's Ulysses, well known for its complex modernist prose, uses surprisingly standard punctuation: lots of commas and just a few colons to frame text that's largely broken up by regular old periods.
She is an artist of the space between the words — of commas and dashes and periods; of section breaks, blank spaces that her characters seem to hit as if running into a wall.
That means you can finally get advice from top-notch investors and entrepreneurs like Russ "Three Commas" Hanneman or Erlich Bachman, the coattail-riding "co-founder" of the show's main startup, Pied Piper.
On a mysterious island, he encounters exciting exclamation points, walks through a dark cave glistening with asterisk-shaped gems and pauses at a garden of commas, showcasing Hall's facility for both grammar and graphics.
A dependent clause is a grammatical unit that contains both subject and verb but cannot stand on its own, like "When I went running ..."Commas always follow these clauses at the start of a sentence.
Newly-retired Matt Barnes says the 'B' in his last name could stand for BILLIONAIRE in just a few years ... revealing his master money plan to join the 3 Commas club by the time he's 50.
But for whatever reason, Jeezy decided to reach out to a major star for a prestigious remix, and so we get the awkward spectacle of Nas rhyming over a "Fuck Up Some Commas"-style siren loop.
I quickly moved into the role of fact-checker, in which I basically re-reported the writer's stories and made sure all the ampersands and commas of the law firms' names were in the right places.
Calhoun has also transferred the data he harvested from the books into heatmaps, glowing red where periods, question marks, and exclamation marks were used, green for commas and quotation marks, and blue for colons and semicolons.
Read more: 14 rules for using commas without looking like a foolWe've compiled a list of 12 common grammatical mistakes people make, whether drafting an office memo or just chatting with coworkers around the water cooler.
ALEJANDRO PERELLÓN New York I must dashJohnson's welcome article about hyphens (June 10th), leads me to suggest that you follow up with a piece about commas, which your newspaper does not use enough of, in my opinion.
This reliance on commas is apparently hallmark of older fiction: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, and Charles Dickens' Great Expectations all lean more heavily on the comma than the period to build descriptive sentences.
For the court, then, a serial comma was a necessity, even though, as Daniel Victor of The Times notes, the writer of the law followed the rules of The Maine Legislative Drafting Manual, which dislikes such commas.
The leaders battled into the pre-dawn hours on June 29th, but the tortuous phrasing of their conclusions—one sentence contained 12 commas—betrayed their inability to find meaningful compromises on the issues that continue to bedevil them.
Ekaterina Schulmann, a political scientist, wrote that the first thing she noticed about the bill was the commas: So many of them seemed to be missing that it appeared the bill had been drafted and published in haste.
In this work, the text of the 1979 book of the same name, written by the precision-in-language crusader Richard Mitchell (the self-proclaimed "Underground Grammarian"), has been whited-out, leaving only commas, quotation marks, and apostrophes behind.
The evidence of his fandom is this hilarious commentary: We won't judge, but that sentence could use a few more commas, JB. Without them, it looks like Bieber enjoys a nice tall glass of Chad milk after a long day.
But when asked about the quote and the song by Newsweek last September, Rove denied that the words were his, put the word reporter in inverted commas when referring to Suskind, and proceeded to get snarky about The National's music.
As is obvious even from the two books' titles, Faulkner is much more generous and varied with his punctuation; his writing is stuffed with parentheses, quotation marks, and even semicolons, while McCarthy's largely sticks to placid periods, commas, and question marks.
If you prefer your punctuation visualizations a bit more colorful, Calhoun also turned his findings into "heat maps" by representing periods, question marks, and exclamation marks in red, commas and quotation marks in green, and semicolons and colons in blue.
These serial commas are the mark of the novel, whether its narrator considers his work—a topic that is all too rarely covered in 20th- and 21st-century fiction—or his love for his wife Mairead, and their grown son and daughter.
While Mike Pompeo is focused on a number of key geopolitical concerns, an email obtained by CNN suggests that the secretary of state also appears to have had it, up to, here, with, the rampant, improper use of commas by State Department staff.
Even before the media attempted to measure how out-of-bounds this latest inflammatory remark was — and before Trump eventually claimed it to be "sarcastic" — the question was where to put the periods and commas in a quote that defied both campaign and grammar norms.
"If there's been one thing that's been constant through my entire career, it's the motivation and inspiration that I get from hip-hop," Mr. Phelps said in his introduction for the rapper, who performed his hit single, "Commas," with a dramatic rock-band backing.
Her galloping syllables in the last line — no commas — at the end seem to propel us forward into the other poems in this concluding section, all of which deal in one way or another with what humans have done and are doing to the planet.
Similar to the idea behind the book "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" by Lynne Truss, which drove home why commas are indispensable punctuation marks, Ms. Carroll offers us a theme set of four fruit-filled entries where the second word is a synonym for going away.
Whether rain or shine outside my window or inside my own head, SEGA's arcade "racer"—you're only ever really against the clock, rather than defined rivals, so inverted commas necessary—never fails: and that's largely because of those classically, artificially beautiful SEGA-blue skies.
The results showed a stark contrast between the way authors use the tools in their texts, with some exhibiting a preference for dialogue, some using commas and semicolons to construct breathless sentences, and some making almost exclusive use of the most common marks to tell their stories.
Even the Telegraph blogged it in an effort to explain what it is exactly that loads of Premier League footballers keep doing with their body when they do a good bit of sports – putting inverted commas around the word 'dab' like it's some sort of subjective concept.
There's pleasurable tension in topping raw scallop with a tiny fleck of yuzu-ponzu jelly and commas of shaved lemon peel, or brushing sea bream with a tart, spicy sauce of yuzu and aji amarillo, then dotting it with a tiny bit of salted plum paste.
Removed commas from lead Matt Luff and Jeff Carter scored goals and Tyler Toffoli had two assists as the visiting Los Angeles Kings used the Freeway Faceoff rivalry to end an 24-game road losing streak with a 227-13 victory Thursday over the Anaheim Ducks.
Mr Felipe Fernández-Armesto: I don't like to use the term "artificial intelligence," except in inverted commas, not because I have contempt for machines (which are, at least, morally neutral) or respect for humans (who tend to be horrid), but because intelligence is in the eye of the beholder.
Breath is ever-present in the exhibition, literally and figuratively — the sound of the tuba, the chattering of the voices, the smell of the perfume, the commas on the altered texts, the whispers into the artist's ear (the cast is called "(h)ear," after all, and not "ear").
That is where series like The Handmaid's Tale and Westworld and The Americans can influence a new generation of showrunners, who understand that death is always a period or an exclamation mark, but life is lived amid commas and semicolons, a sentence we can never quite know the length of.
I don't know the lawyer that wrote this, but you can tell a lawyer wrote it, because all you have to do is count the number of commas in the running sentence in the first tweet," he said, adding, "Whoever the lawyer is that wrote this, that lawyer is also a moron.
But as they float around in outer space, their bodies finely toned, their life-force rejuvenated by the blood of 20-year-olds, their bank accounts swollen from three commas to four, they will still be, in their deepest selves, the puny nerd who cowered, sweating and miserable, before some muscle-bound jock.
He specialized in the dry-as-dust business of textual criticism, determining the correct version of a classical text by comparing different manuscripts and judging which variant was the most likely—whether in a certain line of Propertius it should be " et" or " aut ," and deciding where the commas belonged in Catullus.
Twelve years after dropping out of Harvard, Mark Zuckerberg returned to campus—a few years older, a few commas richer—and delivered a commencement speech that expressed a radically different vision of his purpose in life from the one he spelled out in instant messages sent from the dorm room where it all started.
Of the mixtapes, Monster is probably the most distinct (radio hit "Fuck Up Some Commas" is inexhaustible, Lil Wayne's guest verse fits right in on "After That", and the beats snarl and squirm throughout) and 56 Nights probably the vaguest (although it too has its moments, specifically "March Madness" and the outlandish "No Compadre").
EditorsNote: Adds White Sox to hed; corrects to curveball in seventh graf; adds commas in 21st, 22rd, 22th grafs Jordan Luplow belted his first two homers of the season, and Carlos Carrasco tossed five solid innings as the host Cleveland Indians posted a 22-21 victory over the Chicago White Sox on Thursday afternoon in a rain-shortened game.
The text above is a mess of commas, but what it's saying is that an obstruction-of-justice charge requires the government to meet a standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt" for three different things: Barr is saying that he and Rosenstein didn't see any actions described in the report that met that standard for all three elements.
Secretary of State Mike PompeoMichael (Mike) Richard PompeoCotton warns China: Crackdown on Hong Kong would be 'grave miscalculation' Pompeo expresses concern over North Korea missile tests Pompeo acknowledges 'places where ISIS is more powerful today' MORE has urged his staff to make sure the State Department is properly using commas, according to emails obtained by CNN.
Justifications have also been made by members of the public that the statement taken from President Bush's speech was originally uttered by Woodrow Wilson, many other prominent politicians have borrowed the language of others without acknowledgment, and lastly, that the country has bigger fish to fry than the pilfering of a few letters and the commas that glue them together.
As soon as I clicked "send" on an email to Sandy that evening to tell her we wanted to make an offer, I began to alternate between worrying over the numbers, pacing around our tiny apartment kitchen, tinkering with commas in version 20 of our offer letter, and panicking about whether we were even making the right decision in the first place.
Or that this was a punctuation problem, and the commas should be swapped for semicolons: "Raising Her Daughter; Bernie Sanders; and Coordinating…" One troll suggested that to rid it of any ambiguity, all you'd have to do is tweak it to say "Cardi B's Daughter, Whose Name Is Bernie Sanders..." And several people advocated for swapping the order of the series, which, ultimately, was what happened.
Books of The Times To read the poems of Rita Dove, to go where they take you, is to follow her deeply into a series of themes and their subsets: African-Americans in history and right now, ideas of indenture and independence, sex, travel, language (she compares commas to "miniature scythes"), family, motherhood, roomy adult love and whatever is coming out of the radio.
" More striking than the familiar thought is the alien wording, whose clunkiness can only be deliberate: the off-kilter choice of "locale" and the displacement of the phrase "looking up at her winsome crotch," which another writer would have set off with commas or put at the beginning of the sentence, and the dissonance within that phrase between the coy "winsome" and the blunt "crotch.
Art Student Says: The commas around the "e" in Supreme is a nod to Semiotext(e), which is the publishing house that Chris Kraus started with some other people, and I Love Dick was Chris Kraus's 1997 book that has become quite a cult classic within art theory and has been reprinted again, and Chris Kraus has become a massive figure within the art world.
EditorsNote: Removes an extra word, adds a few commas Blake Snell pitched five scoreless innings, and Adam Kolarek worked out of a bases-loaded jam in the ninth for his first career save as the Tampa Bay Rays held on for a 210-1 victory over the New York Yankees on Thursday afternoon to clinch their first series win in Yankee Stadium in over four years.
That snowballed into a series of hilariously desperate decisions: an ill-advised partnership with the super-bro (and devastating Mark Cuban parody) Russ Hanneman, who introduced radio to the Internet and assaulted Richard's gullet with exotic meats and Trés Commas tequila; botched partnerships with the Homicide energy drink and a porn site; the hiring of a disbarred attorney for a make-or-break binding arbitration hearing; and the near-deletion of Pied Piper's entire platform.
"He liked the noise of business and politics, it was an adult reassurance, like the chatter of parents on a night journey, meaningless, fragmentary, and consoling to the sleepy child on the back seat" so effectively conveys a mood of happy obliviousness—notice how the sentence, rotating on the axle of its commas, matches the rhythm of the car that it describes without needing to name—that it takes a moment to remember that the noise of politics has been anything but consoling of late.

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