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13 Sentences With "comicality"

How to use comicality in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "comicality" and check conjugation/comparative form for "comicality". Mastering all the usages of "comicality" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That self-deprecation and provocative but wholesome sensibility is the appeal of an inherently Canadian comicality, according to O'Hara.
The staff criticized its excessive difficulty and lack of comicality. IGN ranked Fester's Quest 45th on its Top 100 NES Games list. Fester's Quest has sold one million copies.
"Comicality in Long Live the Mistress and the Making of a Chinese Comedy of Manners". Tamkang Review. pp.97-119 An English-subtitled version of the film, based on a translation of the filmscript by Christopher Rea, is available on YouTube.
Bakhtin discusses the development of Menippean satire from its origins in ancient Greece with the Cynic satirist Menippus, and examines its essential characteristics. These characteristics include intensified comicality, freedom from established constraints, bold use of fantastic situations for the testing of truth, abrupt changes, inserted genres and multi-tonality, parodies, oxymorons, scandal scenes, inappropriate behaviour, and a sharp satirical focus on contemporary ideas and issues.Morson and Emerson (1990). p. 490–91Bakhtin (1984). pp.
These characteristics include intensified comicality, freedom from established constraints, bold use of fantastic situations for the testing of truth, abrupt changes, inserted genres and multi-tonality, parodies, oxymorons, scandal scenes, inappropriate behaviour, and a sharp satirical focus on contemporary ideas and issues.Morson and Emerson (1990). p. 490–91Bakhtin (1984). pp. 114–120 Bakhtin credits Dostoevsky with revitalizing the genre and enhancing it with his own innovation in form and structure: the polyphonic novel.
Administration of his estate, with will annexed, was granted at London on 30 March 1764 to Groves Wheeler, his nephew and residuary legatee (registered in P.C.C. 94, Simpson). After his retirement from the practice of the law Grove unfortunately betook himself to bookmaking. His contributions to learning are of small value. He had a passion for 'adorning' his books with copper-plates, which from their unintentional comicality serve to relieve the heaviness of the text.
In the four boards from the piece The Poetry of Congruity, Shengzhong likens allegorical recombination with the inference of dialect, a letter set of structure. He astutely makes mandalas from symmetrically put cut deciphers, and lays lines of shapes vertically or evenly beneath, made from snippets of broken set patterns. From a separation these pieces give off an impression of being conventional calligraphy parchments, but it is clear Shengzhong has an impulse regarding comicality that is a bit subversive. Close viewing is constantly remunerated.
In his notes Dostoevsky distinguishes the Prince from other characters of the virtuous type in fiction (such as Don Quixote and Pickwick) by emphasizing innocence rather than comicality. In one sense Myshkin's innocence is an instrument of satire since it brings in to sharp relief the corruption and egocentricity of those around him. But his innocence is serious rather than comical, and he has a deeper insight into the psychology of human beings in general by assuming its presence in everyone else, even as they laugh at him, or try to deceive and exploit him.William Mills Todd III.
Among its contents were a clever satire, "The Insanity of Cain", which at once attracted wide notice, and the mirth- provoking comicality in Irish dialect, "Miss Maloney on the Chinese Question". This skit – which was compared in rank to Bret Harte's "Heathen Chinee" – had an enormous popularity in its day, and was later included in many collections of humorous masterpieces. It was written in a single evening, to fill a blank space in a magazine. Charlotte Cushman immediately gave it a place of honor in her public readings as one of her favorite selections, and sending for its author, asked her to write a companion-piece.
The tradition known as Menippean satire began in ancient Greece with Antisthenes, an author of Socratic dialogues, and the Cynic satirist Menippus, although it first became recognized as a genre through the first century B.C. Roman scholar Varro. According to Bakhtin, the roots of the genre "reach directly back into carnivalized folklore, whose decisive influence is here even more significant than it is in the Socratic dialogue."Bakhtin (1984). p. 112 Its characteristics include intensified comicality, freedom from established constraints, bold use of fantastic situations for the testing of truth, abrupt changes, inserted genres and multi-tonality, parodies, oxymorons, scandal scenes, inappropriate behaviour, and a sharp satirical focus on contemporary ideas and issues.
In a sermon, Feinberg stated: "Little Black Sambo in the public schools encouraged race prejudice by creating a pattern of Negro minstrel show comicality in the minds of white children, and by arousing a sense of persecution and emotional insecurity in colored children. Neither potential arrogance nor an inferiority complex is a proper seed-bed for Canadian citizenship." Feinberg continued to be a supporter of Zionism, and engaged in debates with the United Church of Canada over the issue. After the Observer, the journal of the United Church, had published a pro-Palestinian article by Claris Silcox saying the establishment of Israel in 1948 had been an outrage, Feinberg asked for and was allowed to publish a rebuttal article in the next edition of the Observer.
The young James wrote some scathing reviews of Trollope's novels (The Belton Estate, for instance, he called "a stupid book, without a single thought or idea in it ... a sort of mental pabulum"). He also made it clear that he disliked Trollope's narrative method; Trollope's cheerful interpolations into his novels about how his storylines could take any twist their author wanted did not appeal to James's sense of artistic integrity. However, James thoroughly appreciated Trollope's attention to realistic detail, as he wrote in an essay shortly after the novelist's death: > His [Trollope's] great, his inestimable merit was a complete appreciation of > the usual. ... [H]e felt all daily and immediate things as well as saw them; > felt them in a simple, direct, salubrious way, with their sadness, their > gladness, their charm, their comicality, all their obvious and measurable > meanings.
Payne E. Dover Publications, New York, 1966) pp.271-272 a view criticised by Sartwell for making the term beauty, ultimately meaningless.Sartwell C. Beauty, 2012 (ed. Zalta E.N. Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, 2017) Shelley, however, manages to elucidate various criteria of aesthetic value from such a standpoint: firstly, that there is value in simple formal relations, in harmony, grace and balance, and in fact in any other objective aspect that a good critic might care to point to; secondly, that there is value in recognising that people have natural tastes and preferences, whether, for example, they prefer “drama or comicality”, or whether the work is striking in some way; and thirdly, that there is value in recognising the presence of “non-exhibited properties”, realising that the work, or perception, is located within an “art-historical context” where only knowledge of, in Danto's terminology, an “artworld” can facilitate our feeling “the proper sentiments”.

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