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19 Sentences With "come to maturity"

How to use come to maturity in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "come to maturity" and check conjugation/comparative form for "come to maturity". Mastering all the usages of "come to maturity" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The bonds are sold on behalf on the Finance Ministry and come to maturity on March 14, 2018.
The odd thing is that it was easier to come to maturity when there were more well-defined philosophical groups.
As each has come to maturity, the Mexican Grand Prix has made up lost ground, rejoining Formula One last year for the first time since 1992.
Production will also rise on increasing harvested areas, as more young trees come to maturity in regions such as Malaysia's eastern Sarawak state and across Indonesia, said planters and analysts.
The trees take over a decade to come to maturity and cannot be within around a half mile or so of another, or the roots won't be able to stretch out.
But in the pages of the English language edition, Spiral Staircase: Collected Poems of Hirato Renkichi, recently published by Ugly Duckling Presse, one recognizes that this is, after all, the work of a young man, even if he seems to have almost come to maturity in his techniques.
It should be someplace relative to the East/West dynamics which have arisen since World War II, as the century-long awakening and industrialization of the Orient, come to maturity well after founding of the U.N. and its Europeanized visualization of the world, must be understood to be among the greatest events in modern history.
David prays the New Year's prayer that he has learned from George, God, let my soul come to maturity before being harvested.
He labored on many levels for more than 56 years, even while in poor health, to see this program come to maturity.
They come to maturity in summer, although fresh shallots can now be found year- round in supermarkets. Shallots should not be planted on ground recently manured. Shallots suffer damage from leek moth larvae, which mine into the leaves or bulbs of the plant.
They revealed nothing and thus allowed the plot to come to maturity. Thus they are forever without honour, jointly guilty of the heaviest betrayal known to history. They stand together as traitors with the assassin Count von Stauffenberg. With him they betrayed everything that we are, and for which we fight.
Ernulf must have come to maturity under the rule of Walter I but he had close links with Engelram and they appear at a number of points as allies and as benefactors of religious establishments. Little is known of Ernulf's family, except that he had a brother called Ilbod, who is listed in Domesday as an important landholder in Essex and Oxfordshire.
In the 1940s, he studied with Hans Hoffmann in New York, who instilled in him a strong sense of "push/pull" pictorial content that would later come to maturity in his Light Gatherers. Circa 1954-55, Staffel turned from stoneware to porcelain as the result of a dinnerware commission he was given. By the late 1950s, Staffel worked exclusively in porcelain. His Light Gatherers, as they would become known, would occupy Staffel for the rest of his career.
Orchards of cacao trees, which took a number of years to come to maturity and produce fruit. Cacao boomed in the late sixteenth century, and then was displaced by indigo as the most important export product. Indigo, like cacao, was native to the region, and the indigenous peoples gathered wild indigo, used for dying cloth and as a trade good. After the arrival of the Spanish, they domesticated indigo and created plantations for its cultivation in Yucatan, El Salvador, and Guatemala.
Whatever will > remain of the old building in the future is embedded in the minds and hearts > of the boys and girls who have come to maturity during the twenty-one years > of its usefulness. The shelter which the building has afforded has resulted > in the up-building of character and the implanting of healthy sentiments in > the boys and girls of Plymouth. The expenditure has not been in vain. The > building has been a fortress against ignorance and superstition.
Even the Stars Look Lonesome is a collection 20 short personal essays, most of which are autobiographical. All but one essay, "Those Who Really Know, Teach", previously appeared in other publications. The book is dedicated to "the children who will come to maturity in the twenty-first century" and lists more than 35 of them she knew, charging them to "make this a perfect world".Angelou, dedication page Angelou's friend Oprah Winfrey (shown here in 2004), the subject of one of the essays in Stars Angelou defends her controversial support of Clarence Thomas in Stars.
The St Petersburg Ballet Theatre have created many home- grown stars of its own over the past two decades. Among the principals, soloists and character dancers who have come to maturity within the company are artists such as Margarita Avdeeva, Dmitriy Akulinin, Sitora Khismatova, Elizaveta Barkalova, Sergei Fedorkov and others. The prima ballerina is Irina Kolesnikova. The St Petersburg Ballet Theatre remains the centre of attention for the world’s press, performing at theatres such as the London Coliseum, the Royal Albert Hall, the Théâtre des Champs Elysées in Paris, the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York, the National Theatre in Washington, the Bunkamura Hall in Tokyo, the National Theatre of Taipei, the National Theatre in Beijing and the Princess Theatre in Melbourne.
On the other hand, Buford had been educated in the North and come to maturity within the Army. His two most influential professional role models, Colonels William S. Harney and Philip St. George Cooke, were Southerners who elected to remain with the Union and the U.S. Army. He loved his profession and his time on the frontier had snapped the ties that drew other Southerners home. John Gibbon, a North Carolinian facing the same dilemma, recalled in a post-war memoir the evening that John Buford committed himself to the Union: In November 1861, Buford was appointed Assistant Inspector General with the rank of major, and, in July 1862, after having served for several months in the defense of Washington, was raised to the rank of brigadier general of volunteers.
The instrumental arrangements on tracks such as "Give It Up Or Turnit A Loose" and "Licking Stick-Licking Stick" (both recorded in 1968) and "Funky Drummer" (recorded in 1969) featured a more developed version of Brown's mid-1960s style, with the horn section, guitars, bass and drums meshed together in intricate rhythmic patterns based on multiple interlocking riffs. Changes in Brown's style that started with "Cold Sweat" also established the musical foundation for Brown's later hits, such as "I Got the Feelin'" (1968) and "Mother Popcorn" (1969). By this time Brown's vocals frequently took the form of a kind of rhythmic declamation, not quite sung but not quite spoken, that only intermittently featured traces of pitch or melody. This would become a major influence on the techniques of rapping, which would come to maturity along with hip hop music in the coming decades.

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