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25 Sentences With "cloacas"

How to use cloacas in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "cloacas" and check conjugation/comparative form for "cloacas". Mastering all the usages of "cloacas" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Flu researchers are most interested in the birds' cloacas (their butts) and what comes out of them.
Instead, both male and female birds have cloacas, openings that lead to their reproductive organs and from which they expel waste.
During mating season, the cloacas swell, the female moves her tail feathers aside, and the male rubs his cloaca against hers.
Researchers swab the birds' butts (the technical term is "cloacas") and pick up their droppings in search of clues about potential future pandemics.
They've got the "cloacal kiss" where they just position the cloacas right next to each other and then the sperm just kind of comes out.
For about three to four days, as the birds feast, researchers swab their throats and butts (technically they're called "cloacas") and collect hundreds of poop samples.
There are all different sorts of ducts, cloacas — as long as it has some sort of hole at the opposite end to its head, where gas can come out.
Que escapó, como es costumbre, por un drenaje fluvial conectado con la casa a través de un túnel —el Señor de las Cloacas, podría ser su segundo sobrenombre—, que robó un auto.
These encouraged the animals to detach their tube feet completely, open their cloacas to flood their bodies with water, and thereby transform themselves into buoyant rounded blobs, readily carried away by the slightest movement of the water.
By 2015, sewerage system reached 7,207,546 people.ObrasHídricas más de dos millones de habitantes se incorporaron al servicio de agua y cloacas on Minuto Uno, 15 Aug 2015 In 2019, Malena Galmarini was appointed president of AySA, becoming the first woman to preside over the company.
Reproduction has only been observed in captivity so far. Sexually mature males have swollen cloacas, brighter skin color, two lines at the side of the tail, and slightly curled fins. No such changes have been observed in the females. The male can start courtship even without the presence of a female.
The snout and toes are blunt and round, as is the tip of the tail. Males have pronounced cloacas, whose opening is a single longitudinal fold. Salamandra corsica has clear costal grooves running down the ventral sides. These salamanders have smooth, shiny skin, and easily visible yet reduced paratoid glands compared to other species in the Salamandra genus.
They are known to spawn simultaneously with other Echinoderms, including the Crown of Thorns Starfish and the sea urchin Diadema setosum. When threatened or disturbed, many sea cucumbers eject cuvierian tubules, thin white sticky strands of viscera, from their cloacas. Pearsonothuria graeffei seems reluctant to do this except under conditions of extreme stress. The threads of this species contain glycosides that are toxic to the aggressor.
Aestivation only occurs during unusual drought conditions. The Cheat Mountain salamander. The breeding behavior of CMSs has not been directly observed, but most likely occurs on the forest floor. Pairs of males and females have been found together under rocks in both spring and autumn and both sexes during these months are in breeding condition: males with swollen cloacas and squared-off snouts, females with mature follicles.
Bergsten, J. & Miller, K. B. Phylogeny of diving beetles reveals a coevolutionary arms race between the sexes. PLoS ONE 2, e522 (2007). Male waterfowl have developed another modification; while most male birds have no external genitalia, male waterfowl (Aves: Anatidae) have a phallus (length ). Most birds mate with the males balancing on top of the females and touching cloacas in a “cloacal kiss”; this makes forceful insemination very difficult.
During courtship, crocodilian males and females may rub against each other, circle around, and perform swimming displays. Copulation typically occurs in the water. When a female is ready to mate, she arches her back while her head and tail submerge. The male rubs across the female's neck and then grasps her with his hindlimbs, placing his tail underneath hers so their cloacas align and his penis can be inserted.
Mallo’s work became more surrealistic in the early 1930s, including geometric visual language and themes that ranged from fruits to agricultural structures as well as creating ceramic disks with themes of fish and bulls. Mallo collaborated intensely with Rafael Alberti starting in 1931. In those years she painted the series Cloacas (Sewers) y Campanarios (Belfries). Her first exhibit in Paris took place in the Pierre Loeb Gallery in 1932.
Cloacas appear in a wide spectrum of variation in females born with the malformation. The single orifice, called a common channel, may occur varying in length from 1 to 10 cm. The length of the common channel can be used to judge prognostic outcomes and technical challenges during surgical repair. A common channel less than 3 cm in length usually has good sphincter muscles and a well-developed sacrum.
Here they stay until the tadpoles undergo metamorphosis, at which time they crawl over their hosts' bodies and enter their bladders through their cloacas. Some of the flatworm larvae develop in a different way, particularly when developing on younger tadpoles, becoming prematurely sexually mature while still attached to the gills of the tadpole. These neotenic individuals are capable of producing viable eggs which pass out into the water and develop in the normal way.
He wrestled his only WWE match on the July 25, 2005 episode of Raw under the ring name Cloacas, where he teamed with Viscera to take on Antonio of The Heart Throbs and Pocket Rocket in a winning effort. His notoriety in wrestling led to three appearances on The Jerry Springer Show. In 2020, Tunstall was part of a Dark Side of the Ring episode involving New Jack, in which he recounted the Mass Transit incident.
Another research project Dove conducting involved the relationship between sterility and the copulatory organ in poultry in his article, "Sex Sterility and the Diminutive Copulatory Organ in Domestic Fowl." Cloacas were examined in White Leghorns for a diminutive copulatory organ. Out of 78 individuals, 4 were discovered to be lacking this organ and 3 of the 4 were found to be sterile or have abnormal reproductive results. One of these four had perished and during the necropsy was found to have abnormally small testicles (one-fourth the normal size).
This mechanism is found across the animal kingdom, from Lepidoptera to Squamata. In snakes and lizards, morphological differences in the reproductive organs are believed to exist to help the male copulate with the female. Spikes and hooks are thought to assist the male in fixing the hemipenis in place during mating, and are made specifically compatible to the female of the species. For example, species with branched hemipenes have females with branched cloacas, and species with many spikes have females with thicker cloacal walls, compared to those of species with males having little or no spines.
Both males and females give off a strong, musky odour during the mating season, by turning their cloacas inside out and wiping them on the ground, secreting a glossly liquid believed to be an aphrodisiac. During courtship—observed for the first time in 1989—males locate and pursue females. Trains of up to 10 males, often with the youngest and smallest male at the end of the queue, may follow a single female in a courtship ritual that may last for up to four weeks; the duration of the courtship period varies with location. During this time, they forage for food together, and the train often changes composition, as some males leave and other join the pursuit.
Samuel L. Jackson narrates the story about a group of male penguins that make a seventy mile trek to go to their breeding grounds, where females are waiting to have sex with them. These penguins include Carl (Bob Saget) and Jimmy (Lewis Black), two friends who talk about relationships and other things as they meet new characters including Marcus (Tracy Morgan), a penguin who likes to kid around and brag about his huge penis (an illogical point, since penguins do not have penises, and instead have cloacas), and Steve the snowy owl (Jonathan Katz), who gives Carl advice on his life in a Freudian kind of way while billing him for the two quick sessions. Meanwhile, Melissa (Christina Applegate) and Vicky (Mo'Nique) argue about men and other women who bother them as they wait for their mates to arrive at the breeding grounds.
In May 1936 her third individual exhibit took place, organized by ADLAN in the Center of Studies and Information of the Construction in the Career of Saint Jerónimo of Madrid with a series of sixteen paintings from Cloacas y Campanarios, the series of twelve works from Arquitecturas minerales y vegetales (Mineral and vegetable architectures), and sixteen drawings from Instrucciones rurales (Rural instructions), which was published in 1949 in the Clan Library with a prologue from Jean Cassou. She then had an exhibit with Ángel Planells of international surrealism in London’s New Burlington Galleries. With the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, Mallo fled to Portugal. All of her ceramic work from this time was destroyed in the war. Later, Gabriela Mistral, who at the time was ambassador of Chile in Portugal, helped Mallo move to Buenos Aires, where she received an invitation by the Friends of Art Association to give a series of conferences about a popular theme in Spanish art, “Historical process in the way of the plastic arts,” in Montevideo and later in Buenos Aires.

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