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"cisterna" Definitions
  2. one of the large spaces under the arachnoid membrane
  3. one of the flattened vesicles comprising the Golgi apparatus and the part of the endoplasmic reticulum studded with ribosomes

275 Sentences With "cisterna"

How to use cisterna in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "cisterna" and check conjugation/comparative form for "cisterna". Mastering all the usages of "cisterna" from sentence examples published by news publications.

No teníamos acceso a servicios esenciales, ni generador o cisterna.
Incluso les delegó algunos pedidos a sus competidores, una práctica poco común en el mundo implacable de los camiones cisterna en Katmandú, e incluso le preguntó a un mecánico si podía convertir un camión de remolque en un camión cisterna.
Un trabajador extrae agua del río Khahare para abastecer un camión cisterna en Kirtipur, Katmandú.
La flota de camiones cisterna en Karachi, Pakistán, quizá se haya duplicado durante la última década.
Los trabajadores de los camiones cisterna a menudo entregan agua de mala calidad que puede provocar enfermedades.
SÍDNEY — Solía ser más fácil compartir los aviones cisterna gigantes que combaten las llamas con 29 litros de agua.
Los camiones cisterna han aprovechado esta tendencia para asegurar contratos o simplemente para participar en el mercado en decenas de ciudades.
"La competencia simplemente no es sana", comentó Dharmanda Shresthra, quien tiene tres camiones cisterna y una planta de embotellado de agua.
En algunos aspectos, estos camiones cisterna solo son otra fase en un proceso global de privatización del agua que ha llevado décadas.
A medida que estos impactos se intensifican y afectan a más ciudades, parece que los operadores de camiones cisterna vivirán un apogeo.
En Yemen, los camiones cisterna han dominado gran parte del mercado urbano desde que comenzó la intervención encabezada por los sauditas en 2015.
En Nepal y en muchos otros países, como Bolivia e India, las empresas privadas de camiones cisterna se han beneficiado de la escasez de agua.
"Los camiones cisterna satisfacen una necesidad a corto y mediano plazo", dijo Victoria Beard, profesora de planeación citadina y regional en la Universidad de Cornell.
En Bangladés como en Bolivia, los camiones cisterna son el rostro de la privatización del agua, el cambio climático y un negocio de ganancias estratosféricas.
A partir de fines de la década de 1990, los camiones cisterna comenzaron a extenderse de un vecindario a otro, haciéndose de clientes ricos y pobres.
Los camiones cisterna están extrayendo aguas subterráneas de manera tan incansable que muchos pozos cuentan con hasta un veinte por ciento menos de agua cada año.
Y a lo largo del subcontinente indio, sobre todo, los grandes y pequeños negocios de camiones cisterna han prosperado conforme han crecido las ciudades de la región.
Entrevistas con decenas de empresarios, funcionarios y residentes revelan el nivel al que la industria de los camiones cisterna se ha aprovechado al máximo de la situación.
Codiciosos, intransigentes y temerosos de que los bajen de su pedestal, algunos operadores de camiones cisterna conspiran entre sí para reforzar las condiciones que contribuyeron a esa emergencia.
Durante gran parte de una década, ha visto —y generado ganancias— cómo el número de camiones cisterna en su manantial han aumentado de casi 30 a 80 al día.
A menos que haya un cambio drástico, los expertos en materia de agua —y muchos de los operadores de camiones cisterna— temen que pronto haya pocos recursos locales que extraer.
Pero comprar o rentar un avión cisterna no es tan fácil como pedir mangueras ni como compartir algunos centenares de bomberos, algo que también hacen actualmente Estados Unidos y Australia.
Todos los 18 aviones cisterna que el Servicio Forestal de Estados Unidos planea usar en 2022 serán de contratistas privados, de acuerdo con la estrategia de aviación de la agencia.
Con un precio de aproximadamente 1800 rupias nepalíes (15,60 dólares) por 5000 litros, el agua de los camiones cisterna es casi 40 veces más costosa que el agua de la llave.
Entre los más pobres y vulnerables de la ciudad, las mañas de los camiones cisterna han provocado que se tenga uno de los peores accesos urbanos al agua en el mundo.
En Katmandú, como en gran parte del sur de Asia y regiones de Medio Oriente, Sudamérica y África subsahariana, estos trabajadores y sus camiones cisterna a veces evitan que ciudades enteras queden secas.
Ubicada en las faldas del Himalaya, rico en agua, y bendecida con un monzón feroz, Katmandú jamás debió haberse convertido en un ejemplo de los peligros de la dependencia de los camiones cisterna.
In Prada's Cisterna space, Gates has included a ceramic display, "Boli, a Portion of the Team Lives in Heaven" (2014), in which human figures surround a West African boli, or "bovine," on a pedestal.
Los incendios forestales que desde hace dos meses afectan la Chiquitania, un bosque seco único a los pies de la cordillera de los Andes en Bolivia, continúan a pesar del uso de gigantes aviones cisterna.
Cuando Chennai, una de las ciudades más grandes de India, casi se quedó seca en medio de las escasas lluvias del verano pasado, más de 5000 camiones cisterna privados transportaron agua del exterior hasta ese lugar.
En todo el vecindario y también desde distintas partes de la ciudad, llegaban llamadas de manera tan ferviente que Sanjay, conductor de un camión cisterna, se preguntó en broma si le robarían el vehículo de manera violenta.
Sin embargo, la industria de los camiones cisterna quizá también sea una radiografía temprana de cómo partes del sector privado pueden generar ganancias a partir de un mundo cuyas temperaturas aumentan y que se urbaniza a paso veloz.
Los camiones cisterna llegan a acuerdos con funcionarios corruptos para limitar el flujo del servicio por tuberías y así maximizar sus ganancias, mientras también hacen campañas en contra de proyectos de obras públicas que podrían acabar con su dominio.
La competencia entre los aproximadamente 400 empresarios de negocios de camiones cisterna de Katmandú es tan feroz que con frecuencia destruyen los vehículos de la competencia y les piden favores a sus amigos políticos para clausurar a sus rivales.
En agosto, Bolivia alquiló el único Boeing 215 cisterna que hay en el mundo para combatir los incendios en la Amazonía, luego de que se usó en Israel en 214, en Chile en 183 y en California en 218.
La cantidad de este tipo de vehículos en Lagos, Nigeria, se ha cuadriplicado durante este periodo, según calcularon dos investigadores locales, aunque, como en muchas otras ciudades, sus camiones cisterna operan bajo densas sombras administrativas, por lo que ni siquiera existen cálculos aproximados.
The murders in Cisterna di Latina, an ancient, rural town about 40 miles south of Rome, briefly called national attention to a chronic, often neglected problem in Italy — the lack of an efficient, comprehensive response to abuses against women, starting with law enforcement agencies themselves.
El personal de sus tres camiones cisterna dormía por periodos de tres o dos horas, a menudo en las incómodas cabinas de los camiones que tienen el tamaño de un refrigerador, y después los vehículos volvían a las carreteras por hasta diecinueve horas al día.
Credit...Purnima Shrestha para The New York Times KATMANDÚ, Nepal — Habían pasado once días desde que una válvula rota redujo a un escueto goteo el suministro del sistema de agua del distrito y los teléfonos del negocio de camiones cisterna de Pradeep Tamanz no paraban de sonar.
Para las autoridades de las ciudades que ya están teniendo problemas para mantener el suministro actual a medida que el cambio climático provoca estragos —ya ni hablar de obtener agua adicional—, los camiones cisterna parecen ser una red de seguridad a la que, impotentes, no pueden resistirse.
Habrá siete grandes aviones cisterna en Australia esta temporada de incendios; un DC-10 de 10 Tanker aterrizó en Nueva Gales del Sur el fin de semana pasado, antes de la fecha de inicio usual del primero de diciembre, luego de ayudar en los incendios de California.
El agua de los camiones cisterna cuesta en promedio diez veces más que el agua que suministra el gobierno, según un estudio del Instituto de Recursos Mundiales sobre el acceso al agua en quince ciudades en vías de desarrollo de todo el mundo, una cifra que aumenta 52 veces más en Bombay.
Se proyecta que tan solo la población urbana del sur de Asia casi se triplicará hasta alcanzar los 1200 millones de habitantes para 2050, y conforme decae la infraestructura y las ciudades siguen extendiéndose en áreas que no cuentan con servicios, los camiones cisterna están en buena posición para absorber parte de la escasez.
En Lalitpur, al lado de Katmandú, los residentes que viven alrededor de la histórica plaza Patan Durbar dijeron que los operadores de camiones cisterna les pagaban a los funcionarios para que no arreglaran muchas de las tomas de agua públicas que solo están de adorno y fueron derribadas por el mortífero terremoto de 2015.
Cuando la tensión con Irán alcanzó su punto más álgido en mayo, debido al ataque a cuatro buques cisterna petroleros, John Bolton, quien era entonces asesor de seguridad nacional del presidente Trump, solicitó a las fuerzas armadas y a las agencias de inteligencia que estudiaran nuevas opciones para desalentar la agresión de parte de Irán.
Mientras tanto, en Asia, Corea del Sur está contactando a compañías como 22022 Tanker Air Carrier en Nuevo México; hace unos años, Indonesia pidió prestado un avión cisterna de Australia proveniente de Coulson Aviation en Canadá, empresa que ahora ha duplicado el tamaño de su flota y, al mismo tiempo, está desarrollando nuevas tecnologías de mapeo y combate de incendios por la noche.
Pallavolo Cisterna 88 is an Italian women's volleyball club based in Cisterna di Latina and currently playing in the Serie C.
Castello di Cisterna (also Castel Cisterna; , ) is a comune (municipality) in the Metropolitan City of Naples in the Italian region Campania, located about 15 km northeast of Naples. Castello di Cisterna borders the following municipalities: Acerra, Brusciano, Pomigliano d'Arco, Somma Vesuviana.
Cisterna di Latina is a town and comune in the province of Latina in Lazio, of central Italy. It was the scene of the Battle of Cisterna in January 1944. The Garden of Ninfa is located in the commune's territory. The town, then known as Tres Tabernae ("The Three Taverns")IAT Latina Tursimo, Itinerario Latina-Cori- Roccamassima-Ninfa-Norma-Sermoneta-Bassiano-Latina-Aprilia – Cisterna; accessed 2014.04.02.
The retroaortic lymph nodes (or postaortic lymph nodes) are placed below the cisterna chyli, on the bodies of the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae. They receive lymphatic trunks from the lateral and preaortic glands, while their efferents end in the cisterna chyli.
The cisterna magna (or cerebellomedullaris cistern) is one of three principal openings in the subarachnoid space between the arachnoid and pia mater layers of the meninges surrounding the brain. The openings are collectively referred to as the subarachnoid cisterns. The cisterna magna is located between the cerebellum and the dorsal surface of the medulla oblongata. Cerebrospinal fluid produced in the fourth ventricle drains into the cisterna magna via the lateral apertures and median aperture.
In a secondary simultaneous attack, a Ranger force was to infiltrate Cisterna and clear the Conca - Cisterna road during the night preparatory to an attack in the morning by 15th Infantry Regiment on the town and supporting attacks by 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment on their right and 7th Infantry Regiment on their left. 7th Infantry was to cut Route 7, the main supply line to the German Tenth Army on the Gustav Line, at Cassino. However the plan had been based on the misinterpretation of reconnaissance intelligence, which concluded the main line of German resistance was behind Cisterna. However the Wehrmacht had designated Cisterna as an assembly area for its reserve divisions and had begun moving units into the area.
La Cisterna Fulconicra Joan Francés Fulcònis (in classical Occitan; Johan Frances Fulconis as written in his original edition) was a mathematician born in Lieusola (today and in French Isola) ca 1520 and who lived in Nice. He is the author of La Cisterna Fulcronica, a treaty of arithmetics written in Occitan language and printed in Lyon in 1562.
She was the eldest and only surviving child of Carlo Emmanuele dal Pozzo, 5th Prince of Cisterna and his wife, Countess Louise de Merode. Upon the death of her father in 1864, she inherited his noble titles and thus became the Princess della Cisterna, Princess di Belriguardo, Marchioness di Voghera and Countess di Ponderano, among other titles, in her own right.
Cisterna d'Asti is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Asti in the Italian region Piedmont, located about southeast of Turin and about southwest of Asti. On 31 December 2004, it had a population of 1,257 and an area of .All demographics and other statistics: Italian statistical institute Istat. Cisterna d'Asti borders the following municipalities: Canale, Ferrere, Montà, and San Damiano d'Asti.
A cisterna (plural cisternae) is a flattened membrane disk of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. A Golgi stack may contain anywhere from three to twenty cisternae, but most contain about six cisternae. Golgi cisternae can be separated into four classes; cis, medial, trans, and TGN (trans-Golgi network). Each type of cisterna contains different enzymes to prevent any redundant enzymatic activity.
Jimmy Andrés Cisterna Moya (born 5 April 1993) is a Chilean footballer that currently plays for Unión San Felipe of the Chilean First Division B.
Salvo d'Acquisto There are monuments honoring D'Acquisto, including in his native Naples, on the Via Aurelia near Rome, and in front of the train station at Cisterna.
Lo Ovalle is an underground metro station on the Line 2 of the Santiago Metro, in Santiago, Chile. The station was opened on 21 December 1978 as the southern terminus of the extension of the line from Franklin. On 22 December 2004 the line was extended further south to La Cisterna. The station was the southern terminus for a quarter-century prior to inaugurating the Line 2 expansion to La Cisterna.
Medieval buildings surrounding the Piazza della Cisterna in San Gimignano include a Romanesque building with an automated telling machine set into its portal. Piazza della Cisterna is a piazza in San Gimignano, Italy. It has a triangular shape with a slight natural slope and is connected to the nearby Piazza del Duomo by an open passage. The pavement is brick and the piazza is surrounded by houses and medieval towers.
Mariottini was buried on Sunday 30 October in Cisterna di Latina in a ceremony attended by hundreds and Mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi declared a day of mourning.
Maria Cisterna ;Montebello della Battaglia :Santi Gervasio e Protasio :S. Maria (Genestrello) ;Montecalvo Versiggia :S. Alessandro :S. Giuseppe (Casella) ;Montescano :Madonna di Caravaggio ;Montesegale :Santi Cosma e Damiano :S.
The posterior lymph sacs join the cisterna chyli and lose their connections with adjacent veins. With the exception of the anterior part of the sac from which the cisterna chyli develops, all lymph sacs become invaded by mesenchymal cells and are converted into groups of lymph nodes. The spleen develops from mesenchymal cells between layers of the dorsal mesentery of the stomach. The thymus arises as an outgrowth of the third pharyngeal pouch.
Arthur Szwarc (born 30 March 1995) is a Canadian volleyball player of Polish descent. He is a member of the Canada men's national volleyball team and Italian club Top Volley Cisterna.
The Palazzo Cisterna was built by Guglielmo della Porta and served as his residence. Above the architrave of the windows on the first floor the inscription FRANCISCVS TANCREDA ET GVILELMVS D(ella) P(orta) ME(ediolanensis) - S(culptor) CI(vis) RO(manus) can be read (Fig.). From a letter to a friend, it appears that the palace was completed in 1575. In 1600 Spanish missionaries acquired the palace and sold it to the Cisterna family at the beginning of the 20th century.
Echeverría station, built but never opened to the public, is located between La Cisterna station and San Ramón station on the junction of Blas Vial street and Maria Vial in the commune of La Cisterna. The station remains partially built, with the platforms and footbridge across the highway already finished. The station has never been completed due to the low density of residents in this area, although it could be finished and opened to the public if the population density increased.
The cisterna chyli (or cysterna chyli, and etymologically more correct, receptaculum chyli) is a dilated sac at the lower end of the thoracic duct in most mammals into which lymph from the intestinal trunk and two lumbar lymphatic trunks flow. It receives fatty chyle from the intestines and thus acts as a conduit for the lipid products of digestion. It is the most common drainage trunk of most of the body's lymphatics. The cisterna chyli is a retro-peritoneal structure.
Veiga do Seixo belongs to the parish church of Castrelo de Cima with the villages of Covelas, As Lapedas (already disappeared), O Mourisco and San Payo. The village is on the border with Portugal (Cisterna).
In the first case, stopping at Los Presidentes, Quilín, Las Torres, Macul and Vicuña Mackenna stations, and in the second, stopping at La Cisterna, San Ramón, Santa Rosa, La Granja, Santa Julia and Vicuña Mackenna stations.
Whereas the Compedion is a more theoretical work, the Cisterna is very practically oriented to trade and gives many concrete examples that, today, represent for us an illustration of current life and trade relationships of his time.
Bonacossi Palace The Palazzo Bonacossi is a Renaissance architecture palace located on Via Cisterna del Follo #5 in Ferrara, Italy. The 15th-century palace is the home of the Musei Civici di Arte Antica e Museo Riminaldi.
Arne Torkildsen (14 September 1899 – 7 March 1968) was a Norwegian neurosurgeon. He described the surgical technique of ventriculocisternostomy (lateral ventricle to cisterna magna,; a predecessor of today's endoscopic third ventriculostomy), which is also called "Torkildsen's operation".
Cisterna housed a Benedictine abbey dedicated to St. Eleutherius (later abandoned) and was a fief of the Counts of Tusculum, who ceded it to the Frangipani in 1146. The latter reinforced it with a line of walls and a rocca (castle). In 1159 Pope Alexander III fled here to escape emperor Frederick Barbarossa who, in retaliation, destroyed the borough, which was later rebuilt by the Frangipani. In 1328 it was again besieged and ravaged by emperor Louis IV. In 1504 Pope Julius II assigned Cisterna to the Caetani.
However, the German commanders, Field Marshal Albert von Kesselring and General Eberhard von Mackensen suspected an American attack in the vicinity of Cisterna and sent a large force of crack troops, armored units, and artillery to cut off the Rangers. On the night of January 30, 1944, the 1st and 3rd Ranger battalions made their way behind enemy lines and killed the German sentries in Cisterna. Suddenly, concealed German artillery and armor opened fire on the Americans. One of the first shells killed Major Miller, the 3rd Battalion commander.
The process of the formation of exosomes. 1. Cell undergoes endocytosis forming endocytic vesicles. 2. Endocytic vesicles fuse together forming an early endosome. 3. Endocytic cisterna matures into exocytic multivesicular body, during which membrane invaginations form exosomes. 4.
Mariottini was reportedly born and lived in Cisterna di Latina in the region of Lazio. The San Lorenzo district is a historic neighborhood still scarred from World War II bombings, and is known for its left-wing political leanings.
The station was opened on 16 August 2006 as part of the inaugural section of the line between Vicuña Mackenna and La Cisterna. In the surrounding area can be found the San Ramón commune municipality building and La Bandera Park.
Born in Terracina, the Province of Latina, Lazio, Rosania started his career at Macir Cisterna. He then left for Lupa Frascati, 20 km away from Rome. He was selected to Lazio region Allievi representative team in 2007. Rosania later joined Latina.
The intestinal trunk receives the lymph from the stomach and intestine, from the pancreas and spleen, and from the lower and front part of the liver, and empties lymph into the cisterna chyli, which in turn drains into the thoracic duct.
Montà is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Cuneo in the Italian region Piedmont, located about southeast of Turin and about northeast of Cuneo. Montà borders the following municipalities: Canale, Cellarengo, Cisterna d'Asti, Ferrere, Pralormo, Santo Stefano Roero, and Valfenera.
La Cisterna is a station on the Santiago Metro in Santiago, Chile. It is a transfer station between the Line 2 and the Line 4A, and consists of two stations, one built in an open trench and the other partially mined, which are joined by pedestrian tunnels. The Line 2 station was opened on 22 December 2004 as part of a southward extension of Line 2 from Lo Ovalle metro station. The Line 4A station was opened on 16 August 2006 as part of the inaugural section of the line between Vicuña Mackenna and La Cisterna.
The Battle of Cisterna took place during World War II, on 30 January–2 February 1944, near Cisterna, Italy, as part of the Battle of Anzio, part of the Italian Campaign. The battle was a clear German victory which also had repercussions on the employment of U.S. Army Rangers that went beyond the immediate tactical and strategic results of the battle. During this battle, the 1st, 3rd, and 4th U.S. Army Ranger battalions, the 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion, and the 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion, which had been brigaded as the 6615th Ranger Force (Provisional) commanded by Colonel William O. Darby, were assigned to support the renewal of an attack by Major General Lucian Truscott's 3rd Infantry Division, which had previously failed to take Cisterna from 25–27 January. The 3rd Division's attack was part of a large offensive by Major General John Lucas's U.S. VI Corps to break out of the Anzio beachhead before German reinforcements could arrive and concentrate for a counterattack.
Cis cisterna are associated with the removal of mannose residues. Removal of mannose residues and addition of N-acetylglucosamine occur in medial cisternae. Addition of galactose and sialic acid occurs in the trans cisternae. Sulfation of tyrosines and carbohydrates occurs within the TGN.
Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo (Maria Vittoria Carlotta Enrichetta; 9 August 1847 – 8 November 1876) was an Italian noblewoman and became the 6th Princess of La Cisterna after the death of her Badts de Cugnac, Chantal. Coutant de Saisseval, Guy. ‘’Le Petit Gotha’’.
In front of the passenger building is a small parking lot and a sign indicating telephone numbers for taxis. The station also has a bus terminal. The service provider is GTT, and the main destinations of the buses are Canale, Cisterna and Cerrina.
He painted a series of highly ornate frescoes for the Palazzo Baronale at Cisterna di Latina (destroyed during World War II).Some Frescoes and an Altar-Piece by Gerolamo Siciolante da Sermoneta; E. K. WaterhouseThe Burlington Magazine ( 1970) page 102-105+107.
Shido-kan Israel Italy: Emanuel Giordano, 4th Dan, teaches in Torino , he is a student of Maeshiro Morinobu. Shidokan Shorin-ryu Italy Josè Speranza, 7th Dan, teaches in Cisterna di Latina,.was student di Sensei Shoei Miyazato. Miguel Carballo, 5th Dan, teaches in Firenze,, Italia.
The Cistern of Moura, is a high, superficial area, with five naves marked by four orders of columns, interlinked by semi-circular archways. The Cisterna dos Cães, within the courtyard, is a vertical hole of depth, that also supported water supply in the castle.
At the 1893 Chicago World's Fair thirteen of his works were displayed.Willard (1900), p. 594. He won the grand prix at the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris for a sculpture that "commemorate[d] the triumph of health over disease" in Cisterna, Italy.Sallares (2002), p. 234.
"Task Force Darby" continued with their mission. Two days later, on 2 May 1945, all German forces in Italy surrendered. Darby, aged 34 at the time of his death, was posthumously promoted to brigadier general on May 15, 1945. He was buried in Cisterna, Italy.
The 6615th Ranger Force was a regiment of the United States Army, raised for service in World War II. It served in the Italian Campaign and lost two whole battalions at the Battle of Cisterna, part of the Battle of Anzio in early 1944.
The Cisterna has been thoroughly studied and edited by Roger Rocca and Rémy Gasiglia. Fulconis's references are Greek and Arab mathematicians. He was also inspired by Francés Pellos's Compedion de l'Abaco (another arithmetical treaty, and also the first book printed in Occitan language – 1492 – ) though he does not directly mention it (we are sure, however, that he read it because some of his numerical examples are the same as in Pelos's work, which could not be a mere coincidence). Both the Compendion and the Cisterna are written in Nissard dialect, but Fulconis only refers to his dialect as being Provençal dialect (a more generic word that includes Nissard's area).
Fort Smith is the second-largest city in Arkansas and one of the two county seats of Sebastian County. As of the 2010 Census, the population was 86,209. With an estimated population of 87,891 in 2019, it is the principal city of the Fort Smith, Arkansas–Oklahoma Metropolitan Statistical Area, a region of 298,592 residents that encompasses the Arkansas counties of Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastian, and the Oklahoma counties of Le Flore and Sequoyah. Fort Smith has a sister city relationship with Cisterna, Italy, site of the World War II Battle of Cisterna, fought by United States Army Rangers commanded by Fort Smith native William O. Darby.
These started from the area that belonged to the old monastery. Nowadays the Cisterna is the cultural heart of Monghidoro; during the summer months a wide range of artistic shows take place in this quaint small piazza: musical/literature performances, theatrical plays, painting and cultural exhibitions.
This library, which was housed within a basilica next to the underground cisterna built by Justinian I, contained 120,000 volumes, including the famous parchment, long, upon which were inscribed Homer's Iliad and Odyssey in golden letters. The fire was seen as a bad omen for the rule of Basiliscus.
The painting, made in that year, is by Eugenio Cisterna, a pupil of Virginio Monti. It originally depicted St Bridget and St Teresa of Avila, but when the church was given to the Bridgettine Sisters in 1930, the figure of St Teresa was altered to represent St Catherine.
The two other principal cisterns are the pontine cistern located between the pons and the medulla and the interpeduncular cistern located between the cerebral peduncles. While the most commonly used clinical method for obtaining cerebrospinal fluid is a lumbar puncture, puncture of the cisterna magna may be performed in rare instances.
Club Deportivo Palestino is a professional football club based in the city of Santiago, Chile. The club was founded in 1920 and plays in the Primera División de Chile. They play their home games at the Estadio Municipal de La Cisterna stadium, which has a capacity of approximately 8,000 seats.
A medieval cellar north of the barrel-vaulted rooms, later called Albrecht pince (Albrecht Cellar), is covered with a Gothic brick barrel vault. The walls are blackened from burning. The cellar was probably built by King Sigismund of Luxemburg as the Cisterna Regia, i.e. the great underground cistern of the palace.
The Cisterna Regia was situated under the former northern zwinger of the palace. This small rectangular courtyard became a private royal garden during the reign of King Matthias Corvinus. The private garden was an early Renaissance giardino segreto (hidden garden). It was designed by architect Chimenti Camicia in the 1470s.
The club play its home matches at the Palasport Del Campus Dei Licei Ramadù (also known as PalaRamadù) in Cisterna di Latina. The venue has approximately 600 spectators capacity. During a brief period in 2015 (between October and December) the club moved from PalaRamadù to Palazzetto dello Sport "Tiziano Ciotti" in Anagni.
King Ladislaus attacked his lands from the south while papal troops came from the north. After losing Anagni, Sezze and Cisterna, he tried a desperate assault to Rome (15 January 1400), but was defeated at Porta del Popolo. Onorato Caetani decided to submit to Boniface IX, but died soon afterwards of apoplexy.
The Cisterna Regia was situated under the former northern zwinger (courtyard) of the palace. This small rectangular courtyard became a private royal garden during the reign of King Matthias Corvinus. The private garden was an early Renaissance giardino segreto or "hidden garden". It was designed by architect Chimenti Camicia in the 1470s.
It remained in the branch of Prince Amedeo of Savoia, the second son of king Victor Emanuel II of Italy, as he was the first ever cadet prince Duke of Aosta who left male heirs. The subsidiary titles of the Duke of Aosta are, from the heritage of Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo, the mother of Duke Emanuele Filiberto, Prince della Cisterna and of Belriguardo, Marquess of Voghera, and Count of Ponderano. Ponderano was created in 1559, Voghera in 1618; Cisterna and Belriguardo as princely in 1670. The title has been used since July 2006 by Amedeo's son Prince Aimone, Duke of Apulia (born 1967), who is married to Princess Olga of Greece, younger daughter of Prince Michael of Greece and Denmark.
Zoospores of B. dendrobatidis, which are typically 3–5 µm in size, have an elongate–ovoidal body with a single, posterior flagellum (19–20 µm long), and possess a core area of ribosomes often with membrane-bound spheres of ribosomes within the main ribosomal mass. A small spur has been observed, located at the posterior of the cell body, adjacent to the flagellum, but this may be an artifact in the formalin-fixed specimens. The core area of ribosomes is surrounded by a single cisterna of endoplasmic reticulum, two to three mitochondria, and an extensive microbody–lipid globule complex. The microbodies closely appose and almost surround four to six lipid globules (three anterior and one to three laterally), some of which appear bound by a cisterna.
Coat of arms of the early modern Caetani of Pisa Caetani, princes of Teano and dukes of Sermoneta, founded by Giacobello Caetani, whose grandson, Guglielmo Caetani, was granted the duchy of Sermoneta by Pope Pius III in 1503, the marquisate of Cisterna being conferred on the family by Sixtus V in 1585. In 1642, Francesco, the 7th Duke of Sermoneta, acquired by marriage the county of Caserta, which was exchanged for the principality of Teano in 1750. The 19th century head of the house, Onorato Caetani, 14th Duke of Sermoneta, 4th Prince of Teano, Duke of San Marco, Marquis of Cisterna, etc. (1842 - 1917), was a senator of the kingdom of Italy, and was minister for foreign affairs for a short time.
The splenic lymph nodes are found at the splenic hilum and in relation to the tail of the pancreas (pancreaticolienal lymph nodes). Their afferents are derived from the stomach, spleen, and pancreas. The splenic lymph nodes empty into the suprapancreatic, infrapancreatic and omental lymph nodes, which then drain to the coeliac nodes and cisterna chyli.
After the heavy losses at Cisterna, the Ranger units are disbanded. Brief vignettes show Bishop on leave with Wendy and her family, and Dittman with Angelina. Darby leaves the Anzio beachhead to report to Army HQ, taking salutes from newly arrived troops as he walks alone down the beach to board a landing craft.
San Ramón station San Ramon metro station data sheet retrieved May 20, 2013 is a metro station located on Line 4A of the Santiago Metro in Santiago, Chile between Santa Rosa and La Cisterna station. It lies along the Vespucio Sur Freeway, near its junction with Almirante Latorre Street. The station has disabled access.
Kiss and Cry is a 2017 Canadian biographical film directed by Sean Cisterna. The film depicts the life of Carley Allison who suffered from a rare form of cancer. It was filmed at The Cricket Club in Toronto. It was released on February 10, 2017 and has been rated as a 6.8 out of 10.
Line 4A was originally conceived as a branch of Line 4, but their tracks are not connected. It was inaugurated by President Michelle Bachelet and opened to the public on August 16, 2006. It runs between La Cisterna station and Vicuña Mackenna station. On November 29, 2010 Santiago Metro workers struck, halting the service for 17 days.
The Templar castle of Maldoim (also Maledoim, Adumim, Castrum Dumi, Turris Rubea, Rubea Cisterna, Rouge Cisterne)Pringle (1998), The Churches... volume II, p.454 preserves the Israelite Hebrew name, Maale Adumim. The castle is mentioned by Theoderic in 1172. Its ruins stand at the hilltop dominating the khan, although now it is separated from it by the modern highway).
In 1310, on the application of the King's leech, Master Robert de Cisterna, the priory was licensed to acquire lands to the value of £10 per annum, on account of their rents and possessions being insufficient for their sustenance.Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II: 1307–1313 (HMSO 1894), p. 268 (Internet Archive). Copinger, County of Suffolk, II, pp.
Giglio Castello is located upon a hill in the centre of Giglio Island, between the villages of Giglio Campese and Giglio Porto, and it is the municipal capital of the comune. It is an ancient medieval borough characterized by the majestic walls of a fortress. Castello is divided into the quarters of Casamatta, Centro, Cisterna and Rocca.
The cisterna chyli can be found in a thoracic MRI, making it possible to confirm chylothorax. However, MRI is not the ideal method to scan the thorax, and so it is rarely used. Another diagnostic technique is conventional lymphangiography. It is rarely used since there are equally sensitive yet less invasive techniques available to identify a chylothorax.
One belief is that when Galerius himself invaded Italy to suppress Maxentius and Maximian, the former ordered Severus's death, and that he was executed (or forced to commit suicide) on September 307 at Tres Tabernae, near the current Cisterna di Latina. Another belief is that Severus II was killed in Ravenna.Baronio, Annales Ecclesiastici, vol. 1, pp.
There is a huge medieval cellar north of the barrel- vaulted rooms which was later called Albrecht Cellar (Albrecht pince). It is covered with a huge Gothic brick barrel vault and its walls are blackened from burning. The cellar was probably built by King Sigismund of Luxemburg as the Cisterna Regia i.e. the great underground cistern of the palace.
The album received mixed-to-positive reviews upon its release. In a review for Allmusic, John Bush praised the album's programming and overall sound, concluding that "'Since Then' is a breath of fresh air on a stifling summer day." A similarly-positive review for, written by Fred Cisterna, called the album "pleasingly varied," also praising the album's cohesion.
Bachelet was born in La Cisterna, a middle-class suburb of Santiago. She was named after French actress Michèle Morgan. Bachelet spent many of her childhood years traveling around her native Chile, moving with her family from one military base to another. She lived and attended primary school in Quintero, Cerro Moreno, Antofagasta and San Bernardo.
A new reclamation project started under the Fascist Government in 1929, at a time in which swamps and marshes occupied much of the communal territory; this led to the creation of the nearby major center of Littoria (modern Latina); the town was re- christened Cisterna di Littoria as part of the newly created province of Latina. During World War II, Cisterna was the site of a battle between the Germans and the Allies in 1944. 96% of the city's buildings was destroyed until the area was conquered by the Allies on March 25, 1944. The city was later rebuilt, in particular in the 1970s, after numerous industries were founded in the area with the support of the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno: Cisterna's inhabitants grew from some 7,000 in the 1940s to c.
After suffering domestic violence from her boyfriend, Alvarado decided to return to Chile, but Chida followed to ask her to marry him. Alvarado accepted due to family pressure. Chida and Alvarado married on 2 August 1997 in La Cisterna. Initially they lived together in La Florida, but after a few months Chida decided to return to Japan and visit Anita every three months.
The history of the palace is closely linked to the neighbouring Palazzo Cisterna. Both properties were acquired and rebuilt by the sculptor Guglielmo della Porta. Guglielmo began to work around 1546 in the service of Pope Paul III (r. 1534-1549) who at the death of Sebastiano del Piombo entrusted him with the lucrative office of Keeper of the Seals (.
During the Battle of Anzio, the 1st and 3rd Ranger Battalions are sent on a dangerous mission; they are ambushed and wiped out by the Germans in the Battle of Cisterna. Of the 767 men who go in, only seven come back, the majority being captured. Burns is among the dead. Darby leads his 4th Ranger Battalion in an unsuccessful rescue attempt.
The high altarpiece by A. Dies shows Gregory the Great. The altar originally came from the demolished church of Santa Teresa presso le Quattro Fontane and was donated by prince Torlonia. The two altars of Our Lady and of the Sacred Heart were given by Fullerton and came from another demolished church, that of Santa Elisabetta. The wall paintings are by Eugenio Cisterna.
The Razorbacks scored four runs in the fourth inning, but the fans held their breath when catcher Ryan Cisterna was hit in the face by an Anthony Raunado fastball. Raunado would hit Eibner later, causing umpires to issue warnings, and an LSU relief pitcher would also hit Zack Cox in the contest."#4 LSU at #7 Arkansas." 5/2/2009.
The cistern The piazza is located at the intersection of two main streets of the village of San Gimignano: la via Francigena and la via Pisa - Siena. The piazza was used as a market and a stage for festivals and tournaments. Its current layout dates from the thirteenth century. The piazza is named after the underground cistern (Cisterna) built in 1287.
Ferrere is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Asti in the Italian region Piedmont, located about southeast of Turin and about west of Asti. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 1,542 and an area of .All demographics and other statistics: Italian statistical institute Istat. Ferrere borders the following municipalities: Cantarana, Cisterna d'Asti, Montà, San Damiano d'Asti, and Valfenera.
The daughter of María Angélica and Julio Moreno, Nicole Moreno is the oldest of three siblings. She spent her childhood in the commune of San Bernardo y la Cisterna, Santiago. From a very young age, the world of modeling and dancing caught her attention. According to Moreno, her greatest aspiration when she was a child was to be a catwalk model.
A well in the middle of the garden was fed by the cistern underneath. The hidden garden, the well and the cistern survived the 1686 siege of Buda. They were indicated on the plans of the area drawn by military architect Joseph de Haüy in 1687. In 1715–1724 the former Cisterna Regia became the cellar of the new Baroque palace.
After the Battle of Cisterna, the 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion bore the brunt of a German counterattack. One of its companies was overrun, but the other companies fought valiantly and, with reinforcements from other regiments and divisions, was able to repulse the attack and took part in a parachute landing in Southern France. It ended the war with a very distinguished record.
Valencia debuted the year 2018 in the match against Deportes Iquique in San Carlos de Apoquindo, on the following date, gave assistance for the goal of the draw against Palestinian in La Cisterna. in the year 2018 he converted his first goals, in the triumph of Catolica against Coquimbo Unido, a match that was also his debut as a starter in the team.
GRASP domain alignment of GRASP55 and the GRASP homologue of Cryptococcus neoformans GRASP55 is involved in establishing the structure of the Golgi apparatus. It is a peripheral membrane protein located on the Golgi cisterna, and it can bind to another GRASP55 located on an adjacent cisterna through the GRASP domain, thus linking the cisternae together through multiple protein–protein interactions. GRASP55 is attached to the membrane in two ways; it is myristylated, which attaches it directly to the lipid bilayer; it is also bound indirectly by binding to golgin-45, which binds to a Rab protein, which itself is lipidated and thus anchored to the membrane. The structure of the Golgi is disrupted during mitosis, and phosphorylation of the SPR domains of GRASP55 and GRASP65 regulate that disruption, GRASP55 may also be involved in forming Golgi ribbons, but the evidence is mixed.
He was born in Genoa the eldest son of Prince Amadeo of Savoy, Duke of Aosta and his first wife Donna Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo della Cisterna. In 1870 his father was elected to occupy the Spanish Throne. Amadeus resigned and returned to Italy in 1873 after three years on the throne. In 1890 his son succeeded to the title of Duke of Aosta.
Capillary plexuses and lymphatic vessels spread from the retroperitoneal lymph sac to the abdominal viscera and diaphragm. The sac establishes connections with the cisterna chyli but loses its connections with neighbouring veins. The last of the lymph sacs, the paired posterior lymph sacs, develop from the iliac veins. The posterior lymph sacs produce capillary plexuses and lymphatic vessels of the abdominal wall, pelvic region, and lower limbs.
Cisterna marked the end of the 6615th as a complete regiment. The 4th Battalion was attached to the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment and then to the 1st Special Service Force. Colonels Darby and Dammer were given different assignments. Darby eventually became assistant division commander of the 10th Mountain Division and was killed by an artillery shell while he was riding in a jeep in northern Italy.
A native of Cisterna di Latina, just south of Rome, Perpetuini came through the successful youth academy at Lazio. He made his Serie A debut on May 17, 2009, coming on as a 69th-minute substitute for Ousmane Dabo in a 2–0 loss to Palermo at the Renzo Barbera.Palermo 2–0 Lazio He also played as left-back in 2009–10 season.
The Basilica Cistern, or Cisterna Basilica (, "Subterranean Cistern"), is the largest of several hundred ancient cisterns that lie beneath the city of Istanbul, Turkey. The cistern, located southwest of the Hagia Sophia on the historical peninsula of Sarayburnu, was built in the 6th century during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. Today it is kept with little water, for public access inside the space.
There was a well in the middle of the garden which was fed by the cistern underneath. The hidden garden, the well and the cistern survived the 1686 siege of Buda. They were indicated on the plans of the area drawn by military architect Joseph de Haüy in 1687. In 1715-1724 the former Cisterna Regia became the cellar of the new Baroque palace.
Near each of the 3 corners of the inferior roof is an opening into the cisterna magna, the caudal opening being the foramen Magendie, while the lateral openings are the foramina of Luschka. The roof rises (i.e. posteriorly) to a peak, known as the fastigium (Latin for "summit"); the fastigial nucleus lies immediately above the roof of the fourth ventricle, in the cerebellum. The floor (i.e.
Rojas Galdames served as Attorney General and as secretary to the President of the Republic. He entered the diplomatic service in 1946 and in 1950 obtained a Master in Public Administration degree at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. He was a founding member of the Third Company of the La Cisterna Fire Department of (May 21, 1943).
Chiostro Della Cisterna (or St Leonard's cloister) is the only remains of the Olivetans' monastery. The cloister of St Michael monastery (1530), actually named St Leonard's Square In 1528 work started to convert a mansion in the centre of the village, belonging to Armaciotto De’ Ramazzotti, a renowned Condottiero from Monghidoro, into a monastery for the use of the Olivetan Order of Benedictine monks (Olivetans) dedicated to S. Michele as Alpes; this was to become a very important religious, administrative, political and social centre in the area for almost three centuries and around which the town grew. The cloister of the monastery is all that remains nowadays. Known by the locals as “cisterna”, because at the very centre of this complex the monks built a cistern to collect rain water, the ingenious monks used charcoal filters to make the water drinkable; a well was then used to collect the water.
On October 6, 2015, Michele Cuccaro, Angelo's brother, was arrested in Cisterna di Latina. Angelo was included in the list of the 100 most dangerous fugitives. In 2017 Cuccaro was sentenced to life imprisonment, considered the responsible for the murder of the 14 year old Giovanni Gargiulo, happened on September 14, 1998. Gargiulo was murdered because he was the brother of Costantino Gargiulo, affiliated with the Formicola clan.
Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Army, Company F, 15th Infantry, 3rd Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Cisterna di Littoria, Italy, May 24, 1944. Citation: > For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond > the call of duty. Pvt. Mills, undergoing his baptism of fire, preceded his > platoon down a draw to reach a position from which an attack could be > launched against a heavily fortified strongpoint.
Amedeo was born at Villa della Cisterna in Florence, the only child of Prince Aimone, Duke of Aosta, formerly designated king of Croatia as Tomislav II,Hrvatski Narod (newspaper)19 May 1941. no. 96. p.1., Public proclamation of the "Nova hrvatska dinastija" (new Croatian dynasty) 18 May 1941. and of Princess Irene of Greece and Denmark. Only three weeks before Amedeo's birth, Italy had surrendered to the Allies.
They are associated with human evolution during the Pleistocene and the cultural history during the Paleolithic. There are some cave systems used in the Upper Palaeolithic such as Entrada Superior, Entrada do Vale da Serra and Gruta da Aroeira. The Middle Palaeolithic is represented in the Gruta da Oliveira. Late Palaeolithic developments of the Solutrean and Magdalenian cultures can be found in the Galeria da Cisterna and the Lapa dos Coelhos.
The lumbar trunks are formed by the union of the efferent vessels from the lateral aortic lymph nodes. They receive the lymph from the lower limbs, from the walls and viscera of the pelvis, from the kidneys and suprarenal glands and the deep lymphatics of the greater part of the abdominal wall. Ultimately, the lumbar trunks empty into the cisterna chyli, a dilatation at the beginning of the thoracic duct.
Canale is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Cuneo in the Italian region Piedmont, located about southeast of Turin and about northeast of Cuneo. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 5,544 and an area of .All demographics and other statistics: Italian statistical institute Istat. Canale borders the following municipalities: Castellinaldo, Cisterna d'Asti, Montà, Monteu Roero, Priocca, San Damiano d'Asti, Santo Stefano Roero, and Vezza d'Alba.
He is considered the most important martyr of the order. The chapel was originally dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, and an inscription from this period has been preserved on the altar. On the walls are eight paintings of scenes from the life of the Blessed Virgin, made by Eugenio Cisterna. On the right-hand side is the cenotaph of Nils Karlsson Bielke (died 1765) by Tommaso Righi.
Murphy was also awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster for his Bronze Star. The 3rd Division began its assault of German troops in the Second Battle of Cisterna on 22 May, and by 25 May, Cistern and Cori were in Allied hands. Audie's platoon moved towards Artena on 26 to 27 May, regrouping with the Division at Valmontone. Combat action 29 May to 1 June put Valmontone and Labico under Allied control.
He was born in Madrid, Spain as the third oldest son of Prince Amadeo of Savoy, Duke of Aosta and his first wife Donna Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo della Cisterna. Prince Luigi Amedeo was a grandson of King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy. He was born during his father's brief reign as King Amadeo of Spain. His siblings are Prince Emanuele Filiberto, Prince Vittorio Emanuele, and Prince Umberto.
Ennis is with the Rangers who are ambushed at the Battle of Cisterna. From there, the film departs from being a view of all sides and levels of the campaign to a story of a handful of survivors making their way back through enemy lines. The men take shelter in a house occupied by three Italian women. A German patrol arrives at the house, only to be slaughtered by the Americans.
In 2018, 75 Films were screened, with more than 100 events in total. The Festival added events in Kentville, Nova Scotia and in 2019 will add events in Windsor, Nova Scotia The 9th edition of the festival took place from October 22-27, 2019. Chef Lidia Bastianich was the guest curator. Actor Joe Pantoliano, star of the film From the Vine attended on opening night along with director Sean Cisterna.
Truman O. Olson (October 13, 1917 – January 31, 1944) was a United States Army sergeant who was posthumously awarded the United States military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions in World War II. World War II Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony (Wisconsin Historical Society) Olson was born on October 13, 1917, in Christiana, Wisconsin, and enlisted in the army from nearby Cambridge in June 1942.WWII Army Enlistment Records He was sent to Europe in 1943 and by January 30 of the next year was serving in Italy as a sergeant in Company B of the 7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division. On that day, near Cisterna di Littoria, he participated in the Battle of Cisterna. After a day of fighting which resulted in heavy casualties, what remained of his company dug in for the night, with Olson and his gun crew manning a light machine gun in defense of their position.
Arterial supply to the midgut is from the superior mesenteric artery, an unpaired branch of the aorta. Venous drainage is to the portal venous system. Lymph from the midgut drains to prevertebral superior mesenteric nodes located at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery from the aorta. Portal drainage carries all non-lipid nutrients from digestion to the liver for processing and detoxification, while lymphatic drainage carries fatty chyle to the cisterna chyli.
Rispoli (born 31 August 1988 in San Severino Marche, Italy), but is family is originally from Napoli. He grew up in Scampia, the infamous neighborhood later to be used as the set for the Gomorrah (TV series). In the summer of 2002 Rispoli left Naples to reach Luigi Camici's stable, in Cisterna di Latina. Camici saddled the Arc de triomphe winner Tony Bin in 1988, the same year when Umberto was born.
Santiago Metro Line 4A is one of the seven lines that currently make up the Santiago Metro network in Santiago, Chile. It has six stations and 7.7 km of track. The line intersects with Line 2 at La Cisterna, and with Line 4 at Vicuña Mackenna, both being its termini. It will also intersect with the future Line 9 at Santa Rosa station and acts as a link between these two lines.
The line may be extended in the future to Del Sol station to connect with Line 5. The trench where the extension would run has already been built between the two lanes of the Autopista Vespucio Sur highway, ready for the extension to be laid down if the population were to increase in that part of the city. If built, the extension would serve the communes of La Cisterna, Lo Espejo, Cerrillos and Maipú.
Metro modified the location of the work, placing it a few meters to the west (in direction vespucio Norte-La Cisterna), by the fact that the line 3 will go underneath Calle Bandera and not by the axis Puente-Ahumada (according to the original project) also that the fact that the trains that will be used (AS-2014) will be of broad loading gauge, unlike the NS-74 trains of the epoch.
Calsequestrin is a calcium-binding protein that acts as a calcium buffer within the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The protein helps hold calcium in the cisterna of the sarcoplasmic reticulum after a muscle contraction, even though the concentration of calcium in the sarcoplasmic reticulum is much higher than in the cytosol. It also helps the sarcoplasmic reticulum store an extraordinarily high amount of calcium ions. Each molecule of calsequestrin can bind 18 to 50 Ca2+ ions.
On that day, near Cisterna, Italy, he repeatedly attacked German positions alone and captured many prisoners. He was subsequently promoted to second lieutenant and, on January 8, 1945, was awarded the Medal of Honor. He was the 33rd Virginian to receive the Medal of Honor. Dervishian died at the age of 67 and was buried on the 40th anniversary of his heroic service, May 23, 1984, at Westhampton Memorial Park in his hometown of Richmond.
Dervishian's official Medal of Honor citation reads: "General Order No. 3, 8 Jan. 1945 Citation" > For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond > the call of duty on May 23, 1944, in the vicinity of Cisterna, Italy. 2d Lt. > Dervishian (then Tech. Sgt.) and 4 members of his platoon found themselves > far ahead of their company after an aggressive advance in the face of enemy > artillery and sniper fire.
After rehearsing infantry-tank cooperation, the Regiment was in its pre-attack positions near Cisterna by 22 May. On 23 May, 2nd Battalion 13th Armor jumped off at first light with D Co to the west, F Co to the east, and E Co in reserve. Attacking toward Torrecchia Nuova, the Battalion ran into an American minefield that was not properly marked. 40 total vehicles from CCB were damaged as a result.
They have 4 children: Manuel, José Alfredo, Lucía, Ana. Manuel married to Rafaela Martínez; José Alfredo married Laura Pereda; Lucía married Alejandro González; Ana married Rafael Barceló. During the decade of the 70's, Corripio was kidnapped by the Sanchez Tejada brothers' band, and kept holed up for days inside a water reservoir (cisterna) near the San Isidro's Air Force base. During the time Corripio remain kidnapped, the kidnappers made him believe they were members of the military.
The inferior mesenteric lymph nodes have a subgroup of pararectal lymph nodes. The preaortic lymph nodes receive a few vessels from the lateral aortic lymph nodes, but their principal afferents are derived from the organs supplied by the three arteries with which they are associated–the celiac, superior and inferior mesenteric arteries. Some of their efferents pass to the retroaortic lymph nodes, but the majority unite to form the intestinal lymph trunk, which enters the cisterna chyli.
Retrieved on May 30, 2009. The Hogs next matched up with the #21 Georgia Bulldogs. The game entered the tenth inning tied 1-1 when a Georgia batter hit a bases loaded liner to Zack Cox."Dogs strike in 10th to edge Arkansas." 5/22/2009. Article. Retrieved on May 30, 2009. Archived June 11, 2009. Cox delivered home but catcher Ryan Cisterna could not keep his foot on home plate, allowing Matt Ceronie to score the winning run.
Eight Tiger Is absorbed from Tiger-Gruppe Schwebbach (formerly Schwere Panzer Kompanie Meyer) brought the battalion back up to full strength. The battalion withdrew to Rome, staying there from 5 to 16 March, then, slightly over strength in tanks due to replacements, returned to the Aprilia—Campoleone—Cisterna area, where they resisted expansion of the beachhead. Unusually, Tigers were occasionally used in indirect fire roles. The Borgward IV demolition carriers had mobility problems in the muddy and mountainous conditions.
Skeletal muscle, with terminal cisterna labeled near bottom. Terminal cisternae are enlarged areas of the sarcoplasmic reticulum surrounding the transverse tubules. These discrete regions within the muscle cell store calcium (increasing the capacity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium) and release it when an action potential courses down the transverse tubules, eliciting muscle contraction. Because terminal cisternae ensure rapid calcium delivery, they are well developed in muscles that contract quickly, such as fast twitch skeletal muscle.
Then they moved on to Anzio on 22 January 1944. The entire 6615th Ranger Force (Provisional) was destroyed behind enemy lines in a heavily outnumbered encounter at Cisterna, Italy on 30 January 1944, and was officially disbanded on 15 August 1944. The 4th Ranger Battalion suffered some casualties while attempting to break through enemy lines to rescue their comrades in the 1st and 3rd Battalions. The 1st, 3rd, and 4th Battalions were known as Darby's Rangers.
Their member Bonifacio Caetani renewed the city and, after demolishing it, rebuilt the castle as a patrician palace which still exists. In the early 19th century, a land reclamation project for the area was launched by Pope Pius VI, but this was halted by the arrival of French troops in the course of the French Revolutionary Wars. Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen stopped here in 1840. The town, after a plebiscite, changed its name into Cisterna di Roma.
The full autopsy, by Drs. Moschcowitz, Prill, and Levin, showed that the right thalamus was almost totally destroyed, and in its place was a hematoma 2 inches wide and 2 inches high. The whole ventricular system and cisterna magna were flooded with blood. The gyri were flattened and sulci narrowed, consistent with years of extreme hypertension. His heart was enlarged, 575 g instead of the normal 300–350 g, including 3 cm hypertrophy of left ventricle wall.
Inside the cell they lie close to the cell's internal calcium store, the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Here, a single tubule pairs with part of the sarcoplasmic reticulum called a terminal cisterna in a combination known as a diad. The functions of T-tubules include rapidly transmitting electrical impulses known as action potentials from the cell surface to the cell's core, and helping to regulate the concentration of calcium within the cell in a process known as excitation-contraction coupling.
The club was established in 1988 as the volleyball department of Polisportiva Cisterna 88. The club has many teams (girls, youth, junior and senior) playing at different competitions. The senior team has participated in the Series C, B2, B1 and in 2015 was promoted to Serie A2. At the conclusion of the 2016–17 season, following its relegation from Serie A2 to Serie B1, the club decided to reorganize and focus on its youth team competing at Serie C.
The diad is a structure in the cardiac myocyte located at the sarcomere Z-line. It is composed of a single t-tubule paired with a terminal cisterna of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The diad plays an important role in excitation- contraction coupling by juxtaposing an inlet for the action potential near a source of Ca2+ ions. This way, the wave of depolarization can be coupled to calcium-mediated cardiac muscle contraction via the sliding filament mechanism.
When the Chilean Mission was organized in 1961, A. Delbert Palmer was its mission president. Church leaders considered communism to be an "evil force" and area authority Theodore Tuttle encouraged Palmer to create a school to protect students from communism. Local members requested schooling for their children, especially after some were expelled from Catholic schools for joining the LDS Church. In 1963, Tuttle and Palmer started preparing two elementary schools in La Cisterna and Vina del Mar.
These stations marked a new feat in Santiago and overall Chilean engineering by building under the Mapocho River and the Costanera Norte freeway. That year, the line was also extended to the south with the opening of El Parrón and La Cisterna. Another section opened in the north on November 25, 2005, running from Cerro Blanco station to Einstein station. Finally, on December 22, 2006, the three most recent stations opened: Vespucio Norte, Zapadores and Dorsal.
Felice Accrocca was born on 2 December 1959 in Cori (within the Diocese of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno), in the province of Latina, in the region of Lazio. He studied at the seminary of the Pontifical College Leoniano in Anagni. He was then ordained a priest in the Diocese of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno on 12 June 1986. Following ordination, he became an associate pastor at the Church of the Assumption of Mary in Cisterna di Latina.
A suboccipital puncture or cisternal puncture is a diagnostic procedure that can be performed in order to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for biochemical, microbiological, and cytological analysis, or rarely to relieve increased intracranial pressure. It is done by inserting a needle through the skin below the external occipital protuberance into the cisterna magna and is an alternative to lumbar puncture. Indications for its use are limited. Subarachnoid hemorrhage and direct puncture of brain tissue are the most common major complications.
Scheme of roof of fourth ventricle. The arrow is in the median aperture. 1: Inferior medullary velum 2: Choroid plexus 3: Cisterna magna of subarachnoid space 4: Central canal 5: Corpora quadrigemina 6: Cerebral peduncle 7: Superior medullary velum 8: Ependymal lining of ventricle 9: Pontine cistern of subarachnoid space There is a choroid plexus in each of the four ventricles. In the lateral ventricles it is found in the body, and continued in an enlarged amount in the atrium.
Also on February 18 while returning to Anzio the light cruiser was struck by two torpedoes and sunk with a loss of 417 men. Despite the exhausted state of the troops, Hitler insisted that 14th Army should continue to attack. Despite the misgivings of both Kesselring and von Mackensen, a further assault was mounted on February 29, this time on LXXVI Panzer Corps' front around Cisterna. This push achieved little except to generate a further 2,500 casualties for the 14th Army.
Shortly after the first mission was organized in Chile in 1961, Dale Harding became the superintendent of two elementary schools in La Cisterna and Vina del Mar, which were opened in March 1964. Rather than use the traditional lecture-exam format, teachers varied their teaching methods to include group work and in-service training. After the first year, all the children passed their government-administered end-of-year exams, with many performing very well. In 1967, Lyle J. Loosle became the new superintendent.
Santiago Metro Line 2 is one of the seven rapid transit lines that currently make up the Santiago Metro network in Santiago, Chile. It has 22 stations and 20.7 km of track. The line intersects with Line 1 at Los Héroes, with the Line 3 at Puente Cal y Canto, with Line 4A at La Cisterna, with Line 5 at Santa Ana, and Line 6 at Franklin. It will also intersect with the future Line 7 at Puente Cal y Canto.
Escuela Militar metro station is located under the junction of Vespucio and Apoquindo Avenue. The terminus stations of the Line 2, which are Vespucio Norte and La Cisterna, are located by the avenue. An underground portion of the Line 4 of the Santiago Metro runs under Américo Vespucio Avenue, which includes Príncipe de Gales, Simón Bolívar, Plaza Egaña, Los Orientales and Grecia stations. Part of the Line 4 and the complete Line 4a run along the central reservation of Vespucio Sur.
There he was defeated, suffering heavy losses and, being severely wounded himself, barely escaped to Viesti, according to the Anonymus Barensis (§152). Peter is recorded by Amatus of Montecassino as entering Melfi again in 1057 to dispute the succession with Drogo's younger brother Robert Guiscard. According to the same source the Melfitans rebelled against him and he fled to Cisterna. Peter and Guiscard must have made peace, however, as Amatus records that the former's two daughters were found wealthy husbands by the latter.
Because the United States is not at war, Elsa and her American compatriot Georgie Rockwell (Lily Tomlin), an openly lesbian archaeologist, remain free. Elsa uses Luca to deliver forged orders and funds to have the ladies moved from their distressingly barracks-like quarters to an upper class hotel. Believing that Mussolini himself issued the orders, Lady Hester is delighted, proudly brandishing the newspaper photo of her tea with Il Duce. The Piazza Cisterna in San Gimignano, where many of the film's scenes were shot.
A single duct, the cerebral aqueduct between the pons and the cerebellum, connects the third ventricle to the fourth ventricle. Three separate openings, the middle and two lateral apertures, drain the cerebrospinal fluid from the fourth ventricle to the cisterna magna one of the major cisterns. From here, cerebrospinal fluid circulates around the brain and spinal cord in the subarachnoid space, between the arachnoid mater and pia mater. At any one time, there is about 150mL of cerebrospinal fluid – most within the subarachnoid space.
From the Vine is a Canadian drama film, directed by Sean Cisterna and released in 2019.Barry Hertz, "From the Vine is worth sipping, if only for Joe Pantoliano's drunk-on-life performance". The Globe and Mail, July 10, 2020. Based on the novel Finding Marco by Kenneth Canio Cancellara, the film stars Joe Pantoliano as Marco Gentile, a burned-out business executive from Toronto who gives up on the corporate rat race, and moves his family to Italy to revive his grandfather's vineyard in Acerenza.
The needle is placed in the midline, passing just under the occipital bone, into the (usually large) cisterna magna (Fig. 23-2). This is technically fairly easy; however, if the needle is advanced too far it can enter the medulla, sometimes causing sudden respiratory arrest and death. The test should therefore be carried out only by experienced physicians (usually neurosurgeons or neuroradiologists). An alternative route that may be used by neurosurgeons and neuroradiologists is lateral to C-1 with penetration through the large C-1 intervertebral hiatus.
The cisternal tap may be used in myelography when the upper margin of a spinal block needs to be defined; however, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become the procedure of choice for defining the upper and lower limits of spinal cord or spinal cord-compressing lesions. It is necessary at times in the intrathecal administration of irritating medications, such as amphotericin B. Medications are diluted more rapidly in the larger and more rapidly circulating volume of cisterna magna than in the smaller lumbar sac.
Private First Class Knappenberger's official Medal of Honor citation reads: > For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and > beyond the call of duty in action involving actual conflict with the enemy, > on February 1, 1944, near Cisterna di Littoria, Italy. When a heavy German > counterattack was launched against his battalion, Pfc. Knappenberger crawled > to an exposed knoll and went into position with his automatic rifle. An > enemy machinegun 85 yards away opened fire, and bullets struck within 6 > inches of him.
Lieutenant Kim, as an officer in the joint U.S. 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team, volunteered to capture German soldiers to gain military intelligence. On May 16, 1944, with Private First Class Irving Akahoshi, he crawled into German territory near Cisterna, Italy. They captured two German soldiers in the daytime while the enemy rested for the evening watch. The information they gathered from the prisoners helped determine that there was not a tank unit in the breakthrough path the Allies were considering.
As secretary general of the Libertarian Left, she was one of the founders of the Broad Front. In the 2017 parliamentary elections, she was a candidate for national deputy representing District 13, which includes the communes El Bosque, La Cisterna, Lo Espejo, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, San Miguel, and San Ramón. She was elected after receiving 13,718 votes, corresponding to 5.60% of the total votes cast. She assumed the position on 11 March 2018 and joined the Citizen Security and Labor and Social Security Commissions.
The 6615th landed at Peter Beach in the port of Anzio, on January 22, 1944. It suffered very few casualties and moved into the city itself. After the U.S. VI Corps occupied Anzio, the corps commander, Major General John P. Lucas and the 3rd Division commander, Major General Lucian Truscott, met with Colonel Darby and decided to have the Rangers sneak behind the German lines and capture the town of Cisterna. The corps and division intelligence officers thought that there was a gap in the German lines.
For the church of San Giovanni di Dio, he painted four Saints on canvases: St Francis of Paola, St Raphael Archangel, and two others. In 1791, he painted a Crucifixion now in the sacristy of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Foggia. For the parish church of San Nicola in Castel Cisterna in the Province of Naples, he painted a Last Supper and a Crucifixion (1794), as well as a Madonna with Souls in Purgatory (1788). He also worked in Forino and Morra.
The club also continues to play animportant role in the youth leagues and it also includes two teams (men and women) of Football 5 a side. Silverwares filled the club cabinet at the beginning of this decade. Under the ownership of Amerigo Talone and the managing of Enrico Baiocco, in 2010 Colleferro wins the Promozione Italian Cup beating La Sabina in Guidonia. In 2013 the more prestigious Eccellenza Italian Cup is won, after a tense final played in Cisterna which saw the rossoneri prevailing over a nervous Atletico Boville Ernica.
Monda was born in Velletri (Metropolitan City of Rome Capital) into a family of liberal Catholic politicians, and currently remains a practicing Catholic himself. His father, who died of a heart attack when Monda was 15, was mayor of Cisterna di Latina, a city south to Rome, and helped finance films, including some by the Taviani brothers, who employed the young Monda in 1981. His brother Andrea, is also a writer, and has published several books on Tolkien, C. S. Lewis and Chesterton. His daughter, Marilù, published the fantasy saga "La profezia del lupo".
Born in Sweden, Gibson immigrated to the United States and joined the Army from Chicago, Illinois in February 1941.WWII Army Enlistment Records By January 28, 1944, he was a technician fifth grade serving as a cook in the 30th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division. On that day, in Cisterna di Latina area near Isolabella, Italy, he was placed in command of a squad during an advance down a streambed. Gibson led his men from the front, repeatedly advancing ahead of the squad and three times attacking German positions alone.
Santa Rosa station Santa Rosa metro station data sheet retrieved May 20, 2013 is an embanked metro station located on Line 4A of the Santiago Metro in Santiago, Chile, between the La Granja and San Ramón stations and also between the communes of the same names La Granja and San Ramón. It lies along the Vespucio Sur Freeway, on its junction with Santa Rosa Avenue. The station was opened on 16 August 2006 as part of the inaugural section of the line between Vicuña Mackenna and La Cisterna.
Croatina grapes Croatina is a red Italian wine grape variety that is grown primarily in the Oltrepò Pavese region of Lombardy and in the Province of Piacenza within Emilia Romagna, but also in parts of Piedmont and the Veneto. In the Oltrepò Pavese, in the hills of Piacenza, in Cisterna d’Asti and San Damiano d’Asti (Province of Asti), and in Roero this variety is called ‘Bonarda’. It should not, however be confused with the Bonarda piemontese, which is an unrelated vine..J. Robinson Vines, Grapes & Wines pg 209 Mitchell Beazley 1986 .
1246–1278) awarded to the "great droungos of the Melingoi" exemption from all duties except military service. The Melingoi are still attested during the 1330s in a number of founder's inscriptions attached to churches in Laconia. One of them, Constantine Spanes, from the notable Spanes family, is called "tzaousios of the droungos of the Melingoi", implying its continued existence as a separate community. N. Nicoloudis identifies the late medieval thema of Kinsterna or Giserna (from Latin cisterna, "cistern") with the area of the Melingoi in the northwestern Mani peninsula..
"Our History", St. Rollox Church of Scotland, Glasgow He is a patron saint of dogs, invalids, of falsely accused people, bachelors, and several other things. He is the patron saint of Dolo (near Venice) and Parma. He is also the patron of Casamassima, Cisterna di Latina and Palagiano, Italy. Saint Roch is known as "São Roque" in Portuguese, as "Sant Roc" in Catalan, and as "San Roque" in Spanish (former Spanish colonies such as the Philippines) and in Serbia there is a church Sveti Roka in Petrovaradinu named after him.
Lymphatic drainage from the ascending colon and proximal two-thirds of the transverse colon is to the colic lymph nodes and the superior mesenteric lymph nodes, which drain into the cisterna chyli. The lymph from the distal one-third of the transverse colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid colon, and the upper rectum drain into the inferior mesenteric and colic lymph nodes. The lower rectum to the anal canal above the pectinate line drain to the internal iliac nodes. The anal canal below the pectinate line drains into the superficial inguinal nodes.
The arterial supply is by the femoral artery and the obturator artery. The lymphatic drainage closely follows the arterial supply and drains to the lumbar lymphatic trunks on the corresponding side, which in turn drains to the cisterna chyli. The deep venous system of the thigh consists of the femoral vein, the proximal part of the popliteal vein, and various smaller vessels; these are the site of proximal deep venous thrombosis. The venae perfortantes connect the deep and the superficial system, which consists of the saphenous veins (the site of varicose veins).
Santa Julia station is an embanked metro station located on Line 4A of the Santiago Metro in Santiago, Chile, between Vicuña Mackenna station and La Granja station in the commune of La Florida. It lies along the Vespucio Sur Freeway at the junction with Santa Julia Street. The station was opened on 16 August 2006 as part of the inaugural section of the line between Vicuña Mackenna and La Cisterna. The area around the station is mainly residential and contains the Villa O’Higgins Family Health Center (Spanish: Centro de Salud Familiar Villa O’Higgins).
La cisterna di via Cesare Caporali, in Margherita Bergamini (ed.), Gli Etruschi maestri di idraulica, Perugia, Electa Editori Umbri, 1991, pp.217–234. See also: Laura Cenciaioli, La città di Perugia in epoca etrusca: l’area centrale del polo urbano, in Gianfranco Binazzi (ed.), Il Pozzo Etrusco alle origini dell’insediamento urbano di Perugia, ibidem, p. 45.. During the speleology surveys completed over the years, it has been ascertained that the overall size, including each of its sections, is 424 m3 and that it could contain (at full capacity) up to 424,000 litres of water.
Piñera inauguró obras de extensión de Línea 2 que llevarán Metro a El Bosque y San Bernardo In October 2019, a series of protests resulted in damage to the metro network. Line 2 was closed because of a fire in the mezzanine of Vesupcio Norte on October 18, which resulted in moderate damage; a few other stations on Line 2 suffered minor damage. Service on the line was partly restored on October 25 with trains running express between La Cisterna and Zapadores. Full service was restored to Line 2 on November 11.
The rolling stock was enhanced from 1933 by DMU and EMU, nicknamed Littorine from the lictorial symbols of the Fascist regime. The Italian EMUs (elettrotreni), in particular, started the traditional vanguard position of Italy in the field: on 6 December 1937 an ETR 200 travelled on the Rome-Naples line at a speed of 201 km/h (125 mph) in the Campoleone-Cisterna section.According to a legend, Benito Mussolini himself drove the train. Two years later the same train reached 203 km/h (126 mph) on the Milan–Florence line.
"La Gran Cisterna" at Livorno designed by Pasquale Poccianti. The Cisternoni of Livorno are a series of three large buildings in the neoclassical style at Livorno, in Tuscany, Italy. They were constructed between 1829 and 1848 as part of a complex of purification plants and storage tanks to the Leopoldino aqueduct; a fourth cisternone planned at Castellaccia was never built. The cisternoni, literally "great cisterns", provided Livorno -- a city that is still today one of the principal ports of the Mediterranean -- with fresh and, more importantly, clean water throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.
Informe de la Comisión Nacional de Verdad y Reconciliación, Volume I, Page 692, Santiago, Chile, 1991. (SM, V, Chro) On 26 January, MIR guerrillas planted a bomb in a house in La Cisterna that killed 42-year-old Major Julio Eladio Benimeli Ruz, commander of the carabineros special operations group. In June 1988, MIR guerrillas conducted a series of bombings in Santiago, at various banks. FPMR guerrillas that month killed 43-year-old Lieutenant-Colonel Miguel Eduardo Rojas Lobos of the Chilean Army, after he had parked his car in the Santiago suburb of San Joaquín.
Ruins of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore The Garden of Ninfa is a landscape garden in the territory of Cisterna di Latina, in the province of Latina, central Italy. The park has an area of , and is an Italian natural monument. The landscape garden within the park comprises and contains medieval ruins, several oaks, cypresses and poplars, grassy meadows, a wide range of exotic plants from various parts of the world, numerous watercourses and a large variety of rambling roses growing over the stone walls of the ruins. The site is run by the Italian foundation Fondazione Roffredo Caetani.
Viotti was born at Fontanetto Po in the Kingdom of Sardinia (today in the province of Vercelli, Piedmont, Italy). For his musical talent, he was taken into the household of principe Alfonso dal Pozzo della Cisterna in Turin, where he received a musical education that prepared him to be a pupil of Gaetano Pugnani. He served at the Savoia court in Turin, 1773–80, then toured as a soloist, at first with Pugnani, before going to Paris alone, where he made his début at the Concert Spirituel, 17 March 1782.Warwick Lister, Amico: The Life of Giovanni Battista Viotti (Oxford University Press, 2009).
During his office as Praetorian prefect he completed the building of the Cisterna Modestiaca (a cistern identified with Sarrâdshchane), whose building was begun by the architect Helpidius in 363, while Modestus was praefectus urbi. In 371 was appointed president of a commission that was to judge some high officers who had been accused of practicing magic, in particular of having consulted a soothsayer to learn the name of the successor of Emperor Valens. Modestus acted very cruelly, torturing innocent people, thus extorting confessions from them. His consulate, the following year, was probably a reward for his handling of the process.
There is also a recessed arched doorway, over which was constructed a wood oratory. To the left, is a staircase that access the balcony where the bell was situated and, at the top, the tower of the old municipal hall. To the extreme south, is the Porta do Sol, along a wall of heft proportions, composed of broken arch with epigraphic niche, and with access to two important accesses in the wall portion of the urban area. Along the Rua da Cisterna is a cistern of sculpted stone with inscription and a vaulted ceiling with four arches supporting lateral pillars.
Monsignor Carlo Antonio dal Pozzo (1547-1607) by Gianlorenzo Bernini in the National Gallery of Scotland Carlo Antonio Dal Pozzo (1547–1607) was an Italian prelate, who was archbishop metropolitan of the Pisa Diocese. He came from the noble family of Dal Pozzo Della Cisterna of Biella. He was the uncle of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Between his many works, he ordered to build the homonym chapel in the Camposanto Monumentale in Pisa (1594), he made the Collegio Puteano to host some students from Piedmont (1605) and he made cast the homonym bell in the leaning tower (1606).
Across the modern highway from the Inn of the Good Samaritan/Khan al-Hatruri,Good Samaritan MuseumInn of the Good Samaritan are the archaeological remains of a Crusader fortress known to the Crusaders as Maldoim, Adumim, or Rouge Cisterne / Cisterna Rubea (Red Cistern), among other names. In Arabic it is known as Qal'at ad-Damm, "Blood Castle". It was built by the Templars before 1169/72, probably at the site of a Late Roman fort, to protect the road between Jerusalem and Jericho. It stands at the top of the "Ascent of Blood", as the Ascent of Adumim was known to the Crusaders.
Usually, there is a singular azygos vein on the right side of the body. However, the azygos vein is occasionally located in the midline or two independent veins may be present like in early embryonic development. The azygos vein generally begins at the level of the lumbar vertebrae but may originate above the point in some cases. The lumbar aspect of the azygos vein can ascend anteriorly to the lumbar vertebrae and pass behind the right crus of the diaphragm or cross the aortic hiatus (where the aorta pierces the diaphragm) to the right of the cisterna chyli, a dilated lymph sac.
When Richard left Canne for Capua, Guiscard marched on his cities, taking Andria after a brief siege and forcing the surrender of Cisterna, where he had Peter tied to a timber screen and exposed so that the defenders, who were his vassals, could not counterattack without injuring or killing him. At Peter's insistence they surrendered. Peter was later freed and forced to swear an oath of fealty to Guiscard and promise to fight in his service. His county, save Trani itself, was restored to him on the condition that he lead an expedition into the Balkans (1073).
At Finocchione, in the territory of Cisterna, traces of prehistoric human presence have been discovered. In historic times, the Volsci founded here their still unidentified centre called Ulubrae, although the lost city of Suessa Pometia could also have been located nearby. Ulubrae is mentioned by Horace, Pliny the Elder, Suetonius, Cicero and Juvenal, referring to the numerous patrician villas built here. According to Suetonius, Augustus lived here in his family villa until the age of eighteen. A village, called Tres Tabernae, originated starting from 312 BC as a post station on the Via Appia, its name stemming from the presence of three taverns.
The enactment of the Autonomous Municipalities' act allowed municipalities to create various administrative divisions around the then Santiago departamento, with the aim of improving local ruling. Maipú, Ñuñoa, Renca, Lampa and Colina were to be created in 1891, Providencia and Barrancas in 1897, and Las Condes in 1901. The La Victoria departamento was split with the creation of Lo Cañas in 1891, which would be split into La Granja and Puente Alto in 1892, La Florida in 1899, and La Cisterna in 1925. The San Cristobal Hill in this period began a long process of development.
In adults, the thoracic duct is typically 38–45 cm in length and has an average diameter of about 5 mm. The vessel usually starts from the level of the twelfth thoracic vertebrae (T12) and extends to the root of the neck. It drains into the systemic (blood) circulation at the angle of the left subclavian and internal jugular veins as a single trunk, at the commencement of the brachiocephalic vein. The thoracic duct originates in the abdomen from the confluence of the right and left lumbar trunks and the intestinal trunk, forming a significant pathway upward called the cisterna chyli.
La Granja station is an embanked metro station located on Line 4A of the Santiago Metro in Santiago, Chile. It lies between the Santa Julia and Santa Rosa stations in the commune of the same name, La Granja, and is located along the Autopista Vespucio Sur highway at the junction with Coronel Street. The station was opened on 16 August 2006 as part of the inaugural section of the line between Vicuña Mackenna and La Cisterna. In the area around the station can be found medical centres, commercial centres, a very big auto dealership and the neighbourhoods of San Gregorio and Millalemu.
Oskar Maria D'Amico (February 22, 1923 – May 3, 2003) was an active Italian artist in Rome, Naples, Lanciano, Cisterna, Milan, Gallarate, Torino, Zagabria, Paris, Toulouse, Melun, Carenac, Maubeuge, Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Budapest, Győr, Mexico City, Cuernavaca, Morelia, Toronto, New York City, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Denver, Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Socorro, between 1943 and 2003. He is considered a Nomad artist because of his ability to work in various styles. He had three major periods in his artistic life: Figurative, Materic and Geometric. He also was an outstanding art director for more than 75 epic movies.
When Colonel Darby, Colonel Dammer, and the other staff officers in the 6615th Regimental Headquarters found out about the plight of the 1st and 3rd battalions, Lt. Colonel Murray's 4th Battalion, with armored and infantry support, fought a bitter, bloody battle with the Germans to try to save the surrounded Rangers of the 1st and 3rd. Many Germans were killed in the two-day battle that followed. However, the relief force was stalled too long to be of much help to their fellow Rangers. Out of the 767 Rangers who made it into Cisterna, only 6 made it out.
On 30 January 1944, after Christmas break the Rangers were put together for a joint operation, to occupy the town of Cisterna, before the main infantry division moved in. That night the 1st and 3rd battalions moved into the town, passing many German soldiers that did not appear to notice the Rangers slip by. The 4th Ranger Battalion met opposition almost immediately taking an opposite route by the road. During the night the 1st and 3rd Ranger battalions separated out about , and when daylight caught the 1st Ranger Battalion out in an open field, the Germans began their ambush.
One of the findings of his research at UCLA was that the electroencephalographic (EEG) pattern of sleep in cats with split brain to the pons is synchronous in both brain hemispheres, indicating the importance of the brainstem in sleep regulation. In 1966, Radulovacki accepted a teaching position with the Physiology Department in the College of Medicine at the University of Khartoum, Sudan. There he invented an approach for obtaining cerebrospinal fluid using a cannula to the cisterna magna in the brain of cats. The cannulation method enabled researchers to obtain cerebrospinal fluid during sleep and wakefulness for the analysis of monoamine metabolites.
Ulubrae was an ancient village about 50 kilometers (30 mi) from Rome, past the Three Taverns on the Appian Way, and at the start of the Pontine Marshes. It is known primarily for its use as a byword for a remote and empty location by Latin authors such as Cicero, Juvenal, and Horace. It could have been located, among the other proposed sites, in the territory of the current comune of Cisterna di Latina.Page at Latina da scoprire website Its use in this proverbial fashion is also associated with the 18th-century Scottish Boswell family's country seat at Auchinleck.
Bangkok When the Leaves Turn, Part VII Totila is said to have given orders for Herculanus to be completely flayed. However, the Ostrogoth soldier who had to perform this task took pity on the bishop and decapitated Herculanus before the flaying had been completed. Gregory writes that forty days after the head of Herculanus had been cut off, it was found to have been miraculously reunited to his body.Dominican Martyrology: March The inhabitants of the castle of Cisterna in Umbria, above the River Puglia, were under Perugian rule, and were obliged to send three pounds of wax to Perugia for the feast of St Herculanus.
It proved difficult to find any royal bride for either of the sons of king Victor Emmanuel II. (His younger son Amedeo, Umberto's brother, married ultimately a Piedmontese subject, princess Vittoria of Cisterna.) Their conflict with the papacy did not help these matters. Not many eligible Catholic royal brides were easily available for young Umberto. At first, Umberto was to marry Archduchess Mathilde of Austria, a scion of a remote sideline of the Austrian imperial house; however, she died as the result of an accident at the age of 18. On 21 April 1868, Umberto married his first cousin, Margherita Teresa Giovanna, Princess of Savoy.
The beaches survive as the Latina Level from about 560 thousand years BP. The Tyrrhenian II transgression of ocean water into the lagoon left the Minturno level and complex, a dune barrier of about , dated 125-100 thousand years BP.Van Joolen Chapter 3 2003 p. 65. Behind the beach, deep peat and clay deposits alternating with alluvial sediments evidence the lagoon. It was deepest at the Terracina end diminishing to surface at Cisterna, where beds of travertine, sand fused by volcanic activity, reach the surface. At this time, Latium Vetus had been formed as a volcanic land mass, while Latium Novum was a lagoon, the future marsh.
The development started in 1934. These trains went into service in 1937. On 6 December 1937, an ETR 200 made a top speed of between Campoleone and Cisterna on the run Rome-Naples. In 1939 the ETR 212 even made . The journeys from Bologna to Milan were made in 77 minutes, meaning an average of . In the Netherlands, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) introduced the Materieel 34 (DE3), a three unit streamlined diesel-electric trainset in 1934. An electric version, Materieel 36, went into service in 1936. From 1940 the "Dieselvijf" (DE5), a top speed five unit diesel-electric trainset based on DE3, completed the Dutch streamliner fleet.
Arias played the early years of his senior career with Almirante Brown. He made his debut in a Primera B Nacional fixture on 10 June 2012 versus Guillermo Brown, taking the place of Diego Cisterna after eighty-five minutes. Arias didn't appear in the 2012–13 season, though returned in 2013–14 to make six appearances; five of which as a starter, as the club were relegated to Primera B Metropolitana. Arias left soon after, joining Vélez Sarsfield in Torneo Federal B. Twelve appearances followed as they won promotion to the 2015 Torneo Federal A. He left midway through that subsequent campaign to San Martín.
The median aperture (also known as the medial aperture, and foramen of Magendie) drains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the fourth ventricle into the cisterna magna. The two other openings of the fourth ventricle are the lateral apertures (also called the foramina of Luschka), one on the left and one on the right, which drain cerebrospinal fluid into the cerebellopontine angle cistern. The median foramen on axial images is posterior to the pons and anterior to the caudal cerebellum. It is surrounded by the obex and gracile tubercles of the medulla, tela choroidea of the fourth ventricle and its choroid plexus, which is attached to the cerebellar vermis.
The DOCs which allow the use of the Croatina grape are: ;Emilia Romagna : Colli di Parma 25% – 40% : Colli di Scandiano e di Canossa 0% – 15% : Colli Piacentini (Gutturnio) 30% – 45% ;Lombardy : Oltrepò Pavese 25% – 65% : Oltrepò Pavese Bonarda 85% – 100% : San Colombano al Lambro 30% – 45% ;Piedmont : Colli Tortonesi varies but usually made as a single varietal wine, i.e., 100% : Bramaterra 20% – 30% : Cisterna d’Asti 80% – 100% : Colline Novaresi 0% – 30% : Colline Novaresi Croatina 85% – 100% : Coste della Sesia rosso at least 50% of one of the following: Nebbiolo, Bonarda piemontese, Vespolina, Croatina or Barbera : Coste della Sesia Croatina 85% – 100% ;Veneto : Amarone 0% – 5% .
As a commune, Romeral is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Carlos Cisterna Negrete (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Romeral is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Roberto León (PDC) and Celso Morales (UDI) as part of the 36th electoral district, (together with Curicó, Teno, Molina, Sagrada Familia, Hualañé, Licantén, Vichuquén and Rauco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
Pomegranate trees and box balls Pool amid ruins Torrecchia Vecchia is a private estate of over 1500 acres located in Cisterna di Latina, Lazio, Italy, which may be visited by permission. It contains over 625 acres of woodland, was recognized as a Natural Monument in 2007, and contains notable English- style gardens designed by Lauro Marchetti, Dan Pearson, and others. The estate originally contained a medieval hilltop village and ruined castle, but was abandoned some 800 years ago. In 1991 Prince Carlo Caracciolo, an Italian newspaper baron, and his wife Violante Visconti bought the estate, and hired architect Gae Aulenti to convert its 17th-century barn into a villa.
On April 12, 1160, Uguccione, bishop of Vercelli, granted important trade privileges to anyone residing on Piazzo hill (elevated section the city) as an incentive to the establishment of a place of refuge against the warfare between the Guelphs and Ghibellines of Vercelli: this was the birth of the Borgo del Piazzo, site of the handsome public square, the Piazza Cisterna, and a Palace fronting it, the doors of which have stone capitals and terracotta ornaments. Bishop Uguccione's castle was destroyed in a revolt in 1377 that led to the subjection of Biella, along with its dependent comuni, to the yoke of the House of Savoy.
The 3rd Infantry Division was notified in December 1943 of the planned January 1944 storming of Anzio beachhead, the beginning of the liberation of Rome. The division began training near Naples and practiced an amphibious landing at Salerno. Murphy was made section leader on 4 January and promoted to staff sergeant on 13 January. He was hospitalized in Naples with malaria on 21 January, and was unable to participate in the initial landing commanded by Major General John P. Lucas. Murphy returned to his unit in time to take part in the unsuccessful First Battle of Cisterna, which was fought between 30 January and 1 February.
Henry Schauer (October 9, 1918 - June 16, 1997) was a United States Army soldier and a recipient of the United States military's highest decoration—the Medal of Honor—for his actions in World War II. Schauer joined the Army from Scobey, Montana, and by May 23, 1944 was serving as a private first class in the 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division. On that day, near Cisterna di Littoria, Italy, he single-handedly killed five German snipers and disabled two machine gun emplacements. The next day he destroyed a third German machine gun nest. He was subsequently promoted to technical sergeant and, on October 27, 1944, awarded the Medal of Honor.
In its area of influence two Argentine-built refuges existed since long before: the Sargento Ayudante Cisterna y el Aviso ARA Comandante Zapiola shelters had been set up in January 1976. In addition to new instruments brought from the mainland, Belgrano II received all the scientific equipment transferred from Belgrano I. The LABEL laboratory (LAboratory BELgrano) was rebuilt demanding considerable effort. A new facility, the José Luis Sersic polar astronomical observatory and a satellite dish antenna for data transmission were also set up. On the morning of 10 September 2005 the main house was completely destroyed as a result of a fire caused by a heater malfunction.
The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Patron Saint of Monghidoro, was built in 1951 from a drawing of architect Vignali; it was designed to replace the smaller chapel in the Cisterna complex deemed too small to accommodate the town needs. A bell tower was added in 1991. The bell tower has an octagonal base and, to match the style of the church, was constructed using local sandstone. Inside the church, the visitor can enjoy the Sacred Art exposition in the hall dedicated to Don Bosco; the 1685 painting by Giovanni Antonio Burrini (1656–1727) depicting the Holy Mary between Saint Petronius and Saint Denis has pride of place.
Maria Letizia was Amadeus' second wife, as his first spouse Maria Vittoria del Pozzo della Cisterna had died in 1876. Due to the large age difference, Maria Letizia was only three years older than Amadeus' eldest child. The wedding was notable for being the first marriage between a Bonaparte and a member of a reigning house of Europe since 1859. As it was the first major event since the fall of the Second French Republic, the marriage was instrumental in bringing considerable attention back to the prospects of the Bonapartes among various members of the press, especially pertaining to the establishment of another possible government.
César Mendoza General César Leonidas Mendoza Durán (September 11, 1918 – September 13, 1996) was a member of the Government Junta which ruled Chile from 1973 to 1990, representing the country-wide police force, the Carabineros de Chile. Mendoza was born in Santiago, the youngest of the eleven children of Atilio Mendoza Valdebenito, a science teacher and first mayor of La Cisterna, and Amalia Durán, a pianist. In 1938, young César Mendoza began his compulsory military service. In 1940, he matriculated at the Carabineros' School, from which he was graduated as a second lieutenant the following year. Mendoza worked in different cities during his police career, starting in 1942 as a lieutenant at Molina, Talca, and the Carabineros' School.
3D rendering of Golgi apparatus Diagram of a single "stack" of Golgi In most eukaryotes, the Golgi apparatus is made up of a series of compartments and is a collection of fused, flattened membrane-enclosed disks known as cisternae (singular: cisterna, also called "dictyosomes"), originating from vesicular clusters that bud off the endoplasmic reticulum. A mammalian cell typically contains 40 to 100 stacks of cisternae. Between four and eight cisternae are usually present in a stack; however, in some protists as many as sixty cisternae have been observed. This collection of cisternae is broken down into cis, medial, and trans compartments, making up two main networks: the cis Golgi network (CGN) and the trans Golgi network (TGN).
The Italian occupation of Greece was not going well; Mussolini wanted Germany to invade Yugoslavia to save the Italian forces in Greece. Hitler reluctantly agreed; Yugoslavia was invaded and the NDH was created. Pavelić led a delegation to Rome and offered the crown of the NDH to an Italian prince of the House of Savoy, who was crowned Tomislav II, King of Croatia, Prince of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Voivode of Dalmatia, Tuzla and Knin, Prince of Cisterna and of Belriguardo, Marquess of Voghera, and Count of Ponderano. The next day, Pavelić signed the Contracts of Rome with Mussolini, ceding Dalmatia to Italy and fixing the permanent borders between the NDH and Italy.
Ultrasound image of the fetal head at 19 weeks of pregnancy in a modified axial section, showing the normal fetal cerebellum and cisterna magna Congenital malformation, hereditary disorders, and acquired conditions can affect cerebellar structure and, consequently, cerebellar function. Unless the causative condition is reversible, the only possible treatment is to help people live with their problems. Visualization of the fetal cerebellum by ultrasound scan at 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy can be used to screen for fetal neural tube defects with a sensitivity rate of up to 99%. In normal development, endogenous sonic hedgehog signaling stimulates rapid proliferation of cerebellar granule neuron progenitors (CGNPs) in the external granule layer (EGL).
The main assault also jumped off, now attempting to rescue the trapped battalions. Led by the 4th Ranger Battalion, it encountered serious opposition and failed to break through. However, the overall attack—which also included an attack by the 7th Infantry Regiment and 504th Parachute Infantry Regiments—did push the Allied lines forward on a wide front on 31 January and 1 February, although failing to achieve the desired breakthrough and Cisterna was to remain in German hands until May 1944. However, German counterattacks on 1–2 February—conducted by the Hermann Göring Panzer and 71st Infantry Divisions—failed to recapture any of the ground from the Allies and suffered severe casualties.
The Germans were well dug into prepared defenses, but were weak in numbers of officers and NCOs and, by the time of the late May offensive, lacked any reserves (which had all been sent south to the Gustav fighting). The Allied breakout from Anzio and advance from the Gustav Line May 1944. Despite Alexander's overall plan for Diadem requiring VI Corps to strike inland and cut Route 6, Clark asked Truscott to prepare alternatives and to be ready to switch from one to another at 48 hours' notice. Of the four scenarios prepared by Truscott, Operation Buffalo called for an attack through Cisterna, into the gap in the hills and to cut Route 6 at Valmontone.
On May 6, Clark informed Truscott that "..the capture of Rome is the only important objective and to be ready to execute Turtle as well as Buffalo". Truscott's planning for Buffalo was meticulous: British 5th Division and 1st Division on the left were to attack along the coast and up the Via Anziate to pin the German 4th Parachute, 65th Infantry and 3rd Panzergrenadier in place whilst the U.S. 45th Infantry, 1st Armored and 3rd Infantry Divisions would launch the main assault, engaging the German 362nd and 715th Infantry Divisions and striking towards Campoleone, Velletri and Cisterna respectively. On the Allies' far right, the 1st Special Service Force would protect the American assault's flank.
Lucas spent three weeks as Clark's deputy at Fifth Army headquarters before returning to the United States. After the initial success of the landings at Anzio and with little German resistance in the area, Lucas had the opportunity to break out of the beach head and cut off the supply lines of the German 10th army by crossing Highways 6 and 7, leaving the way open to Rome. He failed to seize the opportunity, deciding instead to wait until all of his ground troops had landed and the beach head had been fully secured. Only 8 days after the landing on January 30, 1944 did Lucas order the British and American troops to advance on Cisterna and Campoleone.
In the histology of skeletal muscle, a triad is the structure formed by a T tubule with a sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) known as the terminal cisterna on either side. Each skeletal muscle fiber has many thousands of triads, visible in muscle fibers that have been sectioned longitudinally. (This property holds because T tubules run perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the muscle fiber.) In mammals, triads are typically located at the A-I junction; that is, the junction between the A and I bands of the sarcomere, which is the smallest unit of a muscle fiber. Triads form the anatomical basis of excitation- contraction coupling, whereby a stimulus excites the muscle and causes it to contract.
On 30 June 1932 the first stone was laid of the city of Littoria, subsequently renamed Latina, intended as an additional comune between the existing ones of Cisterna and Terracina. The project of the new town was entrusted to the architect Oriolo Frezzotti, who among the other buildings planned a church in the town centre. Construction began in 1932 and finished the following year; the church was inaugurated and consecrated on 18 December 1933. The parish was instituted on 23 November 1933 by Cardinal Enrico Gasparri, bishop of Velletri; the Salesians of Don Bosco were invited by Pope Pius XI to be responsible for San Marco on the insistence of the population and of Benito Mussolini.
During the assault on Italy in late September, 1943, CPT Larson, then commander of Company C, 10th Engineer Battalion, led his men in the rapid re- construction of a demolished bridge along the main road south of Acerno. 10th Engineer Battalion rebuilding bridge near Acerno CPT Larson was killed in action on 23 May, 1944, near Cisterna, Italy during the breakout from the Anzio beachhead. Captain Larson was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions on that date (HQ, Seventh U.S. Army, General Orders No. 109, 1944), as well as being awarded the Bronze Star Medal (posthumously) for actions on that same date. The Distinguished Service Cross citation reads: Larson was initially interred at Nettuno (Anzio), Italy.
Alton Warren Knappenberger (December 31, 1923 – June 9, 2008) was a United States Army soldier and a recipient of the United States military's highest decoration—the Medal of Honor—for his actions in World War II. Knappenberger joined the Army from Spring Mount, Pennsylvania, in March 1943,WWII Army Enlistment Records and by February 1, 1944, was serving as a private first class in the 30th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division. On that day, during the Battle of Cisterna in Italy, Knappenberger held an exposed position alone and harassed the attacking Germans with his automatic rifle until he ran out of ammunition. For his actions during the battle, he was issued the Medal of Honor three months later, on May 26, 1944.
It is named for La Cisterna, the district where the station is located and whose town hall is close to it. The station on Line 4A is part of an embanked section at the middle of Vespucio Sur Freeway and is spanned by a bridge carrying Gran Avenida, whose central deck forms the roof of the mezzanine of the station. The side platforms and tracks of the underground station are built within a mined -long tunnel, which is traversed by three tunnels containing a bridge over platforms each. The northernmost and the southernmost tunnels link entrances to the west with a large cut-and-cover box structure to the east, which includes the ticket hall and is adjacent to the Gabriela Mistral intermodal station.
The 1st and 3rd Ranger Battalions—preceding the main attack by the 4th Ranger Battalion and the 3rd Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment—attempted a night infiltration behind German lines into the town of Cisterna. Their objective was to seize the town in a surprise attack and hold it until the main attack came through. The two battalions—totaling 767 men and supported by a platoon of 43 men of the 3rd Reconnaissance Troop—moved out at 01:30 and moved in the darkness along a drainage ditch (Mussolini Canal) in column formation. Although they were able to bypass numerous German positions, at first light they were still short of their objective and needed to cross open ground for the final portion of the approach.
Born on 13 November 1848 in Paris, France, the son of Prince Charles III (1818–1889), and Countess Antoinette de Mérode-Westerloo (1828–1864), a Belgian noblewoman, maternal aunt of Donna Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo, Princess della Cisterna, Duchess consort of Aosta and Queen consort of Spain. As a young man, Prince Albert served in the Spanish Navy, during the Franco-Prussian War, he joined the French Navy where he was awarded the Legion of Honor. In addition to his interest in oceanographic studies, Albert had a keen interest in the origins of man and in Paris, he founded the "Institute for Human Paleontology" that was responsible for a number of archeological digs. The "Grimaldi Man" found in the Baousse-Rousse cave was named in his honour.
World War II "lozenge" patch On June 19, 1942 the 1st Ranger Battalion was sanctioned, recruited, and began training in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland. Eighty percent of the original Rangers came from the 34th Infantry Division. A select fifty or so of the first U.S. Rangers were dispersed through the British Commandos for the Dieppe Raid in August 1942; these were the first American soldiers to see ground combat in the European theater. Together with the ensuing 3rd and 4th Ranger Battalions they fought in North Africa and Italy commanded by Colonel William Orlando Darby until the Battle of Cisterna (29 January 1944) when most of the Rangers of the 1st and 3rd Battalions were captured. Of the 767 men in the battalions 761 were killed or captured.
The village still preserves its medieval appearance, with many of the houses characterised by stone walls. In the upper part, the plans of the old castle are still evident, with the three streets that branch from the opening called "La Porta" (the door), which once served as the entrance of the fortification. The steep avenue that leads to the upper part of the village is paved in stone and in its half is placed a wrought iron cross, which gives it its name "Crociale". The three above mentioned streets lead to a small square called "La Cisterna" (the cistern), as there used to be a structure that collected rainwater for the use of the castle; the cistern was replaced by a parking lot, built in the seventies.
Statue of Salvo D'Acquisto, located in front of the train station at Cisterna, Italy Memorial plaque to Salvo D'Acquisto He is considered to be a Roman Catholic martyr and has been proposed for beatification by the Holy See. On 26 February 2001, Pope John Paul II in his Address to the Italian Carabinieri stated, “The history of the Italian Carabinieri shows that the heights of holiness can be reached in the faithful and generous fulfillment of the duties of one's state. I am thinking here of your colleague, Sergeant Salvo D'Acquisto, awarded a gold medal for military valor, whose cause of beatification is under way.”Address to the Italian Carabinieri who serve in the Lazio Region A film, Salvo D'Acquisto (1974), was made about his sacrifice, directed by Romula Guerrieri and starring Massimo Ranieri.
Prince Aimone Roberto Margherita Maria Giuseppe Torino of Savoy-Aosta was born in Turin the second son of Prince Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Aosta (eldest son of Prince Amedeo, 1st Duke of Aosta (and sometime "King Amadeo I of Spain") by his wife, née Vittoria dal Pozzo, Principessa della Cisterna) and Princess Hélène of Orléans (daughter of Philippe, comte de Paris, and Princess Marie Isabelle of Orléans). As his patrilinal great-grandfather was King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, he was a member of the House of Savoy. On 22 September 1904, he was given the title Duke of Spoleto for life. With his brother Amedeo, he was educated at St David's College, Reigate, Surrey, England, and Aimone later went to study at the naval academy in Livorno.
Giglio increased his activity, which placed him increasingly at risk. He supplied Tompkins with detailed reports about the police stations of Rome, and about the buildings occupied by the Germans. He arranged meetings in his own house between Tompkins and leaders of the Roman resistance: Giorgio Amendola, Giuliano Vassalli, and . He was able to inform the Allies that the German attack at Cisterna di Latina on 16 February during the Battle of Anzio was only a diversionary attack, in preparation for the real attack to be made two days later at the western end of the Allied position.. On 3-4 February, policemen commanded by Caruso, and the Banda Koch (a gang of fascist thugs commanded by Pietro Koch), raided the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls.
After the impressive performance of the 1st Ranger Battalion in the North Africa Campaign the 3rd Ranger Battalion was organized on 19 June 1943 in Morocco, the battalion was made up of American volunteers and led by Major Herman Dammer.Cawthorne, Nigel, The Mammoth Book of Inside the Elite Forces, Robinson, 2008 The battalion participated in the invasion of Sicily, the invasion of Italy, the battalion was destroyed at the Battle of Cisterna in early 1944.Cawthorne, Nigel, The Mammoth Book of Inside the Elite Forces, Robinson, 2008 This unit was consolidated 10 August 1944 with Company F, 475th Infantry Regiment (Long Range Penetration, Special) (constituted 25 May 1944 in the Army of the United States), and consolidated unit designated as Company F, 475th Infantry Regiment. This unit was deactivated 1 July 1945 in China.
Structure of typical chromists compared with plant cell (left) Members of Chromista are single-celled and multicellular eukaryotes having basically either or both features: #plastid(s) that contain chlorophyll c and lies within an extra (periplastid) membrane in the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (typically within the perinuclear cisterna); #cilia with tripartite or bipartite rigid tubular hairs. Even though the kingdom includes diverse organisms from algae to malarial parasites (Plasmodium), they are genetically related and are believed to have evolved from a common ancestor with all other eukaryotes but in an independent line of evolution. As a result of evolution, many have retained their plastids and cilia, while some have lost them. Molecular evidences indicate that the plastids in chromists were derived from red algae through secondary symbiogenesis in a single event.
Old Santiago Cable Car (2006) Old cabin of the cable car on display at the La Cisterna town hall The construction of the cable car began in 1979, and took about a year, mainly due to the hardness of the volcanic rock terrain in which the 12 towers were installed. The Santiago Cable Car was officially opened on April 1, 1980, with 72 ovoid-shaped cars, which covered the 20-minute 4.8 km section at 14.4 km/h. On December 12, 2008, a mechanical fault left 20 people trapped in the cable car for two hours, without registering any injuries. Subsequently, on June 7, 2009, another mechanical failure occurred in the system: the gearbox that regulated the speed of the system exploded, which caused the indefinite suspension of the service.
Flores during his presentation at Villarreal. On 24 December 2011, Flores joined to Chilean Primera División club Palestino, in where play his brother Darío. He joined in a free transfer and signed a one–season contract that will keep him until December 2012, being also named as the best signing of the tournament on 28 January 2012 according to the web site of La Tercera newspaper. Flores debuted for the club based in La Cisterna, for the first week of the Apertura Tournament on 30 January 2012, in a 2–1 loss with Universidad Católica at the Estadio Nacional, in where he was the key player of his team, having a very high performance, being again compared with Enzo Francescoli like when he played in Argentina with River Plate, but now by TVN journalist Fernando Solabarrieta at 24 Horas Central.
Served as a junior officer aboard the cruiser Capitán Prat (CL-03), the destroyer "Almirante Riveros", the destroyer "Almirante Williams" and the Missile boat "Chipana". Among their destinations on ground are highlighted by her tenure as instructor Grumetes School "Alejandro Navarrete Cisterna" and the Arms School of the Navy, as Orders Assistant of the Minister of National Defense; in the commandancy-in-chief of the Fourth Naval District; at the Naval Academy "Arturo Prat" as Deputy; in the Commandancy-in-chief of the Navy, as Admiral Secretary and the Naval War College as Professor, Head of Chair and finally as Director. Admiral Gonzalez specializes in artillery and missiles, and staff. Admiral González has the professional title of Engineer- in-arms with a major in Artillery and Missiles and BSc in Naval and Maritime Sciences with mention in Artillery and Missiles.
The abdominal aorta lies slightly to the left of the midline of the body. It is covered, anteriorly, by the lesser omentum and stomach, behind which are the branches of the celiac artery and the celiac plexus; below these, by the lienal vein (splenic vein), are the pancreas, the left renal vein, the inferior part of the duodenum, the mesentery, and the aortic plexus. Posteriorly, it is separated from the lumbar vertebræ and intervertebral fibrocartilages by the anterior longitudinal ligament and left lumbar veins. On the right side it is in relation above with the azygos vein, cisterna chyli, thoracic duct, and the right crus of the diaphragm—the last separating it from the upper part of the inferior vena cava, and from the right celiac ganglion; the inferior vena cava is in contact with the aorta below.
Naval educational institutions were reformed in 1968 when president Eduardo Frei Montalva created the "Naval Specialities Schools System" with headquarters at the Las Salinas Naval Base in Viña del Mar. One of its schools, the Naval Seaman Training School, became the Seamen's School of the Navy "Captain Alejandro Navarrete Cisterna" in the same year as its centenary, in honor of the first naval seaman to rise through the ranks to become a naval officer. The NSSS soon became the Naval Polytechnic Academy in 1995, through a merger of all its component schools, with some of these schools staying as independent constituent academies. After the 1973 Chilean coup d'etat, together with the Army, the Air Force and the Carabiniers, the Navy, led by Admiral Jose Toribio Merino, became part of the Government Junta led by Army commander in chief Augusto Pinochet.
On 19 February the second company reached Aprilia, and the attached 313rd Funklenk Company was officially renamed as the third company of the battalion. The next day, the 653rd Heavy Panzerjäger Battalion, equipped with Elefant tank destroyers, was attached to the 508th. Between 21 and 24 February, the battalion claimed twenty US tanks; seventeen while using small elements to support several unsuccessful attempts to reduce the beachhead from Aprilia, and three M4 Shermans which had penetrated German lines.Wilbeck 2004, p. 87 In late February, two Shermans were captured; their turrets were removed and they were converted into recovery vehicles, greatly improving the ability of the battalion to recover damaged Tigers.Wilbeck 2004, p. 91 On 29 February the second company was part of the final attack towards the beachhead, from Cisterna. Its advance was restricted to roads surrounded by marshy areas, and the attack stalled due to strong resistance.
He was ordained to the priesthood in Turin on 3 July 1938. He taught in Chile from 1939 to 1945 and then became director of the Salesian College La Cisterna. From 1951 to 1959 he headed Caritas Chile while also serving as director as Salesian theological studies. On 24 October 1959, Pope John XXIII named Silva Bishop of Valparaíso. He received his episcopal consecration on 29 November from Archbishop Opilio Rossi, with Archbishop Emilio Tagle Covarrubias and Bishop Vladimiro Boric Crnosija SDB, as co-consecrators. He was named Archbishop of Santiago on 14 May 1961. Pope John made him Cardinal-Priest of S. Bernardo alle Terme at the consistory of 19 March 1962. He was on good terms with industry leaders and government officials, including both future dictator Augusto Pinochet and the incoming President Salvador Allende, whose Marxist views he opposed but did not find alarming because Allende, he said, "was always prepared to talk".
After the nearly concurrent breakthroughs at Cassino and Anzio in spring 1944, the 11 nations representing the Allies in Italy finally had a chance to trap the Germans in a pincer movement and to realize some of the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's strategic goals for the long, costly campaign against the Axis "underbelly". This would have required the U.S. Fifth Army under Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark to commit most of his Anzio forces to the drive east from Cisterna, and to execute the envelopment envisioned in the original planning for the Anzio landing (i.e., flank the German 10th Army, and sever its northbound line of retreat from Cassino). Instead, fearing that the British Eighth Army, under Lieutenant- General Sir Oliver Leese, might beat him to the Italian capital of Rome, Clark diverted a large part of his Anzio force in that direction in an attempt to ensure that he and the Fifth Army would have the honour of liberating the city.
Allied plan of attack and force dispositions at Cisterna 30 January 1944. On 22 January 1944, the Allies launched Operation Shingle, the amphibious landing by the U.S. and British divisions of U.S. VI Corps in the area of Anzio and Nettuno. This was designed to unhinge the formidable German Gustav Line defenses some to the southeast which had been under attack from the south by the other three corps (one British, one French and one U.S.) of Mark Clark's United States Fifth Army since 16 January in the first Battle of Monte Cassino. Following the landings, which had been virtually unopposed, John P. Lucas—the VI Corps commander—had chosen a cautious strategy of consolidating the beachhead and building up his force strength, which also allowed time for the Germans to reinforce their defensive positions. By 29 January, there were 69,000 men in the beachhead but the Germans had also had time to react and move 71,500 troops to face them.
Personnel being briefed before setting out on a patrol at the Anzio beachhead Following the Québec Conference in August 1943, General Dwight D. Eisenhower was moved to London to plan for the Normandy landings. Command of the Mediterranean Theater was given to British General Henry Maitland Wilson. General Sir Harold Alexander, commanding the Allied Armies in Italy, had formulated the plan to land Allied troops at Anzio in order to outflank German positions in the area. German Field Marshal Albert Kesselring commanded the four German divisions at Anzio, which included the Hermann Goering Division and the 35th Panzer Grenadier Regiment of the 16th SS Panzergrenadier Division Reichsführer-SS Division. Combined German and Italian strength at Anzio was an estimated 70,000 men. The Special Force brigade was withdrawn from the mountains in January and on 1 February was landed at the beachhead created by Operation Shingle at Anzio, south of Rome, replacing the 1st and 3rd Ranger Battalions, which had suffered heavy losses at the Battle of Cisterna.
The Band Service of the Chilean Navy personnel are from the Marine Corps, particularly the military bands of the Naval School "Arturo Prat", the Seaman Training School "Alejandro Navarette Cisterna" and the Naval Polytechnic Academy. Like their counterparts in the British Royal Marines Band Service, they operate not just as headquarters bands for the 5 naval zones and 4 marine battalions, plus as in-house band for the Marine Infantry School and for the BE "Esmeralda", but also as bands for the naval educational institutions, even though in the naval bands sailors and officer/NCO cadets fill the ranks of the Corps of Drums which are attached to the bands and are composed of snare drums, fifes and bugles (in the marine bands soldiers of the Marines fill the Corps of Drums rosters). They all report to Headquarters, Chilean Marine Corps and are under the direct control of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. These bands date back to the mid 19th century when the Marine Artillery band was raised to provide musical support for the Navy.
The Germans suffered too, with the 362nd Infantry Division estimated to have lost 50% of its fighting strength. Men of 'D' Company, 1st Battalion, Green Howards, part of 15th Brigade of British 5th Division, occupy a captured German communications trench during the breakout at Anzio, Italy, 22 May 1944. Mackensen had been convinced that the Allies' main thrust would be up the Via Anziate, and the ferocity of the British feint on May 23 and 24 did nothing to persuade him otherwise. Kesselring, however, was convinced that the Allies' intentions were to gain Route 6 and ordered the Hermann Göring Panzer Division, resting away at Livorno,Livorno is referred to as "Leghorn" in contemporary Allied maps and documents to Valmontone to hold open Route 6 for the Tenth Army, which was retreating up this road from Cassino. In the afternoon of May 25, Cisterna finally fell to 3rd Division who had to go house to house winkling out the German 362nd Infantry which had refused to withdraw and, as a consequence, had virtually ceased to exist by the end of the day.
Somma started his coaching career in 1997 with amateur team Pro Cisterna, and then served as head coach for several other Serie D teams, including Potenza and Cavese, winning promotion to Serie C2 with the latter. In 2003, he was appointed at the helm of Serie C1 team Arezzo, leading the Tuscan side to a historical triumph in the league. This caused interest by Empoli, which chose to offer him the job for their 2004–05 Serie B campaign. As Somma managed to win a personal third consecutive promotion, leading Empoli to become Serie B runners-up, he was confirmed by the Tuscans for their 2005–06 campaign; despite an impressive start, Empoli's performances slowly fell down, causing Somma to be dismissed from his job on January 2006. Somma started the 2006–07 season as head coach of Brescia in the Serie B, with the aim to lead the rondinelle back to the top flight: however he was sacked on February 2007 as he did not manage to obtain more than a mid- table place.

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