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102 Sentences With "character flaw"

How to use character flaw in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "character flaw" and check conjugation/comparative form for "character flaw". Mastering all the usages of "character flaw" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Yeah. Well, a lot of your Republicans colleagues — I have a character flaw — and my character flaw is that I tend to tell the truth.
This is an abnormal medical condition not a character flaw.
Squeamishness is more than a minor character flaw, Schwabe believed.
"They think it is a fundamental character flaw," she said.
Your bad mood isn't a character flaw, it's a symptom.
That was when humility was a virtue, not a character flaw.
Bill Clinton's Big Macs were often cast as a character flaw.
"I can't stand confrontation, which maybe is a character flaw," she said.
But the [not] waiting for orders is, to some, a character flaw.
But despite progress, some still view mental illness as a character flaw.
Trump's used the ethnicity of a federal judge as a character flaw.
This week's lackluster convention is only the latest sign of this character flaw.
That's why we cannot reluctantly accept Trump's deceitfulness as a mere character flaw.
Here was a character flaw that could not be excused by any rationale.
You're allowed to want to look nice without it being a character flaw.
" What addiction is not, according to one retired police commander, is "a character flaw.
His promiscuity is a character flaw that makes him especially vulnerable to physical decline.
Here is a great man whose greatness is inseparable from a devastating character flaw.
This is not because of some deep character flaw or disinterest in civic life.
Historically, it wasn't thought to be a disease, but amoral failing or a character flaw.
I've learned so much about mental health, and that depression is not a character flaw.
And men with that character flaw should never be placed in positions of policy responsibility.
This diversity in addiction helps create a perception that it's a character flaw, a moral failing.
It's not a failure; it's not a character flaw — if you need it, you need it.
We, the 320 million citizens of this country, become the victims of this fundamental character flaw.
During the Clinton years, Jones pointed out, evangelicals treated Clinton's dalliances as a fundamental character flaw.
I remember, early in the administration, feeling that his character flaw was infecting the whole of government.
As if a character flaw resided in a specific and therefore limited area, such as the liver.
Failing to pay bills on time is not just an oversight; it's seen as a character flaw.
Procrastination is my character flaw, well one of them, and is something I've struggled with my whole life.
The scene portrays the Saviors' leadership as a roundtable of inadequate politicians, each suffering from a critical character flaw.
I always thought my brain's resistance to concentration was a character flaw I needed to learn to work around.
Rubio's position fluidity is a character flaw, an ugly crack in the veneer of the made-for-TV Latino candidate.
In fact, gossip can actually be thought of not as a character flaw, but as a highly evolved social skill.
If I have a singular concern, maybe a character flaw, it's my need for autonomy, for having my own space.
The constant attempt to shift blame and accept none is a serious character flaw and the mark of a coward.
To me, jealousy isn't always a character flaw, but a natural human emotion that you can feel for very legitimate reasons.
Being called out on such a deep character flaw is never easy to hear, and Sophia does not take it well.
It calls for, among other things, a cultural change in understanding that addiction is a brain disease, not a character flaw.
Tile, a tech company that specializes in mitigating that exact character flaw, announced a handful of new hardware products this week.
Letter of Recommendation When I profess my affection for fake flowers, I often feel as though I'm confessing a character flaw.
He apparently believes that needing pain medication is a character flaw, and suffering from debilitating pain is simply a bad choice.
" He went on, "Murdering all competing A.I. researchers as its first move strikes me as a bit of a character flaw.
So, why is your change of opinion make you like Reagan, and when he changes his opinion, it's a huge character flaw?
You are very private, little scorpion, but you crave validation for your hard work—we all do; it's not a character flaw!
Such a blatant need for approval is a dangerous character flaw for any White House, but none more so than this one.
But his offering up the government a $52,000 reimbursement only made his situation worse, in my estimation, by revealing a character flaw.
After all, having bi-polar is not a character flaw: It's an illness, and one that can be managed with the proper tools.
How come voters see Trump, for whom serial dishonesty isn't even his most damning character flaw, as more honest and trustworthy than Clinton?
Here, we get a peek into his mindset and a character flaw that is every bit as disturbing as his views on women.
His apparently compulsive exhibitionism — sending images of his private parts to women he met online — is less a crime than a character flaw.
Nowhere in his testimony does Kavanaugh cite his drinking as an imperfection or a character flaw -- as Trump seems to be describing it.
I was self-conscious because nurses tend to judge ourselves on the basis that we have a "character flaw" instead of a mental illness.
Addiction, they say, is not a question of free will or a correctable character flaw, as a lot of people would like to believe.
For both, failing to calculate the price of every move in life was a character flaw; not taking advantage of someone else was a sin.
Not washing your hands in public, in front of other people—especially people you KNOW and will see again—is, to me, a character flaw.
I thought about how female ambition is still seen as some kind of unsightly character flaw, a blemish to be covered up and played down.
There are certainly some clunky lines, but I'd argue that being over-earnest is the one character flaw our species' representative in another galaxy should have.
But now, goodness and loyalty — rather than serving as the fatal character flaw in Robb, Ned, and even Jon — once again have a place in politics.
When you consider a spirit of cooperation to be some kind of character flaw, you sacrifice the ability to govern and sow the seeds of dysfunction.
But in Tanzania, argues Ladislaus Mwamanga, the director of the Tanzania Social Action Fund, the agency administering PSSN, poverty is no longer seen as a character flaw.
No matter how many viewings it warranted, chances are there's something you missed—an Easter egg, a character flaw, a long-forgotten scene from a past film.
Everyone knew that Trump had a truth problem when he was a candidate -- it's a character flaw that seems to be discounted by those who like him.
Treating addiction, Mr. Obama said, has been hindered because the public has long viewed opioid use as a character flaw, common to people in poor and minority communities.
An extreme example of how Hollywood treats imperfect Black women is Whitney Houston, whose drug addiction was treated as joke and as a shameful character flaw until her death.
If, when left unattended, a presidential candidate is likely to do something unpredictable but ill-advised, that's a deadly serious character flaw that needs to be treated as such.
The misguided hype is seen as a character flaw of the player rather than a misjudgment by teams, analysts or fans — a broken promise in a one-sided relationship.
"If we can recognize these chronotypes are, in part, genetically determined and not just a character flaw, jobs and work hours could have more flexibility for owls," Knutson said.
I wasn't as resilient as I'd thought, that was for sure — but maybe this move unearthed a deep, unfixable character flaw: an inability to handle life and stay happy.
And while aggressive, domineering behavior may actually sometimes be positively reinforced by society with job promotions and improved social status, ultimately, bullying is a character flaw — not a management technique.
On a typical day, Trump's insatiable need for praise can be seen as a character flaw, and possibly just a quirk that's becoming a hallmark of his time in office.
But his recent comments not only reveal his mistrust of the poor, but also reinforce the age old myths that wealth is only earned and poverty is a character flaw.
She characterizes this as a "tragic misunderstanding" and says this has led many to think of those struggling with mental health as being weak, having a character flaw or lacking spiritual faith.
That much-hyped controversy reminded many of us of Hillary Clinton's most consistent character flaw: the instinct to stonewall whenever she is confronted with a negative, but legitimate, criticism of her actions.
It invites a moralistic misreading of Tough's otherwise constructive contribution to the conversation, implying that lack of success is simply a consequence of a character flaw, of just not trying hard enough.
MICHAEL QUANE, HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. To the Editor: While I do not doubt James Comey's truthfulness or good intent, I believe that his legacy is fatally tainted by the character flaw of hubris.
Although he found some value in the group support provided by AA meetings, he felt he was "shamed" by the program — as if his struggles in recovery reflected some sort of character flaw.
Without a silly setup, an oddball character flaw or a big news story to play with, this scene ran on a ton of innuendo, and they both knocked it out of the park.
Divorce is not a crime and cannot be considered evidence of a character flaw, but when a man treats three wives in cruel and despicable ways, it does say something about his character.
Smugly looking down from a moral high ground—and secure in the knowledge that we don't share their character flaw—we often dismiss those who are obsessed with the doings of others as shallow.
Mid-aughts Showtime series and canonical lesbian text The L Word epitomized and villainized the lesbian fuckboi archetype in Shane, a promiscuous heartbreaker whose primary character flaw was her tendency for one night stands.
Smugly looking down from a moral high ground — and secure in the knowledge that we don't share their character flaw — we often dismiss those who are obsessed with the doings of others as shallow.
"We must help everyone see that addiction is not a character flaw — it is a chronic illness that we must approach with the same skill and compassion with which we approach heart disease, diabetes, and cancer."
Thanks to significant (and seriously overdue) advancements in the mental health community, the stigma attached to what was once regarded as an incurable character flaw — or, perhaps worse, an imaginary problem — is slowly but surely fading away.
Nobody wants to come right out and say it, but it's clear they think the expense and effort is a waste, an "obsession" that not only isn't worth it but probably indicates some kind of character flaw.
Holding Clinton to a higher moral standard and treating her only in relation to her husband, Trump depicts her role as a wronged wife a serious character flaw, while he gets a pass on his own philandering.
Every character flaw he had before taking office — from his serial lying to his intellectual laziness to his loyalty just to himself and his needs — has grown only larger and more toxic as he has been president.
When he was merely a bragging businessman, his relentless effort to alienate us from each other could be dismissed as a private citizen's character flaw -- of less consequence because he was essentially a showman and a hype artist.
But for the most part, the problems in sitcom marriages boiled down to a perpetual conflict caused by one character flaw per person, which was always resolved via indomitable, if improbable, sexual attraction—one never seen, but always present.
Take the whole "Women Who …" subgenre, a surprisingly large range of books whose titles start with the words "Women Who …" and end with a character flaw that then blames us for our own failure to be happy or successful.
With addiction inside the homes of families who thought themselves immune, we are starting to embrace the idea that addiction is a not a character flaw but a chronic disease requiring long-term management — the subject of last week's Fixes column.
Murthy, in a landmark report on addiction released in November, said dependency on opioids and other substances must not be looked on as a "character flaw," in the first publication from a surgeon general that has addressed drug and alcohol addiction.
Procrastination isn't a unique character flaw or a mysterious curse on your ability to manage time, but a way of coping with challenging emotions and negative moods induced by certain tasks — boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, resentment, self-doubt and beyond.
Beyond the infamous associates of his chaos campaign, he has assembled numerous outstanding individuals in his administration, and the more I interact with them the more I feel they are characters in a Greek tragedy, whose central figure suffers from a ruinous character flaw.
This continued refusal to back down reflects a serious character flaw in our president that is clearly a dangerous risk to American security: When faced with overwhelming credible evidence to the contrary, he chooses to accept and act on flawed personal beliefs regardless of reality.
She doesn't know how to play nice and can't flirt or even make small talk with people she wants to impress, an ostensible character flaw that says more about Christine's world — its expectations of proper nice-girl, good-girl, attagirl behavior — than it does about her.
Depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder came out of the closet, if gingerly, and the generation that came of age during this time — people now in their 40s, give or take — did so in a culture that no longer automatically presumed that depression was a character flaw.
Some of those people in the business community, and some of the white female voters, and the now almost stereotypical white blue-collar voters could vote for Democrats who spoke to them as well, but not if we're saying you have a fundamental character flaw if you voted against Hillary Clinton.
The problem is that "Insatiable" doesn't seem to view Patty and Bob's eating disorder as a disorder, or something that needs to be addressed directly with the aid of trained a professional; instead, it imagines it as a character flaw that leads them to act out as vapid, terrible human beings.
"What has made it previously difficult to emphasize treatment over criminal justice is that the problem was identified as poor, minority, and as a consequence, the thinking was, it's often a character flaw in those individuals who live in those communities, and it's not our problem they're just being locked up," he said.
I don't think that the tendency to pull punches when giving feedback to women on your team if you're a man stems from some sort of character flaw, it's just, again, this training that's been beaten into you since you were a little boy, so forgive yourself, but give the women the equal feedback.
The problem with stories about fat characters, especially girls, is that you can toot the "she's a confident, beautiful character" horn all day long (as this film does in the first few scenes), but at the end of the day, most people, even well-meaning, nice, "woke" people, think that being fat is an innate character flaw.

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